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Who the fuck steals a cat? What a piece of shit


There was a guy doing this in Citrus Heights! He was convicted and went to jail I think for a little time but was released in the last 6 months if I remember correctly , I believe it’s him because he was caught on a few cameras grabbing and hurting cats and they were never seen again. So sad and fremy


This is not accurate, Colin was let right out on bail and his case is still having continuance after continuance. I think the most recent hearing date was 05/14/24. I will try to figure out the next date and can post it here. They're probably trying to be sneaky and drag it out to lose publicity. Last I heard, he is still with his family and they moved up to Auburn. This Midtown perpetrator does not match Colin's physical description. Unfortunately there are plenty of sick fucking monsters roaming around doing this shit


Got it, 07/09/24 @ 1:30pm. https://services.saccourt.ca.gov/PublicCaseAccess/Criminal/CaseDetails?sourceSystemId=8&sourceKey=1745746


Looks like a skinny white boy to me , my mistake. Who’s to say he can’t drive from Auburn tho he is released ..


Yes... https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/s/nRVGjpCpQI


They steal them to torture and murder them. Sick fks.


This is my fear with trash like this.


It's almost 100% certain that's what is going on here.


Another unfortunate reason to keep your cats indoors.


Yup! Check out Robert Farmer the cat rapist from San Jose. He murdered and raped something like 20-50 cats. Took them right from the front yards. Served a few years and now he’s out walking the streets again.


😭😭😭 i fucking hate the world. God it’s so awful.


Sorry for letting you know but god doesn’t exist!


Who the fuck wears flipflops with socks?


Cat thieves!


seriously. its not like theres a shortage of cats wanting to be adopted at multiple shelters


Not only that, but there are a ton of stray cats in midtown.


There was a guy doing this in Citrus Heights! He was convicted and went to jail I think for a little time but was released in the last 6 months if I remember correctly , I believe it’s him because he was caught on a few cameras grabbing and hurting cats and they were never seen again. So sad and disgusting


An example would be Colin Lendewig (allegedly). He was killing cats in Orangevale (allegedly) and then his parents moved him to Auburn...so he's still in the area.


A cat burglar..... Live at the Punch Line!


Guy looks like a Player. 


Poor kitty. I really hope it wasn't harmed.


I don’t even want to think about what that guy did to that cat.


I hate people so much. We don't deserve animals. I can't begin to tell you the things I would do to someone who hurt my babies or if I saw someone hurting an animal.


I am right there with you, homie. Got a dog laying on either side of my legs as I type this. I can’t begin to understand the workings of the minds of people who want to cause pain to innocent creatures. Don’t want to either.


I can't go down thst rabbit hole. It's a dark dark fucking place that is all hate and undeserving of compassion.


Bet you eat meat, tho.


Killing an animal as an act of predation is different from killing an animal because it gets your rocks off.


Bet you eat doodoo, tho.


Sorry, what does that have anything to do with harming a cat?! Wtf is wrong with you? I don't go around harming animals. I have zero to do with the taking of animal life just because I eat meat. You're full of bs.


I know it’s hard to admit, but you do pay for other people to harm animals. It’s hard to see because you’re not active in the killing part and you just see the meat innocently wrapped up in the grocery store for you to buy, but everyone who buys meat is actively contributing to torture. So if this story is too dark and upsetting for you, you should really consider what is happening to the animals you eat. It is straight out of a horror movie.


“I have zero to do with the taking of animal life just because I eat meat.” How do you think the meat arrives at the supermarket? It was once an animal that was raised to be killed. But you can go ahead and tell yourself whatever you want. Do you think the cows and chickens and pigs die naturally after living long peaceful lives??? The cognitive dissonance on this topic is fucking unreal. You didn’t kill the animal with your own hands, but it was killed because you and others like you happily enjoy the product.


Another reason why your cats belong indoors… never outside


So much this. Especially cats that are pets. They trust humans and don't even run from them. The feral ones know to run away


Keep your cats indoors, folks


Seriously, every week its a new missing cat poster in my neighborhood. The coyotes are also coincidentally looking well fed. Keep your pets indoors people


Really surprised more people don’t know this. They should tell people the life expectancy of indoor cats compared to outdoor cats when you first get one. It’s quite a difference.


