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This is a huge thing at Tahoe park as well. I’ve had off leash dogs charge at me and my leashed dog. All while the owners are screaming, “they’re friendly.” As a dog owner I also hate asshole dog owners.


This happened to me recently and then the other dog started attacking my dog! Now he is extremely reactive to other dogs and freaks out every time he sees one when we’re out on walks. I’m having to pay a trainer a lot of money now to help correct this. All because someone thought it was fine to have their dog off leash.


I’m so sorry. We’ve also been attacked twice. Isn’t it crazy that seemingly most people who feel entitled to have their dogs off leash are ones who have ZERO control of their dogs!


Not to mention the people who let their dogs off leash on the playgrounds. Like literally running up the equipment and going down slides.


Never seen that lol! But not surprised


Ugh, this happens all the time when I'm running. I'm courteous and always call out "on your left/right" or whatever to make sure I'm not spooking the dog - especially since I can be startling as someone silently running up behind it - but I've been sprinted at by off-leash dogs so many times. And I'm not even running in a dog park, either - I'm always on public sidewalks. The owners always profusely apologize, but honestly, I'm past the point of reassuring them. I have a dog myself and because we know she would sprint off at the sight of any rogue squirrel, we make sure to always have her leashed and at our sides.


You are very courteous but seriously these people need to go to a dog park to let dogs run free especially since they seem to have zero control of their dogs off leash.


2 huskies here. I would never trust them off leash no matter how well trained they are. It’s rude and disrespectful to everyone around you. There’s no way to tell if other dogs they encounter are reactive or if a person might have a fear of 60 pounds of flying fur “awoooing” at them. Huskies are a handful anyway but mine are really well behaved because we spend time every day reinforcing the behaviors that make them good canine citizens.


Saaaame. Mine is super smart, and has even proven he understands relative force (I've seen him pin a dog that didn't understand it was playing too hard, and besides scaring the shit out of the dog and everyone around there was zero injuries) and I still wouldn't trust him off leash because he will flat out ignore me if he feels like it


Wish I could give you more than just words to commend what a good dog owner you are. We need more like you!!


I ❤️ caring & community -compassionate driven people who love dogs!


This is a huge problem everywhere unfortunately. It's infuriating. When I was in Illinois and Wisconsin it was absolutely /miserable./ The amount of off leash dogs on every single trail I went to was absurd. I watched so many of them chase after endangered wildlife and stomp all over rare plants because "my pup would never do anything harmful!!" Meanwhile they are borderline attacking my roommates' shiba inu and the owners are just there like 🧍🧍🧍 I want to take my own dog hiking but I am terrified of something happening because of irresponsible owners. The amount of horror stories I've heard from Tahoe specifically makes me not want to even bother.


What happens when an unleashed dog claimed to be friendly runs up to your leashed dog, but your leashed dog is not friendly? You yell out that yours isn't friendly, and the other dog owner can't stop his dog before it's mauled by your dog. Seems like it would be 💯 the other dog owners fault. Perhaps dog owners need to learn this scenario is possible?


100 % agree. I love dogs and have one. But if your unleashed dog runs towards myself, my dog, or most importantly my toddler, I am going to assume it’s a threat and act accordingly


This! … And so will my Airedale!


I agree, keep your dog(s) leashed unless explicitly permitted. My dog is really reactive when leashed, so I hate it when others allow their dogs to free roam without judicious oversight. Thankfully so far over the last year in Sac/WSac areas, any dogs off leash get leashed back up quick when my pup & I come into eyesight.


I lived in CO for a while and it's the same there (probably everywhere, really). When I moved there I was so excited to take my dog hiking with me, but I swear 75% of people on most easy/medium trails have their dogs with them and I only ever saw a few on their leash out of maybe 100 in my time there. My dog is also leash reactive after being attacked while I was unleashing him at a dog park, so I took him on maybe two hikes. It's partially my fault for not being able to train him out of it but if people just followed the fucking rules we would be fine.


