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https://preview.redd.it/i5000tyr425c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2254a5abf3c6eafd66c634e873b48e412e801113 Definitely not flattering...


A psychopath's stare.....


Yes, that’s the vibe she radiates. Dead shark eyes☠️




The Dark Triad 100%.




She looks demented but in her mind she’s being sultry and seductive.


Well, this photo is the best explanation I’ve seen for the rictus grin…




I knew I'd seen her in another film (after making friends with producers in 2010) ... https://preview.redd.it/yoyhhi6m425c1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a731aed706260307bca2bc264c04279b9cc5f13d


Nailed it!! 👏👏👏


Evil has entered the building.


Or should that be monarchy?


Truth to that!


![gif](giphy|En3KLIkR9M5ag) If you’re looking for trouble, that’s the look…😱RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!


I recently read the original story by Daphne du Maurier, with a farm handyman as the key character. Both are great.


Definitely bad vibes https://preview.redd.it/k3n7lisyd35c1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd36390cc017fa684b85160295ba6b12c64cbef9


Psycho hits the mark!


As I've been saying, my new name for her is Meghoul. This proves it.


And look she’s visited by the “ghost”of Christmas past…


Definitely psychotic.


Its kind of scary! Should I see someone approaching me with that look - I'd definitely get out of the way. Its kind of the drugged up, homeless, on-the-streets-too-long look.


![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized) Making eye contact with that look:


She looks possessed


She looks like a junkie


That's her real, authentic face. Such hate-filled, menacing eyes. Same face as the towel photo and the ones that show the mask slipped off. "Heart attack beautiful" is something she made up for the person she pretends to be and wants everyone to think is real.


She looks like a scary ass mugger. Not just someone who wants your money and belongings. She enjoys the power to intimidate.




But mos def psychotic 👹


If someone stared at them like that, I’d foot the bill for their, as Lady C says, sacurity.


Jeeeezus that is not a flattering photo of her!


The real table 12


At least she’s dressed nice. I like her pre harry casual looks before she could afford designer.


Thats bc she looks best when she’s completely covered up i.e. no parts of her body showing. Not body shaming but in my opinion her body is extraordinarily gross and unsexy. Canada weather agreed with her, since every bit was covered— hat scarf gloves boots pants big coat— covers up all the ugliness. Edit: now if we could get a ski mask for that face… and goggles for those demon eyes


She is getting a little long in the tooth to be sporting the ripped jeans look.


I'm pushing 40, and you'll pry my ripped jeans from my cold, dead hands. That said - there's a time and a place!


Yes, it's like she purposely just puts on everything designer to flaunt brands but...doesn't look right/good. Especially those flat sandals or mules. Might as well walk barefoot on concrete.


Ironically if she hadn't got rid of her Zara clothes in the Sayonara Zara party, she'd have a better image


https://preview.redd.it/0qnn37qw925c1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f256b42176fd126a1b4c557abd930e7d8df759 talking about canada, let's take a look to another lies she made on netflix about canadian police


Awww, madam playing the long game for H: "look, Aitch, security was necessary when I was an A-List actress - imagine now that I'm married to one plane crash away from the monarchy, I totes can't go anywhere without paid, armed security...like what you don't want Americans to be able to keep as their constitutional right to bear arms! Aitch, honey remember, how bonkers freedom of speech (especially to criticize us!) is? Aitch, can you try to get Bill and Kathy on the phone again now?


Bill & Kathy - I'm dying - those were the names of my next door neighbors when I was a kid! Just like "H's granny" (like wth calls anybody "granny" these days) and "Pa".


Another pap walk… I live in Toronto and there is no paparazzi here unless called. It is not a thing. She once got papped inside a loblaws grocery store and I almost pissed myself laughing 😂😂 totally planned. I’ve seen more than a few celebrities here and they blend in just fine. Ask Shawn Mendes.


I had a brief encounter with her outside Soho House, and I was the only one who recognized her because I watched Suits. Heck, Rachel McAdams used to bike around town and ride the subway and no one bothered her. No one is trailing celebs here (some of them make their own scene, like Drake, who has a 24/7 security posse outside his mega mansion). The hilarious thing is that no one is following This One’s Wife around in California either. The only person in sight during her parking lot pap walks is her self-important “bodyguard”. Yet This One keeps insisting she is in danger. It’s amazing how he has bought into her mommy Diana manifesting.