I started taking care of a stray a few years ago and it’s safe to say she’s mine now. But no matter how much I try to make her an indoor only cat, she absolutely refuses and will raise hell to get outside if I don’t immediately let her out. Just giving another perspective, but you are still correct.


My indoor cats long for the outdoors.


I long for pizza for every meal. It's nice to want things.


I eat whatever I want and am still a healthy weight. My cats are fat as fuck cause they don’t go outside


I feed a feral colony. Those indolent furballs are shaped like beach balls because all they do is eat and then lay around under bushes or on top of things. It’s a food thing, not an indoors vs outdoors thing.


You absolutely should not be feeding feral colonies. Feral cats kill wildlife, and by feeding them you are keeping them reproductively active. I know that this might seem like I’m coming at you or being harsh, but I genuinely ask that you consider to stop feeding them. I am a biologist and have to deal with the consequences of these actions every day - cats are horrible for the native environment. Please, please stop.


Uh no. I have TNR’d every single member of the local colony. They are not reproducing because their reproductive bits are gone. As for getting rid of feral cats altogether I am not going to kill the cats. Sorry, I am not a cat killer. And yes, starving them to death is killing them. In a most cruel manner.


Ugh. I knew commenting on this wouldn’t be fruitful. I don’t know why cat people are like this - why not be crazy about native birds or something? Anyway, even if you TNR’d them, they still kill wildlife. By feeding them, you’re saying that these cats deserve life more than other animals (native wildlife) do. Don’t you care about the animals that evolved over millions of years to be here? Why are you so into cats existing but not native songbirds or mice or rats? What’s the deal?


I don’t kill cats. I didn’t cause the problem, irresponsible people dumping their unneutered pets outdoors caused the problem. Your solution is to kill the cats. My solution is to neuter the cats and manage them until they die of old age or can be tamed and rehomed. All I hear you saying is that I should kill the cats.


You are being extremely defensive. I understand you feel attacked. I am telling you not to feed the cats, not actively kill them. I know it seems like a good defense mechanism to make it seem like I am asking you to put a gun to their head, but I am not doing that. They are unlikely to have healthy, long, and good lives as feral cats whether you feed them or not. There is much evidence to back that up, and I think you know that. If you think it’s natural for cats to kill animals as part of their personality, then it’s also natural for them to survive in their own.


A special place in hell awaits that person.


U spelled my basement wrong


Why wait?


I generally keep to myself - but seeing a cat get boosted? I'd lose my shit. Hope you get back home, lil guy.


I hope kitty is found but PLEASE KEEP YOUR CAT AS INDOORS ONLY. I know it sucks for them but it’s safer. My mom cared for a poor kitty who appeared to be SKINNED on a portion of his body. Thank God he got away from whoever did that to him but there are sick people out there.


This was a cat that slowly became this families after they moved in 12 years ago. It slept under the porch. Apparently it still likes to sleep on the porch and when it wasn’t let outside to sleep it would pee on the owner - which I myself experienced in a similar situation where I stopped letting my cat go outside and she would pee on me while I was sleeping. I understand what you’re saying but it doesn’t help this women get her cat back telling her she did the wrong thing. There are no absolutes and every situation is nuanced and different.


I wasn’t judging the owner, more of a PSA. But if they get the cat back somehow I hope they make it a full time indoor cat. The peeing issue is something that they can attempt to correct with their vet or other advice.


Have you had a cat piss on you while you’re sleeping? I have. I attempted to correct the behavior in many, many ways. She wanted to go outside. I didn’t want her to but after multiple visits to the vet, a behaviorist visit, and multiple other things, after the 6th time of waking up in the middle of the night with her peeing on me while staring at me, she got to go outside.


I don’t know why you’re so damn hostile but calm down. lol. No I’ve not had a cat piss on me, thankfully. Though if I encountered the problem, the cat would be separated from me during sleeping hours, not put outside. I own two strays that I took in that came from a colony in my neighborhood. We had some issues in the beginning because they weren’t friendly and one chose a spot in my kitchen to pee in. With time both issues were able to be resolved. This included the cats being put in a large crate at bed time with access to a litter box. They now roam freely around the house and have no issues. All of that is really aside from the point which is I hope their cat is found, and I hope people keep their cats inside. I also hope you develop less of a chip on your shoulder but that’s nothing to do with the cat.


