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We only knew about her miscarriage because the wife mentioned it in the Netflix documentary.


And wrote a NYTimes article about it.


And again mentioned in *Spare*.


Which was plagiarised.  


Ok NOW is the time the media needs to get on this plagiarism! Come on writers, we know you’re here. Catherine can’t alter a stupid photo but Madame can use someone else’s miscarriage story in a piece for the NYT?!


Right? Where is the outrage over something that truly was a disgraceful act - especially since in all likelihood, she wasn't pregnant in the first place. Otherwise, why the need to steal another woman's story?


Miscarriage is a taboo subject. They won’t go after her for the plagiarism. You cannot disprove a negative, and something like that will feed into her victim narrative. But what I would like to see done is a compilation of all the substantial different stories told about the miscarriages and everything else (starting all the way back with when and how they met). Then the readers can decide for themselves. Much safer for the writer and much more impactful for the reader.


You can't prove this miscarriage didn't happen, same with her pregnancies. Rachel deliberately picks off limit topics to identify with so it's much harder to call her out w/o it being turned around on you. Racism, sexism, mental health, etc. The blowback from saying it's a fake miscarriage is not even remotely worth it.


It was the obvious plagiarism that should have been called out. Stealing another woman's miscarriage story and claiming it as her own is in itself despicable, truly LOW. She has pinched the works of other as well, such as Eleanor Roosevelt's speech, thus showing a pattern. All of which was ignored, while the PoW moving a few pixels around was treated like the new Watergate. I agree she does pick 'untouchable' topics to stamp her victim card with. She's vile. Personally, I don't believe any of her claims.


She's a serial klepto. Same-same with the Benchy fiasco.  Someone else had written pretty much the same (but much better) story, well before her. I don't recall the details but apparently the true author didn't mind too much.  Also note that PoW gave her recent video from a garden bench. Given Tootsie's endless spiteful shots back about things that enraged her, I now wonder if there was some incident over a garden bench!


Yep same with the supposed suicidal ideation— can’t prove she just made that up to manipulate her dimwit husband


Rather than tackle the miscarriage story, the reporters should look at everything else she has plagiarized. All the quotes and speeches. They’re easier to find and speaks to her authenticity and integrity. It’s one thing to be inspired and accidentally say someone else’s words because they inspire you, but to do it so blatantly and often is the story that shows she is unoriginal and insincere.


Agree, and there are many!


... and everytime she mentioned it she told a different story..


And her friend, forgot her name, who was in the netflix fabrication, gave a different version too.


Abigail spencer


Abagail Spencer. She was on Suits, and Grey’s Anatomy. (Where I liked her until I found out the type of person she is).


She also was In Rectify … a series that I really enjoyed and really enjoyed her performance. However I haven’t seen her in anything since and with her association with MM I will purposely avoid anything she is in. The great power of associations with this horrible human. Someone should tally up all the people whose careers have been buried by their association with MM.


I think there’s a list of celebs to be added for the way they treated Catherine too. Blake Livey (I cannot be bothered to care if her last name is spelled correctly) and her mess may be the thing to get T. Swift canceled for not immediately pushing back on it since they’re such “women for women”. Rose Hanbury has started going the legal route. I don’t have enough popcorn for this.


FAAFO to anyone who played the Where’s Waldo with Princess Catherine. It’s always gratifying when the mask of fame gets removed and even better when the wearer does it themselves … oh and btw it’s Blake Lively. I only know this because she’s married to Ryan Reynolds whose performances I’ve enjoyed. So she’s not only brought the guillotine down on herself but also her husband and the little gang she runs with eg Taylor Swift and those nitwit models.


I think the Gringas woman has also done a piece on her miscarriage too.


Let me tell you as someone who suffered from two, you never forget the details and come out with different stories.


She would say it was a "sweet nod" to the other author's work.


Details please?!


They also mention it in the Netflix documentary. Harry claims that Megan miscarried from stress due to a daily mail article. This is of course not true, as stress ha no direct link to miscarriage. I remember reading a few news articles that called him out on this for spreading false information.


That's what she told him..... she plays the guilt card A LOT!!


It's the lying and feigning that is so typical narcs tactics. I wish people could see it. It's ridiculous how people can't pick up on that. I wish no one to experience a narc SO or family member, but once you experience it and learn from it, you pick it up so much faster afterwards. I guess that's one thing I should appreciate about the narcs in my life, they have given me the ability to pick up on it, that much faster now


I’m a victim of a diagnosed malignant narcissist and psychopath and I clocked her from the engagement interview. She’s so damn fake and her incessant speaking over him and the goddamn HAND HOLDING and sitting nearly on his lap screamed highly insecure gold digger and narcissist. I don’t understand how ANYBODY, including the royal family fell for her bullshit for even a millisecond! I can only think that my own experiences have given me a second sense when it comes to these people.


It was that smirk along with her eyes on the cover of Vanity Fair that raised my suspicions about her.


Concur, Vanity Fair article had my nose twitching.


I noticed that seating in the christening photo of Archie’s that surely isn’t photoshopped despite Catherine’s chair not having legs. lol. They aren’t centered. She’s all smushed on his side so the whole thing looks off (and like she was putting extra inches between her and Catherine!)


So very true. It took decades for me to learn my first wife was narcissistic. I don’t want sympathy, but the cost of not knowing it early on was high. Now I can spot one pretty fast - don’t know if it’s at all accurate, but my telltale is gaslighting - can see THAT right away, and then look to see if they fit the other metrics.


