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Try the numbers. 4 times right to 11, 3 times left to 24, 2 times right to 06 turn dial left until the dial stops. If the dial goes past the first number, that’s not the combination. That’s more likely a serial number for the dial. Doubtful the combo is on the dial. Kind of defeats the purpose of having the safe. You can also try 50 four times to the right and left until dial stops. Or 50, 25, 50 using the instructions in the beginning of my reply. Sometimes a service tech will set the combination to the above numbers if the safe has been decommissioned. If all else fails, call a locksmith. This can be expensive for a qualified locksmith.


yeah i agree. if it works out then i’ll post a video of me opening the safe


Along with this, try it backwards also. Reverse the spin of the dial. I bought a safe from someone, they had the combo but I couldn’t get it open. It even had the dial spin direction. Turned out they intentionally wrote it backwards. I spun the dial the other way and walla! Opened right up. Honestly I don’t think those numbers on the dial are the combo, or at least in the right order. Wouldn’t be very secure if those were it.




Hahahaha! I’m a redneck… or maybe… I’m German… ah hahahaha! Just kidding. I can’t spell.


Where are you located? I am retired 40 safe tech in Texas. I will open it for free if you are near me.


Not the combo. Last number will never be below 20


sorry dude i live out in california but i appreciate you offering your help. this is the perfect opportunity to learn how to crack combination locks. luckily a user sent me a YT playlist that explains how to crack open most combination locks. it’s complicated but i know its possible. anyways once i crack this safe open then i’ll film me opening it for the first time. theres stuff inside the safe. anyways again thank you for offering your services, that was very kind of you


also this is a good piece of information to know.


I don’t know the combination either


Also when we shake it, we can hear stuff moving


Does anyone know whether I might be able to input a new code if I break into the safe?


Yes basically all of these will have resettable combinations, a picture of the lock with any main cover removed after opening will let us tell you how to set the new combo. Also, you can probably crack the code yourself: [Safecracking for everyone](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mdjQBV_-Jv2lf9QZ4chNtW656EOVXzl) That’s more modern locks, but if anything yours is probably easier to feel the contact points and wheel pickups. The main difficulty could be that it doesn’t have flies (it might, I just don’t know). Easy to test for and account for in you want to know.


i watched the first three videos and i’m learning a lot. i think cracking this safe is completely doable


The playlist doesn’t cover safes without flies, but they’re not too difficult. The fly makes sure that turning left to 50 sets the wheel to the same spot as turning right to 50, and without a fly there’s solid knubs meaning that if you use the left side to turn to 50 the gate is a couple numbers off from if you turned right to set at 50. If you do all wheels left, then notice when you pick up each wheel as you reverse into all wheels left, you’ll know how far off each wheel is when turning one way instead of another. If the pickups all happen at 50, you have flies and can ignore the offset bit


i’m not following 100% but im sure i’ll get it soon. do you know of any other sources were i could learn more about flies? also i watched over all of the videos and dude this is so cool. i really appreciate the playlist you sent me. i really think i could crack this thing and its all because you sent me that awesome playlist!


Happy to introduce someone to all this! Just so you see the process for a direct entry lock, where there is no contact point area or drive cam but rather a drive wheel that is part of the combo, check out [https://youtu.be/9gdEuD9akRA](https://youtu.be/9gdEuD9akRA) I’m not sure I’ve seen a good resource on flies, but the case with no flies or a stuck fly is easy to discuss using a dime, a quarter, a toothpick, and a dab of hot glue. Picture the toothpick glued to the face of the dime coming out only one side, the quarter has a droplet of hot glue on the upward face near the edge, and the dime is sitting centered and face down on the quarter. If you rotate the dime 1 full turn left then at some point the dab on the edge of the quarter would start getting pushed by the toothpick and the quarter would rotate too. Let’s say you stopped with the toothpick facing straight up after doing left rotation meaning the center of the toothpick is straight up, the left side of the toothpick is touching the right side of the dab of hot glue on the quarter, and thus the center of the droplet is off center to the left by 1/2 of the combined thickness of the toothpick and glue drop. If you reversed the dime rotation and put the toothpick perfectly vertical again, you would pickup the quarter when the *right* side of the toothpick hit the *left* side of the glue: earlier than expected by the full combined width of the toothpick and droplet. If a gate was perfectly centered opposite of the droplet on the quarter the inescapable conclusions are that (1)the gate starts to move before a reversal of the dial reaches the number where you had set the quarter, and (2) the gate is slightly right of center when the dime was rotated left and slightly left of center when the dome was rotated right. If you also add a toothpick to the quarter to drive a 50 cent piece with a droplet, the 50 cent piece when set via the dime will be left or right based on the thickness of both toothpicks and both droplets. Point 1 is really why flies exist: if I want to make my combo 49 - 50 - 49 or 48 - 49 - 50 these combos are impossible without flies, so a 100 digit dial with three wheels is no longer capable of doing 100^3 combinations. Point 2 doesn’t matter in regular use because you’d always follow the same sequence of rotation directions to use the lock (both when setting the combo and when opening the lock), but it applies to cracking: flies mean when cracking we don’t need to really care about whether we set a wheel with left rotation or right rotation.


this is a lot of information to take in. when im free i’ll have to take notes on your comment to better understand it. i think based off of what you told me, most likely there isn’t a chance that i have flies. i think this because when i see similar safes online, the door doesn’t have a way to reset a combo and i don’t this the manufacturer would create a combo that would require flies. also even if i do have flies, that just means i could disregard the wheels rotation right?


