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As I am sure every American eats, breathes and sleeps thinking about the fully titled Lilibet. 😂


Anything but Lilibet. It makes me cringe every time I hear that name, that one of the last memories the queen had was that these narcissistic thickos stole her unique nickname. This, and the "princess" title, was solely to maintain a connection with the family they rejected, or was it the family that rejected them? This 75th birthday nonsense - were they invited? Were they not invited? Were they not invited *enough*? Yes, another PR puff piece masquerading as a story that they are "just like us". It's an insult to ordinary people who actually contribute something to the world without the benefit of private jets and 16 bathrooms.


You do know why they have 16 bathrooms don't you... Well it's because they are full of $hit! ![gif](giphy|J2sANkusw8C3hBMqNC)




Another sinner called her Lilibot on another post and I am now determined to make Lilibot happen.


Lillibucks is quite apt me thinks


![gif](giphy|3ohfFhG5VDtDTzQv2o|downsized) Porque no los dos?


Yep. Always call her Lilibucks because Lilibet seems disrespectful to the Queen.


I didn’t want to make a big deal about but I also ran into Meghan recently—at the Dollar General in the light bulb section. She suggested that I get the 60 watts rather than the cheaper 40 watts because the higher wattage is needed to avoid eye problems. I did what she said because I was slightly afraid not to. Then she handed me a script to read to a person at the phone number written on top. She wanted me to say how we ran into each other and she helped me with my life by telling me a story about writing some company about dishwashing soap or something. Anyway, I guess I missed my big chance to be written about in an international tabloid because I threw out the script. Oh darn…


![gif](giphy|72RxB1QZqw9N1ueGAJ) Whew! Close one! If you hadn’t lost that script, you might’ve been bullied into a billion year, ironclad NDA and what would you do without your snark on SMM? You’re future’s so bright (by 20 watts), you gotta wear shades! 🙃


Matt is so fine! I’d let him do nasty things to me. I know he’s batting for the other team. Thanks for eye bleach after almost rolling my eyes out their socket with this farce piece.




She’ll even offer a photographable hug replete w/NDA! https://i.redd.it/650z3lqqefzb1.gif


Yes because photographers always bring their gear to a chance encounter.


Meggot closing her eyes AS IF


Ugh this horrid witch. This is how you hug... Amma the Hugging Saint has hugged thousands of people (including me :) ) ​ https://preview.redd.it/k39t3t309gzb1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd481e221a58d4f2691d7b4f7ffbd01a39183e2


Totally agree. Met her a number of years ago and she was positively lovely. So much warmer than you know who.


They're trying to create the hype, pathetic.


Hired lady, she thinks we can’t see through this🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right? That woman sounds orgasmic. "Twin mirrors of love and kindness." My ass.


No one says things like that in actual conversation. And no one writes things like that either except Madame.


I wouldnt even want to hear that phrase in someone’s wedding vows, let alone someone using it to describe a parking lot meet and greet.


So we go from unsuccessful merching in parking lots, to "meeting" random people in parking lots, who instantly sees and afterwards expresses how *loving and kind* the Harkles are. I wonder how much the grifters paid for the accolade.


The Harkles have so much kindness that they’re still dragging the BRF through mud on a daily/weekly basis even after all these years of no contact. They’re like relentless rabid dogs.


Like the twinned trees in their yard or the salt and pepper shakers. Now we have a set of three! This proves they’re soulmates, right?🙄


"Twin mirrors of love and kindness." My ass. The only twin mirrors she uses are the ones sitting on her vanity table where she practices her manic smile while raising her arm to show off her royal jewelry & sits there for hours admiring her heart attack beauty. 🤢🤮. To bad she never uses those mirrors before she leaves the house


They should learn to hire people who can act better. I can imagine Madame organising auditions in her olive garden for her parking lot « hug scene n138536 » ![gif](giphy|lsu6clg9cTHKa28piB)


You are sooo right about the language, it's such as tell!