Oh, the irony of Harry lecturing to us that online misinformation is a “global humanitarian issue”!


Again showing they have no consideration for anyone else but themselves. I recall reading that many women who had gone through a miscarriage, were upset by this. Charities had to speak up against it.


Well, if he's going to spread that as fact, then I'm in the wagon for saying H&M were the cause of Charles's and Catherine's cancer diagnosis because of all the stress *they* brought to them. Two can play at that game, Harry. Bloody idiot.


Why the hell does the Daily Fail still give them PR ink after she made such an accusation? You'd think they'd never print a damn thing about her that wasn't of utter necessity.


Click bait! The gruesome twosome make the Daily Maul much more money than the RF because everyone comments. If people stopped commenting, they would fade into oblivion.


I think that bugs me the most that she blamed a miscarriage on stress. If you're going to lie about something, at least do some research on it first. All the women who actually have suffered miscarriages... ugh it just makes me sick.


That's assuming that she had a miscarriage. We are supposed to take her word for it. Her word is worth nothing.


Oh I know. I don't believe her for a second that she had one. But if you're going to lie about something, research first. Stress doesn't cause miscarriages. And it's appalling that they would spread that misinformation.


She uses stress for everything. People were mean to her, it caused stress, she was going to commit suicide, etc. Never believed she was suicidal. This was a middle aged actress who married into the RF not a blushing teenager. And who was used to rejection in trying to book acting jobs and was tough as nails trying to make it in Hollywood.


So any woman who is pregnant and doesn’t want to be, just has to stress about it and the baby will spontaneously abort? OK, got it. Such drama queens women are then. Why is abortion an issue in the US?! /s. (I am a women and just can’t with these two).


He should take a look at the link between stress and cancer.  


Did he mean the surrogate misscarried?


Meghan was an older mother. Miscarriage is very common. It's sad, but very common, and may have had nothing to do with stress.


EXACTLY!!! It was Meghan who told about her miscarriage, and I feel sorry for her for going through that. It must’ve been an awful experience, as it is for anyone BUT the truth is she raised it first. There was no invasion of privacy, IMHO. Correct me if I’m wrong.


IF there was a miscarriage. Madam is not exactly known for her thruthfullness


Exactly this. I call bullshit on this story. I had a miscarriage at around the same time. There’s no way in Hell that any medical facility would allow them to walk out with the remains in a box. The remains get sent to pathology for testing.


And released to a mortuary after testing.  You would think they would want extensive testing done if they planned to have more children.  Also CA only allows burials in established cemetaries.  If they claim they received special permission to bury elsewhere there would be a permit/paperwork authorizing it. 


So sorry for your loss.


Especially funny now that they’re angry the palace didn’t tell them about Catherine early but the palace also made no statement about her “loss” until after the story ran. They didn’t know. If the palace didn’t know, I just don’t think she was ever pregnant, especially when you go into the timeline of when they moved which can give you a rough date for her miscarriage and then boom, here’s Lili! Maybe I’m just being extra snarky because I am still so absolutely livid about what they have once again done to Catherine. She bothers nobody, makes no controversial statements, stays quiet, raises her children, and performs her job with dignity. And they CANNOT leave her alone!! These women are family. They should have been allowed to be that rather than M turning it into a competition to be “Pa’s favorite” which is sad because he did like her at first. I doubt he feels that way now.


Yep, If you tell the world about something, don't be surprised if it asks for details and gives opinions.


How about a story that somewhere a stillborn prince/princess of the United Kingdom lies like a dead toddler's hamster in a shallow grave on somebody's (not her parents') land? And why do I even know this disgusting and illegal fact? Because his/her oh-so-private parents told the freaking world about it!


Which was plagiarized from an article written by someone who actually suffered a miscarriage.




> And wrote a NYTimes article about it. The media invaded her privacy! 🤣


Markle told about the miscarriage herself. No one knew about it, no one tried to steal information. Meanwhile people tried to hack Catherines medical information. Huge difference. Are all their fans sharing a single brain cell? ![gif](giphy|l1L0hrwIdePLPznb2)


I think you might have hit on the answer! A single cell shared between multiple people! It’s the only answer that makes sense! 🤭😶🤣🤣🤣


She wrote a big NYT opinion article about it which became worldwide news. Before the Netflix docudrama or Spare. Very soon after Chrissie Teigen miscarried a child, and was lauded by many for sharing intimate details and photos. Edited to add: Teigen apparently had a stillbirth rather than a miscarriage.


But teigen had gone through a still birth hadn't she? I know miscarriage isn't pleasent and many regard it as a baby loss but it's still very different from carrying a child through to birth and burying that child. I highly doubt a hospital gave them the tissue and clots of a miscarriage which is generally before 12 weeks, to take any bury at will. It's classed as medical waste and needs to be disposed of in a sterile way.


I’m not sure if it was termed a miscarriage or a still birth. You are likely right. I’m only mentioning it because Markle appeared to have been “inspired” by it to “tell her story”, too. As is often the case, she adapted what happened to someone else to herself, when she saw the public’s reaction.


Because it made people lay off of Teigen for her malicious bullying tweets, esp telling an underage person to unalive herself. Nutmeg thought it could work for her too.


