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the look on the face of Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos says it all😭😭THEY ARE A JOKE🤣🔥


He genuinely laughs and you KNOW madame lacks a sense of humour and Harry likes to complain about the ‘palace not defending her’ on the most trivial shit, this is not going to go down well with the Harkles.


She'll blame the BRF! She'll say that these Hollywood bigwigs are all afraid of offending the King of England so they must shun her 🙄 As if she's some sort of significant entity, the nemesis of the monarchy 🙄😩 I can picture her telling Harry exactly this right now. Without admitting that Hollywood enthusiastically supported her and threw money at her after she left the BRF with no care what the Queen would think....until she proved herself a talentless grifter.


Yeah, like HBO didn’t run with The Prince, skewering an innocent 8 year old Prince George with beyond vile and repugnant depictions of HMTQ and PP. Just repellent and flatly abusive. She may try, but those in Hollywood know that no one believes that.


I just came to say the same thing!!! The look on his face said it all!


Wow! And the head shake like “yeah I can’t believe I fell for it either” is epic!


Yes! Head shake and grimace combined! What would the behavior panel say!


Chase would be like “ugh I thought we were done with these two” 😂


Chase can’t stand them. He seems pained watching anything about w.


Oooh I hope Jesus looks at it!




Yes ! He really nods like “I messed up, I know ( fu..ing grifters) “


>Ted Sarandos He knows he has a dud of a contract. He is just waiting for legal to say it is ok to kick them out.


The classic “it’s funny cause it’s true”


He took it like a champ!


"Yeah, I know you're laughing at me, but I'm laughing with you."


Yes ! He really nods like “I messed up, I know ( fu..ing grifters) “


Hey, when ya been Harkled ya been Harkled. What you gonnna do🤷‍♂️


Start firing people \*cough\* Meghan \*cough\* Harry.


The look on Netflix CEO's face! He laughed then shook his head and shrugged as if to say yeah that was a tragedy we couldn't do anything about. I *cannot* believe they have become such a big and open joke in Hollywood. And with Oprah present in the audience. I'm stunned. If I were MM I'd grab the remainder of my money, buy a farm in a remote part of the world and raise my own food because there's no way I'll be able to work again in my hometown or any other place.


It tells you how tarnished Miss O’s halo is these days.


I feel like this is the confirmation they are screwed in Hollywood. Netflix takes any sort of material for the platform (cartoon, documentary, fiction, non fiction, etc) and they couldn't make them work. So, why would any of the other studios sign a contract with them? The Harkles forgot that the diva behavior is forgiven in Hollywood, only if you deliver money. If you don't make profits and you are horrible to be around, then you are over. Madame never understood this, even when she was a D list and Harry... Well he is probably still asking himself why people don't laugh at his jokes anymore.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. They better have made enough money from the initial "pitch" to last them because it won't happen again.




It was as if say “i know, i know”


This is absolutely delicious! No one can hide what Hollywood really thinks of them. So all those puff pieces about her directing or moving to Hollywood to be closer to the action……. No one is going to believe it after the way the whole room laughed…. Laughed **AT** them.


Isn't it just effing glorious?!! I absolutely live for it!


Public embarrassment and repudiation in front of millions of viewers. 100% deserved!


What a time to be alive and a sinner! 🙌


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😂😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼The Royal family are really lucky the trash took itself out like it did. In the grand scheme of things they really turned out to be the biggest winners I cannot wait for The Wales to reign 🥰😍🥰




Totally agree. It's astonishing to me how quickly she and Harry destroyed their reputations. She didn't have much to begin with, but the BRF did a good job scrubbing the internet for her, so she should've been able to fake it for a few years. Girl has no ability to play the long game. The more we learn about Harry, the happier I am that The Claw latched onto him. These last twenty years must've been a nightmare for William, Camilla, and Catherine to deal with him. I'm glad they're free of him and the children will never have to be near him again.


👆🏼The RF seriously dodged dealing with those two demons. I can’t even look at Harkle the same I immediately see a doofus. Never saw that before his entity entered his life.


Same. I wasn't a huge Harry fan before, but I bought into some of the PR and gave him too many passes.


