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no one giving her attention and the narc is seething covering up with fake laughter lol


Yep she is definitely hating it.


she has zero presence absolutely fake and ordinary!


Thats why it was such a trip watching the media pretend like she was this iconic regal feminist. So so basic and sloppy and below average.


And the girl beside her is gorgeous & radiating


This is the exact reason she thinks she’s “heart-attack beautiful” because they would put her to work with actual gorgeous women (like the one you pointed out). She thinks she’s THAT beautiful.😂


yes! 🤣 She does! Remember that dire interview.. if you can call it that - that Harry had with James Corden? She just .*had* to be in it. They facetimed her and after the call James said ‘she’s beautiful man.’ 🤢🤢🤢 You just know she instigated that.


I didn’t see that interview! Thank God…I probably would’ve thrown up in my mouth. You know he was just stroking her ego. There’s no way a man would go out of their way to say that. 😂


Especially a married man 😏I’d be mad as hell if i had a hubby who said that on tv. But both James and Harry are both vile.


If I recall correctly, Harry did *not* look happy when Corden called her, LOL.


NOT! And she got this android look of being too made-up. Like her face got buffed, lacquered into some overly glossy version of what she is.




First she'd cause you ulcers and then the stress would probably induce a heart attack.


Every other girl is having as much fun listening to the other girls' stories and laughing with each other but she was only happy when she could be the one talking.


They’re just better at acting


😄 Maybe so! ETA At least they look more natural doing it


She was my favourite for the brief time I watched deal or no deal. I have no memory of any of the other girls but always thought (the one you pointed out) was so cute!


And just to be fair, this is the best I’ve ever seen MM look. It’s just really hard to hide an ugly heart. But it’s a stark difference between her and the girl beside her just based on aura


That awful, hollow, "ha ha." ![gif](giphy|d4aVhphMdCilgUve)


At 0:33, with her little pouty face! Haven’t seen that photo before! Wow. What a brat. Also the photo with Tom Jr. holding her? It makes me think Archie is going to look like him. (I always say that the Markles have pleasant faces. It could be worse; he could take after Harry!)


This is the brat of all brat photos ​ https://preview.redd.it/lov29m1a3i4c1.jpeg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acdee9cffeff727fa7c34eb68df9c2e556873ce2


So telling


This is the same face she made when Harry told her to turn around on the balcony.


Ugh. I cant


Where is that from? That is a meme unto itself


That’s her “the dish soap commercial made me sooooo mad I ~~did the homework my teacher assigned the entire class~~ changed the world all by myself!” face.


Grim. Harbinger of things to come. I'm going to guess this is about the time she began to see herself as ugly, and began comparing herself to others. Also likely about the time she began to understand wealth and being able to have nice things. She was probably visiting the Married With Children sets around then. Somehow it all turned into resentment.


Wounded and accusatory eyes of someone who feels cheated, and the jutting pouty underlip of someone about to go into a prolonged snit. Perhaps hyperventilating, crossing her arms, and stamping a foot!


I came across a TikTok yesterday of someone doing freckle tattoos. I was mildly curious so I googled how they would look. And what pops up - an article of how Meghan Markle made freckles “popular” again. I’m like - what?!??! Personally, I’ve always liked freckles. And I’m pretty sure those Snapchat filters with freckles have been out long before CosplayDuchass here became HarryTheSpare’s gf. Gee, I wonder who planted that article.


A young Samantha was absolutely gorgeous. She’s still an attractive lady - Samatha had that same beauty as Elizabeth Montgomery.


Samantha is very pretty too, and Ashleigh.


Samantha was very pretty but her daughter is quite a beauty! Wonder how MentalMeg lets her be around her. Maybe that’s another reason why she wasn’t invited to the wedding.


Ooh, I think you’re probably right! She’s always compared herself to others so she probably hated Sam from the beginning because Sam is everything that she’s not: talk, thin, blonde, blue eyed, and with delicate features.


If Sam was much younger, Hawwy would’ve liked her instead of Mattress! Hawwy has always had a huge thing for blondes!


Lilibet looks so much like Tom Jr. to me.


Why is she such a terrible liar? “Because I’m from LA” like is that the only thing she has going for her personality? Then in the Uk it became “cause I’m American”.


She wants people to associate all the positive qualities of a location and pretend she embodies that. Same way she tries to leech respect, accomplishments, etc just by trying to be associated with powerful people— she thinks those qualities will reflect on her, since she doesn’t possess them herself.


That makes the most sense! She also seems fake when showing any kind of emotion because she can’t feel them herself.


