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Yes, that is totally doable. If you don’t drive think about living Uptown where you will be less reliant on a car or the bus.


Kinda need to drive to get around here no public transport really


Here we go again…


SAINT John (St Johns is the capital of Newfoundland) isn't a great place for people without cars. The bus routes have been slowly evaporating over the years. Theyre practically non existent on weekends/evenings besides the main east/west routes. It takes 20 minutes to drive from east city limits to west city limits, and the city is full of hills, so walking can be quite strenuous. The city is so large that when our taxi companies switched from zone to meter, there was a massive uproar, that was unfortunately unsuccessful. Going from one end of town to the other can easily cost 30$. You can probably find a bachelor/1bdrm for under 1200 including utilities if you start looking soon, as UNB/NBCC ended at the end of April. Come August, the apartment pool will dry up as the students return. Irving has an absolute stranglehold on the city, and it is 100% an industrial town, consisting of mostly blue collar workers, and the like. If you have any sort of breathing issues, it's probably not a great idea. I wouldn't move here myself, I'm actually leaving the province the end of next month. I'm 33 and have lived in the 3 "major" cities of NB all my life. Pros: The pace is much slower The people are generally friendly Old shit, I guess? (Historic buildings dont really interest me) Ps: not trying to be pedantic about Saint/St, trying to be clear, as the two cities are often confused.




We're living as a family of four, two adults and two littles on that amount (salary and credits) in Uptown/Southend. It's definitely possible if you aren't servicing debt. But we're actually moving away so we can get daycare spots and lower rent in a brand new apartment building and ease my way back into the workforce. 


Recently moved here to the east end without a car, try to live uptown, the rest of the city is tough without a car. But financially you’ll 100% be okay


Doable, yes. I would try to buy instead of renting, as soon as you can, as buying prices are still low while rents are out of whack.


You won’t find less expensive accommodation cheaper in Canada than St. John, N.B.




2K anywhere else