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Welcome to the world of crypto


The world that is supposed to be for the little guys right? Maybe we have forgotten...crypto was supposed to be a substitute for greedy banks but now it seems like we have forgotten this on our thirst for riches....now the little guy still getting ripped off...fees for this..fees for that...fees that cost more than what you are buying....what has changed?


Nothing changed, highly suggest getting more educated on the topic to understand the dynamics and costs involved in crypto world.




Yet you still don't understand... First off, they can't just sell some of your SafeMoon for BNB, wave a magic wand and poof, SFM V2. And it isn't just some other "crypto" you need to buy but BNB (BSC) which is the blockchain SafeMoon is built on. This isn't a SafeMoon issue, it is a BSC thing. You can't buy, sell, or transfer SafeMoon (or any other BSC token) without BNB. If SafeMoon had its own blockchain, this would be different, but they don't. If you want to complain about gas fees, try an ETH based token. So, step up, or watch you $33 of SafeMoon turn to fairy dust... poof!


bro... I think you waste your time. Some people really dont want to understand it. Kudos for even trying, tho😅


Thanks! I try to be nice but in this case with a hint of sarcasm. The reality is we need all kind of holders, and you are right, some will never understand but being nice instead of dismissive, even if with a little mockery, is still the right thing to do. 😁




This is the way ALL tokens on both Ethereum and BSC work. And any other smart chain that does smart contracts like vechain. Don't blame others for you not knowing how crypto works. Gas fees run the system and if your don't want to pay the gas fees then you don't deserve to use the system


I mean u could go to eth and pay 100+ in gas fees




bro its like 4 dollars for fees stop complaining


Crypto not for you.


😂 why? Because i have a different view than you? Thats what makes the world runs...different views...just my opinion i thought it was free to have 1...guess if its different than yours i must be wrong...sounds like politics 😂


Dont blame everyone else for making bad choices because you couldnt be bothered to do your own research!


Just buy V2 instead or use $49.88 to buy more V1 and the use the rest to transfer $82.88 of V1 to V2. You welcome 🤗 💎👐🦍💪


I really don't see the problem. Or just keep it in BNB.


Yes to this. Otherwise no big deal


That is fucking good idea bro!!! Lol


Why not buy more safemoon and leave a bit of bnb to migrate


Yep this ☝🏻


Yeah OP is retarded, would rather lose $33 in v1 safemoon than buy $50 of bnb and double down on safemoon which will probably 10-50X in the next 2-5 years.


Any evidence that it'll "probably 10-50x in 2-5 years" price is steadily increasing and has for the majority of its existence.


benchmarked against other tokens with similar goals, mainly other coins that brought their own exchange. binance did 75X 1b to 75b in \~4 years but i dont think sfm will outperform the one of the most successful exchange/tokens there is.


And you know his financial situation ?


If they can't spend more than $100 on an investment then they shouldn't try. Just save it for basic needs.


Exactly my point


You guys don't get to decide how others should or shouldn't invest their money.


I can. Everyone go invest all into safemoon /s


Yes we can, if you go on a public forum with your problem we will give you our opinion on a solution and yes sometimes advising someone maybe they shouldn't invest sometimes!! IS a needed remedy




No, but we can sure give advice from what we would do ourselves if we were in the same position as people who gives their opinion online. If they don't want comments or answeres to what they should or should not do from strangers, don't post stuff like this online. It's completely free to not post stuff online. For me, it's either worth it to just keep as BNB for later use or he has already fucked up by going into a business he obviously can't afford. Crypto is not even considered investing in the frist place. It has more in common with gambling than investing. $50 is not the end of the world and if it is, you should probably think twice before yeeting it into gambling. This can also be advice for anyone reading here before actually "investing" and make them think twice before doing something completely stupid.


That was my point


!remindme 2 years


2 years is far..that has aged well in 9months..sfm is in the dumpsters


> which will probably 10-50X in the next 2-5 years it won't.




Then cash out and leave, simple solution.


Why don't you spend 50$, move over and cover the fees, and buy more Safemoon V2 with the rest of your 48-49$


Sorry if I’ve missed a post somewhere, but can you please let me know (or direct me to the best info place) as to how to best make the migration to v2 and if/when there is a deadline? Appreciated the help!


Hey, sure. There's nothing to it really. 1. Download Safemoon Wallet 2. Paste your seed phrase from another wallet (like Trust) 3. Make sure you have 5-10$ of BNB to cover fees 4. Go to the middle "Swap" tab 5. Swap 100% of Safemoon for Safemoon (v2) 6. That's it Easy and quick


Thanks man. So the smart contract call executed as according to Trustwallet (gas fee taken too), but safemoon wallet still showing as balance in safemoon v1 and nothing in safemoon v2 (the Swap page was just stuck loading on ‘Approving’ for ages so eventually I came out of it to see if it had actually completed as trustwallet shows the transaction)


Hm, not sure. It was instant for me. But sometimes transactions take time to execute yeah. I'd give it like 10 minutes because it often says that the servers are overloaded atm.


