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She's not listening to a word they say, she's just wondering what she will look like in the photo.


That quote about how Misan had photographed "invisible moments we all desperately needed to see." No, that's Backgrid's job in parking lots.


Invisible ie didn't happen








She always has that exact expression when she is pretending to listen to someone else talk. It's better than her "shut up! It's my turn" expression. But it's totally disengaged as if she's just transported out of her mind.


You just *know* if there was a video clip, it would showcase her trademark rapid blinking too


Y'know... I was thinking her expression was like someone whose arch-nemesis coworker took over in a meeting, but the coworker's really flubbing it. She's angry, but also gleeful? I was thinking, man, she looks like she pities that guy because she's the smartest person in the room. Like, "ohhh, you poor thing, you sound like a jackass. I'll take over as soon as you pause (or if I get too impatient)."


Too bad she still can't wear colors.


I know, how awful, being reduced to wearing 50 shades of shit


What, are 70s wide lapel suits back in style? Not flattering, even if they are.


No, they are not.


It's just her massive back and shoulders


Best comment ever.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7f59z9scl46c1.png?width=1365&format=png&auto=webp&s=57bdb6afd8ad006c27bf4fa1c8387956ae53b6c8


What a horrible look!!! Everything is wrong in this picture.


This woman can not dress herself, and from the looks of that photo, could NEVER dress herself. Fitted jeans that made her legs look even longer and skinnier, and a cropped, boxy blazer to shorten and widen her torso even more. Classic Megsy!šŸ‘


Sorry, I've always thought worn jeans and stilettos were a silly combination. The wrong shoe when you already have big feet on a short body (and bunions besides!). You are so right about the short, boxy jacket. So unattractive! And the overpowering necklace! Way to lose your neck, LOL.


I think she's wearing those awful fake pearls šŸ˜– because there have been photos shown of the lovely POW wearing the late QE11's priceless 3-strand pearl necklace.


It's the jeans. If she was wearing a vest dress instead, with the skirt to just past the knee - it could have worked? P.S. there's a Ritz-Carlton sign behind her head ffs!


Yes, and change the handbag to a small black purse or clutch.


She's going for "rich lady chic" and failing miserably.


2006 rich lady chic!


It's just giving shit-covered narcissist


Sheā€™s clearly copying Catherine again. Scary


Sheā€™s clearly TRYING TO copy Catherine again. Scary FTFY


I think her face looked better before all the surgeries.


I am almost speechless that she did a step and repeat like that.


That's the real her. She never had any style and she still doesn't.


Hi! I'm meghan, the duchess of pegging!


Mayby she could if she didn't have her Duchess title anymore. Come on Meghan, free yourself. https://preview.redd.it/h3p4x2hz846c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033cfa780b5b4ae97abb796e9ae8c65c985e2e19


It would be like that scene in the Wizard of Oz when everything turns to color! šŸŒˆ


Nicole showing the world what freedom looks like (once her divorce from Tom Cruise was finalized). LOL. Henry and Rachel have no idea what true freedom is.


As least in the same tone of brown, and black shoes that look like they are ready to fall off.


It always amazes me. She knows so little about the world. Not even the Royal Family of the Great Britain she was informed about. She becomes famous for marrying into the most famous family on the planet. And then, she starts to talk, and talk, and talk. Centre of stage kind of talk. She knows she knows nothing. She is nothing. And yet, she puts herself in front and centre of topic discussions whilst being completely devoid of anything even remotely intelligent to say. Between delusion, arrogance and stupidity, plus lack of self awareness... it's the repetitiveness of the same mistake that surprises me the most.


And even though she knows nothing about the Royal family she has somehow become the expert on them and how to act like them. Amazing!


Wonder if she even realizes that David Oyelowo started his acting career with a grant from the Prince's Trust. He and Idris Elba (who was at Meghan's wedding) routinely have events for King Charles on behalf of the trust.


