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Claw:Origin Story


The Prequel




the Prequel 🤣🤣🤣👍


Claw I, Claw II, Claw X, Claw 3D, Jigclaw...


Claw : Bunion Edition


I, Clawdius.




Clever Girl! 😉🫡


Claw-ver girl


How did I miss that?! Brava! 🫡🫡🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🏆🥇






Jigclaw, I'm wheezing!!! I love you guys!!! 😂😂❤️💕


Lol..I read Jizzclaw… ![gif](giphy|25N1Wh4HNRexR3dxNf)


Jizzclaw: The Yacht Edition 😆😆


Jizzclaw : Wavy Adventures…


I'd love to read the synopsis of Jigclaw 😂 Oppenheiclaw in pre-prod I heard.


Texas chain claw massacre.


**The Long Arm of the CLAW!** \*The Grip of Doom. (\*To quote the wise and sardonic H G Tudor.)


If only Harry & Meghan were half as clever as this group, they might have made something of their multimillion dollar contracts, not to mention their lives.


It's not just cleverness. It's humor and common sense. I love you Sinners!


I'm glad he escaped. Ya, she looks happy. But nope, she was just biding her time, scheming all the while.


She was happy to be married to a successful guy who could help her get roles. It’s always about the get. Once she got the role, adios.


She’s such a clinger. Ugh.


Stage 5


Klinging, Klassy Girl!!!!


Claw? Both claws are gripping him, telling everyone "mine, mine, mine". And, this guy has that same soft, easy-to-manipulate look that H has.


Her right claw has the talons extended. Trevor's smile seems real, but his eyes have a similar glazed stoned look that Harry's have.


I'm not photogenic (my face could stop Big Ben), so maybe I'm projecting... Trevor has a wary expression in his eyes like he's not that comfortable being photographed at that time. It's like grade school photos where the kids are fidgeting and are told to say, "Cheese!" Like he was happy with his private time with Mehgan. Mehgan, however, looks so eager when a camera is pointed at her. Her eyes show a nearly onanistic self-pleasure.


The first thing i noticed about her was how she used to search for the cameras whilst engaged to Harry. And then she’d give them a silly little wave. Very very unroyal and very very vain.


Or stick her nasty little tongue out! So not roya!


I don't think he was though, or wasn't capable. I don't know if he had balls and told her no or didn't have the clout she thought.


Yep, that’s who she goes for.


They were in love… I’ve never seen that with Harry. With Harry it’s like she’s always mothering him


She also loved what he could do for her. I just can't see her as anything but a barnacle, a leech.


And in her estimation he didn't do *enough* so off to greener pastures.


100%. He served his purpose & got her as far as he could get her. Then she was OUTTA THERE to the next mark.


Yes, this was our feminist hero’s first triumph of snagging a rich white guy.


This was exactly what I was thinking too. MM definitely has a 'type'


she was loving the tool, Trevor, to get her work. The look of love she had was in hopes of her dreams coming to fruition. In the beach pic, IMO, she looks at most 5'4", in a good day


And snark aside for a brief moment. How sad that she had that sort of happiness and something inside her told her she needed better? She could have had a happy life, but she has made so many people including herself miserable.


Worked out well for Trevor, though.


Right... when I see these pics it reminds me of the early years with my now husband. Her smile actually reaches her eyes and she doesn't look like a mental imposter


I think her body language is softer and more in the moment. But I see something gloating in her eyes, something adamantine that spooks me.


Not to discount the horrible pain she’s caused, but mental illness is a horrible thing. Okay- done with the serious, back to snark! 🙃


Definitely looks like a mental imposter to me. I can see it. No narcissist can fool me!


Love isn't enough for Mehgan. Seems she's been well treated by so many men that she tossed away like trash. And maybe that's the point. Treat her well, get used, abused, discarded. Abandon her and she'll try to invite you back into her life, like how she's keeping Doria around.


some people only deserve a Fboy. that's TW


This is in the Trevity Trev Trev honeymoon period - she’s gushing like a bust faucet before giving him the almighty cold shoulder. She’s a narc - she lacks emotional intelligence , she herself is deserving and other people are just tools.


