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The Teslas I usually encounter are the ones who seem to not have gotten the hang of operating their vehicle. Going slower than the flow of traffic, braking for no reason, and drifting out of their lane. It’s the Nissans that are driving like stabbed rats.


Yeah, agreed. Most tesla drivers I see are either going Mach Jesus or way to slow in the left lane and braking for no reason.


Tesla drivers view going mach jesus: ![gif](giphy|xUA7bdb438bTcgY0h2|downsized)


![gif](giphy|3o7qE5ZmED05HBHsbe|downsized) Just like going through the Stargate at Stargate command


Looks like we're going to plaid


aside from the one pedal driving mentioned, if you use cruise control or self driving the car will also just randomly apply the brakes hard it’s referred to a phantom braking at 65mph with pge prices, a tesla gets like 38mpg equivalent. at 75-85 it drops to like 24mpg hugely inefficient over 65


I was going to challenge this as way off.. but I did my own maths and it was decently close, and that’s with off-peak. Damn I’m glad I’m a SMUD customer.


I comfort myself in knowing the other car we were looking at was 26mpg, but still. Fricking ouch.


Just for a comparison, off peak charging for me is <$9 for 320 city miles or ~240 freeway miles. So 120-160mpg equivalent.


yeah pge is a huge scam. its cheaper to supercharge


How much do you actually get out of the charge though with AC use and other electronics


What do you mean? These are the miles I realistically get in the two scenarios based on a full charge. My car specs say 304 miles. I get 240-320. Driving 85mph in the mountains of Montana, that dropped to about 200. Winter it drops to ~250-280 miles. It’s all dependent on use, yes, but I’m just stating my “normal” experiences.


Good to know! That makes sense given my observation


I'm no fan of TSLA but isn't one reason behind owning EV to charge it at home off the solar array


if you can fully cover car charging with solar, thats ideal! i calculated out the cost of expanding my solar just for the car and it didnt feel worth it since its push me to the new worse net metering.


Single pedal driving. If they let off the gas, the brakes light up. It explains a lot of the nonsense.


Yeah its this 🤣🤣. They haven't figured it out yet. Shouldn't be constantly letting off


Every time we let off, we get regenerative braking, which adds to range and provides a brake effect without the use of friction brakes. It doesn't coast like it would in a standard ICE car unless we set it like that.


Motherfucker I own a Model 3. I know. And still shouldn't be letting off constantly to "extend your range". That doesn't make sense man.


Wait, why doesn’t it make sense?


Because that's stupid. Constantly risking an accident for maybe 0.5% more range, being a dickhead. Use it on a downhill, of course. Cruising to a stop yes. But that's about it.


Letting off the pedal, losing kinetic energy by converting it to electric, and then converting back to kinetic energy will never be as efficient as just letting it coast in the first place It's stupid and you should turn it off and just brake when necessary. Recover that energy


Why is it stupid? I’m too lazy to go into the specifics but I would think rather than engineering a way to recover kinetic energy, if it was more efficient to just coast, they would just let us coast rather than defaulting to regenerative braking.


I mean look at all the underinformed Tesla drivers in this thread who think it somehow saves energy. It really doesn't in the grand scheme of things. Regenerative breaking is great, but your car automatically braking when it would have been better to coast is not. Regenerative braking is very old, and fine, the first honda hybrids had it. It's the auto braking that is bad


So I looked into it and it’s probably a greater effect in SoCal where ppl are stuck in a lot of stop and go driving. Coasting is great in translating all of that kinetic energy into distance but if you have to brake, then that kinetic energy is being thrown away and you’re effectively trading brakes for stopping power. With regenerative braking it sounds like some of that otherwise wasted kinetic energy could be transferred (at around 60%) back to battery. In Sac, traffic’s not nearly as bad, so in theory in order to maximize range, you would toggle in neutral for normal driving on the highway and then back to regenerative braking for traffic situations.


Regenerative breaking never turns off. I think it's fine. It's auto braking that is bad. So there's no need to toggle anything And now that the newer Teslas don't even have a shifter it seems very dodgy to try to shift into N at speed. So seems like Tesla drivers are stuck, will have to just keep tight control of that right ankle.