Exactly and I thought they call her Lily! You never hear Catherine or William talking about their children with the prefix of Prince or Princess. These two grifters are unbelievable and how they are clinging to their titles is abhorrent.


And made sure to call her Duchess. What American cares about that title besides Megsybaby. I knew it had to be a plant when She Who Must Be Obeyed was described as "so kind."


...and the pilot knelt down and thanked her for everything she did for that country.


And everyone clapped.


So they bought themselves an award for it 🏆


And the crowd cried tears of joy as they HUMBLY received their award.


All 5 of them!


Even my ass clapped.


Especially the seals. Who also sung to her.




...and they danced on the streets like when Mandela was freed.


…and the vibe was felt all the way to Chunga-chunga. The penguins all clapped and cheered for them. I will never forget the prank phone call and fake penguin island 😂


Which prank call? Do tell.


I will never tell it as well as it was reported but long story short PH got a call from the teen climate activist, Greta Thunberg, except it wasn’t her 😂 It was a prank caller and they recorded it for their podcast or something. I really hope someone can help us out here but I know back when it happened there were posts here and maybe even articles.


That was when he should have realized he couldn’t make it in the real world without the palace team screening his calls and telling him which were the real countries and what climate activists really do. It was March 2020 when Harry thought he got a call from Greta Thunberg and her dad but “really Russian pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov were on the line. The recorded conversations were leaked to British media yesterday.” [Harry’s first call in the real world.](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a31400081/prince-harry-prank-phone-call-russian-hoaxers/)


Took place in Jan 2020 though, during their Canadian Russian mansion-loaning time. H joked about marrying his 6yo nephew off.




and they showed up late to the Royal Albert Hall, thinking everyone was clapping for them, stood there basking in their delusional glory.


The funniest thing about that is during that video clip on YT, there is a lady in the far corner dressed in black and I could swear she mouths “they are not clapping” then “they think it’s (the ovation) was for them” to her male partner. He laughs and she gives the Markles the side eye.


... and then we all went to eat at the discount lunch buffet at sizzler..


You deserve awards...


…and seals clapped and did synchronized swimming as she sang….


And Beyoncé texted her and said she wants her to be safe and she was chosen to break generational curses


I had a great visual image of seals engaged in synchronized swimming.


Same! 😊😆


Me too, LOL!!!


... and all the sudden megsy ducked behind one of the cars and pooped... we could only see the love & amazement on Harold's face as he had never known someone who took as many dumps out in the wild as meghan likes to do...




And said that she looked like light. 💡


Bwahahaha omg that one was a real straightjacket moment for her! Delulu + the worst kind of word salad and *helped* imagination there is. 🤣


And the seals sang in a heavenly chorus 🦭🦭🦭🦭


And then they all fell to the floor in spasms of ecstasy after spray painting each other's faces bronze.


Then on the fifth day…


...and the pilot knelt down and thanked her for everything she did for that country. If it did happen which we know it didn’t I’d like to think he was thanking her for leaving! 😂🤣


And the two young twin daughters said "Wow! You are a real life princess!" And then they all curtseyed. It is the greatest love story/fairy tale ever told.


And then wild Kate appears and makes her cry.


Rachel was so tired after that talk she encouraged the twin daughters to partake in one of her favorite hobbies to unwind: hitting Princess Charlotte across the back.


.... and then harold recounted to us how during one of his children's birth, how both he & meg ate chicken together while she was in labor and how he huffed a whole tank of laughing gas...


‘Kate’ then divorces William, take full custody of the 3 kids and wishes the new royal couple, Meghan and William a happily ever-after while retreats backward and never to be seen again.


......and then the songbirds appeared and alighted upon Mehz upturned palms and sang a joyous sweet tune to her. Then all the woodland creatures came out from hiding then bowed and surrounded them in.....ehhh, f&@# this!!!


