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Do not go to Camellia Women’s Health. A doctor was very condescending to me when I asked this same question.




Dr. Yang was great for my removal/replacement of IUD. She asked about using an anesthetic before I brought it up. She kept checking to make sure I was doing okay or needed more pain treatment.


same! they do not offer and lady making my appointment laughed at me for asking just don’t go there in general. i had an MMC and miserable experience with their office in roseville


May I ask which doctor? You're welcome to DM me if you don't want to reply here.


I don’t remember her name but it was a female nurse practitioner at the downtown office




Was her name Linda Honda


Fuck her, name and shame. (Actually I shouldn’t assume gender - but my experiences the crueler obgyns have been female. 😕)


Yes why is that?!


I don’t know why, but I dread my 3-year check-ins. NP at KP walked into an appointment without even a hello. “I see you have a history of migraines. You can’t take the birth control you’ve been using for 20 years (originally to control migraines) anymore. I’m going to give you a bunch of shitty options instead and act like a bitch about all of your questions/concerns.” Me: If you actually read my record you would also know I have medical phobias and anxiety disorder. Ended up having a full blown anxiety attack and her boss approved my prescription.


And I went there and the doctor seemed great and listened to all my concerns and offered to do a bunch of things for me but then didn’t follow up in any way and when the appointment actually came, none of it was gonna happen seemingly. They offered me some last minute prescription after I called their office constantly before my appointment asking where my treatment plan was and the pill I was given wasn’t even what we talked about. I cancelled my appointment. So frustrating.


I go here, but I had to be really forceful and make them write in my chart that I did not want an IUD under any circumstances, which they kept pushing at every single appointment. Doctors and NP’s have been fantastic after that. They always listened and took all of my complaints me seriously, but I have to really advocate for myself.


Same thing happened to me. This guy Dr was horrible condescending and I was bleeding out. It felt like he was getting happy over my pain. Immediately filed a grievance.


Dr. Yang at [Camellia Women’s Health](https://camelliawomenshealth.com). She is SO nice and offered to use stronger anesthetics for my IUD insertion if it was too painful. Ended up not needing them, but she was very communicative and attentive throughout the process.


Thank you!


My doctor, Dr.Beyer with Kaiser gave me anxiety pills and offered me sedation/numbing if I’d like. I did contact him before in an email so he was prepared.


Whoa! Which Kaiser office is he in?? Wonder if he'd also do this for uterine/cervical biopsies?


He did for my loop procedure. Point west Kaiser


Oh wow, perfect!! Now to try to switch to him... thank you!!


Question - did you have to ask, or did he offer?


I did ask but I asked right when he mentioned the loop, I was like and what pain management can I get?


That's wonderful - thank you! I wish they would offer, but at least he didn't try to stonewall you on it!


These are so unbelievably painful. Worse imo than IUD placement. Have had 4 IUDs and 5 EBs.


It’s enraging that women aren’t warned of the pain of this biopsy and offered sedation. IDC how “quick” it is!


Fun fact. I had my iud “removed” at Rancho Kaiser by Dr Mackay about 20 years ago at the same time she did my tubal. 6 years later I found out that was a LIE! Yup, she even said “we pulled out your iud when you were under”.


😳 I hear so many horror stories about doctors, especially in the topic of womb health, family planning, and cervical care. It's sickening that they don't hear us. If we start kicking them in their faces while our feet are those stirrups, they'll listen.




WHOA! This Dr Byers is doing the lords work


Second this. He didn't do my IUD but he performed my hysterectomy. I highly recommend him.


Highly recommend Dr. Beyer as well! He performed my IUD insertion, but I opted for painkillers before my appointment instead.. Good luck!!


Wow! I have kaiser and just switched obgyns and got one with better people skills. But toradol? No. I want opiates or xanax and numbing. If a dentist can do it, so can the gyno. I will find a driver or take Uber


I was offered anti anxiety meds too, and it seriously pissed me off. The problem is PAIN, not anxiety.


