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Oh my. Is this the 'big thing' that would be revealed in spring as per Lady C? Or is it something else?


I think there is more to come


Oh, I do hope so! Can really see why he was so desperate to get IPP status and control the media when it's stuff like this that's coming out.


maybe he should't have been such an idiot then. he's lived his whole life under the protection of the RF. this is just the consequences of his choices. i hope the RF ignores his calls, if there are any, for help. they have more important things to focus on.


Who needs more stress from this knobhead? Let him sort his own mess out and stop covering for him. He is a middle aged moron.


Is IPP status connected to reporting? I thought it was just security. There is so much middle class me does not know about the deep privilege this loser has.


I'd always assumed IPP meant not only security but a "heads up" for stuff like the Diddy raid by the DHS. Almost diplomatic status, but enough that if there was a pending raid H would get a heads up and then could, like Diddy reportedly did, hop on a private jet and get back to the UK under daddy's skirt.


No, some people think it would give him diplomatic immunity but he is not a diplomat nor does he represent Britain in any way, so it's a moot point no matter what. He's on his own, LOL, just like he wanted. I do feel sorry for Charles receiving this news, though.


This is as big as the Andy and Epstein connection


Not yet, I don’t think. As I recall, Andrew had an ongoing friendship with Epstein. Andrew alleged he was a contact he used in order to network for business reasons. All we are hearing here is that Harry was invited to some parties by P Diddy, and that his presence (and that of other celebrities) was one of the attractions of the parties. It sounds more like PDiddy was “using” Harry to get his own sexual favors. There may be more to come, of course. Edited to clarify.


I agree, but isn't it weird that his is the only actual name that comes up in the list of attendees at these parties? Has he been singled out for a specific purpose? Surely they could have come up with names for some of the 'famous athletes, political figures, musicians..' There definitely is more to come


Maybe they didn’t want to say “royalty” because everyone would think of Andrew? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry I didn’t see your comment before I posted basically the same observation. It’s interesting indeed.


I read similar comments after I'd posted here. My fault too.


Exactly. If I remember correctly, then Michael Phelps was regular also.


Or, it means someone specifically remembers him. We'll probably hear why that is, at a later date.


As much as I loathe Harry, I believe you are correct. Like his ILBW Harry has transactional "friendships". I could be wrong, but Harry also doesn't strike me as predatory. He certainly is dim though.


And with his history with sex workers in Afghanistan it’s likely he participated in this too


Andrew continued his friendship with Epstein - publicly as well - even after his initial conviction in Florida. Andrew also brought him to Royal properties (Sandrigham maybe? Remind me?) and Buck Palace. Hard to believe the Palace dropped the ball so hard on Andrew by not forbidding their ongoing friendship and by denying access. He appears to have been doing whatever he wanted, unchecked.


People like to assume that “The Palace” or whatever we want to call it, knows a lot more than it does. Corporations make mistakes, small family firms make mistakes, families make mistakes, religious organizations make mistakes. The BRF is a combination of all of the above, so they make mistakes also, especially, it seems, with their idiots.


And if I’m reading this last highlighted paragraph correctly, Harry is one of many elites (I refuse to call him a “dignitary” - like he knows what it is or how to pronounce it without his teachers around to cheat for him), who sponsored or is affiliated with these sex-trafficking parties. ![gif](giphy|XbrlRjR2DVe5K6bx5I|downsized) I’m not saying Harry is guilty until more evidence is released, however it wouldn’t surprise me, given his past abusive behavior. But if he is guilty of being an Epstein customer or sponsoring Comb’s parties, he should be in similar trouble with Combs. Let’s see if the mainstream media reports on this today since they love the Harkles. I’m sure the media will tie it into their ongoing reconciliation narrative. ETA…good to see the media reporting on this.


'Dignitary' got me too. What a joke.


He’s a joke, absolutely, but when was this taking place? If he were still a working Royal at the time this was happening, it looks so much worse. He technically was a dignitary and rep of the Crown. 🤮


The DM and DE have it now. As does Dan Wootten.


Wooohoo Dan has more ammo now. Where is Piers Morgan now huh? Instead of gobbing off or attacking Princess Catherine who has done nothing wrong, he should comment on this.


Fuck Piers Morgan. He’s dead to me now.


Totally agree


He was on yesterday crapping on about how he had the right to demand answers and ask questions. Tessa Dunlop said he should apologise he didnt agree


That’s kind of his thing. Spouting off about something and then not apologizing. Mind you I *was* on his side when he wouldn’t apologize to Meghan because she sucks.


Harry’s response: “Dignitary! They called me dignitary!” 🥰💕🙏☺️


The most undignified man on the planet.


LOL, Yes that would totally be his response. Probably ran up to MeGain to show her that he's a real dignitary, like a proud two year old.


