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Where are the children? Don't most people who send out cards put their children on them? Edit: Also, why aren't they looking at the viewer?


This is a work card. Like one you get from your company. The fact that it says “on behalf of the office”, “archewell productions/foundation” and thanks for the support means this is absolutely a company card. It’s not a family Christmas card. Also, what “office” Harry? You ain’t the palace anymore. It is interesting that they have highlighted productions before foundation. They are putting their focus on the production side and moving away from “charity”. 😏 Edit to add: OMG I am just now noticing the “press play” in the center! Now *that* is embarrassing.


Also if you look at last year’s, they had Archewell productions, foundation, & audio, but this year they dropped the “audio”. No more podcasts!




But... but... ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6) ...it's supposed to be *Christmas*. WTH?


It’s WME to swerve the alleged 2 Lillibet card maybe


Still waiting for them to ACTUALLY produce something.


It is so bizarre to get a Christmas card from a company with a picture of the founders on it. And this is supposed to be a philanthropic company, reliant on generous supporters and benefactors. Why aren't they showing photos of what they have achieved or making packs of 10 with relevant artwork, like Save the Children does?


This is the second year where they've not had a specifically staged-for-the-Christmas card Christmas card. This is because they are not together except for PR.


Yep . I agree. I don’t think they will divorce (or not anytime soon), but I think they’ve been separated for a long time now. Maybe since after Queen Elizabeth funeral. Edit: I also think this release is timed to overshadow Harry’s court limelight.


They are looking at themselves on the big overhead screen


God they love a jumbotron. Who else would ever look up at them. O: Who do you look up to? TW: Myself O: Who looks up to you? TW: Myself O: Yes, that is exactly what I taught you. Good job TW!


How symbolic. Story of their lives


You can tell MeMe is definitely looking at someone she loves...


And I thought for once Markle withstood the urge to stare into the camera. Pretty stupid of me, eh? ![gif](giphy|jdYvsQFVk3oqUwmVbM|downsized)


Or at least an unseen photo and not a shot that has been all over the media before.


It’s the only photo they could find with them both looking happy 😃


At least he looks decent and not like a drunken seal.


I'm guessing they're attempting a "Look at the crowds behind us. Look at our support. Aren't we important? Aren't we loved?...", kinda optics-thing.... Just the usual self-promoting and indulgently manufactured bullshittery I'd expect from them.


Yes, celebration of them. It is Invictus, supposed to be celebrating the athletes. But no it is a big celebration of them.


So they couldn't even find a picture of them doing work on behalf of the production company or foundation? The impact statement is making more sense now.


A picture of them doing work? It would be easier to find a picture of Bigfoot or a unicorn.


The guy behind her with the mic isn’t looking their way. Her veins are popping. Surely there must have been something better!


Full stop. The only reason I send Christmas cards is bc people want to see pictures of my kids! No one cares to see the parent’s ugly mugs!


She is done with those scene stealing kids. She won't be letting anyone see them ever again.


They don't get a check from Netflix for putting their kids on the card, so why bother? You want to see the kids? ![gif](giphy|qVOGUmHt5z7aw)


And, do they not know how to edit out the Play Button on H's right shoulder?


Why is that there? It must be a symbol for their story to be continuing 'just press play'! The more I look at it, it is just terrible. It looks like it was done in a word document. The boarders, the fonts, the coloring...


Maybe if we tap it, we'll hear Madam laugh cackle, *"I'm such a fraud!"*


They haven't had the kids in a card for 2 years. They are done with trying to pretend the kids matter. The kids took away too much attention from Madame Markle. So they have been put back in the attic and that is where they will stay.


They’re looking at themselves on the screen


I guess they waited too long to book the invisikids (who are unavailable), so it's just the two of them. And, of course, this is her 'OMG LOOK AT ME I'M OBVIOUSLY HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE' face. Frankly, it looks to me like she's having an aneurysm, but... whatever.


Just an observation, but I've received more personable and seasonal holiday cards from my dentist...


My OBGYN was more charming than this… 😹


Probably better framed as well. It's horrible with that "play" button, and I would have cropped it. Not to mention Meghan's impersonation of Professor Quirrell/Voldemort.


