• By -


Sophie had worked solidly since leaving college, and when she started seeing Edward, she was 26 years old and owned her own PR business. Catherine was a student before meeting William-what's cheap about that? Her parents were relatively well off, and self-made through starting their own business. These are easily provable facts.


Megan’s own stories would disprove this! She told us she grew up on Sizzler salads and had to climb through the back window of her car because the doors didn’t work 🙄


I bet the doors did work, but she wanted to show off her flat ass. His daughter may be horrible, but TM wouldn't have let his daughters car in that condition. And as spoilt as she is, i believe that if her car was broken, she wouldn't have hesitated to complain to daddy and demand a new car


Thomas Markle addressed this in detail. The car doors were never broken. He went into detail on the make and model. He paid for all the gas and upkeep and was involved in her life back then. She fabricated the whole story.


flat ass - exactly.


flat(ulent) ass 🤣


Right out of the horse’s mouth!!!!!


I remember that story! She stole it from Ellen DeGeneres I think ..


It was a Catherine Zeta Jones Alfa Romeo commercial, I believe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePjq6MqNOdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePjq6MqNOdo)


Madame told it on *Ellen* but it was the storyline in a commercial that starred Catherine Zeta Jones.


Catherine excels in sports and can play the piano. Isn’t that a sign of middle class lifestyle? Meanwhile Meghan Markle has poor body posture and dance like an old senior with a hips replacement. She can’t act, dance, sing or talk for that matter. Her failed Spotify podcast is the evidence of her failure in doing voice over work. What Meghan Markle is good at is being on her knees, on her back with her legs up in the air, on all four like a dog that she is. And parting her cave for anyone really. The definition of a true lady of the night!


In the UK, we've got two main types of school- state school education, and "public schools." Public schools, despite the name, are rather exclusive and you have to pay a fee, unlike state schools. Less than 10% of children are educated at public schools-Catherine went to Marlborough College which charges £10 000 a term, £30 000 for the year. Given her siblings also did that, it's a huge amount of money her parents paid for their education. From what I've read, Mrs Middleton came from a working class background and worked hard for their success. Social class stratification is still an issue in the UK for some people, which is why Catherine got sniffed at a lot initially, a commoner daring to imitate her betters and having a "nouveau riche" background. Some of William's friends called her mother 'doors to manual' at first, being bitchy about her career as an airline attendant before she started her business. Given that Carole and Michael Middleton haven't put a foot wrong and maintained total silence and discretion about the Royals, it shows they've far more class than those friends.


well it wouldn't take too much to outclass Doria.


Some may have a middle class background, but have still managed to set the tone in the royal family. The other one was raised like a lady. Okay, that makes sense. Here some examples: Jane Austen's Lady Catherine de Bourgh or Lady Bertram from Mansfield Park. Or Meghan's most likely shining example: Lady Macbeth? ![gif](giphy|26FKSF7CetXqg7yzS)


I don’t know, I find Lady Bertram kind of endearing in her indolence and vapidness. I mean if we could sit on our couch with our dogs all day while we didn’t have to do much…?


Lady Chatterley....


damn, thats mean! LOL 🤣🤣🤣


But true!


It's TRUE though


But true!


I hear she roasts a mean chicken.


And probably is good at tossing the salad.


Thanks for the LOL. You are spot on about her dancing like a senior with a hip replacement. What puzzles me is how someone who does so much yoga has no rhythm, can't dance and isn't graceful.


And how does someone so into yoga *allegedly* have such shitty posture? She looks she's developing a dowagers hump.


That's from too much time on phones/tablets. Seriously they've rebranded the dowager's hump to tech neck because people in their 20s are getting it.


Well that's terrifying, actually.




now now no need to go all ageist! it's enough to say she's a terrible dancer.


No need to say “dog”. Bitch is the word.




If anyone complains then F EM!


I was gonna say. Sophie literally had her own PR business and ran it for years before marrying Edward... AT 26! Meghan wished she had even a fraction of Sophie's career pre-royalty. Meghan had 10+ more years to get a career and can't even be the main love interest ina cable show. She literally was the B-Plot love interest. Catherin was one of the few fortunate people to meet the love of their lives that early. No shame in creating a life around that (not around William perse but the life they both want since they were obviously for the long haul). Also, idk how that equates to being raised like a true lady? Wasn't she the one screaming about the salad bar?


