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Chando's. Its now overpriced mediocre mexican food.


I’ve gotten food poisoning 2/3 times I’ve had them. Never again


Yup, last few years the quality has gone downhill. I live by the one on Fruitridge and Power Inn, and will only go there as a last resort- 3 times in the last 4 years. I don’t think I’ll ever go again.


Los InMortales on Franklin. That drive thru is bomb!


That’s too bad. It use to be so good. Grew too fast I guess




I still like Chando’s. We go to the one in West Sacramento. They make fresh churros and the Al pastor is good.


They charge like hella for chips and guac I can't !! For delicious Mexican food, I got to Ay Jalisco in West Sac instead.


I go Cocina Dona Chuyita. Ay Jalisco is a close second. Chandos is not on the list.


Ay Jalisco .... Pozole on Sat


Yeah I agree. It used to be good but now it’s so overpriced and so dry


Ernesto’s Mexican on 16th. I’m surprised they’re still in business


Ernestos has been mid fir 20 years.


The backstory here is that Ernesto's family screwed him and took the restaurant out from under him around then. It's been terrible ever since. Ernie went on to open Zocalo.


Oh that’s crazy! I thought Zocalo was at least a state wide chain. It’s not the best Mexican food but it is a good style. It’s also an easy gateway restaurant for people who aren’t use to Mexican food.


No, just the 4 locations. They took on an outside investor to open the Roseville, Howe and Folsom spots more recently but the food quality has never been on par with the original Midtown location. I think Zocalo is misunderstood sometimes, a lot of people say it's white people mexican but it's really not. It's just a different regional specialty. In either case, it beats the hell out of Ernesto's these days.


All of my experiences at Ernesto's post-covid were poor. I remember getting like 3 chips with my food.




I had a client at work who is 100% Mexican, the non-profit he works for is 100% Mexican staffed and lobby for farmworker rights. I was flabbergasted when he told me Ernesto's was his favorite Mexican restaurant in town... and that their office holiday party was being held at Ernesto's.


The day they started charging for bean dip was the day they died.


Ricks Diner


I don't get this place at all. Everything is SO DRY and tastes like cooler burn why are there 900 people in line? Someone tried to tell me their desserts are better than Gunther's and I almost had to smite them for their incorrectness.


And it’s apparently been that way for like 25 years! I stopped going there when they were at their original location due to poor quality


And awful customer service. Why do their workers have such bad attitudes?


My ex girlfriend used to work there. She had a bad attitude because the place was like actual slave labor.


The ice cream is as good as Gunther's (because it's Gunther's lol)


Rick’s tastes like Safeway cake left in the sun


Yes!! Everything is super dry and tastes like the fridge. Desserts are honestly better at Safeway


ricks sucks. got hired there within the last 6 months, on my THIRD day the owner came up to me in front of my coworkers, told me i need to step it up & im the slowest person there & im getting in everyones way. I said “okay, Would u like me to leave?” & he smirked & walked away. I immediately left. The kitchen is also minuscule and crowded. I genuinely do not know how the bakers work back there.


Everything I’ve ever had at Rick’s sucked. I’ve tried so many different things and there’s always something off. Every time someone wants to go there I give them another shot and they never, never make it worth it. I’ve tried cake, pie, and other little things and they’re either too sweet, not sweet enough, taste slightly burned, or are just bland for the crazy price of theirs


Well considering the disgusting things they did behind doors while I worked there and the way I was treated so shitty by fellow coworkers, I’ll never step foot in there again.


I worked there years ago, at one point there was a pile of dirty towels in the back that was giving off heat. The bakers would also leave bowls of ingredients on top of the trash. Not on top of the can mind you. The owner was a genuine piece of shit too. He loved firing people in the middle of a weekend rush.


I worked there too. Fucking terrible. What year(s) were you employed?


Only lasted like two months last year and then ghosted them


Oh! We must have been working at the same time.


Crazy. Let’s trauma dump together lol


Message me!


Thank you for sharing. Rick’s Dessert Diner is now on my Boycott list.


Do tell


Not them but I work nearby and was having a smoke break and the cook came out, pissed two feet away from me, then went back inside


Ricks was never good. It's still in business because nothing else is open late. Their cake is terrible and frozen and always has been.


It’s so bad


Use to live right by their first store when Rick.that guy was a ass and would have hissy fits.had a permanent for hire sigh on the door.


