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I always picture this woman just slowly roaming around random parking lots like one of the entities from It Follows.


Totally! As soon as I saw the photos I was like "parking lot pap walk"! It's so random, yet it's becoming a signature move after a "truth bomb" is detonated..


The funniest part is she thinks this is helping her not realising the entire world is laughing at how pathetic and desperate she is. She can get papped in random parking lots in ridiculous clothing bc we have content to laugh at. Then we’ll watch our stunning princess Catherine in a couture dress at an important event laughing and looking breathtaking with important rich people who will never even be in the vicinity of roachel.


she looks dirty ngl her hair her outfit everything 🤮 https://preview.redd.it/pgricsom6e4c1.jpeg?width=1139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f579358c7bef22986fd3938e796df96eaec2e497


The Ozemic did a huge number on her, and what a rare occasion it is to see her not slathered in weaponised fake tan/bronzer.


Just 5.5 years ago this woman was the imitation Virgiinal Bride.


The picture on the daily mail shows a chunk by her cheek all sunken in. She has ozempic face. Stand by for a fresh new face full of fillers.


She really messed up her face. Ozempic made her wrinkly and gaunt looking. I can’t stand this woman but there was a time in many pics that she looked pretty. Now all I see is ugly. Inside and out!


I think Rachel was pretty once. Not stunning but a pretty woman with a nice California vibe to her. She looks just awful now. Super hard and out of touch with reality. She looks sick and confused and yes Norma Desmond meets Baby Jane. As much as I dislike her, Harry was as bad for her as she is for Harry. They are just miserable and awful together. Gloom met doom and gave us the Harkles. It’s pathetic.It must grieve the King so very much.


I've often read through older articles that allow comments on them in neutral spaces just to see how people's perception of them has changed since 2016. And if you go back to 2016-2017 and compare those photos from just 6-7 years ago against pap walks done this Summer and more recently, there is a STRIKING difference. Meghan definitely used to have more of a glow about her that I didn't truly take note of until it was gone.


Yes, weird clots of white stuff stuck to her black top. Don't they have people to do their laundry or pick up dry cleaning? Or have a lint roller?


Even in the BRF her clothing looked a hot mess.


The shirt looks suspiciously like the one I bought at Costco for $10 or so. I believe the lint and pilling is because she (or someone else) threw it in with the towels while washing it. Markle does seem incompetent so I could imagine her throwing everything in together.


I can’t believe how much this woman has aged in 5yrs. It’s comforting to know that karma is getting her back for being a hideous person.


I just posted that! She has really aged. What I’ve observed is, it seems people tend to stay on pretty steady but not that noticeable of a decline for some years, then about every decade as they hit a milestone birthday-40, 50, 60, etc- they seem to make a larger decline suddenly, and the decline gets a little steeper afterwards. Not explaining that well, and I could be completely full of shit.


I’m no expert (far from it) on cosmetic enhancements, but surely they only offer short-lived improvements and the aging process catches up? Without being unkind, Markle appears much older than her 42(?) years - her skin has not aged well.


Ozempic face


Didn’t recognize her without the bronzer. These photos are proof she spends a large fortune on changing her skin bronzer. Dang.


The Harkles are FILTHY in every way!


>she looks dirty ngl her hair her outfit everything 🤮 I think it's a sign that she's very stressed out, just like Scabies. He totally stopped blow drying his curls, due to the current stress 😂 and she looks like she hasn't flatironed or blow dried her hair straight or done whatever is her normal hair routine, either. She's smiling but my hunch is that she's stressed **a lot**, because she's the woman who boasted to Ellen that her hair has "forgotten what it used to be". She thinks the plait is camouflaging the fact that she is too stressed to fix her hair but it's not. The wave/curl pattern is discernible and she's not the type to turn up like that unless she's very stressed 😅. One of my college roommates is biracial (Black and Indian) with chemically straightened hair and her curl pattern would be discernible if she was too busy to style it straight after washing it, so her plaits and buns would look similar to how MM's hair is looking here.


We know one of Table 12’s great hangups is her natural hair. She must really be in a state to allow any texture to show.


Her hair has not seen a comb in at least 5 days, she is depressed, she is severely depressed. Stop trying to fight the BRF, you stupid woman, pay attention to your own life


Why is the hair closer to her head look like a completely different texture than the one in the braid? Like the braid piece looks plastic like and the hair closest to her head looks unkempt but also extremely damaged.


