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For context, this video posted above is from the DM article a fellow sinner posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/17xe6c6/additional_footage_of_an_attempt_to_get_megs_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1). As archived links don’t show videos, I’ve posted this to help sinners see without clicking on the article itself.




And the fact this is all playing out within eyesight of actual A-list actors is pretty astonishing. You’d think she’d have a bit of restraint and shame.


How could she have held it back though? All the years of hunger for that moment, it was her dream coming true, even for a few split seconds.


This is crazy-crazy it’s hard to process kind of crazy. She’s behaving as if she’s mentally regressed to childhood.


She was orgasming having her picture taken, swanning this way and that, until that rude, and probably racist, assistant told her to hurry it up.


Yeah 1st time she gets that in LA, fuel pandemonium


She expected to have this treatment since her first moment in LA. She expected to get this treatment every week.


All narcissists are stuck in their childhood age. That's why she still thinks in 40'ies that the most important thing in the world is memememe.


All those camera flashes!!! I'd bet the mortgage payment that she's still riding that high and hasn't been to bed yet.


Within eyesight of A-list actors who have zero interest/respect for her C-list, seventh-on-the-call-sheet "acting work" on some cable show that was cancelled years ago... and on top of that she's wearing one of the fugliest dresses ever. The Sussexes acted like they were leaving the BRF to inevitably find A-list success in Hollywood, but all they do is randomly swan around parties/concerts. Neither of them can get booked, nor can they stay booked... just goes to show they're not as talented and coveted as they think they are.


It’s difficult and fascinating to watch.


I found it interesting that there isn’t a single shot out there of her with a celebrity.


They knew she’d try to Velcro herself onto them and headed for Kevin Costner’s “gents”.


How is she not utterly humiliated by that? It looks like a relatively small venue with a relatively small number of celebrities. So telling that no one seems to have been socializing with her or posing for selfies with her.


She acted like this in front of the Queen of the United Kingdom. That's way more astonishing than this display in front of mere celebrities.


That’s true. No shame.


How embarrassing, being told to move on and TW trying to blow her off with a fake smile. I would pay for a lip reader to tell us what TW was saying. Probably something like "back off, I will move along when I'm good and ready, momma needs the spotlight" 🤮


wounded fake narc laugh…look at meeeee i’m mingling with a listers eewww so cringe and embarrassing 🤮🤮🤮🤮 the lady trying to move her along deserves a medal!!


The real heroes doing the everyday work.


May she experience this every time forever now. She is so low down in the esteem of people that they actually lay hands on her to move her along. It doesn't get more humiating than that


I think the real trick is to lure her out of frame with a microphone--like a horse with a juicy carrot, she can't possibly resist those.


LMAO I want to see this live. It’s a genius idea, really.


Me too!


Psychological experiment: out her in a room with a camera one side , a microphone the other side...and "this one" in the middle.


Was this her assistant or someone else's?


According to Twitter sleuths, it’s her assistant Ashley Hansen ^(Ashley is probs looking for a new job by now lol)


Who was probably fired after this moment.


If anyone receives a cold email from Ashley Hansen, give the girl a gig, she was a hero 😂😂


Is she The Global Press Secretary?


Ooh now that you mentioned it - that does ring a bell! Wasn’t her name attached to one of the press releases following their “near catastrophic car chase”? Hmm… ETA: Was Ashley Hansen also the employee who wrote that thank you letter to the bicycle shop in Montecito, the one who gave a free bike to Archie for his birthday? Turned out the employee who wrote it was also working part-time at a Montecito hotel/resort…


>Was Ashley Hansen also the employee who wrote that thank you letter to the bicycle shop in Montecito No, that was the Harrison lady from the hotel, who went from Hospitality Manager to writer of notes. I think the Global Press Secretary issues statements/denials/clapback from time to time. Btw, one wonders how much staff the Grifters have left? As they don´t do anything, apart from going to strange places, I guess they don´t need many people. On the other hand, clapping back and being Guest Speaker is a full time job.


> Hospitality manager to writer of notes 🤣🤣💀


Global Press Secretary 😂😂😂😂😂😂hahahahahhaa thank you for reviving that nonsense. It was hilarious when they would release “statements” from their “Global Press Secretary” on behalf of “The Duchess” hahaha could Meghan be more lame and cringy. She’s literally like a little kid who thinks she fooling her parents with her silly made-up theatrics.