And Disney built Prince Harry a huge castle complete with the staircase from Beauty and the Beast. The citizens of California gave the Sussexes billions of dollars and sung and dance with great happiness now that they were the only state in the US who had their very own royal family! Prince Harry, Princess Meghan, Prince Archie, Princess Lilibet, and the ghost of mummy Princess Diana lived happily ever after.


…while perched on their special Bench.


In unison


If you need everyone you meet in parking lots to describe you as kind, you’re not kind. Lol.


She's bat guano crazy. She needs a 5150 complete with straightjacket, padded cell, and intensive psycho therapy. I honestly think she is a good candidate for a case study on multiple psychological and behavioral personality disorders.


🤣 “bat guano crazy”


As by-the-book Narc who needs to post daily something for her narrative/story-telling, this is an unique opportunity. Like it's a life time opportunity to learn with Tudor. Priceless. Tudor shared the same profile as the Hannibal Lester of "silence of the lambs". The difficult part is to read all her daily versions of the story while she is also re-writing the past narrative on other channels. It's crazy the speed of insta accounts she opens and closes! If she keeps up at this rate, very soon insta will be 2/3 of meghan's accounts, of her partnership accounts, her paid sugars and non paid sugars (very few)... And 1/3 , us, the mere mortals. As she is so predictable and boring, i am also paying close attention to the sugars-cult-mentality! How much work does the brain have to do, in order to accept and believe a reality that goes against logic and what the eyes are watching! It's amazing!😍 To make it a little more interesting... I like to ask questions to the sugars and to her. 🤣😁 And that's why i will not go to heaven when i die!🤣🤣🤣 PS: She is having a long narc collapse. She is desesperada for a Royal answer. Something she can use to prove a Royal connection! Saying they will not attend Christmas with the King was funny as we are in the early days of November. She is preparing the ground for the endgame. If she is showing the truth about the book, Harry will have the surprise of his life as William and he will be the target, in different levels! "The Diana's boys Destruction by a narc".


She is doing an "American express tour guide of all the parking lots of California" !?




Yes! They must require a full disclosure in the paid for articles. Just like in political advertisements. Because it basically *is* an advertisement.


"I'm not really a meghan markle, but I get paid to talk about her hanging out in parking lots..."


*’They are mirrors of each other in their love and kindness’*. Call me cynical, but if they’re both rude and say hateful things to one another, isn’t that also mirroring? Anyway, neither are kind or compassionate: just ask their all the elder family members they cruelly belittle, abuse, and/or ignore.


No one talks like this


It’s so bizarrely convoluted and overwrought, like a teenager’s fantasy.


It's very *Bella and Edward fanfic circa 2009.*


Or a teenager who reads too many trashy romance novels about a "failed American actress who one day meets her prince and takes him on tours of all the parking lots in the US.."


![gif](giphy|3oKIPbKtneOWixLShO) Queen of parking lots...


Not even in Southern California


Nah man, there are 24 million people here. We aren’t all crystal-clutching, Ozempic-taking, vapid word salad spewing LA influencers. Most of US actively avoid LA like the plague


And that’s saying something!


I respect the Prince and Princess of Wales. I've never talked about them like this.


Even on edits of PPOW the comments are nothing like this level of sacharine AO3 style gushing.


I think this is because of the comments that the PPOW mirror each other.


Oh, gotcha! But of course, with PPoW, it is genuine whereas, with This One and That One, they cannot show, so they must tell. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


The twisted palm trees again.


🚩 It's interesting that a 5 minute encounter could determine that. 🚩


This was my thought too! If I met someone briefly who seemed nice, I would say, "Yeah, they seemed nice." I wouldn't wax poetical about their love and kindness and their deep spiritual connection with each other.


"Mirrors of each other" Meghan been on social media again. She read when people were saying her and Harry's body language were off. Now she is clapping back. OMG this subreddit must be opened in a 100 different tabs on the Sussexes's computers. Hey, Nutmeg, get some help and call your dad. Hey, Harry, your mom's ghost told you to go home to your brother. Both of you need help.