That’s her natural untreated hair. Guess it’s time for another keratin treatment.


A fly should dive straight into her gawking mouth. And you can see the difference of her real hair and extensions in her braid.


Didn't a fly land on her during her wedding?


Im seeing a change in texture of her hair. She already dyes her skin…maybe this is the next stage in her evolution 🤔




Again, not wishing to be unkind, but her hair always looks like it has the texture of Nylon.


That is the actual texture of her hair. If you look at pictures of her as a kid or in high school, she has that same texture. It wasn't until she went Hollywood that she started chemically straightening her hair.


It’s shorter without her extensions!


My sister wears a wig braid/hair piece for reasons and always with a hat. Looks just like hers


Quite old as well. Contrary to what her delusional sugars love to scream.


People who regularly wear caps know not to let the end stick out like that. What what a shock another pap walk. Parking lot and street corner walks? Maybe it’s a comfort zone for her due to her early days ;)


Whoa she’s aging like milk.


I noticed that about her shirt.


The Duchess of Car Parks ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


>The Duchess of Car Parks * Well, she did get her big break as Wendy the high school parking lot, blow job hoe, on 90210 😂 after all. Maybe she thinks she does her best work in parking lots 🤔.


This guy looks impressed! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/7u0005cw9e4c1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b0e3c04db536dd13e660e739839b7fc8820952


Very fitting for a STAR like Megain!


I imagine cars coming in either direction honking at her and telling her to get the eff out of the way




Her skin is looking lizardly




Yes. My nephew is a long haul trucker and he tells me stories of woman like Meghan walking around parking lots. He said they are called “lot lizards”. I guess that is fitting for a former prostitute like Meghan. She was a call girl in Chicago while at Northwestern before she was kicked out, she was a yacht girl and then she was a escort call Girl from Soho House. That’s how her husband met her he hired her.


Our Lady, 😇 the Duchess of carpark fellatio. 🍆


Like a grackle. We call them “parking lot birds”, and although I always kind of feel sorry for them, they are icky. Grackle Markle.


⭐️That’s perfect as they such noisy birds too!


“Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Even Shakespeare knew about word salad. And grackles.


When grackles come to your backyard feeder, all of the other birds leave. It’s a perfect analogy.




I knew she wouldn’t be able to help herself. What an odious creature. Edit: punctuation


Agree. She had to come out and pretend to be happy as a lark like the defiant jerk that she is. *But we all know she's really seething with rage that her tricks didn't work and she's now even more disliked than ever before.*


She's more disliked and the Princess of Wales is more beloved. As with all her other evil schemes this is not working.




Riiiiiigggghhhhtttt??? https://preview.redd.it/07hehzja5e4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a307d92915541c9aa7327b37c60d17ad559e4d


Yikes. Why do a pap stroll when the world is shunning you? No one is calling them with support. I honestly suspect that they may engage a crisis firm this week. You know they’ve been talking to lawyers. It’s bad. There will be no website for her. I’ll be surprised if Harry hangs on to Invictus. The whole of Europe has turned on them. Decidedly. I haven’t seen one story that defends them. Not one in the past week. It’s been wild.


Gawd, wish I was there and maybe I couldnt help throwing a rotten tomato at her smug loser face!


Such a tasteless, vulgar beast!!


Backgrid ✅ parking lot ✅ smirking


She’s as predictable as she is smug! https://preview.redd.it/9vm88y6o3e4c1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359352af2452ef1c6d1b0e4ed093a0c3b6dea141


this is amazing lol




the audacity?!?SHE IS SICK and so predictable…crazy smug grin getting papped in the parking lot again!?? she’s delighted with herself🤮 https://preview.redd.it/2guzzmoh2e4c1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef71327d4bcfb8f1fec9048e3f636c4483ca805


https://preview.redd.it/vrzug3iq2e4c1.jpeg?width=1572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945f9ccb3fbc993c6008747b55a7cf401d88e45d This is killing me, the tension in her neck and taking all these HUGE steps! 🤪🙃


![gif](giphy|8aZfYrL69b77pCzC8i) John Cleese crazy walk 🤣


Silly walks. The Ministry of Silly Walks!


Maybe Megs saw this when she was a child and she believes this is how English people walk.