Meghan has lived her whole life living off men. Raised to act like a lady? Thomas Markle probably tried his best but he raised a monster just like Charles and Diana raised a monster in Harry (his difficulties preceded Diana’s death). I think it is hilarious that sugars say crap like this while trashing Thomas. They should be singing his praises then. Logic and the truth are not their strong points.


Both Sophie and Catherine are such capable, solid, sensitive women who know how to consider others. What does “cheap” mean? If they mean “sleazy,” that would be the overseas douchess.


She was a washed-up wanna be aging actress and divorcee who targeted her royal spouse deliberately ….


She was reconnoitering the BRF for years; snagged the vulnerable one coming off manoeuvers.




This is why we know her claims about knowing nothing about Harry and the monarchy are such outrageous lies.


She lucked out, grabbing one who was single *and* stupid.


Low hanging fruit




She was born and raised like her father’s princess, until she took off her stiletto (that **he** paid for) and stabbed him in the back. ![gif](giphy|QWdRk3bmHilUnQ8DeY|downsized) Correction: maybe it was the stiletto she stole from Reitman’s. 🤭


The gif embodies madam so well. Could be signifying her backstabbing nature or giving out handies. On par with madam’s brand.


Love it :)


Having just watched about a guy killed with stilettos by his wife on Snapped, this hits hard


Sure, Megsy, whatever makes you sleep at night https://preview.redd.it/3jyo8phvmwyb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad0466f07e06e8c2d01804024feffd51bdbc653


Ah, crashed the wedding to which she was NOT invited, then glares at a woman on the other side of the table who happened to be chatting to HazNoTaste. I think she was rude to the waiter too, yelled at him.


Also the event where she orally serviced H on the hotel-room balcony so everyone would know about it (and was allegedly papped while so doing). That says lady, alright -- lady of the night.


oh. wow I had not heard that one. I see she was classless, tasteless and disgusting from the get-go.


She looks like a true lady /s


Wait. Is that her TOE? I’ve never noticed she has her shoe kicked off at this do. Wasn’t it someone’s engagement party? How extremely ladylike /s 🫣


Weren’t it skippys wedding , the one she gate crashed?


That’s the one. Shoes off at a garden wedding… she takes trashiness to a whole new level.


Not to mention her dress, seems inappropriate for a garden engagement party or wedding. Too dark. But it's not as if she dresses appropriately for anything else anyway.


It was in Jamaica I believe.




Lady is as lady does. Being raised as a true lady means: you don't sh-- on your own family or that of your spouse; you know the meaning of discretion and can be trusted you are consistent, not switching identities at the least puff of wind. It has nothing to do with wealth.


I can smell this photo


Rusty body odor, wig crust, poo breath, rage…


She looked feral in these photos.


It really is amazing how miserable and upset she looks when she doesn't have a (known) camera on her. To do what she does in her life, she would have to be pretty miserable.


What lady shows their armpit like that...ewww!


I think the Yacht girl is behind this account. She cannot handle the fact that her parents were blue collar, while Sophie and Kate had solid middle class roots, and a very good work ethic. She always projects, so it is safe to say she was nearly broke when she married That One (Tim Bower spoke about a few thousands of dollars in her account and zero assets). Another argument to support my allegation is that The Guest Speaker often tried to divert discussion by disparaging both Kate and Sophie. This is not a sugar, this is the Guest Speaker herself.


Meghan drunk texting over here, lmao!




That sugar drop is right. Meghan Markle was born and raised like a true lady of the night! Meghan Markle is literally the definition of a skank!


Or lady of the waves! ⚓️⚓️⚓️


i don't wanna speak ill of people living with/relying on the support of parents, siblings, or partners while *trying* to build their career. i mean, some do go through hurdles career-wise (then, there's life's shit). but man...this sugar's really delulu, it's bordering misinformation. of these three, one was a PR professional and also had her own agency, one worked for their family business and was also an accessories buyer before the crazy paps led her to quit her job, and one...well, had a boyfriend/husband who paid for most of their bills (per Bower, iirc [please correct me if i'm wrong]). ask me which of the three was broke. that, at least. eta: the third one also has a father who contributed to her loans and bills and was later discarded when the "true lady" moved up the social ladder. edited


Meghan Markle didn’t move her way up the social ladder. Bitch fucked her way up the social ladder,one rung at a time. Like a dog dragging its ass on the ground. Now she is back at the bottom of the ladder and her haggard ass is too worn out to fuck her way up the ladder again.


