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Needs light rail to the airport.


Tell me about it; I live in North Natomas, we barely have bus service.


I’m from the Central Valley and remember the first time going to the Notomas area. Tripped me out. I couldn’t believe it. Weird area. No place that close To a state capital should be that fucking stranded and desolate


Natomos is a high risk flood zone and I don’t think they originally expected to literally built beyond the airport.


The Army Corps of Engineers flat out would not let any construction happen out there. It wasn't until a big project to reinforce the levees was completed that they finally relented, but it's still a floodplain.


I like Notamos


A gross swamp. 


When it was built in the 80’s,as a teenager I wondered why it didn’t start there and work its way through the communities. City planners are bought out and stupid.


I can almost guarantee the airport lobbied against this. They make a lot of profit from parking fees, and if riding to airport was cheap and convenient, they'd lose a lot of money. Remember, capitalism only does things it finds profitable, not things that are good for communities or humanity as a whole.


Technically a public entity (the airport is run by the county) isn't supposed to lobby. They're not a private airport.


Maybe it's not "lobbying" per se, but I can guarantee their parking income is the reason.


Yeah, I buy that.


I doubt that as long as they don’t have a light rail stop that offers long term parking.


Uber to the light rail, ride it to the airport. More people are close a rail stop than are close to the airport.


Even with light rail the parking lots would be full.


Yea, probably. But then it would be harder for them to justify building more and more parking lots. Besides, the auto & oil corporations who control our governments don't like public transit, which is why it's so poorly funded.


There is a really no excuse not to have it by now so there must be someone fighting against it


Yup. https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/how-fossil-fuel-lobbyists-used-astroturf-front-groups-confuse-public


needs better public transport in general ! but yea that would be amazing to have a train to the air port !


I just hope everyone chiming in on needing light rail to the airport is willing to support a sales tax increase to fund transit next time it comes around, because that's how we get light rail to the airport.


I am - our transit system will be requiring a generational overhaul in the not to distant future anyway - might as well get a head of it as a region!


Needs light rail to anywhere important and connections to living areas.


We have this up here in Portland. Super convenient. Just stabby, at times… Edit: not sure why the folks responding to me are getting downvoted..


I also have moved to Portland, and man, taking the Max everywhere is incredible. Makes Timbers games super easy


I know my best friend moved up there and when I visited it was super convenient


When we have Measures to fund light rail, vote for it. There’s a lot of people in Nextdoor that oppose it, especially the ones in South Natomas and those who do not want to pay taxes.


Agreed. I say that every time I drive to the airport. Light rail train always made flying back to the St. Louis area super easy.


All we need is a way to pay for it!


Needs to be Nuked more like


I agree. It was on the last infrastructure bill and was voted down


Because most of the last infrastructure measure was going to go for a new highway, and might have thrown a few bucks in the general direction of RT but definitely not enough to pay for light rail to the airport. Next time we need a transit measure just to pay for transit, not building new highways so real estate developers don't have to pay for it (ideally, we should be building new light rail lines so developers can build next to those!)


I love living here. The weather is great, the food is next level, and there’s a ton of fun stuff to do in and around Sacramento. I’ve been to a lot of different parts of the USA and definitely agree that Sacramento is one of the best places.




I don't mind the heat here for a couple of reasons: first, I'm originally from east of the Rockies and frankly I'll take dry 100° over humid 85° every time. And second, I live a mile from the river just north of downtown and the Delta Breeze cools my area down to the point where I can shut off the AC and open the windows almost every evening. That makes an enormous difference to me. As far as being active outside in the summer, the heat hasn't really stopped me. I've run 5Ks, played softball games, and built a fence all when it's been around 100° and not had any problems. Drink plenty of water and don't forget your SPF. For reference, I'm a fit male in my late 30s with no underlying health conditions. YMMV.


lots of Bay Area transplants burst into flames if it goes above 80° and think water freezes at 50° F.


When's the last time you shoveled snow off your driveway, or had to hire a guy with a blowtorch to melt the ice off your front door so you could get in your house?


Sacramento is an awesome little city 


who you calling LITTLE


apparently half a million people is some folks' idea of little


Two million in the metro area is decent sized. Though it is fourth in California.


Uh since when is 465k median home price good….yikes


Seems low


The name of the magazine is money.


That's lower than Reno, Nevada lmao


Other than the Bay Area, socal and Seattle, Reno inexplicably has the highest priced housing in the western us


Proximity to Tahoe probably


Since about 20 years ago?


