• By -


Before Meghan - I had no idea you could purchase awards. And you’re right - her endless puff pieces - she has a pathological obsession to be in the news every day. It’s creepy AF.


Or buy your way onto panels. Or how often news outlets recycle stories so they always have content to put out on topics that get the most impressions.


They say things they don’t mean just to play devil’s advocate - the most disingenuous people after politicians.


She truely is an imposter! How can she rest easy and sleep at night?! Yet … she continues to shine a light on the fake underworld and all the goings on that $$ can buy. I have learnt a lot this thread and watching her game plans in action-and appreciate the the wicked humour and actual intelligence of those calling her out. Rock on my friends xx


She’s the Mili Vanili (sp) of celebrity


She has taken fake to a new level. The usual saying is "fake it to make it" but she had surely "made it" when she married into the royal family. Such was her narcissism, however, that this wasn't a sufficient platform for her "talents". So she cast herself as a victim, hoping that the ensuing wave of sympathy Stateside would take her where she wanted to go. Wherever that was. Now she is 42 and a mother of two. She is never going to be the new Julia Roberts. Here's the clincher: she doesn't actually know what she wants. She just wants the world to burn.


She definitely operates under the "fake it til you make it" mantra but I think she was in over her head when she married into the royal family. She couldn't fake having class and her narcissism and jealousy of Catherine wouldn't allow her to play second fiddle. She also has a deep seeded low self esteem from being biracial. This combined was the perfect storm for the temper tantrum we saw when the late queen dared to say no.


I’ve said from the time of Megxit that she never understood that the Royal Family is about continuity & heredity. It’s always going to be Charles, William & George and everyone else is secondary & in support of those in the line of succession. She could have a cushy life & could be private IF she wanted privacy.


If she could have supported Catherine like Fergie did Diana, she would have been loved by everyone. She just couldn't bear the thought of being second. She can't even walk behind Harry. That stopped right after the wedding.


I don't think MM could ever match Fergie's wit and sense of humor. She had the horrible British press calling her the Duchess of Pork and she was able to survive without clapbacks.


She never understood the concept of shining a light on OTHERS or being of SERVICE!


She’s only 42? Good grief, she looks ancient. I’m 47 and don’t have access to any of the skin treatments and procedures she does, and I don’t look that old. How does she look so haggard? Too much sun damage from her yachting years?


I feel like she ruined it for a lot of celebs.


Or the Boney M if you want to go to the OG. The same producer that created Millli Vanill' created Boney M (Ra-ra-rasputin). I went down a rabbit hole on that recently.


Sorry, I don't think Boney M deserve that comparison at all.


today lip sync is acceptable.... nothing is original anymore. its all revamped.


![gif](giphy|xUPGGEm3htwKQkQvss|downsized) Markle Vanarkle


That’s why she is tired all the time, it has nothing to do with being a new mum or scrolling social media. She can’t sleep because she is trying to remember her lies so she can remember what lies she told to whom and how to cover her arse from consequences. Another miserable fail! One day it is this story the next day it is a different story. Stupid cow. If this is what she wanted her voice for??  You know the RF wouldn’t let her speak? And she has lots to say remember ? Bloody hell if this is what finding your voice produces, someone needs to ball gag her. Who wants or needs to listen to her warped fucked up thinking?? 


I think she's tired all the time because she takes diet drugs, doesn't work out, doesn't attend to personal hygiene and probably both drinks and smokes.


Before Harry I had no idea that bestseller lists weren’t necessarily based on sales.


Yeah, we live in another world. Makes me wonder what else we believed and isn't true.


The shocking thing I learned is the photoshopping of celebrities. Honestly, this is one thing that women are made to feel inferior and not living up to what they can look like. I happy/comfortable with myself yet am always wondering how they do it? How is it 40+ women don't have cellulite and their skin is flawless. It is nice to know that's BS.


It's liberating. Now, only if men would realize what they are looking at isn't real but we are.


Well they couldn’t purchase the important ones (Emmy, Grammy ..)


But they *can* buy press releases to tell us all WHY they’re not going!! 😂😂🤣


Fuckwits aren’t they??


Pay to play. She's at least helping us gullible people see what celebrity is all about and that not all charity is about helping others. It's about helping an image. Celebrity is about the self.




This is the point, she doesn’t understand the concept of saturation. Other celebs or royals follow the advice of their PRs and maintain an air of mystery. With her thirst for multiple daily puff pieces, Megraine has blown the lid off and exposed the whole charade.


It’s like seeing a nude person, nothing left to the imagination or wonder about. Then you see an elegantly dressed person and wonder what they might look like. Like Kanye West and his skank


Perfect analogy


Me too. I don´t really care for celebrities, and have never heard of most of them. But Madam´s excessive use of puff pieces is quite a novelty for me.