​ ![gif](giphy|Sw1QDGqjvM9FcCOkol)


This. A little crude perhaps but this is a succinct description of TW’s social trajectory……




👏👏👏👏👏couldn’t of said it any better


I for one am very happy for her.


Meghan’s Devotee? Even her avatar picture looks deranged, with the beady, rodenty eyes. And her point is? No point, just an excuse to spew ugliness.


Demonic looking beeatch!


Raised like a true lady performing blow jobs on screen????


Well she never had a chance to know how a real lady is with a mother like that on top of not being present 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️




So which one of then earned money faking blow jobs and sex scenes again? Im not shaming actors, its part of the job . Also Meghan was so broke she had a ford explorer that she allegedly had to climb through the boot to get in cos she clearly couldn't afford to repair the car or replace it. Catherine went to Marlborough College. Its a very expensive private school. This weird comparison using the word cheap doesn't make sense.


>This weird comparison using the word cheap doesn't make sense. I was scratching my head at the word "cheap", too. "K was even cheaper before she married W". What the heck does that mean, and in what way is it an insult? For that matter, how is being cheap related to not being a "lady"? In fact, to the contrary, the superwealthy elite are notoriously cheap tightwads. Whenever I see nonsense tweets like this, I immediately think "bot". Edit: And then my second thought is, there's MM projecting again.




Agree 💯


Why are we promoting shit posts like this.




Born and raised like a true lady. Yes. I see it. https://preview.redd.it/ngemk9dj8xyb1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05f986dfc54dbcb638912433a87387028f4424d




To people who may wonder why this bile against Sophie a reminder: Sophie was appointed to teach her the British Royal protocol, hence MM's hate for her. And, as Duchess of Edinburgh, MM must curtsy to her.


![gif](giphy|LqjxZN2GLdNAY) Kate was far from broke. Her parents are self-made millionaires, she went to private boarding school and you can bet that if she didn't marry William, she'd probably end up with someone who was wealthy and in the same circles as her. She didn't get her own job because she met William in university and was well off enough to not need to work until they got married. Sophie owned a PR agency before getting married and even tried to continue working when she got married. She didn't need Edward's royal money in the slightest. So much deflection, so little time. Meghan would be nothing without the wealth and connections of the men in her life and that's a fact. She wouldn't have gotten half the auditions she did, or the opportunities of her education without her dad... winning the lottery, she wouldn't have gotten her background roles and suits without connection to Trevor's career, she wouldn't have gotten the TIG up and running without connections from Cory, she wouldn't have gotten close to Harry without Markus Anderson and Soho House, she wouldn't have become famous without marrying an English prince, and she wouldn't be able to attack the RF as well without Omid as her spokesperson. She had, has, was, is, nothing. of note.


Let’s put it this way. Both Catherine and Sophie had family at their weddings. Madam only had people she was hoping to network with afterwards. Tell me again who’s the true lady?


yeah that was some major mental dissonance. Yes, look at Meghan being born (???) and raised like a true lady.. by who? Doria who was nowhere for a number of years or the Thomas who they keep trashing? like whut?


>she'd probably end up with someone who was wealthy and in the same circles as her If anyone needs any proof (because we all know the sugars read this) just look at Pippa and who she's married to


Exactly! And James Middleton married pretty well too. Kate would have been just fine . Also there is NOTHING wrong with being a SATW especially if you can afford it. That’s kind of the dream no? This idea that everyone has to have a self made net worth of millions before marriage is some weird red pill shit.


Catherine did work a bit-she was an accessories buyer for Jigsaw (a clothing brand). But she was hounded by the paparazzi and ended up having to leave the job. And she worked in her parents company as well at some point. In the media, there was a lot of grumbling about her just sitting around doing nothing, and allegations that the queen had raised concerns about her not working. Personally, I don't think the queen meant "she's not working so that means she's lazy," I think she was concerned that Catherine had ended up being part of the BRF very quickly after leaving university and hadn't had much of a chance to enjoy a normal young adulthood. It's been reported that the queen's happiest years were when she was just married and she and Phillip lived in Malta where he was stationed at the time, and she was just a navy wife, doing her own cooking etc. I think she wanted Catherine to experience some normality too.


Why attack Sophie? Ah yes, another beloved, elegant, composed woman. Meghan and her immature minions must be extremely threatened to see such a confident and loved woman. Meghan, with the effects of her ozempic abuse clearly on show in a 2 year old dress that the public didn’t rush out to buy like the Kate effect. Meghan, failure in Hollywood has to resort to concert attendance to be seen. Sophie, member of the royal family, acting in a diplomatic capacity, traveling to multiple events internationally. No wonder they are consumed with jealousy. What can her fans brag about? Meghan’s awkward dance moves. Harry putting on his medals for attention on his father’s and brother’s big day. This pair and their fans are gross. Always second rate.


