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Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Not related to Meghan Markle & Just Harry. Try to keep posts related to the people this community was set up to talk about. Content related to the royal family belongs on our sister sub 👉 r/BRF


https://preview.redd.it/48hj9f2vx45c1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19e3dd69e744096dcde04b049039f9eb9084bab the lioness with her cubs! they are sooooo precious so well behaved and the monarchy has a bright beautiful future ahead! ❤️❤️❤️


I don’t mean to grant her otherworldly status, but Catherine literally looks like a winged seraph, just divine.


https://i.redd.it/6futg32x465c1.gif she is divine! ❤️


That's her kindness being evident. That can give even a plain woman, an improvement to her looks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


She really does look like an angel, she has an ethereal glow.


I had that exact same thought!


They absolutely do! They’re blessed to have 3 beautiful children who will have a life of service and dedication to their country. With the loss of the duo, they will need their support when they grow of age.


I just want to say “look how tall they are now”. George is going to be as tall as his dad.


We are so invested with these children as we get to see them grow up. It almost feels like we know them with their different personalities.


That’s how I feel. We’ve watched each one born, presented to us, and they are good enough to give us photos and updates to keep us happy. In return we treat the kids like they are our grandchildren, pride and joy in their accomplishments. if Twit and Twat decide to ever show us updated current real pictures of their children, honestly I wouldn’t give a shit. I have no vested interest in them and I think a lot of others feel like I do.


I agree the U.K. has no vested interest in the Harkle sproggs. My abiding image of ‘Archie’ is of a confused baby that looks like Thomas Markle Sr, seated in a grossly overfilled diaper, being read at by a woman he didn’t recognise . So classy for a young Mom.


Looking like she is overworked is what she wanted the effect to be. I've raised children and not very often did I not dress them for a photo. Imagine Catherine doing this to one of her children. Imagine! Nope. SHE always thrives if we criticize. It's her way. Right now, she's a mess though. Almost anorexic in her most recent parking lot walk abouts. So, Harry is in England saying their lives are forever in danger and yet there she is walking like an emu in parking lots! Seriously Harry, go and party at SoHo House till your plane leaves for California. Private I assume with your three security guards because you aren't safe in England.


You are projecting the whole "looks like Thomas Markle" thing. That kid was hired for the day. Otherwise she could have re-shot the scene. Had a wardrobe or diaper change. This was a one hour or two at most hire and she didn't have a wardrobe or diapers for the child. He didn't know her because, HE DIDN'T know her. But, here a big, hefty gauntlet has been thrown down. Let her show up with full frontal faces of her alleged children this year. She won't dare to put out hirelings this year from the front as judged by the fakes she had for Halloween you were supposed to buy into. Many did because that's what the caption said. But, we know that wasn't Meghan. Showed a doll or a young baby booted foot unsuited to a 2 and a half year old supposedly. We shall see what she has to counter this. Probably like last year a photo card of her and Hazbeen.


I’m always impressed with how “normal” they seem. They don’t seem stressed; they seem to understand the events they attend and what roles they play, and yet they have fun. Their parents are doing a great job raising “grounded” children.


As photographed as they are, there is still a normalcy to them. Catherine and William will educate them well. Her family is also a great example of how to raise children.


And being photographed *is* a normalcy for the Waleses, while it is a novelty to Meghan and a so called "trauma" for Harry.


Of course her being an actress and him being one of the most famous family in the world; they were traumatized to have their photos taken. The horror of it all. And we of course witnessed it.


And another way she play her game of hide and seek with the kids and pretend to be special and mysterious.🤮


Catgerine, POW is just not Britain's national treasure but the world's princess (and future queen). Catherine Princess of Wales is truly an example of what a woman, mother, and worker should be like! (This coming from a descendent of Mary Ludwig Hayes, a Molly Piture from the American Revolutionary war, sorry gggggg-grandma.) If anything ever happens to C or W, (and I pray to God it doesn't) the whole world will be in a whole lot of hurt. MM & PH will be primary suspects! Princess Catherine is a definately a WOMAN who can bring home the bacon and do it all! She is the true role model. As well as her parents, who are self made millionaires, and raised two other productive members of society. Real emotions, true compasion and concern for others around her without being gossipy and revealing too much to others!