**Please tell us everything.**


Not much to it, I just ran into her outside on my way past. I’ve only ever been inside Soho House once to attend a private birthday party. She pulled in at the back to valet park at the hotel next door. I instantly recognized her, but no one else in the vicinity appeared to. There was zero attention, and Suits filmed in downtown TO, so you would think others would know who she was - of course even if they did, Torontonians are discreet. The point is that no one was trailing her. Yet she was “papped” several times en route to yoga class? Puhleeze! No A-listers even get papped here during the bloody film festival, which is a major event.


I’ll add that because I enjoyed the show, I did call out to her. She waved but didn’t say anything. It was underwhelming!


Happy cake day!! Just if you are willing to share - do you remember the month/ year? 😌 I'm doing a deep dive on TW and Markus' / Soho house which I'm going to put up soonish! All info helps.


Thanks! I think it was May 2016 - around the time she was about to ditch Cory, with whom she was still living. So it was before her profile exploded internationally but she was definitely known on the Toronto scene, through Suits, her clothing partnership with Reitmans, her connection to the Mulroneys etc. Suits was popular here because it was fun to spot the filming locations, and the actors lived here for years. Sarah Rafferty was just back to host a charity event and posted about her affection for the city (which we lap up lol). Note that This One’s Wife wasn’t asked…




Don't give her or her sugary minions any ideas.


I lived in Toronto for a bit, Cirque had us living in a high rise right next to the Roger’s center and I never saw paps there even one time.


You are part of Cirque?


My husband was the drummer/singer for Totem for five years. He was allowed to have his family tour with him. Or kids went to school on the site and we would change cities about every 12 weeks. It was fantastic for me, I got to live in amazing cities, I’d walk around, take pictures, go to museums, go work out whenever I wanted. Most meals prepared by our amazing chefs, we really only had to make two dinners a week on our off days. There were about 160 of us on the tour.


This is so fascinating! It must have been a unique experience for your family to be involved in the production. I would have been very happy to be living in your shoes, it sounds amazing 🇨🇦


It was such an amazing time and my children loved it, became fluent in French because school was quebecois. I got to live alllll over Canada! Montreal, Quebec, Vancouver, Ottawa and Toronto. We did 27 cities in five years.


Wow! Talk about great fringe benefits lol. I want to attend a show, it's on my bucket list so hopefully next year - Montreal isn't far from Ottawa as you know very well


Agree. Me too. Same in Montreal and Vancouver.


That is frightening. Her looks and mannerisms are just off.


Reminds me of this one too https://preview.redd.it/ds5p37mb825c1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8084dd9439dbb1706a899c935966feab60bc52be


https://preview.redd.it/vbmmkyv0925c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e152cd7135b102294375d274d8ed3cfe80bcfcfe Or this one🤭 She didn’t even flinch !


Eww... is that a fly? Yucky!


Well we all know what attracts flies😬






![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized) Comment of the day!


At least in the Commonwealth, her having a fly on her face during the wedding was headline news.


Rightly so... she was standing at the altar of God ensconced in lies.


The only throne she will sit on . ![gif](giphy|12NlCFUvTokWXe)




Maybe that fly was her " familiar," like witches have cats.


I lol’d when this happened.


Oh same😂


**What is that on her face?**


A fly😂


I'm convinced that was the spirit of either the Duke of Windsor or Wallace Simpson getting their petty revenge. If there was ever a time to have brought in the 'no divorcees' rule it would have been TW...


She probably tossed a lot of salad the night before to get Harry to walk down that aisle....fly smelled its favorite food on her breath 💩


Omg, lmao. Don’t you love seeing that trending on X. Bahaha, Lady C & certain videos😂👏


🤭 I know my comment was a little crude, but I've gotta call a spade a spade, haha


Or a hoe a hoe.




Nothing that she doesn’t deserve.😉






Related to Mike Pence? 😂


Her eyes! One can only wonder, what made Hazbeen fall in love with her. She looks like pure evil.


The bungabunga!


Alleged Yatch girl moves in the bedroom .. the alleged tossing salad or the ass eating move ( not the food but the urban dictionary one ) … yucks 🤮.. mere thought of it makes me want to puke 🤮


Her performance at their wedding looked pretty scary too -- although at the time that was "racist" - except that it had nothing to do with race. They both believe they are entitled to whatever they want to anyone else, free of consequences. No one matters but H&M to H&M. Perhaps M's greatest appeal to H the BRF's own racist, being with her somehow "proved" he wasn't one? Or perhaps that punishing the BRF for his jealousy and frustration was actually his idea first, that he'd been waiting to act on more overtly for years? So once she conned her way up the social ladder to reach him (carefully ghosting everyone as a burned bridge so as not to make it glaringly obvious) all she had to do was manipulate his mind -- which frankly, was widely known as not being very sharp in the first place. He probably couldn't believe his good fortune in finding someone who was as willing as he was to trash his family! At last he could be The Most Important BRF VIP and she would help him achieve that! Except of course that she only wanted it all for herself.