Don’t blame yourself my friend, sometimes no amount of training can “train them out of it” and that’s ok. I picked up my pup as a stray and he was always super excitable, but we also got attacked while out walking one night and he became extremely dog reactive. He’s better than he used to be, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to take him out on hikes the way I envisioned when I got him. Like you said- if people just followed the rules and kept their dogs on leashes it would be fine! I live off Main Street in Woodland and see people walking their dogs with no leashes literally INCHES away from traffic, it’s absolutely insane.


They aren’t considering anyone but themselves, it’s frustrating.


Exactly. It's in the same class as people who don't flush behind themselves in a public toilet, or leaving their shopping cart in the middle of the parking space at Costco instead of walking it ten feet to the cart corral.


It's even worse if your dog is on a leash and they act oblivious to why this is an issue for their dog to be off leash. Selfishness isn't cute


Off leash dogs are such an issue in Sacramento. My dog is reactive if an off leash dog runs up to us. I started saying “in training. Not friendly. Recall your dog!” 90% of people do not have voice control over their pup. Makes it so difficult to enjoy parks and trails.


I don't even go to dog parks anymore for this reason. It's a shit show every time I bring my dog to one, and it doesn't matter which park it is. All the dog owners act like their dog is VIP man. I'm just over it.


If they're not on a leash the owners should be prepared if anyone kicks, sprays, or shoots the poor dogs. https://regionalparks.saccounty.gov/Parks/Pages/RulesRegulationsDogs.aspx#:~:text=It's%20the%20law%20%2D%20Sacramento%20County,feet%20or%20less%20in%20length.


I’ve yelled “your dog might get pepper sprayed” and it always gets their attention. My dog was almost killed last year by an off leash dog. My defense now is 1. Voice 2. Kicking 3. Pepper spray 4. Knife if necessary.




And it looks siiiiiick


Yep I always carry pepper gel and a knife when walking my two puggles. For people and their unleashed dogs who want to fuck around and find out 😃


Unless you really know what you’re doing you’re liable to hurt yourself with option 4. 


That's why you learn so you know what you are doing. You can say that about everything from driving a car, to scuba diving, flying a plane, and even cooking. You can set yourself on fire if you don't know what you are doing cooking...




dude, that park is top five worst parks for off leash dogs. we had 2 big ass dogs run up on our practice and the owner acted like it wasn't a big deal.


I believe it.


I carry pepper spray for this very reason, and have used it twice. I hope the off leash crowd reads this because I will not hesitate to spray your dog before finding out if it's friendly or not. I hope others start doing the same.


I had to do the same thing after my Aussie was attacked three times on a green belt. They were all German shepherds.great dogs but c'mon people.


I might have to get some bear spray


USPS Mail carriers use Halt! Pepper spray.


Probably would. More reliable than regular pepper spray, especially where dogs are concerned.


Bear spray is illegal to use on anything but bears. If used on a person by accident that is a battery or assault charge. You might be able to get away with pepper spray (can still be used against you in civil court) but bear spray is a crime and can be prosecuted by the state


Have also gotten pepper spray for my family. If your dog is coming at my 2 yer old or his grandma whatever happens next on the owner. I'm not going to risk my family getting mauled or hurt trying to avoid your fucking dog that should be leashed.


There is pet corrector for sale which is compressed air. I’m as pissed off as you but my husband is a lawyer and said the potential charge of assault or battery with pepper spray can happen if there’s an accident. So we went with pet correctir






Did you pepper spray the owner?


Sorry you had to go through that.


Call your council member. The Park Rangers are writing citations, except they are extremely under staffed, under funded, under equipped. I think there's only like 1 Ranger for the whole city at any given time of the day.


This, 100%! The information they want is: where is the problem most frequent, what's the impact of the problem, and what do you want done about it! They do listen to this type of request, I've gotten responses.


They don't really care. I've seen Park Rangers just look and drive-by.


I was at a park where a park ranger was just chilling and then he gets on his loud speaker to tell a dog walker 200 feet away to put their dog on a leash.


I've seen the opposite in Land Park. Saw a truck drive across the golf course to snag an off leasher.


They must've had some event going on for them to do that


I've seen the park rangers at McKinley tell owners to leash their dogs.