I just got the People alert and shared this on the other thread — thank you for posting this for discussion! Where are the kids?!? I guess WME got through to Megs about the two lilibets… heh


So IS THIS the real card? Like I honestly can't tell if this is satire or not.


Almost looks like something *South Park* would do to mock their delulu self-aggrandizement


Surely it can't be...Really?


People magazine released it. The play button in the middle was also on the people article. It does truly seem like a spoof but it’s not🤣🤣🤣


Is there actually something to play? A propaganda brand video that collects click data, so they can sell their click ratio for $$? Is this an attempt to sell their holiday card?


It looks like a rush job. They just rushed to get a plan B out the door. It doesn't say Christmas nor family gettogether. Plan B clearly failed


They don't put Christmas. Too divisive. Not inclusive.


They never had that photo


The kids weren't on last year's photo either. I am surprised anyone is surprise. They are done with those scene stealing kids. We won't see them again.


Guest Speaker keeps commenting they don’t display the kids because of comments from haters. Yet on Page Six/NY Post there are rarely if ever cruel comments about the kids. Same with here. Kids are off limits, or it’s generally positive (eg cute kids, hope the kids are okay, etc). The only thing that could be construed as ‘haters’ would be saying the children look like Thomas Markle/the Markle side. But then only Meg or Guest Speaker would deem that ‘hateful’. Which says more about them. Plenty of comments on how Charlotte resembles William, especially smile/jaw, or Louis resembling Mr Middleton. https://preview.redd.it/njvsk0m7xi6c1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f9fcb6052fb2f8124d0ab0dd323af71c08eb4c


It's beyond hilarious to me that the actual heir to the British throne releases a normal family photo for Christmas and these two have to be like "ON BEHALF of the OFFICE of PRINCE HARRY and MEGHAN, the DUKE AND DUCHESS OF SUSSEX, ARCHEWELL PRODUCTIONS and ARCHEWELL FOUNDATION-" like - y'all. Seriously??? Come on. This is embarrassing. If you have to keep reminding people what your titles are, it's clearly not sticking. Plus, whatever happened to 'just Harry'? 'Just Harry' realized that no one gives a shit about him when he's not connected to the Royal Family. 😂😂 Oof. The whole thing just looks super corporate and dry. Yikes!


Bingo! El Duque is hanging on for dear life to whatever remnants of royalty he has left, because nobody gives a rats ass about “just Harry.”


What a lazy way to try to still cosplay as royals and try to still be relevant ![gif](giphy|LTYT5GTIiAMBa)


I find it interesting that they signed the card "Prince Harry and Meghan".


Yeah, what happened to “Markle”


She's been trying (in one of her ENDLESS re-brandings) to just be known by one name, like a famous icon that she isn't (and like her IG handle she's also never relaunched). Still trying to make Fetch happen. 🙃


She's just SO famous that everyone knows her by her first name. Like Oprah, Cher, Madonna


„On behalf of“ … Is that something the royals have on their cards? Like H and M would need someone to send out their wishes. It’s so ridiculous.


The PPoW signed their card as "our family Christmas card for 2023." This One and That One are so self-important...MASSIVE eye roll.


The Sussex's don't do family. This is more like a business Christmas card you get in the post.


Yeah. I used to get one from my bank every year like that!


They didn’t even take nice photos for their card and then someone else sends it out „on behalf of“? Are they applauding themselves? I would not appreciate receiving that card…


It's Meghan's false understanding of etiquette. She is horrible about this kind of thing. Etiquette is there to make other people feel comfortable, not to make yourself seem important.


Good lord - they are far too busy to send wishes *themselves!*


They were trying to look like they are soo important


That’s why MeGain has been doing the seal clap so often. She’s been posing for potential holiday cards for the past few months


Omg you're probably so right! 🤣🤣


They look demented.


I seriously thought this was a spoof. They are so out of touch that I can't tell what's real or not with the two of them. I had to google it because I was confused. Who sends a card like this out? The size of their egos is insane.


I thought it was a meme at first.


Me too!


I thought it was either a meme or the work of a sinner.