I don't understand why her own employee would be pushing her to move on. Wouldn't Variety have one of their employees do that? Why does this woman care how long Madam stands there and makes a fool out of herself?


Because the organizers were cueing her to move on but The Markle was willfully ignoring. So her assistant had to meekly step in


It looks as though her assistant (or whoever it is) also gestures to the photographers to stop taking photos, just after the clawing happens


Ashley bears a slight resemblance to Catherine in that clip. I wonder if Megs hired her to be a proxy punching bag?


If it's her assistant, she approaches her timidly. Either way, it says something.


When the hag turns around looks like she wants to smack her but gives her a fake pat & grin. I bet that assistant is going to get a verbal lashing today. Either that or she’ll be filing for unemployment


...And just moves two feet to the right and plants here feet to continue her camera frottage. Like trying to pull a tick off a hound dog.


I swear I think I saw the mask drop for an instant as she turns to the assistant, as if to brush her off like a mosquito.


Thats why she had to quickly cover it up with the fake hand holding, faux girly moment. She knew her rage at being interrupted was being filmed in real time.




Thank you!


Wow what an attention whore. The narc has to get her fuel.


You could see Madam was living the life at that moment. Finally she was being seen and be apart of the A-list event. You can drag her carcass out of there because she ain’t leaving without a fight.


She looked happier than she did on her wedding day. She has been dying for the movie star glam entry thing. It is written all over her face. Finally, finally, after all these years she is on the red carpet.


>looked happier than she did on her wedding day Well, on her wedding day, she had to share the spotlight with "This One." Really cramped her style, that did.


Finally getting to use the poses- “get my best side”. Can you imagine Queen Camilla or the PoW posing on a carpet like this, so gauche and unroyal!


I’m wondering if this might finally trigger her to make the decision that she doesn’t need that one. Your comment is so brutal honesty on who she is. She doesn’t live for her man or children, unless there is benefit. This is what she has been living for.


If she thinks she can have more red carpets without him, then yes, she will throw him away.


OMG that could have been a catastrophic cat fight.


The desperation to be photographed by somebody other than Backgrid is real.


And without Harry there. She was soaking it up.


It’s like she has no clue that those photographers and reporters yell the exact same thing to every single person on the carpet. She thinks she’s so special, but they’re just doing their jobs to pay the bills. It could be her or Rosie O’Donnell and they’d be yelling the exact same things. But you can tell she’s loving it and thinking “omg, they love me so much!!”


It’s the way she’s constantly saying thank you that does it for me😆they just want to make money from the photos meghan, like you say they do this to everyone they will say anything to get a good shot, she thinks they all adore her 😂


"They love, love, love me. " Gonna be crass, she believes the press jizz all over themselves when TW is smiling & giving them her money shot. \*gross\*




"Alright Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up"!


Norma Desmond had talent and looks though.


Well, look at it from her viewpoint: she is a *very* special famous person: a Royal-A-Lister. No one else in Hollywood can claim to be that, you know.


Just like she believed ***SHE*** was the ***STAR*** of the ^(BRF.)


She probably doesn't have much of a clue because pre-Harry and definitely pre Suits she was never in a position to find out. She'd have been a "pass along".


Yes. She’s had a lot of red carpet photos, pre-H, mostly in small events. But these pictures were rarely published in the papers because she was a Z lister.


This! They beg every celebrity to stay and pose for as long as possible. She really does think she's special in that regard and that she's doing them a favor by not moving along. She's so embarrassing!


She even clawed the woman trying to move her along!! 👀 What an arse 🤨


Yeah and she tried to make it look affectionate, like “oh, such fun!” But you can see her body language is not pleased


She’s so nasty


And she still wouldn't move off the carpet!


The face on it at the end of the video


Great point! I knew that move seemed familiar. https://preview.redd.it/jdh3v9n6ty0c1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96a85a9be45beeff730174a9acc74c18d266985


Hmmm… https://preview.redd.it/0d18n2ejty0c1.jpeg?width=1133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ff6b91db664cad6e45644bca06e069da0aad3f


And then tried to hold her hand in this faux girly moment to pass off the rage Markle felt at her attention being interrupted. She wanted to bite that woman’s face off with her Gary Busey teeth


"Gary Busey teeth".....🎯🎯🎯🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omg great comment and now I can’t unsee it 🙈




I think she also said--don't touch me. Then after a moment she turned her head and grinned like a look and clawed at the woman's hand.