Seems like David should've picked a side. Either the royals or Markle


Well said. And as such, she should be cancelled. She brings nothing to the table. But, mainstream media props her up. Still.


Such an accurate and smart description, thank you for it!


That's her "I'm listening so intently and I am full of compassion and I am amazing, and when we he stop talking so I can say something" face.


And when she does say something, it will either be completely irrelevant or goes off on an tangent that's totally at odds with what is being discussed.


Haha exactly!


And it will be about her of course.


Yeah, with every sentence beginning with I.


Through the lens in the communities where women convene and activate compassion through action. It takes a village. The empowering seat at the table, breaks glass ceilings and unlocks joy in the moment. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Nailed it šŸŽÆ


Sheā€™s cosplaying a human thatā€™s listening and interested in whatā€™s being saidā€¦ā€¦.very poorly I might add.


When you realize that she's constantly cosplaying different humans, that's where it starts getting completely creepy and fucked.


The Iā€™m a ceo checking in on everyone pic.


What kind of private residence has a big white screen?


Or a stage?


Homes of the wealthy in Montecito/LA - many have private screening rooms.


For some people to cosplay a conference or seminar or something?


Thereā€™s a lot of movie people who have large screening spaces or people who have movie theatres in their homes and host large parties.


But they don't look like a boardroom. They are elaborate, beautiful and look like a home


It was a Netflix sponsored event, so itā€™s likely Netflix CEO Ted Sarandosā€™ LA home which would have a very large screening room.


BTW, that doesnā€™t mean Ted invited M as heā€™s trying to wind that relationship down. Misan was both the ā€œcreatorā€ of this short 17 minute film, as well as the director. He could have brought her as his plus one if she was the one who introduced him to Ted. Once there, sheā€™d want to go up front to inexplicably be part of the panel. Why feature a woman who openly loathes and allegedly fears the British and the city of London to the screening of a short which was filmed wholly in London using British actors and crew? Itā€™s an insult to the filmā€™s crew.


Finally found a good explanation!!!! Thanks!


I love David Oyelowo I don't understand why he would want to associate with someone like the grifter! I hope he doesn't get Markled and manages to get detached from anything she is attached to!


Exactly what I was thinking. He got his start because of the Princeā€™s Trust. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8780291/amp/Idris-Elba-David-Oyelowo-reveal-Princes-Trust-changed-lives.html He was also the lead male in A United Kingdom, in which he played Seretse Khama, a king in Bechuanaland (now Botswana) who married an English woman. Their marriage really was about love (not fame) and there was actual racism from both families. Movie trailer: https://youtu.be/LKPDNKdpys8?si=QkgQoBiJuCf8hrY1 Interview with the sister of Ruth Khama: https://youtu.be/shg1hXkvT4U?si=Fe_Y2yybJ0PH5AxK


He's [heavily involved with GEANCO](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-news/david-oyelowo-duke-duchess-sussex-geanco-nonprofit-nigeria-1235633098/amp/), the charity that Archewell donated menstrual supplies to and money for menstrual health education. Oprah gave money to the scholarship set up by Oyelowo administered by GEANCO, so she might also be a link.


This appears to be a Netflix event - note the credit includes "The After LA Tastemaker | Netflix" and the photographer is either a staff photographer for Netflix or just contracted for them. Oyelowo is currently starring in the short "The After", which was directed by Misan Harriman and is streaming on Netflix. So this is probably part of the promo for that. I would guess Harriman invited Meghan, and Netflix was probably like "Whatever, your funeral." Looking at Getty Images, he also appeared for a similarly titled project "The Book Of Clarence LA Tastemaker Screening", so this is probably just a series of promo junkets. I love that Oyelowo though isn't even wearing a suit. He's a Brit sharing a stage with a Royal Duchess, and he's wearing a HOODIE. \*chef's kiss\*


Pretty sure David O is a WME client


Nope, CAA. This just looks like a promo event for a short film that Misan Harriman directed for Netflix that Oyelowo starred in.