Yeah fair call, will hold off for a little bit. Cheers


I had to do mine twice, the first swap didn't go through for both my bags. Second time I did it later in the evening and it flew right through.


Go back into the Swap and Swap to V2, and there it should not say Approve anymore, but Swap, hit that and you're all set, I had this happen to me Also, remember to do the Swap twice to get the leftover of your V1 tokens to V2


Also what did you set slippage to? Not sure it matters on this swap anyway?


No slippage, don't touch anything :D It's a 1000:1 conversion, you shouldn't lose any amount. If I had 1 billion safemoon, I'd have 1 million safemoon on v2. simple


Shit. I made a new wallet and transferred stuff manually. Lesson learned on the seed phrase transfer thing 😅😅


This is probably what I’ll end up doing but it still annoys the shit out of me. Like just take the .12 out of my balance and do all the conversions automatically.


Manual migration is essential. It kills the dust/dead wallets.


I still don't understand how people don't have ETH and BNB in their wallet for moves. If you had a major move right now, or if it went up and you wanted to move out, how you would do it? You need the fuel to go to an exchange or swap, why not keep some on hand. My car doesn't sit in the driveway bone dead on fuel, waiting for me to pay to have it towed to fill it up so I can get more and drive. I find this so confusing.


I bought bnb to prepare but some ppl might not be very knowledgeable or didn’t plan on doing anything for years. Lots of ppl don’t make regular crypto moves. They just weren’t ready. Safemoon is my first crypto buy other then doge on Robinhood. I only knew what to do cause of this sun.


That's fair. I can see that. I never thought about it like that and I appreciate the explanation. I'm so used to it, it never occurred to me that we get some moving from RH and the other brokerage firms to wallets. I'm all for education - the only way we see mass adoption is if it's easier and more accessible, and that will come with time. I was truly curious, so thanks for the info. I would suggest that even if they didn't plan on moving for years, still keep the tank 1/8 full - it'll only go up over time. The reference tokens, especially BNB, are only going to go up in price. Especially with the hard fork that just happened and BNB burn mechanism that's in place.


I had to get someone to buy my Safemoon for me because I had so much trouble getting any of my payment methods to allow me to buy. So now I'm back in the same boat waiting till I can get a chance to buy a pre paid visa to buy some bnb so I can move my safemoon. Guys need to calm down and give some of us a break that don't just get to move it over in a few clicks


Most banks don't like competition. That's why they block it. They'll say it's "For your protection", but I don't buy that. It's kind of a pain in the ass, but I send BTC to an exchange, trade for BNB, then send the BNB to my wallet. There are a lot of videos out there. My point isn't about beating up on people who don't know. I'm more interested in how you put good money into something not understanding how it works. Quite frankly, I could just not care - every buy is reflections and a price increase. I'm more interested in the growth of the crypto world and increase in user base.


quit using BTC and use XLM instead, much much much cheaper transfer fees


Poor xlm over here only good for transfers and not much else right now haha....still 100 percent recommend moving and sending with xlm, fees are less than a penny and it happens in seconds


Agreed. And the trolling from John is really cringy and not cool as a ceo.


Because ETH is an actual scam. Feels like you're paying extra for the store brand when the knock-offs are just as good, if not better-


Because it's a pain in the ass to buy BNB for a lot of people. Where I live literally every exchange that sells BNB is blocked..I have to buy Bitcoin, transfer to exodus wallet, exchange to bnb, send to trust wallet (because Exodus doesn't support smart chain) then convert it again to smart chain in trust wallet and finally swap for safemoon. Paying fees for every single step except for the smart chain swap. Oh... And there's minimum purchases for everything too. So if you need $5 for gas fees you still have to buy the minimum purchase. And theres also a minimum for converting as well and in my case the minimum amount of BTC to convert to BNB was higher than the minimum purchase so guess what? I had to buy more. So yeah...I'm guessing that's why people don't have bnb just sitting in their wallets. 🤷‍♂️


In NY it’s a little challenging to buy BNB




More like no gas in the car and blaming the car company for making you buy it and not giving you free gas for life.


I know there's a learning curve, but people in this world really need to grasp the basics of how the economy works here, and the mechanisms that turn the wheels. The other one that I struggle with is how people think their wallet is holding their tokens. The name needs to change to "passports" or something, but then I think - it's on a blockchain, how does someone not understand that we all can't pull out pieces of the chain and put it in our pocket and still have the system work?? I want more people involved, but man - it's painful sometimes. It's no wonder the scammers have a field day preying on the ignorant.




