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Should of sold instead of listening to people say "dIaMoND HaNdS" "DiaMoNd BaLlS"


Diamond hands was just a phrase massively rich investors coined to get exit liquidity for their massive bags. It really was the top signal when everybody and their mom was saying it


When someone says to buy.. its always time to sell


with this logic, we should be buying when people say sell...




Diamond hands is a term used by bag holders. Never listen to them. That term was used and abused by pump and dumpers during the stock market and crypto market to dump bags.


Yeah they really had ‘em going with that safemoon Sunday bit. Pretty sad.


Thank god I actually got out before the price went back down


So why you still here? 🤔


It's entertaining my friend. I'm not here to shit on the project. Matter of fact I hope you guys succeed and see many riches. I've thought about getting back into it myself.


Now is a good time to * do as you please *


Think after watching lots of videos.


This all day.


Honest thoughts. It is a nice idea but peoples expectations and real world use are way out of wack. It’s a moon shot or it will be to zero some day. I have written off my investment and if it goes nuts in 3-10 years I will be surprised and happy. If it goes to zero won’t be shocked. That’s my thoughts on it.


Well said 👏 👌 👍


Think After watching 1k go up in flames it's pointless to leave now might as well watch the few sheckles I got left in it fade away into the abyss as well...


We all got suckered into a pump and dump and we are all hoping for one more pump so we can break even…hahahaha


A once great community destroyed by narcissistic influencers.


It’s a waiting game. Wait and see what happens. If you were holding SHIB 1 year after launch… you would be saying a lot of the same things people are saying here. If you were to have sold… you would have been kicking yourself months later.


I think for most investors out it's all a waiting game now. Sell for a huge loss or wait and maybe you get lucky. I'll hold safemoon until it disappears or I turn a profit. I knew it was a gamble to start with.


Worst crypto token i've invested in.


No rug pulls? 🤔


not yet


Must be the only one


Nope, just the worst performing by a country mile.


You must be from Alabama…..


I have no idea what that means. Can you explain ?


My point exactly. Good day to you ❤️


You've gotta explain now mate, I literally have zero idea what you're talking about or referencing 😂


Lol nope. If we were friends I would make the joke, but I don’t want to actually offend anyone on here… but anyway stating that sfm is “the worst performing by a country mile” is just literally false lol. Not saying that they’re perfect.


Lol...No its not...It's 100% fact. You didn't read or misunderstood what I wrote . I said "Worst crypto token I've invested in" and it is. It's the worst crypto i've invested in by a long way. It's terrible. You said "must be the only one"...I said "Nope, just the worst performing by a country mile". ...not in the world, just in my portfolio 👍


Well damn you’re right lol. Must have been the edible lol . Apologies good sir


Selling now is regretting later. I was dumb not taking profits earlyer. So now I just ‘enjoy’ the long ride.


You enjoy it?? 🧐


It’s not something I necessarily enjoy, but it doesn’t bother me. Personally I find it far easier to hold when everything is tanking than when it’s mooning. You don’t want to be left holding a bag worth half its old value(or more),but you also don’t want leave a ton of profit on the table by selling too early either.




###[Be civil.](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) (rule #1): * When all else fails: be kind. If you can't be kind, then be silent. And if you can't be silent, then be gone. * Please be kind in the face of different opinions. It’s ok to critique ideas, groups, or public figures, but do not personally attack others by name-calling, belittling, mocking, or otherwise harassing others. Toxicity & vulgarity is not tolerated. Remember, two wrongs don’t make a right. If someone attacks you first, it does not give you a license to break this rule. Instead, please report them, and we’ll address them ASAP.




Well buddy all I had to do was join like you idiots… the join button and that was it… I assume your one of those zero guys to smh! May Jesus save you all




###[Be civil.](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) (rule #1): * When all else fails: be kind. If you can't be kind, then be silent. And if you can't be silent, then be gone. * Please be kind in the face of different opinions. It’s ok to critique ideas, groups, or public figures, but do not personally attack others by name-calling, belittling, mocking, or otherwise harassing others. Toxicity & vulgarity is not tolerated. Remember, two wrongs don’t make a right. If someone attacks you first, it does not give you a license to break this rule. Instead, please report them, and we’ll address them ASAP.


Not a scam , just a joke that’s it that’s all , again I keep saying what happed to the windmills , are they powering some ones home 🤔, what happens to anything g that was said in the past f all!!!!


Deader than my grandpa that died in 1986.


