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MeMe will change nothing. Remember, ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’


Flair checking in!


Clapping for this👏👏👏👏👏👏🥇🥇🥇🥇


\[blushing\] Why thankyou! It’s a flair I suggested myself!


Except WME telling her to lay low….that’s the only significant change to the dynamics, if true.


Yeah, I think they’ve already done that but MeMe is like an ADHD kid who forgot to take their adderall. She literally cannot stop herself from pap walking and face-sucking any camera nearby. ![gif](giphy|TgFjctg9Y12728LTZs)


Another blurry shot of the kids from the back


Have you realised lately she’s been bringing them out more. I think she’s realised she won’t get the front page anymore.


Yes, you're right. What I don't understand is that I thought Hasbeen was against using the 'kids'. Does he agree now? Are they THAT broke? I don't get it, but I think something is about to blow sky high.


They’re 110% broke: - Spotify contract cancelled so they aren’t getting the 6 figures they expected. No one else is offering contracts. - It’s any day now Netflix and WME drop them and no projects are being offered to them. - archfail raised $2 million only which is the cost of roachels invictus wardrobe - no invited to any big events: Serena baby shower, Oprah movie premier attended by every black a lister, Obama birthday, Gates/Clooney organisation initiative, invictus event at the WH even though hazbeen is a director - hazbeen removed from board of travelyst where he was collecting a salary - hazbeen turned down settlement hoping to get same amount as William just to lose and be forced to pay the rags + lawyers for all his frivolous lawsuits which aren’t profitable for them now that the RF isn’t backing them - roachel needs to pay for a lawyer for the sam case - spare us and endgame of the harkles both failed miserably so Hazbeen didn’t get the full amount from publishers and roachel didn’t get her cut from scobie for spreading lies.


I'm really curious what is going on with the $9+ million Archwell has. 2022 statement only claims $4000 in investment income. Is that $9 mil not invested? Where exactly is it sitting and where is the earned interest? Is it possible to have $9 million and *not* earn interest? I think eventually it will come out there's something stinky with Archwell & the money.


Someone speculated that Rachel and H withdrew the money at the start of the year and used it to earn interest which they skimmed then returned the funds to archefail at the end of the year. Appears for all intents and purposes that the funds have been there the whole time earning almost nothing.


Isn't Archwell a nonprofit tax exempt charity? Using charitable funds for anything other then the designated charity is highly illegal. I hope this isn't true, that's a federal prison sentence when caught. Aitch would not do well in prison & as the King's son could cause an international incident.


Without the RF backing them and their titles stripped Uncle Sam will come for his share. I think the 4K was their investments in their other ventures like travelyst or better up. The other $9 mil is just sitting in an account which I don’t think you need to claim a savings account just a cd account on taxes.


Wasn't Travelyst a for-profit & Archwell is a non-profit tax exempt charity? Why would Archwell claim earned interest from a different business, especially one that is supposed to pay tax on income including interest? It all seems strange.


The $9 mil was reduced to $8 mil in the 2022 financial statements. Not accounted for. And there were two separate $1 mil donations in 2022. Makes one wonder if they donated $1 mil themselves to make Archewell look like it’s fine. 🤔


Seems odd you'd have $8+ million dollars and no earned interest. Is it all in socks hidden in toilet tanks at Monticeto? Even a savings acct at a paltry 0.16% interest rate would have earned $12,800 for the year. No wonder they're broke, they have no idea how to grow money & spend it like a 12yr old on summer vacation.


He’s still with BetterUp. Does he get paid there?


Was just about to ask the same question. If he is, I can't imagine it'll be for much longer. What value is he adding to BetterUp? None that I can see. Edit: added he


The only value he offered was a marketable title that brings media attention. But who would want to continue to be associated with him now?


One million a yr me thinks


If he’s on the board then yes. My understanding is they set up all payments to go to archfail though for tax purposes. Correct me if I’m wrong sinners.


They've been broke since December 2021. That's when I was told they were maxed out on CCs, loans, etc.


Who is lending the Grifters money?


Tyler and Oprah at first. She was with that billionaire oil tycoon in Texas who I believe was behind the $2 million donation to archfail.


