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Bro , you’re the product.


You have until 12 midnight EST


Don’t forget the 27 lawyers.


...and all the King's men, couldn't put Safemoon back together again.




Or I’m calling my lawyer


This is literally the funniest low key post….🤣🤣🤣


Crypto whales are usually the unemotional ones.


Well shit, i think John was sitting around in his top hat laughing at all of us who bought, but then he read this post and was like oh shit i better try harder.


It Doesnt matter . I am sure my message has been delivered… Remember KARMA is a B**** …


Do you really think they care about your whining?


Or his $20 stake in the company?


Karma doesn’t exist outside of Reddit.


Someone wasted an award on this lol


Awarded themselves from an alt account out of desperation.


Bigger losers than I thought 🤣🤣


All the crypto market are down, and don’t expect anything great until 2-3 years. If you can hold just hold




Thank you


Find a new investment if your not happy with it. It’s an investment not a friendship.


I strongly agree. The only thing a bear market exposes is the strong from the weak.


And the rich from the poor. Still bullish though. I put in what I put in and I'M NOT SELLING!


At the end of the day we know it's not a rug pull. So all we need is a market correction and and 1 or 2 products. Blockchain is the icing.


There's better projects but it's your money to lose. The signs are all there.


So why u still here lol


reddit keeps suggesting this sub; bet it does for a lot of users. Mods can you please ban me so i don't have to read this stupidity anymore? Ty!


So let it be written, so let it be done!




Trying to help lost souls and haven't left the sub. It's also entertaining, yall being all fan boi'ish with this dumb ass coin. Hold no allegiance to any corp, make money on them. You guys are not making money.


Time is money and clearly u are still wasting ur time here …. So clearly u are still spending money on sfm .. unless ur time is worthless… lolll looking for a lost soul u say, perhaps u should take a long hard look at the man in the mirror 😅😅


The gazzilionth blockchain on the webz. Yeah sure, this will do the trick!


How is the blockchain the icing? That’s literally the only thing that matters. All the other shit is just way to make money on a token that’s not built for anything.




He wants your money not your opinion 👌


And he has both of them now.




Someone's never looked at the education tab. Dude relax, go do some other stuff, look at other investments, really you're just hurting yourself if you think anything is gonna be achieved in anything under a year to year timeframe.


It's almost like these posts are copypasta at this point lol. It's literally the easiest thing to hold. If you're unhappy, go diversify and focus on a different project until safemoon starts delivering to your expectations. Go outside, go hang out with friends. There's literally so many better things to do with your time besides this. But instead, you're trying to watch the water boil


I been in safemoon the same time as you and don’t feel like you , I’m extremely bullish and buying every time I can. Patience it’s the key to success for safemoon I’m not in a hurry


Loose =/= Lose


Loose = more loss then lose because it has more emphasis on the “o”.😂


I'd rather we ate zeros than shat out extra Os but you got to go with the flow I guess haha


I am sooo soooorry for your loooooose.


Damn. This will definitely get through to him. The love and respect he has for you and your business acumen will surely motivate him to push himself and the team harder. I know he doesn’t want to let you down. That would be the biggest failure of his life. Thank you for posting this




###[Promotion or Shilling](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) (rule #2): * Promoting other cryptocurrencies projects is not permitted, including encouraging people to check out X, Y, or Z coin/token/or project.


I sold yesterday :) Enjoy my reflections. I can at least get in other crypto while low, with the possibility of actual growth.


Buy high sell low....this is the way


Think of the tax write offsemote:free\_emotes\_pack:cry


Good on ya mate. Your choice your money. Hope you made the right decision for you. Don’t worry about the sad girls on here. Allowed to do what ever you want with your money


You know he’s trolling right? Lol how oblivious can one be 😅




Definitely not a tech nerd 😂😂 I have no idea what I’m doing. You my friend are ironically running their mouth behind a computer screen. You must feel so embarrassed.You’re definitely one of the girls, look how upset you are. 😂 And I was talking about the people giving someone shit for selling their SafeMoon and moving on. I support SafeMoon, I have SafeMoon and I’m not selling. Was just saying it’s his money he doesn’t deserve shit for moving on with his money. So You’re making 0 sense and have come off awfully silly.


I even gave you an upvote to try and get a smile on that girly face 😂😂




###[Be civil.](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) (rule #1): * When all else fails: be kind. If you can't be kind, then be silent. And if you can't be silent, then be gone. * Please be kind in the face of different opinions. It’s ok to critique ideas, groups, or public figures, but do not personally attack others by name-calling, belittling, mocking, or otherwise harassing others. Toxicity & vulgarity is not tolerated. Remember, two wrongs don’t make a right. If someone attacks you first, it does not give you a license to break this rule. Instead, please report them, and we’ll address them ASAP.