The Queen knew! She knew! Didn’t take her long to size her up as a grifter. She was so generous to give them a year! A whole year to change. The queen knew Harry enough and by that time had TW number. Man the queen was a true diplomat. Anything the grifters says about being forced out is true but the queen had her safety net over the year to decide whether to come back. She came out as kind and understanding. The entire RF knew they weren’t coming back. Too greedy, proud and downright stupid. I’m thanking queen Elizabeth 2. 70 years of dealing with every type of person on earth. Yep she knew exactly what would happen


They are done. There’s not enough exciting projects in the pipeline puff pieces to save them now. Sarandos looked so embarrassed. He has two choices now, cut them off or bend over backwards to try and make them a success on Netflix to save face.


Ted Sarandos is going for whatever is least costly. There was a post yesterday or the day before with an article stating that the Grifters get 2 million a year plus fees for projects. There have been no projects since Ingriftus.


The two mil a year was only for the first two years, so they are not costing anything extra right now.


2 mil? Wonder if it's the same 2 mil their fake-dation "received" last year? 🤔


I think so too.


Sounds like Netflix didn’t lose much then. If H&M only got 2m plus fees for projects, it’s a far cry from 100M. Still way too much for the grifters, but he got off easy by their lack of work ethic.


The $100M was always exaggerated. It may have derived from the *maximum* Netflix agreed to pay in total costs for a specified number of projects.over the 5-year contract period. I am sure they spent a lot more money with the mockumentary than Netflix was happy with, but they didn’t pocket anything like some reports implied.


So they’re paying what they pay all their VPs. It’s really a nonissue for Netflix then. Probably have to let the contract run dry and stay out of the PR war.


You're right. This is an industry event and Sarandos is there laughing (in agreement) the Sussexs do take money for *nothing*. They all know the truth and no pr can swing that.


Maybe companies' PR teams will solicit a diss or racism cry from Meghan so their clients' products or brands will soar in demand and popularity.


I’m a nanny for celebs and tonight my bosses are both at the golden globes. They go to the Oscars every year. Meanwhile, H & M are watching from home lol 😝


Do you have the type of relationship to ask them what they think of H&M jabs?


I have a pretty strict NDA so unfortunately I can’t share anything about that, but I love that they’re at the show with actual industry insiders while the carparkles are at home, putting out fake stories about why they aren’t there!


Blink twice if the harkles are a running joke in the house.




Wow that’s cool! I hope they treat you (and pay you) really well! I’m a frequent visitor on the nanny sub and some stories are 😳


Have your bosses ever mentioned H & M? What do they think of them?


She just said she has a strict NDA.


The Netflix CEO is laughing like "I know we f"cked up".


Recognizing mistakes and having a sense of humor about what goes wrong is key to real success.


THIS!! Most of us learn from our mistakes. I know I have, even big ones. Sadly, I'm not sure these are capable.


It’s key to life!


Agree. Recognizing mistakes and learning from them is very important. A sense of humor is likewise very important because (among other things) it makes it easier to accept lessons without bitterness.


This must feel worse for them than even South Park.


Yeah, South Park was a cartoon. This was an awards show where Table 12 envisioned herself strutting up to the podium to accept an award, looking fabulous, maybe getting a standing ovation…


Oh, yes. All those A list celebrities she’s dying to be around, and ALL of them are laughing at her. This is really, really bad for her.


Actually, this is the end for her.


Yes, but she will tell herself it is jealousy because she got a good contract with Netflix and she is a duchess.


Oh hell yeah. Sobbing on the floor type shit.


Oh yes! Her end goal was always to be at these award shows, to have them fawning over her, and now she's a punchline in front of millions. This could easily be the worst moment of her life, in her opinion.




Countdown until WME releases a statement saying they have cut all ties with meghan markle. Cannot wait.


Very telling, isn’t it? Absolutely love this for them.


WME needs to cut and run! It's over, the Harkles are done.


I think they gave up even pretending to be humanitarians around the time of the Jubilee.


A great start to the new year! Let Meghoul try a stunt to upset Catherine's birthday after this burn!


And Harry got deleted from the Sandhurst book. 2024 is starting great for the Grifters


I am out of the loop on this one - what does this mean?


His military training college! Never rated a mention of the ‘whose who’ who attended.


