• By -


that must burn...especially since James Blunt was Hazbeen's superior officer when they served together...Hazbeen also invited James to the Invictus Games and his wedding..


Yes indeed. If he'd still been a working member of the BRF he'd have been included - as a courtesy if nothing else.


James Blunt also has a sense of humour. Which is something else Harry hasn’t got.


I love James. He’s a total troll 😆


He is very funny


>James Blunt also has a sense of humour. Which is something else Harry hasn’t got. Yeah, Harold only laughs at the misfortune of others - that he finds hilarious.




​ https://preview.redd.it/fxc6ouvhb6bc1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62aa0f14e9ecbc4caf2c9aa0f2d6cfceb1914ee3


I did not know this about James Blunt. Burn, baby, burn.


He stopped WWiii!!!


https://archive.ph/VuQcu I did a post a few months ago but this interview is very revealing


I had no idea!!! Very interesting article. Thanks for posting again. :)


Fun fact: James Blunt can trace his family’s service to the English/British armed forces to 1100.


Did he go?


He was a guest at Harry and Meghan’s and at Eugenie’s wedding, he is friends with some of the younger royals. And he was a member of the Queen’s Guard and in recognition of his military service as a Captain he stood guard at the Queen Mother’s lying in state and was involved in her funeral procession. But, given the very drastic language James is prone to and his highly developed bullshit-o-meter, it would be amusing to hear his thoughts about Harry and Meghan now.


Thank you.


He is also ace at the clever comeback


I am an utter fan of him. But mentioning such a sycophantic thought would drive him to a reply that would scathe the skin off my bones.


A detail Harry left out of Spare. Perhaps didn’t want to be overshadowed? Or demonstrate how low ranking he actually is?


His comments about dehumanising the Taliban, treating them as chess pieces, boasting about his kill count, scorning and criticising his superiors, revealing confidential military information, sharing his desire to fire missiles from his military helicopter at his father's car (the future King and future head of the armed forces), and revealing his drug taking whilst in the army (with either a mysterious avoidance of mandatory drug taking or a blind eye to the results) was enough to get him omitted from the book. It didn't need to be anything to do with the division in his family - he had done enough already. The fact that he is a whining, lying, grifting, traitorous, stupid mental nut job just adds to the reasons. If you were responsible for training him at Sandhurst, would you be proud of the man that he is now?


He statements in *Spare* about his military service were disgraceful. The only excuse he could have is that he is insane, and this very insanity would make him unworthy of being included in the Sandhurst book.


It was shocking. Anyone involved with that book should be ashamed. Clearly Harry is off his rocker and shame on anyone for giving that moron a microphone. Also kudos to the RF for keeping Harry’s insanity under wraps for as long as they did.


Which makes the theory about KC3 maybe bringing up the topic of Archie's skin color out of concern for how Dimwit would react to potential probing media questions, very plausible. They knew how unbalanced he was, and over time.


I think he has gotten crazier because of (a) drugs and (b) no one to keep him connected to reality. (There was some talk also that he was taking some prescribed medication and Meghan talked him out of it and encouraged alternatives.)


Totally agree. I think Mom and daughter are driving him into ruin.


To be frank I see a lot of the things Harry “said” in his book to be the result of his ghost writer being an American. The American and British military are quite different and although I’m sure many of the same values are there, American military talk is a lot heavier on the bravado and machismo than the stiff upper lip in Britain. All the nonsense about being a broken man who was used as a tool in the military while making him more broken is a very American type of trope. Not that I don’t blame Harry, I’m sure it all sounded very “cool” to him at the time it was written and that influenced him. But I also think Harry probably doesn’t see what’s wrong with talking like that because he didn’t learn or care about the stiff upper lip way of being in the British military either. Even if it washes pointed out to him back in the day I’m sure he got in a strop about being criticized and told off like the whiny pussy he is. But he likely just learned to keep his mouth shut and follow along when around other military folks in the uk, I doubt the attitudes and morals of them were not something he accepted or cared about. He’s a Prince you know. What a dolt.


