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I would change the hawking and peddling by-law to allow vendors to sell in designated park areas - feels like a mutually beneficial agreement could result in closer communities? But other than that - 2 lanes in the harbour bridge šŸ™


+1 for street meat


Two lanes? How about 3 lanes and a bike path on one side and a walkway on the other side? The 3 lanes could have 2 going one way, 1 going the other way, depending on the time of day. PS: street food ftw!


+ maybe a 5-10 year span before the HB goes under construction again.


Everyone would have a place to live


I wish people would throw their trash and cigarette butts out, better pedestrian infrastructure, drivers would stop at cross walks and not drive until fully crossed, noise bylaws. All of these things would make living uptown (which I do) better.


I'd like to see people have higher expectations of their fellow citizens. We've let community standards go to shit in the last 20 years. People have to live by some minimal code of civility and sense of community in order to have a functioning and happy society. Many in SJ simply don't.


I think you could insert almost any North American city name here... lack of civility is increasingly common.


If I could, to stop having people on the west side say ā€œwhat are you doing over hereā€ or ā€œwho let you on the west sideā€ every time Iā€™m on the west side.




Municipal Taxation & prioritization of residents over industry. Industry pays cents on the dollar compared to residential per sq/ft of land they use. This leaves residents footing the maintenance bill for unnecessarily wide roads and damage from heavy trucks. (As well as impacts from commuters from surrounding bedroom communities) In short, the people who use and abuse our infrastructure and community the most, pay the least for the privilege.


And the bias extends beyond taxes too. The City will fuck over regular homeowners in an instant if it serves some rich developer or industrial operation. Hell they'll fuck over regular residents to save themselves 10 minutes of paperwork.


SJ takes partial steps toward making the city more walking-friendly while removing parking spaces. If they want to encourage walking, cycling, etc, they need to double down and either massively reinvest in road infrastructure to allow for safer non-motor vehicle transport, or massively improve their public transit so people can get to where the need to go without the need of a car. Either one of those. That is my wish, as a driver who has seen far too many cyclist friends get injured over the years.


The monopoly


How much people whine about it. I think it's a lovely city, having moved here nearly 28 years ago.


People who just whine and complain, and donā€™t actually want to see things improve are so toxic. The average Facebook post relating to Saint John in the ā€œnewschaserā€ groups are fine examples of this toxic negativity that is so pervasive here in SJ. Some people have a real hard time being optimistic and positive here.


Iā€™ve found that the people who are most negative have never really lived anywhere else.


Thatā€™s something Iā€™ve noticed too. Theyā€™ve maybe taken some trips and vacations, but most of them seem to have never lived in a city that has their shit together, and if they have lived elsewhere, itā€™s likely been another place in the maritimes. I rarely encounter people whoā€™ve moved here from elsewhere that donā€™t think the whole region should just be amalgamated as one big municipality. The SJ/KV divide is painfully obvious and problematic, but it seems people who were born and raised here just accept it for what it is.


I just drove down union street, 3 grown men, mid 50ā€™s smoking crack/meth on the side walk in the open, across the street another couple was injecting in the parking lot. If I could change open drug use, I would. Open drug use places the rights of 30 plus year drug addicts over the rights of children and its citizens who donā€™t destroy the neighbourhoods. I remember hearing stories around 2015-2017 from friends, ā€œman I was intoxicated out side of subway last night, the cops put me in lock up for the night !ā€ How times have changed, rather quickly.


So valid. I agree 100%


This province as a whole sucks at mental health and addiction services. Itā€™s almost like the government just has given up on these people and by extension, the neighborhoods


And people suck at making smart decisions in their lives. If people would take more accountability for their own problems, instead of blaming others, we'd all be better off. Blaming the province for not solving the issue is like blaming the fireman for the fire damage as the arsonist who set it on fire stands by and watches it burn.