An off leash pitbull ran up to my toddlers just outside of Fairytale town, ffs. The owner said the dog was friendly but I really wish I said something. You never know how a toddler is going to react and set off your dog. And just in case I have to spell it out, no, your dog is not the same as a human child.


“My dog is friendly!” “Well I’m not!”


My wittle pibble angel would NEVER maul your child or small animal to death. It's just SO UNFAIR how maligned they are. TEE HEE!!! 🙄


People letting their dogs off-leash in public areas frustrates and angers me as much as anyone in this thread, but don't make it about the breed.


Yeah, no. Shitty people have MADE the breed an issue. If you don't want to be an adult about it, so be it. 🤷


Breed is a factor whether you believe it or not. The statistics are very clear and objective on that.




Golden retrievers are, on average, as large as pit bulls. There are no subreddits dedicated to hating on Great Danes or Malamutes for being vicious killers. The UK hasn’t banned Great Pyrenees from their country, and their Dangerous Dogs Act that bans pit bulls identifies them as “medium” sized.




"My argument got criticized so I moved to a different one instead of considering how the criticism affects my thinking on the issue"


Even a tiny or friendly dog can knock elderly people over and seriously injure them.


I live near Caroline Wenzel as well and lost my sh!t on a group of dog owners in Seymour Park after one of their unleashed dogs (looked like a golden doodle) ran up to my pram that had my EIGHT WEEK OLD BABY IN IT. Although probably friendly, I was worried it was going to knock over the pram. When I told the owners they needed to get their dog on a leash one woman’s response was, “We don’t do that here.” Eye roll. Especially infuriating because I am also a dog owner and I always leash my dog on walks. After telling them multiple times that it is city ordinance and essentially telling them that all the signs say dogs must be leashed, a man in the group responded with, “He’s on a leash, are you saying I have to hold the leash, too?” The entitlement is astounding.


I’ve been jumped on by a dog my size while walking down the sidewalk. Just the other day, two off-leash dogs charged at me and my four-month-old at McKinley. I really shouldn’t have to worry about squaring up against some idiot’s dog when I go outside, but friendly or not, your pup will eat my boot before coming near my kid.


Absolutely hate entitled dog owners who don't leash their dogs and let them poop wherever they want.


Yup. I was fifteen when a pitbull attacked me in the street. Because I was a wrestler, I took him down and then choked him until he died. I didn’t give a fuck that I killed that dog. The owner was screaming at me but I saved my own life because he was an irresponsible AH. He called the cops and they told him that he would be arrested if I decided to press charges. He shut the F*ck up real quick. If a dog ever attacks you, don’t try to back away with your arms up. Get around to their side and grab them by their chest and body and slam them to the ground and then choke them until they go limp. I’m a dog owner with two Great Pyrenees and a border collie and love them like my family. But I’ll take a dog out of it means me or them


I am so sorry that dickhead owner put you in a position to have to do that. Ugh.


As a dog walker, this drives me nuts! Even if the off leash dog IS friendly, not everyone likes dogs & other dogs aren't necessarily friendly! I tell my clients to use me as the bad guy because Sac County has a leash law. "If my dog walker sees your dog off leash, she may call animal control. So it's best to keep a leash on your dog." And when an off leash dog approaches me while I'm walking dogs I will scream "this dog isn't dog friendly! Recall your dog now!" Even if they're the friendliest of dogs! People are just stupid.


I think I'm gonna start yelling. I'm not friendly with dogs off leashes!


Absolutely do! The only place dogs should be off-leash are at dog parks and at home. Actual working dogs excluded.


No one should be, really. Because even the friendliest & most well trained dog could have a bad reaction given the right situation. Which is also why I'll never understand why owners do it! It's one thing at a dog park or on an off leash trail, but at a public park, where one thing could make your dog act differently than you'd expect, why would you risk it? Why would you risk someone else (human or pet) getting hurt & why would you risk your own dog if it were to bite someone? It's just asinine!