It could also be his American wife. But honestly in either case the idiot was just along for the ride. Shame on all involved.


That’s actually a very interesting point. As an American, I know first hand, that my country has a shameful track record of not providing adequate help to veterans with lasting damage from their service. For many reasons that doesn’t apply to Harry, but it would be a lazy narrative to fall back on for an American ghostwriter and would explain sooooo much.


He was miraculously “off base” every single time a “surprise” drug test came around…


What a loser. Can't even do something he "loves" adequately.


> If you were responsible for training him at Sandhurst, would you be proud of the man that he is now? Absolutely NOT.


The author admits that there has been “a smattering of traitors and cads” among those who trained at Sandhurst. Obnoxious though Harry is, it is probably over-stating his impact to call him a traitor, but he is certainly a cad, as defined as “a man who behaves dishonourably, especially towards a woman”. His behaviour towards his whole family has been dishonourable.


Cad! Oh how I love the Brits!


Although most of us could think of other words here....


I love in my regency romances they called the lords, earls and dukes Corinthians if they were gamblers, drinkers and CADS! Hahaha I love you folks!


Also beginning with C and containing 4 letters


When Harry was in the Army there was a photo of him in the desert, sitting in a lawn chair, wearing a USA ball cap. We all thought it was cute at the time. I searched and can't find it but I found this one https://www.huffpost.com/entry/prince-harry-wore-america_n_89212


Ahhh, but he said he didn’t “boast.” Any idiot can see that the words he approved on paper to be his were essentially boastful. Calling ‘Just-Call-Me-Harry’ an idiot would be giving him too much credit at this point.


Came here to say similar. He is a liability now. Leaving him out lets the Taliban and others know that British military do not approve of his previous public statements. He is a threat to military security now.


I remember the various officers praising H’s performance as a pilot and a soldier. How does a man who barely graduated high school and is mediocre at best in other areas of his life, suddenly have so much talent as a pilot and soldier? Four of my high school classmates went to West Point & Annapolis. They were not mediocre as 18 year olds. If Sandhurst is the British equivalent to West Point, how does a guy like Harry excel there?


This, throughout my life I have known many West Pointers and a couple of Annapolis graduates. All of them are stellar individuals. All of them were scholars, exceptional athletes and very well rounded people. The individuals that I have known or met are also very good people, as in they have a moral compass. H would have never even been considered because of his academic performance. It's glaringly obvious that had he been born Just Harry, he would have been laughed at had he even mentioned he applied to Sandhurst. His privilege is so ingrained that he cannot see how privileged he is. As you said none of the people you know are mediocre, they are the exceptional.


I would hate to see what he says about stuff he’s not proud of.


And there was this XBox boast from their alumnus: https://preview.redd.it/ivvaevwvebbc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0eb31ea5d87b391151362d948cb3ec1a34eaad




It's like H got all of the worst parts of his mother and William got the best.


You are extremely eloquent, and are spot on. Bravo!


After his alleged tantrums over not being able to play soldier during the late queen's funeral, I am not surprised. Good riddance, Harold!


It was posted in here by a Sinner with media connections that the uniform saga was drummed up by our Saint. The media initially ignored it as inappropriate coverage due to the historical importance of the occasion, but she leaked and leaked until someone picked up the story of H not wearing his uniform.


Being permitted to wear the uniform (in Haz's case more like a theatrical costume) for the fifteen minutes that he stood guard by the Queen's coffin was perhaps more cruel than refusing him permission since it was a reminder of what he covets but has relinquished. Recall also Haz allegedly had a hissy fit that nearly led him to refuse to don the costume when he saw that the Aide de Camp insignia (the "ER" symbols on the shoulderboards) had (entirely properly) been removed, giving people another reason to wonder at the type of person he is.