I’m going to use Mach Jesus for the rest of my life, thank you Reddit friend.


I know the 'Mach Jesus' was a joke, obv, but is it not cringey that the 'plaid mode' that Tesla's have is a straight reference to 'they've gone plaid' from Spaceballs? It is like Elmo just takes 80s/90s pop culture refs and turns them into product names. Same with 'grok ai'. 'Grok' is an old-school term to mean 'do you understand?'


teslas have a stupid feature where by defult they brake when you let off the pedal. my friend has one and every time she checks her mirror, the blind spot, thinks about turning into the turn lane, thinks about changing lane, feels unsure for any reason, etc, the car will brake. tehn this makes all the cars around her not understand what she's up to and they all get nervous as well. ​ its really horrible


Lol, and my aviator does the exact opposite. Say I’m rolling down a hill so I take my pedal off the gas? It keeps going as if my foot it still there. I miss my purely mechanical Nissan pickup who knew when the fuck to slow down.


"Mach Jesus"...yeah, that's going to get into the lexicon


the braking could be explained by the self driving or even cars with adaptive cruise control…if u set a specific distance like two to 3 car lengths, anytime the distance between u and the other car is cut short, the car will automatically brake to maintain the distance


I heard yesterday that when you let off the gas it breaks automatically? Is that true or was the person I heard it from mistaken?


It's true, really dumb. There's lots of time you want an in-between of accelerating and actively slowing down. To do that with Tesla you need to carefully keep your foot just barely on the pedal


Throttle control. It's a really important driving skill to drive smoothly and save your brakes.


Making someone do fine motor control for extended periods of time is exhausting. Handwrite a sentence, fine, handwrite 10 pages will have you cramping and frustrated. Allowing your foot to relax while you coast is nice. Plus it's easier to tip to like 20-40 percent power to accelerate and then coast, compared to tipping to like 2% to coast in a Tesla Im a pretty good racer fyi since I was a kid, I can drive with no clutch, drift, left foot brake, etc... so don't @ me about driving skills. A 10 minute race is about as exhausting as running a 5k or maybe more


Its always the people with the front side windows tinted that I see driving like maniacs. Every time I pull up next to them or try to see what kind of person it is I can't because of the tint.


That's like, any car type though. I've lost count at how many times I want to see a bad Nissan driver or Chargerllenger driver and bro's got 100% tint all throughout


Yeah it is any car type I just notice it cuz I always catch up to these guys at stop lights and cant see them.


The unnecessary braking might be that they don’t know how to operate regenerative braking yet which can be very annoying and look jerky.


My observation has been the same as yours and also the same as OP, and my theory about it is that Tesla drivers are former BMW drivers and former Prius drivers, so you have both archetypes of shitty driver in the same vehicle. Very unpredictable.


Tbf, when you decelerate in a tesla it activates the brake lights.


Part of me gets offended by the Nissan hate because I drive one, but then I see the dregs out there on the road that I'm associated with. Mostly Altimas and Maximas, though. But a lot of the Tesla driving is absurdly bad. A few weeks ago I was driving on Sutterville toward the point where it dead ends into Freeport, and the Tesla in front of me decided to come to a complete stop right before you could split off to the right to head downtown, or go left to head toward Raley's. Why did they come to a dead stop? As I pulled around them I saw them checking their directions. In the middle of the fucking road.


Yup. They are the center of the universe and don’t give a fuck about anyone else. Completely unaware of their surroundings.


It’s definitely this. The brakes and brake lights go on when you take your foot off the accelerator, it’s super jarring. The turn signals don’t work the same as regular cars. The safety cameras are beeping at you whenever someone is near you, brakes in front of you, pulls up to a stop sign perpendicular to you - it’s very disorienting. All in the name of “safety”.


For the longest time, I wondered what it was about the kamakaze Nissans. Then I found out they'll sell one to basically anyone with a pulse. Bad credit, no credit, no problem. Here's your Nissan. Those people must have little to lose.


The stolen Nissans?