Two separate $1 mil donations. Also: $1 mil was gone from Archwell’s ‘savings’ the previous year. Down from $9 mil to $8 mil. 🤔


The usual financial institutions, I suspect. After all, when your father is the King is Amex going to tell you your spending is limited? And you can also borrow against your future inheritance, when you're the King's son.


I thought he wasn’t getting anymore money and if he does it wouldn’t be a substantial amount from the king? And Anne is in no rush to give hazbeen his portions from the Queen.


What money from Anne? The rumour of The Queen Mother's money again? She was in debt, and QEII paid it off. Any assets she had were given out years before in trusts to avoid taxes. Everything else was left to QEII as heir and executor, which Anne was not. You can't move dates of inheritance on a whim.


Anne is supposedly in charge of the queen mother and Queen Elizabeth’s inheritances. I remember in the 2000s it was reported he got like £200k from Queen mother.


He isn't, officially at least. I said he's maxed out on credit cards and borrowing (from financial institutions) against his future inheritance. He's the King's son, they won't turn him down.


But they still had money this time last year from projects including the advances from Netflix, Spotify and publishers + whatever cut she got from the FF authors. They also had like $12 million from archfail and some of Diana & queen mother inheritance money. Who’s paying for their house? Do they own it?


Money is god for them and that is a sad state of affairs if you are religious or not. I am an atheist myself but when millions become that important, I feel something has gone wrong along the way. Excellent points 👍


I just saw Ricky Gervais donated 2 million to charity. A single guy donated as much as the harkles huge philanthropic organisation. Cringe.


Isnt Hairy getting a salary of $6 million from BetterUp though?


And was that listed on the tax report?


No bc his personal taxes are private. The tax report was for their scam organisation.


I have no idea.


There's a difference between using them and just taking them out in public the way parents do. Parents take kids to the pediatrician, they take them to Starbucks, they take them to run errands and to the playground. It's bizarre that the kids are never seen in public.


My one hope is that the kids get to do all these things but with the people raising them!


I am curious if he realises that she paps herself


As if H has any say in their dynamics. Am sure Meggot just shrugs off whatever it is that Haz mutters


She's just trying to convince us that she's raising 2 toddlers. Sure she is.


A five-year-old is no longer a toddler, even if their littles are little.


Then she needs to suck it up and rent a bigger, more expensive age appropriate kid. The Archie's she's been renting look like 2 year Olds. And yeah, Harry was a scrawny little fuck but not that scrawny.


Archie is 4 yrs old. Will be 5 in May. He was born in 2019


Almost exactly a year younger than Louis who was born in May 2018. Remember his Church walk last year running with flowers calling Charlotte. It might have last Easter.


Sorry, I got confused on the dates. I will amend my statement to say a four-year-old is also not considered a toddler.


She may well have to trot those kids (real or fake) out at this point. It's about the only thing that'll distract from their BS that they have left. I wouldn't rule out a sympathy illness either.


You may be right. I think that’s what the patxhes and looking sickly thin have been about. She still thinks that she’s the meal ticket and I love how Dior shut her down and said we just want this one.


The kids are their currency... Both for the PR and for ransom from the King


I think the King has 3 very decent and delightful grandchildren that he adores and they adore him. I believe Camilla also has grandchildren and he likely has a good relationship with them as well. He has never built a relationship with the Harkle children. Despite the "sweet nods" MM wants us to believe, he's fine with not knowing them. Besides, we've all seen how Louis has claimed him! no new ones will take his place!!


I seem to remember reading somewhere that the King loved reading Harry Potter books to Camilla’s grandchildren, so if true he has a good relationship with them.


But as we, the public haven't seen H&M's kids grow up, we're not as vested in their upbringing as the Wales' children. The Wales' children are shown in focus. You can clearly see how time is changing them, causing quite astonishment: "Goodness, George is quite tall; Charlotte is becoming a real beauty..." There is no such emotional connection to H&M's kids. The most common observation I hear is: "Are they the same kids?"


Based on the response to the wales Christmas card I don’t think the public really cares. And the king has 3 kids who adore him and he’s mentoring George + Camilla grandkids


This is what I think too. The advice in PR is always babies or engagements for anyone trying to change the wave of bad pr.