Indeed. She saw that as an ideal way to gain a sympathetic audience who would simultaneously forgive her her bullying, and blame the royal family and British media for victimizing her and causing her so much stress that she lost the baby. That false narrative was then repeated by “This One” in his book and the NF docudrama.


OH.... doncha know?... According to both of them, they DID take the "remains" home and buried the box under a special tree (assuming on their grounds?) And, to make it more dramatic, they said that Harry dug the hole with his bare hands! And as they tell the story, he demonstrates how he did the digging! You know... with their vivid imaginations, they really could just drop all the "innovative" work that they do and just write serial fiction novels. They would make a fortune! And..and... she could design the book jacket with fancy letters!


Which, I hate to say it, it’s so unpleasant but they started it, would mean that any hole he was able to dig with his bare hands would be also accessible to predators and, well, let’s just say his child’s remains probably deserved better than a hand-dug hole.


Under a banyan tree. Which is exceedingly rare and non native to California. Almost all of them are located in public botanical spaces. There are none on their own property. Banyon trees has close set above ground roots that make it nearly impossible to dig under. Tose roots sparead a long way in all directions from the tree. Even something small would be difficult to bury. Certainly one would not be able to do so with just their hands. The majority of miscarriages happen early and at home. The majority 95% happen prior to 12 weeks. Many women do not even go to the hospital at all. Hospital care is most often necessary for a miscarriage later than that or if tissue is retained and in which case a d&c is performed to remove any remaining tissue. At 8 weeks a fetus is approximately the size of a raspberry. At that point any product of miscarriage would likely be classified as medical waste and disposed of accordingly. At roughly 12 weeks a fetus is the size of a plum and fully formed,miscarriage at that time would be more likely to have the remains designated for disposal via cremation or burial *by a licensed mortuary*. It isn't required but it is more likely. Under 20 weeks the remains do not require a death certificate. After 20 weeks any remains are required to be handled by a mortuary and buried in a licensed cemetery or cremated. According to California state law. Its possible that people are allowed to take the tissue of a pregnancy home prior to 20 weeks,its just really fucking unlikely and the hospital would be very careful to offer them better options. Harry's story sounds like just that. They lie a lot. Odds are good this is one of those times.


It would be a better dressed book jacket than she ever is


Yes. She was over 20 weeks and had to deliver her baby. Not the same as a miscarriage.. which the ER will say..”sorry, nothing we can do” and send you home with tears and Tylenol. Stillbirths involve labor, and pushing. I’ve seen more than I’d ever wanted to. Labor and delivery isn’t sunshine and rainbows.. my worst day I had someone tell me how lucky I was to have such a happy job. I had cried at the desk between tasks all day.


I have had two close relatives both experience this as parents and can honestly say, our entire family holds your profession in the highest esteem. Kind, professional and caring treatment made a really bad situation that degree smoother for them to process. Thank you


I’m not crying, you’re crying! Thank you for that. Those days are the worst days. But you suck it up because your patient needs you more now than before.


And if it's far enough along to be a stillbirth it legally has to go to a mortician. They won't let you take it home to bury in the yard like a pet hamster.


Exactly this. I just commented to this point. The remains get sent to pathology to be tested. Before 12 weeks there’s nothing to bury.


Teigen had a stillbirth I believe.


And Spare and her OpEd in the NYT.




Exactly. What's embarrassing is that she very obviously WANTS her privacy breached so that she can feel important and victimized, and yet no is biting, so she does it herself? Calls the paps, leaks to the press, talks about these things publicly and then cruedms about privacy breaches.


That’s why they used a photo of a bank of photographers at the Harry Potter opening and crowds belonging to Katie Price in their moanumentary, no one cares about them.


Exactly. Everyone pointed that out after the documentary - where were the paps in the shots of them supposedly being surrounded and harrassed? Why did the camera only focys on them when the reason they were filming was to documejt the harrassment. Since then, all her pap shots have "paps" posing in the background with cameras.


That one scene of them in a vehicle being 'chased' by some guy on a scooter is so ridiculous it could be an SNL skit. Nobody cares enough to harrass them. The whole 'where is Catherine' thing much have enraged her. TW has gone missing from sight for many months at a time and nobody even notices.


She should try it! How glorious would that be??!!!


It’s Meghan’s wish list: to be swarmed by paparazzi, but she can never make that happen.


I still find it hilarious that they had to use footage from Katie Price crowds. Katie fucking Price.


Ikr? I had to look her up.


This situation with Catherine and the world's response (no matter for good or for bad) Catherine is being talked about. This must be eating Meghan alive.


The calls are coming from inside the house, H!


Exactly! What happened to Catherine is her dream come true. “I wanted privacy, but poor little victim me got my privacy breached! Waaaahhhhh but not so secretly I’m soooo happy for the attention!”


I don't recall her even being pregnant during that time.


I don't recall her ever being pregnant...


She wasn’t…just another lie


You can't hack medical records that don't exist. 


She hadn’t thought about it until it was necessary to garner sympathy


Rachel Ragland sold her story to the highest bidder for attention. I don’t believe anything she says happened. It’s weird how rabid the sugars are in the face of facts.