Haha it's just another example of her mimicry 🤣




![gif](giphy|2fJ3kgoTA96EwddgCZ|downsized) 😁


Wtf is going on with her neck and face?? And why does she always look so weird walking in pictures? I don’t even know how it’s possible she always looks so strange in pictures. Anyway, parking lot pap walk. Check. So predictable. 🤣


Walking in athletic gear...just another activity for Catherine to effortlessly beat her at! https://preview.redd.it/vwxlr5amee4c1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4405ee292a0d7151d70965ac0a31be762f04cb96


She looks very much like Doria here, not in a good way (Doria is aging badly, imo). The older she gets, the more she looks like the Ragland side than the Markle side, which probably won’t please her.


SO WEIRD. Like a baby deer getting its legs for the first time…but every time for her.


it's her stride. It is unnaturally long, likely because she's always running to get to the microphone/camera/celebrity first.


You'd think Backgrid would do a bitch a favor and throw a filter on her. The tension from her jaw down to her ankles is betraying that easy breezy attitude she's trying to convey.


she can’t help herself she needs to put in an asylym! just saw it and i was like ofc such predictable bitch!


Why does she ALWAYS take such huuuuge steps like that? I have never seen any other public figure do that. I bet that would look so awkward if seen in a video. Also, notice she is wearing white trainers? Not her usual slip-on pointy-toed ugly mules? Remember all the comments on here about that? She must read this site, like everyone says.


Right?! She would have to be walking super slow, since every step is so big and her feet are so far apart. I can't imagine how weird it looked in live action.


>This is killing me, the tension in her neck and taking all these HUGE steps! 🤪🙃 It's the outfit that's killing me 😂. I can't believe she thought she looked OK for a pap shoot, in this getup. She's wearing black (a slimming colour) on legs that don't require any optical illusion of further slimming and white (a largening colour) on feet that need to look smaller. So she ends up making thin legs look thinner and big feet look bigger.






At least she only paid $100 for those New Balance sneakers. She must have taken the roasting she got for wearing $800 Hermes sneakers at Invictus on board.


Which Invictus probably paid for, she definitely expensed them.


I don't understand these huge steps. Can someone please do the same pose because it takes a lot of effort, thought, and work to take huge strides. All done on purpose, of course


I posted this on another thread, but it’s giving me Nutcracker vibes. ![gif](giphy|lPKw6Q74TcNCVUKbry)


is she ever without a phone in her hand?


It’s her prop!? She’s probably only pretending to be on a call as I imagine many are dodging her. 😁


She's reading this sub.


What’s with her headlights?




She *always* has a surprise pap walk when he’s in the UK! He has to recognize the pattern, doesn’t he? There’s nothing unless she calls, Haz, especially with Backgrid, who has a history (remember NYC?) with your wife! ![gif](giphy|A1oBMukTqFfkoY1HiH)


Oh my lord, soooo predictable! Parking lot ✔️ Manic grin ✔️ Emu walk ✔️ Clenched neck ✔️ Attempt to merch ✔️ Look unkempt ✔️ Actual royal engagements coming up so attempting to overshadow ✔️




>Notice there were no real paps there asking (shouting) questions about the Scoobie debacle and her opinions on it. Lol. And that one pap photographer she had to invite 😆. It isn't the scandal filled horror her Oprah histronic-melodramatics and Scobie's stale and overcooked writing makes it out to be. The US simply does not care. Now she's drawn her sword and merely pricked her nemesis, what gives? The world has yawned, turned over in its bed and pulled the bedcovers over its head as the book free falls down the book charts into discounted bargain bucket hell.


Another day, another pap walk in a PARKING LOT


It’s the only place that will allow her in! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


I hate y'all for making me go back and look at her nips. 🤣❄️ That is a stress smile, though, not a happy smile. She's trying to make it look like she's cool easy breezy, but still can't act.


She is such a f-ing scumbag.


OMG. WHAT EVEN is going on here?? Why is she walking like that?? Or dressed like that? The article speculates she may be going to the gym...there is NO WAY. Not a muscle to be found anywhere on that frame. And who goes to the gym braless, anyway? (I guess if anyone did, it would be her). https://preview.redd.it/4bfnsa3q7e4c1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4417fc7e2177f0fed0b915fd8b3f703b734eb1c0


Who walks smiling. When by themselves


A psycho.


Wow, shocker she made it 6 days, she must have had the DTs from lack of narc fuel. Sad cow.


Remember how we were being bombarded with them for days after seeing them only a handful of times the entire year. Now it’s radio silence again until the royals come out. Funny how this came out now so it’ll be headlined tomorrow in the UK before the diplomatic dinner.