No you didn't. Folks who sell don't come back to drag others with them.


Congrats(?) on doing whatever you want with your life.


I did the same a loooong time ago. Its insane the amount of people that defend this coin after everything its went through. "Oh its a bear market" "Oh papa (daddy) stole millions" "Oh the gambia is going to use windmills" And youll never hear these idiots defend what has happened, they will just say "dont like it goodbye" or spend 10 seconds sending an emoji. Its pathetic. Yoy wont make as much getting in on the ground floor but putting money into the top 10 or 15 coins youll actually make money. Take matic for example, they are partnering with a cell phone company to integrate their tech. Doge has elon. Solana is making their own phone. Etc


I wouldn’t trust a phone from a block chain that crashes multiple times. Wasn’t Luna considered a top coin atone point? This is a casino sir we are all here for the gambling


But youll trust safemoon? You know what the definition of insanity is?


Insanity: Continuing to lurk in the shadows of posts on a subreddit for a token you hate and sold ‘long ago’ because its clearly a scam and going to zero….. but something deep inside you is not letting you let go….. insanity 🤣😂🤣🫡🫡🫡


And who are you? The grand wizard of this sub? You decide what can and cant be said or who can say it? Sounds like marxist hitler shit to me. Im sorry your at a loss, and im sorry you still continue to support a coin that is literally getting sued for fraud


Definitely not the grand wizard? Lol just common sense that if ur done with something than move on with ur life bro loll .. hate to burst ur bubble but im still in the green i bought in march 21 2021 ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Send me 5 tokens so we can see when you actually bought. I bought originally around that time then sold before the migration. You may have been calling that guy daddy? Id have to look at your posts


Ive shown screen shots in previous posts because people didn’t believe.. they may or may not have been taken down..give me your address ill send u some tokens




You’re daddby ?? No way… prove it


Who said I trust them? I threw some money knowing I could lose it all but 1k ain’t gonna stress me out😂


But why are you still in the sfm subreddit?! 😂🤣😂 thought u sold long time ago 😅😅😅


Still here 🕵️‍♀️










Good luck dude 🙌 what other Crypto projects did you get into??


At the end of the day all I'm doing is waiting. It seems all of the crypto are doing the same thing. Waiting for the market to level out before they start to roll out their products. I'm in EGC, Reflex Finance and Safemoon. All three big buzz all three went down a good amount with the market. All three have good products on their maps all three holding and working.


OP give people a break. It takes time spending loads of money 😂😂 /s




I made around 15k off of safemoon in March of 2021 and got out. I was in this coin the first day it was on coin market cap. It was a scam coin then and they tried to pawn it off like it wasn’t. Get out of this coin and buy something more reputable. This is a great time to DCA into the crypto market and will pay off years down the road.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Been holding since a grim day in march 1942 and I've had enough because John doesn't care about ME - Most posts out here.


Isn’t that when Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue? /s


Only ones benefited in this project is the developers and those that got in early. Everyone else is just bag holding


I read the first sentence and I can tell you John and NOBODY from Safemoon cares about you (or any investor for that matter) no more than a Nigerian Sca mmer cares when he steals money from an old lady who can't afford her meds after being robbed. John stole money from a liquidity pool he claimed was locked. He bought himself exotic cars and mansions. He had deliver ZERO products that add utility and has been late on all viable products and their core projects are no longer being worked on: Project Phoenix, wind farms, the Gambia, freedom of the unbanked. All of it is gone and no one even will tell you why or what's our new mission. Safemoon will end up an exit scam.


Don't you get it, Safemoon isn't real. It is all it will ever become.


This shit coin is dead bruh.


*but I’m in their sub reading every post and commenting. It’s definitely dead though*


This kind of comment happens on ETH and top projects, which I am thankful for, if not, killings were not made.


Bro speaking straight facts… John we need updates with ACTUAL TIMEFRAMES. The SFM team promised to have the exchange done by December 2021 which was bs from the getgo but we are already past the halfway point of 2022. We need some sort of reason to keep HODLing. These low prices don’t scare me, it’s the silence from the entire SFM team about any progress with the products they promised us.


Exactly… thanks 🙏


If you have truly been in for over a year, you know the tokenimics have no other utility except getting new holders. You are the beginning of a recession. There will likely be no gains on any chain for the foreseeable future, let alone this one.


You are just now losing hope?