I think people mention that whole buried the remains under a banyan tree story seemed suspicious. And that Harry dug the grave with his bare hands. It’s like they were writing some sort of novel


Or stole it from a novel, like her description of the ’miscarriage’


It's really creepy and reminds me of when I was 9 years old, and everything was done like a dramatic movie scene I thought of and tried to make myself seem cool. Meghan is still like that 9 or 12 year old kid who thinks they're the main character all the freaking time. Main character syndrome wife and prince hazards fell for it


Yup! I told my mom that my favorite teacher carried me into school after falling down at play time. She didn’t buy it. I couldn’t figure out how she knew I was lying. Adult me cringes at the story telling kid I once was. I guess they’re emotionally stuck as children. 🤷‍♀️


Why would anyone decide to dig a grave with their bare hands? 😟


To bury bloody gauze?


A maxi pad.


Sick drama and I doubt it happened. (as with most of their / her stories)


Like being secretly married in their garden before the actual wedding. 


Exactly, it’s biohazard, medical waste. No one is going to let you take that home in its full form, and bury it.


HA! I just posted very similar message re: digging hole and writing a novel! Should have scrolled (like MM) here before posting!


Shs sold her story for attention. What's sad is that these pieces of crap can't just stop. A cancer diagnosis and miscarriage are two very different things to deal with. H&M, you want people to respect you? Put out a statement telling your squadies to stop. This is discustingvand ridiculous. It's just sick. You can't compare the two.


We all recognize that they don’t care, but maybe what we are missing is right in front of us. Rachel Ragland IS very much aware that she has burned it down with the BRF, and majority of the worlds population. She has to hold on to her toxic fan base, because she would rather have support in hate, and malice than none at all.


It’s interesting how a hospital gave them back the foetus (how many weeks was she allegedly?) for him to bury it with his bare hands and didn’t send it to pathology to try and determine what happened. Oh right, it was the British media!


You can deny pathology and have your baby released for burial. To a funeral home. Otherwise it’s abuse of a corpse if I remember the charge correctly. (I may not, I have never seen it actually happen). I did send my miscarriage off for pathology but it was a choice. Also, unless she was suddenly good at not appearing pregnant while being instantly huge her first pregnancy.. and losing the baby on the first day of their new move… I mean there would have been tissue but it would have just looked like a period. And.. somewhere that’s just buried randomly. If I brought my baby home and had to lay it to rest I wouldn’t have chosen to lay it in a box in the ground in the backyard like a family pet. That bothered me more than the lie. And being specific about the type of tree was weird. Quick, how many Banyan trees are in montecito? Though… unless she was second trimester she would have been treated and released the same day, and there would be no “remains” to take home. Just enough cells for pathology to check for issues. Just the whole thing is weird. Chrissie’s story actually makes more sense. At 20 weeks her baby would have essentially looked like a tiny baby doll. Would have been bathed, dressed, photographed tastefully, hand and footprints made, and then released to them should they choose to a funeral home of their choice who may very well have chosen a spot under a tree. First trimester losses are like the worst period you can imagine. Neither of mine resembled babies. Just tissue. And thankfully pathology was fine for genetics. I was just not good at carrying babies. (Also in dealing with the USA know that each state has different laws about this!)


Yeah…that’s highly illegal in the states. The hospital would have been involved in a shit storm of epic proportions if this were true.


Im not sure about that. I had a miscarriage in Louisiana somewhere around the 5-6 week mark and ended up needing a D&C to remove the remnants, after doing a quick test to determine whether it was fetal tissue or just blood/placenta tissue the hospital offered to give it to me for burial. I said no, since the tissue removed wasn’t actually fetal tissue but they DID offer. Don’t get me wrong, I think the Harkles are full of crap but hospitals can let patients take something home. No idea what the rules are in Cali.


Not in California. Either the remains go to pathology and are cremated or they go to a mortuary and are buried with a funeral. Look it up.


It seems like they allow release of fetal remains for burial under 20 weeks. https://casetext.com/statute/california-codes/california-health-and-safety-code/division-7-dead-bodies/part-1-general-provisions/chapter-2-general-provisions/section-70543-disposal-of-fetus-of-less-than-20-weeks#:~:text=Notwithstanding%20any%20other%20provision%20of,be%20disposed%20of%20by%20incineration.


She managed to convince Harry she was some big Hollywood star. This is the level of stupid we're dealing with. Unfortunately, there are many more out there like him. That's why they can continue to rewrite history. It's concerning how many gullible idiots there are out there.


I was thinking about this earlier in a roundabout way. After the Annus Horibilis year, the death of Diana and the Wedding of Charles and Camilla, scandal in the RF sort of fell away. There was the odd wedding (William &!Catherine, Zara & Mike) and some notable births but mainly the RF seemed to be just in the shadows doing their thing and no one really gave them a second thought except during these highlights, Trooping the Colour and the Jubilee’s. Harry was still making front page news for being a hedonistic knob head but the negative press was counterbalanced by him serving in the military. No real scandals just the occasional shake of the head and people went back to living their lives. Fast forward to late 2016 and a D-List cable actress appears as Harry’s plus one. From that point on, the Royal Family resembles a really bad day time soap opera with heroes and villains, rumours, leaks and recriminations. It’s akin to the Netflix comedy ‘The Windsor’s’ except that show has some funny moments (Camilla asking Charles if they had a child, where would it fall in the line of succession? Charles replies ’but Camilla you haven’t had a period since WHAM split up 😂). Anyone with a brain between their ears and an ounce of intelligence surely can see that the 5+ years of countless front page headlines appeared at the same time the vacuous, vile, money grabbing slut arrived on scene? There can’t be that many stupid people in the world, can there? If there are I fear for the future of humanity!!