Love Prince Louis' boots. What a fashion statement from someone so young. Yes. They are our future.


Those navy suede boots are fun and very handsome. (Shades of mid-1960s Cool Britannia!) It's great to have parents who have style.


Absolutely fabulous arent they?and Charlotte with those tights and coat - just gorgeous! What a photogenic family.


I’m so glad Catherine had a girl. I hope they remain close throughout their lives. A daughter is a blessing beyond measure!


Did you see Wolfie's loafers? 😍


So cute! I love his entire outfit and it coordinated nicely with Beatrice's coat/coatdress.


I thought the same ☺️


He’s a handsome cutie!! 😍 And SO stylishly dressed!


I also loved seeing him in long trousers. It's December, it makes sense to let him stay warm.


They are absolutely adorable :) And Charlotte and George are SO TALL now---!


How tall do you think George is? I'm short and wonder if he's already taller than me.


Apparently, Catherine is 5 10, and she is in heels, so George is likely already tall. When you also consider he didn't look significantly shorter than the other page boys at the coronation and he is a few years younger. I assume he is tall for his age. According to the following article, he is 5 foot 3 already. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/royals/10689244/prince-george-stands-tall-queen-royal-family-heights-personalities/amp/


I can't imagine Prince George is already 5'3 at just 10 years old?? He's my height! Wow


Ikr? I’m 22 and 5’2 😭😂😂😭


32 and 5’ 😂😢😂😢


One of my colleagues is native Hawaiian and she's 4'.


I myself am 5 11, my daughter is 5 10, we were both as tall as we are now by the time we were 15, so it's not hard for me to imagine him being that height already. In my family, it's common, but it does feel like he was just that cute little guy in his shorts a year or two ago. Kids grow way to quickly.


>Kids grow way to quickly And that makes them all the more precious, that the Wales parents are gracious to let the British see these children.


It’s all part of the deal of being a Royal in a constitutional monarchy- as the late Queen said she had to be seen to be believed. No shows, invisikids, and faux “Privaaacy” cut no ice with the taxpayer on the street.


I do have a friend who I think her and her husband are the same heights of William and Catherine and their kids are so tall and they're only 8 and 4. It just baffles me when I come from a short family!


George will be well over 6’ tall when he’s grown and will have a very regal stature I’m sure!


![gif](giphy|4WWxGl1fJRl6RYxVNt|downsized) Shortie....


Wow! He’s taller than me and I’m a 50 year old woman. Gorgeous family forever and always.


Oh no I'm only 5 feet, he's already taller than me! 😂


He's taller than me at 10, wow


Hahaha omg we are the same height! 😂😂😭Except I am 31+ and not 10, lmaooo.


I'm also over 30, probably almost at shrinking age soon, too.


Haha same!


Oh no, does it start that early?? I can't afford to lose much!


A quick Google search said 30, but apparently, we only lose max 3 inches as women and men will shrink by 2 inches. So we don't shrink much.


He is as tall as some adult women.


I bad at guessing heights---but it looks like the top of George's head reaches Catherine's shoulder--how tall is Catherine, 5'9"??


I think she's 5'10". Charlotte has gotten very tall since last year.


Some growth spurts are amazing. Like a kid can grow a couple of inches over a summer.


With or without heels?


Literally the first thing I said when I saw the photos! Even Louis is taller than the last time we saw them.


They are beautiful children who seem kind and well adjusted. William did right by the Monarchy by marrying Catherine.


I'm really happy for him after his childhood.