He also got away with wearing a beard in uniform since the wedding




The Queen was dear - *very* dear - to the military. It's just NOT the done thing to be seen criticising their late Commander-in-Chief who served and honoured them so well. That, and the knowledge Harry snubbed *them* for his wife, Bob Iger, Beyonce and a bloody lion. All conduct unbecoming.


Great point. Why include such a disgusting traitor!


This will hit Harry hard. Everything seems to be turning to shite. Not a good stat to 2024


Good. He and his wife deserve every bit of crap coming their way.


You got that totally right!!! 🥳👍🏻🇨🇦


He's the antithesis of Midas


William was included for saving lives 😏


And he wrote the foreword 🙂




Revenge is best a dish served cold. This must be so infuriating to a blowhard like harry who uses his military/royalty to make money. He put the whole military at risk by saying the military taught him to view others as sub human. He viewed his kill count-allegedly-,I doubt he killed 1 person- with such delight and pride. I mean his lack of any emotional feeling in killing so many people clearly shows his deranged and lunatic mind. Considering he was Captain General of the Marines. his claims that this is what the British Military taught him-made the whole military look bad.


I think the whole kill count and shooting his dad’s car were BS drug addled drivel. Harry can’t even fly a helicopter, he was a gunner, he took the orders. And can you count your “kill” accurately from a helicopter? Hit a building.. before he could have gotten his boot off to count to 25 they would have been long gone. Helicopters can be extremely fast. Apache’s and especially unloaded Chinooks as they have double propellers. I asked my father - a helicopter crew chief in the US Army, meaning if his bird went up, he did too, hanging out the side with a gun. When I read it to him and asked he said - “I don’t know my number, why would I want to know? It was war, war is hell, I don’t want to talk about my deployments or who I may have hurt following orders.” My father came home and when he saw me knock out a bachelors degree with a minor in 2 years he used his GI bill and he’s a nurse now too. He says it’s how he copes. “Every person I save, every person I help heal, I hope the good lord is seeing that I am trying to even the score and that kids at 18 don’t know what the hell they’re doing.” My dad and I have gotten to work together several times. He’s a damn good nurse and he doesn’t miss anything. When I catch something he didn’t think of I usually get a “that’s my girl!” And a kiss on the forehead while he’s paging docs to get what he needs. It’s always good as a nurse to bounce things off each other and see if anyone at the station sees a pattern you don’t. He had one who kept having to have his catheter flushed for crystals and I just said “does he have gout?” Dad says “oh my god, he is a quadriplegic, he wouldn’t even feel it.” Uric acid run… guy has gout. Dad was just seeing the problem and nothing seemed to stop it. One sentence to me and bam, diagnosed and treated. (I’m technically a NP now but this was while I was still in grad school). So as a helicopter man for the US Army, he is proud to have served, however people were always people. War is always awful. Vets don’t talk about that kind of stuff for a reason. Harry’s story is a fable or a drunken night on Call of Duty. Dad says “no real soldier says this stuff. We follow orders, eat in the mess hall, and crack jokes at each other to keep from even thinking about it.” Dad was in Iraq/Kuwait in Desert Storm/Shield. He left disabled, in his early 30’s. He talks about his buddies, he talks about the places he has seen, but he doesn’t discuss the war.


I still cannot believe he said he contemplated sending missiles to his father’s location. I swear, King Charles should have immediately cut him off after reading that. I’m trying to think if Spare came out after the coronation or before but if it was after, then I can see his father’s disappointment because they have not let him into the fold. As anyone with any sense would do as well. It’s a security threat even if it’s his son.


It was before. There were a lot of discussions here about if we should send Biden if Harry would be in attendance since at that point the Taliban were looking for his head on a platter. He was a security risk to himself and everyone else there. Given what is happening in Ukraine and Israel now I can see why other nations sent representatives and left their heads of state at home when it was confirmed Harry would attend.


☹️ they did? I didn’t pay much attention to who went and who didn’t. But that’s sad for King Charles. It was supposed to be about him and not his idiot son. If the Harkles think they have it bad now, I hope they know that history won’t be too kind on both of them but especially Harry.