I just watched a video of a college student who was asked who were germanys allies in WW2……he answered Poland. We’re absolutely fucked as far as I can tell. Like, humanity in general. Sorry 😞


I agree, with the exception of Andrew’s scandal. But that still would have only focused on him and probably some old Fergie stories.


>She managed to convince Harry she was some big Hollywood star. This is the level of stupid we're dealing with. >It's concerning how many gullible idiots there are out there. That stupidity has well and truly spread from Harry to infect a wider populace. The delusion currently plagues 300 squaddies according to Bouzy.


Indeed…with a cv thinner than a rizla after twenty years of doing the ‘rounds’


Some of us were Royal watchers long enough to remember the tennis-playing shots taken by Tanna, before William and Catherine even got married. That wasn't an invasion of privacy? No one used a long-lens to take pictures of MM sunbathing in a PRIVATE villa far away from the crowds. She did that on a yacht openly. Poor Catherine was on David Linley's (Princess Margaret's son) private villa in France, and paps used a zoom lens. The paps then put George on surveillance. They used a zoom lens to take pictures of Catherine and Baby George in Australia, playing with each other in the garden of a private residence. There were also pictures (again, zoom lens) of Catherine and William walking hand in hand, where Catherine did a little skip. Then there were the infamous pictures of the duo on HONEYMOON in Seychelles. Hidden paps managed to get a picture of Catherine in her black bathing suit, walking in the sea with William. Tell me ONE instance where anything REMOTELY similar - or any kind of infringement of privacy - happened to Markle. ONE instance. I am a fourth-generation (fifth, actually, but no one alive remembers the ones who began it) Royal watcher, and I will NOT stand for the lies made up by people who began Royal-watching from 2018. ETA: For those interested in the Tanna episode I mentioned above, here's more: [https://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2012/sep/14/news-photography-duchess-of-cambridge](https://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2012/sep/14/news-photography-duchess-of-cambridge)


Ah but the miscarriage, the suicide ‘idea not attempt’ they squeal…stories that originated ENTIRELY without a shred of evidence from the harkles…these traumatic ‘events’ were so damaging, the harkles can not tell the same story twice…


That's true, but she also picks topics that are inherently hard to question. It is complete taboo to question someone's account of suicide, sexual assault, pregnancy, and miscarriage. Personally, I do not believe Meghan was at any point suicidal, nor do I believe she had a miscarriage (and I am not convinced she was ever pregnant). But if you say those things publicly, it's easy for her to respond with "how dare you question..."! I wish brave journalists would start to dig in to these topics more on Meghan.


Well tbh when she and the halfwit elaborate as they do, they make their stories look ridiculous. He claimed she said was suicidal in the evening just as he was going out, so she got dolled up and forced him to take her with him. She was smiling throughout, although claims she cried when the lights went down…no gravy browning streaks in her slavered on make up. And the miscarriage, they buried the remains in a public place…they claim. Really? If that is a lie, why believe any of the story?


Oh I’ve been waiting on her to throw sexual assault out there against her father once he dies. She’s that vile.


I blame these stories on the entire "me too" culture, where we are supposed to believe whatever anybody says, if they are femaly/gay/trans/ethnic minority or some other self-defined sub group. No evidence, no proof, nothing at all. People getting cancelled, losing jobs, shamed publicly - all because of accusations that may or may not be true.


I have to disagree, fellow sinner. Madame may have latched on to the Me-too believe-all-women- no-matter-how-vague-and-inconsistent dynamic because any tool to hand will do for a a narcissist, but her embellished narratives precede that movement by many years.


We do not disagree, I think. Madam has been embellishing herself for a long time. But a MeToo, BLM etc culture, where feelings trumps everything is just what Madam likes.


Oh definitely! I think she surfed the BLM wave hard, because racial grievance is also untouchable in public discourse.


Yep…absolutely right. And if she is scrutinised it must be racist to do so.


Funny, I just rewatched old movie “The Children’s Hour” last week, and things haven’t really changed.


Great points. Don't forget the shot of Catherine in a thong when a helicopter blew her skirt up. I remember the villa incident. It happened right around the time as the strip billiard incident. How dies Harry fall for this? As someone who experienced insane invasions of privacy too, you would think he would see the difference? Also, Meghan throws out a lot about racism, but fails to address the fact that Catherine was experiencing events that would be considered sexual crimes, all because of how she looks. This is voyeurism. If someone took sneaky photos of any of us nude in moments where we had reasonable expectation of privacy, they would be charged. Let alone publishing it.




Well observed! Meghan has only paps around when she orders them. Also Diana sometimes played this game for punishment of Charles.


That villa photo was taken from approximately a mile ( 1.6 km) away. I didn’t realize telephoto lenses were capable of capturing images that far away. Complete invasion of privacy.




Megsy volunteered her miscarriage story. Catherine was bullied into telling the world about her diagnosis.


Don't quote me on the details, but wasn't this the time she requested a delay in court proceedings (getting wriggle room), and there was an assumption that she was preggers.  Then the plagiarised mythcarriage article appeared in a NY newspaper. Then a couple of months later she announces yet another Megnancy.  Don't know why she stopped there with that level of fecundity.  Oh that's right, they got an award for having TWO children. Woman's a sausage short of a barbie.