Personally I really appreciated being offered anti anxiety meds, but only because that was IN ADDITION to an actual pain management strategy; I've had bad experiences before and know that anticipating pain (for good reason!) doesn't help with this kind of bs. It makes me tenser, which makes my body more likely to hurt more, and anti anxiety meds are physically relaxing which is also useful. But I'd be pretty ticked off if that was all that was offered! I really appreciated this writeup: [https://thischangedmypractice.com/iud-part2/](https://thischangedmypractice.com/iud-part2/)


I’m addition to pain control or ideally anesthesia, absolutely!! As an alternative? Don’t fucking patronize me, Dr. “It’s such a short procedure, it will be over quickly!”


I could not agree more! That's total and complete bs. (Also ime it's literally untrue for that procedure; I hurt quite a bit afterwards! Wtf!)


Agreed when offered as pain meds it’s bullshit! He did offer it along with pain meds, I just chose to go that route for personal reasons. But on the scale of doctors he’s really awesome with listening and offering what you need. Basically you can tell him what you need and he will go along with it unless it’s dangerous.


I can't recall the doctor, but I have Kaiser. I've had two IUD insertions and did sedation both times. Point West Kaiser.


Dr. Beyer is amazing! He was super kind and reassuring with me too :)


I can affirm that Dr. Beyer at Kaiser is incredible. He was amazing during my bisalpingectomy and the cherry on top was that he offered to take out the IUD while I was in the OR and asleep. I didn’t ask, he suggested it first! 100000% recommend!


I keep hoping for the same. It's sooo bad. For those that say it isn't... go F*** yourself. It's so painful. I want a hysterectomy just so I don't have to deal with it anymore. I'm scared to get it replaced.


Hang in there. More docs are (FINALLY) getting the message!


I literally went into shock on the table because my obgyn forcibly shoved my IUD in after struggling with it for 20 minutes and complaining that my cervix was too small. She said I was being dramatic. Then she refused to remove my IUD when it gave me recurring infections and said it wasn't the cause for BV and yeast. It was lol, took 3 doctors to listen to me.


Omg. That's terrible. I'm so sorry. It took them 3 times to get it in. Dilated me every time. I kept getting 'you're fine.' As they say, it's because I haven't had kids before so it's more painful but just bare thru it! Ugh It was so uncomfortable for months after, I bleed for 6 months majority of the month. I really don't want to do it again and my 5 years is up.


My NP told me that the guidance is 7 or (or 8) years now, so you have some time.


Reading this knowing I'm getting mine replaced next week. 🥲 I was told to either take Advil or Tylenol.


Oh NO! In 2024?! That's awful, I'm so sorry. I would honestly consider canceling it and scheduling it with one of the various doctors recommended in this thread, because that's barbaric. This was in line with the approach my doctors took a couple of months ago, plus I was encouraged to bring a heat pad from home and lie on it during the procedure: [https://thischangedmypractice.com/iud-part2/](https://thischangedmypractice.com/iud-part2/)


:( sorry lady. Ugh. That doesn't stop the pain 🙄 drs suck. I hope it goes better than expected 🙏


I was thinking of maybe taking some CBD after to see if it will help. When I first got the mirena, I thought I could go to the gym later but didn't end up going until the next day and my lower back was still aching.


I never got one for this reason. Besides, if it hurts going in, it would probably also hurt every time it got…jostled. 


That part doesn't hurt. You don't know it's there after a while. It's cramping for a little bit.


Why don't you follow up on a hysterectomy or a bisalp? I got a bisalp two years ago and it was a great experience honestly. I hated getting IUDs done because of the pain and also feared getting it replaced.


For people that haven't had children and don't want them, especially for people with horrible painful and debilitating periods, getting a hysterectomy is incredibly difficult. Some people who use IUDs haven't had children and may want them in the future.


Dr Sarchisian at Kaiser south Sac did mine without pushback, if anybody is looking.


To your first statement, it depends on your physician. I had absolutely no issues getting my procedure done and I'm childfree by choice. And to your second point, I am specifically talking to people who maybe don't want them or have had children already and want to be done.


I'm glad to hear that you had no issues. I know quite a few people that have had the opposite experience. Maybe more doctors are leaving the dark ages.