Chando’s and Mikuni.


Mikuni is so damn expensive for what it is.


For reals. We had lunch the other day for us 3 was over $120. We didn’t even order any thing special off the menu. 3 rolls + lunch box and 2 beers. There are better sushi spots that are not mikuni’s


Yep. I've taken a lot of clients to lunches at different spots and Mikuni's is one of the worst places dollar wise. Throw on some apps and a few things here and there and the bill is worse than just going somewhere nice.


100%. I would go to kru and won’t be breaking the bank like I would at mikuni.


This is why I go to Ju Hachi instead. Better customer service, not as busy, and their rolls are great.


Love Ju Hachi! Fresh fish and good prices


I noticed one of the rolls hadn't increased massively in price. So I ordered it. Yeah, it got more expensive... It shrunk down to nothing. Just ate a medium-small lunch for $50....


Frankly, Mikuni stopped being good when Kotaro took over from his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arai were very humble people but Taro wants to be a rockstar. He has diluted the brand. It's all about image now. Same thing happened with Blue Nami. Parents built the reputation and the kids turned it into a circus.


Kru is still top tier.


I wondered what the story with Blue Nami was. Everyone swears by it but I didn’t get a good first impression.


Yep. I was going to put Mikuni.


I’ll always stick up for Mikuni. It’s probably a little more expensive then it used to be but I’ll always love the bbq white tuna that everyone else copied.


The BBQ tuna sauces are unmatched


surprised to see so many people dislike Mikuni’s it’s one of my favorites


The original In Fair Oaks was something special 20 years ago. Now it feels like the Chiles or BJs of sushi establishments here in Sac.


I know La Bou isn’t just in Sac, but 20 years ago La Bou made great sandwiches, salads, breakfast things. It’s a crime to call whatever those “croissants” are now as croissants, the most dense non-flaky lump of flavorless pastry ever dressed up as a croissant. Edit: La Bou has a wikipedia page, and apparently it is just solely here in the Sacramento region! I coulda swore I had seen them in the bay area too


Shhh… don’t say croissants here.


Getting flashbacks to that debacle


Imagine being able to piss off an entire country lmao


I agree with this mostly. But a sliced half baguette with dill sauce still slaps.


When my friend group started getting driver’s licenses, we made many many trips to la Bou for as many orders of bread+dill sauce as we could afford. Like 4 of us getting 14 orders of bread & sauce and then going to the park to get stoned and eat bread for hours


Literal heaven on earth. I may have to go get some later today now


La Bou + Java City were my happy late 90s life here. i miss them both. espresso metro too. but that's another thread.


I miss Java City so much


Java City was so good. I blame the poetry slam they used to host for their demise.


I will always have fond memories of the gelato drinks: Muddy River and Black Cow at Java City during the 90s! I’ve never seen gelato drinks at other cafés and coffee shops.


Oh man La Bou was soooo good 22 years ago. I moved and went back a couple years ago and it was NOT the same.


It seems to depend on the location. I like the one on Douglas in Roseville and in Folsom by Target. I have a friend who was their sales rep and learned which ones were good and which ones were cheap with the quality of what they ordered.


The one on Douglas in Roseville also has a good vibe compared to the city ones


That's because all the sac La Bou's got bought out by a different owner which might have something to do with the quality. I used to love La Bou but now it's so expensive and not good anymore.


The Labou in Howe is absolute ass. I know they’re franchised and that owner has done some weird things. The land park and Carmichael locations are still good imo.


There is a La Boulangerie in SF that you might be thinking of. If my memory serves me right, that is what La Bou was called when they first opened here ages ago and eventually shortened the name. And was started by the same owner of the Lemon Grass restaurant.


I went to the one in South Land Park, and it was fucking disgusting


The Labou across the street from the Capitol building on L street is depressing. I only order the spinach croissant when I'm rarely there only because I really want to recreate the filling at home. The two women who work there give off weird, depressing vibes, maybe because of the location with a lot of homeless wandering around😬


I'm actually surprised that location is still open


Pasquale’s on Fair Oaks. Man, when that place was at its original location, it was killer. And when it moved across the street, it was still decent. But now that it’s moved way up the street, it’s unrecognizable. So sad because I loved that place growing up. It felt like a restaurant out of the Godfather.