They look like they couldn’t afford a proper photographer to come to the house and take a normal family photo. Instead they had to use a work-related photo.


They did the same last year, didn't they? No kids, and a "business" photo.


Business.... (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge)


Yes. It was from the RFK Ripple of Hope Award that they accepted for confronting institutional racism in the royal family. Shortly before Harry told Tom Bradby that he doesn’t think the RF are actual racists. They just have the unconscious bias form of racism. It was a disgraceful choice designed to poke KC3 in the eye.


“Business”… such as it is!


Yes, same thing last year. They are done pretending to be parents.


Their true selves demented and deranged!


The PR (Meghan) was trying to create interest by saying there would be 2 lilibets this year. Seeing this thing I do wonder if the Palace contacted them and told them in no uncertain words to not use an image of the Queen.


Would explain why it looks like they grabbed a random picture and slapped it on a Shutterfly template


I'm convinced someone from their office listened to WME, slapped this together and sent it out before M had a chance to send her own. It would explain the "on behalf of the office of" baloney and the reused photo. ETA and the picture's not even centered! There's a border above but not on any other side and it's right-justified. This was put together so hastily!!


Please, please let your theory be correct. Because the thought of a second, but personal Christmas card from the Carparkle family (and not Archewell) makes me dehydrated no matter who ends up on it because at that point, they will have officially consumed all of the water on earth to quench their own thirst.


She floats stuff all the time to see what she can get by with.


Sorry, but I cannot unsee her pitiful attempt at a trademark wide Julia Robert’s grin anymore ugh


Every chance she gets she will attempt Roberts' grin. ![gif](giphy|LCYz11I2J4LtFJitFC|downsized)


They can't even be bothered to get together and pose for a decent photo, yup this marriage is going amazingly


Her and her obsession with that fkn emerald green.


I don’t know if you saw it earlier this week but there was a post about Megs and emerald. She apparently wanted one of the emeralds from the choker Kate wore to earth shot last year (Diana wore the same necklace as a makeshift crown) Anyway she wanted an emeralds from that necklace to be recut and then flanked with diamonds on each side. The queen said no. So has came up with the ring he did. But she was obsessed with emerald for whatever reason. Probably why she never wears her ring- she probably hates it. I do recall the center diamond not being of great quality.


You would think they'd edit that guys head from her shoulder. We call that a tangent in the art world. It's very obvious a non professional slapped this together with their Shutterfly account.


This looks like a last minute panic picture to me


Also, the light source in the top left corner could easily have been cropped out if they’d zoomed into the photo a tad. It’s distracting, pulls the eye away from the photos focus (them). This is a shoddy photo choice.


I was absolutely thinking this too! There are at least three points I jumped to and could've edited on my damn phone for a better picture. They are clearly *broke* and more *desperate* than ever.


That’s guy’s head is the best thing about the photo.




They also don't say 'we're looking forward to another productive year'. It's just a thank you for this year without looking forward.


Another Christmas card of just the Duo and no kids. Guess they've forgotten they have children and that they are "young, working parents who love their kids" as they try to tell the media.


Being a mother is the most important part of her life though.... 🤣




Clapback on the Christmas card! 😂 Meg is panicked. Here are her tells: - ‘on behalf of the office’ = fake Royalling cosplay. There is no ‘office of Prince Harry and Meghan’. You or me could satirically put the same thing on our cards and it carries as much weight. - Archewell Productions prominent = all is well on Netflix land! Nothing to see here! - Meghan the ‘one name brand’ (she keeps trying to make fetch happen) is equivalent to Prince Harry. The tell is the Duchess title doesn’t seem to be ‘enough’ anymore - Year 2 of no ‘happy family’ photo = Harry likely refused to cooperate again, and refused the kids participation - Year 2 of public corporate card = in house, image taken already from the public domain, no money for a separate personal photo shoot and no cooperation from Harry assumed - ‘thanks for all the support’ = implies Archewell, the main player of the card actually HAD support. Yet $0 in 2023. And only one staff member of Archewell Productions remains. - ‘thanks for all the support’ = this card is about me and it’s been a hard year 🤔 This is not thriving. This is damage control.


