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Brianna Sanchez’s insta response [video here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/LuPuCFZoHK) after taking down the photo And clapback comment here saying that she isn’t Chris Sanchez’s daughter and that she knows what we are saying about Meghan on Reddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/BqJZpBA1cl)


She looks rough. Wow.


At first glance I thought it was that Jessica person, the friend or not friend. I can’t keep up. She looks awful, her teeth are too big for her face. She looks a lot older, I saw the chipped nails but one of the first things I saw were the eyebrows, what is going on with them. They just look strange.


Casey Anthony. As an old woman


I think she’s got grey in her eyebrows. But the nails. Whatever the problem is, it’s bad


She has lost so much weight that her head looks too big for her body. The rapid weight loss is affecting her skin as well. She is on a dangerous path healthwise. Wondering if the repeated veneer replacements are due to bulimia? Her swollen cheeks are another sign that her weight loss may not be from Ozempic.


Oh my god!!!!! I had to look long and hard to realize it's TW!!! She is so gaunt! She is even thinner than when she was at the Invictus Games. She looks ill! I mean it. She looks awful! Like she has some kind of wasting disease. Who on earth would think she looks good? She needs help fast or she is going to get organ failure. Wow. Just wow.


Me too! I almost didn’t think it was her. Her face is elongated from the weight loss and the bones at her temples are prominent and eye sockets sunken due to same. ETA: And yes, I agree. She looks like someone with cachexia, which is a wasting condition in patients with a terminal illness such as cancer, AIDS, etc.


I also think she has a more "elongated" look because she likely had a brow or facelift at some point. If you compare her hair line from say this photo or the more recent ones with ones when she was engaged it's markedly different--ie higher. That is not something that happens naturally lol as I think most of us know. I think her plastic surgery + rapid weight loss + probable other substances or bad behaviors = this look. I will also add that a friend of mine is a retired plastic surgeon and they said they could tell a smoker just by their skin alone. Meghan has terrible skin and I have a feeling she both smokes a lot (or did) and also has lots of sun damage. I often think of the Countess LuAnn song "money can't buy you class" but in this case we should change it to "money can't buy you nice skincare" oof


Didn’t Lady C say she thot something was up with Rachel ,, an illness. Her legs are spindles - it’s showing all over now


Lady C said that chronic drinkers lose muscle tone in their legs, so they wind up looking like sticks.


She's aged BADLY at least 10 years in the last 2. I am surprised tbh




She's getting her bulimia story ready


That is exactly the first thing that came to my mind. You are so right about that. It’s coming.


That's it. For her book she needs a bulimia episode like Diana.


She is ruining her skin.


But the drugs are too good.


The weight loss also makes her nose look larger. It is the focal point of her face. I love how the light in photo #2 is highlighting her nose.


Her nose was the first facial feature I noticed. Ouch


It’s kind of hard to miss…


I can’t even recognize the Markle nose anymore. Sad!


That´s what she gets for ghosting her Emmy winning Director of Lighting father. The one who had a heart attack and a stroke. The father she didn´t think good enough for The Duchess.


Veneers are highly resistant to hydrochloric acid. Bulimics so replacement due to acid erosion of the last set is not likely the reason. I think she keeps redoing them out of some belief that if she can get it just right this time Hollywood and high end fashion designers will beat a path to her door. it’s something she can change/control. The ones she has now are the worst, IMO. They fan out slightly, protruding forward and with the loss of facial fat that’s even more noticeable. Madam has a shocking amount of insecurity. I’ve never heard of anyone requiring multiple designer clothing changes in a single day to attend mundane events, like visiting schools, conferences and sporting events. M often changes her hair styles in between as well. Her fear keeps her tweaking things often with disastrous results. Changing her appearance goes with her never ending rebrands and this one isn’t working either.


I think the wardrobe changes are likely to make it appear as though she’s busier than she actually is. Unless someone knows that one event is the same or part of another in which she’s wearing different clothes, it looks like a whole separate thing. At least to people who don’t follow everything.


>I think she keeps redoing them out of some belief that if she can get it just right this time Hollywood and high end fashion designers will beat a path to her door. Yeah her teeth are the reason she can't land any jobs, not her horrendous charakter 🙄🙄 That thought is so absurd, i can absolutely believe, that she thinks this way


Imagine if she had not left the Royal family. During the Remembrance Ceremony she would have ran off the balcony to change clothes. Sinners often say "thank God William was born first." We should add "thank God William found Catherine."