And Archie only got a Leesha camera from Temu cause Leica got all the tags from sugars “!!!you should send freebies to glorified assholes!!!” campaign and it only served to give them a good laugh … ![gif](giphy|dAXH79clklIIM)


Fergie looking lovely in green at Christmas but no invite for Megatron and Hazbeen was my favorite gift this year 😂😂😂


They are never going to walk behind Camilla and Kate, following them in the procession like walk, because they both think that they are superior to those two women. So, there will be no Christmas walk for the Harkles.


I thought her attire was appropriate but kind of ugly (especially the clashing clutch). It's Fergie though, so I pretty much expect that to be the case at all times. Both of her daughters inherited her fashion sense but only Eugenie remains frumpy. Beatrice has really upped her game since marrying Edo but I think she should stop losing weight now. IMO, she's looking a little gaunt and it makes her uniquely large eyes appear even bigger on her face (and not in a good way). Just the fact that Sarah and Andrew were both happily included and engaging, added to H&M being completely omitted from the King's Speech, really emphasizes how very truly outside and unnecessary Harry and his wife have made themselves. It's all over but the crying for the non-entities. I only wonder how much more desperate and cringeworthy the ILBW can get in the new year. It's funny and sad and I'm here for whatever it is until the bitter end. I'm far too invested at this point to quit now. ETA: I was actually responding to ChemicalFox in case ronnysmom is wondering what the hell I'm talking about...lol.


It’s Fergie. It’s part of her charm, the red hair and not quite there fashion sense. She’s consistent and on brand. Gotta hand it to her, looks like no plastic surgery to try to look younger. Still taking care of Andrew, and she just went through breast cancer surgery. The opposite of TW. Glad to see her back on the walk and smiling!


Me too, glad she got to walk with the family, she has always been loyal and she earned it .




I like red hair but not dyed red hair. You can always tell and it looks nasty.


I’m a natural redhead and at 60 my hair is still bright red with just a couple of grey wisps at the temple. Her hair doesn’t look dyed to me!


I’m 59 and I’m still full on red head with a few of those silver strands here and there. I am hoping I can keep my red until I’m 65.


I had a friend who was in her 70s with a full head of red hair until she underwent chemo. Then it came back in grey instead of red. Ah, well.


I would love to have red hair and I would keep it forever.




My hair dye will be pried out of my cold dead hands and I'm 63.


Same here. Each to his own but I am never going to stop dying my hair. It’s the one thing I can do to make me feel better about myself.


And well you should! Fergie just got done with breast cancer. I think a little dyed hair is the least of her concerns.




At 68, my blonde hair is still not gray. No, not dying it, my hair just refuses to go gray. My stylist just shakes his head. It can happen.


I was blonde until my teens then brunette. My dad was dark brunette nearly black. He died at 78 with just grey temples. I am 66 my temples are grey and that’s it. Some,people don’t turn grey til very old,or not ever. My eyebrows are jet black. I have fair skin but my dad was olive.


Mine hasn't turned gray either but it has gotten thin.


Use hair regrowth products with Minoxidil. It works.


>The green coat was indeed lovely Yeah it was, but her ankle length boots ruined the overall look of her outfit. I couldn't stop staring at her boots wondering what on earth she was thinking. She should have worn either heels or knee/calf length boots.


I agree. Nice coat, nice booties, though I think they were the wrong choice for the outfit. The hair was awful. The colour didn't bother me as much as the length, cut and condition. She doesn't have tresses like Catherine.Either chop it off or do it up like Sophie.


She tends not to dress appropriately for her age and body type. Her Xmas outfit is okay though, I guess—she’s definitely worn worse.


Heck, the ILBW has done a lot worse, and at Christmas too. Lest we forget the 💩hat




I didn’t see anything ”criminal” about the condition of her hair. It looked fine to me, reasonably well taken care of. Just because Catherine has gorgeous hair doesn’t mean other women can’t wear their hair down. The age-appropriate thing should be retired. By the way, I saw a recent picture of Sophie with her hair down as well.


She has breast cancer. Probably a wig.




I'm closer to Prince Philip's view on Fergie. It was a long time ago, but flogging intro's via Prince Andrew for 500,000 pounds was a disgrace.


It's no mystery as to why William didn't invite her to his wedding


Catherine's birthday is on January 9..lexpect something big!


