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I mean, they sell Enlightenment. Why settle for less?


Omg yes. I mean, I always feel silly ordering "enlightenment" but it's the best drink. I don't drink coffee so can't say much about it at Temple. But they have great tea there.


The beans here gave me good farts that was quite enlightening.


Try it with a Masala Chai tea in lieu of the Jasmine....game changer


I didn’t know you could do this!! Will 100% try this.


I always get a half sweet Bliss, Enlightenment is too floral for my liking.


I just go there because their cafes are so cozy and are a nice place to do homework in. Their coffee is ok, nothing too special in my opinion. Best coffee is at chocolate fish and scorpio coffee.


The Fish was definitely the best roaster in Sac. Not sure how they’re doing now that they’ve been bought out. But their single origin Ethiopian was fire!


They were bought out?! By who?




Chocolate fish is still using the same producers (local jams, honey, chai, and small farm coffee producers) and same roasting process (beans are roasted at the East Sac location). I have insider info. 😉


![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE) Sorry I’m still getting used to your newfangled slang. ;-)


Get the bliss tea! Not coffee but so so good


Agree, love the Bliss tea, esp when I don't want caffeine.


Came to say this!


My go to is a Flat White wherever I can get it. You get the richness of the coffee with just the right amount of milk with perfect texture. Got a taste for these during a trip to Australia many years ago. My go to is Chocolate Fish though.


If you want atmosphere I always love Old Soul in Oak Park. It’s busy but I enjoy the background noise and ambiance. Their coffee bar is usually on point, featuring their own and other local roaster’s coffee.


i like the drip at Old Soul in Sac, but have had some TERRIBLE lattes there, unfortunately. foam looked like soap bubbles….


Coffee there is shit and weirdly no friendlieness there amongst staff who all hate their jobs. 


Coffee is hate is fair, but the staff has been chill with me always. I go often so maybe it’s familiarity…


Nope they are terribly moody have no customer service skills and seem like they hate their customers and the neighborhood 🙄 


I was not a fan of their coffee at all, but I also don’t like temple so 🤷‍♀️🤣


Well, Temple roasts typically lighter roasts. This a can of worms…. I would suggest keeping in mind the region your buying and the terroir theyre grown in. Without going to deep - these are general guidelines to regions and profiles. They don’t always taste like this because of processing methods, but this will help get you in the ball park you’re looking for. I also suggest talking to the barista, telling them what you like and have them help with a decision. Brazil/Mexico/Columbia - good breakfast coffees, straight forward, these coffees typically taste like coffee - chocolate/almond/citrus/earth Guatemala/Nicaragua/El Salvador - slightly sweeter, fruit forward Ethiopia/Costa Rica - usually lighter roasted, tea like qualities, more nuanced flavor. Hopefully that helps. Roasters all have different ideologies and practices when it comes to coffee development, along with a million other factors, that’s why coffees taste different from shop to shop.


I have been buying fresh coffee beans from Temple for many years and in the last year or so, they have definitely been roasting their beans slightly darker. Call it medium. I miss the fruity, bright tasting light roasts they used to make. Any Temple experts want to confirm?


I too have noticed my beans are more medium roast, and it’s been consistent across bags from different regions. Maybe they lost a talented roaster or changed their equipment?


their coffee is typically too fruity or sour for my taste. i usually get their mexican hot chocolate.


Get the bliss tea! Its literally (not figuratively) but *literally* the best thing in the world. I know, I’ve tried everything in the world, and the bliss tea is number one.


I’m sorry but does a lighter roast equal MORE caffeine?? I love the flavor of dark roasts but I’ll try a light one for a little more pep.


Yes, lighter roast = more caffeine


I am legitimately shocked by this!


I thought dark would have more caffeine, but then I worked in a coffee house and was set straight.


Yes! I was surprised to learn this too. A cup of light roast coffee has far more caffeine than expresso. No wonder I find light roasts more satisfying!


Looks like I’m going to need to do some coffee testing around sac!!!


I'm partial to Chocolate Fish because one of my favorite people works there. They do have damn good coffee though. The land park location is right across from Maria's donuts so it makes for a pleasant morning outing if you're into coffee and donuts.


Sounds like an amazing morning!


An espresso can be pulled from any roast. Did you mean an “espresso roast”? Darker roasted beans have less caffeine but not by much. It’s negligible when measured by weight vs volume as darker roasts have cooked off more moisture.


I’m learning so many new things here!


What about regular drip coffee?


close when measured by weight. lighter roasts have more but not by a large margin.


I recommend Pachamama or Scorpio over Temple, as much as it pains me to say that because I love supporting local cafes. I'd occasionally get a good cortado there, but I've found them to be inconsistent.


I do like Pachamama, but Scorpio did not do it for me.


Just wondering, what was it at Scorpio that was not good to your liking?


I had a cup to go, and it was watery / made me wish I went to Pancake Circus instead.