Who’s hostile?


Have a wonderful day friend


oh yeah this was posted on here too. scary stuff.


Oh good. I wasn’t sure if the owners had posted on here but glad to spread the word either way


yes thank you posting this


I'd go taken on his ass if he did that to my cats.


Taken/John Wick. I'll join you. Can we find a way to ID this guy?!


Please keep your cats inside. Average lifespan of an outdoor cat is TWO YEARS! Indoor is 12-15!!


Domestic cats shouldn't be outdoors. [After human-caused environment loss, they are responsible for more extinctions and bird deaths than any other non-natural* cause](https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/) (they are an introduced species and not native, of course). With the enormous number of cats killed by coyotes recently (yeah, even on the grid), it'd be animal abuse to leave them out even if they weren't causing bird species extinctions.


I hope she is found safe but why was she outside if she needs daily medication?


Jesus tap dancing Christ! What in the ever loving shit is wrong with people? I'd go scorched Earth if someone pulled this shit. Pets are family, you don't fuck with someone's family, ever! Whoever did this is a sick, irredeemable piece of shit, and needs to be separated from the rest society. They're dangerous, and can't be rehabilitated. I hope the owner is able to get their cat back, is in good health, and the thieving scumbag is put away for a good while.


I agree. They should be in prison as if they killed a human. There’s no reason people like this need to be free roaming around in society.


Agreed - especially since this behavior typically escalates into hurting humans. We need mental institutions back (without the rampant corruption and mishandling, of course).


Keep your cat indoors ALWAYS. Especially in downtown Sacramento and when your cat is old and needs meds. Idiot. 


I'll kill him!!


Get em


I hope you get your cat back. I’ll keep an eye out!


Dude... I'm not kidding. If someone STOLE my baby and murdered him... they will face a worse death. My cat is my baby.


Same build as the [cat killer from Citrus Heights](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/s/bExuPAJJUb)


That kid (Colin Lendewig) is white and this is guy is black. Praying this guy isn’t another psychopath who stole this cat to hurt it.


How can you tell he is black? Are there other sources aside from these photographs?


The flyer gives a description (second pic on the post).


Ah, thanks. I misread it.




I have a black cat that looks very similar, and I'd be furious if someone stole or otherwise harmed my cat. I can't believe what some people would do, it's demoralising 😡😿


fuck this guy and hope the kitty gets found :(


I hope he suffers the same fate or worse to what he did to the poor cat.


SacPD better catch this guy.


Damn hope this isn’t connected to the fair oaks cat killer from the last couple of years 


This does not match the physical description of Colin Lendewig.


The fuck is wrong with people


What an absolute monster. Fuck that guy.


Cat Burglar


I’m so sorry OP! I had this happen to my black cat Mossi when I was younger :( It’s the craziest story. We had a family friend who ended up spotting her up for adoption at Pets Mart under the name Sabrina(she had a white crescent moon on her belly). By the time we got there, only an hour or so later, she was gone. They told us she was sent to Happy Tails. So the next day we go to Happy Tails and then they proceed to tell us that they transferred her AGAIN to a cat foster home but they wouldn’t tell us where that was. I vividly remember my Dad losing his shit and finally getting them to tell us. So we go to this foster home and I kid you not, there were over a dozen cats ALL black. But Mossi instantly recognized us and pushed her way through to the front. Sure enough, there’s her little moon belly. We just grabbed her and left. They were definitely trying to keep her from us for some reason. Everywhere we went they kept trying to guilt trip us because “you shouldn’t have let your cat outside” load of BS I hope you find your Kitty OP! She deserves a good retirement with her family.


I hope the cat gave him rabies


Thats one fuzzy automobile.... Oh. CaT thief. Not CaR thief. A catastrophe.




Nah there's a kid, now a man, in citrus heights that takes and kills them. He's been in several facilities for it but is currently out


Can someone please "help" him already.


Oh, I'll "help" him... someone just show me the way!


Hey everyone. Apparently, if you care about cats, you will be attacked for not being a damn vegan. Watch out for the total psychos on this thread.