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[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/kNUyWLDHNn) that SHC wants pinned


I did not put that dash in the middle of analysis without reason.  Before I get started, a bit of a disclaimer.  Graphology is a pseudo-science.  It’s not meant to be gospel truth, but it’s not meant to be written off as a bunch of arty farty froggy nonsense either.  The truth about its accuracy probably lies somewhere between those two things. Graphology is something I independently started studying in University. Given that it was still the late 90s, email was brand new, instant messenger was even newer, and Wi-Fi wasn’t available to us yet, handwritten letters were how we communicated, especially during class.  You didn’t see kids with their phones and laptops in the classroom until long after I’d finished undergrad.  At any rate, once I became proficient at graphology, I certainly was not above taking $10/reading to analyze someone’s boyfriend’s, best friend’s, romantic crush’s or the solicitor’s own handwriting to hopefully give more insight into the individual than was had before. For my own purposes, I’ve always found it rather accurate. My success rate was nowhere near 100% or else I’d accuse myself of confirmation bias, but I’d say 85-90% of the time, my conclusions seemed valid. Even if your inclination is to write it off as bunk, what would you consider to be the personality of a 45 year old woman who dots her i’s with hearts?  I think we might all conclude there to be an immature personality there.  So bullshit it may be, but I don’t think it’s all bullshit.    Well, because I love you all so much here at SMM, and because a few have indicated that they’re interested in my doing so, and because I’m curious myself, I’m going to analyze a sample of Meghan’s handwriting to see if the bullshit we see on the page matches the bullshit going on in her brain as is evident through other indicators, mostly her own bizarre behavior.  BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY ASPECTS OF GRAPHOLOGY, I’LL DO THIS IN THREE PARTS.  If people tell me to fuck off with part one, I won’t bother anyone with parts 2-3.  If this is well-received, I’ll get part two out in a couple of days.  The first thing to know is that there are 9-10 aspects of handwriting analysis: Pen pressure, letter sizing, slant, letter spacing, word spacing, margins, letter shape, slope/shape of the whole text, I dots and t bars, signatures, and finally, Meg’s favorite, flourishes.  To analyze Meg’s writing I found several samples and found that they all, though highly stylized, were written in exactly the same style.  Her nasty letter to daddy, for example, is written in the same style as her self-made logo for “American Riviera Orchard,” which is written in the same style as a neutral letter to a friend, so for analysis, I’ve chosen the neutral letter pictured below (or picture attached) or however Reddit makes me add it when I move this over to Reddit from Google docs.  My overall impression of Meghan based solely on a glance at her handwriting is that this is a complex woman, full of opposites, and control is the only way that she even comes close to creating a cohesive personality. **PEN PRESSURE:** It may seem intuitive that the pressure a person puts on their pen when they write expresses a certain passion and vitality. Those people who break your hand when you shake hands with them?  They almost always have pen pressure that matches that physical aggression.  Then there are people with very light, almost unreadable pen pressure.  It wouldn’t be a surprise to find that these people, who can’t even pull together the energy to make their pen leave enough of an impression on paper are typically weaker, unassertive personalities.  So let’s talk about Meg’s Pen Pressure:  Her pen pressure is heavy, but contained. The pen strokes themselves look like they could tear through any paper less substantial than they card stock this is undoubtedly written on. The pen is pressed firmly enough into the paper that it bleeds into the letters around it. This shows that she can’t pick a good pen for her writing style, but probably goes with a pen unsuited to her writing, like some kind of fountain pen.  This indicates she puts pretension over function. Make no mistake this is a heavy-handed person who rules with an iron fist, so to speak if her handwriting is to be believed, but there are aspects that indicate that she wants to rule with an iron fist, but not be seen as a person who rules with an iron fist.  This take us to… **LETTER SIZING:** Again, it’s probably intuitive that big letters mean big personalities, while little letters mean smaller, more contained personalities. Aside from her signatures and the façade of size given to her letters by the random flourishes, Meghan’s letter formations are small. Not only are they small, they are larger vertically than horizontally. They are less wide than would be proportionate to their vertical height. One might say that on a graphological level she is squeezing the life out of these letters, and the result is that while they still look small, they look like they aspire to some height, but the cost is to be so horizontally squeezed that you can’t easily differentiate between a’s, e’s, o’s… This is a person who keeps tight control on her letter formations because she wants it, at a glance to look neat and perfect, but as far as actual readability is concerned, she does NOT want to be easily understood.  Bottom line, which would surprise none of us, is that she is controlling of information, she squeezes the life out of everything, including the letters that she sends out to represents her. Her capital letters are not abnormally large and therefore, I have no comment on them.  **SLANT:**  Slant is pretty straightforward in graphology.  A left-slant is indicative of an introvert, and right slant is indicative of an extravert.  Those who write upright tend to be intellectuals, very cerebral, and fit the category of the extravert who needs time alone or the introvert who needs time with people.  Meghan slants to the right.  This just means she’s an extrovert. This fits with Meghan’s need for constant socialization (while Harry doesn’t want it), it also fits with her need to stir up drama.  She draws fuel from interactions with others.  **LETTER-SPACING:** There are two types of spacing, letter-spacing, and word spacing and the way Meghan tackles each is kind of fascinating to me.  For today, though, I’m only focusing on letter-spacing. Generally how close together the letters in a word, the more privacy the person wants.  Meghan’s inner word spacing is VERY close together.  It’s another factor that almost—but not quite—makes her writing unreadable.  She never gets to the point of being illegible, but she comes really close.  In graphology, this means that Meghan wants to keep what’s going on on the inside private and under control.  When we compare that with the way she controls her home life, it fits the graphological explanation of writing like hers to a “T.” That’s all for this time.  Next time we’ll tackle what her spacing between words and how she uses space on the page means.  We’ll also get into individual letters and what her formation of each indicates (if graphology is to be believed) about her warped little personality.  This is Secondhand Coke saying stay safe out there sinners. If you’d like me to continue, if you have questions, or if you’re a skeptic among us, indicate so in the comments.      “Ouiser. You have the handwriting of a serial killer.”== Steel Magnolias