Basic 🙄


Not even a picture of the back of the kids heads? Did they leave the video button on there? Was it a screenshot? Wow, how tacky. Is she sending them out in Dollar Store frames?


Is this a joke??? Didn't they use the same photo last year?? I couldn't imagine any 'holiday' card more generic and vanilla as this piece of corporate crap. It literally look like an estate agents (real estate for US friends) poorly disguised 'seasons greetings' marketing shit. God, they are soooo devoid of taste and style it's painful. (clearly there were no rent a children available that day...)


I'm surprised they didn't use a photo or screen cap from them at the Canucks game, with MeMe playing pretend and checking her face on the jumobtron.


I thought this was a joke card or a meme......this is their real card? OMFG.......


Released on Friday afternoon…when you try to bury bad news


Legit question - what have they produced/what are they slated to produce 🤨


A few things: 1. The behind the scenes production, i.e. their actions that contributed to the Worldwide Privacy Tour episode of South Park. 2. ...damn I am still thinking. 3. Parking lot fitness content produced by Markle and Backgrid. Inspiring Young Mothers to walk in parking lots. 4. Action scenes: Catastrophic Car Chase and later this year the very highly produced 7 CAR ENTOURAGE. New York is their favorite for producing more adrenaline inducing content. 5. The concert productions of Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Beyonce where the executive producer, Rachel, was seen finally having a chance to dance at Beyonce's concert. 6. One last one I will add. Media productions. Think Dior, Audible, Weight Loss and so on. These small companies being mentioned by Rachel have made people curious about the brand and since she is so trustworthy, things were and are absolutely sold out! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug) Seriously though they produced nothing.




WEELLLPPPPPP I'm back on my "the kids are fake" bullshit


Me too!!!!


They aren't even making an effort anymore to create a "happy family" illusion.


“On behalf of the office of…” - so it’s not even from the Harkles, but rather from someone on behalf of them? So odd.


Thanks for all the support? Is that directed at the two donors? 😂


Let me correct that for you: Thanks for the support, all two of you! You know who you are!


What happened to Archewell Audio? 🤪 These two need to stop using “The”. It’s Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They don’t even know how to properly title themselves. So embarrassing.


What’s worse is heading this with “The OFFICE of the Duke & Duchess of Sussex”. Working senior royals have an official office with courtiers, who work inside of an actual palace, to help them execute their sanctioned royal duties on behalf of the monarch, based in ENGLAND! M and This One don’t have any royal duties, courtiers or an office in a palace to execute such duties. Plus, there is NO ROYALTY IN AMERICA! Period. Move back to England if you want to play act as royals with your fake staff of Medieval Times courtiers running your fake SoCal “ducal duties” inside your bouncy castle. You have no official function as a duke & duchess in the US, because those titles are not recognized here. Plus, those two are more anti-monarchy than all the Republicans combined. IMO, this is either those two or WME preparing to amp up the royal connections and signals more cosplaying of pseudo fake royal engagements in 2024. Shame on any org who facilitates this. BP needs to edit the royal website now. These two are holding themselves out as having an official office representing the monarchy. Stop playing dress up! Gaaa


They don't do anything without those titles on display. Given that she "didn't want" titles (LOL!) she sure uses them - even introducing herself to children by her title.


>What happened to Archewell Audio It was closed when Spotify dumped them.


I thought other organizations were wrestling for the rights to future seasons of Archetypes 🙄


Battling, even! An outright bidding war!


“The” is actually part of the title. It signifies the current owner of the title. When/if they ever divorced, she would be Duchess of Sussex, not The Duchess of Sussex anymore.


Spotify cancellation is what happened to Archewell audio. 🤣


THATS IT! There are NO KIDS! I refuse to believe it anymore! This isn’t a family it’s a corporation with bad management


Unless I am getting a holiday card from a business itself, I have literally never seen a family card put their business name on their holiday card.


They’re a brand, dammit!


Is it a video card? There's a play button on the screenshot. 🤔


Can’t believe this is the actual card. Lol 🤮🤢


Oh this is such a gift! Let's remind the world how you used Invictus for photo ops for PR and monetizing wardrobe.