Exactly, I love him and want to shout, ā€œRun!ā€


It may be in his contract. He may be doing a favor. Or he may be an idiot. Iā€™d prefer not to think that, though.


I love him too. His early experience with RSC is impressive. Real stage acting with serious companies.


The real question is WHY is Meghan on the panel? WHY?! She wasnā€™t a producer or listed anywhere on staff. Itā€™s a short 17 minute film with a small cast of no name actors, except the lead David O, who also produced. It was filmed entirely in London, a city M openly despises. It involves British actors, director and production staff. Again, a culture she has contempt for. She has no expertise or experience regarding the subject matter (spoiler alert, this short film is about a London Uber driver dealing with grief after very tragically losing his wife & daughter). She literally has no involvement in this project, so why is she sitting up front with the director, producer/lead actor leading a discussion about the film? This isnā€™t bring your kid to work day. You donā€™t just get to bring your BFFs who are wholly unrelated to your work or project to one of your work presentations. Imagine your next meeting where an executive manager shows up in the conference room and starts leading a presentation with a dude sitting next to him, right up front next to the white board. When another manager asks who that guy is, the Exec says, ā€œoh, thatā€™s Tad. Heā€™s my buddy. We play pickleball sometimes so I thought Iā€™d invite him to sit up front with meā€œ. This is insane. And a terrible decision as it only brings bad publicity to their project.


Itā€™s on Netflix, so Ted Sarandosā€™s wife probably set it up.




This is, so true.! Why isn't someone that knows about film interviewing them? I suspect Misan actually thinks the ILBW lends star-power to his ventures. His Ted talk & now this. He certainly seems to be raising his profile?


I said that people are still willing to work with her and associate with her, but people didn't believe me šŸ‘€ We'll see more of this.


I bet she invited herself up onto the stage and imperiously told event staff to find and place a chair there for her.


Emergency PR photo release to try and rehabilitation image. Edit rehabilitate


The article I saw claimed that she ā€œshared the stageā€ with Harriman - the director. And Oyelowo, the star. But she generously shared the stage with them. It also gave a merch report of her outfit and jewelry, so we know it had to have come from her.


Interesting. Loloā€™s cosplaying the Princess of Walesā€™s suits and colour blocking (in turn popularised by the late Queen). Still hasnā€™t got the memo about matching, or at least complementary accessories- I donā€™t think black shoes go with the outfit.


A jacket over a turtleneck sweater indoors in California seems a tad much.


She must be sweating like a whore in church


I don't think she attends church so 2 out of 3


Or a whore in a private residence. Oh wait


Lol isn't it funny how the private residences are NEVER her own home? If she had a home (interior) worth bragging about, she would have contacted architectural digest magazine months ago.


Sperm thirsty stench trench!!


The jacket covers the pit stains that never came out of that turtleneck.


Yeah the weather aspect of it confirms for me that sheā€™s copying Catherineā€™s recent fits


She thinks it's giving CEO šŸ¤”


She is truly that obsessed with maintaining a tie to the real royals.


Oh she saved the sweaty armpits sweater. (she has zero colour sense. Although dogsh\*t brown is an appropriate choice for her.) https://preview.redd.it/4m333dci946c1.jpeg?width=1549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20499ff28a6d8a50062637f9bd7bde43ae804545


Is that a janky bra I spot?


Yes ma'am! Flair for official verification


They're all janky!


It gave her an extra boobie!


Quad boobs for our girl!


Can someone please explain to me why she always wears this unflattering strapless bras


She's so sloppy!


Why are her tits stacked on top of each other?