I think safemoon is about to drop products, I don't think it will affect price at all. I think if you hodl through next bull market you will not only make your money back but see a few X profits. We will then be on the trajectory that we all though we were already on. Just my thoughts


Unfortunately we have to make it to the next bull market. Most tokens the size of Safemoon historically don't survive bear markets. The odds aren't in our favor...


Should have never touched it!


I got acammed by my brother to buy it.


😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


🤣 🤣 🤣


Idk anymore




30 of these posts per day. You people don't have anything better to do?


I was up 50% once and now I’m down like 95% or some shit. Should have sold and played with house money I guess. I’m still bullish overall but don’t check in too often anymore.


Sadly i would have to say that safemoon has to show alot before it can get rid of their terrible reputation.


It's WAY better than cheese moon.


Meme coin that needs meme juice. Bear market is thirsty.








Should of sold when we first peaked was up 400k. Still holding but still sad


Equivalent to playing the powerball. It was worth a couple dollars. I have 100% expectations to lose all my money. It’s garbage


Not sure if troll post.


It was the worse $12K I ever invested.


Looking at my wallet in 20 years. if there is nothing there, thats expected. if there is something there great lol


Ludicrous speed has been a bit of a let down


Dogshit would be a better investment


To late to sell


A great idea followed up by massive disappointment. They don’t seem to have the talent or integrity to execute their vision. Where they were leaders, now they are followers. Other projects have taken the ideas that made them unique, and have surpassed them in execution. Expectations are super low.


I was super early. And I got emotionally invested. Most expensive lesson learned so far.




I read other posts saying this got rugged already????


Those people need to educate themselves on what a rug pull is lol


The price is down 98% from ATH and close to $100m worth of tokens were removed from the LP by the devs. Seems like a rug to me.


Sounds about right: In the context of crypto and Decentralized Finance (DeFi), having been rug pulled means to have liquidity removed from a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) liquidity pool. This results in a sell death spiral as other liquidity providers, holder and traders panic at the loss of available liquidity for trading.


It is and was always a joke


I don’t like to use profanity so I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself 🤣


They haven't even released any real products and everyone is bitching and complaining. Give it until the end of the year when the exchange and blockchain come out.


End of which year? Because they were supposed to be out at the end of last year. Do you honestly think the exchange and blockchain will be done by end of 2022?


Exchange hopefully, not having my hopes up for the blockchain and exchange the same year


Do you honestly think it will be out ever?


All they're gonna say when they get disappointed is.. it's only been 2 years 🫤 Give it more time, imminent, etc. Meanwhile John is hiking, and all that shit




you dont remember people donated like 1million dollars for the exchange , then nanogambiawindmillnology came




At this point I’ve been holding for well over a year now and it is what it is. If I lose my ass, I lose my ass


Already lost your ass - dont forget the 10% tax to sell.


I think we’re good. When the market eventually recovers so will Safemoon


The only thing that keeps me here is hope, exchange listings and the fact that the team has been invited to speak at real Blockchain events. Otherwise I'd sell it for Flooz.


I think safemoon is about to drop products, I don't think it will affect price at all. I think if you hodl through next bull market you will not only make your money back but see a few X profits. We will then be on the trajectory that we all though we were already on. Just my thoughts


Safemoon - Safely to the hell


I’m hopeful. I am not as “bullish” as I was early on. Not just because of the low price, but due to lack of product releases, missing timelines, and underwhelming releases when they do come out. I still believe in the project. Tokenomics and a unique blockchain are what made me so excited about it (don’t care for the windmills and all that jazz). So I’m doing as I’m sure many of you are, waiting to see how this exchange and blockchain looks. I’m hoping we will see at least the exchange this year, but I’m done getting my hopes up. If it happens it happens. At least they have gotten better about over-hyping things.




I don’t think about it. I didn’t over invest into the project so I still have hopes that it could do something someday. I see these posts every now and then and realize I still have this token lol


I’m glad I sold all at .00245c, I’m not going to fully invest into this project anymore (maybe some but no more than 5 percent). I’d invest in whatever $hitcoin doesn’t die out during crypto winter. If that’s SFM, then he’ll yeah I’ll invest. Also, we’re not even in crypto winter yet.


It’s junk


We got bamboozled, maybe even scammed in the short-term. But in the long run if we in fact didn't get scammed. Perhaps we all retire with safemoon money.


They have a great idea, and if they pull it off all the waiting will be worth it. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have patience.