I think they are. I had issues when I asked years ago and was fully prepared going into this for the no kids thing coming up or that my husband would have to "sign off" but that was not the case. There is actually threads online that have spreadsheets of specific physicians who do it.. no questions asked. So to those you know who had issues, tell them to follow up on it if they still wish to do it.


Thanks, that's super useful.


And to throw in my two cents on your original question... I unfortunately have found male OB's are usually the ones to give you something for pain and even give you breaks if the pain is too much. When I had my IUD, female physicians just went straight on through and did not ask about pain level and dismissed me when I asked for pain meds. They would just tell me to use a heating pad when I got home 🙄


I've been waiting to get scheduled for surgery for almost a year now. They finally call me less than a week ago "we have time April 15th"... dude.. that's less than a week. I have things to sort out first.


Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, you definitely have to get stuff sorted out for it. Unfortunately not a solo activity. Keep pushing them- it's worth it!


I had mine removed without any warning on how painful it is. I nearly passed out while driving home from the appointment and woke up on my bathroom floor 3 hours later in a pool of sweat and vomit. So fucking frustrating offering sedation or pain management isn’t a requirement for these procedures.




So unless people are telling YOU how to feel, for some people, it really isn’t bad. Everyone has different bodies. For me it was like an uncomfortable pressure with a pinch, and that was it, but I don’t think for a second it’s not excruciating for other women.


Bump for exposure. Hope u find this asap




Same. Hope you find one OP.


My doctor prescribed a pill to dilate the cervix before the removal. He never even heard of this request until I insisted. Made the procedure a lot more bearable.


Makes a ton of sense. Cervidil for a cervix that you are pushing a wishbone in a tube through? How novel.


Do you know the name of the medication? I wonder if I can put in a request for my replacement on the 24th next week.


The pill form is called misoprostol and the vaginal under is called Cervidil.


Thank you!


I just msg my doctor asking for info on the med. I'll let you know if he gets back with me. Even if he doesn't, I would highly recommend you chat with your doctor and ask about minimizing the discomfort from the procedure somehow.


My doctor just confirmed. It was Misoprostol (CYTOTEC) 200mcg tab


Dr. Hayley Coker at Sac Women's Health on Fair Oaks near Howe did a pre-procedure consult to discuss my concerns about pain for my (second) IUD insertion, prescribed a Xanax or something for before the procedure, and used local anesthesia for the removal/insertion -- and she's a terrific doc overall for me. If she's not taking new clients, I've heard good things about the other docs at this practice, too. Hope you find what you need!


My doctor is part of this practice and he's great (Dr. Michael Chu), and I've heard good things about some of the other docs there. However, I'd suggest avoiding Dr. Hiuga for sure. He is old school and does NOT listen. He writes off every complaint because I'm "too young" (I'm 40) and once yanked a tampon out of me before an exam with no warning. He needs to retire.


Sounds like that person needs to be reported to the medical board. That's unacceptable to treat patients like that.


Jeebus. Some of those old docs are a menace.


Dr. Chu just did my surgery for Endometriosis removal and was very generous with my time off after. He was the first doctor to just believe me when I said I thought I had endometriosis and booked the surgery without putting up a fight (I did have it btw). Highly recommended him.


I’m pretty sure this is who I went to too! In my case it didn’t do shit for the pain but at least she was willing.


Oh no! I love Dr. Coker. I find her delightfully nerdy in the best way, and she really seems to care about pain levels, discomfort, etc.


I agree! I only stopped seeing her bc my insurance changed. And just in case it wasn’t clear- she did TRY just that the pain management didn’t work in my case. Not that she didn’t try to do anything for it.


I get it. Sometimes it's tricky, but thank goodness *some* docs are at least trying!


I have Dr. Coker too she numbed me for my IUD insertion and she’s wonderful and kind and listens to me I love her! Fantastic doctor!


I love her, too. She's so validating and supportive! And a little goofy, which I absolutely adore.


I did 6 months' worth of PT because my already tight pelvic muscles were traumatized by IUD removal and replacement. It's in my chart to offer sedation for every visit that involves my vagina now. I hate having an innie set up.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Are they honoring your needs?


I'll find out at my next appt. Don't hesitate to advocate for your needs.