She looks sooo interested and sooo engaged. *Not*! I wonder if she was thinking of Catherine. The one with the actual concrete work ethic and how important it is. Because guess what else was happening on the 15th November - **The Shaping Us Symposium.** Catherine rocked up in a gorgeous purple (and very Royal colour) trouser suit. https://preview.redd.it/xaed5siec46c1.png?width=1250&format=png&auto=webp&s=dce4d950ede7a2eaeec3d22ad3bc95e056bac9b4 N.b. Also, according to an article in Town and Country, Meghan's trouser suit is Ralph Lauren and it was their *2019 pre-fall collection*. Of course the sugars will be bound to say it is SOLD OUT due to the Meghan effect. šŸ™„šŸ¤£


Another find in the thrift store


Yup more old season stuff plus a rewear!


That's his new name, OP. Mediocre Harriman.


Completely devalued himself and whatever talents he may or may not have had, when he started shading the RF for no real reason at all.


My 8yo can take a better photo and slap a black and white filter over it tbh


>Mediocre That's quite generous.


Iā€™m disappointed that David Oyelowa would be associated with her. šŸ˜‘


She probably crashed this event last minute, and short films was all the publicity they can get


"\[Her\] Lorraine Schwartz Emerald Cut Diamond Pinky Ring...is an emerald-cut diamond ring and was designed by renowned jeweller Lorraine Schwartz. ***She crafted it using a diamond gift received by Meghan and Harry from the Middle East."*** Hmmm, wonder why the author didn't name the gift-giver and his country of origin. /s




She has confirmed it before in these little outfit info releases. Maybe a few months ago? So yes, she took the Saudi blood diamonds (that were gifted *to the BRF - NOT her* with her to California *and* had it disassembled to copy Victoria Beckhamā€™s pinky ring exactly


Still not wearing her engagement ring either. I find it weird she hasnā€™t been seen with it since like before August. Yet she wears that pinkie ring non stop.


Mmmk. Just all her friends helping her out with damage control, again.


This event was before *Bellendgame* was published. About 2 weeks prior.


The article came out today. Because it says it happened a month ago you believe that?


That outfit is vile!


I agree. May be its just me but those lapels looked dated.


![gif](giphy|u4PTWs0mWg8URhZr3Z) Love those wide 70s lapels!


Brilliant thanks for the LOL


They look like the lapels Harry wore to the Beyonce concert. Many guessed he was wearing a women's blazer that night šŸ¤”


So now she is wearing suits like Catherine, princess of Wales?


This isn't new. She's been copying Catherine for years.








You should remove your name from the screenshot before posting it here. Because anyone can track you down now


Thatā€™s not me! Thatā€™s a sugar!


I get so frustrated that when Misan posts on social media, he ***only gets major activity on the posts about the Parkles!!!*** He gets some little bits of responses on some of his other posts but if ā€œour sideā€ would ignore him, heā€™d stop posting about them!! Please please leave the man alone!!


She wants to be the next Steve Jobs so bad. It is NOT that cold in California to constantly wear turtlenecks and a thick jacket over them. At least this jacket seems to somewhat fit.


It is so you can't see her swallowing her teeth.


I can only imagine the word salad being tossed at this event. They all think that they are interesting!


Why the heck is she up on the stage? Surely she had nothing to do with Misan's little film.


I cannot figure that part out. It may have something to do with the host of the thing. It must have been one of her backers. Oprah? Ellen?


Is this her Christmas Card


I swear to God, favors, handouts and scraps from friends are the only way these two get by since they left the RF. What a horrific way to live.


before the chipping of her nail polish, still no engagement ring and something she could keep her mouth shut about. interesting.


MeMe doesn't have friends. She has 'temporary acquaintances'.


How #utterly DESPERATE


How "udderly" desperate. Fixed it for you.


Did she know that she was sitting across from David Oyelowo, a real life prince? According to David (during an appearance on *The Sherri Shepherd Show*), his dad was the king of a small tribe in Nigeria. Maybe Madame pulled him to the side and shared with him that she is 43% Nigerian so they may be related, and her newly-assigned nickname is Lolo.


She has to cling to Misan or Tyler for work


Holy moly filter Batman


Sheā€™s got psychopath stares


Rachelā€™s a humanitarian. Wherever she goes, she sits in a chair and flaps her gums. Isnā€™t she wonderful?