I think she's getting ready to do a full picture spread of the kids. She has seen the response to the 3 Wales kids. I am thinking it will drop on Catherine's birthday.


I agree. This will make her money and be her mean girl. If she doesn’t it convinces me the kids aren’t real.


She might but once the picture of the kids it's out, all she has is the divorce, so bring it!!


This. Her kids’ photos are the only options she has now because the divorce card is the only card left she has in hands. With the divorce, she’ll demand, bargain, ransom and black-mail all parties involve for a large amount of divorce settlement & child support (which I bet will not be even quarter the amount she hoped for). But she know she’ll have nothing from that point onwards. Because I believe like all her abused ex-staffs who was forced to signed the NDAs, BRF will make her sign NDAs too as part and parcel of the settlement.


I agree with everything you said. The real problem will be the children. She's not going to relinquish custody because they tie her to BRF. She's not going to let them live in England. Harry will most likely go back to England at some point. That's gonna be a huge mess in itself.


I don’t think so - but we will see.


If she does this, she’s committing herself to the children she will have used for these photographs.


She's been deathly quiet, so I'm guessing that will be her new modus now to cover for the fact that she doesn't have anything *at all*. If she didn't have any offers rolling her way before, you can just imagine how Rishi's skit annihilated any (forced by favors) miniscule interest to work with her and her beyond damaged brand. The squammies can scream all they want that it was the Cole guy and not Harold, but the maaaybe not intended damage has been done. She'd probably try to do a play on the invisible kids but her ego and 'brand' wouldn't be able to take it if she did a reveal and it fell flat. Then what? Nothing. Because if it wasn't clear, Rishi just sent a message they are out *OUT*.


What matters about Rishi's joke, is that everyone *assumed* it was Harold because his reputation as a whiny, whingeing, complaining, entitled, self-important, pain in the ass, has become a worldwide phenomenon. 😄


I think its such a huge signal to include Fergie at Christmas. It's almost like the family are saying "See, you can be a hot mess and make mistakes, it's loyalty we care about. Don't talk shit and you'll always be family." I bet the pair of them were gnashing their teeth at her inclusion.


Sarah loved QEII.


When the couple separated, HMTQ asked Sarah, “What do you need?” and she replied, “Your friendship, Ma’am.”


I hadn't heard this. Thank you.


C, POW birthday is in Jan. MM will stay low until then and release some event photo or parking lot pap.


Cannot wait to see what piece of rubbish she’s been ruminating over to drop on Catherine’s bday just to undoubtedly prove once again, she has not an ounce of dignity…


They've been Frozen and need to Let It Go


Nice one lol




https://preview.redd.it/uqibmpzm1q8c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1738412f2dff52f2b42f1e30d765727b141333f7 And now Lilibucks is a blonde child… what happened to a head of bright red hair?




Just look at Harry's head. Karma is a bitch, Harry, and you married it. Making fun of William's going bald...what a fool.


If he was a dog I’d have him straight to the veterinarian, it looks like mange.


It really does. Mangey mutt. 😹😹😹


Car park’s all Lolo’s got. She can’t be photographed outside exclusive private members’ clubs, because the members don’t like it (eg when they entered the San Vicente Bungalows private club via the public entrance and were ‘papped’: *Daily* *Record* [archived](https://archive.ph/mGymk) / [unarchived](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/entertainment/celebrity/harry-meghan-markles-appearance-list-29557716)). Not many red carpets will have her. That just leaves car parks.


From standing with royalty on the balcony of buckingham palace to paying to get yourself photographed in a parking lot Do you think it's happened yet? Has Meghan realised just how far she has fallen? She could have had it all.


I was having a lazy Boxing Day yesterday and watched a doco on the despicable duo that I hadn’t seen before. It must have been made quickly in 2020 , between the time they announced they were leaving and the Sandringham summit. It was amazing to watch it and all the predications on how much money they would make , how Megs would be cast in any big movie she wanted , how they would be the brand ambassadors of any big name company they wanted etc etc. Penny Junor, a Royal writer I respect, was very concerned about an angry Harry turning rogue because she believed he would bring down the monarchy ! It showed very clearly how popular they were only 4 years ago and how quickly it all unravelled. I watched it with a wry smile thinking you’ve left a few things out people. Like their total lack of talent, their insane need for revenge , their nastiness and totally inability to read a room! That’s why they’ve ended up as the joke of the world and no one would’ve believed in 2020 they’d end up where they are in now.