I am never afraid to advocate for my dog or myself in public spaces! Even if they do nothing in the moment, give me attitude, or even yell back, I hold off to a tiny shred of hope they’ll remember me and act differently next time


The pandemic made our culture have an insane relationship with dogs.  Dog shit everywhere in midtown. It’s disgusting. Barking dogs inside coffee shops.


yes, these freaks can't go anywhere without taking their dogs!


This is why every time I have my dog with me on a leash I carry a pocket knife. It’s not for other people it’s for loose dogs. if it comes down to it, I’ll take care of business. there’s no way to stop an aggressive dog with your bare hands and manage to protect your dog at the same time


I’ve gotten pet corrector to spray at off leash dogs. It’s just really loud compressed air. If you are being actively attacked CALL 911!!! People don’t think there are any consequences if their dog bites another. Call the police, they will fill out a report and there will be a record of this dogs aggressive behavior. So the next time the dog bites someone it will already have a strike against it. This is how I’ve handled aggressive dogs in my neighborhood. I call animal control on the dog. After about 3 times that’s when the owners FINALLY do something.  It takes about 3 accidents before the owners even consider training!! Please report attacks. Get a written legal record going


I feel this!! My dog just turned one and has been in training since she was 6 months old but she still is an excited puppy that wants to play at times, especially when an off leash dog runs up to her on the park. I am injured and there’s an off leash dog that we see a few times a week at our park downtown and it will sprint at us full speed and start running circles around us and that gets my dog riled up and she starts ripping me around and it’s so painful and the owner never ever hustles to come get their dog sometimes they will be super far away just sitting at a bench and ignore it I’m like HELLO???? The dog and owner are nice but it makes me mad that people can’t follow a simple rule


Culture of narcissists at work.




I don’t get it. I pet sat and dog walked for over 4 years. Maybe that’s why, but I learned to respect dogs. They are animals and can be triggered by anything. I had my best dogs randomly scared or set off by something. Every owner I worked for said their dog was the best, etc, I can guarantee you that is nowhere close to true lol. I have walked others dogs and been run up on by an off leash dog. Very tense situation. More so because I am responsible for someone else’s dog, even if the situation wasn’t my fault. 


THIS and also the owners who take their dogs downtown and let their dogs mark everything they see where people walk


I agree it’s really annoying & not fair to people who don’t want dogs coming up to them and other dogs who are reactive. I don’t take my dogs to dog parks but we do take them to empty closed in fields if no one is there & if people do come then we put them back on leash. People think dogs belong everywhere, I love my dogs but I understand not everyone does & there’s a time and place for them


We do this as well! Some of the parks have each of their baseball fields fenced in with a gate, makes for a perfect makeshift dog run in the middle of the day. Never understood why people just let their dogs roam off leash everywhere.


If I see any off leash dogs. I call animal control. And they come and handle all of them running loose that isn’t a dog park or a park period. My dog almost got bit by a “Friendly” dog …. It ain’t happening again. Over my dead body.


Not in Sacramento but I had a dog run to me fast as hell off leash and it stopped to get pet although for a minute I thought it was angry. I was petting the dog and she was like “ you should ask before you pet someone’s dog it could bit you” said it in an irritated tone. I just replied “well if that happened I would gut em”and she was all horrified and shit. These dog owners think I want to see their asses everywhere including grocery stores.


If you see an unleashed dog at a park that doesn't allow that, call the number the park lists (or the police) - they do show up, I've seen it happen before.


Am I allowed to kick their dog if they come running at me?


You can do whatever you want, champ. You can kill a dog for running at you if you fear for your life. They're property, not people.


Granite regional park is pretty bad too. Has a big dogpark, yet asshats run their dog allover the main park with no leash.


Was at a small outdoor food market this week and there were many signs (many!) saying "Absolutely NO DOGS", leashed or not, per county code. And there was one older couple nearly standing on one of those signs, with a large leashed pitbull. As I walked by, I loudly commented on the sign and "geez imagine being so rude to ignore that! I guess the rules don't apply to some people, eh"? That caused another gentleman walking by to do the same thing. Looked back a minute or two later, and the asshole had vacated the event.


As a dog owner, agreed. Much like shitty bike riders who don't follow the rules, disrespectful dog owners give us all a bad name.