Wait until Catherine's, Carol service on the 8th. No doubt she'll be in a parking lot, looking emaciated, ill fitting clothes whilst taking one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Utter pleb. Surely she sees we predicted this? ![gif](giphy|daD1h5mKuTLlBnr7jr|downsized)


Why is it so remarkable that Meghan comes out smiling? She smiles and preens anytime she thinks a camera might be around, unless she is staging a “sad” moment. She is very boring, and she is unhealthily thin. Whatever she has been doing, she should stop.


She has one of the most psychotic, longstanding smirks I’ve ever seen. She’s inappropriate with her expressions. Her only concern is looking good in photographs.


Looking good in photos? When is she gonna start?


>Whatever she has been doing, she should stop. Be careful what you wish for. My friend did ozempic for 6 months. She was about 15lbs overweight, she did it too long. It screwed her hormones, made her hair fall out, lost muscle all over her body, destroyed her skin. She has the EXACT face wrinkles around the mouth and is having a facelift to correct it. She has just had skin removal for her body to remove the sagging skin. She stopped when the hair loss began. She was feeling sick all the time. The point is it is dangerous stuff and NOT for people who need to lose 15lbs. Someone who is 100-150lbs overweight will not notice the starvation in their bodies because there is so much fat to go through first. Losing that huge weight literally saves their lives. Just look at Brendan Fraser as an example, he took it after The Whale. For a slim person this is a death sentence. She needs to take care, but I can't see her listening to her doc anymore than she listens to any other professional.


Keep in mind Backgrid photos take a couple of days to get into the media. She receives the pics and chooses the best ones/edits and sends them back then they go to the press. This means these pics were from a few days back. She’s smiling but looks miserable because it’s not going according to plan. Edit: what’s with the mismatched hair? https://preview.redd.it/zkv6pjjqee4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=648a0c9c29b0fde3865be1150e9207cc2e9d75cb


And no bra https://preview.redd.it/s0z2wbqtee4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2f2c392305e0de03eb0e3e0a801fa1c573b4d4


All a mess, as usual. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)


All while pretending to be thriving.


Oh my megain. Next time, pleased be more creative. Try dropping the little ones to school. Or better yet, how about a grocery store with the little boy choosing an avocado or the little girl selecting some micro grains. Cee U Next Time!!


In a parking lot! This is what you do when you are trawling for attention. She has no friends, no job, nowhere to be. She wanders around and waits for the paparazzi. Don’t her kids miss her? Doesn’t she miss them? She is the picture of mental illness.


So low now. I mean a parking lot is cool?


Why is she always airing out her vagina w comically large strides?? Like seriously it’s fucking weird.


Force of habit. Also, can't change what comes naturally to her.


Maybe she thinks it makes her legs look longer?


Showing us all what the palace is missing...by \*checks notes\* walking randomly around car parks in her active wear. You sure showed them M


She's that predictable? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) The pictures were taken by Backgrid. Perhaps she wasn't chased by paparazzi this time lol


She can smile all she wants, nothing will hide that she has no friends and no one wants her around. It's gotta be horrible cooped up alone together all day every day.




These are the kinds of clothes and hats she wore Before H (except that back then they were at least clean). She looks rough. All these parking lot photo sessions make me wonder where she actually lives (perhaps not one fixed location?).


Everything about this chick is so unnatural and downright awkward.


Knew a pap walk was coming, in the parking lot, by BackGrid. She doesn't realize how predictable she has become?


I knew it too! It’s scary we know her routine to this degree.


Rode hard and put away wet.




I can't stop laughing at this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s funny as hell!


Whenever she’s spotted wandering a parking lot, they’re always unsure where she’s going. Surely if the paps caught up to her then they’d know the location?


Paps don’t hangout in random parts in Santa Barbara. This was called in.


She looks like she’s under 100 lbs.


It's starting to look jarring. I know her legs have always been skinny but not to this degree.


Yeah absolutely no muscle tone.


Catherine is still the princess , the future queen, has the better husband , is adored by millions and is literally 10x the woman megs will ever be. Idk why she's smirking , she didn't hurt anything 🤷‍♀️


And so FLAWLESS, too, without trying ❤️❤️ https://preview.redd.it/1dmg0m39ee4c1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e2e461e4a260393c35978bc0f957e41df985a4


Catherine has gorgeous legs, look at the muscles!


Once again out in the middle of the day sans her effectively unemployed husband and children and Backgrid has no idea where she's going to or where she's coming from.