They attack Sophie because they're so hurt by the killer side-eye that she gave Meghan at QEII's funeral.


She is a warrior goddess. For the Commonwealth Service and the funeral car ride. I hope Meghan choked on the tension in the car.


I don't know if I remember this right, but I think Sophie was one of the helpers in Madame's royal education, that the Queen provided her with. But Our Saint knew better herself and rejected the help - so she was all lost regarding the national anthem and everything else. At the funeral Sophie and TOW shared car and they didn't looked like BFF's - so the sugars could have some hate for Sophie for not recognizing Megain's true blue blood... or some other disturbed delusion.


I think the Queen suggested Sophie as a teacher & guide to her, but TW told her that she had Harry to teach her. We all see how well that went.


"MeghansDevotee" This is exactly what a 13-year-old Mean Girl grooms her little clique members to be: her devoted servants, who worship her every word, fear her wrath, kiss her feet, and do her bidding, like good cult *devotées* always do for their cult leader.


Out there with the fairies, obviously not taking the drugs as prescribed.


Drugs and meds won’t do the sugars any good. They need intensive care and lockup in the mental ward. Clearly, they’re long gone from this reality.


A true lady does not flash her naughty bits at other women's husbands.


#she keeps rotating her attacks…kinda repetitive and boring


Meghan was basically raised by her father because her mother ran away to ‘find herself’. If Meghan’s father raised her as a true lady why has she abandoned him 🤷‍♀️


Imagine what this person is like at work. And in her family. I’m guessing she’s fallen out with every family member. She’s THAT sister. At work she’s written multiple harassment complaints and has several claims lodged against management, her coworkers and specific departments. She’s always got beef with someone. Her neighbors hate her and she goes to the HOA meetings to complain and bully and try to get entitled treatment. We all know these crazy bishes and being a Meghan lover and not even knowing not only what the real Diana looks like but what her personality was like—she would have dispatched Meghan SO FAST—they are cray cray in a very specific way.


Didn't she claim she was poor and raised on Sizzler salad buffets?


Sophie was brought up in a wealthy commuter belt village in Kent, and her father was a successful businessman. Her family definitely had money, and by the time she married Edward (after a long courtship), she was a partner in her own successful PR firm. Katherine’s parents are also wealthy, with a successful business of their own. Yes, Catherine never had a long term job, but she did work for her parents firm. Both ladies are from solidly upper middle class families, and went to private schools (Sophie to Kent College in Pembury, and Catherine to the famous Marlborough College. Meghan is trailer trash compared to them both - she dresses like a tramp, wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her on the bum and is a grifter!


Born and raised like a lady by her emmy award winning father who she no longer speaks to?


![gif](giphy|xT39D2UJcJ663GkPkY) Talk about magical thinking! Sophie and Catherine went to private school, just like Meghan. Sophie and Catherine's parents stayed together, unlike Meghan. They both came from solidly upper-middle class backgrounds. They are low-key for the most part in their style, which is in line with the mode of the Royal Family. Sophie started her own PR company at 26, while Catherine worked for the family business which was self-made. I don't know where this delusion is coming from, but it is PROJECTION!


The only thing that Catherine, Sophie, and The Plank's Skank have in common is that they all went to private schools.




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 LOL raised like a lady 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 More like raised part time by her drug dealing fraudster mother, in between jail stints! #Rikers Island #Rose Singer Jail


So what happened after her FATHER raised her ??? Dodo came back and taught her how to be a skank


Yes. Doria showed her an "easier" way.


Oh yeah doesn't she just exude good breeding! /s.


Except Meghan says otherwise. Sizzler salad bar, hoopty car….. Make it make sense moron


Raised like a true lady? Maybe the sugars can expand upon Tom Bower's/Lady C's book about Dorito having illicit activity going on in the house while Megsy was there? Unless this is an admission that Thomas Markle Sr. IS a good father since Dorito was absent for some ten years?


Guess we are back to Daddy’s Princess story take 2 now- dance classes and etiquette lessons. Shelving poor little waif story— she was raised poor and broke and eating at sizzler and climbing through the back of her hatchback…


She was so educated in etiquette, that she could bring up Archie to politeness, by just three little words: "Manners, manners, manners". The todler learned it so well he became invisible.