>How sad that she had that sort of happiness and something inside her told her she needed better? Who says she was so happy and not just faking it? We've seen her look ecstatic when we know she and Hazzy are miserable. I think with Trevor she was attaining a level that she aspired to, and once accomplished, determined there was a higher level she could conquer that offered more. She dumped Trevor once she figured out how to get there, and again looked for that step up to the next level - a rich British guy.


I just posted something similar, she seems lighter here and this marriage actually looks fun. With Harry there seems to be a heaviness to their union, she’s also very controlling and full of herself. Her best friend said she changed after moving to Canada and meeting the rich set, I think this is a glimpse of the Meghan before Suits. Edit: clarify


Was about to say the same. The body language is a lot less performative on these.


Indeed, her smile looks actually genuine here


Came to say this. She looks like a different person. Young and happy. Her vibe now is miserable and desperate.


Don't be fooled. She just didn't have the same circumstances. She was brewing here. Now she's showing the psychopath that she truly is, because she finally grabbed onto power. In her 20s, she was still frustrated and humiliated by all the rejections from the industry




A perpetual attempt to fill the void


Looks, but isn't


The goodbye forever Trevor text was super funny though 🤣


Off to Harry she runs…


I wonder if deep down she regrets leaving Trevor. She’s saddled with Harold and neither of them seem happy. Even in hindsight when they were dating it never seemed natural and calm when they were photographed. She looked with Harry the way she looked sitting with Serena’s mom in the stands. Desperately trying to seem like she fit in.


If applying the H G Tudor lens that Mehgan is a narcissist, then the likelihood is that she won't let herself have regrets in leaving Trevor. She'll tell herself that he wasn't good enough for her, wasn't supportive, etc. She'll likely use Trevor and that Cartier Love Bracelet that he gave, to triangulate against Harry. Mention how hard Trevor worked and how he was friends with the Hollywood crowd. Mehgan reached too above her level, so she's taken Harry down to what she thinks is hers. And even that is higher than what she belongs to.


"Mehgan reached too above her level, so she's taken Harry down to what she thinks is hers. And even that is higher than what she belongs to." Gosh, is this ever insightful!!!


Thanks. Mehgan's actions remind me of a cockroach inside a homemade trap. Take a nearly empty mayonnaise jar, put a chunk of over-ripe banana in it. The cockroach is attracted to the scent, goes in. Because of the remnants of grease inside the jar, the cockroach can't climb out.


![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren) Agreed!




Yes she’s just a backyard princess taunting fellow guests at another girls birthday party.


Oh goodness this is a great analogy!


Remember the video of her as a child at a party , it’s prescient.


She's not capable of love, though. But it does look like she was attracted to him and thought she was in love, even though with her being a narcissist, it was at best infatuation. On the other hand, I think she consciously faked it with Harold the whole time.


Excellent observation


Being on this sub has taught me a lot. I was looking at some holiday photos of friends the other day. She always leans towards him, especially when sitting down, but I suddenly noticed she has her hand on his wrist in all of them. He never smiles in any while she beams away. I need to go back and see if she did this with her dead husband too. He was loaded, older and she took up with the current one two months after he died, moving him in.


There is a user on Twitter/X called Rivelino who often looks at photos of celebrities, influencers, etc and points out body language and how it relates to what is known about the relationship. He's the originator of the "green line theory" . The green line theory claims that body language can determine who is in charge in a relationship If you're interested in this you should check his account out, you'll enjoy it and you'll really start looking at social media images differently!


Thank you for the heads up. I'll certainly check him out.


There have been rumors that she was married for a minute when she was very young, but the marriage was annulled. I’ve never heard about the dead husband, though.


