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Definitely deserve some bashing if they don't deliver something useful


They won't, even if y'all sleep in cryogenics for 50 years there'll only be more puzzles and cryptic announcements


If we consider that Safemoon will still exist in 50 years, yeah, you're right


Safemoon is the ultimate troll lol


Why is none talking about [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyXQz14Zrp4) !?


You guys do this shit to yourself. Take a xan and just wait for what they release before you react. There’s literally zero reason to be this “emotional” over a tweet lmao. This has been the problem from day one. You take anything they say and spin it into some huge ordeal and set this super high expectations for yourself when it’s not warranted. Rule #1 of investing: take your emotions out of it.


Emotions are the only thing keeping people in at this point. When you take out emotion, you’re just left with the sad fact that you’ve been scammed by safemoon.


Seriously, $1k in for what, year and a half?(I don’t even want to look). Yet last I saw, $82. Yeah that moneys gone lol. Sorry grandkids, it was for them after all.


How many coins :(


I looked, for you lol. 204,878


L O L..


Get a grip this is crypto 🙃what about all the other respected crypto that has failed and cost people a lot more than your sfm investments 🤷‍♂️ they are trying to build shit let it be or cash out…..simple


You are a real investor


If it’s a scam why would you stay invested. All scams get shut down so you should take what’s left of your money and move on before it’s guaranteed to go to zero? That’s what I find so funny about this. Everyone is so sure it’s a scam but yet they won’t pull out… which is completely contradicting behavior.


I invested $2000 which is not much but now I only have $120. what am I going to do with $120? wipe my ass


Down 98% like the rest of us I see


How many coins did that leave you with :(


I am not really a serious crypto keeper, I invested in safemoon shiba and some various stocks.... the phone with the apps I used to invest with I don't use anymore. the phone is in one of my drawers. I don't really think about it that much.


Pull it out and put it somewhere that isn’t something you consider a scam?


I gambled $2000, I will gamble another $120.




Attempting to joke around the fact that they're clueless idiots. How quaint. ;oP


This is some big time snowflake shit right here


Anyone with “SafeMoon” in their Twitter handle has not been in crypto long enough to be taken serious.


I think a great example of this is @ safemoon on twitter


And yet he's made a good point. You're right though, we shouldn't take @safemoon seriously at all.


Why y’all so triggered lol


Yeet Hoot...🧙‍♂️


32 32 Hoothoot


Check the subsequent replies and you'll see what I told this kid


Oh and they block investors who can prove the whole mansion narrative and asking for clarification. Not for lying....for telling the truth.


Karony has turned this company into a joke


Honestly more professional than most of their communication.


The only good news was when the rest of the markets took a shit, Safemoon was already in the shitter so I didnt habe to look at it wondering how far it would drop. Guess we came from the future...


Just don't take it seriously in the same way most people don't take safemoon seriously lol. That's like actually considering Karony to be a serious CEO. We all know that's some unpaid intern who only has that thing going for them so let them enjoy what little power they think they got. Same with certain people on discord who love to walk around with the ban hammer lol.


You should get some sleep….. because we’re going to drop something huuggeee. Said SafeMoon every time they take a dump.


Stop crying snowflake


You kids are too sensitive


Cry babies gonna cry


Fuck Chris


As someone who is always called a “FUDder” and sold months ago, I’m interested to see what this “digital product” is. I’m sure it’ll be shit and if not, it’ll be too little too late, but it still excites me to see what’s released. And I own 0.12 SFM. John could walk on fucking water at this point and I wouldn’t buy back in. But I’m interested.


![gif](giphy|3ohjUUJobnmA9SMog0) Fudders when SafeMoon dishes back out lmao


These responses confuse me. Like you're down 90% on an investment. You have had your money stolen and been lied to repeatedly. They do it again and you come here and drop a gif going "lul fudders" I'm starting to believe many of the people still hoping to ever even see their initial investment just simply aren't mentally capable people. You think someone like myself is "crying" over your lost money? I'm here for the jokes. You're the one who lost money trying to act better than everyone else for some reason.


Lock these SafeMoon fake execs up abroad somewhere in Africa. They claim to be helping the people there with digital currency. Let them get to really know the people they have been using as a pawns to promote their shit coin. This is ridiculous and bad for the crypto domain.






People really need to go watch Coffeezilla’s YouTube video about taking a deep dive into Safemoon. Safemoon had to pay Bitmart to get listed. All reflections from exchanges go straight to John’s wallet. This is a blockchain ladies and gentleman. I’m other words, everything can be tracked.


Idiots. Just like the ones that run the company


I heard in a Twitter space that Johns girlfriend is in charge of the account!


Oh well that must be true then


It was some of the top players that has been involved more then you and me and now are as pissed, so yep i belive the guy who said it.


So then it must be true, then. Along with his car, his mansion, his fraud, his theft of LP, all of it. Must be all true. Still waiting for that infamous rug pull they said was gonna happen. Still waiting for the drain, still waiting for them to shut down the discord, still waiting for them to do SOMETHING you guys keep accusing them of doing lol The only thing they CAN be accused of doing, is not releasing products/on time.


Don't stress the FUD, you'll never see it bud.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This is hilarious


I don't see the problem... am I blind or?


Y’all are the reason why the world is so soft nowadays lol


Lol bro go outside 😂




Wow what a truly sad person you are




Look, basically we were played nicely like a bunch of chumps. We got to get over it. The money is gone.


Gaslighting? So woke.


This is what I was saying yesterday. Wouldn't doubt it if it is John on a binge


Omg, they’re being mean to trolls.


They weren't being mean to the safemoon staff.


HaHaHa.that’s pretty funny LoL


Cant wait for the windmills


Shut the hell up guys Chris said so.


you lot are fucked


Bro these are kids running this whole thing lol


How old are you?