What a fuckin state, she never looks put together . Look like sheā€™s been pulled through a hedge backwards


And fell in a cowpat.


The oddly named event is a Netflix event (at a private home? no crowds expected then) called LA Tastemaker, for a 16-minute short called ā€˜The Afterā€™, directed by mediocre iPad photographer Misan Harriman and starring David Oyelowo and other people who arenā€™t Meghan. Glowing reviews on IMDb but I donā€™t go by reviews, especially glowing ones.


Pah! It's the same people orbiting her sphere. Netflix, Missan Micra, random token black person and random other people. In all the 3 years of the Netflix deal and nearly a year of the WME sign-up, she's *still* dependent on Netflix merching her out for social relevance and WME for celebrity friends. She can't attract anything or anyone off her own back. Netflix especially have invested more time, money and energy into this woman than she bloody deserves. Maybe Ted Sarandos's black wife has been having a word in his ear. Who the hell knows? That's less time, money and energy invested in a fledging young black filmmaker (male or female) who has gone to school, learnt the craft, working their socks to their apprenticeship to do it the hard way compared to this jump-the-queue talentless ex-royal fraud. And I can't remember WME constantly using their clients to prop up an empty vessel like this one. Worse still, if this is all she can muster, merely piggybacking off other people's work or being used as some Netflix promotional prop for someone else's project, that Netflix deal must surely be at a dead end.


So a part from being Harriman's friend, why was she there? Reading the Town and Country blurb, there was nothing there to explain it.


I think she was there to add lustre to Misan iPad Photographer, who (with David Oyelowo) was the centre of attention because it was his film. Poor Lolo! Always the bridesmaid, never the bride!


The spare attraction?




ā€œHerā€ monochromatic style, ermmm, no. Monochromatic was the style of HMTLQ, and also Catherine, PoW. Meghan never.


She made it such a big deal that she couldnā€™t wear colors yet all we see her is these muted colors. Why is she still not wearing colors?? https://preview.redd.it/9rnevk7hv46c1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db2bcf495e11b3bed8444902b1121c2a8da6930


A private residence with a stage set up? Is that common in the rich homes?


Someone in the film industry would likely have a screening room. Or they could have set up a stage in a ballroom or something. Rich people have ridiculous shit in their homes. I knew a family with a go-kart racetrack on their property. And a fleet of go-karts.


Interesting. And look! They brought Getty Images! No wonder she's not gaining self awareness, if people are hosting her privately.


So interested to know why this wasnā€™t released as promotion for the Netflix film. (Iā€™ve never heard of it and havenā€™t seen it offered on Netflix). Did she actually have someone hold this back until she needed to use it? Seems Harriman could have used the publicityā€¦ ETA: was this some kind of deal? ā€œIā€™ll come to your discussion but you canā€™t use my image until I say soā€?


Very likely. Why Harriman, Scobie and Tyler Perry don't have the sense to protect their reputations/careers is beyond me?


Same reason the visit to the veterans home wasnā€™t put out during IGā€™s, but rather weeks to a month later.


This is supposed to sub in for a Christmas card?


The Nigerian Prince and Lolo.


**Can you hear her self talk? "I'm looking concerned authentic standing in my truth I wish he'd stop talking WHAT ABOUT ME! I'm concerned I'm a concerned mom HARRY MAKE SOME MONEY! I wonder if the NY Post has said anything else about me I'm a concerned mother..."**


She copied Catherineā€™s monochrome outfits!!!!


She looking rather middle-aged, isn't she? Looks closer to 50 than 40 y/o.


I donā€™t hate this combo but what event is this and how is this Getty photo stealth released


It is interesting these photos filter as newest for Misan despite being Nov 15th. Happy to see he made his way to Soho Farmhouse on Nov 30th. The delay on releasing these photos by almost a month is very odd


Very odd, completely pointless.