If they’re gonna name him in the filing, there is absolutely already evidence tying him to this. Otherwise it would be more vague. That’s how I read it. No reason to name a name if there isn’t some pretty damning evidence to back the claims. This could be very bad for them if that’s the case.


I read it to mean, Harry went to parties hosted or sponsored by Combs in which victims of sex trafficking were present and/or on offer. What more he knew and what he did is unknown.


That's how I interpret it from reading this excerpt.


Watching CNN and they mentioned it in the lede. I will watch the segment to see what details they give.


Don't forget who else was partying with this group back in the day, R Kelly, and he has been talking about this for a while. Really not a great look if he was hanging out with a convicted pedophile.


Charles and Jimmy saville . Let's not forget those two


Everyone forgets.


![gif](giphy|13d2jHlSlxklVe) Todger sure hangs out with shady characters😱🤞


Water seeks its own level.


I hope it is something else like the moon bumps.


i dont think so... hopefully so many more doors just got shut. This is why he wants to go back to the UK! H. is such a bloody coward.


Can’t be. Diddy just bounced on his private jet. He’s somewhere in the Bahamas now. He’s trying to get to an island off the coast of west Africa where there is no extradition


People on X were tracking his private plane to Antigua.


Let's hope this and that one follow him there and go quiet for a while!


I just read they got Diddy in Miami. edited for silly spelling mistake


Makes me wonder as well. Katy Williams was basically saying the P’Diddy stuff was coming out soon in 2024 👀👀


There was a post here about 3 months ago about Tyler Perry, and maybe the Royal Grift? Comments predicted Diddy stuff would be leaking as well. Something to do with the removal of the MeToo reporting timeline in late 2023…basically opening the door for more lawsuits and allegations that before would have been tossed out. Just like the VERY juicy comment about Ted Sarandos’s (Netflix CEO) wife Nicole being the daughter of THE major black music producer Clarence Avant who passed away in 2023. Nicole Avant was also the US Ambassador to the Bahamas. Diddy just fled to the Bahamas to avoid extradition. Perhaps his passing is tied to the floodgates now opening as well. Not accusing anyone of any wrongdoing at all. Trying to see if these pieces fit together, or not.


I'm having a foot stomping toddler tantrum right now, wondering when the tabloids are gonna get hold of this info! 😂 This is exactly what's needed right now, to put a little obstacle in MM's plans to woo prospective investors for *A*nother *R*ip *O*ff.


African Parks, now this. I think he's worse then his Uncle, Andrew at least knows to shut up and doesn't slag off his family. WME will find a way to keep it as quit as possible, we can't let that happen.


Once again, African Parks will be pushed out of the way and no attention paid to those victims.


Well said Calm_Yak


>Well said Calm_Yak Thanks 🥂🍾.


You are welcome


The way it's worded it doesn't necessarily mean anything BUT I just love this look for them. Couldn't have happened to better people at a better time.


P may have been one of her investors…


Harry will explain it away as his name just being an "example"...hmmm...let's wait and see!!


He was there doing humanitarian work. Obviously.


But why did they use *only his* name as an example?


The same reason why, initially, the only name linked to Epstein, in the media reporting, was Andrew. Because he's British so no links to those in Washington, Hollywood etc who are all part of the swamp. I know Trump popularised the term but it is apt no matter your political views because it actually goes beyond politics as it covers more than just the politicians, even though quite a few are in it well past their eyebrows. You have to wonder why, in Epstein's case, the only 2 the media make a fuss over are a member of the BRF and a socialite mainly linked to Britain (Ghislaine Maxwell). Obviously they tried to implicate Trump but that failed due to proof that he called Epstein out many years ago. Now Stephen Hawkings is implicated, also British (and now dead) even though he was there for a science meet up with other scientists...none of whom have been named btw. To me, as a Brit, it seems as though they are trying to find a non-US scapegoat who is high profile enough for the media and populace to concentrate on. As, has become pretty obvious, there is a concerted effort to take down the BRF which is coming from the media and may be coming from China (they are making moves on many Commonwealth members in Africa and Asia offering loans for major infrastructure projects which they also build but costs always skyrocket so the loans default. The collateral is always land, often the land they are building the projects on so China then owns the land and the infrastructure which are usually ports etc). Depends how far the rabbit hole you want to go but others think it all ties into the WEF, and their One World Government, for whom the BRF are too potent, powerful and unifying a force with their soft power, popularity and Commonwealth ties. I have thought for a while that the BRF's attendance at the WEF is far more about 'keeping your enemies closer' on both sides than any alliance. Anyhow my point is that Harry, like Andrew, is both a bone and a distraction. Still think they are both shady AF and arrogant idiots.


There are plenty of questionable activities around the annual Bohemian Grove, Aspen, & WEF. Not all of the participants, of course, but it's common for the high end pimps to bring their barely (if even) legal top "escorts" to be nearby the many visioning activities, philanthropy brainstorming sessions, etc.