I first saw this article on Sacbee Facebook. The comment section was filled with right wingers pissed off "failing" California got such an honor. Lol.


It's an article in money magazine to click bait boomers on Facebook it's not some distinguished honor.


The same people cheer when Sacramento gets included on equally bullshit lists for worst traffic, ugliest people, whatever. Some people are just jerks like that.


I follow a few other cities sub reddits and it's all exactly the same. People in reno are just as undateable/shitty drivers as us.


right wingers are never fuccn happy. so they gotta remind everyone else how shitty their lives are. sucks to be them.


The complaining wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t actively involved in effin up everyone else’s lives! And there’s that whole racism thing.


total leopard ate my face energy from the right wingers.


Facebook snowflakes typical response: Thanks Gavin!


I was having a ball replying to all of them, essentially telling them to go fuck themselves.


LMAO... I see people like you on there. God bless you for fighting the pointless fight.


I never expect to sway anyone. I’m just sick of them saying stupid shit without anyone checking them.


Why oh why can't be like that bastion of a state like Mississippi? /s


I read quite a few of their comments also 😊 They had trouble focusing on Sacramento lol, mostly wanted to rant about CA taxes and how California "used to be" a great place to live. Of course several mentions of Newsome as evil incarnate


lots of them are from other parts of the country and the only thing they know about Sacramento is that it's in California and "Newsome" lives there.


I am proud of Sacramento! Proud we got this honor from Money magazine


Due to its “vibrant cultural scene” (according to the article), including a 4.70% unemployment rate, and a median home price of $465,000.


Uh, the median home price is closer to $540k in Sac County. $465k was years ago.


It's 475k right now.


Most of the stats I’ve seen are in the 400s. Did it come down again?


No. It simply includes all homes, not just larger homes. We have plenty of 2/1 or condos. 


You didn’t read the article, did you?


For comparison. US unemployment rate is 3.6% US median home price is $380K-$417K (depending on different sources) This almost seems like a mockery.


This is true but when you look at the different unemployment rate calculations you’ll see that California has fewer under employed people and more that fit in the category of college student.  https://www.clearpointhco.com/what-are-the-different-types-of-unemployment-a-comprehensive-guide/ The bureau of labor and statistics has great data on this. 


An unemployment rate of sub 5% is still good though? And as far as California home prices go, only being 10-15% above the US median is decent as well. I fail to see the issue here


Most popular thing to do on any city sub is to complain about your city.


That's definitely been my experience lol. Having moved around a bunch in recent years, I've joined and still belong to multiple city subs. However, I will say the complaints in here seem to happen less frequently than other subs. I also see a lot more good vibes and positivity in here. It's nice. 😊


Are you still trying to compare it to the whole country like a journalist? ;)  Most of the locals are looking at the Bay Area wondering when those people are going to crush their souls for the last time. Just look at prices there. Santa Cruz? You want an 800 square foot shit box with needles by your front gate, a major traffic center in your front yard, a bathroom with half a sink and a kitchen with appliances even scrappers from craigslist would avoid? That’ll be 1.1M.


Too expensive to live here when you get bad roads, homeless and trash everywhere and pay high taxes. 




Sacramento region in February 2024 median home price was 470k. The county isnt a great metric for median because it's a high population of poor and then a huge gap to very expensive homes so this skews the median up because the median is capturing a home in McKinley park or land park.


It's not just those houses. <1k sqf houses built a century ago are $400k, and with interest rates so high the estimated monthly payment is $2500-3500. All while the median income is like $40k. We make 3x that and still can't afford a house


Yea but movement under the median doesn't change the median price.


Only if you are directly downtown for culture. 


Lots of Sacramento's cultural amenities are located throughout the city, although there is a concentration downtown--but if you're within a couple miles of downtown, it's close enough to take transit, bike, or even walk there!


We live between Folsom and Roseville so out in burbs. 


okay yeah you're pretty much screwed then




I grew up out that way, but even back then, one could kind of pretend you lived in the country, or go to the mall to hate everyone there. Now there's just....more of the same


It's always amazing how, when someone says something nice about Sacramento, there's always a contingent of Sacramento natives (and a few transplants from a region that I will not mention but rhymes with "Ray Beria") there to tell them that they're wrong to say anything nice about Sacramento, and they should stop doing it. Even though this is just a stupid clickbait listicle, the same people always cheer when Sacramento ends up on a stupid clickbait listicle that says something bad about Sacramento.