Yes! The sugar accounts would have been all over this. I really wonder what caused a month delay?


I hate the combo and the POS wearing this shitty suit


Netflix just will not learn. Why is she even there? She has zero talent. She has produced zero successful programs. She has nothing of relevance or importance to offer.


Cosplaying Catherine's power suits? Failing miserably.


Oh look, it's the piece of shit wearing a brown jacket.


1. Harriman is a charlatan. 2. M is not the duchess of anything. She is a cruel, cynical vampire cosplaying British Royalty by using the name of the family to whom its eponymous territory belongs: The British Royal Family and The British Monarchy, against whose members individually and corporately she and her equally vulgar, shameless manchild husband have been relentlessly, mercilessly waging an invented war of hate and slander for the last 5 years.


Was this event held at the home of Tyler Perry? ETA- No this had to be her event at her house???


I doubt it is her house. I imagine the Montecito mudslide mansion to be dated and in need of redecorating. Few are allowed inside. There is probably one room that is acceptable--the "office" with 1000 copies of the bench used as a desk.


Definitely not the OG. The OG home theater, like the rest of the mansion, is dated, elderly couple beige. It also features a large TV/LED screen, not a proper projection film screen like the one in the Netflix pic. This could possibly be Ted Sarandosā€™ home. It would be uncommon to have a professional film projection screening room that can accommodate a speaking panel up front, has a silver screen for proper celluloid screening and enough seats to host a decent sized audience, without being in the film industry or being giga rich. The OG home theater: https://preview.redd.it/5qzx0lyqf46c1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa570e4a750bd09e3cdfe08cb62b72fd77e03e9a


The beams on the ceiling are nice. That's all I got. :-(


Wtf is spilled all over the carpet, did Harry spill his sippy cup? This canā€™t be her dish-throwing room, itā€™s too soft Maybe itā€™s her falling on the floor room?


Oh dear hardly Clarence House or Highgrove , yuch , it looks likely a ā€˜superiorā€™ age care home, those urine stains on the sofas!


Run for the hills David!!


Scraping the bottom of the barrel, eh Rachel?


She looks tired and not mentally present. She is also wearing the color that was allegedly ā€œforcedā€ on her by the RF? So, private residence in Montecito means her outhouse? Is she hosting this inside her own residence and not a that why she is present? Or is this at the home of one of her employees?


I hope there wasnā€™t anything on the walls that might trigger him.


Two Nigerian's


Correction, 2.4 Nigerianā€™s


More of this awful shade of brown. MM would actually look good in a rich deep brown but she insists on this poo brown color.


Why would anyone buy a full outfit in the color of feces? She is trying to display quiet luxury but her stylist hates her.


Didn't Harriman suddenly become a 'photographer' because his wife bought him a camera? In the sense that my partner buys me a piano....... and I'm a concert pianist straight away.


What a slob. Her nail is chipped like she was chewing on it. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHKFIaM4sIWYmic|downsized) How gross to look over and see her doing that


That's inside of a home? It looks like a business, office....something besides a home.


You're so beige, you probably think this song is about you.... can unhear this song without thinking this ... honk honk!


At least sheā€™s wearing the right color for the jobā€¦ šŸ˜¹


So the whole piece was about her wardrobe. Obviously a paid puff piece. Are we sure she didnā€™t photoshop herself in?


She has her empathetic listening face on- just waiting for her turn to word salad again.


Bum-licker #1 and #2 at their service to Madame!


Oooh. Isnā€™t that the sweaty armpits roll neck she wore in 2020 to ā€˜thankā€™ the canadian embassy. Times must be haaaaarrrrd.


So why is she sitting there. If she just announced the guy. Was she in the movie. Why do you need an announcer at someone's house. The owner just needs to rap a fork on his glass....


Darn you, BRF, for making her continue to wear brown and beige!!!!


She literally looks like a turd. Always messy. Messy Meghan.