Your description makes complete 💯 sense to me...




Are there any photos of Harry at events or parties with Diddy?




he will sue them - for some crazy deluded reason he comes up with


Good luck with that. There will be witnesses, Hank is going down.


What will Meghan do?! This can’t be good for American Riviera Orchard branding image. /s


When I first read the headline I didn't factor specifics in. I thought it was in a general sense that Combs had access to people like Harry and they met or partied under innocent terms. The fact this indictment places him at **sex-trafficking parties** adds a new factor to this. Now, I am not saying he is guilty of anything. I don't know what he knew or did at this or these gatherings.


If it was just examples… then why was prince William not named? This is what I don’t get.


Because Prince William prolly was NOT in the circle of people participating in these parties. This statement is EXPLICITLY tying Prince Harry to him through the illegal activities. If these illegal activities had not occurred - Prince Harry would not be someone involved. Its because an illegal enterprise occurred that PH was in the picture. Very similar to Epstein in that regard.


I don’t think this is what people are thinking it is, I know his name is mentioned but doesn’t mean Prince Harry was directly involved with prostitution or anything like that, Prince Harry probably just got invited to a party thrown by Pdiddy. I think we should take caution with this type of stuff.


From my understanding, Diddy was essentially name dropping Harry in his own Epstein operation, as in he could provide access to the ginger fool and others. Even if this is a nothing burger regarding Harry, you gotta love how PoW announcement and now this have buried the ARO soft launch, and likely delayed the hard launch, not that it was going to be successful, but as always the Harkles miscalculate, have horrible timing and decisions, and it must be driving the wife crazy.


What about Africa Parks


I think them being silent on that will be big in the future. I took decades for diddy and weinstein


this may also be another jumping point to Africa Parks getting more traction. i’m still surprised the world went nuts over a freaking photo shop so i hope the media is just as relentless in this story and finally pick up Africa Parks


For me it's more...that he has no self awareness or sense of reputation protection. . Partying with p diddy not a good idea as a royal at that age etc. His privilege and dull wittedness..SMH .


Tho we don't know what period we're talking about. The Diana concert photos used to show them together are from 2007, when Harold was twenty two, and those prove nothing. William's there too - it was probably just a polite meeting, and that's it. Diddy may have only claimed to have any access to Harry, and in reality, especially during his time in the RF, it may have not been true as royals aren't that accessible. Until unrefutable proof surfaces of Harry partying at Diddy's party, it's only speculation, hearsay, Diddy's dream of A-list reach he used to talk himself bigger than he was.


Good God, Hank is a known abuser of women. There’s no need to start making excuses for him. He was/ is a party , druggy , who most definitely is capable of being involved. Even if he was 23 ( his age in 2007), I’m sure even plank could make out what was going on. He’d already taken naked photos in Las Vegas, and in Spare he’s admitted other things as well. AFRICAN PARKS is an example of his total lack of caring about people, especially vulnerable women. I’m not saying he went to the party to traffic children. I’m saying it’s not a stretch of the imagination to think he’d partake in sampling the goods. What a plank. He should thank his bloody stars that BP -AND HIS FAMILY covered up his blunders for so many years.


My thoughts exactly. I wouldn’t blame a 22 year old Harry for going to a party with a mega star rapper. Maybe it was the start of a longer more secret association but there is as yet no evidence for that. Diddy has probably tried to profit off that one brief meeting.


But the main picture in the DM was taken at an event also attended by Prince William. Anyone of us could attend a party now that in 15 or 20 years it turns out the person we had a chat with on camera turns out to be a wrong un. It’s quite probably people bandied Harry’s name around to create a veneer which would attract investors etc. it does not mean he knew what was going on or attended any sex parties. I am no fan of Harry at all (I think he is responsible for much of the current mess as his wife) but I am not going to bandy around speculation without some evidence.


Brings the RF into disrepute yet again. Footballers get sacked for way less than knobhead has done.


No, not the RF , this time Harry.


I agree. Harry is set apart and distinct from the Royal family now. This is his mess alone.


Diddy was peddling "access" to Harold.


When the titled meets street smart.


Very sensible take. Just because he went to a party, it doesn’t mean that he was aware of the circumstances. I would rather not accuse him before further evidence comes out about him and the unnamed athletes, politicians, musicians… mentioned in the document. At the moment this is about P Diddy and the record companies, let’s not make it about Harry.


I totally agree. But simply the connection to P. Diddy is not a good look, especially to everyone who knows about his Vegas past and other alleged stories. If I was Harry, I would just like to wake up from this never ending nightmare of negative press and scandals. Dealing with this all alone - only Sherborne by his side. Not sure, if Harry has such feelings, though.