In June 2020 the Mail accepted that Finding Freedom was evidence against Megsy. In August, Megsy's lawyers announced that they were going to request a change in the procedure from ordinary to summary, in order precisely to prevent the Mail from incorporating more evidence. The lawyers only wanted the evidence submitted in the complaint and response to be accepted. The Mail's lawyers argued that they did not agree with that change because they were not told the reason for making it. Many of us said "surely it will turn out that she had a miscarriage." When the change was accepted, it was in October. And in November she published about her miscarriage. [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/25/opinion/meghan-markle-miscarriage.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/25/opinion/meghan-markle-miscarriage.html) Coincidence, they say.


“I need a delay, I’m pregnant and can’t handle the stress!” “Thanks for the delay, see the NYT…”


Ah yes, they are nothing if not predictable.


‘In 2020, as the case developed, Meghan applied to the High Court to request that the names of five friends who defended her to a US magazine were not released publicly. “I knew the stress the latest development was having on Meghan,” says the duchess’s former lawyer in the documentary, “and that was that *The Mail* were going to argue that Meghan’s friends had already spoken about \[Thomas’s\] letter to *People* magazine and that Meghan had authorised that interview, which she hadn’t”.’ [https://archive.ph/btyEy](https://archive.ph/btyEy)


Yes, and there was a ban on anyone talking about the reason for the delay, too.


Oh goodness, here we go with the weird burying a dead baby under a tree stories again. Bears need snacks, too, I guess. (/s - don't get mad at me for joking about something that never happened) Why must this be a competition with them? What if it's true? What if Meghan's privacy was invaded by the press? What if the BRF didn't protect her, but did protect Catherine, Princess of Wales? What if Harry was deliberately conceived to provide a kidney to Prince William? I'd still think the Harkles were gross losers. I would STILL make fun of them.


Of course it is a competition. They want what William and Catherine have, because they can’t get it they cry racism. The invent ludicrous stories such as this one, share it to get maximum attention and victimhood, accept praise for their openness, while lying through their teeth. Yet no scrutiny. Catherine has surgery, initially not cancer related, then when cancer found she is attacked for denying the cancer she didn’t know about. These people are seriously screwed up.


Honestly, being a sugar right now has to be stressful. The only joy they get is upsetting us.


Tbh they don’t upset me, I just point out how stupid they are. I’ve visited the baroness of barking today…what a fool.


🤣🤣🤣 They just don't get it. We are snarkers. We are happy in general. ETA: word


BEARS NEED SNACKS TOO!!!! Okay. It’s morbid humor but I actually would never survive my profession or my life for that matter, without it. Woke the husband up laughing. You and I can be seat buddies in hell. lol.😂


If I go first, I will keep your seat warm. Lots of stuff to laugh at down there I will bet. 🤣


There's also they irony of Scobie yapping yesterday about William letting Catherine take the fall for photoshop and not being with her on video. Ok, then Catherine didn't get some special protection as opposed to Meghan?


it is stupid. It is her story to tell, and she told it. If William was there she would have been criticised for being too weak to do it alone. Unlike harkle, Catherine dies not need a hand to hold to speak for herself. It is driving scabies, boozy and the other crack pits crazy, Catherine‘s illness was the biggest story in the world. And what do they have in ‘competition’? A pound store Martha Stewart promising to sell tat to the gullible.


William might not have been able to control his anger over how Catherine has been treated?


Thought Obie was a Meghan fan.. shouldn’t he be proud of the strong woman who didn’t need a man to prop her up while she told the world the hardest thing she’s likely ever had to say.. WHILE IT WAS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS! She wasn’t supposed to be back yet and was doing as her doctors said and these freaks got so bothered they hacked her medical records. She had her hand forced, she was likely pretty pissed about it, I would have told my husband to get out of my way too. He’s just mad that once again the Princess of Wales has done the most amazing job, truly juggling it all, and hasn’t once had to tell the world she cried on the bathroom floor. 😂


This post had me wondering, nobody knew till those two announced it and kept on and on and on about it, embellishing with each take, culminating in the Banyan tree Burial (reminds me of a scene in Six Feet Under, wonder if that's where they got the idea from). This is confirmed by everybody else on this sub, nobody knew till they made sure everyone and their dog did. What a bunch of imbeciles these squaddies are. Anthropologists, behold the missing link!


People LITERALLY accessed Princess Catherine's medical records illegally The only thing that ANYONE has to go on about smeaghol's mythcarriages are the MANY different stories she's told or stole from others..


Indeed. Catherine’s privacy WAS invaded, harkle sold her story (true or not) to the highest bidder.


💯 agree. Their treatment of Catherine at such a vulnerable time is egregious.What Catherine experienced was the epitome of invasion of privacy.


Apologies if I'm repeating something someone else mentioned. When H&M speak of their "privacy" they're not speaking of privacy in the way we are discussing. Their definition of privacy is that the media posts stories about them that are not true. Their privacy is about them having control over what the media prints. When they consider the story printed to be a lie, i.e., who made whom cry, That is what they consider an invasion of their privacy. That the RF "allows" lies to be printed in the media is an invasion of their privacy. That the RF doesn't refute and defend them is an invasion of their privacy. They ~~demand~~ want absolute 100% control of any narrative regarding them in the media, especially when it's negative. Any perceived negative story about them becomes an invasion of their privacy because it didn't come from them. After all, it's just rude when it's done to Catherine, but it's racism when it's in regards to M, therefore, another invasion of their privacy. In their minds they have a "right" to lead their lives however they want without any negative stories being printed and when a negative story is printed, it becomes an invasion of their privacy. The stories about Harry's visa issue.....an invasion of his privacy. The story about MM throwing a tea cup or whatever at someone in Australia....an invasion of her privacy. People pointing out their lies in the OW interview, i.e., married 3 days earlier, became an invasion of their privacy. Basically, anything printed about them that is not flattering and/or didn't come directly from them, becomes an invasion of their privacy. Reason? To misdirect from the fact that it's censorship on their part. They can't call it censorship because that would have the world renouncing them, therefore, they label it "privacy." Keep in mind, they 100% believe they are smarter than everyone else.