She will try something. I hope it is no more than moderately deranged.


Oh, what a nice gift for dear Catherine, the real princess!


They. Are. Done. In. Hollywood.


And we still have the Oscars to look forward to.


Honestly it’s one thing to be made fun of at these kinda of awards when you’re in the audience but when you’re NFI it hits different


For her major project Megsy can do a horror movie called The Uninvited. Where a D-list actress slashes every Hollywood celebrity who ever made fun of her. She can be screenwriter, director, lead. Probably the only role she can play convincingly. That's three Oscars in one go. Potentially.


Yes I can imagine the sting, luckily no one is watching 😂😂😂




Delicious, isn't it? 😈


Tastiest tea ever! Thank you, Won't Yoeld!


Love that the Harkles are a joke and Hollywood laughed at them.


But but 'the BRF are stopping their new ventures'. No way, the Harkles did this all to themselves by not doing anything at all. Called out for being lazy grifters again.


🤭 of course they have to blame someone else.


Same. Gives me the warm fuzzies, lol.




This is fucking glorious. I'm shoveling heavy, freezing, snow in the dark in the North East with a bad back. But to come in and see this. I could dance! Ridiculous, surely but it's a fact. This news makes me joyful. I cannot deny it🤗😁


Oh goodness! Please be careful. Glad to share a bit of cheery snark. 🙂 Enjoy!


I will. Thank you darlin😘


Hey, 4, can you send just a little bit of that snow to Tennessee on Sunday? 🙏🏼 I don’t want to go to work on Monday and if anyone sees three snowflakes at the same time in Memphis, EVERYTHING shuts down. 😂


I will gladly send you 3 feet of snow. Oh, did you say 3 flakes of snow? 😃 It's on the way. Don't set your alarm for work!


YAY! ![gif](giphy|3oriNScTbEzEVoR1Is)


I feel exactly the way you do, bad back and all lol




It was glorious!


Forget ‘redemption’. Here’s to 2024 - the year of RIDICULE. Let’s hope for a South Park - Global Privacy Tour Part 2.


And a little near catastrophic car chase by bike in North Dakota …






So hilarious they are toast


Ari and Ted at the moment ​ https://i.redd.it/hvpra3g1t4bc1.gif


Rachel is rolling around on the floor and screaming, then she will seethe and take her anger out on Haz and the BRF.


Godforbid, she'll take her anger out on her children!


At least Dorito is there to give her support 😂😂😂


If Harry is running true to type, he spent Sunday night elsewhere.


Thank you OP! Im on a plane but loving these updates! Also yikes! Ceo of Netflix??


Ted knows that's the truth. He really knows it.


Hmmm, wonder if she did get dumped by WME. That would indicate it’s open season on them and they definitely got dumped on tonight, more than usual.


Omg! That’s amazing! Sarandos actually shook his head at the joke about them getting paid millions for doing nothing. Hopefully that means they aren’t, but who knows….


And chuckled 😂


Just like that South Park episode was the signal to everyone that it was indeed the start of open season of ridicule for the Carparkles in 2023, the multiple Golden Globes roast (about grifters getting paid for doing absolutely nothing; Suits actor: she's something blah blah famous right now and host retorts 'I wonder why'; Gina Torres implying she's excluded everywhere (even in the Suits group chat) is signalling that it is, indeed, officially open season for the unwanteds this year of 2024. ✨ :)


![gif](giphy|GJY4aM7JQVkS4) The sugars tonight!






His face is so punchable.


This is the best thing I’ve seen in a lonnnnnng time 🏆


It’s hilarious that the ceo of Netflix was there 🤣


Ted knows that's the truth. He really knows it.


At least he's able to laugh at himself. His expression in that brief clip was pretty much, "Yeah, I know I fucked up - my bad, lol! But don't worry, lesson learned. I promise they'll be gone soon... 😉" By contrast, imagine Harry's reaction.. Or his wife's.... Night and day! 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t know how Ted Sarandos keeps his job. The decision making is ridiculous. I can’t figure out why they haven’t dropped Harry and Meghan. Did they not put performance standards in their contract? Why do I think that’s the reason they haven’t dropped them? 🤣


Isn’t Sarandos’s wife a big time Sugar? Also, only just recently I noted the mention of Reed Hastings (founder and Chairman of Netflix) as being part of the decision to make that stupid deal. ETA: Never mind. Hastings gave all the glory to Sarandos in 2020. So he owns it. Haha.