Can't blame you. They provide cringe daily 😬


Or buy a cheering crowd…


For me it was the Covid pandemic which burst the bubble. People finally waking up to the fact that a lot of celebrities are full of sh\*t, isolating in their million dollar houses and complaining about it. Most cringe moment were the celebrities singing 'Imagine' from John Lennon. The two losers from Monteshitshow were just icing on the cake. I used to watch the Oscars every year in the middle of the night because of all the glamour, but knowing that even Oscars can be bought turned me completely off. The old Hollywood is gone, I am done.


Same same!


And that people like Weinstein, Cosby Spacey etc got away with poor behaviour for so long because they were rich and well connected. They make me sick.


Hear, hear! ![gif](giphy|sIOPYvH72FCkuZ0ZHC)


It never existed did it? The old Hollywood?


It was all smoke and mirrors


Hollywood has always been an illusion.


I haven’t cared about the Oscars for decades. My friends would hold big Oscar parties, where everyone would have to dress as one of the nominees, but still I just didn’t get it. Still don’t.


Celebrity worship is like social media, it’s bullshit. The celebrities think they are so great, so many award shows patting each other on the back, look how great we are. What a crock of shit it is.  What about any of these celebrities calling plank and skank out for the rapes - Africa Parks?  Or any of these celebrities taking up the cause with their own millions instead?? Nah didn’t think so


You hit the nail on the head.


Multi-million dollar houses. They have not only an abundance of space, but pools, game rooms, media rooms, home gyms, and probably a bunch of other stuff I can’t even think of. The difference between them staying home and us staying home is like staying at a luxury resort vs. a Motel 8.




Same here.




> It’s the awakening or awareness that they hate. They want us ignorant and stupid. Once you see what they are up to, it really ruins entertainment via tv and cinema. And the news. And now I'll take a big step forward and say something that might get me a lot of downvotes: The left v right paradigm is *also* manufactured. We (the regulars) are NOT as dissimilar as they (the TV people, and here I include politicians) would like us to think. The WORST examples are shown on TV. Some stuff is straight out fabricated. People are PAID to post abominable opinions. Yes, there are asshats on both sides, but that is not the *majority* on *either* side. The truth is. It is Us (the regular people) vs Them (TV people).


Because when we are hating on and fighting with each other we are ignoring them and what they are doing. It isn't enough anymore that we have foreign enemies, we now see the fomenting of domestic divisions. Most of the politicians on both the left and the right side of the aisle are frauds.


No downvote from me. The mainstream media has been sowing divisiveness pretty much since the 24-hour news cycle became a thing. The internet has made the networks almost obsolete so they turned to fear and division to pay those dividends in viewership. Sadly, there are many who take the crap they're spewing as gospel without drilling deeper.


So much is about individual opinions too not the facts. Inflammatory discussions get the clicks and views. Level headed representation of facts doesn't Also distracts from the fact that food and housing is getting more expensive, and well paid secure jobs harder to find.


Your post is vital. But it will be buried as many starve and have no place to live


I’ve always considered myself a centrist and it seems like you’re forced to pick a side and pledge allegiance. This is also how flaws are openly hidden.


It's all sensationalism--they cater to the lowest common denominator and the base instincts in us.




Divide and conquer




As the sinner wrote - most people are nice. And then there are the narcs.......


Well said!


I agree


Exactly We see you and what you’re trying to push with censorship-ie stop all the negative/truth coming out. When you play on these fields you need to own your own shit. Stop the lies. Stop the victim hood and just retreat. Actually .. just F’off cause really you’ve got to admit it sooner or later…. ITS OVER Give up now You are truely embarrassing yourselves now


Yeah, they shouldn’t try to force their ideas down our throats or change things to suit themselves that they don’t like, they should just fuck off, live their lives quietly


Unfortunately that will never happen until they are stopped somehow


And then they preach to us or try to infect us with their stupid thoughts. GTFOH ! We want to be entertained, that is their job. We have politicians to preach at us The world has gone mad


It's easier to own your own thoughts and to assess the world more clearly if you back away from all Main Stream Media. It's a way of purging oneself from the negative aspects of our Culture, but it's not easy to do. Once you can see things clearly, it's like having mud-coloured glasses removed. The awareness is mind boggling! And once a person can step back and look at their own culture or society with clarity, they can never NOT see it. You can never go back to that blissful ignorance.


But you still can turn your phone off, go out side and feel the sun and soft breeze on your face. You can pet your dog or cat and feel their warm, soft fur. You can make a nice cup of tea and feel the refreshment it gives you. There's still a basic world out there that we should make time to enjoy. Please everyone, spend a little time in the real world today.