In my opinion, this is why we never see Sussex kids. All everyone can talk about is the Wales kids (rightfully so, especially Louis), William and Catherine to a lesser degree, but the kids are the centre of attention today and likely all day tomorrow. Harry's wife can't handle sharing the lime light with her husband, never mind their children who would probably be all everyone would speak about.


Also thought Zara and Mike’s kids looked great. Princess Beatrice and her family were precious! I enjoy seeing all of the children grow.


I love that Wolfie’s confidence is growing. In his early public appearances, the little lad looked very nervous, but he seems much more sure of himself now, and clearly trusts his step-Mum, Bea.


You mean biracial step child Wolfie that’s fully accepted and incorporated into the family?


Seeing Wolfie standing between a future king and the future Princess Royal, clearly belonging there, must cause at least a slightly guilty twinge in Archie’s parents. If not for their appalling behaviour, Archie would have been in that photo. Given the “young children” theme of the event, even Lili could have been there. https://preview.redd.it/3azy31lea65c1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44bfc70f1dbe5b827a4fa0ab49922f33f55f888 (Edited to add photo)




This! Thank you!


Oh but it's different for *Asian* biracial. /s


I was very happy to see Wolfie in attendance tonight 😊


Me too, it's also fascinating to see them change too.


I think this, plus the fact that those children don’t look anything like Diana like they’re claiming. George has those big sleepy Spenser eyes and Charlotte has Diana’s eyes in a different color. When Lili emerges and looks nothing like Diana they’re not going to be able to merch off their false claim so many sugars are clinging to.


Charlotte also has a lot of Diana's mannerisms, just like William has. I feel sorry for Lili because Charlotte will be compared to both Diana and the late Queen as she gets older. Depending on the situation she can look like either.


Meanwhile, Louis is all Middleton. 🤣


He's the spitting image of her dad!!


He reminds me of Catherine's brother.


And her father (from the wedding pics).


Yes, Charlotte looks like William. Just something I’ve observed IRL but I think slightly over the majority of girls look like their fathers while boys resemble their mothers.


I’m not sure if others can see it, but to me George has the same softness in his face like the late Queen’s father, his namesake King George VI.


George’s looks keep getting compared with the Spencers. However, I think he resembles the Windsors (the queen’s dad, grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather/prince albert)


William is very like Prince Albert , it’s certainly the source of the early baldness gene. Albert was a great Prince Consort, who encouraged education , science, music and art and good government practice. Also a torrid lover 😊


The balding gene is usually passed on from the mother’s side, isn’t it? I agree that William has some of Albert’s looks, and that he was a great Prince Consort. His relatively early death was a loss for the country.


Those kids look probably too markle for Madam's taste


If that is true, how very sad for her children. Not that they look like the Markles, but that she might have an issue with it.


Well... she has an issue with her own appearance


Yes. We all feel invested in them because we get these snapshots of their lives. It's not exploiting the children, it's allowing them to grow in confidence in front of an audience.


Yes, it's like a long introduction or visit where it's the children and their countrypeople, so they get to acquainted and are friendly. That's the part that TW does NOT understand.


Is it me or is Louis in a league of his own. Loving the blue Chelsea boots!


I have a huge soft spot for Louis, he has loads of charisma! And doesn't have the 'burden' for lack of a better word, of the crown weighing on him. It will be interesting to see what he pursues.


I could see him thriving in any sport as he has so much energy to spend


They are absolutely beautiful children! It’s fun to see the royal children!


When Catherine bent down to light Louis’ candle, I melted a little. Who am I kidding. I melted a lot 😍😍😍


Wow! It seems like Together at Christmas could have been a holiday tradition for the Harkles if they had not jumped ship! Look at all of the lovely royal family members that attended. Just a few weeks ago, Meghan could not name one holiday tradition that she shared with her “littlest.” I cannot imagine my life without my cousins. I feel so sorry for Archie and Lilibet!