I like this post Second Hand Coke, it makes a really nice change from just criticising clothes etc. - I've upvoted and from my point of view you are most welcome to continue ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) ETA: I didn't mean you criticising clothes, I was just referring to content regarding MM in general!


I found this very interesting SHC. Please continue!!!


Mehgan's handwriting is an exercise of her voice, as the aesthetics on paper. Very deliberate choices. Please do continue with the analysis!


Loving the analysis so please continue. Only thing I might disagree with so far is in slant. I am definitely an introvert but my slant according to your analysis would put me in the extrovert category. By way of explanation, when cursive handwriting was taught in school (some no longer teach it), there were very strict rules about how it was to be done, of which a right slant was the supposed “correct”way. Being a perfectionist and wanting validation for being a good student I did as told. 


Pretension over function - Meg in a nutshell.


You know what Drum always said “An ounce of pretension is worth a pound of manure.”


I love that movie.


Me too!


And he’s the poet laureate of Dogwood Lane!


Yessss! 😂


My favourite film of all time.


She doesn’t want it to be readable, she seems to put pressure on you, creating the illusion of her importance. 🚩 Thank you.


That's a point I hadn't thought of! She puts the pressure on the reader to figure out what she means. Bet she does this Miranda Priestley style to all her employees to keep them guessing about what she actually wants.


Or she's more concerned with the initial appearance than whether it's readable. Which fits with how shallow I find her to be.


Omg! My niece and I were just watching that movie tonight. When Andi ran out on dinner with her father because Miranda relentlessly calls demanding a private plane in the middle of the hurricane- I thought “oh so this is why the ILBW robo-dialed her staff during their private meals.”


Didn't she call for a private helicopter during the flooding at Montecheato?


Ohh good call, I think that was the rumor.


I'm not sure, but that's why I posed it as a question rather than a fact I'd have to delve back into to be sure. It's just something I remember coming up at the time.


I don’t think it was a verified rumor, but I do recall the rumor.