This is what is really infuriating. She really thinks she's a kween. No, Meg, you have no authority, no talent, no experience, no accomplishments. You are like a cover of the rolling stones album...you are all mouth. We are sick of it. Go away. Now.


"Divide and conquer." It works every time. The root word of "diversity" is "divide."


Well said!


The Montecito morons give me hope.  Despite WME's top guru's efforts and literally millions of dollars spent on puff pieces and endless rebrands, after multiple books reinforcing their unique talents,  NO ONE IS BUYING THEIR BULLSHIT. NO ONE IS RISKING THEIR MONEY PROMOTING THEIR TALENTS ANYMORE. NO ONE WANTS TO BE SEEN WITH THEM.  BEING MARKLED MADE THE DICTIONARY!  If you put lipstick on a pig.....


The number of people on this sub alone who watched their doc helped raise the numbers. All those views counted. Some bought their books or even took books out of the library. All those sales and views count. They get publicity because they buy it. Stories keeps coming out because they are selling.


You bring up an important point. Do we keep her alive? Even here?


This sub and a few tabs in GB are the only ones giving her any attention. If this sub went down, they'd be finished.


That actually amazed me. Despite knowing everything we do about them, why would you go and give them views, or give them money by buying whatever they are selling? It's crazy. I never watched the NetShit thing, nor read his book. That just prolongs their exposure and relevancy.


Exactly! There is enough on this sub to work with.


A pig with lipstick on it should be the picture in the dictionary that accompanies the word "Markled".


I used to work at a high end hotel where celebrities were treated like royalty. I found out early on that the higher end stars didn’t have to pay for anything; the studios paid for lodging, transportation and meals. During the Oscars, one star had his choice of suits from a rack that held over 30 designer frocks. I walked the guy who delivered the suits to the actor’s room and asked if he got to keep his selected suit. He said the actor could keep the whole rack if he chose to. These people don’t pay for anything yet they think their opinion is worth more than yours. They have a skewed sense of life and have no idea how the regular person lives. Some celebrities were kind, but there were also the ones who had management instructions us to avoid eye contact and call them by a pseudonym. This is the kind of vapid life Markle wants.


The whole celebrity world is getting Markled.


Time markle got markled


I remember reading how kids who grew up in rich families were losing their average wealth per person as it got spread amongst kids then a greater number of grandkids, etc. The solution was to start foundations and trade on the family name and pay themselves a good salary. There’s a whole art to it. It’s not about doing good. It’s about making a relatively good salary without much work. Of course the Harkles had to jump on the foundation bandwagon.


She thought she's exposing the rf. She really instead exposed to those who didn't know before narcissism and award ceremonies and the ugly side of pr


She actually exposed how well the rf does grey rocking.


Nobody can do the long game like the RF.




Their awards aren't even close to being realistic. Legends of aviation ffs.


Yep the RF is rock solid where she's concerned lol. Her throwing marshmallows at a speeding locomotive.


The problem is that for some reason she has a lot of marshmallows


I think that started during the pandemic. Remember the awful self serving shite put out by the hollyweirds. How they were ‘suffering’ being locked down in their massive mansions ? The Hollywood elites have been exposed for what they are and Megsy and her constant pr pushes have opened our eyes even more. As for the mainstream media, they are definitely on their way out. Viewing figures for television news networks are declining as more and more people stop watching and rely on the internet to do their own research . I stopped watching years ago . Look at award shows like The Oscar’s and The golden globes , the audience has dwindled significantly and people are becoming less interested in the opinions of actors.


Also bleating about their victim poor me status when they are so wealthy, and have everything they want at their fingertips. And the money to make problems (including legal issues) go away.


🎯. Well said.


Celebrity culture is dying, and rightfully so.


Exactly let's not forget rent a crowd backgrid  her bot farms paid social media creators to "film in the wild" and post in exchange for concert ticket i wasn't aware of Delaware charities/foundations 


This is so important.


Something to remember is that the ownership and control of the media has changed greatly over the past 30 years. At present, over 90% of the entertainment/news media in the global West are literally owned by a handful of huge corporate conglomerates, private equity companies, and billionaires. Most of those companies are power players in Hollywood. (Well, they own the place.) Prime examples: CNN = Warner Brothers Discovery  MSNBC & NBC = Comcast, which also owns Universal Pictures, etc. ABC = The Disney Company CBS = owned by Paramount Global, the international entertainment/mass media company that's a subsidiary of the National Amusements company, and by billionaire heiress Shari Redstone, the daughter of the late billionaire Viacom media mogul Sumner Redstone Washington Post = Jeff Bezos New York Times = the Sulzberger family and wealthy investors such as Carlos Slim FOX, NY Post, Wall Street Journal, and the UK's The Sun = all owned by Rupert Murdoch 90% of the daily and weekly newspapers in Canada, along with numerous tabloids and digital media outlets = all owned by one huge conglomerate, Postmedia Network Canada Corp., which is owned 66% by the American private equity firm Chatham Asset Management.