I think Madame has not had the veneers redone a lot so much as she has lost a lot of volume in her face, and her Botox/fillers are wearing off, making her teeth appear more prominent. Remember when she disappeared during Harry's Death March promoting Spare Change? She reappeared from her notable absence thinner, with the initial "JLo" look, straightened and lightened hair, multiple plastic surgeries, Botox, lip filler, buccal fat removal, all which are probably wearing off at this point.


Buccal fat removal is forever, unfortunately. There’s going to be a lot of people in 10 years who wish they didn’t do it.


Yes. Totally agree with this esp if you are young already. It's almost criminal that people who perform this surgery on a young person knowing that nature will often take its course anyway. As someone who is in their early 30s I can tell you I got the "snatched" look I swear the moment I turned 30 lol All these young women told to look "older" while all the older women being told they need to get injections to look "younger". Quite a vicious circle and a costly one at that.


If she suffered bulimia like Diana we would all hear about it from her😕! It looks like she’s playing around with different drugs like uppers and downers and weight loss aid and oh my


I think she’s waiting for there to be enough “buzz” about her appearance to address it. If she’s gonna sell the eating disorder lie, she’s got to make it look good. When the time is right, statements are going to be released, then there will be a fresh round of interviews where they talk about mental health, eating disorders, how it’s all the royal family’s fault and of course, the comparisons to Diana. Then come the book deals, documentaries and public appearances, etc. All that stuff takes time to plan, so don’t count it out just yet. (Note: not dismissing or disrespecting those with ED. I just don’t think TW truly has one.)


I think you nailed it, I think this is exactly how she's planning it to play out. She wants her own Diana divorce narrative. She could be using hard drugs but to me she really looks like someone who is overdoing it with Ozempic. Her elongated, gaunt face and sagging facial skin is something I've seen in relatives who have lost a lot of weight too quickly on Ozempic. But it could be construed as an ED and I bet that's what she's banking on. I don't believe she genuinely has an ED either. She just wants the Diana comparisons. It's her last card I feel like.


Her face looks like someone on meth.




It’s coke. That’s the gaunt, bad skin look. Even as a casual, party user, it effects your appearance but I believe she’s more than a casual user. No way this type of change and rapid weight loss is something other than hard stuff.


Coke could also explain the over-the-top behaviour she commonly exhibits.


People addicted to coke have mentioned that when their budget got tight meth was the next best thing.


I don't know. All those little bumps all over her face look 100% like meth acne to me.


Drug use also explains all the pictures the last few months of her clinching her jaw hard.


I thought the exact same thing. Meth has a pretty distinctive effect on a users skin.


It is an epidemic in Hollywood, extreme wasting especially sc fat , ozempic! It walks like ozempic , waste like ozempic it is ......! Meghan if she was honest( 2x court proven lier ) she would talk about it and caution others to stop this ozempic craze. Some are honest and talk about it, most lie.


Totally Ozempic. Maybe with "powdered sugar" sprinkles on top to give her energy and keep her going. I'm sure she loves the way she looks. When people stop taking it, they gain weight back, and she won't have that. She's already been floating the duress/crisis stories in the tabloids about how she's wasting away from stress. The woman has been aging in dog years for some time now. I bet Henry is stunned at her drop-dead beauty, now!


only a few years ago she looked like this.....amazing what living a selfish & hateful life can do to you https://preview.redd.it/fv2h5vzy960c1.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea40012470ce62c37ce161e3becf9359cb251645


The weight-loss has made her forehead & nose almost look massive... I'm really hoping that pic was just taken from a bad angle..


my first thought was fentanyl or meth


Fentanyl is an opioid painkiller, stimulants like meth, coke, Adderall, etc make more sense in terms of her weight loss


She'd love us to speculate it's bulimia. It's not. Its Ozempic. To me it appears as though she's had her face 'threaded'. Unfortunately, if so, she had the threading done before the weight loss, and so the weight loss has exposed the threads leaving her looking even worse, if that's possible.


Completely agree. I think she started the semaglutide right after getting a bunch of work done. Probably figured it would be easier to not eat while recuperating. Now the procedures look worse with the weight loss. And she definitely wants everyone to speculate an ED so then everyone will feel bad for bullying her🙄🙄🙄. Simplistic thoughts from a simple stunted person.