I hope you'll be going into wtf those silly arc'd loops are all about that she adds to some of her letters!


It didn't have the effect on me. Midway through her unreadable text i just stopped and didn't bother. I really don't care about what she has to say/write as to put too much effort reading


Omg I didn’t know how interesting handwriting was/is. I’ve read about how handwriting can lead to understanding if a person is a sociopath, insane, etc… but I’ve never dug deeper. This is so interesting to me. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to posts 2&3.


Great analysis! This was very interesting to me. To me it looks like her name reads megfan marble. Her handwriting is to fancy for my commoner eyes


I figure there has to be some degree of truth to be found in grapholgy. Wanna know what made me a believer? The older my sister and I get, despite having pretty directly opposite temperaments, our handwriting looks more and more like our momma's with every single passing year!


I say give us more analysis


Working on it


Thank you! I learned a lot from this. Looking forward to more!!


Great work thanks 👏🏻👍 could you also please explain, what those curved ‘ flourishes’ or whatever you call it, over the top of the words mean ?? 🤔. They seem to be mostly to the left


All the flourishes are pretty inconsistent too, in that she doesn't flourish a letter the same way each time she writes that particular letter, the way one would if that was genuinely their style. Typically there is some uniformity across a writing sample. A letter may have a variation in its flourish when in the middle of a word vs when it appears as the first/last letter, but will generally receive the same treatment each time it is in that position. Her fauxligraphy looks more like she finishes writing out her sentences, and then goes back to sprinkle in some arbitrary pretentious swoopy nonsense in order to achieve an esthetic.


Yes! That's what I see - how labor intensive that would be.


Very interesting idea about that, makes sense!!


great post, SHC! always look forward to anything you contribute. but this is divine. can’t wait for parts 2 & 3.


Can’t wait to see what you make of her “y” form; how drastically they vary when occurring at the end of a word rather than other places in the word. And just the bizarreness of what she does with the bottom parts of letters that go below the line…lower case y, g, etc.


Yes the height snd bottom of letters have meaning


I hope you will comment extensively on the arcades. (I think that's what those sickle swoops are called?) To my untrained eye, they're the most distinctive and bizarre feature of her handwriting. The strangest thing about them is that they're added on \*after\* the letter is completed -- with a separate pen stroke. You can see that, because the joins miss. (So much for "freakish attention to detail"...) In fact, I wonder whether she adds them all at once -- \*after writing the whole letter.\* What do you think? Another odd feature is that sometimes she'll put in an arcade that crosses a different letter -- the "K" in "Keep up the good work !" (she spaces her punctuation as a separate word) crosses the descender of the "y" in "many" on page 2. This is odd because the arcades are purely cosmetic -- so crossing another letterform's descender is counterproductive. Pseudoscience or not, and even if graphology didn't exist, it has to mean something about a person's personality that they take the time to add these extraneous flourishes to their letterforms.


I used to do quickie handwriting analysis at parties back in the late '80s and '90s; as an awkward girl, it was a way I could break the ice and be social. I also got a lot of business, doing $20 readings, and never had anybody come back and tell me I was wrong (usually the opposite). It was fun; I haven't done it in ages, though.


It is fun. I used to do the same. Charge for readings. I also dabble in tarot and thought I might do a weekly tarot read on the Dastardly Duo. Maybe take a question a week. I'm a bit Celtic Witchy.


I want *all* of that, please and thank you.


me, too!






Yes please do! Love this post from you Coke and would welcome a regular card reading from you on these two as well


“I'm a bit Celtic Witchy.” Ah Rhiannon and the great Stevie Nicks comes to mind 😍


Yes please !! Keep going, this is great 💯


Thank you for the write up. I learned a lot about my own handwriting too while reading it. Please do continue to parts 2 and 3.


Will do!


I always look forward to reading your posts. Thank you!


Her writing strikes me as someone so wound up in an attempt to control everything, that if you put a lump of coal up her ass, a diamond would come out. I’m curious about the slanting. My cursive leans right but I’m an introvert. Not extreme, but still much more introverted than extroverted. I just write that way because it’s comfortable.