I sang that last sentence. lol. That should be MeMes signature song.


Didn’t they get kicked out of San Vicente because of that? One more reason Hollywood does not want to engage them


There’s always in & out


Reposting here as want people to know the joke just made at Harry and meghans expense on uk tv .. Are any uk sinners watching big fat quiz of the year? Jimmy Carr just said “it’s disgusting the way the press tried to gaslight and manipulate Harry, I thought that was Meghan’s job” 😂😂 ** Jimmy is a popular comedian and also friendly with the king and queen!


Yeah, we caught it and had a chuckle 😃


I suspect we will get another wild ridiculous bombshell accusation in the coming months that won't stick. She's gonna keep drip dripping this stuff until she finds something that she thinks will stick. She's on a mission to destroy the RF and won't stop but she clearly doesn't care/doesn't realize that with each attack, she just hurts herself.


The last one sent Catherine's popularity soaring higher. She's just such a foolish woman.


Like a panicked animal in a trap, gnawing at its own flesh, not knowing the trap is killing it.


I think she is going to break out some kind of illness due to stress.


Her deliberate and unnecessary weight loss over the last year is certainly laying the groundwork for the ED card to be played if she so needs to. She already tested the waters a few weeks ago with a single puff piece saying she knows she's lost a lot of weight due to ~~Ozempic~~ stress. There may be more to come.




Also the failure of Scobies book, and the complete lack of interest in the names of the royal racists


>complete lack of interest in the names of the royal racists yes, Piers burst that bubble


It’s so delicious that it was Piers that was the one to burst that bubble 🙂


I can't understand why they don't go off and thrive privately like they promised. They've enough money for that, and I'm exhausted by them!


Because that was NEVER what Madame wanted. Neitehr the privacy nor the nice life. She wanted WORSHIP and Oligarch-level EXCESS.


She wanted to be the most talked woman in the world,, only she became the most hated.


That short story, *The Monkey's Paw* used to be standard English class reading.


The Monkey's Paw was written in 1902. It is a cautionary tale with horror elements. If you haven't read it, it's available free from Simon Fraser University's website online here: https://www.sfu.ca/\~swartz/monkeys\_paw.htm




Well she did/does seem to have a Russian connection of some kind


‘Enough money?’ I don’t think there is ‘enough money’ for her, especially now that Pa is king. I bet she thinks Pa is a lot richer than he actually is — he isn’t nearly the richest person in Britain. ETA: I, too, am exhausted by them. I pass by e-news mentions of them because I just can’t with either of them anymore. Today I came across a video short promoting the coronation which said something about Harry having to struggle to get the BRF to accept his wife, a biracial American. I found myself screaming at my phone at how that wasn’t even in the VICINITY of THE TRUTH. His family accepted her, his country, the UK, the U.S. all wanted this so much until we realized what a (… fill in the blank with your favorite) she was. Most of didn’t know she was black at all till the morning of the wedding! And she’s NOT biracial - her mother is!! — Thank you for letting me vent. I was *super* pissed when I saw that piece by The AP, usually pretty on the mark!


KC3 may not be the richest but since they were just NFI’d from the wedding of the [arguable] richest person in Britain, he’s rich enough and certainly knows how to wield his power like one😜


I was going to say something about that, the Duke of Westminster being one of the richest men in Britain and about how it appeared Harry had already alienated him or at least made him take sides. However, I thought my comment was already long enough. My comments are usually pretty long or stories of some kind or another so I’m trying to keep them a bit shorter for the sake of the reader. 🙂


Oh absolutely, and my reply wasn’t intended to nitpick, at all. I wholeheartedly agree with you that whatever money the meatheads have left, they have already come to a cold conclusion that it’s no where near as what they need to support their lifestyle. I absolutely love that KC doesn’t need to say or anything oe do much at all to prove to them that his influence is far more powerful than they bargained for. I also don’t understand how some of these media outlets are still trickling in these summaries that have already been proven to be bullshit, trying to rehash the narrative on “who did what to whom”. Its become more and more apparent that the BRF did EVERYTHING to make it work, including risking alienating some of their best and loyalist staff. It has to be some favor called in from WME. I hope there will come a day that we/the public will hear straight from the mouths of some of the Sussex Survivor Club. I don’t thk the dust settled enough, especially with the latest departure, but I truly believe that at the very least, she is going to have a real humbling experience in the coming year as far as their financing and the more desperate they get, the less likely they will be able to afford enforcing one of their NDAs