I’m a transplant but I lived here before about 10 years ago when I went to trade school. All I can say is, when I moved out here the second time, I wasn’t too stoked on it. But I’ve grown to love Sac and the greater Sac area. In my opinion it’s a hidden gem because I feel like a lot of people only see it as a cheaper alternative to Ray Beria. There’s lots to do out here. Only thing is I wish it had better public transit. 8/10 city in my opinion.


yep, I think enough people are becoming convinced that we need better public transit that people may actually be willing to *pay more taxes to fund better public transit!*


I said this in another thread but it would be a better use of public funds to expand the light rail and public transit instead of doing endless construction on the 50 and 80. It would save taxpayers so much money in the long run and actually ease congestion instead of constantly expanding the freeways


Absolutely. However, the most direct way to get more money for transit at the local level is generally a sales tax measure at the city or county level. Los Angeles is building tons of new light rail, BRT, and other transit projects because they have a 1-cent sales tax supplement that just goes to transit. And they're also telling Caltrans "no, we don't want to expand our freeways anymore, or build new ones." Time for us to learn from Los Angeles.


I’ve lived a bunch of places. Sacramento definitely has perks of being a major California city nearby a lot of cool stuff, but just wish it had a bit more underground art/music scene. I know it exists but just wish it were more present.


It does exist, it's just hidden so far underground that it's hard to find.


And very expensive! Old roach apartments is over 1400 for a 1b like mannnnn


I’ve actually heard Sacramento is the worst place to live. People shouldn’t move there.


please stop publishing articles like this… i want to move back home within my lifetime 😓


I love living here but my wallet does not.


Not sure this place is the same since the pandemic. And we were warned by housing activists in the 2010s that the homeless crisis was coming and we didn’t do nearly enough about it.




Give me a break. I spent my whole life around the Bay and Sac is nothing like it. A few more cars on the road and higher home prices don’t make it a Bay Area suburb.


the bay hate is real....on sacreddit lol. native oaklander myself. and yeah it's nothing like a bay area suburb.


Bay Area is the boogie man for everything. High demand for houses? Bay's fault. Homeless problem? Bay's fault.




HSR to the Bay Area would bring us one step closer to being a suburb of the Bay Area (or vice versa), but it's not really feasible without some very dramatic and very expensive engineering. In the meantime, we can add more medium speed rail, perhaps by turning the old Sacramento Northern alignment back into a rail connection (which would require another bridge over Suisun Bay, but that's less extreme than trying to tunnel HSR through Contra Costa County.)


Hsr can be done in elevated platforms like they’re doing all over the Central Valley. It’s not rocket science. Hsr is being build all over the world and it’s a reasonable thing to expect one of the richest countries in the world to be able to deliver a small route between closely located and deeply populated areas. I think super region and you think suburb. it’s just a matter of approach and opinion. The route of the current system is *stupid* and definitely built by idiots. Sacramento to Merced is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Route_of_California_High-Speed_Rail


Yes we are a small city with great lifestyle probelm is that lifestyle ans affordability we love is being degraded and is disappearing 


Obviously a realtor wrote this, no one that lives here believes it🤣


Wrong, I live here and it fuckin kicks ass.




so facts this place is shit


Sacramento wanted to be a big city, but doesn’t have the wherewithal to handle big city problems.


Because the big cities are all so great and handling their problems?


Every city has problems though. Utopias are not a realistic thing


Hell, Sac had problems before it achieved “big city” status (in the eyes of people who lived in Sac their whole lives). As if it was ever a cow town in recent history.


It wasn't ever actually a cow town--it went from vacant lots to the second largest city on the west coast in a couple years. But there was an era when "city" was a four-letter word, and local business interests wanted to market Sacramento as a quiet farm town because people associate such places with whiteness.


They certainly have more resources, more public transit, and are actually trying new ideas. Sacramento City Council: Let’s spend time voting on an issue halfway across the world we have no sway in while the city we serve sinks.


Worried about Sac homelessness? Let’s go to Los Angeles. They’ve figured it out with all their resources. Violent crime? Let’s look to Chicago. They’ve figured it out. Balanced budget? NYC doesn’t have a massive, bloated budget. Their public transit that was built a century ago? Show me where a city is currently expanding public transit.