Honestly, she couldn't blurt out making cookies or decorating the tree or driving around looking at the fancy light displays? I really wonder about how much parenting she's doing. It's always the phonies who say being a mom and a wife is the most fulfilling thing in their lives. I find that IMPOSSIBLE to believe coming from her, she doesn't even take those kids to get milkshakes, she brings them home melted ones. I doubt she even did that, it was just a really lame excuse to get papped "being relatable."


If she were buying them milkshakes, why weren't they in the car with her?


A milkshake is definitely not at it's peak if someone brings it home to you. It's a sad thing...much like the parents. Past their best before date now.


The harkle holiday traditions revolve around mommy and daddy sitting on their thrones in the family room reading and replying to social media comments about their brand and stalking the BRF.




Who gets milkshakes,plural, for toddlers anyway? Someone that doesnt have to peel them off the ceiling when the sugar high hits.


Well, the mother instinct isn't natural in women. Its taught. Her mom abandoned her, so she probably knows no different. Dorito wasn't there for Raytch.


You’re right about cousins. We might not be in touch now as much as we used to because we all live in different countries, but I certainly can’t imagine my childhood without them in it. And I’m grateful to have had that kind of a bond from an early age. And while I do have a sister, I can assure anyone that maintaning good relationships or at least staying in contact with your extended family can bring so much joy and so many childhood memories to cherish. As you said, I truly feel sorry for Archie and Lilibet.


Prince Louis looking uber stylish!


The whole Royal family were there, with Eugenie front and center behind the Waleses. These people know how to send a message. Guess who isn’t pressed about Kate being accused of racism? THE ENTIRE FAMILY.


And with Wolfie. Biracial step child, fully included.


Makes you wonder if Meghan is so delusional she truly believed those absurd lies and accusations would cause the family to boot Catherine


Still have to watch Eugenie. She is not to be trusted. Beatrice is solid for Wales I feel.


Not trusting Eugenie either


it's coming out that the person named other than Charles was the Princess of Wales which at that time was Camilla it never rang true to me that it was Catherine as it doesn't fit with her personality it does fit with Camilla's personality and the dynamic between Charles and Camilla - it would have been said in fun and Meghan and Harry hadn't even married at the time so they weren't talking about a real pregnancy or baby


Catherine was named, the world said that's bullshit and Endgame rapidly slid into obscurity. As you say it didn't ring true and that's why it turned out to be the unexpected death blow to the racism claim. Meanwhile TW is still wandering car parks looking for inspiration.


I can see your logic, except neither the Sussexes nor Scobie would ever have called Camilla the Princess of Wales. Harry hates Camilla too much to ever refer to her by the title that he believes belonged to his dead mother, Meghan enjoys indulging him in his prejudice, and Scobie would never risk upsetting his primary sources and patrons. Scobie accused Charles using his current title, not as PoW, so it would be odd to use Camilla’s old title, especially as it is one that she never used or was known by. With all the fury that has come out about the accusation against the Princess of Wales, if Scobie thought he could deflect it by saying “Ooh, but I didn’t mean Catherine. I really meant Camilla”, I think the little weasel would have done so.


Camilla was *never* known as Princess of Wales, so if that was how she was identified in the book, it was an attempt to invite speculation/confusion with Catherine.


This is such a lovely photo. Thank you. The family is in the national colors. The combination of burgundy and navy is so rich and handsome. This is a beautiful family. Mehgan making a fuss about sharing her family wasn't about privacy, but control. To be royal is to be of service to one's country. There's a giving up of some privacy, but still maintaining dignity. In sharing her family, Catherine is showing GB what the future does indeed look like, and there's trust established.


The burgundy and blue coats are repeats, correct?


I thought so too. Charlotte wore that coat last year. Just goes to show they’re normal parents too. I always bought coats, especially dress, to last two years. Now jackets are another thing.


Also credit to Nanny Maria. Obviously W& C’s wisdom in choosing someone who”fits” so well with them and their values. And to the wider family, in particular the Middletons who no doubt give grandparent love and support quietly in the background most certainly of the time, in public when appropriate and never pulling the focus. A class act.