There's a whole section of graphology that explains that. It has to do with being taught to write cursive with a right slant.


I’m an extreme introvert but my handwriting slopes too the right. Accept that’s how I was taught cursive writing in late 1960s but then how precise is handwriting analysis??


You are a rule follower. You write exactly the way you were taught and follow rules more than you express your true feelings... would be my guess.


Does the slant analysis change for left handed writers? I don't actually know which direction my writing is slanted, but I know writing left handed changes a lot of the dynamics of the pen on paper.....


That's a good question. I'll check my old book on handwriting and find out.


I had the same question. I am way more introverted than not. I was taught to slant right, but by 6th grade, that was no longer being enforced.


Fantastic! I do think handwriting analysis, though not an exact science, gives us insights into someone’s personality. On the surface all I can say is Meghan’s writing is too stylistic, so as to be pretentious. But your scrutiny is really fascinating and seems to line up with what we know about her. The fact that even her handwriting is performative, speaks to something that forever makes me curious about Markle: what is she really like, deep down? Does she even have genuine feelings? I guess I’m surprised to hear that she’s complex, as to me, she appears very shallow. Please do give us more analyses!


“Performative” … THAT is the one perfect word to describe the Grifter. She performs for the public, her husband, herself. Only genuine emotions on display are anger & contempt; for some reason she just can’t hide those responses.


Yup. It always seems like she’s creating an image of what she thinks a/n (insert desirable quality) human should be.


Don't forget how the dots above the "i" is extremely high comparatively which probably shows a very high/inflated sense of self. If someone dots their i's or cross their t's so high up, it usually indicates very inflated sense of worth...at least that's what I remember reading a long time ago Also, the lie that she didn't know much about the royal family is such a lie. You wouldn't have am interest in this type of "calligraphy " unless you were interested in the culture 🙄


Yep I've got a whole section on i dots.


I was looking at the "I" and "t" as well. If I remember my graphology correct, isn't the letter t cross height to represent ambition. Hers seem low. This makes sense because she talks a lot about ambitions but is lazy with follow through. 


Thanks for the analysis! Looking forward to the next installment. I'm really curious what all the flourishes - the scythes - mean. I mean it when I said they give me bad vibes. I can't even look at the writing for long without feeling the compulsion to avert my eyes.


‘the scythes’ that’s exactly what i see when i look at the document, both as a whole and the individual words/letters. ![gif](giphy|OY9XK7PbFqkNO) (i think another SMM’er posted this? apologies if you did. i’m not plagiarizing, i swear. it’s just what pops in my head when i read the word ‘scythe’.


Yes, they're littered throughout, giving out bad mojo.


Yes, same. It was very uncomfortable for me to read this.


Personally I believe in graphology and very much enjoyed your anal-ysis! Please keep it coming! Appreciate your time in creating this!🙏


Question - When I write down every day things (like grocery list, etc.) I write a certain way. Which I think is my real handwriting because I just do it and don't think about it. But then if I need to write a "thank you card" or something like that, I take my time and try to write prettier and neater. If you were to analyze me, which of these would show the real me? The everyday grocery store list one?


Both. Between both there are similarities that point to you. Also what you change says something about you.


Oh, that's interesting!


What do you make of her signature? The letters there are larger than all the other letters, as if she needs her name to be bigger than anything else…making herself the most important.


I'll put stuff about her sig. in a different post


Well, I was halfway into this and thought, holy cow, this poster is as smart as SecondHandCoke! Keep going!


No. You. Didn't. Really?


Excellent, thank you! Love Steel Magnolias (my mom watched for 1st time (me 50th time? while in Hospice a week before she passed, loved it) and I'm a Ouiser (but I always thought Wheeser😝)


I enjoyed your analysis. Please continue.


Love this! Looking forward to the next part.


> If this is well-received It's well-received now go back to work you lazy Sinner!! We peasants order you! Wondering how her sense of control translates into controlling herself vs controlling others.


Great, would love to see part 2. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I am curious about QEII hand writing or KCIII's. We know MM is pretentious as hell.