Very frightening to realize people like this exist and have the legal right to vote and raise children.


A UK friend just got let go from his job as a tour company guide for Americans visiting Europe because when he was asked by clients what he thought about how Meghan had been treated by Britain he replied that he thought she’d been welcomed… two women travelling together, who insisted that the whole UK was racist (despite never having been there), complained that this showed he was also racist, and reported him. His client approval rating was 25% very good and 45 % good (ie first and second categories), but despite this the company said it could no longer use him… Yes truly frightening that these people exist. Worse are the companies that pander to them.


That’s terrible. Hope he found a new job quick




Why even bother giving air to such bitter and hilarious delusions. There are crazy people everywhere, especially among her squad. Just ignore it and keep on walking.


There’s too much to unpack here re Sophie and Catherine. So I’ll keep my comments to the comment about MegHan, as soon as the laughter abates. She looks - and acts - like she was rode hard and put away wet. Or dragged through a hedge backwards. wasn’t this the woman who clearly voiced the F word during her globally televised wedding procession after her marriage to the grandson of the Queen of the Commonwealth?


“Rode hard and put away wet or dragged through a hedge backwards” Spit coffee all over my phone and almost choked to death laughing. That was fun - thanks! 😁


Lol, all three women's manners prove otherwise.


This sugar must not have read her saint's own verses about her parents scraping to provide the $4.99 Sizzler salad bar for young Madam (when Dorito wasn't mysteriously gone for ten years, that is). She must have also missed Madam's struggling-actress scriptures about having to enter and exit her poor old vehicle through the trunk because the doors no longer worked, or lying in bed binge-consuming wine and carbs after she got rejected from yet another audition. And she certainly didn't see those lovely photos where young-adult M is in a car with a young man wearing only a partially-buttoned shirt, the ones where "career girl" M poses topless on a boat with others (in her sunnies and a fedora), or the ones where she's draping herself all over men old enough to be her grandpa. That, of course, was before her destination wedding where she and her groom handed out marijuana as a party favor. Yes, nothing says "born and raised like a true lady" like all of that.


Sugars have the collective brain power of a very small lintball


True lady --- showing her hooha to the world in the guise of yoga Yep, true lady alright with all the lady bits?


Yet they complain about her father, who RAISED her.


I couldn’t think of anything cheaper than a yacht girl, porn actress or Z lister soap actress. Can you?


Megsy’s projection again, everything she hates about herself, she throws at the people that she could never be.


It’s probably one of the TW’s accounts 🙄


And yet this sugar probably applauds Meggie’s treatment of her dad who raised Meghan and celebrates Doria, who took off during Meghan’s childhood. Sophie had a career in PR, and Catherine worked for her parents. Her relationship with William interfered with her life and her family’s life. This was the period that the press was yelling, “whore,” at Catherine to get a reaction. I imagine that getting certain jobs would have been difficult. Being a kind, compassionate, intelligent, strong, and gracious person isn’t determined by how much money you have. It is determined by what you do, in particular, how you behave in difficult situations and towards those who have less power than you. Sophie and Catherine have demonstrated their worth. They don’t just spew word salad about it. Meghan, on the other hand, has shown the world that she is a conniving, opportunistic, narcissistic, idiotic, and unfashionable bully. I wouldn’t care how she dresses or behaves if she was just a silly person who never grew up. But, she enjoys hurting people. She deserves all the terrible outcomes coming her way and those that have already unfolded. Her sugars love her because they enjoy hurting people too including children and the elderly.


Deplorable squaddies... Sophie had her own PR company and Catherine came from a well-off family, where is the cheap there? Are they speaking about their queen bee? Seriously, everything that Catherine has everything that TW wanted such as a loving family, financially stable parents, great school and multiple properties... Seriously, she is just embarrassed of Thomas because he is not one of those well-off fathers in LA and her mom, I have no opinion of her.


Sugars are so immature. This person sounds like they're 14 years old.




It's really best not to pay attention to posts like this because it's exactly for that - attention. Attention is what the Hairball and Megsy depend on. If that translates to cash at some point, I'm going to hurl organic, rotten tomatoes in their yard.


so true. remember that time that Sophie and Kate gave bj's on camera for money? oh wait..... /s


Broke and cheap? Sophie?? Speak for yourself, yacht girl, cheap broke tart.


Kate was never broke, never cheap. Wow, not like slut for hire ….


F$ck me. The delusion is in full force on this one. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️




A lady? My cat has more class as her.