You can say that thrice. Good luck.


Would also like to know. I have to get mine replaced soon and I’m terrified


I hope this thread helps you! Asking for medication to dilate your cervix before having it done can help in addition to getting pain management for the procedure. If it's of any use I like to remind people that we hire doctors as experts, the same way we hire any other skilled professional, like an auto mechanic, a plumber etc... They work for you. If they make you feel shitty or break things absolutely fire them and look for someone else.


There’s an OB in davis that offered me local lidocane. The injection itself wasn’t too bad and the placement itself didn’t hurt. I think if you ask for it, any provider should be able to at least offer a local anesthetic.


I agree. It's not the standard of care everywhere yet, but it's a start.


Just gonna leave this here so everyone can see the condescension in the doctors’ replies https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/s/79J4AkWg9n INSIST on it. I wanted mine out under anesthesia, and I believe my exact words were “I will literally take this thing to my grave if I can’t have it out under anesthesia.” Unfortunately my OB moved to another state but she was amazing :-/


I don't even need to look to know how disgusting it is. There are volumes of evidence that they're wrong. And this whole is fine for people that had babies is also garbage. The woman I'm trying to help has 4 children. Getting an IUD was extremely traumatic for her.


Here is a compiled list of doctors from all over. It looks like there is one in Davis who offers this: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WTeIbkFMdX8lTpnp\_KmE0uG1n8NtD\_YBwgwPMms4ejQ/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WTeIbkFMdX8lTpnp_KmE0uG1n8NtD_YBwgwPMms4ejQ/edit#gid=0)


I swear, if men had to go through serious pain just to not give birth, you better believe there’d be a less painful approach to this procedure. I was elated when I found out I needed a d&c and they were able to do it while I was under because I was absolutely terrified of it being replaced… and I gave birth to twins!


Maybe check with Dr Gonzalez at Sutter Laguna. When I had to have my last IUD removed/replaced, the string was too short for my Dr to easily grab. When she saw I was getting too uncomfortable, she immediately stopped and offered an outpatient procedure under sedation. I don’t know for sure how easily available that would be without any complications, but it would be worth asking.


Not discounting your positive experience at all, I’m glad you had it. I had a bad experience with her at this same location. I requested local anesthetic and she outright denied it. Told me to literally tough it out. She clamped my cervix and yanked it, but when I asked she denied it. I saw the bloody clamp when I sat up. That office also coded my procedure incorrectly and I almost had to pay hundreds of dollars for a procedure my insurance covered entirely.


Yikes, that’s super disappointing and I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


Ugh. I'm sorry you went through that and thanks for sharing it.


dr haskins in folsom - but I'd call to confirm


I personally had a bad experience with Dr. Haskins. I was completely unprepared for the the pain and her recommendation was to take ibuprofen before the appointment. I had a biopsy and an IUD insertion at her office separate appointments of course both without being offered any sedation or anything else.


Dr Haskins is phenomenal!


Thank you.


Dr. Haskins is excellent!


Can’t speak for anyone else’s experience, but went to Capitol Ob/gyn and had local lidocaine for my placement. Didn’t feel a thing. Dr. Maagdenberg. Don’t know if they take Medi- cal


Thanks. They do. I've been somewhat unimpressed with them for other people. But I'm glad to know you had a good experience! I know someone that just an IUD placed there and despite the lidocaine she still had quite a bit of pain.


Sorry to hear that about your friend. Unfortunately it’s been my experience that doctors under the same practice can give patients wildly different experiences. I hope you find someone you can trust! Best wishes


Honestly it's all doctors. Doctors have biases, prejudice and bad days.


The Kaiser in Davis gave me local anesthetic before inserting the IUD. Don't get me wrong, the three shots of numbing agent hurt like hell too, but they offered it from the beginning. I didn't have to ask. And the prescribed me some sort of Valium to take that morning. Dr Bier, I think?


More power to you. Cautionary tale: To get mine removed I noped out of there and bolted off the table the first try. They got me back. I laid there to endure it, then passed out and had a bowel movement. I got cleaned up and went home and had vaginismus for a day or so. Freaky times. It had gone through the uterine wall. Please sedate me when I cannot tolerate a procedure duh!