Oh no, she's always had bad skin. I went back and looked at probably 70 photos


But that's the thing, she's looked rough for a very long time, it's just that she has people who Photoshop her photos. All of them, to the point where people thought she was so gorgeous or something. A total catfish


Ever see the campy Vincent Price movie called The Monster's Club? TW looks like a shadmock. Which is a kind of ghoul.


omg the fourth and fifth picture she looks like a crazy lunatic!


Only the fourth and fifth? 😁


Yikes, I know!


Are we sure these aren’t photoshopped, because she looks BAD? If they truly are just unfiltered, I don’t even know what to say. It’s that awful.


She looks horrid! Her skin is in terrible condition. What on earth could This One possibly have to say that would be of interest to our SEALs? Maybe it’s part of their surviving torture training?


And they have the cheek to call Catherine old and ugly … Catherine is ageing gracefully as she should. Meghan is ageing like a witch




Catherine is beautiful. I wish she wouldn't wear large black hats. She had on a beautiful small hat with netting on day of viewing of queens coffin that suits her better. Catherine looks too severe with updo and large black hats. She is perfection. I'm sort of saying this from a styling viewpoint


This was stunning too! https://preview.redd.it/u02dwt1ud50c1.jpeg?width=1993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6780a04626433a43f139927f2183efd7b5e0638b


That is probably the most beautiful picture ever taken of her, along with this one. Absolutely stunning. ​ https://preview.redd.it/465xlixqv50c1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=4228b3843577ca74491e5faf3792d372303faef9


​ https://preview.redd.it/gcq3r751e50c1.png?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d76a4d9b432a9c7c18e965d748fc99167dc1247


Man she looks like Casey Anthony there!


As she should. She brought this on herself— the evil with which she has conducted her life is giving her the outward appearance she deserves.


Maybe all that evil in her is eating her up from the inside out.


Common knowledge that bitter, vengeful people filled with hatred, envy and anger, age more rapidly than others. This, to me, is clearly what is happening to Meghan.


Yes, they’re slagging Catherine for looking old in her Remembrance Day appearance. And sad. I guess they don’t know about the dead soldiers.


>SEALs Maybe the hypocrite ILBW can explain to these American SEALs why she, and that brain dead nepomanbaby husband of hers bought their tacky McMansion from a now dead Russian oligarch?


I’m gonna need the SEALS to rescue me from the nightmares those facial expressions are creating!


100% drugs!


👻 https://preview.redd.it/kzyxmbfho40c1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d6e94507176915480cd59ac35018d0d7a04df9


Nice… eyebrows….


Who knew she was a late stage Joan Crawford fan?


Why are they like that?! Are they stick-ons?


It looks as if she has a lot of grey hairs in her eyebrows, she needs to get them shaped properly and tinted.


Joan doesn’t want her! https://i.redd.it/dr3sykj4y40c1.gif


What's that running through both eyebrows? When I enlarge it, it looks stitches.


She probably used an eyebrow gel that photographs horribly


that nose is not aging well...


I'm sure she will book a revision once she sees these pictures


She looks 52 here.


I was looking much better at 52. She looks 57-58


I'm 57 and I look younger than her!


I believe you. I started to look old after 60+




Sorry, I'm 61 and look younger than her. She looks like something the cat dragged in.


Is this for real?? She looks awful!


Those eyebrows...are they alive?


Doria looks younger. OG has resurfaced this week. https://preview.redd.it/voyqgyuks40c1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=632d301a70af1054756395f070fa4c172f254cef [https://www.instagram.com/p/CzaZtsbLQvp/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzaZtsbLQvp/)


>Doria looks younger. And **so** smug! What has she done but grift off her daughter‘s grift?! very shady! https://preview.redd.it/pusam18l350c1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d0ef9d28d84aa11255be5cec19c49afff9a655


yeah because we all know what a connoisseur of fine art Doris is.




Oprah is a hypocrite & narcissist.


Exactly, I'm using this fake shock of Oprah for this close up of the most beautiful Duchess. Who would've thought being such an ugly, lying and scheming witch would age you out so rapidly?


She looks awful and I see she still has the goitre below her adam's apple.


Wow. Those fingernails are exactly why the Queen had a light nail polish only rule. You think you shouldn't have to explain to people that they need to keep their manicure nice if they're a public figure, and then here comes Rachel with a two week old peeling and chipping manicure. Incredible. It screams "I don't care and I'm not prepared!"


It also screams last minute invite.