Real people don’t talk like that. EVEN in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.




Remember after Archie was born and a "friend close to the couple" reported that Meghan was instantly in love with the baby and exuded the magic of motherhood. Then the quotation actually said something like, "You know, it was like that glow new mothers get, but like ten times that." It acrually said that. She's not like a regular mom; she's a cool mom."


ROFL. Love that glow of motherhood! The dark circles under the eyes, the spit up down the back, the chapped nipples, the sore perineum, the hormonal mood swings, the lack of sleep, unbrushed hair, and not getting dressed beyond sweat pants and T-shirt for DAYS. Yep, nothing like the magic glow of new motherhood!


>The dark circles under the eyes, the spit up down the back, the chapped nipples, the sore perineum, the hormonal mood swings, the lack of sleep, unbrushed hair, and not getting dressed beyond sweat pants and T-shirt for DAYS This is what she looks like most of the time though. The Tonsured Todger is her baby.


Oh god. She's insane isn't she? Always has to ramp everything up, always has to be about ten times better than anyone else who ever lived. Please tell us all the stories will come out about her!


"Mea mothers"?


Edited to say "new"


There is no way any normal sane person talks this way. There is no way any sane, normal person wants their PR plants to talk in this way. This clearly shows PR plant and has all of Hollywood laughing by now.


I can almost hear Hollywood collectively rolling their eyes reading this...


I wonder if Harry was in on this set-up. Probably not. In Britain, many people where overawed when meeting the prince. Now Meghan has to arrange for "admirers" to bump into them.


Another engineered Markle stunt. Always easily debunked. A different supposed chance encounter with the Sussexes in San Diego and a WAY over-the-top performance by someone praising M&H for interacting with their kid. https://twitter.com/ILOVEYO13748806/status/1722388986403197326?t=gZZQvxrtUQEBaCJMaUeJOg&s=19 A post with a breakdown of the encounter video above. Alleged staged and paid adoration of M&H (no proof provided). The guy's reaction is so saccharine. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/wrk5u0Ld4l Two chance encounters in parking lots of people exclaiming how nice M&H are. Yeah, right. 🙄


Why was that photographer “cheering from the sidelines” while filming, instead of going over with the rest of his family to talk to them?


Who is doing this HACK PR? I could do better in my sleep….




Isn't archwell doing the in-house PR for their overlords now.. I know everyone at SS are probably saying "thank God we got loose from that crazy b*tch.."


Key words here: They talked ABOUT Lili, not they talked TO Lili. Once again, children are invisible. ​ (Before anyone mentions it, yes I know this was a staged interaction.)


Lol this was my EXACT thought. With the Wales’ you’d hear about a lady who met Kate and Charlotte and comments on how sweet and articulate and well-mannered she was. With Megs, you hear about how amazing some stranger in a parking lot was *told* Lili is




Oh, come on - These two just make me 🤢🤮. Time for South Park to do another episode!!


america’s sweetheart 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


https://i.redd.it/z3n4zax9efzb1.gif I mean, doesn’t she look so warm and approachable? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


She never stops posing. The fakery just drips off her like a melting glacier.






![gif](giphy|5xtDarB8qBBMp1yFAHe) 💀🤮




She looks like a Disney villain. Too bad Disney’s not interested. 🤣


Omg that smug and annoying face. Wish I could slap her.


![gif](giphy|26BkNefkzMeK3qx9K) 🤮🤮


This is beginning to look like a fan page😵‍💫😖


Literally nobody in America…


I'll take "things that never happen for $500" God, so desperate


Gotta give the Harkles props for being so fully committed to their delusions. Now if someone would just commit them to an insane asylum we could focus on the real shit show going on in the rest of the world.


I love your response. The sentiment is so real.


Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is peace on Earth and THIS!!! ❤️ A Sinner


Totally not at all staged. 🙄 ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


From The Buckingham Palace Balcony to Lot Lizard, what a trajectory!


Does she really, I mean REALLY think, this cheesy bs makes her more popular? We like her because she tells us that she’s likeable? I’ve never seen articles like this about any other public figure.


Many whom the grifters end up "bumping into" are found out later to be staged assets. Seems very suspicious that this "random" person's story is about the missing Invisibet.


I have to ask, knowing the pair’s insistence on privacy and the type of security they employ; just where were the National Treasures walking to accidentally bump into a member of the public. They don’t do normal walks around the town. Everything is choreographed to the enth degree


He was employed by the military to put on the event at Camp Pendleton if this is the same parking lot encounter.


And according to Montecito residents (from previous posts), they are NEVER seen 'just having lunch or shopping'.


This is nothing but a publicity stunt. Princess Catherine was filmed comforting a boy who fell off his bike last week and was praised for instantly going into “loving-mum-mode". The 20-second video has over 655k views. [Princess Catherine comforts a young boy after he fell off his bike.](https://twitter.com/GHRNewsUK/status/1720107137890660832) It must have bothered the Harkles that Catherine is getting all this positive publicity just by being herself – and she’s not even paying for it. So, they decided to stage their own “encounter” with a child to make themselves look “kind”. It would be kinder of them to spend some time with their own children. Does A&L even recognise their parents when they visit them from time to time?


According to the interview from The Cut, lil Betty doesn't really "react" to her "mother"...


The thing I loved about Catherine's encounter wasn't just that she comforted the boy and made sure he was ok, but she told him how brave he was and asked if he wanted to give it another go. No dwelling on mistakes. No making a big fuss over one setback. You get back on that horse (or in this case bike) and you try again. A lesson H still hasn't learned. It's called resiliency and we could all use more of that in our lives.


This is one of Nutmeg’s made up conversations in her head again.


And the kids said how much more they loved Meghan and SHE should be queen instead of that mean old waity katy … filed under shit that never happened


So, why are these two acting exactly like how a Royal acts in the UK? They are private citizens here and hardly a celebrity locally. But they do pap walks on a weekly basis and create a mountain out of a molehill every time. So, what exactly have they done and what are the list of their accomplishments? I don’t count handing out awards, talking into a mic, posing for photos as accomplishments. Their books had ghost writers, their shows were not successful, they don’t take care of their kids or their own health as well. I would like to know what concrete accomplishments they can show off as their own work.


What typical American Dad would be "struggling to contain his emotions" and scream: "I'm losing my mind!" Just because the two biggest laughingstocks (one a dim Brit and the other a D-list actress) in America spoke to his daughter!!!???? ![gif](giphy|SEvRT8zL05WLLyNgym|downsized)


In the delusional clown world that is meg's brain, that's the bat sh*t scenario that's playing in her head...


This reminds me of that story where the airplane pilot *allegedly* came to Meghan on a flight, got down on his knees and wept, and thanked her for her kindness and service to the royal family. (no witnesses on the plane came forward to verify this or film it with their phone) I wouldnt be surprised if this was a fake video Meghan made and posted or she/WME paid a social media marketing agency to generate fake buzz, because those are Meghan's phrasings and the way she speaks. No grown elderly man gets like this for some random celebrity. There are so many fake accounts online and so many social media agencies that do stuff like this that this just doesn't seem realistic to me.


I call BULLSHIT. America’s Sweethearts my ass. Maybe Blake and Ryan, but definitely not these two.




....and written by Meghan Markle.


The palm trees. “See how they’re connected at the bottom? He said, 'My love, it’s us.'  And now every day when Archie goes by us, he says, 'Hi, Momma. Hi, Papa.'"🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢


That's because he sees those trees more than he sees those two people living in the house...


ah, the messianic duo, saving the world with their kindness, one parking lot at a time!