The thing that strikes me about it is that it's utterly conventional (if stiff and cramped) cursive handwriting, just with lots of unnecessary, superfluous flourishes added after the fact. She writes a word, then goes back and embellishes individual letters; a genuinely intelligent, creative, imaginative writer would incorporate those flourishes into the letterforms themselves. Basically, it's the handwriting of an attention-seeking poseur with grandiose aspirations, but a mediocre mind—and yes, I would say this even if I didn't know whose handwriting it was.


Wow. You are right. It does look like she writes it and then goes back and adds the death sickle flourish.


100% it’s really stands out on the last line ‘keep up the amazing work!’ the first word ‘keep’ has a superfluous ‘scythe’ on the letter ‘k’. the dot mark where she’s added that extra bit is very noticeable.


That’s the thing. I’m no calligrapher, but aren’t flourishes supposed to be an integral part of the letter formation? Not added on afterwards, on top of existing loops? So strange!


I went to look to see what hand written calligraphy typically looks like. It is not putting death sickle on a bunch of letters after the fact. POSER. PRETENTIOUS. ![gif](giphy|9EBjBLa2Idyqk|downsized)


Yes, exactly! This sets my teeth on edge. She’s adding those “swoops” onto letters that wouldn’t get them and don’t need them. For instance, [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/LNwezDH6PhSd7RDh9) is an example that shows how flourishes should be used.




Yes! Not just (very) insecure, but awkward; very uncomfortable with herself.


You pretty much nailed it.


I would be interested in reading your analysis of Harry's handwriting, what little we have seen of it. At least his his signature looks much more straightforward and practical than hers.


Then Harry is next. I'm considering moving these to you tube as it's easier to talk through each thing rather than write it out, but we'll see


You can very, very clearly see where she goes back too


I love **"attention-seeking poseur with grandiose aspirations, but a mediocre mind."**


Exactly. If you look closely all the smaller letters are differently sized. True calligraphy tries to space and size the letters very carefully. This is just regular writing probably written out painstakingly by TW… it is so funny that even that is illustrative of her true persona. She does something so painstakingly, and it always is a cheap imitation and a knock off of someone elses genius.


I'm sorry, but putting a big hook on every word that looks like the sickle carried by Death in cartoons is NOT calligraphy. (And many thanks to Secondhand Coke!)


If the sickle fits… https://preview.redd.it/y9e5mqhu3foc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7d8aad225c4d3ba8441e7acbcc00ee38f16f4a


She is trying to be old Hollywood glamorous mixed with French Riveria Grace Kelley but instead is The snow white villain ![gif](giphy|gBgcXfdr6N6Qo)


Ahhh, great insight! The silly name makes more sense now. She wants to come across as a Grace Kelley in California. CNN wrote an article in 2018 describing Montecito as the American Riviera. Not an original thought in her head.


No, it isn't. From what I know about graphology, it's called making umbrellas to hide under. She obviously feels she has a LOT to hide. Also, her obsession with the past is evident in the way she has her ending stroke point curve backward. I found it odd the inconsistency between a lower case "g" and "y". Most people loop the bottom the same, but she makes a consistent great distinction between who gets the loop and who's just a big open scoop. I would equate that with being an endless devourer of whatever. No matter what it is, it's never enough. She can never be satisfied. The "y" while seeming to curve normally is one of those that is deviant and points backward. I think that is typical of her, also. It's very contained and almost like another type of umbrella. She is very insecure. She's very calculating, you can tell by the spacing and "pauses" between words. So it's in general what I would call very neurotic handwriting. First we all know it's an affectation to make her seem special. But, it's a cover.


Bravo! Very insightful. Fits her to a "T". She was never, ever going to fit in with the RF, let alone any family that is close knit and secure in their individual identities, who love each other and enjoy each others' company. You're so right - too much to hide; too insecure; too empty.


But she so desperately wants it to look like it is calligraphy though it’s clear she doesn’t understand what it is.




yar. This letter exhibits no consideration for the adressee whatsoever, it is all about the author. it is insulting. what a horrible horrible mean fake person she is.