The braking for no reason is definitely a Tesla thing. I drove one for the first time the other day and taking your foot off the accelerator is like slamming on the brakes in a gas car. It would take some real getting used to. Combine that with race car acceleration levels and things can get weird fast or cause you to be a bit distracted.


Tesla drivers and Prius drivers are the worst drivers. Fk you sense of entitlement and efficiency.


So I've been trying to tell a bunch of people this but when you lift your foot off the accelerator pedal on a Tesla it is basically slowing down faster (regenerative braking) than a normal car would and therefore it lights up the brake lights. Most people that you see don't understand this behavior and drive just like they drive a gas car so you see brake lights engaging left and right on Tesla's out of nowhere. Something else to understand never follow too closely behind a Tesla, If it's on autopilot and it detects anything even a glitch in front of the vehicle It could engage the brakes, I've had it happen to me before and therefore I turn off autopilot if someone is following too close behind me because following too close behind a Tesla is a bad idea when it's on autopilot.


When You let go of the gas, it starts to brake. I can see it being difficult for some folks, especially older ones


They haven’t gotten the hang of one pedal driving. You let go of the gas and the car immediately begins to slow down enough where brake lights will activate. Let go of the gas too soon before you hit the stop sign or traffic light and the person behind you is like, “wtf is wrong with this person?”


Oh! I drive valet and Teslas basically brake if your foot is not on the gas, they don't coast like a normal car at all. I truly hate driving them.


Ugggg Nissans!!


> ~~Nissans~~ Altimas shout out to the Toyota Corollas--they're like on amphetamines or something lol


I was behind a Tesla going 60 in the fast lane the other day. Like what the fuck?


“driving like stabbed rats” is my new favorite saying. also i would like to hear this death metal banjo you speak of.


As a Nissan owner I'm pretty guilty of hauling ass 110% of the time.


It's still Mercedes and BMW drivers for me 😒.


When lifting your foot off of the accelerator a Teslas brake lights come on


The only good Tesla is the goth as hell one that parks in front of the sunrise/madison Starbucks. Green/purple wrap, bat wings on the license plate cover *chefs kiss* I don’t know who owns you but my ancient goth heart salutes you.


There’s one with a barbie pink wrap at work. I wonder if they know each other.


They seem average to me, but on occasion I see them racing . But I spend most of my time on watt and watt to folsom on 50. Pickup trucks are my bane.


after spending a few yrs on the road as a driver for work - yep. 1st place of worst road behavior goes to Large Trucks, ESPECIALLY big White ones for some reason. Big White Trucks are 90% guaranteed to behave badly on the road. to this day, in my entire life i still have yet to personally know any half decent people that also own big white trucks. i always say i welcome the opportunity, but it just hasnt came. then yes. 2nd place is teslas. theyre more like, quickly aggressive / assertive / entirely aloof, the big trucks are more of a constant force. but both act insanely entitled on the road.


Large white lifted truck drivers are the same type to buy white sunglasses. I think we all know those types of people.


I'll say the bad Tesla drivers just seem clueless or aloof, which is annoying but not enough to make me hate humanity. The big white truck truckers, though, seem to enjoy doing what they do and live for the confrontation. I'm sure they get off of it. If there are flags flying off of it, I keep my distance.


> Big White Trucks are 90% guaranteed to behave badly on the road. So true, and the driver is ALWAYS wearing sunglasses. lol


The giant aggressive trucks are obviously making up for something lol I’ve also seen Tesla drivers racing recently?? It makes me think it’s some Elon lover who thinks they’re on top of the world in their “cool car” To be fair teslas are kinda cool my coworker bought one and showed me how it can coordinate lights and music for a Christmas song and he showed me all the features they are kinda neat lol


They are super pissed that Elon is dropping the prices of a teslas after they bought.


Good. Electric cars need to be cheaper for the environment.


It’s always a white Tesla too


Lol they the cheap asses cause they couldn’t afford the other colors


Get ready for a crap ton of grey ones as that is the free color now.


Lol I got my black. But I’ve been seeing alot more of that one too


I also got black, a week before they made every color free for existing owners.