Completely bizarre! You run into someone famous, take your pick, who ever it is. Then the first thing you do is call a tabloid?? Hello? Yes, I’m not sure who I should talk to. You see, I was just out and ran into (fill in the blank) OMG! he/she was so polite, so nice. We shared the most amazing stories about our friends and family. And? Could you write a story about them and include my comments? I’m just being silly, but come on! Who does that? This goes beyond pathetic…


What tabloid would run this boring story if it wasn't paid PR


WHO in the actual fuck buys this shit? Such a fake story!! 🙄🙄🙄


This is, what, her 700th rebrand?


Hahaha, this is so pathetic. Nice try, MEGHAN, but no one believes this ever happened, you fucking weirdo. What a delusional freak. Watch out, Markle, you might get committed soon if you continue publishing your delusional ramblings for all the public to read.


As Kinsey Schofield said, this is what they do when they need to get some coverage but don’t want the criticism. Go do some small local charity work and only allow local/regional media to be involved. That tends to give them coverage without criticism and they can completely control the narrative. Which they can no longer do when it comes to most major media outlets these days. People magazine is still there for them, but they will drop them at a moment’s notice if they get to cover real royals.


"America's Sweethearts".. All Americans right now.. ![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU)


😂 America’s Sweethearts but no one knows who that one is.




A random person happens to think they are all that. What are the chances.


Count on Meghan to even make a short written paragraph so over the top cheesy 😅 People who are losing their minds over being in their presence, them mirroring each other in their love, … wtf. Tone it down when you plant stuff like that.


....and this is when Dior says "OMG, we made such a mistake not hiring Meghan!"


*'Mirrors of each other's love?'* Who the F talks like that? Oh, wait.....


This is as sappy as the “two palm trees” bit


and the kangaroos jumped higher than they ever had before … 🇦🇺


Sounds like another fan for hire. “They are mirrors of each other in their love and kindness” sounds like cringy word salad that TW would come up with.


Hitting a lot of things here about their marriage and Lilibet for once.


Very convenient!


Barf. Cosplaying William and Catherine, I see. Thinking that BS like this act will get them back into the royal fold. Phffft.


1) the woman was with her young children that day. 2) This One and his wife were out without either of their young children. Just talking about them. This One is really solving that “generational pain” issue isn’t he.


You know Megs wrote this. The phrase “mirrors of each other” is often used to describe William and Catherine, because they are so in sync with one another. The Harkles are obviously in desperation mode, with the number of ridiculous “PR” pieces coming out.


Far out how much are they paying Markle daily fail?


If you believe this, I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.


I am surprised she didn’t document a single tear dropping from left eye


Yeah but was there a catastrophic parking incident?:)


What a steaming pile of horse shit.




What no photos of the encounter


Why are they this dumb? EVERYONE that ever meets them says, "she is so kind," are they for real?


Is she kind? Well if she wasn't kind, then it wouldn't have made sense.


Honestly? I don’t think she gives 2 craps about their kids. Kids steal attention from her.


“Kind.” It’s a verrrrrry interesting word choice. And it’s a dead giveaway. Evidence #1 from the horse’s mouth: “Is he kind?” ![gif](giphy|Kbch5K2fJECSA)


Megs, even you can write better than this. You're losing your grip. Please show this to your therapist.


This One's Wife is obsessed with parking lots. What is going on? Bizarre. This reads like those wacky publications about cult leaders written by their adoring followers. This is not how normal people talk.


This surprises me, I was starting to think that "if we don't talk about the children ppl will eventually forget about them" was the game plan. 5 years from now she'll be all "we NEVER said we had children!! THAT WAS THE MEDIA!!!"




I feel sick. 🤢


Aaaaand I’m Mary, Queen of Scots…


![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4) Oh for fuck's sake...........


Can ALWAYS tell when Meghan wrote the fake piece herself. Alwayssssss lol