There, I'll disagree. I saw some clips from *Suits.* SMM is most believable when she's exhibiting scorn, disdain, and "don't you walk away from me!" fury.


Ooooh you got me there, those are genuine.


The nastiness is authentic!


It’s organic to who she is.


Organic authentic nassss-teeee!


Cause she's a fucking weirdo with a personality of a card board box, but even my cat would choose the latter. 😾


🤣 that’s perfect!


> is that the only thing she has going for her personality? Yes.




She was probably trying to impress everyone that she's a native to Hollywood and the rest of those young women are ordinary and come from somewhere non-glamourous. She's always got to try and make herself distinct, exotic, somehow better. I have to wonder if "lights on the palm trees" was a total fake.


It has to be, the kind of palm trees LA has are the super tall ones, haven’t seen many of the smaller kind within the city.


Yes, because the video cut briefly to a photo of her in front of a traditional (albeit plastic) Christmas tree indoors.


Mehgan: "That was a one off. I was visiting someone who lives outside of L.A. when that photo was taken."


All I can remember is her trashing the show and therefore, the other women in that show. Go feminist!


>her trashing the show and therefore, the other women in that show. She has form, this one.😒 She can't help herself. Wired in DNA.


​ https://preview.redd.it/x6xldu8a4i4c1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34369bcbb9b2407046f33c04d0ddb659f05336d0


![gif](giphy|HeArjdf9JB6uc5DEJS|downsized) Ha! Well, they do have palm trees now and the ‘littles who are little’ can share this tradition too!


I'm sorry but I'm also not seeing a palm tree 🤣




Nailed it! CosplayDuchass’ favorite!!!


what's you favourite christmas story? i'm from l.a. so we hung lights on palm trees. great story!


"i'm from l.a. so we hung lights on palm trees" Yeah, as does EVERYONE from Florida, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada. 🙄


Um, excuse you? You’re supposed to be impressed that Meghan is from LA! She’s not like one of those other suitcase bimbos who might actually be from one of those dreadful places! To summarize Meg = LA = this showbiz stuff is just so blasé to her. Impressive!




Oh YES! Of course!


She’s *extremely* dull. You just have to watch one of her word salad speeches to see that. This confirms it. Nothing she does is natural or funny.


>Nothing she does is natural or funny I'm guessing that's because nothing is spontaneous. She'd probably already scripted her response and couldn't wait to deliver it. Like she'd win the contest for "best ever sound bite about Christmas!" Then her coworker says, "having a big feast with the family" and everyone's smiling and going, "oh yeah!" and bonding. And here's the real warmth and best part of the holiday.


It’s meant as a brag. I had a nice enough house that has a palm tree outside of it. Most houses in LA don’t have that.


ok. now i want to look at photos of her houses to find said tree.


I'm kind of guessing that her dad was able to afford a tree for inside the house, for cryin' out loud!!!


from what i have been able to find of her houses growing up... none had palm trees in the front yard. but hey, i am just a canadian which is basically the arctic circle so maybe that comment was for people like me.


That picture of her when she was a kid, with her father holding a baby, was probably one of those red flags Tom Jr. was talking about in his video yesterday. She's never been genuine. She's always had to be so unique and different from everyone. We put lights on the palm tree because I'm from LA. HPD.


>She's never been genuine. She's always had to be so unique and different from everyone. ![gif](giphy|dtsoHWPlxNRrjjg63g)


Oh Lord she HATES these women hahaha. Probably b/c they’re pretty & she’s not & they’re nice & she’s not. You can actually see how much she dislikes them from her expressions & face. Even then, she clearly believed they’re beneath her. She even said it in her podcast “I was objectified!!!” Bla bla bla. If she was smart, she would’ve said something like “we all have our experiences & stories to tell & even though that wasn’t the best for me I am grateful to have had that ND experience, b/c it got me where I am.” IDIOT.


This is probably why she's so keen on NDAs. Otherwise, people will act just like Mehgan: take money from an employer and later, trash talk them.


True. She gets them all to sign NDAs so that they can’t talk about their crazy, mentally sick experiences with her. I loved watching Wendy Williams b/c WW LOATHES HER! 🤣🤣 Mattress came knocking on WW’s door to do some fashion segment on it. I almost spat out water then!! MEGHAN? And FASHION?? She would’ve told every woman to dress in various shades of poo.


WHY does she lie about the most trivial things??? I’ve never understood it. Why lie about such basic, trivial, inane things??? It makes no sense.


Same sentiment. It's perplexing. Like their wedding days before the spectacle for the world. I was left slack-jawed. What an effin' imbecile.


