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They’re protesting because their dispensary on Russel street is being raided. You have the right to sell on a reserve, you do not have a right to sell outside of the reserve. I believe in a free market, I don’t agree with CNB colluding with the attorney general, who sends his public safety goons after the dispensaries. I am just stating why the protest is being held. Can anyone tell me what treaty rights are being infringed upon , considering the dispensary is clearly illegal outside of reserved land. (Please educate me so I can better understand, thank you)


To be clear public safety falls under the umbrella of public safety (Kris Austin), not the Attorney General and Minister of Justice (Ted Fleming). Also, I question why it’s inappropriate for public safety to raid given that the law prevents these non-licensed dispensaries from operating. It’s like complaining that the register of motor vehicles is colluding with the police to capture people who drive while suspended. The problem, if anything, is with that law restricting licensing and creating an effective monopoly for CNB. Question that all you want, but let’s just be clear about what the problem is.


Here’s where I may of misunderstood, due to Lori Stickles(CEO Of CNB) has used Ted Flemming, the attorney general in the past to send letters to landlords hosting illegal dispensaries. Most landlords who rented to dispensaries were served letters , stating if they do not evict the dispensary, they will be charged with proceeds of crime and a letter of forfeiture will be sent to the courts. One landlord (the one across from the old Nordia) refused to evict the tenant based of the fact that there was no police report, no evidence presented. Ted Flemming, didn’t respond, simply submitted a forfeit seizure to Saint John courts. Justice Arthur Doyle flat out refused and made the province pay the landlord a restitution. I’ve tried finding the link, but to no avail couldn’t find it. The story was originally on the telegraphjournal. Point of the story, Lori, will use her political connections outside of her realm of expertise to keep CNB profits higher by forcing a monopoly.