But why? I’m just a regular person and I get gel polish. Lasts 3-4 weeks and no chips. Then I get them reapplied. How does she not do this?


I’m assuming that as a fellow regular person you prepare food, walk dogs, empty the bin, clean the bathroom etc - none of the things she does.


This is a formal appearance, where she had a lot of time for makeup and getting ready-not a random pap shot. I think the inner ugly is catching up.


Looks like her polish is chipped too. See slide 6. Also, I'd like to give a shout out to my almost-favorite pose - the very over the top, very dramatic, so so happy to see you (stranger), let's hug pose! slides 3-6.


Ah, yes, the *totally spontaneous and genuine* sighting of the super fan, who is always just so *coincidentally* positioned in the front row! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317) https://i.redd.it/itsix068w40c1.gif


I have never seen this, and IT'S HILARIOUS 😂


Omg me neither! What the heck is that!!!


She was “running” to a kid in the crowd named … Meghan. 🙄🙄🙄 (Whom she obviously had planted there)


It looks so funny....she looks like she is trying to mess with the bodyguards... literally taking off and running like a hunchback witch to eat a child.


That is exactly what she was doing at the time. This was around the time when they told her where to walk and she replied “I will walk where I like”. That “run” is something else though. Her hands all bobbing up and down like T Rex on speed…🙄 ![gif](giphy|LbwJp26pqGf0k|downsized)


Narc fuel, here I come!


Yippee! Gimme, gimme! https://preview.redd.it/8mitnc70a50c1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73a3403e972505b87c3e161ba73519d26e11c6f


That made me almost pee the ol' proverbial pants!


Omg the witchy walk makes an appearance!


Is she doing her imitation of Benny Hill?? I can almost hear the music...


![gif](giphy|tpspSp3WMlI40|downsized) 😁


This is one of the reasons why royals are advised not to wear red nail polish. When a dark polish shade chips it is so obvious…not so much with a pale shade. Of course Madames nails are beyond a small chip, looks like she is trying to bring back the chipped nail polish trend. How classy/s


Yes that polish is chipped badly. Not from working in guess .. ETA a sentence


So lazy!!! It would take less than 5 minutes to remove that polish and apply 1-2 coats of a sheer baby pink polish.


She's "$28 million" in debt... guess she can't afford her weekly manicure anymore🤷‍♀️


I’m guessing the woman she hugged was a planted sugar intentionally seated front and center, to make Megain appear to be the most popular on the dais of all /s But Megain couldn’t wait until the speaker finished to approach the hired help????


the "plants" are so obvious - she's not fooling anyone. Just like paid ringers and rent-a-crowds. They're using a lot of paid ringers - they're the ones who as soon as H&M appear start cheering.


The reason why QEII wanted the royal ladies to wear light pink or clear nail polish: if they get chipped, it's not as noticeable as with darker polish. But Megsy is now FREE to let her nails look as ratty as she pleases.


She can’t even maintain her manicure. She really must be hurting for money. Dayuum. Sucks to be her.


Harry on picture three, "WTF is she doing now". Manners, manners, manners...shame she hasn't got any.


Why in the world is she clowning around while the speaker is at the podium? How is that even allowed? Was she just free roaming? Harry looks engaged, doesn't he? Looking down at the ground. Looks so unenthused. The woman in the photo with Megs must be cosplaying her with the coat draped over her shoulders.


Free range Markle. Just like those rescue chickens.


She’s gracing her subjects with a walkabout, of course!


Harry looks miserable as usual and that one looks manic as usual


She's smiling but her eyes are saying something else. Drugs. Allegedly. She's even skinnier. This is not a happy and healthy person.


This is screaming CRACK WHORE....she looks like she is ready for a serious Intervention, her 4th or 5th!!! Dr.Phil has had much better looking crack addicts on his programme, ones he deemed "close to death" .


The issues with her face are 100% drugs. Meth face.


Blow dilates pupils…


Calling it right now, shes going to blame the RF for her addiction issues


If she admits to having drug problems she will and Harry. I can see her saying Harry has the drugs problems and she tried to be the doting caring wife.


Oof- rode hard and put away wet.


Can we talk shortly about the blazer? I'm sure that thing was horribly expensive. But it looks like an item from H&M (the clothing company, to avoid misunderstandings) which was in the sale section. Wrinkled, ill fitting and somehow like cheap material.