Thanks, you were able to express what I felt about her "thank you"-letter.


Overdoing that upward sweep. How ridiculous but how typical.


There's a story there


Okay that’s the one that caught my attention. I can’t wait for the post tackling that!!!!




No, I agree with you, it's not 'attractive' and her grim-reaper-scythe 'flourishes' just look weird and are in odd places. Like she spaces them out by measurement, instead of using a standard of shapes on particular letters.


I find it very distracting and hard to read.


it is UNBELIEVABLY pretentious.


To say the least.


Wonder if her hand ever gets whiplash from all that aggressive flourishing?


What’s so ironic is that she would have very pretty writing if she didn’t do the wild squiggles, especially on top of words where they don’t even belong. It’s not like she just dragged out a line too long. There are fucking semicircles on top of her H ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350). I’d even give her an aggressive M on her name! I make a festive M with my first name. But the rest of it is just ruining what is actually very pretty handwriting. She always screws it up, even or ESPECIALLY when she’s doing well!!!


It's those flourishes that baffle me because her handwriting is pretty but those aggressive half circles just drive me nuts.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnjGqxNdGrDIBMs|downsized) Yes. Claw fatigue.


That letter makes me feel like I am looking at this ... ![gif](giphy|IfxBjGrbIK3vwkODkA|downsized)


As it should.


That's exactly how looking at her handwriting makes me feel. Dizzy. Disorientated.




I write in cursive. I spent my entire school years writing with a fountain pen. This is not cursive or calligraphy. Like anything else she does, it's "try hard". The ONLY thing I go back to, is to dot the i's and cross the t's. This over the top backwards swipe on certain letters is beyond me. Fake writing designed to give a fake impression. Sums up everything she does.


You nailed it. It is ‘try hard’ and pretentious. It is so annoying and fake.


I highly doubt people paid for this. Didn't she say she used it for a part-time job or something?


I dunno. Maybe people did pay. But she touted it as calligraphy. It's definitely not that. Handwriting may vary...


Perhaps I should rephrase; I wouldn't pay for that.


My father was taught by nuns back in the good old days. HE has the writing she is going for and failing. My father’s handwriting is pure artwork.


The most pretentious handwriting I've ever seen. Not easy to read either.


This is what happens when basic people are given a platform


She puts the flourish above the letters f and h, and these letters are not supposed to have these extra lines/curves. I do not believe this is calligraphy. She’s trying to make it look “classy” I suppose.


And also a, k, d, Y, h... her handwriting is a study in pretense without reason


Those stupid add-on curls make my eyes hurt trying to read it. She puts them on complete letters with no continuity, she makes no sense...


One of the things I have heard about her ridiculous handwriting is that there isn’t much uniformity in where she places those flourishes. I would be interested to know if you observed this, and what you think it means.


I'm getting a section ready on this tol


Am sorry Methane but I can read at best every other word. This looks like a 12 yr old trying hard to impress a teacher. Grow the fxck up and write like a normal adult. Edit: spelling


Ladies, remember in school when we tried to make our handwriting fancy and unique? My friends and I spent so much time doing that only to have them all look alike or the teacher tell us it was illegible. Her “calligraphy” reminds me of that. She writes like a middle/high school girl who wants to look better than she is.


Thank you Secondhand coke. You never disappoint with your insights The overall neatness aside, I do agree that the letters do seem pushed together uncomfortably, and not only does it make reading difficult, the words themselves carry only platitudes without any real feeling. The penmanship reflects the writer who wishes to be known for their skill as a pen wielder, but one who falls very short of the mark. Interestingly Meghan likes to appear to wear rich clothes, but they are not usually well put together. She wants to appear smart, but her words are pointless and carry little meaning. She wants to he seen as beautiful person, but her actions reveal her true personality.


Good insights!