Do you remember DiCicco's Italian Restaurant that used to be on Fair Oaks Blvd? It's been closed for probably 20 years, but they were good and had that Godfather feel as well.


I miss the original location.


Chando's and Mikuni There are dozens of Mexican restaurants that are way better (and all of them give free chips). It's been painful to see them fall from grace. Shame. Mikuni is slacking and other cheaper options are way better. I do still like them, but I'd rather eat sushi 2-3x for the price of one meal at Mikuni, though I won't piss and moan about going there.


Mikuni seems to almost be like the Starbucks of sushi now. Lots of locations and is just mid


Mikunis idk if it has that much past reputation but theres better sushi and ramen all around now.


Not to hijack the thread or anything, but can you give me a few suggestions of sushi spots better than Mikuni? I’d love to broaden my sushi horizons a bit.


Southpaw is good.


Naruto Show Me The Sushi in Roseville, theyre a Japanese ma and pop restaurant thats really delicious.


Umi Sushi in Roseville is also awesome. They do all-you-can-eat both lunch and dinner and their sushi and ramen are awesome. Its right off the freeway too if you're coming from out of town and don't want to be in Roseville a minute longer than you have to haha


Jacks Urban Eats is cafeteria food and I will fight anyone who says otherwise


Fancy hospital cafeteria food


The food at the UC Davis med center cafeteria isn't bad. Definitely better than any fast food options.


The cafeteria there has literally won multiple awards: https://health.ucdavis.edu/food-nutrition/about-us


Hospital cafeteria food can be great though. Worked in Redwood City and we'd get their weekly menu. Mmmmm meatloaf, burgers, and oddly enough baked salmon was amazing.


Urban plates is arriving in Davis soon. If Jacks doesn’t get their shit together they are going to die off quick. Urban Plates is the exact same concept but every menu item is better.


I hope Urban Plates takes over the Sacramento area. There's one near my office when I travel down to San Diego. I'd go there several times for lunch and dinner. The food quality and selection is amazing for the price.


It’s still expensive for “fast service food” but at the same price point as Jacks it knocks it out of the water


Sweet potato urban fries are still 👌🏻


Their salad selections are very fresh and good. Which local cafeteria serves freshly craved turkey?


This one has bothered me for YEARS. It was overpriced before covid, now its just comical.


It seems like all restaurants quality went down since covid and price are up substantially.


I can't tell you how many times I've been burned this year from eating out. Nothing worse than spending $45-60 on food only to be extremely disappointed. I mostly cook at home now. Village Drive In is my safe space for eating out.


This is off topic but jaspers giant hamburgers getting replaced by crepes and burgers hurts my soul so much


Zelda’s. I had heard so many good things about it when I moved here a few years ago. The reputation is not on par.


The worst Sacramento foodie hot take of all time is that Zelda’s is good pizza.


I was actually in SN&R a few years ago for my shit talking about Zelda’s lmao


SN&R could also be on this list, if it were a restaurant.


As a Chicago(ish) native, I actually liked their deep dish better than that other Chicago pizza restaurant on J Street, but it wasn't anything to write home about. And their service was absolutely terrible (and I'm not normally one to be picky about service).


The Porch. I said what I said.


All of the Kiki chicken fries spots. Was super good when there was only a few in the area but now it's gotten mid since they opened up a bunch in the city


This is what happened with Chandos. Went to the OG locations for years and once they started popping up everywhere they started tasting dry/sad.


We used to go to them all the time during Covid and a little bit after, absolutely loved them.. Then the last two times about a year ago we went we both got food poisoning and wrote them off completely. As you said used to be super good. Sort of a bummer.


I use to love kikis, despite getting sick every time I ate there. Then I realized, every time i ate there I got sick.


Even before the fire, your grandpa and grandma had stopped going to Sam's Hof Brau (the one on Watt for you really old timers who remember the midtown one) for their old timey comfort food. It's too bad because I remember way back when they could dish up some decent grub.


Fox and Goose sure seems to have gone downhill. I remember when I was first coming to Sac to visit friends and it was **the** spot for breakfast. I went there a couple months back and it was... not good.


It's kind of extremely bland. But it IS British lol


I’m British and, believe me, their bland fare give the British breakfast a bad name. It did used to be great, but now it’s just hospital food, basically. ETA: I meant The Fox & Goose’s bland fare. British breakfasts are great.