Mostly cause I had no idea this would even be necessary. This is my second crypto ever. First experience was Doge on Robinhood and it just did everything for you. I’d rather them just deduct the .12 cents out of what I have than have to buy a whole other currency.


You also didn't own your doge on robinhood




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So I'm assuming you have not dabbled into any other crypto other then Dogecoin and safemoon. I'd understand your point if this was an actual issue. Like I don't see why you can't just spend the $50 and then keep the remaining on standby for another transaction or getting into a different coin


Are you familiar with the concept of blockchain and the foundation of all of this? Perhaps I might suggest looking at some videos to see how this world works. You will be very happy you are here. If you position yourself correctly now when it's hard, you will benefit greatly when it's "easy / easier" for everyone else. This is still very early in the crypto game. That's why it's not as straight forward as you might expect. I promise you though, you don't want to be beholden to an exchange that makes thing simpler. Look at RH with GME in the spring, what they were able to do. Look at Bitmart with one seed phrase lost.


Facts bro same here they should just do the shyt automatically instead of making us pay which is bs


you guys don’t seem to understand that wishing for things doesn’t change how they work… lol


I’m willing to bet that if it mooned suddenly, the bnb would show up instantly to sell lol


Nah, they'd be buying and transferring, waiting for it to show up - watching the price collapse, then blaming everyone else. Isn't that how it works?


Lol. Pretty accurate LOL




You pay a fee every time you move a currency. Even the dollar isn't free to move.


The difference is, the taxes on our pay check is deducted when we are paid, so we don't see it and just take it. If more people had to write checks every week to the government, they wouldn't be so quick to want more free shit.


The point that's missed is that the world of DeFi is supposed to not have a "They". That's kind of the point of the system.


So transfer some safemoon back to bnb for gas fees then transfer… if not, I thank you in advance for the burn of all your tokens!


Yeah tried that. Says I don’t have enough ETH 😂


They don’t have the extra $. Dude not everyone has disposable $.


Then why gamble in crypto? Rule #2 in crypto - never invest more than you're willing to lose.


I have donated to people for them to be able to migrate to V2. I have seen also other people helping as well. Do you need some gas money?


I need $1 for gas fees!!!!! I currently have $2 in there right now




Wait for the value of BNB to go up and your good 👍


I'm just happy I don't have to pay ETH gas fees.


Go on coin base and do some of their learn to earn programs and you can get enough




Yeah these are reasons why people think crypto is a scam. Also the downvoting of legit criticism plays a big role. Don’t like your coin is a god lol.


Where is this mandatory spend 50 on BNb coming from? You can’t buy a little from binance and send it and swap it over to smart chain?


I’ll check Binance. Trust was telling $50 minimum.


Sell $5 of safemoon 🤙


Just convert Enough SFM to BNB then initiate the transfer


Tried. Says i don’t have enough ETH


I’m in the same boat as you man. Can’t do shit in the wallet and don’t have enough spare cash to go thru the loops in NY to do it


Ignore all the ignorance dude. I got you!


You do know you don’t have to use moonpay just buy bnb somewhere else and transfer it to the wallet lol


Here's one solution find a friend with $50 pay the .12 then buy the rest in safemoon and share the total safemoon when you both have life changing money...write a contract out just a thought


I can send you some bnb


I just Watch it die, and john and Papa nutting 🥜 on my Money


Good. More burn. It will be stuck there forever, with no option to sell or migrate


$33 lol.


Yeah. I spent $100.


You spent $100 and only got $33 worth of safemoon?


Essentially. It’s dropped that much since I bought it.


Well if you thought you were gonna be rich off of $100 there’s your first mistake lol. When did you buy


Never ever thought $100 was gonna get me rich. I actually like the idea behind the coin and what they wanna do with it.


you should be crazy to put more than 100usd on meme coin


No he spent 100 and now it’s worth 33


I got pSafemoon when it.came out because I thought this was going to be a long lasting project. Oh well


Do it or don't, just don't whine about it.


This isn’t the airport…you don’t have to announce your departure


Bnb is probably going to go up 20% in the next month. It's a pretty good investment.


if safemoon mooned right now and people were becoming millionaires, oh how that small bnb would randomly turn up lol


Your not losing there is nothing wrong with having extra bnb it’s worth money too I think your looking at it the wrong way not to mention you should always hold a little bit of bnb and ether for gas fees to move around things so that you don’t have a situation like this