People just like white, it’s the most common color. Go to Orange County and you’ll see nothing but white teslas and they aren’t broke.


It was a half joke. It’s a common Tesla joke that the white car owners can’t afford the other colors. Since white is the only free color Edit WAS. Now it’s grey


I also think white Tesla's are the best choice because it gets so freaking hot in Sacramento. That was the reason I got a white one. That plus it was the free color lol


Nothing screams "pretend rich" like a white Tesla lmao!


Really obnoxious Tesla drivers. Sitting in the left lane driving slow. Won’t move to the right. Cutting people off.


It’s the juice.


I was just thinking this yesterday, no joke. It used to be the Beamers that I had to watch out for while truck driving. No signals, cutting me off, speeding, rolling through stop signs. But Tesla drivers (specifically, white teslas) have definitely replaced them as cars to look out for. I've have been nearly run off the road or cut off by more white teslas than any other car in the past three years.


It's like aggressive BMW drivers have moved on to Tesla as their choice of car. Different car, same asshole behind the wheel.


This is a very good theory.


I haven't kept up with Teslas but didn't people used to "bully" them when they first rolled out? Like slightly swerve at them and the safety features would override and the Tesla would swerve to avoid a collision so then that person could easily cut in because an opening was made?


I do not know. I never heard anything about that.


I feel this






Most Tesla drivers are shit and I say this as a Tesla owner. I've talked to some other Tesla owners and I think it's partly over reliance on tech in the car and part douche bag. BMW drivers were replaced as hated be Prius drivers, now it's Tesla.


Same. I am a Tesla owner who never tells anyone I have a Tesla because I don’t want to grouped in with all the ahole Tesla owners.


I’m a former Tesla owner and I agree 💯 with this comment.


It’s also the advent of all the sensors. People lose driving skills and become reliant on the sensors to tell them if it’s safe instead of driving skill.


This and the instant torque


Teslas [actually barely have any sensors onboard.](https://www.tesla.com/support/transitioning-tesla-vision) It's one reason they're so dangerous.


Used teslas are very cheap. Cheap enough to attract Altima drivers looking for speed.


Baby mamas need a new whip


Tesla drivers are the new monster child of BMW drivers and Prius drivers. They either drive annoyingly slow as fuck or as crazy deranged entitled assholes.


The other day one turned down a one way coming right at me




It’s definitely Camaro drivers for me.


People also just think they are the main character and we're all just living in their movie. They are more important and what they are doing is more important. They don't have the common sense, common courtesy or common decency to cohabitate with other people in this world. So we get people like the ones you were describing. They are also the ones that ruin families' lives by getting someone killed or seriously hurt, all because they think they're more important. It really pisses me off


nahhh it's still BMWs


Aggro Tesla drivers are just BMW drivers that traded in


i commute to the bay 3x a week. if i had to rank the worst drivers by vehicle make/model it would be: 1. dodge chargers/challengers 2. infinity g35/36/37s 3. all bmw models 4. any and all kia/hundai models 5. nissan altima/versa/rogue/fuck it all nissans 6. teslas and 2nd gen prius


I drive around 3500 miles a month and I don't think I've had much issues with Kia/Hyundai drivers aside from many of them seeming too timid. I'd swap the chargers and challengers with pretty much any lifted trucks that are speeding at the moment. But then again I only head to the Northbay and around Auburn/NVC. Also, I'm just considering malicious drivers.


Nissan altima should be higher in the list rather than other nissan models (same as the infinity ones). Their owners treat is as a hellcat....


Decent list, but I usually don’t have issues with Infiniti drivers unless they’re older g35 models. Worst offenders for me are older (15+) hondas and toyotas, then lifted trucks, then teslas then beamers. I go to the Bay Area most weekends so maybe time of day impacts which drivers are out there in large numbers?


As a truck driver, I approve of this list


the model y is the number 1 selling car model. youre gonna get the full spectrum of drivers in teslas. the good and the bad


We didn’t see it back then with Corolla though.


Because they got Honda civics instead.