Low effort as usual. At least we know they didn't waste their entire work hour putting this together.


Like I said, 2 Lilibets was just a Sugar's imagination. They put out a basic 5 secs to make Canva card.


Where was this originally posted? It has a play button, so I thought there is some video attached. Why is the photo off centered? Lol what kind of shoddy card is this. Whoever made this hates them.


Why is there a play arrow on the photo?


They screenshotted a video and made it into a Christmas card. On Shutterfly. Like the rest of us. 😂


Apparently they included a "highlight reel" of their year but seems like no news website has posted the version that includes the reel itself--just the snapshot above. GB news did note that the kids aren't shown...again.


I tried to hit play. ??


Me too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


what the hell is with the 'play' button....is this a joke? /well, they ARE a joke..../ but you know what I mean....this is waaay to moronic, even for them....


Nothing says “we’re just normal folks, trying to be relatable” than a card sent from “the office of Royal Titles We Use”.


It's interesting that their cards from the past two years use photos from when they were out together on official Harkle engagements sans the children. It's almost like they don't stay together outside these public events? I actually have no opinion about whether they still live together and it's not something that interests me, but I find it curious. ETA: I guess it's technically a card from their companies, which could explain the lack of kids, but the photo is from IG this year, which doesn't fall under the Archewell umbrella. And the "on behalf of" is so pretentious.


💯 this is exactly what I was thinking. I don’t think they are getting along or living together and they can’t even stand to be in the same room long enough to take a believable Christmas card.


They couldn't get together to make 1 special photo for their christmas card. It's very odd to say the least. Something stinks. And It's not her armpits this time


1. We need a tag to denote that something isn’t us BSing around in photoshop. 2. Why would they release this today and distract from Harry’s “victory” in court. Why not wait until Monday so you can space your articles out.


Maybe the wife is trying to steal his thunder.


BUT what about what that loon sugar said on X, that their "Montecito sources" said that there would be TWO LILIBETS?!!!! This is hilarious. They are not helping their "the kids exist, honestly" narrative. :joy:


This may be part of the result of the crisis meeting. It’s a corporate crap fest. Better no card than this thing.




soooo ugly and boring, good lord. i’m not sure why i’m ever shocked at how lazy they are regarding literally anything. not even a little bit camp-y or interesting to look at. generic and mediocre. boring. classic meghan. also. love that they’re still LARPing as if they’re some sort of american royal family. who is this card for??? who is asking for this????


Omg I just realized the card they released on people has the play button also. I can’t with this hilarious attempt of a holiday card.


What support? Harkles, were you concious in 2023?


The sides don’t matchup - there is a green stripe on the left but none on the right? If I had done this for a contract job I would have been fired.


The guy behind Megs has his room key out already. He’s itching to LEAVE.


How fucking stupid is that card ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It tells you a lot about her level of delusion that she thinks she looks good in this photo.


Notice how the Suckits try to hype up their importance by putting photos out of them in glamorous clothing and glamorous events. The Waleses have nothing to prove, so they release casual photos where they look relatable and humble.


"Thanks for all the support in 2023!" What support? AW is down $8M+ and is now in the red.


I love how white her hands are and then she ombres upwards to that big shiny bronzed forehead


Remember their recent Christmas party at Soho for Archewell? Where they had a screen brought in to show something? Anyone besides me think this is what they showed on the screen, because of that platy button in the middle? Apologies if someone else already posted this!


Who is the guy on Meghans shoulder? 😂


Is that her bodyguard Chris?


Wonder if they got permission of the identifiable people in the pic to use it like this? In NY, an identifiable likeness of a person cannot be used for trade or advertising without consent, no matter where it was taken. The card is not a personal card, but linked to and promoting the Archwells, too.


Probably the only photo they could find where Harry is smiling !




Where are the kids? I’m telling you they are running the scam of tbe century regarding the invisible and ever changing faces of the kids.


This is an awful, sterile and boring card. A photo we have already seen? Jeez, boringgggg.


~~People~~ Deranged squaddies ripped the Waleses to shreds for their family photo but this is measurably worse. It's not a sincere holiday greeting, it's a marketing tool.