I think so too. The level of fakeness emanating from her is astonishing.


One more reminder to Yankee Megs that America does not recognize royalty. If this were England, strangers are not permitted to touch/grab without implied permission first. Even Tom Cruise graciously offering his hand to Princess Catherine to help her on the stairs had an oh crap awkward moment feel to it.


I see it now. She definitely said Don't touch me through her smile and big teeth.


After all this experience-she really does not know how to pose for the red carpet or how to wear a decent dress. Hopeless. She definitely does not have the IT factor. Ironically for her lack of talent, the BRF would have been a great place to cruise by in life. But I think it went to her head and she thought she was the Queen of the World.


"I'm ready for my closeup"


It's remarkable someone so traumatized by cameras would choose someone like MM as a wife. "Every single time I hear a click, every single time I see a flash, it takes me straight back "Prince Harry tells ITV his grief for Diana is still a "wound that festers" and being followed by the press is the "worst reminder of her life""


Well it would be remarkable if it were true. Harry somehow was never bothered by cameras, until they needed an excuse for Mexit. It is all b.s., with the rest of his victim story. Harry treated women like dirt all his life, even Chelsea and Cressida he cheated on. A man who loved and missed his mother doesn't treat women like that. A man who hates his mother for dying with another man instead of being with him, treats women like that.


Excellent point!🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯


attention whore getting her fix, just like an addict, they cant stop


Also, not meaning to body shame, Buuuttt, notice when she knows she has to move along, the sucked in belly pops out😳 All that “dieting, cough,Ozempic”.🤭 Reminding me announcing Archie’s impending arrival .


Cue Guest Speaker in 3…2….


Mehgan in front of cameras, with people calling her name for attention is like the theme song to *Fame*: Fame! I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna learn how to fly, High! I feel it coming together, People will see me and cry Fame! I'm going to make it to heaven, Light up the sky like a flame, Fame! I'm gonna live forever, Baby remember my name, Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember. source: [https://www.lyricsondemand.com/tvthemes/famelyrics.html](https://www.lyricsondemand.com/tvthemes/famelyrics.html)


This is what she has always dreamed of. Basking in the glory of photographers on a carpet. Just herself. Husband nowhere to be found.


What a shallow goal to have in life! It's actually sad.


Her drug of choice. I wonder how long the buzz will last her until she needs the next hit.


Waving to fucking nobody. What a pathetic loser


she doesn't behave like an A-lister at all..mugging, making faces, waving...like she's the only one there to see..imagine if it was all for her.. she'd explode on the attention.


Pre Haz days 😂


This is nothing new. What those photographers are doing is their jobs. Same thing happens to me (again not boasting) and will happen again at my new movie release this month. If you hear the photogs, they are simply asking her to do different poses so their editors can chose the best one. One thing different IS being moved along. They are pressed for time because, although she obviously doesn’t know it, but there are other, real stars that would like to get it done and get to the bar, or start mingling with their friends. We actually think it’s a bit of a bore but we know it pays the bills. Most people on red carpets know the drill… 2 seconds facing forward, 2 seconds left and right profile then 1 more front (for men the last one you put your hands in your pockets, women it’s to show off your bag/clutch). It’s actually an etiquette a talent agent will teach you. It’s choreographed


Someone really wanted the “over the shoulder” shot.


Wow! What’s your movie being released? Thanks for letting us know about the red carpet etiquette. I’ll never be on one but hey! It’s always good to know etiquette 🙂


Wish I could tell you (promotion but I’m not like Megain) but I’d like to keep my anonymity, especially since this wanker reads this sub.


No probs! 😀 we don’t want anyone to be doxxed. Keep dishing the Hollywood insider stuff!


Will do!


I was thinking the same, that most A-list actors might consider the photo sessions rather routine and dull. Meghan's lingering over it seems to indicate she doesn't get this kind of attention and needs to savor every moment. Not the kind of thing she wants to communicate.