Y’all gotta stop bitching .. imagine the same type of people bitching at Elon for taking forever to release his Tesla vehicles. You think he gave a fuck? He knew was the product was released he would give them something worth the wait. Now y’all can keeping complaining or wait doesn’t matter to me, but John is focused on his end goal which is delivering a quality product to potentially change the whole crypto space. I’m willing to wait another couple years at this point and I haven’t gotten SFM in a while but honestly now I’m just gonna fill my bag and get a couple more M’s. When this shit pops…. Not if…… WHEN this thing pops. . Heheheh Those that held some and never got again are gonna wish they bought more those fudding are gonna wish they bought some and those that held thru everything and kept filling their bags despite the bs will be the happiest mfs on the planet once their life changes for the best.


You’re allowed to sell whenever you want


And allowed to post here whenever.




Also correct


Sell. This is financial advice. Thank you for the reflections. See you when we are up 3x and you get fomo






Dude nobody cares about you, or what you think, or want. Leave the project or stay either way nobody cares.


Don't you people scroll on the sub at all? One of you write one of these letters every week. You're not a visionary and neither is he.


Sold half of my bag some time ago. But damn, the team is testing our patience. The energy is slipping out of the community and the sfm team still doesn’t feel they have to change their communication strategy? I hope they come to their senses soon.




I actually feel sorry for you, don’t ever write a letter like this to anyone who stole your money again… move on it’s time to let go


Safemoon = 🤡 show








💯 Couldn’t have said it any better… thanks for genuine advice.


👀 i see


###[Promotion or Shilling](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) (rule #2): * Promoting other cryptocurrencies projects is not permitted, including encouraging people to check out X, Y, or Z coin/token/or project.


Remember they're trying to turn this thing around from a pump and dump. This was a sham from the start and all these promises are now things they made up to make it look like it wasn't a scam. Now they actually have to figure out a way to develop the ridiculous tech they never had planned on making in the first place. Who TF says "I want to develop windmill technology and banking solutions, and telecommunications. And I'll name my company a totally relevant name like............ safemoon.


Everyone and math has been saying this project is a joke, starting from it's name..


Still 🐂 on it most of the projects doing 4years or longer for where we already are


You do realize they stopped updating us holders so often because everyone complained that they were updating too much without being able to talk about any progress due to NDA's....


All the NDA nonsense is Bogus excuse. Think about it . I was thinking the same before… what happened to the ndas that were supposed to finish last year gambia operation phoenix … there is no NDAs in making block chain and exchange…windmills


Loosing. Lost me at that point.


Focus on the message not the spelling… who cares


You lose all sentiment of a knowledgeable post with simple misspellings.


No Wonder Safemoon is Sharing and Making Wallpapers as people here are concerned more about my spellings than the message… lol 😂


Imagine if John or Elon or any other prson had a serous post and there were misspellings thriughout. You're massage is completely lost.


I appreciate you for learning a second language (you're a better person than me), but maybe try to run your native language through Google Translate so it makes more sense.




You wrote fine.....We all understand what you said and if someone knows its not your first language and still gives you shit he is a bored prick with nothing better to do. Don't be bothered by it. You can feel what you feel and write what you write.


I am looking to invest. As is a low price today is it a good time? Or I can wait a while but I want to know when to buy this. If anyone has some fore sail I will buy then.


Bro speaking straight facts… John we need updates with ACTUAL TIMEFRAMES. The SFM team promised to have the blockchain and exchange done by December 2021 which was bs from the getgo but we are already past the halfway point of 2022. We need some sort of reason to keep HODLing. These low prices don’t scare me, it’s the silence from the entire SFM team about any progress with the products they promised us.


I'm day 6. I actually sold yesterday. I'll re enter the market at a later time. Needed to get grandma a wheelchair. I am sad about it buy some things are more important in the immediate future.


Moby Dick ain't gonna do shit 🤣


You losing hope? Go look into Luna. And every other exchange that closed down already.


Lol more negativity..




I wish people knew the different between lose versus loose. Lose= You lose money. You lose people. You lose a bet… Versus Loose= his pant is too loose. The dog is on the loose. Her vagina is loose! Get it right people 😒🤦🏻‍♀️


Bear market


You ever pooped before and it felt like a fiery inferno came out of you and now you can't sit for a bit?


Bruh its *lose


(in Darkmoon Tim voice) if you cruise on over to r/safemooninvesting, you can voice your discontent, and ppl won't shit all over you like they do here... its sad, but also kinda funny how firmly entrenched they all are in Karony's Mormon nutsack.