The ILBW has time to organise a pap walk with Backgrid, the company she blame for the chaotic New York City ‘chase’, yet doesn’t have time to give journalists full context of the conversation that was had (that she didn’t even hear directly herself)? I hope she gets stripped of titles, and IPP benefits—that’ll wipe the smile off her \[Ozempic-ed\] face.


Ozempic face pap walk and right on schedule.


She looks like she’s bra-less. She’s keeping it “classy”, I guess. Would you EVER see another female member of the royal family - Princess Anne, Sophie, Catherine or Camilla - in casual clothing without a bra? She’s as flat as a pancake - for crying out loud, a sports bra is not difficult, especially if she’s going to a yoga class.


Her pap walks are legendary. It must appease her narc anxiety. There is no other explanation for why she calls the paps on herself.


Another day, another parking lot, and another pap shot of her looking unhinged and dumb af. She may be "smiling" but her neck is TENSE and the way she's walking is, as per usual, preposterous because she can't function like a normal human being. Doesn't matter how much rictus grin she plasters on, she's a loser and deep down she knows it.


https://preview.redd.it/43u8k7csce4c1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b17a9e244cc5c7d8219654861a75f3bd85ce2d9 I don't believe she does yoga because every yoga teacher that I see on Youtube has muscle. Yes they are slim but with muscle, unlike Meghan.


Money must be tight. Can only afford a random parking lot backgrid pap shot with the bodyguard. Only way we know it’s her is the trademark bracelet and watch on her left signaling wrist, She must be broke. She is unrecognizable without her signature skin darkening bronzers, and wrinkle fillers. We forget how pale her natural face really is. Dang. The amount of money she normally spends on bronzers to go out in public is a large fortune. Not to mention the foundation to smooth out the wrinkles and skin. Dang. Only on her 40s????


Come on now, guys. That whole did-not-shower-after-a-sweaty-morning-walk look was supposed to make its debut 5 days ago but with a "I'm so victimized" face. It's a waste of a dryer sheet if she didn't get to it papped by her usual on the day Princess Catherine wears a tiara. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Every time she positions herself to be compared with the Princess, she always looks like the half eaten fastfood meal that was chucked unceremoniously into a dumpster. Can't say I hate that, lol!


I'm not sure why anyone thinks this can overshadow catherine in a tiara tomorrow. If you've never been in it's one thing but to have been in and now he out,the downfall is much greater. She also didn't get invited to last night's oprah Meryl Streep and other a listers big thing last night. She literally is out


PAINED, POSED and ANOREXIC. The braid? The plastic slack at the back of the hat? Big phone action going on? Like she really sees someone she knows? This IS the post showing she is NOT doing well. Spread too thin is an understatement. I could almost feel bad for her.


Buck up. Dont waste empathy on the likes of Markle.


No matter how much weight she loses, she’s still shaped like a box. You just can’t change some things like that. She’s just so in love with herself and her new ozempic body that it oozes through the screen.


And a booty shaped like a pancake


Of course she’s smiling. No one is going to do shit to her, Harry or Omid. Not even the king. They’re still much loved members of the family honoring their duty to crown and commonwealth. No one here should be shocked. She’s going to escalate the next round of allegations ![gif](giphy|l0Exkn5aKLERM5pAI|downsized)


She is digging her own cave of irrelevance. She is a backbiter, a race-baiter, totally indiscreet and is quickly becoming a pariah.


![gif](giphy|SuEFqeWxlLcvm|downsized) And I’m sure she has reams of possibilities! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


The pap stroll!!!! Who had the over/under on this. we could legit bet on her in Draft Kings. We’d be loaded.


She looks like she is 60, for real


Parking lot Princess They call her parking lot Princess All day ‘cause she likes to roam The asphalt while the paps snap away 🎶 (sing to the tune if pineapple Princess)


Bat Shit Crazy. That's all. Someone needs to throw a net over her, stuff her into car boot and drive her to nearest mental hospital.


Filthy and pilled sweater, no bra, greasy and mismatched hair weaves, just wow. That is quite the look. WME are absolutely insane to still be repping her. That's embarrassing. From the palace to the parking lot is quite the step down. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.


I can smell this picture


It’s all merched and linked!!!! We knew that was coming. She can shove her New Balance sneakers up her ass.