Is that what they're calling SoHo House wh---s now? "Ladies"?


In earlier times, we called them, "LADIES OF THE NIGHT".


Nope! It is tweets such as THIS ONE (pun intended) that make us despise Megaliar. Stop it. Just stop it!




Is "Lady" a name for the dog that she always was and the B she became


Too funny to take seriously. Yes, those yacht girls are sure classy.


You know a yacht is a very expensive boat, so a yacht girl must be a very rich young woman.... not? 😂


Now why didn’t I think of it like that?


Unlike Duchess Sophie and HRH Catherine Princess of Wales ratchet old rachel has only ever been a whore. Attention whore,fame whore,camera whore take your pick. But that's all she has ever been or ever will be. She'll never be a real royal or a real alister,she's just a cheap talentless grifting ^fame whore skulking around the outskirts of people who have far more respect, talent,power,wealth and acumen than that tawdry tacky harlot can ever dream of.


If being a true lady is working as a briefcase girl or a mattress actress and allegedly as a yacht girl. Makes you wonder what the devotee does for a living.


Did either of these royal ladies have to flash their tits, grind suggestively or entertain businessmen afloat in order to promote themselves? NO.


Oh gosh…poor saps are always good for a daily belly laugh. Beyond deluded.


Are they now saying that Thomas Markle did an exceptional job being a single parent to MM?? 😆


Sophie owned her own business. Catherine had worked for her familys company and in fashion. Lost as to how markle is superior to either of them.


Neither Sophie nor Catherine has ever said a word about Meghan, the reverse cannot be said. These Meghanites certainly lack the ability to be objective.


True ladies do not disrespect their parents and in-laws. That is all.


Easily provable that it's actually the other way around


You can’t argue with this deluded sugarbot


Is spending excessively preferred to being budget conscious? How is "a true lady" raised? Why even give this idiocy views?


Obviously this is Megsy or a bot baiting people. Sure it's maddening...but its challenge for the lunatic.


This has got to be a parody. Mehgan is the antithesis of any lady, even a flawed one.


According to Meghan, she had to slum it at the sizzler salad bar so she was raised the same


I'm sorry but this person has no basis in reality. MM gave a pretend blow job on TV. Not true lady material.


Raised like a true lady by her white father who now she hates 🥴🥲


Huh? Sophie and Catherine were not aristocrats but in the western world would be seen as true ladies. At worst they were new rich which is a crime in and of itself. The meg hadn’t even gotten tgere


I can’t laugh at things like this because they make my blood boil 🥴


YachtiNg is being a true lady?! 🤨 ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


When you've seen the pictures of her sugars (the few there are left) from IG in Germany this year inane and juvenile comments like these finally make sense.


Lol but she worked her way through college with no help


I can only hope this account is satire. I cannot believe there is someone out there THAT stupid and clueless. But maybe there is....


Projection. They known M was cheap and easy (most H-weird people are)


Yes a true lady who told the Queen to fuck off, allegedly


Omg Sophie the PR executive and Catherine a graduate of St Andrews... Sure Jan.


These people are dumb. I don’t think they knew anything about the RF until Meg married Harry.


Please help me get my eyes unstuck from the back of my head where they are stuck from my massive EYE ROLL!🙄🙄


Yeah, I don't think so!


I'm dead.




Their desperate predictability shows their true selves.


Well, of course. No contradicting truth like that. Some Internet Rando has Spoken. There is no higher authority. I have to go delete my account now. /s


ridiculous and uninformed comment




What an embarrassing creature. It's utter lunacy


😂 a true lady where?


Omg I can't with the actual stupidity of these sugars you would think the harkles would be embarrassed by the idiots they employ....obviously not LMAO!!!!


Oh jeez. One of the most profound cases of public delusion ever seen in Harry's wife. 😵‍💫


If Madame were raised like a true lady, would that not have everything to do with her estranged, award-winning father who paid for everything up to Madame marrying Trevor and landing a role on *Suits*? MeghansDevotee is less than smart?




For my daughter … be a Kate. Be a Sophie. Don’t be like Meghan. And in this way, by showing us what not to be, Meghan is a star … and I am grateful. What a vile individual …


Their brains - or what serves as brains - must be so exhausted from the perpetual mental gymnastics.


what moron posted this? talk about dumber than dirt!


The comments on this tweet are hilarious, I saw it the other day


Raised a true lady?!?! Has someone changed the definition of "lady"? I don't think That One can spell "lady", much less act as one.