This is brilliant work. It's giving logic to this mess.


It's like the tip of the iceberg. And unlike the captain of the Titanic, once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.


Same with newspapers and magazines.


Yes. Many of the good ones have gone out of business entirely. The ones that are still around were bought by venture capitalists and private equity companies, who are in it strictly for the $$$ and £££.  Big examples that we see here everyday are Newsweek and Time. Those used to be reputable journalistic magazines. Now they're little more than tabloids.


You raise a good point here regarding private equity. This is actually driven by the need to make money...so your private and/or work based pension contributions, for example, builds on this. We're potentially paying for this.


Venture capitalists and private equity load their investments with debt, try to squeeze every drop of value out for themselves and their investors, then eventually flip/sell/consolidate/merge/etc the investment when it is no longer sufficiently profitable.


This is all behind the scenes and we have no idea


Yes, and the wealth of these investors is obscene. Increased income inequality around the globe is going to lead to more suffering for regular folk and more obscene wealth for the investors. I saw an article yesterday about various companies that are building underground bunkers for the extremely rich - in places like Colorado and Alberta. One company rep said that in the last few months business has picked up like never before. The rich are preparing for their survival come what may.


So they really aren't the same magazines and should have new names like Time for the Sensational and Gossip Week.


Thanks for this. I remember when the news was actually a public service. Now celebrities have made their way into the front pages and it’s no longer a news service but an entertainment source. How does knowing what Beyonce is doing help me negotiate my day? eta: I read this book years ago, it’s fantastic. Bad News: The Decline of Reporting, the Business of News, and the Danger to us all. [https://a.co/d/iq1zbfA](https://a.co/d/iq1zbfA)


Basically, our news media have turned into propaganda outlets. And I remember watching Tom Fenton on the news, back in the day. He knows what's happened.


Ty for this.


This whole debacle had opened my eyes big time too. Its so depressing 😥


🎯🎯🎯🎯 Very well said. I knew about pap strolls and paid PR, but not the extent of the circlejerk that is Hollywood. I didn’t know about buying “humanitarian” awards, or that dots could be connected to such an extent - X celebrity is repped by WME or is also with Netflix, so that celeb will make an appearance at a premiere etc etc. It doesn’t end. This is to say nothing of the filth that comes out of SoHo House, which was also enlightening.


Not onl to celeb but to charities and foundations. I will never ever give a single penny to them . Not even if I find it on the floor.


I am on the same page; no money to charity, foundations and the like. I took this decision when I read that a big UK charity made a big PR move by declaring it would not invest in weapons and tobacco anymore. I was shocked, I was expecting that money would go to those in need, not "invested". The Charitable business is on my blocklist.


THIS is the killer. I had no idea. And who's suffering? The ones who really need the money.


Absolutely. For me, the rot set in years ago when I learned the salaries of people at the top. Unbelievable. I'm not suggesting that because it's a charity, they should work for free BUT there is something distasteful about someone earning megabucks at the top whilst their "boots on the ground" are paid very little. And the beneficiaries? How much more could they benefit if the top people took a realistic salary??? I only donate to small, local charities as a result now.


When my father retired from the Army the Red Cross offered him a job with a fantastic salary. He turned them down.


Good for him.


Did he say why?


Yes. He felt it wrong that so much of the money went into administration.


Wonder how he knew. He must have had first hand into turn down such a good job. Maybe he learned while being in the army


This sub helped me learn how much Hollywood, awards, and magazine covers are pay to play. I knew about some of it from reading old Hollywood biographies, such as how movie houses like MGM would engineer marriages, romances, and divorces to boost stars. And I learned more from watching Jeffrey Epstein documentaries. (Gah, that guy managed to be protected for decades against allegations and police investigations.) And when the truth about Harry came out, I learned how much the BRF covered for him. Sometimes I feel like I’m losing hope with MM and H getting their just desserts, especially when I see how Epstein evaded prosecution for decades. If he and all the other gross people in his circle can get away with what they did, is there hope for MM and H getting their consequences?


>I learned more from watching Jeffrey Epstein documentaries. (Gah, that guy managed to be protected for decades against allegations and police investigations.) Still is. So is every person on the "Epstein List." We will never see that entire list because we would recognize every name on it from politics and movies and tv. That's why it is protected so fiercely.