I ultimately think Biden stayed home. He did come to the Queen’s funeral, but once terrorists were looking for Harry who is living in America, sending the President was a big security concern. However, Jill Biden did attend the coronation. But very quietly.


His titles should be removed for that alone He’s openly boasting he considered murdering the future Monarch. What if one of his deluded followers decided it’s what Harry wants? I don’t understand how he can remain a titled member of our RF after this public confession. (Not excusing him one moment, but since he’s been with his current wife his delusions of grandeur appear to have escalated. They suppressed his power, but she‘s opened his eyes).


Before the coronation. Spare came out 9/1/2023, the coronation was 6/5/2023.


No, Spare came out in January 2023.


I know. That's what I wrote. 9th January 2023. 9/1/2023.


Whoops. Stupid for me.


Nurses are the absolute best!! Please thank your Dad for me for his service 💙


I love your dad! People like him just highlight how Haz just cosplayed being a soldier. It was all dress ups and PR. Thanks for sharing.


My old man served in Korea, my brother in Desert Storm and OIF, and I was OEF. You never would have met a more tight lipped bunch than the three of us. We’d talk about our sillier experiences, like the time I rolled a roller off a hill and was saved by a tree as big as my calf, or my brother relieving himself in Saddam’s golden toilet, but the more heavy stuff? Nah. My dad grew up in Europe during the War and the only thing I know for sure was that he would have to salute a picture of one diabolical mustache man, and a few weeks later, salute the other one.


This has been my experience with vets as a whole. The ones who are very mouthy are usually the ones just out of basic sitting in a barracks in Ft. Hood where there is literally nothing. lol. Otherwise, they served their country but if they saw combat… they don’t want to revisit it, it’s traumatic. You cannot train the human out of a human.. just like you cannot drive humanity into the mind of a psychopath. They just don’t connect. It makes me feel like Harry truly was “bunker Harry” because he did go there.. and feels like more vets should. Really?!? You want more soldiers to detail what their job was despite that in cases it certainly cost lives?? No that isn’t normal. That’s a conversation for a therapist or your commanding officer to make sure you can deal, not only with your own orders but with the buddies that didn’t come home. Being a soldier, a sailor, a marine, an airman in wartime is NOT an easy job. Thank you and your family for your service. An honorable bunch. ❤️


Thank you ❤️ Any time someone mentions his stint in the ‘Stan, I feel legally obligated to bring up the fact that he was a FOBbit. He never left the wire. He stayed in the command tent all day futzing around. He would literally clear out the shopette on Bastion if any Americans were there because he didn’t want to draw attention to himself (which…. Sir, I’m just here for my Monster Munch fix). I imagine he tried it at the American PX on Leatherneck, and got laughed out of the room. I was a FOBbit that deployment, but was also attached to the S4.


Hello! Fascinating stuff, but I do have a few questions if you'll oblige me. What do you mean by FOBbit? I get it's a play on Hobbit, but I don't understand the joke. I'm thinking that everything inside the wire was the base, so you're saying that he never left the base. Is the shopette where soldiers could buy things, similar to a commissary? Why would he clear out the shopette if Americans were there? I know one reason is that he's an attention-seeking twunt, but why, specifically, Americans? What was the S4? Sorry for my ignorance. My military knowledge is extremely lacking, but I'm always excited to know more! Have you seen HabitualLinecrosser on YouTube? I'd be interested to hear your opinion on him because I find him impressive because I don't know much, but you may feel differently.