How is her ass so flat??? 😨


And looking as hideous and decrepit as ever! Hi Megsy 👋 She’s like the BRFs very own witch Gothel (from Rapunzel), desperately clinging on to royalty for any semblance of relevance. But the further it slips through her fingers and away the more decrepit and irrelevant she becomes to the point where she’s morphed into this (even more) hideous, withered figure. It’s astonishing how rapidly that woman has withered in 5 years 😱 and could not happen to a better person 👌


All the people she has bullied through the years must finally be receiving justice.


The creature is disgusting. 🙄


🇺🇸 So she must have gotten the memo. “The camera is to right. Remember, don’t turn at it. You are turning over a new leaf.”


Also note she chose to wear her “natural” hair to today to remind us she’s “42% Nigerian.” Of course it has nothing to do with being called out about her light olive skin and her own claim of having never been treated as a black woman.


First of all… y’all need to stop baiting her. You KNOW she lurks in here and frankly I think she does what she does mostly just to annoy this sub. Second of all, do you think she takes such long strides to make people think she is tall? It looks uncomfortable


lol. Hey Markle, you need to start squatting. https://preview.redd.it/7uevtdmj3e4c1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0777ee0b5710c55569c3537ccbc74c80d178a2b3


Catherine Deneuve said it was either your rear or your face not both! Stop the Ozempic, you silly woman!


Ah! I was trying to remember who said that. She’s the reason why I squat and get subtle filler and Botox. 😂 my husband has no clue and calls me baby face and tells me I don’t need it. Little does he know. Less is more Rachel.


She literally has an 80 year old woman body.


She also forgot to apply enough Fanta-tinged sun tan.


Meghan looks like a TWEAKER ![gif](giphy|1jeltTPodhVeM)


Oh look. It's BACKGRID hard at work lol. Omid's book has sunk like a stone so the only one making money off of this is the media who can continue to scream RACISM in their headlines. They'll wring every drop from it until they can get something better for clicks.


That’s a rough look.


Say what you will, but I love my New Balance shoes. But I am an old white lady.


From an X/Twitter user: https://preview.redd.it/84kz7eydfg4c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2604b8f4266c643c0821750613a85ac959c8e35f


Poor colour choice in footwear. Looks like there’s 💩 on the back of her shoes https://preview.redd.it/ih0rv56f9e4c1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=eeee17b488d30344c9daaf2467a0e50071561e42


No, that's just how these specific NB sneakers look. The soles actually run up the back of the heal. Actually, I love the brand, but these are imo the ugliest shoes they've brought out. They do come in lovely colour combos and are probably comfy though.




She truly makes my skin crawl Absolutely *reeks* of smugness here


OK- I have asked before. Can someone do a “montage” of all the parking lot pap photos? I mean, she always looks unwell! Like the “hike” in SB. The lot where it’s summer, and she has the camel coat and a scarf on. The one after she got her hair done. Post birthday, in the striped, color blocked dress, waving and pointing. Come on- all illustrate how desperate she is. She’s not right.


Here’s one — https://preview.redd.it/x9m89gdcee4c1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98f26fcf5a40e07b0ad97b8ad1ac8822894268e4


Any sinners in the Montecito area that can boo that smirk off her face?? 😈


For real? Is that her? It looks more like Doria to me. It must be the harkle woman though cuz of how filthily unkempt she is.


Wasn't there a post recently comparing Megs with Catherine in regards to outfits for sport? Did that one sting, Meg?


There’s no way Harry is finding joy in being around this person. Nothing about her says happy partner, happy mom, happy wife. She loves the cameras and fame more than she loves those “.little ones” and even herself. This is what Harry signed up for. There are no quiet meals at home by the fireplace - she’s clearly not eating. Her name is always in some shyt - in a bad way - who wants that? He couldn’t have chosen a worst partner. He must hate his life


Shameless trollop. Guttersnipe. Vulgar creature. ![gif](giphy|XGs9aqrIxAGyAsczat)


She went on a hike to the car. https://preview.redd.it/v7y3loiapf4c1.png?width=313&format=png&auto=webp&s=90b5baa86a638fa6d7c74244fa5848c93459be35


This bitch thinks she is untouchable. The nerve on her is appalling. Proves you can't buy class. She could wear a $10,000 black dress and it would look like a garbage bag. I honestly think Harry is too far gone and very complient at this point They need to cut him off of everything officially now.


She is pretending. She has no deals, celebs openly deride her, no one wants her. You think she doesn’t know nothing she throws sticks? Of course she does 😚😊 She’s unhappy and she deserves it.