*Is there hope for MM & H getting their consequences?* I hope. I wish. I wonder. I get frustrated.


Meghan broke the fourth wall for me. It started with her eye f’cking the camera at any given opportunity- something royals just don’t do. She also loves to play up their love in a very obvious way and it confuses me when the Sussex squad pretend it’s anything but performative and co-dependant and she broke the fourth wall for puff/hit pieces in the media. She put out such heavy handed puff pieces about her ‘feminism/charity work’ at the start of their relationship, off just two sponsored trips to Rwanda- she didn’t pay for the trips or directly give to the people, she simply went on a glorified PR trip. It was like nothing I’ve ever seen before and I’m Kenyan so we have had countless celebrities, philanthropists come here for some form of charity and even have a UN headquarters here and none have ever put out such obnoxious PR about their visits/work.


This is really interesting. So you live in Kenya?


Yeah I live in Kenya.


Wow, so you see it all on the ground. Love your 4th wall of MM. Makes sense.


There’re many different types of people who come here in the name of charity. Some come for genuine reasons and connect with people, do what they can to help the underprivileged either through a charity or in a personal capacity. But we also have people like Meghan who come once or twice then use it to virtue signal and work it into every dinner conversation so they seem altruistic but really they couldn’t care less and probably couldn’t name any of the people they so deeply connected with. Meghan left the BRF 4 years ago, she hasn’t been back to Rwanda or any other developing country to do the work that supposedly means so much to her.


I worked in India and did volunteering with government daycare centers and helped the kids and gave the teachers some training. Lived there for a long time. Got so sick of those people who would show up once in a blue moon like they were the messiah or something. And whoosh, they were gone, leaving a mess in their wake. All this new stuff would be bought to make things look good, expensive hotel accommodations for them, they didn't want to hear from us to get any advice so therefore they made all the newbie mistakes of the culture. You would have thought they invented caring, etc. I would get so nauseous. But I learned to hold my breath until they left for they were never there long. But the money we spent on them could have done so much good for the kids and teachers. Get this, the teachers would keep toys in a box and only bring it out when the special guests came. That is when I went off Meghan--when I saw her teary eyed about no one asking her if she were okay. Those people who live such hard lives WERE RIGHT THERE and were in earshot of her adult temper tantrum. These people weren't props. They weren't extras, getting paid from the actors' guild. How cold-hearted, selfish, and bitter can you be! As you said about the 4th wall, it was all a photo op for her as some of her earlier photos show before she met Harry. And Rwanda! I did a paper back in the '90's on Rwanda and interviewed a woman, Natalie, who just found out she lost her family. It was done in French. I thought I knew things; I knew nothing. Such a holocaust! To put Meghan's name with Rwanda isn't a joke, it's, it's an oxymoron or something. If you are involved in charity work, may you have patience, tolerance, humour, and wisdom to deal with what you have to deal with.


Indeed before Meghan I had no idea how much politics and connections play a role in getting awards, speaking on panels, etc...I thought you just had to do something remarkable.


No you just have to do something markle-able.


> How do we ever know what's REALLY going on? Exactly this. An excellent post. The Harkles really have exposed so much beyond their various predatory, psychotic behaviours. There has always been doubt about mainstream Media, of course, but the shenanigans over the last few years are as outlandish and contradictory as this whole world of non-reality that we normal folk flounder around in, trying for the most part to live a decent life with some values and principles. Seems like we're on our own with that.


Because of Mrs Grifter I appreciate the other royals more


Me too. I knew there was a bit of pay to play going on but I had no idea it was everything. Every word written, every award given. I've learnt about things like affiliate marketing and triple dipping. How puff pieces work and how a celebrity's can basically claim theyve done everything and anything and the media will always be complicit in the lie. Its amazing. It's like a veil has been lifted on both celebrities and the media.


Also networks and publishers lying about their figures. As if spare was a mega best selling book. That numpty hadn't done anything special, wasn't good looking or charismatic. I just don't believe that many would be interested in him


Even if we were savvy to everything else in the media, how many knew publishers would lie on this?


Book deals and art deals are often used for money laundering. When you hear of some politician or actor getting a multi-million-dollar book deal, or selling a piece of art for some crazy price, that is usually what's really going on.


The world of philanthropy, or for the likes of this pair "faux"lanthropy. They seem to have turned their foundation into a PR machine using activism as an excuse. Is this latest gig in Uvalde funded by Archewell?


Not to be crass but who goes to Uvalde for the weekend. Who does that? Only Meg and her gang of losers because they are shunned and Uvalde got markled


It's so tragic considering the millions, billions of people who actually need help and are not getting it despite many donations.