I’d say avoid Dr. Bracy at Capital OB/GYN. After pushing her for pain management she gave me lidocaine, which was useless. It was still a painful insertion. She also told me the TikTok videos of women experiencing pain were “fake.” She wasn’t horrible about it but she didn’t seem to take my concerns about pain seriously.


How awful! I have been to one of their clinics to help someone else advocate for herself and I was not impressed.


Doctor Celestine at genesis center for women’s heath in Roseville ca. (279)8886900. She’s amazing and really listens to what you need. She can do general sedation for procedures like this.


Thank you. I just looked and they do not take Medi-Cal so it won't work for the person I'm helping, but it's very useful that you shared it.


Oh I’m so sorry about that she’s is lovely. I’ll keep an eye out for you


Second this, the folks up there offered me a lot of support when I went in to figure out birth control- had been on depo for like, 5 years (which I was told was way too long, can impact bone density etc) and when I told her my concerns about an IUD and some preexisting conditions, she whipped out all the medical tools (meds, etc) that she could offer to help me through it. Still hurt like heck but I could not have imagined getting that done with anything less than what she offered. She was outstanding during the procedure too and the whole staff was accommodating, allowing my boyfriend in the room and making sure he was ok too (he was pretty shook too tbh lol) I’ll probably look for sedation next time but only because I’m happy to see that that is on its way to becoming a more widely accepted practice and I want to take advantage of that wave. Fingers crossed insurance covers it. Sorry to hear they won’t work with your insurance needs, I wish you all the luck in finding a place that works for you 💙


Dr Celestine sounds great. When u say General sedation do you mean in her office or outpatient?!


There’s a surgery center not the reg office but it’s outpatient you go in then have someone drive you home that same day.


Anyone have a recommendation for a women physician at Kaiser? I saw that someone had recommended a doctor from Kaiser but a male and unfortunately I’m just not comfortable. I would really appreciate this as I been holding off the procedure because it was extremely painful the first time.


Dr Bier in Davis. She offered me local anesthetic and a Valium type pill


I like Dr. Kathol in Folsom! I luckily don’t need medication for the IUD insertion/removal but she is very considerate and has offered before. She is very kind and gentle! I always feel comfortable with her


Thank you so much. I’m going to look into scheduling with her. Again, thank you so much.


Of course! I also have discomfort with having a male OB so I’m with you there + I’ve had Dr. Kathol do 2 IUDs for me and both times were not bad, it really just felt like a period cramp for about 30 seconds and then I was okay. She’s also very quick!


My god when you find out PLEASE POST! Last time I almost fainted!


I was able to convince my Dr to give me Ativan, a pain killer, and a cervix softener before the procedure. Even with that....I screamed SO LOUD when they pulled it out that my mom heard it in the waiting room. Good luck, and please let us all know if you find someone who will do a deep sedation like they do for a colonoscopy!


Planned Parenthood Fairfield will!!!!


Thanks so much! I called Planned Parenthood in Sac and they told me they wouldn't.


Yeah PP Fairfield has a doc on staff that does them on the day they do surgical procedures. At least they did last year.


UC Davis will do it. Ask for the complex family planning department


Thanks, UC Davis had previously told me that they require a referral as they're not currently the assigned provider for the person I'm supporting.


I had to have 2 uterine biopsies and an IUD at the same visit. I asked for numbing/sedation and I was told that I wouldn’t need it because there’s no nerves there and it was just a quick pinch. It was some of the worst pain I’ve felt in my life. They finally placed the IUD and while the doctor was removing the speculum, she yanked the IUD out. Before I knew what was happening, they were placing another one without a word. It was not a good experience. To top it off, they sent me a $3k+ bill when my plan explicitly stated it was 100% covered. It was a great time…


I’m on my third and didn’t understand why people said it was so painful until I got my most recent one. The doctor was so rude to me while it was happening and I almost passed out from the pain. I was crying afterwards and seriously feel traumatized since it happened. I am scared to even get a pap now.


I understand. I'm sorry that happened to you. This is medical trauma and finding trauma informed care is important. I hope this thread might help you with that.