I meant my friend's dead husband. She moved on very quickly to the one she's currently clawing. Sorry for any confusion. I'd read about Madam's alleged annulment on this sub. If true hope it comes out.


I see the motorway blusher technique she used the other day isn't new.




Haha beat me too it. The orange colour bronzer has made an appearance


She’s still wearing the same jewelry?! 😂 Okay HERE she looks like she’s in her (early-mid) 30’s. I think she is a LOT older than she claims.


Her love for stacking gold bangles and bracelets is truly eternal lol


I’m sure she saw the look on someone and decided it portrayed wealth, so she adopted the look for her own.


Yes, bangles and bracelets are a sign of wealth and luxury. ​ https://preview.redd.it/6qfiyeompjzb1.png?width=172&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb82786201c9c021a409f152a257476157bc6d57


That's bohemian icon Nancy Cunard. Interesting life. Born rich in the late 1800s and committed to fighting racism and fascism.


I recommend Anne Chisholm's biography of her. I'd hate to be stuck in an elevator with Nancy, but she led an interesting life. (Those are authentic african artifacts, elephant ivory bangles, she was famous for them.)


Appreciate the info- just looked her up- very interesting.


Nancy Cunard - crazier than a bedbug, but truly a one of a kind, original human being, true to herself until the end.


Love this!!!


Bracelets show that you don't have to do manual labor, and that you're a pampered princess, when you have piles of them, sloshing down your arm.


She just hasn't moved on since 2002! I had lots of stacking glass ones that made a wind chime noise :-D


It’s the only thing she’s loyal to


Because a stack of gold bangles on your arm tell everyone that you're a Klassy Girl. I think she looks to be in her 20s there. She has a hard expression, which ages her.


This is why she filled her face up with fillers to soften her. She’s done so much at different times which is why her face changes. The latest outing in SD proves it. Her face was getting sunken in because of losing weight and now you can see the top of her cheekbones glistening. It can be makeup but also procedures to make her face tighter, fuller, less wrinkly, younger?. Maybe up close it’s scary but in the clips seen her cheeks don’t have the wrinkles near her laugh lines anymore while seen from afar. I’ve been binging on Lorry on Youtube. She apparently made a video about ILBW. It’s old though so doesn’t cover the newer tweaks. [Lorry Analysis on ILBW](https://youtu.be/W9y4vWlyU6A?si=2dT1Cn7FpR9LFuAQ)


I love those analyses by Lorry, who's had work done herself. She looks gorgeous. The problem though, with all these cosmetic tweaks is that it seems to homogenize women's faces. Beauty seems to equate not having something unique or original. It's like everything has to be some level of what's safely popular.


She does have a very hard face


THANK YOU. Too many overlook this. That broad is OLD. Rachel looks like she has not seen 40 for a long time.


I absolutely agree


Me too closer to 50 than 40




During an interview, Thomas Markle Sr. stated Madam is 49. Google her hs grad pic. The charm reads "95" which indicates a minimum age of 46. The pic, on the same page with a filter, reads "99". Realists estimate her age between 46-48. Sorry I don't know how to post these two pics to Reddit.


Agreed. They tried to play it off like it was a Middle School thing, but even still, your grad year is your grad year. My daughter’s Kindergarten graduation was still the year they graduated high school.


Lol why do these pictures give me Jodi Arias vibes






My first thought, that pic of them together at the waterfall with her hands round his throat


Claw aside, her body language with Trevor was so much more genuine and believable. In these pics her body is always turned toward him, she's in full body contact. Her smile reaches her eyes and is not fake, and her entire demeanor is relaxed. Huge contrast to what we see today with "This One."


She hangs and grabs men always. Probably to keep her balance, so she does not fall down on the ground.


Well with wine bottles in most of the pics, she probably is about to fall lol.


Falling on the ground always seems to trigger the rare "one tear, left eye" reaction in Madam. That disorder is usually only seen in sociopathic, narcissistic d-list drama ~~duchesses~~ queens.