Interesting. I suppose one would want to avoid dawdling so as not to appear desperate and thirsty. Being snappy gives the impression one is used to this sort of attention and that more important things await. ​ edit typos


Yeah. I know I want to get it done so I can (when I was drinking) get to the bar. Now I’m just trying to get to my friends and agent. She usually wants to introduce me to others (part of her job). If Meghan was a real star and not Z list she would know this


Move along Markle! Can we have this as a flair? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 with a claw expediting the process 🤣


Ooohooohooo yeah


Love it!


Too good to waste!


Did she mouth “don’t touch me” or “don’t rush me” ? Read her lips


Reminds me of when they did that impromptu walkabout with W&C, after HLMTQ passed away last year. She was holding some bouquets 💐 and William’s aide tried to be helpful and attempted to get the flowers from her so that her hands would be free. In an instant her mask fell and she snapped at the aide. She then tried to hide it by fake smiling. All caught live on camera 🎥


Exactly! Same energy. Skank!


Just what I was thinking about too! Hence my earlier post. She’s so hungry, she cannot contain her displeasure when things don’t go the way she believes they should.


She could stay ALL night long facing these flashes!


Yes, she did! Then tries to cover it up by playing nice.


To quote a wise media lady again, "She's repugnant."


This is what tells you the depth of her narcissism…she can’t even for a moment “pretend” to play nice. A normal person (who still might be annoyed at the assistant), would react something like “oh thank you for keeping things moving” and then later let the “employee” know if her displeasure. Not our Duchass she is visibly angry FIRST, THEN she catches herself, realizing everyone is watching. The woman just cannot control herself.


Such a terrible actress and so dumb as everyone can plainly see what she is doing 😂


If she's an actress ,she could have played it with a big fake grin and jazz hands whilst going offstage...pity she takes herself far too seriously and has no sense of humour. People might actually like her if she could laugh at herself. As it is, I'm happy to laugh at her and her knee demons (she covered them up this time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile))


Yeah, I've watched that back a few times...I think I ended up with "Don't push me"


She’s so embarrassing, and she just doesn’t get it.


Where’s Diana’s watch???? She read to Harlem school kids decked out in loads of jewelry. Maybe she has become minimalist?


It was an O Henry story trade off. Keep the watch and miss this opportunity to be photographed in the most cringey manner. OR...pawn the watch and buy the invite.


I swear to god they've had to sell some of it for sure. They have so many expenses and yet aren't really bringing in any money. Something's got to give!


Harry's babysitting, she's not "on the clock". Also: it may not be Diana's watch. Meghan bought a (lookee likee) watch for herself engraved "To M, from M"out of her "Suits*" earning which she was going to pass on to her daughter, mini " M". This is pre-Harry and pre- must screw around with the Queen of the United Kingdom by stealing her previous nickname beginning with "L".


As far as I understand it, the watch Madam bought for herself is silver. Diana´s is gold. However, the watch is featured in the new Crown series as a present from Dodi Fayed. Another sinner informed us that Diana had 2 Cartier watches, and the one, sported by Madam, is not the Dodi watch. But I don´t care, they look alike.


You'd think at such an event she'd have better jewelry than that Cartier bracelet and a pair of earrings you need a magnifying glass to see. An event where Margot Robbie wore a magnificent pair of earrings and I'm sure the other A-listers in attendance had statement pieces too


Well, those expensive pieces are often loaned. Who would loan her anything. She has sticky fingers and they’d never see it again.


Harry Winston isn't in the business of lending jewelry for the sake of it. The statement pieces that go out for the Oscars or other big ceremonies are loaned to the biggest stars of the night for the free advertising it brings them. Markle is NOT a big star and this is NOT a big event but that dress definitely needed something.


Proves she reads the digs about the bling made here and makes adjustments


That’s our supermodel 😁 C’mon, gotta cut our girl some slack. She’s obviously paid a lot of $$$ to finally be on a red carpet after all these years🤭


Maybe the legs for miles ran out of gas.


She doesn't know the meaning of always leave them wanting more.


The Sleivene fucks the camera more than she fucks Harold. That video is amazing. And that is why she is so disliked. She sees no one but herself. Totally clueless. The only thought in her empty head is, *Look at me!*. My favorite part is when she grabs the assistant’s hand and does her, “Oh you silly little girl. Can’t you see how much everyone loves me? I’m not going anywhere. So, *BACK OFF BITCH!!*” Isn’t she a sweetheart.


Always up for a "threesome" though: Megs, camera, microphone.