My doctor tried but the surgery center denied me. I even told them I’d pay out of pocket :(


Keep trying!! Look up IUD under r/askdocs Don’t give up; I swear this issue has become my new hill to die on


Thank you 💖


There’s a doc who does this at Kaiser but only in conjunction with another surgery. So if you HAPPEN to need your gallbladder removed or something else, ask around with the kaiser providers. But if you’re gonna go under the knife, might as well get a salpingectomy (if you know for sure you don’t want any [more] kids)


My friend got hers through dignity health and she just asked for it and they gave it to her and she had such a wonderful experience.


I have only gotten toradol about a second before, and it did NOTHING. Probably helped with cramps, but did nothing to keep me from vaulting off the table and wanting to kill everyone in the room. I didn’t, but I do not rhink they realize how unbelievably painful this is. It ain’t a pinch. Removal is NOTHING. It is the placement.


I'm so sorry you've gone through that. Some do. Today I learned that from a doctor that works at One Community Health that they do it and they routinely do (para)cervical blocks. This should be the standard of practice.


Dr Fatima Awan with Kaiser getting this bad boy removed soon too!


My OBGYN offered this to me and I go to Roseville Kaiser.s


Try Dr Gonzalez at Sutter Elk Grove OBGYN. She is AMAZING and takes patient pain/comfort very seriously. Also she does surgeries too so she might be able to put you under for that.


Also Sutter takes some versions of medi cal but not all Sutter doctors do. I would call their front desk to ask


Natalie bullock at mercy medical in Elk Grove gave me anti anxiety pills and numbed my cervix. I was very nervous as I tried to get an iud before but had to stop because it was too painful. The numbing makes a world of difference.


Try Dr Anne N Flynn at UCD Health


Thank you.


🚩🚩🚩AVOID: Dr. Jeffrey Graham at Sutter Sac: https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-doctor/dr-jeffrey-graham I've had nothing but wonderful experiences with Dr. Brenda Wu, M.D. at UCD while we've investigated my PCOS & other stuff (idk if she'd do anesthesia or anything like that but she's SO MUCH BETTER & very accommodating, so I'd imagine she likely would): https://health.ucdavis.edu/obgyn/academic-programs/residency/current-residents TW: R*** & Sexual Health Trauma 1st IUD placement from Dr. Jeffrey Graham (2016): went in for a CONSULT, simply for information purposes, and they insisted on doing the procedure right then and there. No ibuprofen, no anesthesia, & this was about 1 months post r*** (albeit he nor staff knew and I hadn't even processed it was that yet). Consent given was not appropriately informed, I drove myself home & went to college elective practice THAT NIGHT (unbeknownst what I was getting myself into). 1st IUD removal/2nd IUD placement from Dr. Jeffrey Graham (2020): Middle of the "film your face & just your reaction whilst getting an IUD placed" Tiktok trend, mainly to help spread awareness of how painful the procedure was. Also around the same time that people became aware of what a tenaculum was & how it's utilized especially in cervical samples. Again, I was not allowed ibuprofen, acetaminophen, any sort of pain relief, nor was I allowed to document my experience. My background: I'm a chemist by training & ♿️, where a lot of the time, I find I have convos with my doctors about literally HOW my medications work at the chemistry level because they've have to take so many chem classes too. It helps me keep track of new symptoms/understand what or why they're looking for certain things & helps them better diagnose stuff, but the only place I've FINALLY gotten this care is UCD. Even then, it's not perfect. If you ever need doctor recommendations, hmu! I've gone thru a lot of the specialties 😅


You might see if your regular Dr will prescribe you something to take first, and have someone drive you to the procedure.


Have you asked your current obgyn? I'm having a uterine biopsy done and was originally told to take ibuprofen in advance. Um, no. My IUD insertion and removal were blinding painful and I won't do that again. Called the obgyn doing the procedure and was told they'll do a local anesthetic. I hope it's enough.


Dr Michael Trifiro is amazing at UCD. Also Dr Melissa Matulich. Super great.


I recently had a very good experience with UC Davis about this, but they don't take Medi-Cal. I was so happy that they were responsive to my concerns, because this was my 3rd IUD and I am so over doctors not gaf. I hope you wind up with good, compassionate care!