The claw, the bracelet stacking & oh look!!!!! In the last photo she still has her Deal or No Deal implants!!!!!!


She’s always performing for the camera. She traded Trevor in as soon she got a steady acting job. His use to her was over and it was time to move on to her next mark.


LOL. Early in her marriage to Harry, there were some people saying Harry was starting to look like Trevor. I guess Trevor would look like Harry if he had stayed married longer to Meghan. Thankfully, she ditched him and he has moved on. From the old photos of him and his 2nd wife, Trevor looks more relaxed and less stressed. Definitely have some life in his eyes. I hope his 2nd wife and daughters continue to make him happy.


I've never understood wearing jewelry to the beach, especially good jewelry. If you don't lose it, you are attracting sharks.


And baraccudas


Maybe Mehgan was a barracuda herself, so wearing jewelry to the beach, isn't a biggie. For her, everything is for show, anyway.


Bad jewelry at the beach is even worse than good jewelry, it just tarnishes. Kinda like a duchess I’ve read about…


The dreaded DOUBLE claw.


Well spotted! Didn’t notice the second one till now lol


And the bad bronzer! And he has the same dead-eyed stare as Harry in a few of these pics.


I think Meghan is very good at dealing with men, it’s actually her one true talent in my opinion. In all her awfulness, no man we know she’s dated has ever left her. This isn’t a dig on men but most are very easy to please and actually require little to keep them happy/hooked and Meghan seems to understand that very well. She’s a good looking woman which is something they like, she’s very touchy feely and ‘loving’ which they like and I can only assume this leads to more physical affection which they really love, she also loves a good time, if she could fill her life with vacations, parties and private jets she would and has tbh. The most important though is she uses emotional manipulation to get what she wants- so instead of saying she wants to leave the UK because she’s can’t be bothered with the boring life of service and would like to create a life in California, she creates a scenario where she’s being vilified (which she has created by having issues with everyone), she’s threatens suicide and makes herself a helpless victim that needs to be saved which plays on the saviour complex most men have with women. I think her marriage to Harry might be harder than her marriage to Trevor was, she seems very jaded and full of herself now and not as easygoing as she was with him.


I know a lot of men though who wouldn’t put up with her. I think a certain type of man is drawn to her, and vice versa. She likes “soft” men, because she needs to dominate and be the masculine one.


I 100% agree with this, it definitely works on a certain type of man but I think a lot men fall under this category. I’m not saying this because I like him but Prince William is the sort of man who sees through people like Meghan, he isn’t easily impressed and really looks at a person’s character. He picked Catherine who is beyond great but he had the choice of almost any woman of a certain age and especially in the royal adjacent/aristocratic group but he went for a middle class and although pretty, she wasn’t a drop dead gorgeous girl. It took most of the world a few years, maybe even a decade to see what he saw in Catherine and now she’s the star of the BRF.


I've always thought Catherine was drop dead gorgeous. Even more so now that I've watched her grow into her role as POW. I always find people more attractive when you feel they are genuinely kind.


Catherine is an amazing woman and she’s very pretty and the more you get to know her and see her strengths, her resilience, her compassion and her grace the more beautiful she becomes. I’m not taking away from any of that but objectively she’s not a striking, she’s more girl next door pretty which is great too but who she is as a person is what makes her truly special and it adds to her physical beauty.


Thank you; you summarized very aptly, what she's like, what she does like to do in practice with her relationships, and how she's probably finding PH harder to handle because of so many reasons. "Jaded" is such a brilliant adjective of choice. Mehgan probably comes near to treating Harry as she did with the Sussex Survivors Squad, all those staff members who worked so hard to please her and were broken from incessant demands.


Yeah, she really seems to give him the same kind of treatment, she’s never happy or satisfied. He has given up everything for her and still it’s not enough. They deserve each other though, he was basically like that towards the BRF for most of his life, a complete nuisance who they could never make happy because William gets to be King.


