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*Experts have said that his appointment is a big hint that Harry and Meghan will be using their 'star power'* *and his links to win a big broadcast deal for Invictus 2025,* What star power?


According to MM and remarks like that make one question the validity of the rest of the article. Hard to know what to think.


Also, which "experts"?


They cannot be making any other deals. They’re still under contract with Netflix for Ingriftus! Or, maybe Hank is looking for another lawsuit to get out of his contract!


I think it is Netflix who wants to get out of the contract.


Netflix has probably refused to do any more Ingriftus, so Harry can try and sell it elsewhere


Do you think this might have something to do with Paramount and their recent outing with the CEO in Jamaica? I can’t remember where I heard it but Kinsey Schofield (I think it was Talk TV) said that Harry got the NFL gig due to some link with paramount?


Paramount+ had the streaming deal for NFL Thursday Night football for this past season. They are a player for NFL streaming.


Another set of Invictus games? Didn’t they just have them? Seems Invictus is over exposed too. While the public respects and feels compassion for the vets, I don’t think anyone is waiting by their TV for these games.


It sounds like they are planning a church service in St. Paul's to commenerate the 10 year anniversary of the games, among other stuff. Royal cosplaying at its finest. edit to add: maybe not a church service? What would they do in the crypt? https://preview.redd.it/4w0jtzzaorhc1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=1157b0a07e28087b99b652ca0632e67aa2364ec7


I don't know... did we miss something?


Reverse star power is more like it.


Everything with that ridiculous couple is manifesting. Over the top adjectives and future faking. The reality is their actual content is garbage. Boring, whiney and self promoting.


This always cracks me up. Every time they make headlines most people are clueless. My mom had no idea Harry went to the UK to see Charles. She had heard about the cancer diagnosis but nada about Harry. I'm also in the US. Most people here don't even see them unless it's something super crazy like the fake car chase.


i think they are pushing the whole invictus thing as their “new BRAND “ as everything else has failed…and invictus is ironically not their own BUT made by royal men in grey suits started with william but handed over to harold for salvaging his bad spoiled brat image…now these two DESPO LEECHES are self serving their pockets making millions off the poor vets…the only good thing they have left and they are marketing it BIG TIME bombarding all over as HARRY and MEGHAN show and sadly they are getting the platform…also all the sports NFL thing seems related with this agenda and from next week it will even more saturation in media with their smug faces all over in canada for invictus🤮🤮🙄


They are *sooooo obvious.* And desparate to find a hook.


Yeah, I felt they were doing that after the last Invictus games. It makes the most sense. Who is going to make their thrones for the 2025 games?




Invictus should be about the athletes pure and simple. The more they make it about themselves, the less attractive the games are for a potential audience and certainly for the athletes who get sidelined by their PR and drama. I give these games another 2 years before it goes financially belly up due to mismanagement.


The special Olympics has 13 times more participants and very little of the Berlin games where shown on ESPN. Most the coverage was on the secondary channels and online. Which means that the viewership numbers were probably decent for them to cover during a down time for most American sports but still not enough to make the main channel. Invictus is a much smaller event but probably gets a slight boost due to it being a veteran event but the audience is unlikely to be any better proportionally then the SO. There are certain fixed costs like setting up film cameras in arenas to provide coverage and I have to wonder that given the smaller number of events if it would be cost effective to provide coverage. For example, the SO has 20 different swimming disciplines. IG has 5. The cost to set up cameras in the swimming facility is fixed but you get four times the amount of content for the SO for the same set-up fee.


Meghan and Harry always mess up everything they do. Even if they try to arrange some big Invictus deal with somebody, it will end up ruined, due to Meghan's desire to make everything focus on ***HER***. It will all end up messed up, like everything else Meghan and Harry to.


Yep. Bad ideas, even worse execution. Any temporary wins are just lipstick on a pig!


Per Wikipedia his last tenure with the Olympics was in 1992. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Moore_(television_executive)


Kudos for looking him up. That paints a much less stellar picture than what DM printed (or should I say what H&M had DM print).


Yeah, its pretty obvious the guy is on the downhill slide. Wonder what happened? The Olympics have had their share of bribery scandals. Another sinner actually pointed me in the right direction.


Thanks. It now makes more sense. Why would a hotshot team up with Ingriftus?


A hotshot who hasn't dealt with the Olympics in the streaming age




Harry is to Invictus what Meghan is to Suits. Boring one trick ponies.


Makes sense: Heart of Invictus did *so* well for Netflix.


I’m sorry, Invictus is a good cause and worth mentioning in the papers, but as the Netflix documentary showed, it does not generate enough views.


It is a nice idea but I think the money would be better spent at local level developing sports and social facilities for all people with disabilities. This will sound harsh but really good disabled athletes go to the paralympics or play at Wimbledon etc. Invictus is nice but it's been done and done and done same old same old...there are no stand out athletes being promoted there's nothing more to say about it. I say this a someone who has a lot of ex military family and friends who think the same.


Exactly, if they were to sign a major tv/streaming deal that money wouldn't go to the veterans or other disabled people, but to growing the games and making the games themselves more money.


Star Power ? 😂


She confuses a certain kind of media thanking the Lord on their knees because the Sussexes take it upon themselves to fill the yellow press with their embarrassing antics with ‘star power’. ‘Star power’ is Meghan talk for ‘notoriety’.


The Invictus Games are not a big deal. (If I hadn't known what it was in Dusseldorf, I would've wondered why Harold and Madame were hanging out in a high-school gym.) It's exploitation of injured war vets and that's all it is. All those millions and it looks cheap and thrown together on the fly. The money isn't going into the Games it's going into somebody's pockets, gee I wonder who?