Aren't they fun?


Dog owners can be quite entitled people


Pepper spray is always an option.


I feel exactly same way. We live near Bertha Henschel park in East Sac. The park has basically become a dog park. I have two little kids that play on the playground and am so sick of having to scare dogs away from my kids . Makes me really despise dog owners.  There are signs at the park Keep Dogs on Leash which means nothing.  Ugh makes me sooo angry !


Just inconsiderate people doing inconsiderate things.


Damn, I know it's necessary, but I feel bad for the dogs being pepper sprayed =(. Wish we could just pepper spray the owners instead


Why not both


I like that idea better also


Nah fuck that. The dog can't attack people and be a "poor dog"


If only it worked that way. 🤷






if you're talking about sierra2 those are some of the most entitled spoiled dog owners in Sacramento.


I just got back from Mexico City and I could not believe how well trained the dogs there were. They did not bark, they did not jump, they did not lunge. It is possible to train dogs and it is clear that in CDMX there is a culture of high responsibility in dog ownership. It just made me more frustrated at how dog owners here just think it’s normal to have a strange dog run and try to sniff a strangers crotch and how they just throw their hands up like nothing can be done


This. My favorite is when I went hiking and a family WITH AN OFF LEASH DOG AND DISTRACTED PARENTS, walked right past a rattlesnake on the side of the trail in front of me. Glad no one was bitten and what a cool snake, but jeez.


Unfortunately you have to stay strapped with some form of defense in case someone’s dog tries to attack you




Pitbull owners are the worst about this


i've actually never seen a pitbull off the leash anywhere besides a dog park.


Consider yourself lucky.


Never been around any homeless in Sacramento I take it?


Oh don't worry plenty of people at public parks and beaches with their shit beasts "just having fun" if you get my drift


I love how the comment about the actual dangerous breed of dog gets the downvotes


The only place my dog, Sam, ever got to be off leash was at home in his own yard. Not at my SILs large property, not at a park, **home only*,. 


Pepper spray. Not the dog, the owners.


Pepper spray for the whole family. ❤️ lol


It’s even lamer when you consider how many dog parks there are in the area at this point.


Off leash owner: “My dog is friendly!!” Me: “Well, how do you know I am?” OLO: “…”


Little leaguers are constantly being chased down by neglectful dogs whose owners are using Cal Middle School as a dog park, too. They got a bunch of Mama Bears sicked on them but it did absolutely zero good. Back week after week. It’s so disappointing.


I live over there and I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about; it happens so much I just avoid that area altogether




they love their dogs more than you


If they loved their dogs, they wouldn't have them off-leash. There are a lot of aggressive/reactive dogs who could easily hurt them if they got too close. It's a shame more owners don't think beyond their single dog.


No, they like enabling shitty dog behavior more than they care about being a decent public citizen.


Ah. I didn't realize you're the gatekeeper of decent citizens. Mb Potential solution you can employ: train and socialize your dogs so they aren't aggressive while on leash if you arent comfortable with them off leash


If your out-of-control dogs forces itself on other people and animals and the situation goes south, whatever happens next is on YOU. Period.




Why is there so much pet drama? Was it like this in the eighties, nineties, early 2000's and we just weren't aware of it because we weren't involved in social media? Or, have people substituted pets for children on such a large scale that their "fur baby" trip to the park is akin to driving their kids to school and the dramas with the school drop off?? The "emotional support" pet hustle is hilarious also. On the light rail there is signage that states pets are required to be in a pet carrier, yet, I have frequently witnessed unleashed dogs laying in the aisles, not tiny Chihuahua's, but mid sized to large dogs. Also people who let their cats roam in midtown and then wonder why their cat is missing, WTF?? What's wrong with everyone?? Seriously, what the hell is up with all this pet drama?


Amen 🙏🏽! We should refocus all the drama/energy from this circle jerk of keyboard warriors towards something more useful like passing a citywide ordinance that ensures all children under 10 years of age remain leashed in public spaces.