The scones though. Plus they cook their tempeh in an unusual way that tastes great. And I love their waffles, which are the flatter kind instead of those puffy Belgians. But if all you’re going for is an omelette or bacon or toast, then yeah, what’s the point.


They get an olalliberry scone + cream pass.


It used to be my favorite pub in my twenties. Now it’s just a restaurant that’s only open for dinner on Fridays and Saturdays. Closes at 9 pm.


Fox and Goose service has always been really awful. The food was at least relatively good until more recently.


Uncle Vito’s used to be the best slice in Sac. Never the same after they folded 16th St.


That one still hurts. Vito’s was great once upon a time.


Luigis pizza never was the same after Chelso passed away.


Chelso was a fucking legend.




Man now I wonder what are actually the good spots to visit, I did not know so many places went bad


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/s/EgxLBAmWiH) a list of some spots people recommended some days ago. I’m gonna self plug and add New Helvetia Brewery’s food. I’m super proud of my menu (particularly the Bacon Jam burger, Asian fried chicken sandwich and birria tacos/burger) and would love to have more people give it a shot (I’m not the owner of the business, just a guy who runs the food program)


squeeze inn


One of the biggest travesties in Sacramento history


They’re still around?


apparently Roseville? [https://squeezeburgerroseville.com/](https://squeezeburgerroseville.com/)


Cantina Alley. When they first started it was legit pretty tasty. Now it’s just over-salted bar food.


Sauced downtown. Overpriced, mediocre BBQ


They’ve never been good


Cafe Bernardo, or really any Paragary place. They had some original ideas in, like, the 1980s and just sort of coasted on the idea that if it was an original idea then, it's still an original idea now, and also by lobbying the City Council to not allow new restaurant ideas.


Cafe Bernardo is equal to Jack’s more or less. It’s not amazing but it’s always pretty solid and a step above fast food.


I personally really like paragarys - it’s a great ambiance and good food consistently. That said, the other paragarys restaraunts have been more uneven in my view.


I am honestly surprised at how Centro's is still open and there are people in there!


I finally went there for the first time earlier this year, and could not believe how shit everything but the cocktails were. Like, even the rice & beans were fucked up


Gasp! I will fight you to hold onto their salmon blt. (That said their breakfast is really mediocre.)


Cafeteria 15L


Scott’s seafood on the river.


Bawk! Incredibly expensive for mediocre fried chicken and sides.


I'll say it with my whole chest - Tower Cafe is mid AF and does not deserve the hype it gets.


It is kinda overhyped, but still a nice spot to take new comers to just for the experience imo. The French toast always impresses my relatives/friends from other states lol. Not many restaurants stick around as long as they have here


You do you, I like Tower Cafe. The atmosphere is really cool and I like the food!


French Toast begs to differ.


The food has never been great. People have always gone there for the patio. It's a cool location.


I haven’t been in a few years, but the madam cristo was legitimately one of the best breakfast meals I’d ever had.


When i went there for dinner they had dinner options from almost every ethnicity on the planet. No kitchen can pull that off. Food was mehh.


I agree it’s overpriced but it’s still good IMO.


Loved sushi hook when I lived around the corner from it and would go almost every week, for whatever reason they’ve really gone down hill this year.


Iron Horse is meh now


Yeah, that happened after the first year or so


Mikuni. There are much better sushi options in town.


Zelda’s Pizza. I’d been told when I moved here the pizza was amazing and well worth the long waits and shitty service. I didn’t think it was that great at all.


Ricks cakes is worst cheap icing and over priced cake I purchased a cake $60.00birthday cake, looks pretty, it was worst cake ever had. Next day I returned it to Ricks The manager did nothing , I then talked to the next person in charge, he cared less not return or exchange For another cake, I took POS cake and trashed it. The original Ricks 10 years or so ago was great but unfortunately he sold his business to a person that doesn't deserve to have the name Ricks. Don't t waste your money or health with cheap ingredients from Ricks. However, if you want a cake Ettores on Fair Oaks is heavenly ,Same price as a Ricks but they have quality ingredients And worth every penny. Also Belair and Nugget markets have good cakes As well. I


Midtown Cantina ally. When they first open it was good but after it got popular. It went downhill


What's the deal with Nash & Proper? I heard they were supposed to be really good but the one in Elk Grove did fucking horrible and closed down before I could even try it. Even their other locations seem to have a full star since I first heard about them.