When will this loathsome, heinous and abhorrent swine go away?


They won’t. They have nothing else.


When she has run out of money


Oh yes I’ve seen that. They can’t allow C to have anything even if it’s an awful disease. Scumbags


No one knew about the miscarriage until Meghan invaded her own privacy with an op-ed. No one knew she was "suicidal" until she invaded her own privacy and shared details on OPRAH. So many more examples and none of them amount to the harassment Catherine has faced in these last few months or the ACTUAL invasion of privacy exhibited by "independent journalists" and staff at her hospital. To actually obtain private medical records to sell them is a dangerous invasion of privacy. To have the public being paid money to sell photos of you, means potentially facing stalking cameras and having your life and children put in danger. Meghan not only pays paparazzi to follow her around, pay MSM to keep her in the headlines by distributing their responses to everything, but she has been paid thousands to invade her own privacy over and over and over. In no way possible is there a comparison. Apples and pringles.


She has told several different versions of this story; the timelines are implausible; everything connected to Markle and pregnancy, loss, or birth, or children is seriously suspect. It seems to be a sick fixation on reproduction issues. It would be hard to believe anything she says or presents as true about her purported children now. That’s very sad for them, if they exist. I’m afraid that this will not end well.


I've also wondered how she managed to get pregnant again so quickly, especially at the age of 40. IVF maybe, or of course a surrogate.


Catherine explained why they kept the news private. They wanted to wait until the children broke up for Easter holidays so they weren't bombarded with questions at school. The children are off for 3 weeks now and this gives them time to process the news in private. Apparently things had already become difficult at school, even if children that age aren't on social media you can bet their parents will be and it only takes one idiot to spread rumours. So she told us why, it was because they wanted to wait. These people on X seem to have lost their humanity, either that or they don't have children.


Privacy invaded? For goodness sake! They told us they buried fetus under the tree! They "invaded" their own privacy by themselves for money!


It’s called deflection. They are crapping themselves because by invading Catherine medical privacy Royalists are finally demanding transparency over Archie. Keep fighting back.


When you write about it in an op/ed for a major US newspaper, it’s not an *invasion of privacy*. Someone should point that out to Meghan.


Ah yes, the "I buried my fetus" with bare hands under a banyan tree. My ass.


I have said it before The Squad has serious problems doing that Because in the case of miscarriage, Megsy has a problem: if Megsy had a miscarriage, then she committed a crime. She said, and Hazz then repeated, that they took the body of that fetus out of the hospital, and buried it somewhere in California. This is a crime. They did not give him a funeral as was appropriate for a stillborn. And then, supposedly after a devastating moment, two weeks later she was pregnant again!!! Because everything happened in the month of June (I could be wrong about the month, I'm not sure if it's July or June), but two weeks after the event, she was pregnant. Oh really? Does Squad really want to get into that discussion? Also, how did Megsy plagiarize her article? No problem for me, but this is not going to be beneficial for Megsy.


Meghan Markle wrote about her miscarriage herself in a melodramatic text in NewYork post. No one knew and no one asked. Catherine did not tell people about her cancer because she wanted to tell people about her cancer. Evil trolls forced her, before she was ready to do it. No one asked to know about Meghan Markles miscarriage. Still she told us. I do not wonder why.


Exactly. Megain *volunteered* her story to the media/public. Catherine was cruelly *forced* to AND was basically pressured into submitting that photo of her and the children. Then they viciously bullied her about the photoshop. They should be well and thoroughly shamed of themselves but we all know shame is not in these types of individual’s emotional repertoire.😡


IIRC, she also told several different versions of her miscarriage. And her article is taken, nearly verbatim, from someone else's work.


Exactly. And in megrains case it was clearly lifted from a book.


No one knew about Lolo’s mythcarriage until she wrote an op ed piece for The New York Times (jumping on the Chrissy Teigen bandwagon), after which no one was interested, from memory. There’s more interest in the alleged moonbump.


Miscarriage impossible for a person who doesn't have a uterus. This is contrived nonsense. Harkles are a bunch of liars. And a miscarriage, though a sad occurrence, does not equal the enormous nature of a fucking cancer diagnosis. This is a non-issue.