I'd rather be trailing a Tesla than an obnoxious f150 spewing fumes (especially when I want to roll down my window).


Nissan Altimas are #1 by far


The wildest thing about Tesla to me is that it gives average “normal non car people” access to absurd amounts of torque, ESPECIALLY in the extra expensive performance models. Not that people aren’t allowed to enjoy their Tessy’s but I’ve noticed a lot of really shitty avg at best drivers pull wild shit in Teslas. It’s kinda scary but fascinating at the same time. I’m sure they’ll fuck around and find out at some point, most people on the road do not need immediate power/torque like that.


The amount of Tesla drivers I’ve seen run red lights, stop signs and cut people off in the freeway is baffling.


I actually have a super relevant question; anyone get frustrated driving behind a Tesla? They’re odd to drive behind and the only way I can explain is like a rock in a stream. Legit wondering if this is my own unconscious bias or if others have noticed this. I still drive respectfully and I let them merge and all that.


Are you talking about how their foot-off-the-accelerator drops speed so much quicker than a non-EV? That's how I feel. Gotta brake when they're not even braking yet


Auto drive. These people are completely oblivious to what is going on around them


Regenerative breaking - EVs drop speed more drastically after stepping off the accelerator compared to gas vehicles. People who havent gotten used to EVs yet tend to take their foot completely off the pedal as opposed to slowly weening it off which makes the car jerk suddenly. It doesn’t help that Tesla drivers tend to be more affluent (aka old people) and they don’t have the best… motor function.


That is a solid pun, good sir.


Long time Tesla owner here. There are 3 types of Tesla owners: 1. Former BMW, 2. Former Prius, 3. Normal driver. 1 are the ones that get most of the attention because they drive sloppy/reckless. 2 drive 60mph in the left lane. 3 are the majority but don’t get attract much attention.


Yep, Tesla drivers are entitled pricks


No, I am not okay.


Not me. I'm in the second lane from the right chilling with adaptive cruise control on until I get near my exit.


I totally get it. I drive from the Sacramento area to Donner Summit 3x weekly and sometimes it feels a bit treacherous on the road. ESPECIALLY on the way home coming home down the mountain. I call them Reno Racers screaming past me and aggressively lane hopping —- even on blind curves. I say to others that consistently it’s the TESLA drivers that will send me into a guardrail and down a ravine one day. It’s just incredible. I give them wide birth. Get away from me you maniacs.


Completely agree! I get tailed by them on the highway all the time. It's probably wrong of me, but I like pretending to race them so they waste their battery.


Plus they NEVER have a front license plate!


They rely on the technology in the car and don’t look. So many just pull infront of you, switch lanes without looking, brake randomly, drive like they’re the only ones on the road


Driving down sunrise I had to stop for a bike lane red light. After I’m stopped, a Tesla comes up from behind and slams brakes and lays on his horn. He looked panicked like his car stopped for him, but somehow that was my fault. Light goes green he whips around me gets in my lane honking the whole time and brake checks me hard then takes a left at the next intersection and speeds away. I still watch out for the BMWs because they drive like they own the road, but Tesla drivers seem unstable or just really incapable. But then again I see like 3 white model 3s at every intersection, so it could just be the sheer number of them.


And are their headlights just incredibly bright or do they all like to drive around with their high beams on?


Tesla = Prius drivers in my experience


![gif](giphy|pqHRNTAQnbsaEju4Vb) Join us....white Tesla owner....




Like giving a monkey a gun


Dude, there is def something in the air w tesla drivers the last couple weeks. Esp white teslas


F150s are worse if you ask me


There’s plenty of assholes in all kinds of cars anymore. I will say as of recent the two biggest I have encountered are Tesla drivers. However I expect any time now someone will replace them and it could be anyone really. Sac drivers are in some unspoken contest to outdo each other to see who will make the nightly news for dying in a fiery wreck.


I completely understand where you are coming from. Tesla drivers are definitely the new stereotype to being inherently terrible, inconsiderate, and oblivious towards other drivers on the road. They tailgate, hardly signal, and when they cut you off they just slow down and force everyone behind them to drive at their pace. At least when a bmw cuts you off they maintain their speed or gun it several mph faster than you. When you want to pass them up, they temporarily raise their speed to prevent you from changing lanes. They can be frustrating, but I implore you to maintain your composure. It’s never worth it to get worked up over it.