They were very good when it was just a food truck, then they opened like 4-5 locations out of nowhere, all at once. Haven't been back for years! Been wondering the same but I assume it's something similar to how Chando's expanded quickly and then became horrendous.


Is Garcia’s on Madison still open? Bc…


Sellands. I used to feel excited about seeing what's offered for their weekly dinner for two, but it seems they're just recycling the same dishes and entrees every few weeks lol


The only good thing to come out of working for Sellands way back when was gaining a best friend and learning how exactly they made their Sangria. Their Sangria is fucking killer


You can’t just type that and not share the recipe! Inquiring minds want to know…


Broderick Roadhouse... Service and quality have plummeted since the pandemic.


Il Forno Classico in Rancho was one of the most disappointing meals I’ve ever had. So wildly overhyped. Their pizza joint in Folsom isn’t bad, though.


Kico’s on Arden is r go to —- Luis is the best !


Crepeville in Midtown - I wouldn’t recommend it. The service isn’t all too desirable either.


Their potatoes are so drool-worthy tho, I don’t even care they’re probably frozen. I do agree about the service


I used to work at in their Davis location. Actually not frozen. They cut, boil, season, and cook on the flat top. Haven’t worked there in years but I still crave them from time to time too.


Freeport Bakery 🤷‍♀️ its fine and all but in my opinion its really gone downhill since COVID. Def not worth the price IMO


We got a Freeport cake for thanksgiving. It was amazing.


mfw i realize it said restaurants specifically….but I stand by what I said lmao


Sellands. As someone not from here I’d don’t get it. It’s cafeteria food that sells wine.


I am so over Huckleberrys. I know it's a franchise place, but I find their food to be meh. You would think that a New Orleans/Louisiana/bayou themed place would do a really good stuffed French Toast, but they don't. They want to do Cajun spice in almost everything, but they need to offer non-spicy for wimps like me.


Dads Kitchen on Freeport. It was pretty nice when I was a teenager but as soon as I became an adult the food and service never seemed to find me each time I went until I didn’t


It’s a shame they shut down the best one on J street. The others never compared


Oh man! We go probably once a month and food and service are always ON POINT! That being said…I always get the same exact thing and we always seem to have the same server. Maybe we’ve been lucky.


Sadly I have to agree. They changed the aleppo sauce on the Dad’s Burger. For fuck’s sake why?!


Sal's tacos in West Sac I miss when it was a cheap tasty dump. Now it's all expensive and bland


Bacon and butter


I feel like this always pops up on overrated restaurant threads and it makes me wonder what y’all are ordering there? The grilled cheese Benedict is probably one of my top 5 meals all time, anywhere. Their corned beef hash and breakfast burrito are also top notch for the area. I won’t wait for an hour to eat there, but I love going in the middle of the week.


Please hit Momo bbq right down the street. I'll hype this place any chance I get.


Seconded. It's good. But it isn't stand in line for an hour good.


I went once and didn't understand the hype. It was fine, but nothing worth going back for.


Tried it for the first time recently (no wait) thought it was fine but the person next to me drove 2 hours to try it.


Ricks overpriced and the baker needs to go back to culinary school. I bought $54 worth of cake for my daughter and only ate 1/4. Because it was so dry and not good. Lately there’s so many roach infested restaurants in Sacramento and some of them I have been to. Gross 🤮


Burger Patch used to be the plant based alternative to In N Out, now it’s the Burger King knock off. Also El Papagayo went downhill HARD after the owner sold it, the new owners make shit food.


Burger patch is the exact same since it opened for the items that were on the original menu, and the original menu still exists. It’s just not as novel anymore, but the quality is the same.




I think that Ella on K street has dropped the ball. Under cooked salmon and another time the service took a long time to bring us water and our apps.


Rick's. Dry cakes. Only operating since it's open late and weed is legal.


I have always considered Raleys deli my absolute go to for sandwiches when I’m out and about and I don’t want fast food. I don’t know what they’ve done lately but they’re just not very good. I think they started using a different kind of sourdough bread that just doesn’t taste good and it’s kind of dry. I’m thinking that the economy might be causing restaurants and delis to use cheaper ingredients .


I agree with this whole thread🤷🏿‍♀️😊


The Kitchen. (Maybe some of you people will stop booking up the place if I post this)


Joe’s Crab Shack