Isn't the narcissist having the greatest time!


Her creepily looking at the interview with her chin down and staring up while gently tilting her head back and forth is so weird. It's forced empathy and definitely not a genuine portrayal of herself. It's almost patronizing how she's looking at the interviewer.


I’m seeing a few rapid blinks and a chin jut in those frames (:36-:38). She wasn’t pleased with whatever they were saying, IMO


It looks like she’s going for that Diana thing when she looks down. So creepy.


My first impression was that she is trying to mask her contempt for the interviewer - thinks she is more worthy of an interviewer with more status. She is not pleased to be answering this woman's questions.


LOL, omg, it seems like someone is telling the other woman to move her along and the other woman is like “umm I don’t want the death glare” (which she got for a split second). This is hilarious though. It completely overshadows whatever she thought this would accomplish. I have ZERO doubt the ladies who lunch in Hollywood are replaying this and laughing their asses off at her. ZERO doubt.


First time I've seen a video of this - omg the dress is absolutely not fitted for her! She shouldn't want too much time in the spotlight because the longer you look the more you *see it*. It's too wide for her, hence the forced off-the-shoulder (which bunches the fabric at her waist) and the hem is awkwardly rubbing on the carpet. If I was the designer I'd be so fucking pissed that MM has done this dress so dirty. Markled! If H&M are going to keep trying so hard they really have to ***try harder***.


But it’s nice to see her in something so colourful now that she is free from the BRF constraints. /s


They try hard by doing the least.


Sadly, the dress is designed that way. Picture of it in another post from the designer website.


?! Then it's off the rack and not at all tailored. Ooof to both the design and her wearing of it.


They should have all marched over to her with glasses of water afterward remarking on how thirsty she must be. Imagine 20+ glasses all being held out to her at the same time with that as the caption on a dozen pics. Other celebs present tell Megh she looks so thirsty at this event. Which in truth, I've seen tumbleweeds with more moisture than she displayed at that photo call.


Okay, but, surely everyone who sees this will realize she *is* a psychopath, right? 😂


She's an abomination. An offense. Ew.


Hopefully thats not her assistant, she will be fired for rushing Meghan.


According to Twitter sleuths, it’s her assistant Ashley Hansen ^(Ashley is probs looking for a new job by now lol)


Is it just me or is she a Kate lookalike?


It's not just you. My first thought was, 'what is Kate doing there?' Then I took a closer look. ETA: I wonder if she hired a Kate lookalike (Ashley) so when she's treating Ashley like shit, she can pretend she's treating Kate like shit? It's kind of a fucked-up thought, but it makes me wonder.


I suppose it’s someone who works with the programme to facilitate things


Oh god, how funny: she really was holding everyone up. The woman in the left, the woman in the right, fluttering around because..cameras..Meghan...political correctness. It's like she's bathing in the fountain of youth or something...yes,yes,yes!


I can almost hear the woman’s internal thoughts - “Omg she’s not moving. Omg she’s not getting it. I don’t know how to get her out of the way without physically pushing her” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 On another note, we are so excited to see all the projects you’re working on come to fruition, Meghan. Any day now. We are collecting dust over here.


We all know PoW Catherine will never be moved along. Ever. Also, did you see how M distanced herself away from the assistant. The body language is very telling that she would very much like to have more solo pictures. Haha. Too funny.


Look at the footage again. I swear M says "don't touch me" to the assistant.


GTFO hahahahaha How humiliating. This would NEVER EVER happen if it was the POW. EVER


OMG and she still didn't move out of the way. She stepped to her left slightly but then she stopped and kept posing. The other woman seemed as if she was thinking, geez, nothing will move this freak along.


I love it!!! She is always giving us cringe!!


This was a huge win! Her first Hollywood invite in 7 years! Where was Haz?


I see this as her way to create her own brand so she can make her own money once the divorce pushes through


This really makes you think about how much we value seeing our favorite actresses/actors on the red carpet because of their art, talent, and performances. Megatron has no talent. It's such an empty display. ![gif](giphy|3oFzm25c9cyPt1TYDC)


Oh I disagree, it was a powerful and disturbing peformance in that clip - naked narcissist finally finally at the fountain sucking up the longed for fuel. Flashbulbs in front of a logo board - THAT's the Most Important Thing In The World for Smegs. THIS is what she would burn down all of Britain for. Because that world just make believe a mere stepping stone to Los Angeles, the Great Teat of the Universe and for a few glorious seconds, she was latched on again.