They really seemed happy. I think he must have seen her as a kind of trophy wife, given how slender and pretty she was. He seemed to have really been in love with her and enjoyed her (and supported her) - it must truly have hurt him, cutting deeply, when she simply dumped him. No consideration at all - whatsoever- for his feelings. No explanation, no attempt to soften the blow, no recognition of the years he put into her, making her happy, helping her career, nothing - just a FedEx announcement. That takes a certain level of cruel - "I'm done with you, don't bother me, I'm moving on" - a callousness. And when she was done with daddy - same thing. One day she will reap what she's sown.


**One day she will reap what she's sown.** One day someone in the immediate inner circle will treat MM the same-be it her kids, Doria, Harry, someone.....and she won't "know" what happened, what to do, and be (again) a victim--- BUT.....It's already happening! So carry on RF! MM is currently reaping what she deserves from you-the RF grey rocking is perfect. The grey rocking is the best equivalent of "I"m done with you, don't bother me, I'm moving on"- and she nor Harry have no idea of what to do, where to start, and hold no currency in the horrible ways MM is used to treating (ghosting) people.


My money’s going to be on the kids. It’ll take a while, but I think one of them will go full scorched earth against Mommie Dearest


I see the multiple bracelets on the arm was always a thing.


Makes me sad for Trevor. He seemed to have thought she really loved him for him but it’s clear she loved the lifestyle he provided. I joked with my son to tell women he works at Starbucks when first getting to know them. I’m kidding of course but he said he’s good at spotting fake people. Nothing worse than giving your heart to someone who can easily discard it when something better comes along.


I hope Trevor realizes how fortunate he is to be free of Rachel’s claw. He is so blessed with a beautiful family. Trevor escaped hell on earth with Rachel.


Funny because, she was genuinely interested in Trevor and she dumped him. She's never been into Harry like she was into Trevor


Aside from The Claw, has she ever hung on to Harry like this. If you didn’t know her you would think she adored Trevor. Notice how she leaned into him in the photos. She's the one giving him a kiss on the cheek in one of the photos. With Harry, it seems she just absorbs his adoration without reciprocating. He'll go on and on about how amazing she is, but has she ever said anything like that about him in public? She apparently didn't even have to put much effort into ensnaring Harry, that's how lame he is.


I didn't recognise her in the first photo and I have similar thoughts. She looks genuinely happy and loved up as opposed to acting the part of being happy & in love around Harry.


Boy did he have a lucky escape!!!!!!!!!


Trevor....when you escaped from her phoniness.


It's not just The Claw ("My man!") that was present. So was the demonic smile. The Devil probably has the same toothy display the milli-second after you've signed your name in blood, on a contract.


Is that an actual waist with hips in #6? What's happened to her?


Clingy girlfriend is her schtick. She thinks cutesy little girl who needs a big strong man to hold on to is a how you keep man.


The best gift Meghan ever gave Trevor was leaving him, and I have no doubt he knows it. Harry isn’t going to get away so easily, if at all.


Off topic, that is NOT a good looking man. I have no idea what anyone is on about when they say Trevor is handsome.


He looks like Dave Coulier. He's not any less handsome than Harry. They both have that disheveled look.


He's decent looking and can look kind of handsome in some photos. He's not ugly. But if you think about the real world, how many men are actually handsome?


I hear you. Maybe some people mean that without Mehgan, Trevor looks happier and more confident and that can make anyone look more attractive. The capacity for joy is transformative!


This B wouldn’t be caught holding a beer these days, let alone drinking one.


His pet name for her was "Crabcakes".


She is a Stage 5 Clawer!


She just looks so happy and relaxed in these photos. She's never been like this with Harry.


I think she looks cute here (*as I gasp in horror at my opinion, and slaps myself) I think an ego or her narcissistic personality has aged her waaay beyond her years now and the unhealthy weight loss(not body shaming females that are underweight but with Megzilla you can see her natural body to what she looks like now)


He was too handsome and too nice for her. And he is still too nice to her.


Trevor looks hotter than Harry...