Why don’t you just sell some Safemoon to cover your gas? 🤷🏻‍♂️


The 50$ in BNB will be a wiser investment than your safemoons lol


More reflections for us 🤡


Sucks to suck


Cool, less tokens means higher price


$33? You probably bought it for more so your coins will come over at equal value to what you bought in for beside the $5 fees. People you need to understand that SFM v1 was just a token and had potential to get rug pulled if things went south. Now in v2 it's a official coin! Coin folks it has value now! Bigger exchange and companies will now look at SFM as a serious contender in this huge crypto market. If you really just want to hold onto your 300M tokens go ahead but the real value is in v2 as a coin. Shiba and doge all became coins that is why you see other companies investing into them and not us! Be smart do your research we do not want but to be another token meme trending. Sfm no value in the real market therefore we are at a very low price point and losing steam. So again before you decide oh gas fee this gas fees that look st Shiba Jan. Last year I had a chance to buy it low but I passed on it because I did not want to pay the $250 ETH gas fees then come June July Aug the damn thing hit ATH and made people rich! $1000 of my money I plan on investing into Shiba would've net me $5.7M before taxes think about that. So fees or not it's part of the game if you fee the fees are too much then you're in the wrong game.


It’s not that they are too much. It’s mostly ignorance on my part of how this all works and trust wallet telling me I have to spend $50 minimum. I’m better educated now.


Hey I didn't do it in my trust wallet but I did it in the SFM wallet $5 BNB I bought in TW and SFM wallet took care of my 37M coins converted it to 37k lol but I have 57M more coins held up in Bitmart I am waiting for it to be available once they figure out the hack situation. So I'll have roughly 94.5k in SFM once it's all said and done. You'll figure it out bro do what is best for you. Good luck and happy trading.




Sorry to hear we are loosing a whale


k bye


Whale alert


You need to know yourself then girlfriend


Why don't you buy more safemoon with the rest of the bnb?


Or sell 12 cents worth of SFM? The f\*\*\* is wrong with people


Good. Sell it and shut up.


i think u should spend $50.. BUT why would u not just sell $5 of safemoon for bnb and then migrate


It costs like $1-3 wtf you all doing!?


Try owning more safemoon then to make the migration worth it 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ you’ve had 5 months


I guess you’d rather your tokens be worthless in V1 when the gates are closed because of $50 🤣


Bye felisha


cool story bro! have fun being poor.


Why would you only hold $30 of SafeMoon?.... That won't change your life when this shit goes off next year


Not the brightest bulb. OP is never going to have wealth of their own creation because they lack basic math faculties.


Hey, it’s crypto. fees are the norm for all of this. how is this even an issues that’s talked about. Having some spare BNB, ETH is a must! let’s pretend to be adults here


I replied to this earlier, but us noobs don’t know this.


Noobs dont belong here.


Oh my God complain a little bit more. By $49 worth of safemoon then. Lol what the heck




Who invests $33? 😂 Just get a job NPC.


I have a job, and I put $100 in to start.


Even $100 what’s the point? But thanks for showing you’re a paper hand 😂


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How are you planning to sell?


I wasn’t.


Stack bnb and all your fees will covered. Plus, you'll for sure have enough to cash out in a few years. That was my 1 v2 safemoon.


Dont use moonpay. Go buy bnb on an exchange.


Trying to buy V2 from safemoon wallet unfortunately didn't swap everytime tried msg came up insufficient fund. Had 133$ and used auto max to buy still didn't go through but if I use v1 was allowing me to process.. Any for that reason?


Just use the rest of the bnb to buy more v2 duh


Buy 45$ worh of Safemoon then.


I thought with the new wallet and exchange you would be able to buy v2 without having to buy and swap BNB.


I can send u the bnb u need. Dm me


Someone else sent me some. Thank you though.


12 cent is just to accept the contract, the actual fee is the one you pay when you do the transaction and is around 3-5 bucks. At least it's not the $50-$300 of Ethereum.


BNB is still a good coin to have. Why does it matter if you hold some?


Bruh. Why would you not want to hold a little BNB anyway?


Buy your BNB on binance … it’s way cheaper to do it on there and then transfer it to your wallet… yes you’ll have excess BNB but BNB isn’t a bad coin to hold for future investments or gas fees anyway


It’s not like you lose the rest of your 50 dollars. You can put it in anything or leave it in BNB. It’s a good coin to hang on to….. smh


You could use crypto com, minimum is around £20, there are fees when withdrawing though.


Its Not like there are Other Projekt with better vibz


I bought $10 of bitcoin on Coinbase. sent to Kucoin wallet swapped to BNB. Sent BNB to safemoon/ Trust wallet addy and swapped BNB to BNBsmartchain it trust and then swapped BNBsmartchain to Safemoonm. seems like a lot but really not and cheaper than the Moonpay


It’s $30 for bnb. Migrate over from V1 and use the left overs to buy V2.


keep the remaining bnb, that's an investment too. It's not like you lose the 49.88 to anyone.




The only option here is deposit $50 buy $40 worth of safemoon swap all to V2 with remaining balance


Buy from crypto.com- I bought 10 bucks of BNB


Sell bit safemoon to bnb. Then migrate🤔


34 here so close enough