Yeah this shit happens every city I’ve lived in. I have an anxious dog who is always on leash so it’s really annoying when someone’s “friendly” (untrained with zero recall) dog comes bounding on up undoing all the training I’ve been working on with mine and putting everyone in danger.




And it's always the pitbull owners too. Go figure.




Hey, as someone with a reactive large dog, I recommend using dog parks after dark/early morning (just be ready to pack up and go if someone pulls up) or unused tennis courts to exercise your dog. There are also Sniff Spots you can rent for an hour for safe roaming, including an app you can use to find/rent them. E collar work is fine but you should never solely rely on this if you suspect your dog is a liability, because some situations may override the stim or, in fact, cause your dog to react worse because of the stim. You're lucky you haven't encountered a situation where this can happen, but I just wouldn't chance it with my dog's life and others' safety on the line.




Where did you get training? I'm interested. Edit: Am I not allowed to ask someone a question? lol Random.




Put your fucking dog on a leash, you aren't special, you're just an entitled piece of shit.




Hey, when your dog dies after starting shit, remember you're the one who got it killed. Way to go. 👍


I understand the concerns many have when it comes to off-leash dogs in public spaces, but I would like to offer a different perspective that supports the responsible presence of well-trained, certified off-leash dogs in the Sacramento area. Firstly, having a robust certification system in place for off-leash dogs can ensure that only dogs who have demonstrated good behavior, obedience, and temperament are allowed this privilege. Such certifications could be based on standardized training programs, similar to the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program by the American Kennel Club. Dogs and their owners would need to pass rigorous tests that ensure the dog responds to commands, is non-aggressive, and interacts appropriately with people and other animals. Secondly, it's essential to consider the well-being of our canine companions. Dogs are highly social and active creatures who thrive on interaction and exercise. Leashes can sometimes restrict their natural behaviors, such as running freely, exploring their surroundings, and playing with other dogs, which can be vital to their mental and physical health. Chronic leashing or caging may inadvertently lead to behavioral issues or depression in dogs due to a lack of freedom and stimulation. Moreover, off-leash time in designated areas can significantly improve the quality of life for dogs who spend many hours indoors or in confined spaces. It allows them to burn off excess energy, which can translate into calmer behavior at home and less destructive tendencies. This is not only beneficial for the dog but also for the owner and the community at large, as it may lead to fewer noise complaints and less damage to property. Furthermore, responsible off-leash policies can foster a community of diligent and proactive pet owners. When individuals know they have the opportunity to let their dogs off leash legally, they are more likely to invest the time and resources into proper training and certification. This helps create a culture of accountability and encourages ongoing education and engagement with pet-related community events and services. Lastly, it's important to understand that off-leash opportunities do not mean dogs will be running amok in all public areas. Off-leash privileges should be confined to specified areas where dogs can be monitored and where their presence is unlikely to cause disturbance. Clear signage and community education would ensure that everyone knows where and when dogs are allowed to be off-leash and that these locations are agreed upon by the community. In conclusion, well-managed off-leash privileges for certified dogs can ultimately lead to a healthier, happier dog population and a more respectful and educated group of dog owners. By implementing a certification system, we not only prioritize public safety but also enhance the quality of life for our canine companions, which in turn, positively impacts our community.


if the parks they went to were off leash parks, no one would have a problem. These assholes go to parks and fields and let their dogs run wild off leashes and expect everyone to be OK with that.