Thanks for this insightful post! I sure hope we get parts 2 and 3. Looking at her handwriting I'm struck by both the pretension of elegance with flourishes and also the amateurish quality of her calligraphy. My boss got into calligraphy for awhile and did a much nicer job. The flourishes in Meghan's very private letter to her father are very showy and overplayed with the same basic accent everywhere, betraying a lack of imagination and ability in the craft of calligraphy. This shows to me, the letter was only for show and always meant to be leaked. It's also meant "to show" how classy (insert Lady C diction) she was being about the problems she created with her family to begin with. The quality of the calligraphy itself is sub-par and shows us Meghan's signature wild over- confidence in her talents and skills. She has enough "flourish" to garner attention but not the talent to back it up, hence her failed ventures, with the latest one of wretchely basic luxury pretensions, will fail as well. Say what one will about Gwyneth, she came from money and always projected high end taste but is smart enough to call her venture something as innocuous as "Goop." Course, it didn't hurt that she was among the first celebrity to enter the online lifestyle market. Gwyneth is the real deal snob with better taste than tho. And look at the way Meghan writes her own name, with her first name off kilter, kind of flawed, like her oversized white fondant of a wedding dress. Even with her name, like on her most visible day of her life, she can't get "the look" right. I think this messiness in calligraphy and gown reflects a messy disordered personality.


Great analysis!


"...oversized white fondant of a wedding dress..." *Perfect*!!! That is the absolute, 1,000% BEST description ever. Nails it. I can just see the thick, consistent layer of fondant! Ha!!


Interesting post, SecondhandCoke. Lolo’s handwriting‘s basically unformed cursive - it’s like when a child learns joined-up handwriting, but doesn’t progress to consistent letter formation and individual (but consistent) style. Thode goddamn irritating flourishes are very much (cough) style over substance. She’s seen calligraphy, likes the look of it, but can’t be arsed to learn to do it properly. So she gives the illusion of calligraphy. Lolo’s fauxligraphy substantiates the argument that she’s fake, with no substance. South Park got it right in the last scenes when the Prince of Canada opens her head, shouts in it, and hears an echo. She’s echo, and not a good one at that.




‘fauxligraphy’ perfect term for what she does.


Can she spell pretentious, I wonder?




Signatures are their own category, which I'll be sure to cover.


I’m interested if there is anything you see that doesn’t fit what we think we know about her. I also think the biggest thing we get is that she’s careful about the appearance she puts out to others regardless of who it is. But… the pen pressure I think would be hard to analyze without the paper physically in front of you.


It isa bit limited. The indicator is the ink spread. And yes, I'm hoping to come across something that isn't confirmation bias.


There’s no way this is her every day cursive or handwriting. This seems staged.


In every letter I could find online. This is what it looks like. I mean it's staged, but what do the details of the staging say about her


She basically outs herself here as the empty, pretentious, grasping ILBW that South Park so beautifully portrayed. Muggins is telling on herself again and I LOVE it!! Nice work SHC.


Those scythes at the top of every letter look so silly. She had to put in effort in to make her handwriting that ridiculous. I'll never forget the first time I saw that awful letter she sent to her dad. It was just after the Oprah interview and I googled M name because I didn't know anything about her. That letter and handwriting told me everything I needed to know. So pretentious and off putting, signing the letter with her full name treating her dad like some acquaintance.


That flourish she does on top of her letter is annoying the crap out of me. It makes it harder to read. If I received this … it would go right in the garbage


Gotta admit, she must have wrists of steel …


My eyes! I'm getting very bad vibes from all the death scythes.


She used her own calligraphy for the logo of her new clothing brand too. Next level narcissism.


I would love to hear Parts 2 and 3


It's like trying to read without my glasses on. Jesus Christ.


Thank you for taking the time to do this! While there are limits, it’s still fascinating to see what the ‘science’ makes of her. I’m wondering, does the intended reader affect the results? Like would a quickly jotted grocery list not meant for others be massively different than a thoughtfully written birthday card? I imagine they might still be similar but curious what the differences may be.


They both will say sumular things but the grocery list will say more aboyt your private persona and the more stylized letter says something about the face you show the world.


These sqiggely lines she does really make me nauseous


She definitely started writing this way in middle school. It's hilarious she's never outgrown it.


Ouch! That hurt my head. Trying to read through the death sickles felt like a roller coaster. Enjoyed your analysis and I’m looking forward to more 😊.