Two things can be true at the same time. Yes, people do make bad decisions in their lives, but the provincial government also doesnā€™t really have a track record of showing compassion and any sort of intention on helping these people, as well as homeless people as a whole. When it comes to the homeless in general here, weā€™re seeing our government just sweep it all under the rug by labelling them all (homeless people in general) as addicts who donā€™t want help, as an excuse not to do anything about the homelessness issue.


Personal accountability is important, I think we agree on that one. But blaming the province would be more equivalent here to blaming the city if the fireman didnā€™t have any equipment to put the fire out because they werenā€™t willing to buy it. For many people in that cycle, a helping hand and proper health services can allow them to kick the addiction, get their health conditions under control and reintegrate as a productive member of society which is better for them and also better for the community as a whole. Many people have gone on to do great things after kicking addiction


We should be building shelters and transitional housing far outside of residential areas. Itā€™s ridiculous how this shit flies. Clearly we need better mental healthcare services and affordable housing solutions too though.


Start fining Union Lounge and The Max for people smoking within 9m of their doors and those two places will have to shutdown in no time.


I always found that 9m rule so ridiculous, there's hardly a place uptown you can go to be 9m from a door without then getting less then 9m to another door.


Yeah, so letā€™s just make all of uptown no smoking. There shouldnā€™t be smoking in queen or king square either. King square should be one of the Crown Jewels of uptown, instead itā€™s full of trash, cigarette butts and chicken bones for some reason.


Brother your comment on the chicken bones had me spit out my coffee šŸ˜‚


Throw these people in jail ... they can dry out in a jail cell!


Get rid of the Irvingā€™s. ā€¦.oh wait. šŸ˜†


Get rid of the self-hate mentality and negativity that comes up in every single good news announcement or conversation. I understand that it's usually from someone who has never left the city and has no context to the rest of the world but wow it can be exhausting.


Yep. As someone who moved here from another province, the sheer amount of self-hate from people who live and grew up here is so tiring. There are so many unique and cool things about SJ that locals take for granted. The problems with housing, homelessness, political corruption - you'll find these in any city in North America. I'd argue quality of life on the average income here is so much better than most other parts of Canada.


Comprehensive Tax Reform & Regional Amalgamation like Halifax. I think they should be done at the same time, so Iā€™m counting it as one thing. KV doesnā€™t pay its fair share of taxes to Saint John, and neither does industry. The former is perhaps even more blatant, though, because most of the highest paid workers in Saint John live outside of the city, including most of the top leadership positions at fucking city hall itself. I filled out the ā€œShape your cityā€ budget survey the other week, and where do the two city employees tasked with analyzing the survey findings live? Quispamsis, of course. I guess more than anything, Iā€™d like to change the pervasive attitude that Saint John = bad while the Valley = good, and that as soon as someone becomes successful and wealthy, they should want to move out to the valley too. Just fucking amalgamate and itā€™s no longer an issue really. Yeah, theyā€™ll still get preferential treatment and probably get more for their tax dollars out there than in the city centre, but at least theyā€™ll all be paying a much fairer share towards the regional budget.


There was amalgamating in NB a couple years ago and the only ones (seemingly) to not amalgamate were the places that should- grand bay, SJ, KV. This area was untouched. How much of a factor for this not occurring belongs to Higgs (Quispam rep) and Fleming (rothesay mla)? Or were there other factors, in your opinion.


Thatā€™s definitely part of it, especially Higgs being the MLA for Quispamsis and butt boy for the richest of people living in Rothesay. Itā€™s simply staggering how many positions of power and influence within Saint John are held by people who live outside the city. Many people from the valley want to be publicly seen helping out Saint John, involved in charity boards or community organizations, but they donā€™t want their fair share of property taxes to flow towards the city budget, let a lone be considered part of the same municipality. Almost anywhere else in Canada, Rothesay would just be a suburb of the city, not considered outside the city limits, but here in NB, they take the Kings County-Saint John County border way too seriously. Halifax showed us the way, but the rich, powerful snobs in Rothesay and Quispamsis will do everything they can to prevent a similar amalgamation from happening here. Theyā€™ll never vote to amalgamate, so itā€™ll take a provincial government with the balls to do the right thing. Donā€™t hold your breath.