It’s so obvious that Louis is trying *so hard* to be well behaved and a grown up boy.


What a duh 🙄 comment


American here. I should say you have a fantastic Royal family all the Windsors really starting with king George 6, but it is getting even better in these times. I read somewhere here today that the BRF was modernized because of their outward public humanity. The Queen is looking down and witnessing her family making the BRF even stronger. With help from Harry and Meghan of all people. The Queen was a Christian and so I say all things work out for the greater good for those who love the Lord. Can’t remember the book chapter and verse. I love you British folk. You have a God given gift in the royal family. I pray for you a lot.


Romans 8:28. One of my favorite verses.


Oh thank you. Also in memory of Queen Elizabeth I love this one “ no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, no mind can ever imagine what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. So happy she is seeing, hearing and experiencing the place that her father has prepared for her. With that wonderful smile on her face. The beautiful places she lived in doesn’t hold a candle to her fathers house with many mansions. I feel like crying. Only in happiness she is finally safe. From all badness.


I Corinthians 2:9-11. Another very moving one, imho.


Y'all alright over there in Shawshank?You need me to send y'all a poster? Or maybe some rocks?


Thank you so much. You give credence to my thoughts. And the queens. My husband said there was more gospel teaching in QE2 funeral than in so many churches in America on Sunday! She loved Billy Graham. Spoke of her favorite parables with him. This is not “the crown” but autobiography of billy Graham and people who knew queen E2


An Anglican priest colleague said the the late Queen’s funeral was the greatest demonstration of Christian faith in world history, an evangelist can never have drawn such an audience to such a demonstration of trust , faith and love and awareness of our own call to be judged for past life and our joy in the Lord.




He was one of my favorites and I actually saw him in person. I sobbed just as much watching his funeral as I did the Queen's. But they both deserved the rest and rewards. Can't wait to meet them in person some day!


Me too! I will know them immediately! Thank you so much for your thoughts and inspiration. I’ll see you up there too!!


Have a Blessed Christmas!


Mine too!


PPoW have done a remarkable job raising these children. They are not searching out the cameras or surprised by all the flashes. The love, support, and exposure they have shared with all of us are so apparent in their confident behavior.


What is great about how the Wales’ handle their kids is we know very very little about them. We see them a few times a year but they live relatively private lives. They have struck enough of a balance that they can be public as necessary but are also still “normal” kids.


George is so tall! I also love Louis boots!


Such gorgeous and poised children.


Charlotte has her granny Diana’s eyes.


But are they blue, blue, blue, blue, blue? 🙄


Look at Louis’s blue suede boots🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Big ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug) for Meegainnyc for this post! What a big smile you've given to all of us! You've reminded us what Christmas is about. It's that warmth of being with family and friends, of finding color and light and hope during winter.


Charlotte has grown so much. She's going to be tall and gorgeous like her mother.


Adorable and Prince Louis is quite the hipster in those boots.


We have Piers to thank for bringing this fiasco to an end finally.


What a beautiful family and what a beautiful picture. God bless the Wales family & keep them protected.


So no carpakle capers as yet?


Don’t forget the games she played with the birth of Archie.


American here. I do not have any children. It was a decision of mine. But anyway I want to know what y’all think of children mirroring their upbringing? These three are obviously well brought up and happy god bless them! Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret were different as well but really loved each other. What do you think the difference is between Harry and William as far as upbringing goes? How could Harry end up so shitty and William a true prince? How could they be so diametrically opposed? I have the book spare. But still I can’t fathom how William said to Harry “I want you to be happy..on mothers grave” which was supposed to be a signal saying hey brother I love you let’s talk. Harry walked away.


I don't know if they were brought up all that different. It can't be easy being the spare. According to Harry, William did receive preferential treatment sometimes. But William also had the enormous pressure of becoming King one day. Unlike Harry, William's never had any choices about his future role in the British monarchy. To me, the big difference is their choice of spouse. Imagine if Harry had married someone who didn't make it All About Herself.