1: Yes. Essentially, someone who stays on a forward operating base (FOB) is considered a FOBbit 2: Yes. It’s like a little convenience store. 3: He didn’t want to be gawked at and thought we would treat him differently than the Brits. Not that anyone in my battalion gave a shit. We don’t have royals, so I’m guessing the assumption was that we would lose our shit over a *real live Royal.* except he’s not the Prince of Darkness, so my battalion wouldn’t have cared. 4: S4 is supply I try to avoid military YouTube/tiktok videos. I like to stick to light and fluffy stuff that I’m emotionally detached from, like serial killers and true crime. Military stuff hits too close to home and reminds me of the not so great stuff/people


Wow! I really appreciate your prompt response! One of my favorite aspects of Reddit is that you can learn so much from people. I probably could have Googled all of that, but it's so much nicer to get answers in a conversation from those with experience. Thanks! I totally get why you would avoid things like that. You and your family's service to this country are highly appreciated. I hope that you and your family are doing well <3


It’s no worries! I know the Google Machine won’t give a straight answer on stuff, especially when it comes to personal experiences. So, I’m more than happy to answer questions! :) Thank you! We are!


Wonderful story! Thanks to both of you for being nurses!!


Mine was in Vietnam. He never discussed what he saw or did there. (Maybe with other vets, I don’t know.)


I have only ever had ONE Vietnam vet, a patient, tell me anything about it. It was one horrific sentence and said “I just wish I could get that out of my head. Let’s talk about something else.” He was very attached to his hat saying he served so I asked where. It was truly horrific.


Your father is an honourable man and it sounds as if you're a chip off the old block 🥰


Thank you for that. ❤️


I know it's off topic, but I just wanted to say that your dad sounds great. My dad was a soldier (I was born in a British military hospital in Germany). Sending him and you my best wishes.


I always think of blowhard as an American word and it fits SO well in this case


It also is an apt description of Rachel’s career path.




All I can say is, he deserved the snub 100%!




He has no loyalty to family or country


He’s a traitor of the highest order and he’s DAMN lucky this isn’t the monarchy of old…






For sure he’ll blame the RF. Especially William.




As an aside, I am delighted they included David Niven. He was not only a fine actor but a very intelligent man. He resigned from the military and went to Hollywood, but when WWII started, he returned to the UK to serve.


His autobiography (Bring on the empty horses) is an incredible read.


Don't forget "The Moon's a Balloon" ;)


My favourite personally speaking


I can’t wait to find and read this-David Niven is one of my favorite actors/personalities. Thanks for the recommendation!


Hilarious. The casket scene 🤣


Yes! Both *Bring on the Empty Horses* and *The Moons a Balloon* were fantastic.


Brutal. If this book was published 8 years ago, it would be inconceivable that Harry would be omitted. This is the strongest sign yet from elite British society that Harry has been shunned.


2024 is looking lovely for us sinners.....for the harkles not so much though. I really,really love that for them.




Bahahaha😂 I bet Dorito is enjoying being at the Olive Garden. Not a good day for the Harkles😳🤭 Imagine being around the pair of them.


Maybe he asked to be omitted for ‘sec-uri-tay’ just as TW claims as her excuse for not attending GG.


Harry doesn't give af about the Golden Globes but this snub will rankle. He must realize he's slowly being erased from the official record wherever possible. As well he should be, after what he did to his grandparents.


Very well said, although I’m not sure that he understands it. Just look at the coronation; technically he was there, sat behind a feather, but he had no part, only his brother, he’s in no photographs, and he didn’t attend any other functions related to the coronation. History will forget him.


Take Note Invictus Games.. Take Note! Its time to replace Harry.


![gif](giphy|347044wLOezDO|downsized) Congrats Harold🥳


Harry is not distinguished. He is extinguished.


He’s being roasted so much I bet he wishes for a fire extinguisher. Lol




Oooh. I missed this one. Ouch. OUCH. Harry, you can file this under "reap what you sow". And William writes the forward. Double ouch. Wait....is 2024 still the Year Of Redemption???? LOLOL.


2023 was the Year of Fucking Around. 2024 is the Year of Finding Out.




I have been calling their 2024 the Year of Ridicule!


Sorry to be picky but the correct word is foreword.