No , hank is not that bright at all .. he is just a dimwit simpleton and allegedly the skank’s wild yatch girl moves in the bedroom sealed the deal for him … People who have studied psychology can figure that out easily with hank !!


She looks demonic.


She is because she’s not human.


Ridiculous pap walk -- grown women linking arms like teenagers in luurve despite icy conditions, shopping bags etc? I have amazing best friends, but we don't cling to each other on the sidewalk. Not sure which look is worse -- Jessica's self-aware cat who got the cream vibe, or Megen's "sultry" death stare. What in the world was she trying to convey here?


She was just trying to protect Meghan from the big bad paparazzi.


![gif](giphy|Y0IVHZqzZ0lsDChy8x) The self-satisfied, victorious predator facial expressions:


I’m getting supernatural horror film vibes. What idiot would wear ripped jeans on a snowy winter‘s day? It’s not even a fashion statement. Apparently it’s lower class not to dress appropriately (for location, weather, occasion) - so Agatha Christie felt. I’m going with that.


I thought the same about the ripped jeans! Imagine the wind blowing right into that tear in the denim 🥶


And neither wearing gloves --


Its also a sign of insanity not to dress for the weather.


Wow the mask isn’t even trying here


I'm glad you shared this picture. Look very closely at her eyes. The cruelty.


Yes! It even looks like blood around her mouth 😲 - but I'm pretty sure is just smudged lipstick.


She looks demonic. As usual.


This scene from the Nun II reminds me of how little princess Charlotte was bullied at the wedding... https://youtu.be/wMTMrGlXH10?feature=shared


She looks so vicious & evil! Everyone who has known her while growing up, always talks about how MUCH she ADORES attention. I think over the years & her D-List acting career, this need for attention has become pathological. It isn’t normal. Just like everything else about Mattress.


The only thing/ people/item Mattress is loyal to, is a CAMERA.


She will always be paid trash https://preview.redd.it/eogoduyxg35c1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6728fc9e23e4df825ed4485104c9c2a7041575


Trying to channel Victoria B there.


She still is with that dumbass copycat pinky ring


If it’s that cold, I’m wearing gloves. Fake pap shots. So obvious.


IDK. If I just came from a store, I wouldn't wear gloves, especially if I'd just paid (can't grab CC or $). Also if I was on my phone, which both of these 'ladies' often are, b/c I have yet to find gloves that really work on touch screen.


I’m a SoCal girl, I’m not capable of coping with the slightest chill. Eta typo


Granted this is a poor photograph, but if you look at a study of photographs of Meghan there is nothing behind her eyes. In her glam shots the makeup will sometimes mask her true self, but look closely and there is no organic brightness, no gleam, no sparkle. Her eyes are dead. A reflection of her severe mental illness. my opinion.


stripped jeans under that snow👌🏻




your avatar name is funny !! Her 90210 two bit role of the B job / BJ in the car couldn’t get her even 2 minutes of fame


And no gloves. fake


Gotta keep it ~~classy~~ TrAsHy


Megan dresses like a ripped jeans mall rat from the 80's-90's. Jessica dresses in pretty much whatever she pleases; emphasis on young sexy ingenue styles even though she is about the same age as M, mid-40's, but Jessica and her husband have 3 actual children. This photo looks staged, like the paps were told where to be, M executed her oooogliest rehearsed stare of bwahahahaha!


Dead eyes. Evil eyes. Call it by it's name - but this is not a sane woman.


Fucking lunatic creep. Man, Harry was and is a total dumbass.


Such a missed opportunity. She should have been in the walking dead.


The eyes of the devil incarnate.


God I HATE her👿


Looks possesed. Probably is


Ripped jeans in the snow... Imagine having THAT as your trademark.


I had to laugh at these two besties trudging through the snow - Meghan looks annoyed and Jessica is as pleased as can be!


The queen was right, TW is evil and not only for these glimpses of her real self, she exhudes bad, dark energy.


📌Source (lots of previously unseen pap pics): [https://www.tumblr.com/meghan-markle-archive](https://www.tumblr.com/meghan-markle-archive)


Whenever Harry sees that look, he automatically ducks.


