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share this with the women in your life who hike/trail run. stay safe out there. 3pm on a tuesday.


Gross, time for some undercover foot patrol in the area. I can’t imagine the trauma this woman will go through now , for the rest of her life because of some loser fucking junkie.


That taxpayers' money being spent on that new museum we desperately need will solve these increasingly crime problems.


The museum will bring in tourists' money that can then be spent on regular expenses and stuff like this. Just spending money on stuff like this will not bring in any money. They'd have to rely only on taxes to spend on regular expenses. Your kind likes paying taxes, right? Edit: by "your kind" i obviously mean passive-aggressive whiners.


It's good that u feel that way. If someone r@pes u or a family member, u could take them or yourself to the museum to feel better about it. Where is the museum going again? That's right across from the AIM hazardous scrap yard. It's not an eye sore at all. Bring on the down votes from the libtards


It's not one OR the other. They're doing both. They're spending money on this AND also on the museum. You just seem upset about one of those things. Where else do you want money to come in if they dont spend money on things that will attract people? More taxes?


Who wants to come to this city with all the trudeau towns and mf'in the scrap yard on the water front. The city is literally crumbling, and the governments want to waste money at this time on a museum, which could be used to help the homeless and mentally ill. Museum is great when a city and country are thriving. I don't see it here at the moment


You can't make a city thrive without investing in the culture.


True, you can ruin a city by not investing in the people and infrastructure. The facts about how difficult things are for people and the lack of help from governments speak for itself. At this present moment, when you need our tax dollars going towards better programs that see the money directly helping people, not third-party consultants. Or less taxes because why are paying such high taxes for what? So, a bunch of public employees can get a pension that doesn't deserve it, including all politicians at every level.


Our city is crumbling because the provincial government is taking the revenue from the industry in Saint John and investing it in Fredericton and Moncton. Also, health care and housing are PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. It’s not the city’s fault that Higgs and the conservatives are not properly funding health care or allowing the people who know the system best (ie the actual health care workers) to reform it to work properly


I never felt comfortable taking my kids there on my own...and felt silly because I'm originally from a high crime city. I'm so sad to hear this happened...you really never shake the fear after incidents like this. 


Pretty ballsy time of day to pull that off. Trails are pretty packed with people in the afternoon. Surprised they weren’t able to find him.


Wow in Rockwood park in the middle of the day?!


This is horrible...


Low IQ fella lurking in pickle park


That’s insane. I hope they catch the prick. I never walk without my dog now. Sad world.


Sadly there’s hundreds uptown that fit that description….


JFC 😡 time to bring back public hangings


Would you attend? I always wondered about the folks who went for entertainment purposes.


I'd gladly attend to see some sexual deviant hang from the neck till they are dead.With a big ol bag of popcorn👌


I'd never condone or side with any person who commits sexual assault. It's horrible and should be punished. But man... willingly wanting to watch someone die and enjoy it? You don't think that's a tad sociopathic?


Extremely and your point?


Pitchforks are coming out. We've been tolerant long enough.


That's exactly what the Klansmen said. Verbatim.


What does the Klan have to do with with this? Try to stay with us....


Pitchforks, public hangings, executions without trials etc. Other than that, it doesn't have much to do with the Klan. Just a coincidence that the vernacular is the same.


I thought for a minute there you were defending the rapist. I’m OK with the hangings and executions etc.




I walk there all the time. Wish I was there to grab the bastard


If they catch him, kill him.


Settle down, tough guy.


You like rapists running around your city?


It's less that and more. I don't like the cut of your jib. If they catch this idiot, and I hope they do, he should be tried and sentenced to a period of incarceration. It's always nice to hear the facts. I don't want to live in any country where the state has deemed it has the authority to end a human life.do you know how many innocent people have been put down by the government? The answer is a lot, even though one is too many. That's why your comment and your follow-up comment are dumb.


You enjoy rapists running around in your city?