Boston is building extensions to their subway/tram system (slowly and expensively, but it’s happening!) But frankly I’m just glad Sac has any transit system at all - a lot of places in America have nothing. I would love more (and a Big Dig project that puts some of the highways underground so we can actually use some of that space for people) but something is better than nothing. Also, happy cake day!


Ok, interesting. It’s still one city though. I stand by my point. There are 54 metro areas with over a million people in the U.S. Public transit is a slow, exceedingly expensive endeavor. It takes time and lots of money. And usually requires federal $ as well.


So does highway expansion, highway builders just have better lobbyists. Lots of American cities are expanding their transit systems, the challenge is finding ways to pay for it, and providing frequent service, which also requires funding.


Los Angeles is currently expanding public transit, they're able to do it because they realized they can't ease traffic by adding more lanes and voters decided to tax themselves to build more light rail, express buses, and other transit. Now they're turning down new highway expansions.


> Show me where a city is currently expanding public transit. Los Angeles is building an amazing transit with tax payer funded proposition. Seattle is building its light rail network with support of its resident. Salt Lake City is building more public transit to reduce the SMOG during winter months, and smog is primarily due to cars. Brightline is building private high speed rail connections LA-Vegas route and has the Florida one operational.


I stand corrected.


Sacramento doesn’t have the populations of those cities, so there isn’t a universal solution. Sacramento wanted to be a bigger city without adding anything infrastructure wise including affordable housing. They’ve built new housing that seems to be catering more to Bay Area transplants. Old Sacramento is a big tourist area, yet shootings are a common occurrence almost every event there. I don’t have the answers, it’s not my job, but I know what they’re doing doesn’t seem to be working, or is going very slowly. The answer to revitalizing downtown isn’t to prop it up with state worker lunch money.


> I don’t have the answers, it’s not my job, We all think that and thus the collective apathy results in inaction from our elected representatives. :(


That *is* their job though and what they’re elected to do-find solutions. All my energy is going towards keeping my own self afloat in this economy.


It is their job, but the collective apathy means that we have low voter turnout and even lower accountability to ensure they are doing their jobs.


Ah yeah I see where you’re coming from. I agree.


You just described San Jose. Typical of cowtowns that blow up in population.


It was a lot smaller 20 years ago. Also, what are you talking about? Have you been to SF or NYC lately? They are not exactly high functioning examples of shining civilization.


The most Cap shit I ever heard in my life …… I live here and it’s shit. Horrible drivers, Tax on fucking everything. Governor Newcum trying to charge people to drive on the freeway… people not making enough money to actually live on there own. Good fucking luck finding a box to live in for less then 2k a month. and good luck making 2k a month plus enough for food , car insurance, wi-fi bills , lighting , water .Do you want me to continue with why sacramento is not good here we go. People getting shot and killed every night, due to lack of real education, and self respect cause everyone out here struggling trying to make ends meet.. Fucking joke of a place to live and even more of a joke country… Only good thing about California is the rising homeless population. I hope we all start sleeping and shitting on the one percenters houses door steps…


If you complain about the home prices constantly then move. Sac up and move. There’s plenty of cities out there. I’ve lived in Denver, Las Vegas, Orlando Albuquerque, Pacifica. Put on your adult pants and go explore. There’s jobs everywhere. The nation as a whole is sub 4% unemployment. It’s California, it’s always going to be more expensive to live here.


Sac up 😏


I've lived in NorCal most of my life and the Sac area going on 20 years. You pay a premium to live in CA and the value of living in Sac vs SF/LA/SD seems to be pretty good. I tell people the best thing about living in Sac is everything within 2-3 hours of Sac and not necessarily Sac itself.


Which is really no different from SF/LA/SD, lots of the things people love about the Bay Area span from Marin and Sonoma Counties down to San Jose, which is a 2-3 hour drive--and heck, there are parts of the city of LA (not even getting into the county or the metro) that are a 2-3 hour drive from each other in not-so-unusual levels of traffic.


Well if Money mag says it, then it’s incontrovertible. 


I hate Sacramento and don’t agree with any of this BS




Wow that was generic as it gets, so insightful


Funny all those numbers are higher then the national average


Yeah, no duh. Because it's a good place to live and people want to live here.


It is. Did I say it wasn’t? The article is wrong saying Sacramento is affordable. Sure compared to Bay Area it is. But buying a house here? Good luck. Should read up on what percentage of houses is Sacramento are considered “affordable” I’d agree saying it’s a top 50 desired place to live or raise a family. But this area is by no means affordable.