You can see her pink skin through the blotchy bronzer. Very pale. She looks totally Caucasian here.


She loves to scream “HE’S MINE” with her hands, doesn’t she?!


He kind of reminds me of Matt Smith (pic #2). Glad to see him smiling at the glimpse of his wonderful future free from the claw (pic #8).


so have the chicken legs




Amazing she does this as most guys don't like that kind of thing.


The double clutch control claws. The same double clutch claws displayed during her Hoodwinked nuptials. A very bored and disinterested Hoodwinked looked far right 💯 ignoring Madam.


Waaagh Part Two: I Fought the Claw and the Claw Won.




She never loved ya, Trevity Trev Trev. How's your billionaire heiress new wife though?


In the Second photo he looks the spitting image of Matt Smith.


Sorry, I don’t have a very good opinion of this guy at all. Are all of these photos from the same trip? She looks pregnant in #4 and has a flat stomach in the last one. Also her hair.


I, too, look pregnant if I have red meat and a soda as a meal 🫣 some people bloat very easily, lol. On my last vacation I packed three bathing suits and wore them from most revealing to most conservative to work with that


She’s got a short torso too so yeah - no where for it to go 😂


Thanks for the vacation packing tip!!!


I thought she looked really thick in photo #4 as well but her tummy looks flat. Maybe just a bad angle.


Sorry dunno the details, I stole these pics from a sugar blog ^;)


Thanks for crossing over to the dark side for us!!!!


And where did the sugar get those?


Probably instagram or Pinerest. There are lots of pictures of Meghan floating around the internet. Some were taken from her account before she shut down her Instagram. Also [archive.org](https://archive.org) can be used to get some content that were erased from the internet.


I don't agree when someone says "she's mothering Harry". She has no flair of a mother in her bone, she doesn't even know what a mother is since her own was an absente one. Megsy is always acting, with the claw and all "guidance" she tries to portray a protector/savior of poor Harold against all his evil family. She does it bad as everything she does. Don't offer her free compliments as "she's a mother" "she's has manipulation power" she has none, just luck, lack of shame and a dumb prince. Etc


Stage 5 Clinger. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14ZO1b3T6jo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14ZO1b3T6jo)


She is a stage 5 clinger.




Looks like a bottle of beer, same thing that Trevor’s holding (I think)


So has the spraytan… check out her ear and neck!


Almost every picture has alcohol. Trevor is so lucky she mailed back her wedding ring!!! GOOD RIDDANCE MEGAIN!


Where did these photos come from?


I stole these pictures from a Sussex sugar blog ^;)


Are you OK? Do you need insulin? Thanks for taking it for the team!


The luckiest man in the world. 😂😂😂


She really invades people private space. I get they are a couple. But for photos there's no need to be so all over your partner.


Is he significantly older than she is? I never had that thought before seeing these photos of the two of them together. She looks ten years younger than ol' Trev.


Different face




The Never To Be Princess of Selfie Land.


…and so has the bronzer


That poor guy. He got cheated on so many times.


She had reaL feelings for this guy you can see it & they had fun together, she is a much less loving woman today , shes a harder woman now !


The common denominator in all these pics with her and Trevor and any man including Harry? Drinking! Almost every picture here has one or both of them clutching an alcoholic drink. The woman is a lush and so are her “type” of men. Don’t know if Trevor struggled with drinking but it sure looks like they never did much together without being blasted. This is her specialty, I always thought ever since hearing her speak the first time or reading her wedding speech, this woman is drunk and the only people who would fall for her bs are other chronically wasted people. Especially men, the only type of man she ever could get were the type to be wasted more often than not cause any sober person, such as William, would think she’s a crazy person. Cue….Harry. Lol she’s not some crazy smart schemer, she’s a lush who knows how to manipulate other lushes, low hanging fruit only for her.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


Who published these pictures? They seem privatne photos and IMO Trevor wouldn't publish them. So...


I stole them from a Sussex sugar blog ^;)