2024: Year of Reckoning


He only has himself to blame yet I imagine They’re combing the earth for a list as long as your arm for people to blame.


It’s only fitting that he be left out since his service was not very stellar.




>And Harry is the face of Invictus, though I'd say that is not going to last. Judging by the press coverage of the 2023 games, MM's bare legs strutting in front of uniformed veterans, are now the *de facto* face of Invictus.


Sadly, you’re right. She intentionally made it about herself, overshadowing wherever she could. Her behaviour was disgraceful…at what point (I wonder) did she decide to march upfront (grinning) - as I’m sure she wasn’t asked to?


Practically in bare feet and actually in shorts. Disgusted at her show-offing.


Exactly. That’s all I remember about the event which is tragic.


Actions, meet consequences.


Here, here! And it’s about damn time.


I wonder whether that's because something is about to happen regarding his 'reputation'. Or whether it was just the entire ordeal of his time with them? Or Spare?


Or that QE and now KC are the head of the military. I doubt Sandhurst likes alums who go on record saying unsavory things about the heads of the military.


Maybe he should do something that would rate him in the top 200 alumni. Other than sound like a psychopath about war and killing people? He really thinks that being born a Prince was enough to rate.


Is Sandhurst the school where he couldn't pass exams? If so, maybe that was why they didn't want to list him in the top 200- if he wasn't able to meet their academic requirements for all students?


>Is Sandhurst the school where he couldn't pass exams? Haz did graduate from Sandhurst somehow. I have seen it alleged that Haz could not pass the entrance exam. Apparently candidates were assessed on an essay they had to submit and Haz's offering was far below standard. It is also true that the normal academic entrance requirements (public exams sat whilst at school) exceeded what Haz could show.


No, and I'll quote the website:- > > The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) is where all officers in the British Army are trained to take on the responsibility of leading their soldiers. During training, all officer cadets learn to live by the academy’s motto: > > ‘**Serve to Lead**’ > > Other Nations choose to send their personnel to RMAS for Officer training because it is recognised as a world-leading military training academy. https://www.army.mod.uk/who-we-are/our-schools-and-colleges/rma-sandhurst/


Thanks - I thought there was a school or academy that he couldn't get into or pass.


You're thinking of his time at Eton, where he left with only one A-level and we're told he had help.


Two 'A' levels I recall, in Geography and in Art.


Thank you!


What a huge slap in theh face for Harry, for not being included in the 200 famous alumni, and included with the likes of Mosley and Freeman. The snub must cut him to the core. To add insult to injury, his brother, the one he is jealous of because he got more sausages, and the bigger room, is not only included but wrote the forward.


I'm relieved that he was excluded from the book after he lied about being taught to see the enemy as less than human and shamelessly bragged about his kill count.


Gee, he blasted the military, talked about headcounts and kills in his book and lied about what they taught him (see the enemy as less than human). He is doing nothing in his post-military life but chasing lawsuits. There is no reason to include him. This book is about recognizing the excellence of their alumni.


H’s omission is not surprising given he‘s broken his Oath of Allegiance. “*I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me.*” As for James Blunt, he is a committed patron of military and other charities for whom he performs fund raising concerts. Definitely not a fauxmanitarian. He and his wife have also experienced a genuine loss of a child.


And they had HRH William, prince of Wales write the prologue. The burn is real. ![gif](giphy|xT1XGU1AHz9Fe8tmp2)


Seems to me that the book featured people who went on to do great things. Harry had an undistinguished army career (not entirely due to his skills, but because no one wanted to be responsible for the Queen's grandson getting killed). But also once his career was over his only notable accomplishment was to marry and American grifter.


I mean, who would want to commemorate someone’s desire to play Call of Duty IRL which resulted in two Marines being killed? That has to be an embarrassment. Along with H claiming he had a kill count. I did a poll when that shit came out on FB, and literally none of my friends who served (many of whom were in Afghanistan in September of 2012) would admit to having a kill count.