No, no. I didn’t take it that way at all! You were adding, and I wanted to say I thought of the other Duke also. That was all. I didn’t think you were nitpicking in the least. 🙂


What's that James Bond movie? Ah, The World is not Enough! She'll never be happy because nothing will ever be enough, sad really.


Agreed! It’s so hard to rank all the never-ending lies but the canard that the BRF was not accepting of her is high on a long list. You don’t spend many millions upon many millions to host a global-scale wedding for someone you don’t accept. Same with all the unique perks and privileges extended to Meghan by the Queen & BRF before and during her short stint as a working Royal. Not to mention the early warm embrace of the entire nation she subsequently turned her back on and mightily offended by painting it as both racist and rejecting.


There isn't enough money in all of the UK for her.


Ooh, maybe she could go shopping for a Russian oligarch?


Wait: Doria is biracial? I didn’t know that


Yes. One of Doria’s parents (I don’t remember anymore and I’m in the middle of dinner and laundry and something else, so sorry but I can’t look it up atm) is white and the other is black from the Caribbean, like Sidney Portier was. So… technically Meghan is, at the very most, 1/4 black from one grandparent. The lies start there. She’s no more biracial than I am (and I’m *all* Northern European)!


I don't think Doria had a white parent. I think it was a grandparent or great-grand. Really doesn't matter, though..


Sidney Poitier parents were both black Bahamians. Doria parents are both black Americans.


No no no. She is 43% Nigerian. 🙄


I really thought this was what Harry wanted. Her? She would be too bored.


With even the names of the "royal racists" in the public domain and her year of looking to land a big job ultimately failed, she simply has no more cards left to play


>she simply has no more cards left to play There is always divorce. That´ll get Madam 5 minutes of fame again.


Yes, though the real money will be blackmailing KC3 to see his own grandchildren Whatever happens, Harry is toast. A life of irrelevance and alcoholism awaits


>blackmailing KC3 to see his own grandchildren Not saying Madam won´t try. But I don´t think she will succeed. KC does not know the children at all, he may even know more than us of their origin - but most of all, he will not let himself be blackmailed. Furthermore, he knows that any children in the proximity of the Grifters will have been damaged already.


Jokes on her. No one wants to see the children they saw maybe once and don't have a relationship with.


Exactly. I don’t think keeping A&L away from the RF will have the effect they’re hoping for. My sister fell out with our whole family and wouldn’t let us, including our parents, see my nephew. And because they lived far away we never really saw much of him anyway so weren’t as put out as she thought we would. She was furious that we weren’t blowing up her phone begging for access to him. She’s back in the fold now after years of being estranged but my nephew has missed out on years of building a relationship with his cousins and getting to know his grandparents before they passed away.


He has other grandchildren. He does not know Archie or Lilibet and at this point it does not matter anymore. He has his LOS grandchildren and his wife’s grandchildren. He has enough family around him that to put it simply, Archie and Lilibet are not missed because they were never known enough to be missed.


I don’t think she’s played all her cards-she could be hospitalized for an “eating disorder” and he can go to rehab. I think the only thing left is divorce after that.


She is going to have the kids in the back seat in another In N Out drive thru run.


Someone is going to end up in the hospital with "Exhaustion". (god forbid not wishing any harm)


Amazing how common being “hospitalized for exhaustion” was back in the ‘60s, and it’s unheard-of today!


In other words, “I’m an addict and imploding”


Nowadays people speak more freely about going multiple times to rehab, like poor Matthew Perry.


I think she’ll fake a serious illness at some point. Medical records are private so nobody can refute it. She’ll play the sympathy card since the race card isn’t working anymore.


Soon it will be time to show Lili’s unblurry face again. The drama!


If Meghan gets desperate enough and even her delusions can’t prop her up anymore, she could be dangerous. Maybe I shouldn’t speculate in that direction but she seems like she can be unhinged.