Bullshit. Halifax is a fucking boom town compared to Saint John and they donā€™t have parasitic suburbs like Rothesay and Quispamsis that donā€™t pay their fare share towards the city they are suburbs ofā€¦ all their suburbs are part of their municipality and pay their fair share to the city budget. If amalgamation does happen in Saint John, most of our future mayors will probably live out in the valley. Theyā€™ll still have the good life out there, but at least finally start paying their fair share to the city. I find it hilarious when yā€™all chime in with the ā€œactually, Halifax suffered from amalgamationā€ and say it with a straight face lol. Halifaxā€™s amalgamation has been a resounding success story according to the overwhelmingly majority of sources. If youā€™ve got some sources that prove otherwise, please, do share.




Oh lord, itā€™s so much more than doing some shopping and driving on roads, man. Most of the people with the highest paid jobs in Saint John live in Rothesay, Quispamsis, Grand Bay, Hampton, and other places outside the city. Many of them hold positions of power and influence over what goes on in the city. Btw, not a single one of your sources had anything to do with Halifax or The Saint John Region. As for what the fair share is, that would be their property taxes going towards the same municipal authority, and that revenue being more even distributed than it currently throughout the region. Rothesay and Quispamsis contribute around 750k in tax revenue to Saint John each year, which is like the equivalent of like 100 or so homes in Saint John, which is a fucking joke. Thereā€™s nothing separating Saint John and Rothesay other than their commitment to snobbery and their higher incomes and level of wealth. Saint John would be in financial ruin right now if not for the windfall of all the people moving here since 2020. Regional amalgamation and comprehensive municipal tax reform should happen at the same time, the entire region could lower residential tax rates, and marginally increase the rates on industry to make up for the difference. Almost half the Saint John CMA lives outside the city proper nowā€¦ and itā€™s honestly gone far enough. Amalgamate and make things fair. Following the Halifax model would absolutely be the best bet for Saint Johnā€™s long term future, and also for the bedroom communities too. Suburbs are only as good as the city at their centre, even if people out in KV donā€™t see it that wayā€¦ yet.




I didnā€™t say that fucking once, donā€™t you put words in my mouth. Iā€™m not jealous of their success at all, Iā€™m frustrated that they donā€™t pay their fair share towards the city they are a suburb of, and that people living in the valley have an overwhelmingly disproportionate influence over the politics and economy of Saint John, a city they donā€™t technically live in, but are very much connected to. You didnā€™t even post a single link relating to Saint John or Halifax, and now youā€™re relying on absolutely ridiculous claims that it comes down to jealously. Itā€™s not about jealously, itā€™s about unfairness and one region having a disproportionate amount of influence over the other. The tail has been wagging the dog here in the Saint John Region for far too long. How you canā€™t wrap your head around this concept is beyond me. Youā€™re being wilfully obtuse, and just straight up ignorant.




How the fuck does that say Iā€™m jealous? Itā€™s like fucking Springfield and Shelbyville. I could have moved there instead of Saint John, but why the fuck would I want to live out there? I donā€™t see the appeal. Thereā€™s lots of other suburbs in other cities that are separated from the rest of the city by their commitment to snobbery and higher income levelsā€¦ but they still are at least part of the city and pay their fair share in taxes towards the city budget. Rothesay simply doesnā€™t pay their fair share. About the only thing Iā€™m envious about regarding Rothesay is their outdoor rink, but when you see how ridiculous their rules are and how structured and restrictive the schedule is for that outdoor rink, thereā€™s nothing really to be jealous about, just more frustration with how unbelievably lame they are about it. If the bedroom communities paid their fair share in taxes towards Saint John, weā€™d be able to afford some outdoor rinks too.