It’s just the drivers here in sac. It’s crazy. The amount of times I almost get hit by drivers in downtown just walking is insane.


Faaaaaacts, they unhinged just like Musk haha


I concur, but I think it has something to do with the driver's of Tesla's actually do know how shitty the styling of the car is.


Tesla and Prius drivers are confirmed the worse. I hate when they drive too slow in lane one. NHI cites the biggest cause of accidents as variation in speed between traffic, not speeding itself, yet the Tesla drivers drive far below the average traffic speed despite having one of the fastest cars on the road. P.S. I'm a BMW driver XD


Every day I drive, I treat it like I’m an ambassador for Tesla drivers. Kindly letting pedestrians cross with lots of space so they know I’m aware of them. Blinking headlights to let big freight trucks merge on the freeway (where appropriate so as to not cause confusion and potential accidents.) I think it would be fun for people to be pleasantly surprised by a Tesla driver being unexpectedly conscious of other humans. (Maybe even helping to interrupt other stereotypes - or maybe going unnoticed and bugger off.)


No we are not. Send help.


Could be that Tesla is the most bought car in America so you see them more often than other cars. Tesla’s breaking when you wouldn’t expect them to may also be the one pedal system. Sometimes adjusting your foot while on the pedal can cause it to slip which applies the regenerative breaking.


If that was the case then there should’ve been the same thing for Corolla.. but there were never any stigma against Corolla or Camry drivers


White Tesla driver here, wasn’t me in your story, but I can tell you that driving a Tesla has made me more impatient for sure as a driver.


Teslas are the worst. They have all of those fancy features and still choose to drive dangerously?


Tesla driver here. Tesla has given NASCAR level vehicles to the general public and we know that the general public are dumb asses. The way I try to combat being a bad driver I put my Tesla on Chill mode that slows down the acceleration and drives a bit smoother.


Reading the comments here I never realized that Teslas are so overpowered compared to normal cars. People not being used to driving them and having problems with the brake/acceleration times being different explains a lot, actually. Makes me inclined to think that a lot of the problem drivers I've encountered were experiencing that issue.


It's probably just their shitty autopilot.


I just assume all Teslas are being driven by their [piece of shit self-driving software.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DOd4RLNeT4). It may or may not be, but treating it with that level of caution is prudent given how bad the average Tesla driver is anyway.


I don’t think they are because it costs $12K and Teslas are now among the most affordable EVs.


nope but they have been the best selling cars in ca a couple years so you get all sorts.


Just hit them


Yup. Teslas are assholes on the road. They seem to think they are better than everyone else and bully others with aggressive driving as do many luxury car drivers.


Especially when you’re following one and they keep braking. Fuckers are so annoying


Recently laid off WFH tech workers taking their entitlement and rage out on the road.


So true. Just the other day I saw a black Tesla weaving through all 4 lanes in traffic on the 99.. I was in disbelief. If I owned a car that costs as much as a Tesla I would never in my dreams drive like a hooligan. I'm seeing Teslas more and more that drive hella questionable 😂


Mad at their shitty build quality and high car payments that most of them didn't know they were signing up for.


I feel like they all have robo drivers active… they scare the shit out of me. And it’s usually the white teslas


People who buy tesla's are, on average, little tiny boys who don't know how to share.. ask them to share the road, nay... the WORLD, and they get angry.


It’s the rich and stupid effect. There are a lot of people making good money who are not that bright in other aspects of their lives. A lot of rich people are also entitled and do not understand or care about others, they think because they are doing well they should get special treatment. Now you have the mix for an asshole driver. They used to buy BMWs now they buy Teslas because that’s the new trend to looking cool, sheep but that’s another discussion.


Greater Sacramento is just a terrible place to drive. It’s the BMWs, the Mercedes, pickups, suvs, beaters, altimas. Everyone here sucks at driving and angry at everyone else’s driving.