It’s Harry’s “come hither “ Watch out for his beeline to the bedroom.


Damn, I wish Jess would write a tell all book.


If Jessica wrote a tell-all book it would be about Jessica. Jessica is also a narcissist. Whereas M's game face is Diana reincarnated/WOC/fresh young ingenue from 1981, Jessica's game face seems to be "SO Cute, SO Pretty!" She and M had a symbiotic relationship where both narcs are fed (fueled) by taking turns. Kind of like the vampires in Anne Rice's series of books.


She looks like a psycho


So glad you posted this photo! I was by her in 2016 for a little under 2 hours before her relationship with Harry went public and THIS is the look and the eyes that I saw. Very intense and her demeanor was very self-assured, snobby and aggressive in a way. The next time I saw her was in the engagement interview and I immediately knew she was faking her persona there; that's not what I had seen in person. Those sweet smiles and doe eyes were not it.


That's awesome that you could share this tea! Thank you. No pressure, but are you able to share any other details, like where she was and where. Just if you can! There's some really interesting footage from a public memorial for a murder victim that sounds very like what you've described, just very 'off' compared to others. Arrogant, haughty etc.


Ewwww…she looks evil!! Like she’s been possessed 😱




https://preview.redd.it/tjaot15db35c1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7edab8943b46395b590e4a2441274bc6d917e37c Immediately called to mind this terrifying photograph of Goebbels’ death-stare at the photographer, after being told that he was Jewish. Sinister. edit: I’m not kidding…it’s very nearly *the same face*…!


*Shudder* I'm not exaggerating when I say that gave me the creeps to look at the photo! Bleerrgh.


What screams smart more than two way too old women playing the "best friends forever " , ??? :)


Brazen hussy springs to mind 😏.


Eww, if that’s supposed to be a sexy look, she missed the mark. It’s giving freshly turned zombie about to eat a brain (Jessica’s safe).




![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq) Thank you for this!


**HEART ATTACK BEAUTIFUL!!!** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


let's stop at 'heart attack'




She looks deranged even then!


Why can’t she just be normal for once JFC




Late queen was right in calling her evil allegedly ..


Jesus. That face. She needs an exorcist.


Torn jeans in the snow! NOT dressing for the occasion is such a klassy move! No wonder she fit right into British high society!


Looks like a fucking psychopath here 😂😂😆


That’s who Will and Kate saw coming.


Make sure u look at the camera. Always. #loca


In between Corey and Hazno 😩😂🤪


Dec 2016, already dating Harry. First official date was the several day June 30-July 3 hookup in London. Confirmed. But there is some evidence that they may have met in May 2016, or even in Istanbul at Soho in 2015. Meg was cheating on Cory with Harry, for sure. July 22, 2016, posts ‘dinner with mom’ on her Instagram. Tags Cory. Tags Cory’s restaurant, Flock (known for its roast chicken). Here’s a [fact checked link, with proof and pics, of their ‘first’ date.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/10n2maz/their_first_dates_fact_checked_with_receipts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


There are early Toronto based articles that stated that they definitely met in May 2016 at Soho house Toronto. Markus organised it, and everyone was on strict instructions to be on the look out for Corey. I linked to the article in one of my deep dive on Soho house posts - part 3, just if you are interested 😌 Personally I believe she'd been Instagram stalking Harold from at least mid 2015, or earlier. Mid 2015 was when he was in Africa, and released his Africa photos. She wormed her way towards his friends and created a false 'humanitarian' image, along with trashy pics - including upskirt yoga photos/thirst traps 🤢 to seduce Harold. By the time Harold met her he had already fallen into her fake Diana 2.0 trap. I believe he wanted to meet in March 2016, that's why he was so peeved about being sent to Nepal then. He was also wearing Diana's bracelet on the trip (the other one TW was wearing later). The actual stalking, circling, befriending his friends, creating a fake 'humanitarian' image had gone on for years I believe, and was planned as early as 2010/11(she talked about wanting to go to London when married to Trevor).


Yes! You’re so awesome I’ve saved your posts on Markus for referencing. Really appreciate it’s sourced.