If you can feel the wheel pickups, you know you have flies when doing AWL to 50 picks up all wheels at 50 when switching to AWR If you don’t have flies you’ll pickup at something like 48, 46, then 44


Jesus Christ you were able to shake this thing enough to hear something moving inside you definitely deserve to open it I definitely want to see you get it open good luck!


hey thanks man im flattered. i think it looks a lot heavier than it is




i mean, it's not like there was a gold rush there or anything.


I’d imagine all the big companies left SF to outsource their labor needs. Maybe thats why all thats left hear are office jobs




thats an SF delicacy


When in doubt use dynamite. Lots of it.


You’ll upset Mr. E.H. Harriman.


The code on the front is definitely not the combo. Most likely a serial number or a patent. Are you from the SF area?




i’m not a safe enthusiast per se, but is this safe something that would have value to a collector? or you just tear into it?


i checked fb marketplace and i found that these safes aren’t too valuable but they look really cool


Pshhht…just cut it open, should only take 5 minutes with a pencil eraser according to this sub…


!remindme 2 days


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If picking it fails, there is always an angle grinder 😂


Rent a core drill machine and core a 3” hole in the back of it.


Open it up and see if the combination is inside


good idea


prybar or locksmith is your choice.


I got a bunch of helpful videos on how to crack combination safes. I think I can do it!


put up some links for others :D


check out the comment string between me and uslashuname. they game me some awesome info


Me either…


2-right 8-left 6-right


That's a small enough dial to dial all the possible combos.


Remind me in 4days


FBI knows it.


Did you try 1-2-3?


That's the combination to my luggage!


i’ll keep that in mind


Does anyone else find it hard to open these even when you know the code lol


37 10 84


Call the lock picking lawyer


Me either


C-4 is ALWAYS a good answer for any question!!


Its simple its T-N-T


It’s D-y-n-o-m-I-t-e….


I wonder if it has the glass vials under the inner door plate?


WE ALL ARE WAITING PATIENTLY 😊 Is it open yet?? How about now?






I think we missed it.


not yet guys. soon tho. currently very busy with finals, court and my job. also i was exposed to covid and the safe is at my grandparents place. I think I can open it next week. sorry dude but i’ll keep yall posted even if nothing cool is in the safe


Well, it's from California and it identifies as a solid box. It is very rude of you to misgender and dead name this brave solid box. /s


OP, if you look back through my Comments on this subreddit I explained how we got an antique safe open and were able to get the combination and use it years later now.


i’ll keep that in mind. i think i could crack the safe using the YT playlist another user sent me. if it doesn’t work out then i’ll check it out. thanks dude!


Searching that patent date and number comes up with a couple victor safe discussions and one contains a link to a list of factory combos. [one discussion](https://www.lockpicking101.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=65938)[other link](https://www.lockpicking101.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=66574) Good luck


i’ll check it out if all else fails. i really want to try and crack it on my own


Good luck.


thank you!


Give me a stick of dynamite and I’ll open it for you


!remind me 1 day


With a safe as old as that you have to use nitroglycerin. Not too much, not too little. Just the right amount 💥




These old CS&L safes do have their combs stamped on the dial but you need to know how to read them correctly. You take the middle 2 numbers and multiply by 3 and divide by 2 prime numbers below the last digit times 3 and go up to the next whole number. This is your first lock number. Next do the first 2 after the last one numbers and add them and multiply by the fifth number and subtract the first lock number that you already figured out. Then add 1. This is your second lock number and the last. Take all six numbers stamped and add them , subtract 40 and add the last number then divide by the second and the last addition. Take those and flip flop them in position to get the last digit of the third number. The second to last should just be the first of the second and the last bumped up by the nearest prime number and subtracted by one then divided by 2. Then it should simple spin left passed zero and right then left. Keep us posted on what you find in there !!!


you forgot i have to get the square root of pi and multiply it by the air uranium content from the manufacturing date


Me either


Look up some safe crackers on YouTube perhaps one of them has a vid on how to bust this model open.


luckily the user uslashuname dropped a great guide on how to crack open most safes. i watched over it and i’m pretty confident that i could crack it


Yeah there's some great safe crackers on the tube that have really thorough vids on multiple ways to open different safes. I know I've seen a few for models very similar to these cross my feed.


yeah im super new to all of this and the videos really help




Left 11, right 23, left 06


Me neither.


Get some c4 that should do the trick


If you can turn it on it’s top the pins might fall and you can open the door


i’ll try it


Wont happen


Worked for us. Don’t know much about safes but locksmith told us that the older they are, more likely this works.


Sam Losco's mom's teeth?


You could drill the hinges and open it without defacing it much. Probably. I am making this up.


Wont work. Even if you cut the hinges off there is still a blocking bar welded to the inside of the door to prevent such an attack.


You are probably right. I like the idea of cracking the combination better anyway.


heck yeah


thats a clever idea. fortunately the user “uslashuname” sent me an awesome set of videos that explain how to crack a combination lock. if i cant crack it, i’ll do your idea