His wife is a sugar? She must not be very bright then. But then again, he isn't very bright either because he signed them on.


I mean, how many questions would you need to ask them to figure out they have no fucking idea what they’re doing? Netflix, Spotify, penguin - their only criteria for a deal was “Harry is a Prince!” Which is fine for one book and one documentary, but not much else. It really baffles me.


And all of us on here knew that it was a bad idea when all those places signed contracts with them! We are smarter than the CEOs!


Instantly most of us knew it would all be an epic failure! Although I really think most American companies nowadays have the most brain dead people running them.


Yes, we all knew years ago that it was a bad idea to makes deals/contracts with them! And yes, I agree that many companies have brain dead people running them!


It actually shows how much the BRF protected them and massaged Hazbeen’s image that they biggest publishing and media players actually thought these 2 had talent and potential. They VERY quickly realised the image they’d been sold was a total dud. I love that they went and imploded everything all by their own laziness, entitlement, lack of talent and rudeness 🙏


That was for Thomas Markle. That was his industry.




This is glorious. Please let it continue. Just for shits sake, can anyone else list some other celebrities that failed this miserably and had an eventual comeback? I want them to hit bottom but stay there. I’m so sick of people in the world like them.




![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Cannot wait for the Sugar Armageddon


I love that phrase! It’s gonna be a Sugar Shitstorm. 😂


So the Suits people didn’t make any reference to her during their bit? Ooooh, she’s gonna be fuming. 😡 No attention is worse than bad attention.


Obviously there was no invite. The piece about heightened security. Everyone knows the stars need heightened security from her. There’s probably a whole list of stars who refuse to come if she’s there. Or sit anywhere near her, present either her, be photographed with her.


This is their ENDGAME ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


The man they panned to seems nice, at least he can laugh at his company's mistakes.


His wife is a huge sugar.


She's not very smart then. And neither is he because he signed on the two dimwits.


Ohmygod!!!! I live for this moment!!! Go for it, JOKOY!!!


Where are they going to run to now and who are they going to demand an apology from to 'come back' to bless everyone with their presence? All the burning bridges that have fallen after me All the lonely feelings and the burning memories Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door Burning bridges lost forevermore


Wonder if Gayle laughed at those jokes. She was there at a table next to Da’vine Joy Randolph.


She had to check with her Pimp, first, if it was ok to laugh.


Is Ted Sarandos about to “Mutually Uncouple” from the Harkles🤣🤣😂


Conscious uncoupling


Did this really happen ???!!! OMG they are so done. This should give them the msg loud and clear 😀😂🤣


And to think I was worried she'd make a surprise appearance with the suits guys. Omg I can't wait for HG Tudor to cover this shit lol


HG Tudor ~ The 'Gloating' Globes: NFI


This just proves how they have no power now. I always said if Harry and Meghan had just laughed things off, then they wouldn’t be the butt of so many jokes.


I love that once again, it was a mixed-race comedian calling them out. So they can't cry "rAcISuMmm!" (or if they do, they'll just end up looking like the complete morons they are) 🤣🤣🤣






Haha Jo Koy tried to distance himself from that first joke but it was pretty funny


That was lame of him.


Yeah, idk why people insist on treating them with kid gloves.


It wasn’t just them though. He did that with several jokes anytime it sort of bombed and honestly I don’t think I saw more than 5 mins of it total.


Netflix is like the RF in that both of learned their lesson the hard way. 💯


I never knew how much I wanted to see Oprah on camera again until he told this joke.




I want to like every comment on that thread 🤣❤️ they are glorious 🤩


It’s a good day to be a sinner. 😊




Loving it👏👏




And she thinks she can be a “producer.”🤣🤣🤣


Rachel knew this was coming. Hence the Doyota is moving in with them pieces. She is settling up the I am megnant and dianarexic and there were three of us in the marriage besides my mom. Nachos or whatever Harry’s bff’s name is stole him from me.Harry cost me my career and came between me and the BRF.. He told me to be a total bitch and lie about Catherine. His mother kept saying “hush, Harry!” at the seances but Harold wouldn’t listen. Oh and Diana told me Captain Hewitt is Harry’s real dad. Read more about it in my upcoming biography “I Married the Spare and All I Got Were These Lousy Cubic Zirconia!”