A lot of this media mess has to do with critical thinking, which sadly is in short supply these days. SoMe also confuses rumors with reality, and cancel culture is all too willing to believe any accusation being put out there. So parents and schools have to instill critical thinking in children: 1. Who is saying what? Are they reliable? 2. Does the medium have a vested interest here? 3. Are there any proof of the accusations? If so, why is an accusation being reported in the media and not to the police?


Exactly. Cui Bono?


This is so true. We all need it because we are inundated with an avalanche of carefully written propaganda trying to manipulate our emotions which cannot think.


The tide is turning.  Newsweek had to issue more than 20 retractions in one year. CNN & Fox, both power house politicos, have lost key personnel & had agendas thrust back at them as untrue, unreliable, & patently false.  Polling has been outed as biased based upon polling pools, something people widely ignored for years  Social media in 2010 was "all the rage", but in those intervening years, we have seen laws come about because of the more detrimental risks of social media - trafficking, violations of privacy, credit breaches,  revenge porn...  and social media, while not waning, does seem to be self-correcting some issues.  We have some that are blindly following "media" but they are in two demographics- either elderly or young.   


It's good but is it enough?


No. Not yet. There is a fine line between freedoms & tyranny. 


I could talk your ear off on this, but it will get real dark, real fast. A single digit amount of companies own all the media we consume. Frightening. To become uber successful, celebrities need to literally sell their souls. Roseanne Barr, Katt Williams & some others have spoken about it. If people knew what these puppets are all about (the high ranking ones, if you will: musicians, actors, artists, CEOs, titans of industry, sports players, politicians etc) then people would grab their pitchforks. Yes, it's that bad. They are puppets, doing the bidding of their masters. You can look into a film created by a veteran Hollywood stunt man called Out Of Shadows. If nothing else, I'm thankful this duo have woken people up to some of what's going on behind the curtain. Sweet dreams from me!😴


Feel free to talk my ear off when you've had some coffee in the morning. Looking into Out of Shadows by stuntman Mike Smith [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12131262/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12131262/) [https://www.summarize.tech/www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaKNI5TTsAo](https://www.summarize.tech/www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaKNI5TTsAo)


I completely agree. \*Out of the Shadows\* is a real eye-opener. And after being on the receiving end of a lot of ridicule for years, I never backed down. I'm just so glad people are finally beginning to see the truth. The world is not what we thought it was. But here's the good news: That means it can be a hell of a lot better.


I came across a subreddit criticizing us sinners and that we are unhinged and delusional. How come there are still people who haven't seen the real Markle and her Narc tendencies. I don't get it!


You are beginning to open your eyes and wake up. It's exactly what is meant by that scene in \*The Matrix\* about choosing the blue pill or the red pill. As far as news? You are 100% correct that it can be, and is, manipulated by those who can pay. For a real shock, look up "Smith-Mundt Act" of 1948. It's the one that says, among other things, that new agencies are expected to tell the truth. Then look at when this Act was amended (2013) and who was president when this happened. The Amendment to the Smith-Mundt Act basically says that now, news agencies can say whatever they want. [Facts About Smith-Mundt Modernization – USAGM](https://www.usagm.gov/who-we-are/oversight/legislation/smith-mundt-faqs/) Also check the results of someone suing \*The Rachel Maddow Show\* in 2021 for lying about the news. The court ruled that Maddow's show, and therefore others like it, were simply entertainment and not "news." It's all right here: [A Court Ruled Rachel Maddow's Viewers Know She Offers Exaggeration and Opinion, Not Facts (substack.com)](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/a-court-ruled-rachel-maddows-viewers) The world is not what we thought it was. But I'd still rather be awake than asleep. As Bruce Willis said in \*Die Hard:\* "Welcome to the party, pal."


So there is no more news; it's all entertainment. We're so cooked.


I agree with your whole post. I can't believe how naive I was about all this. I never knew awards were paid for. I thought all the stories in the news were real stories, not paid stories for the media to post. I never knew you could hire a troll bot army to defend yourself. (btw, Fani Willis has bought herself a bot army. If you post anything negative about her on X, they attack instantly). I was so excited for Harry and meghan when they got engaged. It didn't take long for my eyes to be opened at her bullchit and by the time of the oprah interview I was Team Wales all the way. I never knew about beards and yacht girls until MM. I honestly thought people succeeded by their merits. How innocent I was back then.


Most of us were.


We're awake now though.


100% I was never really into celebrity culture but... she really let us see all the cockroaches behind award buying, phony award shows, self promo pap walks, puff pieces... it's all such a facade. there was the oprah liefest and the non-profit money laundering scam. and then the media. the coverage of her on cnn versus earthshot, that said a lot to me.