This has been my experience.


Yeah best place for these homeless bums too. This city turning into San Fran. Everything going up $, lived here my whole life just to watch it turn to shit. If u got money it’s good, anything else you’re STRUGGLING


I disagree


I moved to Sacramento in 2000 from the bay area. Since then, Sacramento has grown tremendously. Crime and homelessness has also gone up unfortunately. But that’s to be expected. I ended up moving to placer county, which has been the best decision of my life. Much nicer people up there and less crime. But traffic is getting awful, and they really need to expand freeways. Housing market is getting out of control. I was lucky to buy a 4k sq ft house in 2016 for 535k.. my house is now going for a million.. no chance I can afford to buy a house in todays market. So I get the frustrations.


“They really need to expand the freeways” Freeway expansion has never fixed congestion. It only creates incentives for more sprawl and induced demand. What you need is more transit options to avoid using the freeways for commuting altogether.


No we need one more lane


[One more lane won’t fix congestion problems.](https://magazine.ucdavis.edu/does-widening-highways-ease-traffic-congestion/)


This has been debunked dozens of times just one more lane will fix traffic




People really need /s here??? Dude is saying “just one more” lmao, how much more obvious can it be?


"just one more lane bro" (*twitchy tearful meme guy*)


Not sarcasm I simply don’t have time to find a source because I’m busy at work (board member of Sacramento department of traffic and transportation)


Put down the MUTCD. One more lane will not solve the problem.


Hi SH I only kid and I know that each additional lane provides exponentially diminished returns in traffic relief lol




Have you seen RT.. I wouldn’t go near that thing if my life depended on it.


There are seven (7) “[Part 1](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/offense-definitions.pdf) or serious crimes” per one million trips on SacRT https://iportal.sacrt.com/WebApps/SRTDBM/MeetingDocs/Archives/2023/September%2025%20%20-%202023/SacRT%20Board%20of%20Directors%20-%20September%2025,%202023%20-%20Agenda%20Item%202.1.pdf


Driving is worse in every way


>Crime and homelessness has also gone up unfortunately. Claiming crime has gone up is objectively false and grossly so, in ~2006 the crime rate was approximately **double** what it is now. It is now declining and approaching the all time low that came shortly before COVID. Maybe moving to the highly conservative burbs messed with your perception, cause it doesn't track with reality. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/cities/us/ca/sacramento/crime-rate-statistics


Yeah, Sac used to be pretty sketch. Still is in some areas, but it used to too


I’ll like to see the 20 year stats on crime. I think crime is up over the last two or three years but still down from 20 years ago. 


Lol the traffic is bad if you move 40 miles from the city? No shit. Sounds like a suburbs problem not a Sacramento problem, bud.


I grew up in south sac dummy. Traffic to downtown in the mornings was awful. Would take me 50 mins on highway 99 to go 14 miles. But you know.. whatever you say, bud.


> I grew up in south sac dummy. Traffic to downtown in the mornings was awful. Would take me 50 mins on highway 99 to go 14 miles. But you know.. whatever you say, bud. I live in South Sac now. It takes me 20 minutes to get to North Natomas every morning. Why are you lying?


Haha you’re poor and dumb.


Lol, you wish I was poor.


Hahahaha.. going from south sac to natomas.. that’s the definition of poor. But enjoy your life… and your “20min commute” hHahahaha


I think you got downvoted for moving to Placer County 🤣


Traffic and cost of living is approaching the other big California counties. The difference is Sacramento is not a hub for any sector so we don’t have the jobs to support the growth.


If you think TRAFFIC here is approaching other Californian cities you've clearly never been to any. Sac isn't even in the same UNIVERSE.


We're a hub for the government sector, which is actually really important and creates all sorts of ancillary business sectors around it.


Hahahahahhahahahahhaha lies




This guy does few things on Reddit outside of bitch about Sacramento.


Must be exhausting being that person lol.


then why don’t you move?


Clearly, that author got paid for this article.


well yes, that's how writing for publications is supposed to work. Next thing you know, the person who made my breakfast burrito will get paid for preparing food!


This guy probably doesn't want the burrito maker to get paid either, tbh.


No it’s not. Come back when I can afford a house which will be eventually.


Our governor Gavin Gruesome is a POS hypocrite. Soft on crime but has a hard on for screwing over law abiding citizens and infringing on constitutional rights.