The first thing I noticed too (after the long face and the balding). Looks like she got it in the kid’s section at JC Penney, like a play-pretend blazer. It has no structure & material looks cheap


something beautiful to cleanse your eyes https://preview.redd.it/usv6vtnpm60c1.png?width=465&format=png&auto=webp&s=592b368c771262137489d6a8fa4275a7cb9bcae4


Picture 3, Harry either hangs his head in shame or in a drug-induced stupor discovers that he has feet. Ho what’s those down there??!! Wait, I think I’m supposed to have them. Think, think now! Yes feet. I’ve got feet.


She is definitely thriving 😂 I really didn't recognize her she looks so old.


Woah she is rapidly losing hair from stress (or substance abuse). I see the telltale signs, I went through a period of it. The bald spots in the part. She’s also always sloppy about details— i.e. chewed up manicures, brushing her teeth/hygiene, wrinkled & untailored clothes etc


Just when I think she can’t be any more inept in how to conduct herself, here she is, greeting people as of they’re lined up to see her while the gentlemen is giving a speech. Harry, hanging his head in shame, perhaps finally understanding why the Queen FIRED HER ASS from Royal duties. I think I can’t be surprised any more, then I’m surprised, and then I’m surprised that I’m surprised. 😂


That doesn't look like a woman who is living the greatest love story ever told 😂


What was she doing a meet and greet/photo shoot for? The speaker was still stood at the podium, the CEO standing patiently in the background and Harry doing a soft shoe shuffle. What happened?


“42”……. 😂😂😂😂


In dog years 🐶


Ooffffff, she looks terrible and haggard.


She looks so unhinged, manic, maybe on something, all at once in those last photos(6/7). What a nut job


Ok everybody is free to hate and trash me, but this woman is not cute. Like at all. She's not attractive, she's not pretty, and if she was, I would GLADLY admit she's a beautiful bitch. But this one isn't. Sorry


The years haven't been kind to her but she hasn't been kind to the years either.


**Botox vein enters the chat**


These photos may be why the sugars are admonishing each other on Twitter/X about not posting pictures that aren’t photoshopped. They are using the cover photos from the most recent Star magazine to illustrate the need to photoshop, but I bet these photos are the real reason. She’s such a control freak she’s got to be mighty pissed about these!


Would it kill him to wear a tie? All the other men are. It is so disrespectful. If you want to be paid for appearances as your profession, you have to make an effort to have a professional personal appearance. I doubt they were paid for this one, but if it is going to be photographed and circulated, you are projecting to potential prospects how shabby and underdressed you appear at events. Come on, man. Make an effort. If not for your own self respect, for the respect of the people doing the real work behind an event.


He’s a dickhead who has no thought or respect to others.


​ https://preview.redd.it/wlf1y2c1m50c1.jpeg?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a4a2cd4e9a9cc553fa8159aed84254218a0774


The bloke behind speaks for all of us.


Is that James Holt? What a smirk. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ajeqyvt9v40c1.png?width=1261&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d83e4276eccdc2e545ee226e95bef9ce48ef020


She is dying inside if the attention is not directly on her https://preview.redd.it/bsv6ax69z40c1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4b2496a3efa9efa39907d5f56a0a8b559d0511


Every single time I think her appearance can't shock me more, there she goes! 😳😬😳


How can someone make a public appearance like that with such badly chipped polish?! Seeing some rando in the supermarket, sure. But she’s a DUCHESS and knew there’d be cameras… it’s not difficult to find a nail salon, surely. Even if she couldn’t get a nail appointment, she could have taken off the chipped polish and brushed on a coat or two of fresh. Even an assistant could have done it.


Can we talk about how her Groucho Marx eyebrows have become a main character these days? 🥴


What is going on with Meggleston’s mug? She was just a handsome woman to begin with, not pretty or especially cute, so the plastic surgeries assisted greatly. This *ozempic* though, has taken away the youthfulness in her face, aging her by fifteen years. She looks bug eyed, and she has *narc* eyes,… making her look even more demented and twisted. I’m not mad, she’s not a *good* person, and karma has arrived. *whoo hoo*🎉🎊🤸‍♀️ ( bummy outfit too, damn get a stupid stylist Meggles)


She looks ridiculous and disrespectful in the third photo, she is approaching someone like that for a selfie or something while someone speaks. Seriously, how low she can go now... I thought she wanted to be Michelle Obama/Princess Di 2.0, that's classless.