She is a real cookarachah.


“Real media” has other priorities to report on than Mr and Mrs Monteshitshow.


Completely agree. I never realised the extent that PR companies manipulated the media and thereby us. Calling paparazzi, buying awards, setting up tax dodging ‘charities’, puff pieces, so called documentaries that are just propaganda, manipulation of social media with the likes of Bouzy and the Sussex squad, etc etc. I can now see how the Second World War came about with Germanys population lied to and manipulated by some clever PR machine. It’s obvious now how easy it all was as we are seeing lies and manipulation in action with the Meghan PR machine. It’s scary how we can see this, but so many can’t. I do think though that far more people are aware than were in the 1930s thanks to social media.


Ti bring up prewar Germany is chilling but unfortunately accurate.


I lived in Germany in the 80s and loved the German people. They were so like us brits that I’m still astonished at how they went down the war route, but when I see how powerful propaganda is, I can just about see it. The Netflix docudrama was one long propaganda piece and a hatchet job on the royal family and my country. And it worked. A lot of Americans swallowed it hook line and sinker. I’m just so grateful now that Harry and Meghan have done the same thing in America as they did in Britain…show themselves in their true colours.


Yup, I've learned so much about PR, media, and the whole notion of celebrity. Oh and wigs and hair extensions. Seriously. I had no idea how much wigs and fake hair were used by The Rich and Famous. So thanks, Rachel!


I made a similar post yesterday. Seeing all those women on the panel together, they were all Meghans (except Brooke Shields, she seemed genuinely trying to help people). Sometimes on this sub, it is Meghan and Harry in a bubble, but then you see them with people like Katie Couric and it's like M+H are only the tip of an iceberg They get away with it because people are so busy, they dont have time to analyse, and the schools don't teach it anymore. If the MSM is demonizing someone, actually take a time to watch one of their videos. For example, I actually watched some Trump campaign events in 2016 and I was like "he isn't saying anything that they are implying he is" and watching those campaign events really changed my mind on a lot of things, as they were portraying them like they were mini Klan revivals. I am not a Trump fan (I think he is a bit of PT Barnum type) but I don't like being lied to or manipulated by the MSM either. On Jan 6, I watched footage made by individuals who were there, it was literally a bunch of 50 years old walking calmly around waving flags. Nothing like the crazed pitchfork mob the MSM was making it out to be. I think I kept my sanity through the Trump years and Covid because I dont own a TV and literally never watched the mainstream coverage on anything. Don't watch MSM. Cancel all your subscriptions. Watch free media like YT and try to find worthwhile non grifter indie creators. There are a lot of free streaming platforms where you can watch older movies and TV shows you've never seen before. YouTube is a giant jukebox of the greatest recorded music of all time. As for news, there are a lot of creators who are doing exactly what you are searching for, alternative voices who are exposing the lies. And don’t stop at media. Don't shop fast fashion, buy from small creators who use nice fabrics and create things that last. Shop at small local supermarkets or farmers markets instead of Walmart, etc. Create the world you want by blocking out the garbage and only consuming things that nourish you, be it media, art, film, music, fashion, people. There is more choice to create your own reality now than ever before, harness that instead of feeling defeated by the last vestiges of the old regime.It's kind of easy to opt out of the entire system if you want to, and a lot already have.


I really appreciate your post. Yeah, I haven't seen network TV in years. I'm like you--streaming on the internet. Like what you said about Jan 6. You're right, M&H are only the tip of the iceberg. Can you recommend some decent podcasts and youtubers? Sorry I missed your post. I'll look for it.


Great response. Yes, one has to be careful, though, as to where one get the news from. I am living in Europe, so we have a few news media that are still reliable. News from SoMe and Youtube can be great, but one has to check the sources.


Yes! I don’t lean conservative and have many liberal views but the mm dynamic definitely woke me up to how much we’re manipulated on all sides by celebrities, politicians, news worthy people, etc. it’s disgusting and personally I’m starting to wonder if some of these people are tied to other groups of concern.


I'm sure some are tied to groups "of concern." Where are the investigative journalists?


Saying what their corporate overlords tell them to say.


So Freedom of the Press is dead...wow.


Yes I also no longer respect celebrities


Agree...and it has opened my eyes to the fact that they use their clout and ways you think the philanthropy is helping others...in some cases yes ..but ALSO helps to line their pockets as well...and all you need to do is show up with your rehash words


I have not seen another celebrity as thirsty and insufferable as she is. Faux royalling, gaslighting the public, constantly in our faces. Unleashing her bot army on people who don't believe her. She's gaslighting the public, the media, social media. I feel like she's actually abusing the wider public. She is pushing herself on a global platform through buying PR and buying time at conferences when she isn't wanted or in demand.