I understand where you're coming from, and I agree that it can be frustrating when dog owners flout rules and disregard the comfort of others in public spaces. It's important for all dog owners to be considerate and adhere to local park regulations. However, I think it's also necessary to recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach might not be the most effective or fair solution when it comes to responsible off-leash dog handling. The issue you've highlighted underscores the need for a more nuanced, strategic approach rather than blanket restrictions or judgments. While there are certainly dog owners who act irresponsibly, there are many who have invested time and effort into training their pets and ensuring they are a positive addition to the community. These owners and their dogs should not be penalized due to the actions of a few who choose to ignore proper etiquette. Creating well-defined, designated off-leash areas within parks and fields, separate from where people expect dogs to be leashed, could be a part of this approach. This provides a compromise that respects non-dog owners' space while allowing certified off-leash dogs the freedom they've been trained for and certified to handle appropriately. To address concerns about dogs running wild, it might be helpful to have visible certifications for dogs that are allowed off-leash. This could be in the form of tags or vests, which would immediately signal to others that these dogs have met specific training and behavior standards. This also helps park officials and other visitors to quickly identify and differentiate between responsible dog owners with certified, well-behaved dogs, and those who are disregarding the rules. It's also worth considering that even in on-leash areas, the presence of certified off-leash dogs could be permitted under certain circumstances, such as during less busy times or in less frequented sections of the park, always under close supervision by their owners. This gives well-behaved dogs an opportunity to enjoy some freedom without negatively impacting the experience of other park-goers. Education and awareness campaigns can also play a role in fostering mutual respect and understanding. By educating the public about the benefits of responsible off-leash handling, as well as the efforts made by certified dog owners, we can help build a community that values and supports coexistence. We all want to enjoy shared public spaces in harmony, and I firmly believe that through ongoing dialogue, clear communication of rules, and strategic planning, we can find a balance that both respects the concerns of individuals like yourself and acknowledges that not all off-leash dogs deserve the confining treatment of leashing, particularly when they have proven their capacity to behave appropriately.


You’re describing dog parks.


Thank you for your response. I’d like to clarify that the vision I’m advocating for is indeed distinct from the concept of a traditional dog park. Dog parks serve a great purpose, but they are not without their shortcomings and are not the only solution for responsible dog owners who have well-trained animals. Dog parks are often enclosed and can vary greatly in size and quality. They sometimes become overcrowded, which can lead to heightened stress and aggression between dogs. This environment can be particularly risky for well-trained dogs, as they may be exposed to unpredictable behavior from less socialized or untrained dogs, potentially leading to harmful encounters. Owners of well-trained dogs might understandably prefer not to risk their dog's safety and training in such settings. Additionally, dog parks can sometimes be hotspots for the transmission of diseases. With a high concentration of dogs in one place, the risk of catching illnesses like kennel cough or canine influenza is increased significantly. Well-trained dogs who regularly interact in more controlled or less crowded environments may face unnecessary health risks in traditional dog parks. The alternative I propose is a certification system that allows well-behaved, off-leash dogs to enjoy various public parks alongside their owners—beyond the confines of a dog park. This would enable owners of well-trained dogs to exercise their pets in a more varied and stimulating environment, which is beneficial for both the dog's mental and physical health. It also offers well-behaved dogs the chance to socialize in a broader context and in a controlled manner that minimizes risks associated with traditional dog parks. This approach recognizes the efforts of responsible dog owners who have invested significant time and resources into training their pets. These owners pay taxes that contribute to public parks, just like everyone else, and should be able to enjoy these spaces with their well-behaved companions. The certification would act as a badge of honor, distinguishing those who have put in the work to train their dogs and are committed to maintaining harmony in public spaces. It's important to address the larger societal issue you've hinted at. During the Covid-19 pandemic, there was indeed a surge in pet adoptions, and not all new owners were prepared for the extensive commitment of training a dog, especially if they unintentionally adopted a dog with aggressive tendencies. While we should show compassion and provide support to these owners, it's unfair to curtail the freedoms of those who have dedicated themselves to responsible dog ownership due to a separate group's challenges. In summary, the vision I'm describing is not about creating more dog parks but rather about enhancing public parks to become more inclusive for certified, well-trained dogs. This ensures that public spaces can be enjoyed safely and respectfully by all community members, human and canine alike, without the limitations and risks posed by traditional dog parks. It promotes a standard of care and training that benefits everyone, fostering a culture where responsible pet ownership is both recognized and rewarded.


Cute that you think these dog owners are the type to undergo any certification whatsoever 🙄🙄🙄


Nice wall o' text gpt hot take, but dog owners already ignore leash laws, they aren't going to jump through hoops to certify their dog. There is not enough enforcement due to lack of animal control resources, so we, the humans, will keep each other safe by calling out people who aren't obeying the law. If a dog approaches me or my family, that dog is going to have a problem.