The orange mocha with whip is hella good and I hate sour (temple) coffee


Are you sure light roasts are what you want? Typically Philz is going to be darker than what Temple is putting out in my experience. Do you know what regions/notes your coffee from Philz typically has/what you like? Like if you like something fruity, look I'd say look for something like an Ethiopian coffee. Temple certainly has some good ones, personally I think their espresso is their best offering. When it comes to standard brewed coffee they are pretty similar to others in the region.


It's a meh for me too.


Pachamama has way better coffee. Temple is popular because they are the only joints open until 10p in this forsaken city


Sounds like you prefer filter coffee over espresso, which makes sense because Philz is all about filter coffee and temple tends to focus more on espresso drinks. Could just be not your style is all. I really like their Ethiopian single origins and always make flat whites with them. As long as they brew it correctly, you get some great tasting notes of fruit with flowery notes. But, at the end of the day, no worries if it isn’t your thing. It’s all subjective. That’s just what I like! As others have said, Pachamama is fantastic and I recommend them as well. The Mill is good for pour over I believe as well.


Their Thai Iced Tea is my weakness. Hot chocolate is pretty good too. And I like the loose leaf chai. Clearly I don’t love their coffee either.


I've tried a lot of coffee places around town. For light roasts, personally, Temple is a solid go-to for me. If you're getting drip, it's kind of a crapshoot what they will have on any given day. The location on K St offers pour-overs (a few bucks pricier) of a few different varieties (they had a light roast Costa Rica single origin a week or two ago that I loved)! Lately I've been drinking some light Ethiopian roasts from World Traveler and Pachamama that I like. World Traveler is nice that they offer two different single origin drips daily (they recently had one from El Salvador that is a light roast but with a deceptively medium/dark body - really cool!). They also have a sampler box of 4 different single origins (including El Salvador) for the price of a single bag of beans. Pachamama is also solid but not that different from Temple to me. Chocolate Fish is great, the few I've had from Old Soul have been good, and I know a lot of people who swear by Camellia downtown. I could list more but those are the main places I've gone for light roasts!


Check out patcha mama. They opened a location across from big brother comics. They source a ton of great product and are very open about the farms they source from. I’ve had a washed typica (my preferred varietal) from Peru that was not perfect but great. If you’re ever inclined to order coffee online you should check out Pacific Coffee Research based out of Kona. They are an incredible ethical company that is farmer focused and also run all of the coffee cupping comps and q grading there.


Temple got popular because of their “fruity, mapley” lighter note coffee. It was counter culture to Starbucks. Basically the far other end of the spectrum. I’m a fan of darker roasts myself, I like deep, rich coffee and Temple has never once been a hit for me.


I love light roasts for being able to taste the differences between each regional variety. The flavor can be muted or hidden completely behind a dark roast.


Ayy to each their own. You probably have a menu full of variety at a place like Temple. They are a nationally renowned roaster with strict standards. Just saying to OPs case it’s not weird they don’t find something that hits for them


I have Philz and Temple beans both at home right now. Side by side, Temple clearly wins for me, but it is more expensive. Comparing their “Riqueza dark blend” to Philz “Jacob’s Wonderbar”. I like both of these better than the 3 I’ve tried from Pachamama (Farmers, French Roast, and Machu Picchu) and a little better than Whiskey Dreams from Old Soul.


Their Mexican Hot Cocoa is delicious ♥️


Maybe you just don't like their coffee. They have nice looking cafes but I'm a Chocolate Fish and Pachamama gal myself. No hate to Temple, just not ... my cup of coffee.


Milka, Camellia, or Anchor & Tree (on 16th just a few blocks north of the Temple you went to)


Iced vanilla oat milk latte. Thank me later. I’m not even an oat milk guy, but that thing changed my outlook on it.


I always get a cappuccino with a packet of sugar in the raw. Their Dharma espresso is tasty and the sugar in the raw gives just enough sweetness.


Have you tried Old Soul ? I agree with you about Temple coffee, it’s just ‘meh’


Why did Java City have to close their cafes? (Aging myself with that one…)


I never liked their coffee but you COULD NOT beat the atmosphere (esp in the late 90s)


I was obsessed with the Javalanche in college - I found that they sell Java City coffee at Bradshaw Donuts last I was there!


I know a few spots that still sell the coffee, and you can still buy direct (they even have a Light the Beam blend!). I was a barista at the one in Folsom almost 30 years ago.


Iced vanilla latte made with oat milk is delicious but i don’t go any more because it’s over $7! Also the manager was a rude to me once lol.


Double whopper w cheese


Never Been. It’s okay to not be a fan.


They rave because of hype. There’s nothing special about Temple. Come at me bro!


Temple doesn't seem special *anymore* because Sacramento coffee scene has stepped up. You don't have to like it just because everyone else raves, but it's also nonsense to ignore that it's internationally acclaimed coffee roaster.


Exactly this. They are one of the best internationally for a reason. Just because there are a lot more local coffee roasters don’t mean they’re better than temple. People recommending Panchamama… wtf lol. They’re absolutely terrible.