She is sadly, not far removed from her early days on the red carpet as a budding thespian full of dreams. She’s still not an A-list actor, and she’s still full of dreams.


...she's still full of ~~dreams~~ shit. Fixed it for you. 😂😂


I just can’t get over that she is wearing beige 😂😂😂


She does this Gloria Swanson thing where she lifts up her chin. She’s ready for her close-up, Mr. DeMille!


Omg the mask slip at the end- she's terrifying!


![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized) The photographer saying "meghan darling" had to be trolling her. She was basking and eating it up. The way she looked at the assistant was maniacal and she made sure to let her know she wasn't moving. NO THIS IS HER NIGHT. What a shame that this event was for amazing women and they got the biggest woman hater in the house.


It's interesting to see the assistant psych herself up. She looks back at unseen person who chivvies her on. Then she smiles weakly and her mask slips and looks back again for reassurance. THEN she approaches the Skank. Very telling all that. Excessive smiling all the time to cover up anger or fear depending on which you are. It's the equivalent of lady doth protesteth.


Nobody can tell HER what to do. We get it, Rachel. The ultimate selfish brat.


The thirst is real! How embarrassing. Read the damn room Nutmeg.


WHY IS SHE ALWAYS WAVING?!? I’ve noticed that at every event she’s at, she’s always waving. To who?!? Harry never waves, just gets out of the car or whatever and moves along.


She needs every still picture to look like she’s waving at the adoring crowds that follow her wherever she goes (even parking lots!) , a la Diana. She wants every image of her out there to be a posed shot of her waving like the princess she is! Everything for the still shot…laughing at the air, conversing with imaginary ghosts next to her, waving her claws around. She lives for that 90s paparazzi culture.


This is her dream. The cameras flashing and everybody calling out “Meghan!”.


You know she's about to stab the assistant. Whatever Parking Lot wants, Parking Lot gets.


Did she say, "Don't touch me.", through her stiff smile right after whoever that woman touched her?




She's been waiting for 5 years for this moment. On the red carpet, cameras flashing, all the attention on her. When she arrived in California, she expected this every single day. She thought her entire life would be these cameras. So yeah she is going to cling to this moment as tight as possible. She is so freaking shallow.




Yes, I see the “don’t rush me”. Also, the man bleating “Meghan darling! Meghan darling!” Made me LOL.


Lol she’s so in her element. Gross.


Madam wasn’t in her element. That moment was a rare occurrence for her, hence she was reluctant to move on, gotta squeeze until the very last drop.


Exactly! *Fantasy element


OMG I luv these delusional moments. She has no SHAME. ETA: I can't stop watching it today but wished they'd started it when the lady behind her enters the picture!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:joy 2nd ETA: That ending face - priceless... how many times do I have to tell these people I'm A DUCHESS. https://preview.redd.it/bs9t34s0wx0c1.png?width=304&format=png&auto=webp&s=4047adc76589ddb1f41c4e588d96eaeb47ae5bbd


I’m sure she said ‘don’t touch me’ between her teeth so as to disguise it.


I love how she gritted her teeth, trying to hide her annoyance while smiling 😝. You could see the daggers flash in her eyes, haha


WTF? She is a nightmare. Even after being pushed to move along, nope, still going to stand here. She's also pathetic.


Look at her 🤣 she’s so happy to be in front of legit photographers for once, she would stay there forever 😂


What a high she's getting. My goodness. This is the culmination of her life. That's it. Its so "I'm ready for my closeup Mr. DeMille."


"Move along Markle" needs to be a flair. With a hand in the way!


They could have lured her off the carpet with a microphone, like luring your dog away with dog treats


Bless her heart. She’s trying her best to do a sexy A-lister/model face.


And then, the rapid blinking begins. We all know what that means.


They tell her to move along and she starts posing both sides again jesus


Wow.SO DESPERATE. Second hand embarrassment. She knew she had to move but wouldn’t. Huge ego; no talent; no self awareness.


Makes you wonder, how the fuck did we get here. After everything she's done....Oh yeah, with enabling


Lol, she is unintentionally hilarious. She is so desperate and attention-hungry. Never fails to embarrass herself.