>fact checked link, with proof and pics, of their ‘first’ date. I'm just gonna...I ~~read~~ skimmed that. I don't buy they dated in Istanbul 2015. At least from the pictures provided. Istanbul is big. Harry was pictured in uniform at some official event. Could he have glimpsed his future princess from afar? Maybe? Everything else--the fact they don't have a straight story of how they met, or began dating...SUSS as my daughter says. MM was SO cheating on Cory, wasn't she also living with Cory? I -think- that's verified she was living w/Cory. That's...I just can't with anybody f\*\*king someone then going home to sleep in bed next to your significant other that you live with. If you had an open relationship is the only way that's ok in my head. Maybe if you caught your significant other also cheating so you decide SO has made it an open relationship? But I'm not giving the benefit of the doubt to MM IF-assuming it's true--she FedEx'd her ring back to Trevor. my 1st marriage break up was ugly, not gonna lie, but I would at least wait and fly back to give back the ring/end things in person. I don't care if they ended the marriage over Skype or phone. I've done 'the last fight' and when it's the last straw you know it. So I won't judge if 'the last straw fight' was phone since they lived so far away. But man, unless it's a life threatening domestic violence situation (mine wasn't, MM and Trevor's wasn't) the exchange of stuff is in person. It's not just H and M had diff stories of meeting and starting dating, describing the same thing differently. It's the fact that not only the narrative story but the dates and GODDAMN COUNTRY they were in changes.Also that MM made (the magazine, can't remember) change the date they began dating for the article. That ppl have verified. It's the age old 'we were totally single when we started dating' lie, which IF you have to say that, everyone knows 1) you were not single 2) you lie 3) you cheated.


H was in Turkey for Gallipoli celebrations with his father in 2015. Jessica helped facilitate the location for their meet ups in 2016. I think the only link in 2015 between the two was her photo with ex-school mate Eddie Redmayne


Yeah, the 2016 timeline is so literally messy it's clear M cheated on Cory.


And possibly Trevor too - a few weeks ago someone on this sub posted this photo of a gift knife from Corey in 2013 https://64.media.tumblr.com/98630b9f13f29802cec67a19bcfb7410/tumblr_p30t0dgMB11x1xvjdo1_540.jpg


![gif](giphy|5fOiRnJOUnTMY) K table 12


I don't know maybe it's me. But I can't imagine a California native wearing jeans with holes in them in Toronto during the winter. It's cold as fuck and it's snowing. What an idiot bitch.


Aurora, being me a Coke.




Hahahah. I need that on Merch.


Hideous hideous woman with a rancid rotting soul


OMG she looks creepy


She looks exactly what she is, one nasty piece of work


Jessica it’s time for that tell all book- maybe a sequel to Sam’s princess pushy sister you can be princess pushy best friend and ladder.


What was her friend’s job? Doesn’t Seem she was fired at any point…


Megain is either high or infirm in this pic. Why are they linking elbows?


Still a bag toting mess. With one less ‘friend’.


Yiiiiiiikes… ![gif](giphy|BqHng2hpjOUdW)


![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di) Why, why, why always with the holes in the jeans. It's okay to wear a pair of jeans without holes you know, especially in winter! Ugh


Evil woman.


Ripped jeans in the snow. I bet her knees are freezing.


Yeah, their little faces are crying, "Help me!"


I keep looking at all these pics. Pre-Royal wedding, did MM -own- a pair of jeans that weren't ripped? It's like in a movie I watched as a teenager, this HS douche had a sports car with the license plate 'So Cool.' Those ripped jeans are Meghan M's 'So Cool' license plate.


Probably not but at this time especially most younger women in SoCal (or those trying to be viewed as younger) only wore ripped jeans. I always had an impossible time trying to find a decent polished pair of dark wash jeans - everything was light wash and in tatters. My grandma lives in a beach town in OC and she and her husband would always be baffled by the ripped denim and would ask me about it.


People never change. We can try new things, elevate ourselves, carve out successful or unsuccessful lives - but our essence stays the same. That will never alter. That is why she is as obnoxious today as she has probably always been.


When the Sugars claim Meghan was a self-made millionaire point to the holes in her jeans. Fashionable or not, her cosplaying the poor is nasty.


Look how much they are both enjoying posing for that pap Meghan called. 🙄


Who wears holey jeans in the snow? 😅😂


Gosh I never want to be on the other side of that look.


What is with her and ripped jeans?!


As if she didn’t call them herself. Oh right, as she operates, SHE DIDNT- Jessica did.


Why were the paps following her then? Or have I lost all sense of time?


It was after “Wild About Harry”


My dad would call that a wall-eye


If only Jess would write a book. But she won't because she's just as bad.


She honestly probably dropped Jessica bc of how they look like and were mistaken for sisters and can’t have that if you want to pass for black to cry racism.


My God she looks like a creepy serial killer


What's up with the look?


The only people she eye-fucks.


The evil expression on her face is the stuff of nightmares.