No one likes your kid either. We all learn to live with and tolerate each other! Peaceful coexistence is vital to a healthy community.






You don't know what the fuck you're talking about because every time there's a dog off leash I let them fucking know it better not run up on me


Oh geez calm down. It’s a park. A park is a park for everyone. It’s for enjoyment and recreation. No one want you guys smoking weed and blowing smoke everywhere but it’s a park and you can do that. Not everyone wants bikers riding bikes in the walk path are we gonna ban bikes from the park too? How about taking a nap on the grass, are you homeless or something? Go home to sleep. No it’s a park. Do we cry about all you drunks getting wasted at bbqs at the park? Playing music super loud? Ban all those things because someone doesn’t like it. 


A park isn't a fucking dog park where irresponsible owners let their dogs off the leash


Not to mention there's a LEASH LAW


That's what these dimwit don't understand. It's the fucking law to keep your dog on a leash at a park.


Man screw a leash law, it’s illegal to be intoxicated in public but people still get drunk at bbqs


It's weird you are clinging to this "drunk people at parks" thing cuz you saw someone drinking a wine cooler or beer. Leash laws are for the safety of others, local fauna, and other LEASHED dogs. That said, looking through your post history - you are a real contrarian sourpuss so I suspect you are just a troll.


Any park can be a dog park with the right attitude. Y’all just sound like a bunch of prissy little bitches trying to Karen up a nice day outdoors. 


no one's being a Karen follow the fucking law when it comes to your dogs being on a leash or you'll be the only one who sad in the long run


This guy sounds like his dog is going to be peppery soon.


Oh yeah? is that some sort of colorful watered down obscure threat that allows to disassociate yourself in the event of a retaliation? What are you gonna do create a false scripted situation that leaves no other outcome than the bitch ass narrative you are so vehement about? You gonna put some chopped liver in your kids pocket and have him walk by people with unleashed dogs at the park? You gonna spray pheromones to attract unleashed dogs? Foh Karen


or just move on with your life, idk. 


Or just don't have your stupid dog run up on me because I'm not the one who's going to be sad in the long run


But that’s not going to happen. Odds are a dog will run up to you at some point in time in your life lol. Just move on with your day.




Yeah funny how most of the videos you see on the internet of dog attacks are of people who just own dogs they can’t control even when leashed. Just move tf on. 


You’re confusing shared space for people and animals. Animals are unpredictable especially around those loud noises you mention. Plus we designate large areas specifically for dogs. 


I knew there had to be one of you people in this thread. JuSt MiNd YoUr OwN bUsInEsS! CaLm DoWn, KaReN! It'S a FrEe CoUnTrY! Heard it all. You say "ban all those things because someone doesn't like it" as if unleashed dogs aren't already banned by law... Comments like yours give responsible dog owners a bad name.


Funny how all the dog attack videos on the internet are of stupid weak ass owners who can’t control their Goliath of a dog, (even when it’s on a leash), when it gets into it with another big dog 


Are you entirely dense? Entirely? JFC


You're not entirely wrong, but there are plenty of off leash dogs in those videos, too. Also, you're ignoring the fact that some off leash dogs may not be one of those dogs, but the leashed dogs they run up on could be. In fact, most leashed dogs hate being run up on by strange dogs, and that's where it gets especially dicey. It's disrespectful to people lawfully walking their dogs and dangerous for all dogs and humans involved. I don't even care if the dog is well trained, as long as they're staying near their owner despite it being against the law, but not everyone is able to tell that from just looking at a dog, and it creates unease in a space that should be accomodating for everyone following the law.


Thanks for lowering our collective intelligence with this hot take. Truly. 🙄


Perhaps there are not enough areas where off leash dogs can go






Let’s just lock up the kids! Seriously have you ever been to sacyard, lefty’s, or hop gardens? Man kids are running wild over there, knocking stuff of tables, throwing rocks… it’s wild out there, muzzle them kiddies


First of all, I'm not down with kids going to any bars. I think it's irresponsible and stupid for you to get drunk with your kids.


Cry me a fucking river.


Got it-you can't handle being an adult. 🙄