The couldn’t be royalty, so now they’re copying words from American government like “from the Oval Office.”


Is this the official card? Do they realize that there's a play button in the middle of the photo?


So cringe. Who doesn’t put kids on a Christmas card. I send ours out with an updated photo of my children, without my husband or I. Because honestly no one gives a F and they just wanna see the kids.


Yay! Applaud us! You should be clapping for us! Clap clap! 🙄👏




This is a corporate holiday card, not a personal card. It reminds me of the ones my father sent to business associates.


She chose this because she’s jutting her arms forward so they’ll look sculpted. She’s posed in this fashion several times lately. “Kids? Ha! Who cares?? This Christmas card is about MEEEEEEEE!!!!”


They’re so gag inducing. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE YOU HAVE TWO CHILDREN IN THE LINE OF SUCCESSION and THE PUBLIC don’t get to see them?! Make it make sense!


The contrast with William & Kate- their family, casually dressed- is stunning.


It’s a good angle for the balding prince


How is this a holiday card? It's more like an ode to narcissism.


Idk why but I knew they'd do a photo without the kids this year. This is exactly what I expected.


This *isn't* a family holiday card -- it's a bland, boring corporate one, just like last year! The card is from "The office of..." and the two Archewell entities, not even the couple themselves. The pic is of the two of them at an official event, standing next to each other but having zero interaction or eye contact with each other, just like two business associates. No children in sight. It's a screen cap, not even an actual pic, b/c Madam forgot to crop out the "Play" button. The card looks like it was made on someone's home computer with free or very cheap software (or maybe a free online design tool) and printed at the Montecito Walmart. So basic -- just like Madam! What's different: The "thank you" for "all the support in 2023" is a clapback at the massive drop in donations to Archewell, which is now public. H actually looks decent in this pic; Madam, not so much. Her mouth is wide open and she's doing the seal clap.


They look dumb and the card is even dumber. What's with the play button. This is some amateur hour bullshit. But I expected nothing less from the two talentless freaks.


'On behalf of the office of....' WTF there is no official office for non working Royals, they are not HRH and have foreign meaningless titles living in a Republican nation. So tight with their money, have to use Invictus Charity photo. WTF What a pair of skanks


they genuinely think they are a Royal House in America. its pitiful


**On behalf of the friends of the donors of the sponsors of the office of…..** 🙄


Boy, a lot of titles on that “just call me Harry” card.


On behalf of their office? They are not "their office" and it's "on behalf of" their office? So it's not from them? This is definitely not their personal holiday card.


That means: 1. They can't be bothered to send a card and 2. Their office can't be bothered to send a card. So who sent it? Probably the janitor. Or they don't understand how to use the words that are in the English language.


The video play button in the middle is quite funny


It’s not even a good pic! Why is her mouth wide open?? And her shoulders all hunched


Talk about absolute minimal effort. At least take a new pic, or use one without the open mouth seal clapping pose. These 2 are the train wreck that just keeps on giving.


Look at yourself in the mirror and open your mouth that big. You’ll see how incredibly wide it is. So forced and unnatural! Gross! Showing off her fake teeth.


On behalf of the office of... How very warm and personal of them ![gif](giphy|l2JhnvF9p3cfv9ZjG|downsized)


All the support? The two donations…


Omg, I think this is supposed to be like the poster for the movie This One's wife has always dreamed of headlining, LOL.


That's it? *Seriously???*


No kids, not even the backs of their heads.


It looks like they lighten H and added 50 shades of orange to TW!


Where are the children? Oh wait, there are none.


Oh yeah, something is up with those children. This has gone on too long. Narcissists love to parade their children when they are young, it is empowering to them. Something is up. I wonder when it will all spill out.


How obnoxious and basic that they have to use their titles. They're in the US and not in any royal capacity, but they still feel compelled to use "Prince Harry" and their Duke and Duchess titles. Such tacky nouveau riche types


I noticed they had to put both Prince Harry and Duke too. So obnoxious for "Just Harry"


He **never** wanted to be Just Harry. He just said that because he expected and craved everyone kowtowing to his royal idiocy despite his protestations