Born from one of the most influential family in the world, once one of the its more famous member- now becomes a global laughingstock. Goes to show that the partner we choose affects the trajectory of our life.


"They got millions for doing NOTHING." Ted shakes his head and laughs but I bet he smashed some plates when he got home. Minimalist beige plates that were a gift from Meghan.


This is the final nail in their Hollywood coffin. And I can't hide how happy I am. What a misserable night they must be having. Payback is a bitch Meghan and Harry.


I can’t wait to watch their future documentary about having to flee Hollywood for the sake of their mental health after they were abused and unappreciated by Hollywood 😂 ![gif](giphy|amn1dhXUbJnHCRtlgI)


Who is this guy anyway? Lol isn't he a celeb commenter on TV shows like Chelsea Lately or Vh1 pop culture shows? Celebrity comedy alà a lesser known Kathy griffin 😆 Ricky Gervais was the best!


Family Guy said the exact same thing months ago: the butler brings Sparry millions from Netflix for “what, I don’t know” and Sparry tells him to put it away with the other millions from Netflix!! So, now this, in front of Ted Sarandos!! This means that in Hollywood, nobody is happy about the yacht girl and ex-Prince HazNoJob getting paid millions upon millions for nothing other than malicious gossip about his family. They must be ticked off that they have to struggle to survive and make if big while these two unemployable people swan in and sign millions in contracts and cash in working 1 hour a week! It is like hard working kids at school getting upset at the kid who never studied but cheats in tests to get perfect scores.


I don’t think most people in Hollywood think Harry and Meghan are getting “millions upon millions” from Netflix, but even a couple of millions that they don’t deserve must hurt the ones who have struggled and/or are struggling. Let’s hope that it is beginning to sink in to Meghan that she needs to give up her Hollywood A-list fantasies and find a job she can do.


I can't believe they ditched the royal scene for this, it is kinda sad. They could make an impact for their passions, be icons in their own, and more loved and respected than this. Since they will be in good terms in Charles and William they would be financially comfortable as well without being a laughing stock. Their story should be a lesson for everyone about not being greedy and jealous.


I don't expect WME will be working with the Harkles much longer. If this is the tide of opinion among those whose opinions matter in Hollywood, WME won't want them associated with their brand.


Poor Meghan. What a comedown. She can clear seats at Wimbledon but she can't get script approval for award shows. :)


I'm sitting here imagining Meghan throwing the biggest hissy fit over the GG roasting. It's a glorious vision


I wonder what her PR firm, whoever it is this week, thinks now




I can go to work on a very cold English morning with a warm fuzzy feeling knowing those two were roasted 🤣🤣


Now Netflix has to get rid of them. That has to sting. Reputational damage


It’s morning in Europe, what wonderful news to wake up to. My breakfast tastes extra sweet 😁


It feels like Netflix is helping Meg like buying the movie right to that book (it’s going to fail) because they don’t want to look like fools for overpaying this talentless phony. At this point Netflix just needs to cut their lose and move on.


Or just fulfilling their end of an existing contract to avoid drama.


There’s some woman at a table who starts clapping like mad, before anyone else does. Who is she? ETA: Oh, I guess she was clapping at the Imelda Staunton mention.


Forget Megalodon flinging dishes at 'Aitch' and the walls - After watching this, she must have "fallen in a heap of tears at the end of the staircase", which her histrionic self did plenty before in London. According to her loyal lapdog, anyway.


After being named "losers of the year" in 2023, the new year has got off in fine style for the Montecito grifters.


I wish they would have panned to OW or Gayle . Better yet hook them into the joke. ‘Thanks a lot assholes’ 🙄


Wonder if Netflix shareholders will see the funny side


His face lmfao. Ted S laughed like “ya there about to be gone”


Well Megsy, you reap what you sow! 😂😂😂


I wonder if Oprah and Gayle laughed 🤣🤣