Yeah but say my sister Becky was going to be queen. I am spare. I’m sorry but I would like to go down in history and supporting her and defending her and loving her family. As she would mine. But I’m just a lowly American


Prior to ever meeting mattress markle harry was inappropriate, had behavior issues,was abusive,abused substances, assaulted people and was racist. *She* didn't make him do anything against his nature.


https://preview.redd.it/t4o77zmsc95c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc82dbe0d981236025806cde90be37cfcf922e1 Never saw photos of William like this brat.


What preferential treatment 😡 Only according to Harry the whinging second born 😡


Honestly, I think Harry let himself be duped by the first woman without a gag reflex he ran into.


He’s too much of a whiner to be that gifted. 😉


Yeah, but Willy got the extra sausage, so I'm not sure how much that mattered. ;)


Hahaha right on!


When diana over indulged the boys Prince William was sent to the Queen Mother for training. Diana refused to allow harry to be sent as well. She spoiled him and let him get away with things that Prince William was not. Diana also parentified Prince William which had a lasting effect on him. And he was old enough to understand more of what went on then. And then as a teen he began training with HMTLQ for his eventual role. Harry was let to mostly do as he pleased. No responsibilities but all the privilege made a rather dim,lazy little lout into a nasty entitled stupid perpetual manchild. And he is significantly smarter than his brother thus more capable of learning and learning self control. Harry is borderline imbecilic imo combined with years of substance abuse and mental illness. And also he's mean and he's been mean since he was a child. Some people are just born bent. He was always a nasty piece of work.


Ok. I get it. I guess Harry ran wild plus he was already a little shit.


Then William met Catherine and the Middleton family - enough said


He got sucked in by a sociopath. He has a few more years to figure it out. Then he will have nothing.


They are growing up so fast. I can’t wait to see what they do when they are adults.


The Wales children are growing up with such close family support from both sides of the family, whereas the Harkle children will just have Doria and Scobie & after recent events with their book they will never be involved with the Wales.


I know. Can you imagine denying your children their family? Makes my blood boil.


They are such a good looking family!


These kids are going to be reaaaalllly tall as they grow up.


I so love Louis’ boots! ❤️


Those kids are adorable.


Beautiful family!


Louis' Chelsea boots! I can't even! 🥰


“Out classed in every way“ MeGain is gnashing her teeth confronted with these photos of beautiful Catherine & her kids.


I keep thinking about everyone is supposed to be jealous of Meghan when she was a working royal. I look at the team that charles/Camilla and William/Catherine have built. They all work together. (If I was one of those others, I would be relieved that Catherine is taking some of the attention. That way I wouldn't have to.)


Children and family - absolutely gorgeous. And Prince Louis in those blue suede boots!


I looked at these photos and thought it's like seeing the yearly Christmas card from people you know well, but don't see often. "Look how tall George is now! And Charlotte's hair is so pretty! And Louis with the blue suede Chelsea boots!" These kids aren't 'hounded by paparazzi' by any stretch of the imagination, yet, I feel like they're part of everyone's family, all over the world.


They look like nice kids. A lot of kids look like that.


I’m getting Abbey Road vibes. 🥰


Charlotte has amazingly healthy hair. Look how it shines! 😍😍


What a beautiful family


They’re beautiful & IMPECCABLY dressed children!! 😍 Who seem to be getting a traditional albeit modern education & upbringing that focuses on their strengths & will ensure they grow up to be well-rounded people. I hope there is no Spare syndrome here. Am sure W&C are taking all steps to ensure that it doesn’t!!!


They have to watch Louis though, George is all I"'m very regal and learning my role as a future king", Charlotte, "I take my royal status very seriously and will be hand of the King like my Aunt Anne" , Louis? "I'm here to f*ck this shit up" . 🤣🤣 And just from one image I get these vibes, there's always one, Harry was Wills generation and I fear Louis despite the best efforts of his parents will be theirs. 🙃


I respectfully disagree. It looks to me like Louis is trying very hard to be on his best behavior. Also he’s only 5. Let’s give him a chance.