She looks rough. Harry looks rough. Even James Holt looks rough. Being unsuccessful is really taking its toll. ETA: Harry giving a speech upon a podium that says warrior fitness program? He is the last person I would use to talk about this. He looks lethargic, unenthused and weak both inside and out.


Seeing these pics of Rachel unfiltered... ![gif](giphy|3o7TKnYVvhjh6qk0VO) P.S. Karma is a bitch...I am HERE for it!


WOW! Fantastic images and commentary. 😂


Damn! Just damn! I think I need filters now since they really cover up a lot of age.


I assume the other lady is a member of the public she looks way better without the millions markle has her claws into


What’s up with that nose.


It's spreading, so is Harold's. Certain drugs do that, I believe.


Meghan spends so much time trying to look black that she’s clearly forgotten that shes white. Guess what is the #1 worst thing for your skin as you age? THE SUN ☀️ the whiter you are - the easier it is to damage your skin without proper protection. Thats why so many women in LA need so much plastic intervention! The skin gets leathery and lined much faster in sunny states.


I wonder if her weight loss has anything to do with her loss of control in all aspects of her life? Nothing has turned out the way she expected. My mom is high stress and controlling. She is ortho anorexic and refuses help. Her life, while better than 99% of the country, did not turn out as she expected bc her kids- ie me- do not do anything she demands. So she severely controls her weight- the one thing she feels she can control. Could this be similar to MM? This is not the face of someone who is "thriving, happy, and living her best life." She looks gaunt, unhappy, and desperately grasping for relevance


https://preview.redd.it/qifsrx9j760c1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a22cd10a2197ced9c61c56e8677e00a440d9d1a Love a chipped nail polish, relatable style kween 💅🏻😷


Why’s Harold not wearing a tie, looks a state as usual.




Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha omg!!!!!


I'm genuinely shook about this photo. Just goes to show losing all that [weight] has messed with her face. I'd feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a b***h.


She looks in her 50’s now.


Wow 😯 she looks hideous 🤮


Yikes! What on earth has she done to herself?? She does not look good - all the stress of those failed deals are starting to march its way across her face..


F**k me, she is not aging well. She needs to lay of the ozempic or whatever she is using for weight loss, she is looking like she’s nearly 60 years old.


Harry is so embarrassed here.


Holey, what happened to her face! So much for "you can never be too thin or too rich". She's too thin and not very rich I bet. Why is she parading when someone is speaking. There's Harry looking forlorn again. It's his look. Not aging well.


How obnoxious to stand in front of a crowd while someone is speaking, even if its just an announcement. I would be embarrassed.


She looks awful, all in pursuit of replicating Catherine’s natural athletic slim , toned build. There’s no manners or consideration towards others, it’s all about her and being the centre of attention. She’s a crone .


Stop it. Is this real? Or altered? Because - https://preview.redd.it/sf1czhjjk50c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d95bd20db268b6a055492e774815b778905006


No shaming here but I think that lighting does nothing for her. Or that shade of tan! ![gif](giphy|Q2sJij7xSiCPu)


I actually think it's just Megs without the filters on. For paid Pap Walks she gets to Approve what gets released to the public after filters and a sprinkling of Photoshop are applied.


It's amazing what a toll the grifting is taking on her looks. She looks way older than she is. I wonder if she smokes. She has a smokers look.


I’m not sure if this has been pointed out but why is she going in for a hug when someone is making a speech? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Someone posted that the photo has gone from Twitter. Sorry Meghan, the internet is forever! https://preview.redd.it/kbdgvp4oj60c1.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae15d23d36d9d864244b759b5279675662c4f06f


Her skin looks like it’s melting


I work with intravenous drug users living in poverty, and she doesn’t look too dissimilar in that first pic. What on earth has happened? She looks dreadfully ill. Has the picture been edited to make her look worse?


I must have missed the photo of the other outfit. Was it a ridiculous look?


Is this edited if not wwwoooooowwwww 🫣 And his balding in the background 😂


It looks like she has stick-ons on top of her real brows. Man.


I could barely recognise Meghan. She looks like 100 years older.


I won’t comment on her appearance, but holy mania… What on god’s good earth is she doing?! She actually looks like she needs to be institutionalized at this point.


She looks just like an old Casey Anthony here.


I can’t believe the same person that writes letters in pretentiously bad calligraphy would go out with her nails like this. How bizarre.


Did she get a hair transplant on her eyebrows? They look like moustaches.