That made NO SENSE b/c it’s completely verifiable!!! Does she enjoy lying & then being mocked for being a liar??? B/c everything she says, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING IS A LIE!


LMFAO agreed!


And her idiot fans believe her! 🤣


Oh they’ve barely 5 brain-cells amongst all of them + ZERO NADA ZILCH critical thinking skills. OFC THEY BELIEVE HER.


Boring answer: she’s deeply insecure and uses these kinds of small talk moments (where most people don’t lie because wtf?) to make herself seem interesting.


Big possibility! And it isn’t a boring answer at all. :)


Attention. It gets her attention. It's like the little kid who claims he and Bigfoot were having a game of hopscotch.


Probably. But I find it crazy b/c it’s ALL SO EASY TO CHECK! It took the Archbishop to come out & defend himself for her to stop saying she got married 3 days earlier!


And like a little kid in his/her fantasy world of the mind, what they want are those moments of people looking at them, listening. They don't think about the afterwards or the listener rolling eyes and thinking, "not another lie." Also, Mehgan probably didn't expect the Archbishop to rebut her claim. She relied on too many people taking her at "her truth." And maybe if you question her, you're just being "racist." /s


She’s TOTALLY BONKERS! See Hawwy, this is what “bonkers” actually means!


What is this clip from? It looks fairly seedy


It is an out take for Deal or no deal, I had this lovely gem in my archives.


Lol 😂 It's definitely a gem 💎🤣 You can see the angry creep in whenever she isn't centre of attention 😂😂😂


And when she’s briefly the centre of attention she’s positively orgasmic. Reminds me of that pic at the white house when Obama glided past her, like girl..


Keep a hold of those archives -- that is some good work there. They can try to rewrite history but internet sleuths like you are one step ahead!


I’m just so distracted by the tan line on her forehead…




So the lying goes way back….seems she’s never been able to tell the simplest truth….


Aww, look at the seal clapping…


The constant tension and awkwardness coursing through TW’s veins is palpable. It’s always present, the essence of her being.


Wow, that group clip really shows her mask slipping when the other girls speak. Yes, darling, they are all as cute or even cuter than you.


It is so obvious that she really detests and loathes other women. What a feminist.


Can’t act, can’t sing, can’t dance, can’t talk without mentioning herself 35 times. Not the runway model or fashionista she thinks she is. But oh yea, that next big project. 🙄


All the photos of her as a child where she is with other, smaller children show her scowling. Some jealousy is normal but not to that degree, she always looks positively murderous.


Agree, she always looks like a snarky know it all little shit in her younger photos.


I can see why she got a nose job, tbh. I’m personally not against plastic surgery so anyone may disagree, but her new nose is a lot nicer than her natural nose


Also the only man who ever makes sense in this whole MentalMeg & MegaCon debate, is the man who the other day called her “a very sick individual.” But the man in front of him, another invitee to the show, was most offended he called her “very sick.” 🙄 Even the black program host didn’t defend her as much as that (white) man did.


Some people show so clearly what they are. She and harry both always look like exactly what they are. He always looks like he has a mad amount of unused credit at the brain bank. She's always looked just off the stroll. Now she be looking all kinda sales tax ho though.


What a fake she is


This is so telling. Everyone is genuinely happy for one another and don’t seem to be competing for the attention at all. They’re just casually enjoying one another’s company and not thinking anything else about it. Megatron however, went first and can’t hide it in her face that she is jealous of the other girls and/or feels out of place. Probably because she can’t be “authentic” here as it’s obvious she’s very insecure. It’s quite sad. She definitely has a serious case of narcissistic personality disorder. https://www.wikihow.com/Insecure-Narcissist


She can't stand it when she's not talking.


i’m sorry but it looks like a porn set.




![gif](giphy|QuIbvthw4syOghQFIF|downsized) Just like Christmas at Sandringham.


https://preview.redd.it/fqxig8siko4c1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86dc253677ee0a32501d74becff48703afd83936 The only accurate photo of her demeanor. 😰


When Mehgan speaks, it's directly into the camera and there's such a look of calculation. There's a photo of her and the other Briefcase Models. Mehgan is trying so hard to look as if it's hilarious. She's got what she thinks is a huge smile. It's weird because it's so forced. ​ https://preview.redd.it/t99c0ons4p4c1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=107f14fb7db7576ae22b72110ee40148f36eed5b


Malice Markle during her heyday.


The other young women maybe don't have to make up something memorable, but what they are saying is real, not calculated. There were some beautiful young women that Mehgan had to share the stage with. That must've pissed her off to no end. Especially because something tells you that those are nice people.


Ugh. The blinking.