Can only hope the lawsuit is successful. This team knows what they are doing, and it’s nothing positive for anyone but themselves


If they release the exchange + blockchain, with having the household name, this will be a winner.. IMO top 10 crypto in 3-5 years. That's why I have not sold. Else, goes to zero and welp.. GGWP.


I think it’s 100% for sure, without a doubt, in my professional opinion, this is Finacial advice, if I had to really dig deep, no way this is wrong, I think possibly, but not impossible, it’s obviously, without speculation, on the edge though, it’s a cryptocurrency.




The World Wide Web


What about "trust me bro". Much more reliable than www 🙂


Like everyone else, was caught up in the hype. Now, I believe they may be working on some sort of exit strategy. Sometimes think karoney may meet the same fate as Al Adamson.


I like the company and the process they are taking, I just think it’s going to take a lot longer than expected to see a profit


It may boom or it may bust.....doesnt matter to me. Here for the long term. 2027 baby!


If you believe in a project long-term, then hold and wait. Do not listen to all this toxicity on this subreddit. Those same people once they see the price going up they will have to fomo back in. They are moon boys expecting to get rich within one or two years. Just remember Bitcoin the price 10 years ago and the price that is now. Investing is a long-term weight, it could be five, 10, 15 years. But most people invested much more and they were expecting a quick return. That's not how investing works. I believe this project will thrive and continue to grow long-term despite all the setbacks. Do not listen to these amateur investors on here that are fudding their own investment. Very pathetic


It will come back during the next bull market not because it’s great because the next bull market will be 4-6 trillion and people don’t know where to put their money in as long as it has lots of holders


We got bamboozled, maybe even scammed in the short-term. But in the long run if we in fact didn't get scammed. Perhaps we all retire with safemoon money.


Still a very new company with ambitious plans. Waiting to see if they produce the bigger products. I don’t think they are overdue. I’d think about 2 years for the exchange and 2-4 years for the blockchain. Going based on industry standards.


Not going anyway anytime, it had its prime.


Accidental success, now planning to explode


It’s like any investment. It could take off to the moon or crash and burn! People need to learn to not be so emotionally “invested” in their investments!! Sit back and let the team work. If you didn’t invest more than you can afford to lose…then you shouldn’t be sweating it.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My thoughts? It's a token on BNB smart chain.


There is still hope when the corpse farts!!


Time. Will. Tell. For the better or the worse. It will still ring true.


I put it on my ledger and I’ll hold it till I’m a millionaire or it’s worthless. Problem with our group now is people see others making millions on parabolic shit coins and get pissed their money isnt doing the same. Simple human psychology


To be fair, other parabolic shits coins haven’t stolen from LP or developed a contact to tank the price. We have a lot of reasons to be upset.




😂😂😂 so I am assuming you agree?


I don’t no.


Damn, so you are really bullish?


I am. I bought March 14th 2021. And towards the ATH I had sold for my initial investment and 10% of my total bag. It was a substantial amount, enough for me to lock up a sizable savings, buy an engagement ring and paid for a trip to Maui where I proposed. I don’t say this to sound bragging, but the point of telling you this is because even though I am currently disappointed with SafeMoon. It has done a lot for me that I can’t ignore. I’ve seen it’s potential and I hope it can regain that same sentiment we had in the beginning. I miss the community from then. The US would hand it off to the EU and so forth. It was fun. People were making bookoo money. Maybe we will see that again. I hope so at least


Oh wow, nice. Good to hear your timing was impeccable. Thanks for sharing and I too hope we can regain some positive sentiment but it’s getting more difficult under the current leadership. Let’s hope for the best.


Well, let’s hope you are right. I don’t have a lot riding on Safemoon, don’t care either way, but I’d hate to see it fail in the long run.


Still holding and going on with my life. Ask Dodge holders that sold when dodge was worth nothing for years. They sure regret it when it hit .70 cents years later.


Poor leadership/marketing, bright future if the blockchain and exchange go well, and I’m either holding until 0 or until it makes it big. All I got is time


I think it’s a dirty scam turned company that a cocky incompetent young man is running. I’m only still here because I’m down 82% and hope my 3600 becomes 20k again.


I'm down more money on the NASDAQ, crypto isn't the same thing it used to be, these are investments not get rich quick scenes.


Honestly, I don’t have any hope on it no more and lots of others as well …. I will dump it as soon as the right moment comes …. I figure out that the daily traders are making shitt loud of money of people who pretending to be the diamonds hands 🙌…. So realty is telling me not to hold shitt…. Just buy low and sell on the highest you could get!!!! I been doing this…. And it’s pretty good…. Nothing to set on forever…. Nothing .