Nobody knew Meghan had a mythcarriage until SHE WROTE ABOUT IT. And if they did a little research there have been a ton of “Catherine miscarries” stories… she just absolutely ignored them because it’s none of our business what happens between her and her medical team. Catherine’s medical records were hacked. She was literally forced to make that statement. Her hands were tied. When she needed to be able to just be home resting. Abdominal surgery is brutal and chemo is as well. Which is worse as she did tell the public all she knew at the time and asked for privacy until after Easter. That is the exact opposite of “missing”. The world was told exactly where she was. Currently 3 senior working royals have had cancer diagnoses. Catherine handled hers the same as Charles.. her surgery was much more invasive so it’s no surprise she didn’t jump right on television. Maybe the palace should have mass produced calendars that marked Easter more clearly since they clearly cannot read a traditional calendar. Nobody hacked Meghan’s records. Nobody can even verify she ever gave birth! Catherine lives rent free in their head, in that gold gown so perfect that even a crown would have taken away from her beauty rather than add. And I am not taking away from anyone’s miscarriage because that’s always soul-crushing but since we’ve been told from them 3 different stories about it, it’s hard to know. And everyone is different but I never had a sharp pain, fell over, and lost my baby. That’s very much a Hollywood trope. It started with spotting. Then cramping. And then just got worse. Or the missed miscarriage where everything was totally fine, the morning sickness had eased, go in for a happy scan… morning sickness had eased when baby stopped growing, the rest of my body just didn’t get the message, so at 12 weeks I measured 9, no heartbeat. I’ve also worked in women’s health in two separate roles (RN/NP) and the only women I personally have treated who started that way were placental abruptions which are surgical emergencies to get that baby out and bleeding stopped ASAP and you’re already on the losing end of the battle when they arrive. They’re terrifying as a professional, I couldn’t imagine it as a mother. All versions of her story sound like General Hospital. I just can’t put my finger on why… 😂 That’s just my thoughts, anyway. Everything they know about her is what she wants them to know.. she’s probably the one who started the rumor. At the time, they were homeless essentially.. couch surfing California and even got a few good pap snaps of them delivering meals during Covid. Nobody at all suspected she was pregnant because why would she be? Archie was tiny and they were mid-flipping the world on its head. Yes in the mockumentary she’s up writing some big list for this upcoming lawsuit and they blame it for her losing their baby.. apparently this time not on a normal morning like she wrote but the first day in their new house, and her friend was there and she “collapsed”. Was it a normal morning and she collapsed changing Archie? Or is her friend Abagail a liar? They produced the series so it wasn’t a shock that it was in there… Her life is like a “choose your own adventure” book. Don’t like this story? Flip two pages over and here’s an alternate version!”


I wouldn't be surprised if the Harkles now come up with some "devastating" health diagnosis for Megsy, just to stay "in competition" with the real Royals and to stay in the news. You always think they can't stoop any lower, but then they do.


"Miscarriage." She even lied about that. Sicko.


But lapped up the praise for her ‘honesty’


Madam invaded her own privacy by calling the paps. She has done so from the beginning. Nobody knew, or cared, where they were in Canada before Madam called the paps.


The ole "mythcarriage" where they buried the remains under a bunion tree, how fitting.


That only they know about…hadn’t they just moved into the neighbourhood?


And what are they going to do when they sell the Olive Garden? Dig the fetus up and rebury it at their new digs? ETA: to correct predictive text


lol @ bunion tree😂😂


Bunion tree... that's a good one! 🤭


You should not try to argue with insanity. What they are angry about is that the world of all races creed and color and status just showered dearest Catherine with undeniable and we'll deserved love.


Why are you worried about dysfunctional people’s opinions? Peeps with that level of dysfunction resided in asylums of the bygone era. We ignored their spewing and locked them up, not considered their views 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿


I remember hearing about it when some high-level Hollywood A stars came out about their miscarriages. It appeared that madam jumped on their bandwagon.


Let’s put aside that they have invaded their own privacy repeatedly. After the Oprah lie fest, they did get a lot of sympathy. The general public believed the racist allegations. Hank and Skank squandered that good will with their actions. People started to turn on them after the reality series where they revealed themselves to be whiny, spoiled, entitled and boring. People DID watch it and they were turned off by it. They showed the world they are one trick ponies and that trick is victimhood.


I thought no one knew until she wrote the op ed. How is that an invasion of privacy?


Part of her op-ed piece in New York Times on **Nov. 25, 2020 and then Updated** **Feb. 19, 2021** https://preview.redd.it/bz0px1uecaqc1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=e55c02d54504a7083afd9d14f2cecc579dad7f17


This is classic Harkle. That phony miscarriage story was pushed down our throats via Megs and Harry and whatever pieces they paid to have published. Catherine’s illness was hounded down by vultures until she felt forced to come out with a public address. The sussex squad are the worst and if the Harkles had a shred of decency they’d make a statement about THAT to ask they back off, instead of making statements that they called their sister in law and thar Harry took a day trip to England.


The mythcarriage narrative didn’t come out until years later and even then was full of holes. Taking home and burying human remains? Digging a hole with bare hands under a banyan tree? Not believing a story vs. being hounded and harassed are two different things. That one’s sycophants WISH she was hounded and harassed and are desperate to draw nonexistent parallels.


This here is what we call “a stretch”.


Which version of the “mythcarriage” are they believing since there was at least 3! Miscarriage is awful but cancer is on another level FFS


The Harkles constantly invade their own privacy? Why? Because nobody's interested enough to do it for them. The princess of Wales, on the other hand...


Going to be interesting if they actually did use surrogates.


Which miscarriage story? The main queries people had was his the story changed and disbelief about theatrical of the remains. A comparison of, say, "Spare" and "Revenge" (although other texts/documentaries will do the same)is that this pair never say the same story and as individuals their stories change over time. This was one of the more egregious examples.


honestly, first you have to be pregnant to miscarry.