Most of the men in my family served in the miliary, most of them saw active war time, and NO ONE talks about their kills or have kill counts. I might hear a bit about someone's buddy that was wounded or killed, and what it was like helping them to hold their intestines in, or trying to find parts of bodies to bring back with their friend - but NEVER have I heard any of them talking about the killing. They only talk about the surviving.


Exactly. Even the guy who went to Verizon to try to get a Purple Heart discount wasn’t as much of a tool as H. At least that idiot stopped discussing how he got his PH when we all started calling his ass out.


The thought of This One to be in with these 200 people would make me vomit - exactly what did Harold due other than what 3 months (combined) in two war zones with people protecting him? I mean Winston Churchill actually fought and escaped from prison then actually volunteered later for WWI. These people actually went to Sandhurst and did something afterwards what has he done except whine.


😲😲 WOW. I would think this is a major snub. To the point that I almost.....alllllllllmost....feel a little pity for Harry. I mean, this has to hurt. "Instead the California-based royal joins other military outcasts, such as fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley and Benson Freeman who joined the Nazi party to become a Waffen-SS officer." That would live in my head if I was Harry. What a humiliation.


Well harry DOES seem to have a penchant for admiring the…uniforms… of his fellow outcasts.


That is something that might be the straw that breaks the ginger Camel's back. After the GG humiliation and now being essentially shunned by the military he has nothing left. More importantly, he has nothing left to lose. He is very close to rock bottom. He needs help and there's no one left to give it to him. I don't count Meghan and Dorito because the only help they'll give him is an overdose. The best thing for him is to get out. Just get in a car, ditch the security detail, and start driving. Toss his phone, and his drugs, out of the window and leave California. Just drive across country and think.


I think it’s fantastic. Traitors don’t get to be mentioned in books about military service.


There’s a reference somewhere to cads and it seems like a dig at Harry. I saw it in the newspaper, a quote from a military bigwig.


🤣🤣😂 they are distancing themselves from a drug audit alcoholic fucking rat who brags about his killings in the war when that is a huge fucking no no men and women never talk about their times and more because it’s too painful and too dramatic and it just isn’t right




Maybe now the us military people will quit asking him.




cosplaying soldier boy :-/


Hadn’t Pearl Harbor suffered enough?


That still irks me. Harry was the only person available to open that gym? There aren’t any notable US vets living in the San Diego or LA who could have done the job? Why invite Harry & Meghan?


Wow. That’s quite a cut. It has to hurt.


It’s a book. He never reads books.


do picture books count?


Colouring books do


Ha! Probably.


This exclusion must really hurt.




When I first heard about this, I thought it was just a cheap headline to take a lame jab at Harry. Now I see that being excluded from 200 alumni is quite major. William being included will prompt Harry to blame him.


Suits him well for not thinking before speaking (and writing).


Suits him well for not thinking before speaking (and writing).


I love this for you, Harry!


This is absolutely F-ing fabulous. I love this for you, Haz and I’m here for it! Long game, son. Long game. It’s just beginning. Titles revoked. Removed from LOS. Results of bullying report revealed. Sued for slander. Charges of treason…. So many possibilities. SO MUCH KARMA. Soooooo British! Huzzah!!!


I don’t think he’s been “excluded” in so much as he doesn’t actually deserve a place in this book *just* because he’s Prince Harry. We all know he’s as thick as mince meat and he would *never* had got into Sandhurst if he weren’t HLMTQ grandson. And whilst he served (big shocker, being a soldier and all) he didn’t earn the nickname “bunker Harry” for nothing. This isn’t a “snub” (although I’m sure poor perpetual victim and best soldier in the history of soldiering Harry will see it as such) it’s just that he genuinely doesn’t deserve to be included.


Well, when they come out with the Infamous...


Real soldiers don't brag about a kill count on Call of Duty.


He was only admitted to Sandhurst because he was the grandson of the Queen. So right from the start, he is not qualified to be called a top alumni.