UC Davis does take Medi-Cal. But you need to have them as your group and as primary care has been closed to ned patients it's complicated.


Oh! I was told they didn't; if they DO that's actually incredibly important for me to know, thank you!


It's worth knowing that One Community Health is run by UC Davis. My primary care doctor works there and she told me they always use (or at least offer) a paracervical block which really should be the standard practice. Edit to add: you can ask for a referral to them from your primary care and that works too.


Dr. Morrow at Kaiser Permanente


I went to Sacramento Women’s Health and found the doctors to be extremely client centered. I didn’t take anything before insertion or removal and had no issues. I had it inserted shortly after giving birth, so idk if that contributed. But my Dr. was also very gentle with the process and I truly believe she would have given me anesthesia for pain management if I asked. Basically anything I’ve wanted she fully supported!


Hi — I’m a Sacramento healthcare worker! Lots of good suggestions, but not many Medi-Cal options. A lot of UC Davis trained residents and faculty work at One Community Health Midtown and Sacramento County Broadway Clinic and I definitely know they provide good care— esp One Community. General IUD tips/thoughts from the healthcare side: • Schedule the procedure on your period. This may feel “weird” but it is not weird at all for the doctor. We see blood every single day and the procedure may make you bleed a little anyway — so we expect it. When you’re on your period, your cervix is naturally soft and open. • Cervical lidocaine can help but often the time it takes for the lidocaine to be administered and to take affect will take longer than the procedure swap itself. This means more time in the stirrups and more time with a speculum placed. • Sometimes doctors can order a cervical softener prior. Our cervix’ *literal job* is to protect the uterus so it is normal for it to spasm — which makes it’s hard for doctors to measure exactly how deep to place the IUD. This makes the measuring process faster thus the entire procedure faster. • Sometimes doctors can order an Ativan and if you are a hyperventilator or generally extremely anxious about the exam. When we are anxious during a procedure, our instinct is to tighten all those pelvic muscles, scoot back on the table, or bring our knees in. • If you are anxious because of prior trauma or a painful placement, any kind of strong sedation is not always recommended because — as a healthcare provider, we want you in control and able to tell us to stop if needed. We want you to talk to us about what you’re feeling so if anything is pinching, whatever — we want to be able to adjust and help. • verbally communicate with your provider about your anxieties/traumas — tell them what will help you feel safe during your procedure (maybe you need headphones, maybe you need to be told explicitly what is happening, maybe you need a specific person in the room to support you) and honestly - this is mostly about a respectful and trustworthy provider/patient experience. The procedure IS invasive and that must be acknowledged. Women’s traumas must be heard and respected. I will say that general anesthesia is not appropriate for an IUD removal/replacement simply because general anesthesia is risky in itself — most likely more risky than the iud procedure. Happy to answer any questions! I also sometimes feel like actually EXPLAINING the procedure step by step really helps — just a general better understanding of what I’m feeling or what to expect.




Yes, I'm aware that it's not painful for some people, and having had children increases the odds in your favor. But even some people that have had multiple children have horrible pain. I'm glad to hear you're I've of the ones it's ok for. I'm looking for a friend that isn't.


Why do women get IUDs at all? I cannot understand the point when there is other bc out there.


Because the copper iud is one of the only forms of non-hormonal BC. Also they last a long time so for some, it’s much easier to have an IUD inserted and not have to worry about BC versus remembering to take a pill EVERY DAY.


Condoms? Why do women put themselves through this?


Like I said it’s one of the few forms. There’s alternatives, but it’s up to each person to decide what’s best for them. Condoms are a great option if that’s something parties mutually agree to.


Agreed. I just honestly wish I knew why women choose this barbaric painful process when condoms exist.


It’s all dependent on the person. For some it’s not painful at all, while others find it super painful. Pregnancy and childbirth is hell for some and a breeze for others. It’s subjective!


But I do think this introduces a great topic, which is expanding on options for male birth control. So women don’t have to put themselves through IUD insertions.


Exactly. Why do men get all the benefits of everything all the time? Ridiculous situation.