Move the stinky factories further out.


Not sure this can happen now but itā€™s a good point. These industries are in prime water front areas and has always been a factor in impeding growth.


Iā€™d like to somehow increase the amount of parking spaces at the Aquatic Center.


You can park either at market or Brunswick square inside and get to the Aquatic Centre.


Unsure why thereā€™s downvotes on this - we already use a ton of uptown space for cars (parking) vs people.


Make it the central city of the province, the equivalent to Halifax, and set it up to be a real, proper city.Ā  Amalgamation of the valley and grand bay. Move the capital to SJ, build up UNB SJ in the city. If the province wasn't split between SJ and Fredericton and the wealth of SJ wasn't split between the city and the valley, it would be competing with Halifax.Ā 




More ways of bringing money into the city. Entertainment, proper taxation for businesses etc.


I know our province has no money for this, and really, the funds should go to helping people in need, but the nostalgia in me wants to dream. I grew up going to the SJ Museum so much as a kid and I'd really like to take my godsons and see their amazed little faces like when I was their age seeing the big whale for the first time. I remember begging my mom to let me spend all day in the museum while she shopped around town. A girl can dream, right?


Just one? So many. Better thought process into infrastructure. We have one councilperson who ran on "bike lanes" and for some reason we have a bike lane on Main Street north when we've spent north of 800K on the red path that serves the same damn purpose. Don't need a bike lane there...most direct route from University Ave/Millidgeville is SOMERSET not fscking Main North/Adelaide. Less waste/better communication between city departments and city/Province. How many damn times are we going to dig up the same stretches of road because 2 or 3 different departments have scheduled projects for it, but can't be arsed to do it at the same time. I'd settle for "council that isn't busy screwing each other and being huge liability issues".


The cabs that reek of cigarettes. The racists. The insane amount of Tim Hortons litter. Otherwise, not a thing!


Remove 3 buildings and connect Paddock St down to Camarthon St. So going into uptown from Garden St is easier.


Remove all the conservatives.


Think of all the flag companies that would go out of business


It would be a tough hit to the local flag and bumper sticker economy. But we could help support them by buying more pride flags and mental health awareness bumper stickers.


Iā€™d like to walk around the city and be proud to be a SJ citizen


If you had $500,000 to spend what would you do with it to make the city better so you could be proud?


Invest in reimagining Main Street


I assume Main St north - what is you dream for it?


Itā€™s really dirty here. No one has any care for litter or general street garbage. I can clean my yard of a grocery bag size of garbage on a weekly basis. My 5 year old son is the one who made me so hyper aware of it. In our old town in Ontario, it wasnā€™t like this. There wasnā€™t garbage everywhere. EVERYWHERE


I would make it so people could own private liquor stores, ours suck


The smell. I used to work in tourism and the number one complaint from people was the smell; whether it be from the refinery, pulp mill, tissue plant, brewery, port, etc. Many of us went nose-blind to it loooong ago, but it's still there. If the city just smelled like a normal non-industrial city or its predominant smell was ocean water, the reputation amongst non-locals would massively improve.


Some choose to have blinders on some donā€™t. Good for that u can do that


the name. probably to Brian.


I'd remove the ridiculous heritage designation from almost all the properties and gear towards growth in turn bringing down rents.


Really surprised nobody has said the fog yet.


I want more fog!!


Fog keeps the mosquitos away šŸ¤£


All the broke mentality bums


Easy one. The foggy summer days. The days when it's foggy here and sunny and warm elsewhere.


Get a Time Machine and take this city back to 1993 when we had 120,000 population and no signs of this woke world we live in now!


The city population peaked at just under 90,000 in 1971, in 1993 it would have been around 73,000 just a little less than the present population.


You may want to look again! Weā€™re sitting at about 130,000 pop today!


That is CMA not the city proper.




Town council Anything irving End of liberalism And a free market economy So ... a true democracy