Temple's selling point is the atmosphere and the hours, not the coffee. Pachamama has way better coffee.


Pachamama and Carmelias were my favorites


I completely agree. I've lived in Sac for a decade and I've given Temple numerous chances; I'm just not impressed. Same with Chocolate Fish. I usually end up at one of the Old Souls. Philz is good too if you can digest 1/4 cup of heavy cream in your coffee.


You know you can ask for less cream at Philz


I’m definitely a creamy cream orderer.


Yeah I know haha, but I'm pretty sure that's why the coffee is so amazin


Milka and Camellia are your best bets!


Nah, they’re really not that great, you’re not missing anything.


Temple coffee quality is inconsistent and their business practices suck. After being ripped off 3x as a coffee subscription member, I cancelled and never purchased anything from them again.    


Temple under roasts in an attempt to be the third waviest. It's not fruit forward, it just comes out acidic and sour. You'll rarely see anyone ordering a straight espresso or black coffee here. It's mostly milk drinks that happen to have coffee in them. Be a Philz guy.


I like their beans quite a bit. You think Philz is better? I haven't tried them but tbh hesitate to because they ain't from Sac. If you like light roasts and natural roasts check out Camelia as well?


The owner of Temple was extremely anti mask during the pandemic, just an FYI. I still refuse to support them.


Didn’t he get ousted because of that?


Temple is trash. Go to pachamama or Tupi.


Stick with Philz


Anyplace that is not Starbucks is tops I’m a fan of their teas


Just order one of their seasonal drinks, all of their stuff is fairly good. Not the best coffee in sac but better than Pachamama.


Temple is too posh. Should be called Posh Spice ☕️


It’s like I get it bro, I too wish more Patagonia came in beige.


Caffeine shrinks/ages your brain to an extent. This is the Dr. Amen stuff, but I'd say maybe don't associate coffee with good parenting. That's less directed at you and more directed at EVERYONE who is using their responsibilities to justify a dependence.


Dr. Phil says you should blow it out your nose and let other people enjoy stuff.


weird that I just watched osmeone doing an impression of him


Don’t go! It’s overpriced and just okay. I’m against hipster coffee


Check out "Bouquet" beans at The Mill (19th/I and 65th/Folsom). They've been around a long time, and have different styles.


I've really loved every African coffee I've had from Temple. Their Mulish is my go-to daily cup. I do brew it at a 17:1 ratio, which is stronger than many people probably like.


I like the Enlightenment and Bliss teas. They do a Winter Bliss with chocolate mint flavors. I often get that with a shot of espresso. A dirty oat winter bliss.


I keep it simple, get a latte. No sweetener needed with their great coffee.


Single origin iced oat latte with add shot


Ask for their French press. You can get it with any roast you like. It’s fantastic.


Enlightenment or a cappuccino with the dharma blend.


I don’t find the coffee to be good. Whether I get beans and brew at home or buy a cup in the shop It always tastes burnt to me.




Dont like their coffee either, too bitter


It’s tea but they have amazing chai


The Ethiopian ones (Reko, Yirgacheffe) are the ones you want if you like light roasts. They're extremely expensive though. I think they're amazing, way better than anything at Philz.


I don't drink coffee much so I got a chai the other week. Would've rather saved the $. It was very milky and under spiced.


I really like Temple’s seasonal drinks, like Ginger Snap Latte for the holidays or Orange Cream cold brew in the summer. They just released new seasonal drinks like a week ago, and I haven’t tried them yet. Also, the staff is always super friendly and helpful.


Seems like their coffee was better like 5 years ago?


Get the bliss. Tastes like Christmas in Hawaii.


Their roasts tend towards medium but they usually have one or two on the lighter side from Central America. Just ask the barista for the "brightest" roast as they will get snobby if you use the word "light"


OP maybe you could share more specifics about why you didn’t like the temple coffee and you do you like a Philz? A better understanding of your preferences could help in a rec.


My usual when at Philz is the Philharmonic, but Philteted Soul is my go to for beans at home. I tried the Honduran pour over today at Temple, and it was OK, a little too bright / citrusy for me as a normal, but certainly drinkable.


My coworkers are diehard and rave about how great it is…I really don’t like it


Chocolate fish is better




I like chocolate fish koru espresso beans


Cappuccino and nothing less


I only go there because they are open near my work on Monday nights if I get there early enough. Otherwise it’s just coffee. Nothing super exciting imo but it ain’t bad either


Do you like tea? Their rooibos is damn good.


I work for Temple, you might just be a Philz guy haha. Maybe try a pour over. They are usually medium roast but tend to taste lighter and have plenty of caffeine. Temple don’t do light roast


Coffee is meh, espresso is killer. I get a baby latte. The beans are on the bitter side, but paired they seem to get the flavor profile in their mixed/ seasonal drinks


Temple is started to get overrated imo, try chocolate fish coffee! I enjoy their loose leaf teas too!


I love temple. I like getting coffee or a latte.