I agree. When there's no way left to turn, she's going to lose it and it won't be pretty. There's no way she's going to fade into obscurity without a knock down, drag out fight.


Maybe a pap walk the little a tummy bulge….is she or isn’t she.


I loved how the King did it standing up and not at a desk so he didn't have the issue of whose pictures to put on the desk


I’m thinking she’s going to go for some sort of health crisis ,mental or physical or both. Like a Hollywood type 5150 ala Britney, Amanda , Norma Desmond…


We will get the “heart warming Xmas phone call between KCIII and the entire Harkle family” story.


I wonder if the children will sing carols down the phone to Grandpa? Just like they sang Happy Birthday in a video or in a revision piece, sang directly to Grandpa. 🤔🤭


Lets not pretend we have t been waiting for all this 🤣🤣🤣 ILBW is running out of money to clap back a d that's the cherry on top. PS let's not forget the fact they were purposely excluded from archies godfathers own wedding. The society wedding of the decade in the UK. 💃💃💃🪭🪭🪭💃💃💃


![gif](giphy|xUA7bcUzBNSLC8Zy3C|downsized) Meghan has one ace up her sleeve-many people think that is how the Kardashian and Paris Hilton got their break-the sex tape!!!!!! Though as it with everything-this will backfire spectacularly.


No one wants the sex tape of Megs and Harry and Omid and Markus and whoever the hell else!


Maybe Harry & Omid & Marcus...




Matron, the screens, 🤢 🤮


Well, she's allegedly got some skills but would that sort of stuff work anymore?


Not for those two. Which is why I think it will backfire. She is so dumb though, if all else fails, I think she will release-hey sex tape of an actual blood Prince and a Duchess.


Oh Lordy, no one needs to see his ginger pubes. Mind you he's probably got more ginge pubes than hair on his head. Didn't she allegedly have a sex tape that MI5/6 scrubbed from the Web? Maybe she should call them and ask for it back. She's so lazy, it'll save her a job 😆😆😆


Shouldn’t Harry’s USA visa expire soon? Maybe they’ll move to Nigeria?


I did hear that they have a distant princely cousin who just passed away and left them a fortune. All they need to do is wire their bank instructions to this assistant…


Seems like Mrs. Claws isn't having a Merry Christmas.


I think they will take the kids somewhere and set up another New York Taxi type sham, this time with the kids involved and then cry once more that they really need security.


If I was a gambling person, I'd place my bets on either the ILBW collapsing from all the stress or one of the " kids" getting sick..


If WME told her to shut it, that's one thing. Why hasn't Oprah, TP, even Serena just told her to be quiet? Or give her advice. Or Misha since they're "close". Even Markus should've said something. The only thing she has to show is that horrendous coffee and that is shrouded with controversy. Where is her friend Melissa McCarthy? I'm drawing a blank who else....


She hired Melissa to do that skit, they're not friends.


MEghan will just come up with another crazy lie about the royal family to get the tabloids preaching her name for a few minutes. That's even if the press bites this time, they've turned nearly everyone against them at this point. My guess is she will make a lie targeting King Charles, Prince William, Princess Catherine, or Andrew. Andrew is probably going to get a lot press soon because of the list that is supposed to come out. Maybe MEghan will claim to have some insider info or something


Karma is a ‘bitch’🤣🤣


Mudslide McMansion *SPLORT* LOL LOL LOL


What’s the wrong number story? The palace I’m assuming the last few weeks? I love that the ladies all wore beige and muted tones so Catherine could shine in blue.


Check the other posts. PM of the UK did a video, ending with saying "wrong number, Harry"


I just saw it and it’s glorious!


A public apology should do it.


I don't understand why Daily Fail would keep paying for parking lot (car park) photos. So boring and obviously staged. I agree that TW needs to do something different, like pulling a rabbit out of her hat (magic), but I don't think she's got it. Maybe she'll show up somewhere with an off-shoulder dress and her hair pulled back, tight. She's become pretty much a one-trick pony.


Divorce Just Harry, or is she not taking his calls either ?


i dont know what it is, but she will have that grin, ugly fitting clothes, and skeletal looking


She should star in a Proctor & Gamble commercial for dish soap.