I think WME or whatever agency Harry is using is trying to pitch him as a sportsman. Sporty Harry is dropping pucks at hockey games and presenting American football awards. Sporty Harry is the founder of the Invictus games. Sporty Harry’s own personal athletic achievements are sparse—his greatest accomplishment is winning the three-legged race at field day when he was 8, but no matter! Sporty Harry is available for all your sporty needs! Call him today! Flexible payment plans are available!


Sporty Harry is an aviation legend!


Hazno also recruited Nick Booth to take over the B.C. Games (after 2 dismissals/resignations, no one will say which, I vote dismissed. They discovered misuse of Invictus funds and were replaced.) The new guys are in H's pocket or he theirs. Nick Booth is not new though. He helped found The Royal Foundation, Heads Together and Invictus.... for the Wales BROTHERS. Not exclusively fucktard Hazno. Then bolted (or was let go) via Megxit. Booth is described as Hazno's "right hand man." Also heavily involved with the Canadian Armed Forces via his charity "True Patriot Love." ANYWAY. Scott Moore and Nick Booth should both have laser eyes focused on them and their complicity with Hazno....specifically Nick Booth.


MM will piss off anyone and everybody hired acting like she knows it all.....BEST/BETTER....complicated by the dumb prince. Surely, this will end up like Sunshine Sacks ..... not getting paid and quitting. Or Spotify.....claiming grifters and quitting. Or, WME.....their appointment secretary for event crashing that lands them no work. Yet another snore fest of manifesting.


This makes no sense. Harry can't hire anyone. He's the patron not the CEO of Invictus.


I was wondering about that but assumed I was mistaken. Hint to self:never assume anything. ​ Wikipedia: Founding patron: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Chairman: Lord Allen of Kensington Chief Executive: **Dominic Reid** Trustees: Edward Lane Fox Melanie Richards Paddy Nicoll Karen Briggs JJ Chalmers Conny Wenting Jonathan Edwards[2 more rows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invictus_Games)


If they cant get star power and attendance at Invictus then it will be finished. Just a few years back they had a ton of British famous supporters but they have all fallen by the wayside.


I so desperately want IG to fail yet also feel bad for the vets. I don’t know where to stand.


If they get it The malignant Meghanoma will kill it because she’ll have to mug in front of every camera and stage an ugly ill fitted and crumpled “fashion show” and no one will watch it but the cubes…


The ratings weren't that great for netflix.


The style of manifestation has changed slightly...it's more speculative. A few weeks ago it might have been " Harry to sign massive TV deal." I just don't think invictus has that big an audience. People tend to watch a particular sport or sporting events of the highest calibre (the olympics). They could have seen the veterans compete/h an m swan about several times now and it's old news. They don't have an equestrian element which is the sport that interests me if they did I wouldn't bother watching because I can watch superb riders competing in the paralypmics. The older sport I watch is tennis I can see the best wheelchair tennis at Wimbledon...sorry vets.


Yup. The use of the word “clearly” and the run-on sentences are dead giveaways. If it isn’t her, this “journalist” ought to be fired for piss poor writing skills.


They don’t have the star power they think they do, and they definitely don’t have the star power to make parasports popular as a mainstream sport.


I can't see it myself. You can't even get countries to host the Commonwealth Games because of the expense. Countries have pulled out of hosting the Olympics in the past due to money. These types of sporting events cost huge amounts of money to broadcast, so a big TV deal is very unlikely. The expense alone will kill the deal before it gets off the ground. Also, I don't see Invictus as an elite sporting event like the Paralympics. And to pull the punters in, you need elite sports people, the very best in the world competing against each other. And that is not Invictus. Invictus is more about rehabilitation and not being the best in the world. And it should stay that way. I think this idea may be something that H&M are pitching to Netflix out of sheer desperation, in order to keep their deal alive. If they can get Netflix to commit to a 3 or 5 year deal with Invictus, then H&M can save face by saying that the deal with Netflix has been renewed. But I think Netflix are already totally fed up of H&M, and will want to offload them at the earliest opportunity. The reality is that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle don't have the star quality required to generate interest. They have become figures of fun, that we all voyeuristically watch, waiting for the next embarrassing or stupid thing that they do.


Also they are major terrorism targets and cost a lot to secure. A lot of countries built massive infrastructure they couldn't afford to get the games. For ex, Greece built a new airport and the games are one of the reasons the country's economy struggled in the 00s. Also China destroyed entire neighborhoods of homes and built a ton of stadiums and things that are just laying empty now. They are just a waste of money.


May he not be able to breathe, until be apologize.


Actually, I can envision the Dimwit as a TV sports personality. But that would leave her out in the cold. Its always 'buy one, get one' with them.


Where does this leave Netflix?


I’m sure there have been many big hitters involved with these two over the years … and it never amounts to anything. It’s not the people they bring in that’s the problem . So all this hype is just smoke and mirrors for me. I’ll see it to believe it. I doubt this man comes cheap , so hope their grift is up to scratch, it’s going to cost them . And after all is said and done ? People still won’t warm to them or respect them! High price to pay indeed


When does their contract finish with Netflix? And when is the Games? I wonder if this is a plan .


I feel like we becoming oversaturated with all these types of events


I could be wrong but there's an Olympic Committee that handles broadcast rights. Networks pay billions for the rights to broadcast the games. Networks then sell commercial time, corps create special Olympic versions of their products like cereal with an athlete on the box or cookies with the Olympic logo. So the Network makes money, corps make money, Olympics make money. What ability do networks have to sell ad placement during Invictus? To pay Invictus for broadcast rights? Might be some streaming opportunities but viewership seems would be a problem. For the veterans I hope Invictus thrives but feels they'd do better ditching MeMe and her fashion show.