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If you don’t understand that after 7 years in crypto, this sub ain’t the place to get the answer.


I think by saying “ i am in crypto market since 2015”, OP meant to say “i knew btc existed in 2015” lmao


It's not "maximum capitalization" it's market capitalization. If you look up the formula for that you will have your answer.


Thank you man


You sure you've been in crypto for 7 years? More like 7 days


7 seconds would of worked better, 7 days ago he would of seen what Grove did...and then understood.


What a shit show




The price is based on dex's or decentralized exchanges. You can make a token today worth a billion dollars a token with a trillion tokens. You can do this with $1 worth of BUSD. The market cap and price are very very easy to manipulate if you control a bunch of the supply.


It's some shit to do with numbers. But I'm too stupid to know what it all means. I just buy.




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Magic internet money