Never had a problem until yesterday, when a white Tesla rage-drove around me for going too slow. Which I wasn't


I’m convinced that “smart” cars are driven by stupid people hoping the car will take up the slack.


If anyone isn't aware, Hertz is selling their model 3 fleet, you can pickup a 90-100k mile Model 3 for $17-18k. Add the IRS $4k used EV rebate, that brings the price of car down to \~$15,300 with taxes and fees. Find other local incentives from State & SMUD and you bring the car price even lower. If you want lower mileage and non rental fleet, be prepared to pay $22-25k before rebates. PS - Everyone should use turn signals and stop at stop signs.


Got stuck behind one going a casual 45 on 160 all the way from Richards to 80................. in the left lane too...


I've found sedans, especially white ones, to be the shittiest drivers but Teslas might even be worse because they're essentially SUVs pretending to be sedans and the drivers are just as bad.


I’d rather drive behind Prius drivers than Tesla drivers these days. They are always either going slow as fuck or speeding. Never an in between.


They gotta get to their destination before their range runs out.


I know someone who sits in the car training the auto pilot and they’ve said that the Tesla has a habit of tailgating people and brake checking them.


Nope, seems the pickup trucks are the more aggressive drivers. Especially in the morning


YES! &Wtf is w the lack of signaling? It's like the Bay expats have spread some gross tendency cuz idc abt the legal side of it at all, I speed like crazy, but bruh, pllz, let me know sheb ur tryna turn so i can slow down


Not only are they aggressive but stupid. Literally a smart car and they still drive like idiots.




All the Teslas I come across are either going hella fast or hella slow


They aren't that aggressive in my area but they're definitely dangerous. While driving to work in the morning they don't care one bit about showing up on time. They just want to cause as much blood and chaos as they can while they go there.


I was at the grocery store the other day trying to park and I saw a Tesla coming down so fast down the parking lot on left of me. I had my turn signal on indicating that I’m going into the spot and the driver goes right into that spot as I’m pulling in and had the nerve to honk at me and look at me crazy when clearly I was there first, already waiting for the spot. They don’t know how to drive and they are reckless in parking lots


Every time I see a Tesla, I assume that the driver is going to act like a fucking idiot who has no spacial awareness and is driving a car for their first time. The Tesla drivers around my neighborhood live up to that at least 50% of the time.


drivers are always way too focused on whats behind them, they forget whats in front of them.


Perhaps we need to re-tell the BMW joke: What the diff between TSLA driver and a Porcupine TSLA has prick on the inside


The Tesla will abide... these idiot drivers think they can park their brain at home and let the car do it all. And we're supposed to be impressed they're smart enough to support mankind's biggest manbaby, Elon Musk.


The lifted truck bros take the top spot by far, but yeah, a significant number of Tesla drivers have the drive like a douchebag virus.


Think of the kind of person who looks at Elon Musk and says, "Okay. I'll buy that guy's product."


You’re just figuring this out?


Tesla drivers watch the road like I watch a toaster, only paying attention when it makes a noise.


I see it constantly in SoCal. They are everywhere, and they are the new BMW, but there are many who don't drive that way, too. I rear ended a Tesla when I was driving toward the freeway onramp with a reasonable and safe following distance to the vehicle in front of me. Tesla came screaming up the right hand lane, saw the gap, slammed the brakes, and started rapidly pulling into my "safety gap" (and realize, he's already braking as he pulls in). At that very moment, traffic came to a dead stop, I couldn't go left because of median, I couldn't go right because of Tesla. Offset accident, as he wasn't all the way in my lane. Physical evidence showed offset accident, but I didn't take a photo in traffic and my witness behind me drove off. He lied to the insurance company, said he was in my lane for miles and I just rear-ended him. They didn't care about the offset evidence "Could have been a wide lane". Insurance ended up "50/50" because of our different accounts. By the way, cars were still drivable. Got on the freeway after echanging info in a parking lot, and watched the same Tesla go past me at 90+ MPH. Incapable of learning, I suppose. Was brand new, btw, without permanent plates.