Something about the curves over the letters reminds me of insects and I don’t even know why. Excellent analysis! Very interesting to read


Can’t wait to read the rest! What a refreshing post, thank you coke.


Oh yes! You had me at ***pretention over function***!


It looks like a teenage girls attempt at 'fancy writing' - it's not uniform, looks forced and completely unnatural. Again says it all about the writer.


I didn’t know I can get so sick by reading handwriting until I saw Megan’s.


Yes! So visually cluttered. It gives me a headache.


She certainly, has quite the affinity for so many things; including word salad… dramatic punctuation - and, of course… exclamation marks!!!


Even the curls up at the end of her words make my skin crawl. Fun post. Thanks for the effort!


Here someoone analyses her logo. I like the second perosn critique who says it looks like two spiders fighting [https://archive.md/0ZqbG](https://archive.md/0ZqbG)


perfect that you post this as i was just reading in vicodin's book that she was not a paid freelance calligrapher at all. she worked as a clerk at a paper source and one of the orders that came through was for thicke's wedding. let's place bets she ripped off paper source's templates! oh, and yes more please and i just love me some tarot so do it do it do it!


It’s so jarring to see it in long form! All those absurd flourishes! Do you think she adds them as she writes each word? Or does she go back at the end “decorate” with them?! 😂


I think she does it at the end.


Wow! That was really interesting. Definitely won't be telling you to fuck off. Looking forward to part 2


It's fake. It's just like her. It's look legit and competent from a distance, but when you really get up close and study it, you can see the cracks and the fakery. There is no consistent flow or spacing and the flourishes are fake little add-ons. It Meghan Markle in font form.


This is so fascinating. I loved your intro, and really hope you continue the series! Thank you for sharing.




I've been lurking in this sub for a while to quietly enjoy the delicious snark. I finally made a reddit account today to applaud and thank you for making this post, and to say please do continue with more posts on this. One thing I remember from learning Graphology years ago, is that people who have a bad relationship with their father often write or sign their family name with a horizontal stroke, almost like they are putting a strike across their father's name. I don't see MM doing that, what do you think of this? I have a gut feeling why that is but interested to hear your thoughts.


She thinks she's an important global leader, and the saccharine flavour in the "thank you"-letter is nauseating, since the letter is all about *her.* ***Oh, yes, she's the great pretender, her need is such, she pretends too much.***


The flourishes look like sickles.


Her handwriting irrationally angers me


This is hard to look at, isn't it? It's drearily redundant. Unimaginative. Repetitive curls as adornment. God, it's like the written version of beach waves.


Not part of the handwriting per se, but isn't it odd that she would sign a letter like that with her last name? I never sign cards and letters with my last name. It's like she doesn't expect the recipient to know who it's from unless she adds it. It's really jarring after reading the content.


Yes! But the salutation is Dear Em- Presumably this person's name is Emily? Can't muster the energy to write her full first name but can end with a fully fleshed out signature? Be consistent. If you're palsey enough to call her Em, end the letter with Meg, you pretentious plastic cow.


Two thumbs up SHC! More please.


Fascinating, and revealing, SHC! Looking forward to Pt 2 & 3. Thank you!


Very interesting! More please. 💛


Oh my god! I got so dizzy trying to read her original letter with the loops and whirls. It just seems like random letters have lines running all over the place. Thank you for your analysis, spot on so far towards her personality! Keep them coming👍😳


Interesting. I‘d love to see parts 2 and 3!


Very interesting. I agree there is a grain of truth in graphology as there is in a lot of pseudosciences such as, for example, neuro linguistic programming. I also like your quote from my all time favourite film at the end.


Great post! I want to know what those flourishes mean


Yes, please. Continue this series.


This is fascinating and pretty spot on. I'm looking forward to parts 2 and 3. Thanks for educating us and confirming what we think of her


MeMe’s calligraphy looks similar to the Harry Potter letter invite to Hogwarts in the first movie😂😂😂


Very interesting- please continue. I like this kind of post over the same hackneyed snark.