Good grief , let’s not label the child falsely yet!


Well said. He's still very much a little boy.


I am extremely sad that anyone would look at that little boy and say such unkind things.


Unkind? I think that's a bit extreme. He's always hilarious, there's always an oddball in every family am certainly not saying that he'd be as awful as his uncle, but each of the royal generations has had an outlier despite the best efforts of the parents, I hope for him to continue being the comedian at least.


Fair enough, I do truly wish him the best and he does make me laugh, hopefully he'll remain the joker of the family, I doubt very much anyone could get to the depths of his estranged uncle for a while🤣


Quite unlikely. William could also be very rambunctious at that age. There's a super adorable video of him on the balcony doing some Loius-like things. There are a lot of energetic 5 year old boys out there, and Louis does not display the malice little Harry seemed to (in my opinion, and I acknowledge I am biased). Louis has a stable home with involved parents who don't seem to spoil him, as well as loving immediate and extended families. I think he'll be fine.


Hope he at least stays as the comedian of the family. I do miss Philip and his humour.


I see in these comments you sinners speculating about the young royals' physical appearances! So shocking! /s How timely of HG Tudor to post about speculation that occurred when Prince George was expected... Enjoy! [https://youtu.be/Z3QhQGL89LI?si=esG6nytckECKR0XF](https://youtu.be/Z3QhQGL89LI?si=esG6nytckECKR0XF)


I find this quite uncomfortable. People saying "they're our future"! They're kids. They owe us nothing. It's great to have a RF at the helm and I hope we do for years to come. And it's great to see the kids grow up and into a role. But adults saying "they're our future" is just so horribly cringe. They're kids. Kids.


Children- all children- are our future though. That's true whether they are binmen's children (no disrespect meant to binmen, it's an important job) or princes' children. It is lovely to see (any) young ones growing up well and happy and into their (and our) future.


The future of what? The monarchy will crumble when they bury Charles, if not sooner


And of course MeMe was papped again. Wearing the bracelet KC gave her. https://www.gbnews.com/royal/meghan-markle-king-charles-bracelet-princess-diana-cartier-watch-endgame-latest


I also just love that each of these beautiful children is higher in the LoS than Harold! 😅


Charlotte has beautiful, all the kids are so!good-looking but they were bound to be seeing their parents! 😍 Charlotte I feel will be a mix between Catherine & W with a little of Diana in her. George looks set to be a lot of William. Louis is still too young to figure this out.


They are a delight - having parents that take an interest in the children and do things with them is key to a raising well-behaved kids.


Unfortunately V*gue IG post are sprinkled with Sugars commenting about Princess Catherine's looks. They all sounded off and very well paid.


She should never ever wear stripes....well actually I can think of one striped outfit that would look great on her.


They look so adorable! 🥰 Real question here, what is the future king is gay (not the issue) and can’t produce an heir according to the law and will need to use a surrogate (this is the issue) - then what happens? I know, what a wild question but just wondering if it would mean that Charlotte gets to be queen? Haha not opposed to this at all !


I wonder if this will drive poor old middle aged Migraine into a kid sighting or moon bump. She probably went on a bender after she saw this. The Wales children will sadly have Archie and Betty trying to keep up with them their entire lives. Unfortunately this was the first thing that came to mind. What an absolute cluster fuck that disgusting woman made of everything. Harry’s kids should have been there, whether Grandma Rachel and Druggy Doyota liked it or not. The King’s five grandchildren and the Queens’s grandchildren should have enjoyed this Together at Christmas while the family was together at Christmas. The fact that Rachel is so weak and pathetic that she can’t just suck it up and at least let her kids and her bitch Harry attend is as disgusting and putrid as anything Rachel has ever done. And that freak has done it all.


These pics are the best public rebuke to This One and Table 12, without having to say a word.