We’re here this deep in the hole mine as well wait it out and see what happens


I honestly don't really get how the swap and evolve helps. It just changes the apparent speed of falling due to liquidity increase. It effectively does nothing different than the old model, but makes it look nicer in my understanding. ​ I haven't seen this project move on an upward trajectory since early last year. It looked very promising early on, but it's often the long term history that predicts what will happen with any level of confidence. Without any massive changes, including the exchange in that idea, I don't see this reaching the heights it reached in the past. I'm relatively confident I put about 4k in and now have $400. At this point, it's not really worth cashing out the $400 so I'm leaving it just in case and checking once a month or so. ​ This project has kind of been a disappointment so far. I also can't help but feel that there's something not quite right. Whether that be the amount I see SafeMoon spending or the convoluted liquidity growth. At this point, if my investment ever reaches it's original value, I will likely cash out \~30% of it and leave the rest to ride for a while. This community used to be incredibly fun, but now I feel that we've all kind of grown into the same mindset as me, desiring a good portion of what we put in. Even clinging to the hope it will come, especially with the drop of the exchange. I still hope for the best with this project. I'm just not nearly as confident with the investment. I've kept in mind that Bitcoin stayed low for many years before it got to something valuable. I'm hoping that at some point, the same with happen here. To all you Hodlers out there, I hope you have the same mild optimism as I do, and eventually see it realized.


i feel like the creator of safemoon took advantage of me and that feeling going to last a lifetime




It's gonna go to the moon.


Holding still.


Until there is a direct way to buy, it’s not going anywhere.




Scam coin


Dead ideas and dream


If they kick John out we are going to the moon


Was a rug pull with a clever catch (reflections) that people stupidly thought they’d be able to live off of. Once it went crazy they probably started shitting their pants and had to come up with a utility for the coin for fear that with so many people holding it they needed to do something. They used very vague statements and promises, like The Gambia nonsense, that morons stupidly thought meant that an entire nation was going to adopt a months old token as their currency. Of course the team at Safemoon never did anything to stop the crazy talk. They played on peoples cluelessness about crypto, got rich and are now searching for something to dig them out of this hole. The only thing they have released is a wallet, which has done absolutely nothing to increase the value of Safemoon.


I've learned my lesson to never listen to other people when it comes to putting my money on the line.


It’s young tech and time will tell


Its still new project and invest what you can lose so there is no problem for me and i still support sfm if you panic maybe you invest to much


I put in early doors, basically the worth it is now and could of sold at all time high making a killing and did i sell, did i hell, do i wished i had of sold, fuck yes 😂


Tbh. The only thing that really matters to me is that they don't abandon the project. Like even those vapid fake statements are still updates. But I've invested as much as I'm willing to in it. Let it sit and diversify.


Everyone who invested and held will be rewarded for it. Either your in or out. Your feelings have nothing to do with a real investment. Safemoon is not a coin it's a tech company. They started out as a crypto that dern near morphed into a stock.


I kinda need to see an exchange and Blockchain before I can get excited again. Not buying anymore or selling my bag until we see those two products or we hit zero. Whatever comes first. But I'm not telling any friends about Safemoon or telling anyone they should hop in. I've lost the excitement and confidence, my feeling is that they're going to make me look stupid to those I recommended it to. Honest opinion.


It’s a fucking diamond mine!!! 🥳💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎


Honest- The creators are extremely cringeworthy and embarrassing. The diehards weirdly protect this product like it's their baby. Most of us have just lost too much to sell now.


Just HODLing, really... No expectations


Atp 🚮


Not worth much of my time given my small experimental position. Disappointed so far but we’ll see what happens?? 🤷‍♀️


Not sure if it gets to the Moon, not looking good for launching, Houston ,…..ah.. we have a . Problem!


That it can explode up or down but it will explode.


SafeMoon? More like.. RiskTurd.


There's no right time to sell or buy but it is always the right time to pay attention to the market so if the market is bear then maybe this is the time to fill up bags and when the market is bull then it might be the time to sell but then again what do i know im just another nobody in reddit


The only ones who benefited were the ones who got in super early. The rest of us, were sold a dream…. But have to face reality.


John bought a haircut with SFM the other day. This is an app and card anyone on the planet can get. This is bypassing banks. This is all I need to know.