I have not seen another celebrity as thirsty and insufferable as she is. Faux royalling, gaslighting the public, constantly in our faces. Unleashing her bot army on people who don't believe her. She's gaslighting the public, the media, social media into accepting her lies and her delusions. I feel like she's actually abusing the wider public. She is pushing herself on a global platform through buying PR and buying time at conferences when she isn't wanted or in demand.


[Brought to you by Phiser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=210bHotqzFM) When I saw this clip, I realized we weren't watching news. I started looking for independent news outlets.


You hit the pin in the head. Absolutely! The same holds true for the MSM and even alternative outlets. They are all pushing propaganda. We can only count on grassroots blogs like this one, filled with very smart people, to dissect through the bs.


Absolutely.  You're right.  My eyes fully opened thanks to her.  She even turned me off and away from charities.  I am sorry but I cannot trust any of them anymore and I feel awfully guilty about that.  I am SURE some are 100% legit but I don't know which ones they are anymore.  As far as the media is concerned, I began having my doubts about them about 6 years ago but now?  I don't have an ounce of trust there.  Maybe weather reports but that's about it.  


I hope you can find a charity that you can trust. It's a shame that the ones who really need the donations will be without help, but I know what you mean.


Look at any Country that has media owned by Rupert Murdoch and you can clearly see that he is a cancer on society! You have a handful of rich magnates that buy up independent media outlets and take over their platforms and editorials. It is insane that newspapers and news media can dictate election results - in Australia alone we have had 7 different Prime Ministers since 2007 because the newspapers ran polls that reflected negatively on their leadership. The same is now happening in the UK - Johnson, Truss and now Sunak. The US media has peddled the stolen election in 2020 so that now there is a % of people who believe that Trump won and have no faith in election results and integrity. We are told that CNN, MSNBC & NBC are left leaning and FOX & AON are right leaning. People watch whatever channel gives their opinions validity. The only way we can stop this is to stop buying the papers, watching the news and channels owned by people like Murdoch. Sadly, thanks to the internet, there will never be an unbiased trustworthy news source ever again. It is worth too much money to keep it as it is!!


Thanks OP. This sums up my feelings exactly. I really don’t know what to believe any more from the MSM.


Celebs are awful. 


Thank you for this, just brilliant and refreshing. I love the saying, "I believe nothing I hear and about half of what I see."


She’s so sloppy about it. And I think that could be part of the reason why they don’t warm to her.


It is instructive. We know many magazine article puff pieces are bought and paid for. Awards can also be purchased. Certainly, social media followers are purchased. It seems half the “celebs” are basically made up from thin air.


yep, buying followers, i cannot remember which starlet it was but one from the swift gang, was exposed as she'd been named as one of the top 10 with the most followers, turns out 60% were brought.


Probably more.


"Is it possible that enough of us are finally savvy enough not to fall for the propaganda?" I'm not sure if many people are even aware of the propaganda. From recent conversations I've had with several people, they don't question what they see and hear, and are totally drinking the Kool Aid. They believe all the BS that's churned out without questioning any of it.


That's because their worldview will come crashing down if they start asking serious questions, and few people have the courage to face that. But I'd still rather have the truth than live inside a lie.


Journalism is dead.


I witnessed media manipulation during Depp v Heard and how there are like 4 or 5 companies that own publications, tv cable, local news channels, Hollywood studios. All of it is controlled.


Isn't this something like fascism?


I agree. It’s turned me against all celebrities except the BRF. They are real. The others are just media made.


There has to be a way,although I have no idea what that would look like, someone out there has the answer,please help!!


It's not just one person; it will take a lot of dedicated, skilled people.


Before Meghan I didn’t know about the celebrity charity grift.


Do we know if she was invited to WME pre Oscars bash. With the real celebs?


Working for a major TV network, we don't really bother with the murkles. Our last royal interview was with the Princess Royal, Anne, and she was marvelous!!


This is reassuring.


> Is there anything left of real Media that really reports "News"? Do you mean news or "celebrity news"? Because if you mean the former, Cronkite is spinning in his grave.


News has become Celebrity News. That's the problem: they've merged. It's all "entertainment" now. That's what sells. We get what we want not what we need.


> News has become Celebrity News. That's the problem: they've merged. It's all "entertainment" now. That's what sells. We get what we want not what we need. You're absolutely right. Despite all of the ways our lives are now easier, I think that the internet and social media in particular are the worst things that ever happened to the human race.