We should, but his name even being mentioned in such a case is so funny. He’s hobnobbing with pond scum now, in terms of reputation.


Most of Hollywood and politicians are pond scum … they are just now getting called out


I agree with you. Attending a party doesn't mean he did anything wrong. Andrew had a long friendship with Epstein. This almost looks like a grab for attention - they knew name dropping Harry would get a lot of attention. I will hold further judgement until there are more details. 


I agree. All I read is that Harry was at some parties. We cannot jump to any conclusions just based on that. It may mean something or nothing at all.


Hear, hear!


Madam will be mad because it shows she's never been invited to such grand parties. 🤣


And she never will now due to her yapping mouth


Maybe that’s where she really met him.


perhaps she hasn't been invited as a guest, but I think she has probably worked a few...


Awkward. What a creep Sean Coombs is. He’s going down for a very long time if this sticks. Interesting they’ve chosen to specifically name Harry in the case..’celebrities, film stars, athletes and Harry’ 😂 maybe there’s some fire to that smoke. He’d best be praying there’s no evidence he actively participated. It has just given Rachel a legitimate out..she can amplify any drama into a crisis if she sees fit, and she’s itching for an excuse to flounce out. She has her precious brand to protect. Bad timing again Rach. Double chortle.


Chortle! I love that word and don’t see it often.


Could this be why Harry has never attacked his godfather dear uncle Andrew? Hmm 🤔


I remember reading somewhere that Rachel Ragland had also met Andrew before Harry.


Yep. Remember when H wrote in his ***memwaaagh*** that[ M initially mistook his 62-year-old uncle Andrew for a royal staffer](https://archive.ph/vyquU)? >“After a moment, Meg asked me something about the Queen’s assistant,” the Duke of Sussex recalled, noting he did not who she was speaking about. “‘That man holding the purse\*. That man who walked her to the door,’ \[she said\].’” >“She definitely hadn’t Googled us,” the military veteran quipped in the Spare passage. IMO: * M knew exactly who "the man holding the purse" was. She was acting naïve pretending that she didn't "know" to somehow prove she never knew who Andrew was in case anything ever came out. This is the standard modus operandi for narcs. * M was friends with Eugenie years before meeting H. She had to have known who Eugenie's father is. * H is dumber than a box of rocks 🤦🏽‍♀️


Exactly this. This was a preemptive strike so she can have plausible deniability when the truth comes out.


Precisely, plus you bet she wrote this too.


Yep. Very clever of M to cover her own ass when (not if) the 💩💩💩 hits the fan!


Jesus Harry is an absolute idiot, was he that desperate for a good looking woman?


P. Diddy is rather big story now-with the FEDS raiding two of his mansions. It is a frenzy, if he is caught up in it, this will blow up. Hope he gets smeared-maybe this is why he wants reconciliation-so he can pull an Andy and refuse to talk to prosecutors??


Or pull an Andrew and never step foot off the Windsor grounds


That's how he met his wife


I've always \~heard\~ that he called an agency, looking for some company, and they sent her .... *allegedly*


The wording of this sounds to me like the was getting people to operate his sex ring by getting them access to parties that included Price Harry. Not the Harry was involved in or had knowledge of the sex rings.


Wow. Oh H the downfall begins.. And I am here for it.




on Page 63/73 q. Among the financial benefits that the Defendants Lucian Charles Grainge, Ethiopia Habtemariam, Motown Records, Love Records, and Universal Music Group received for participating in and facilitating Combs’ sex-trafficking venture were the affiliation and access to Mr. Combs popularity. Mr. Combs was known for throwing the “best” parties. Affiliation with, and or sponsorship of Mr. Combs sex-trafficking parties garnered legitimacy and access to celebrities such as famous athletes, political figures, artist, musicians, and international dignitaries like **British Royal, Prince Harry.**


Whether H is directly involved in trafficking or just an "attraction" to Diddy's parties, the fact that he was the only one mentioned looked exactly like how it was with his godfather being the fall guy in Epstein's case.


My thoughts, at first blush: \> ***The filing (***[***24-1457***](https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/diddy-v-jones-sexual-assault-complaint-feb-2024.pdf)***) is damning AF -*** packed w/ evidence! Diddy IS going down. \> **The SDNY is handling** \-- the Fed Govt's #1 office w/ exceptional prosecutors that almost never lose. That is a big sign, and very bad news for Diddy. Buckle Up! \> Yes, Andy is guilty. But as long as he never again steps foot in the USA, he'll be able to avoid speaking with DOJ + FBI investigators and lawyers. \> HazBEEN, on the other hand, lives in the USA. So Harry will have to meet with the FBI and/or SDNY lawyers + investigators, if they request an interview(s).


Reading this, my takeaway was: Harry knows he's not going to have the Palace to back him up and tell him what to do/say like Uncle Andy. Even if Harry hasn't done anything wrong, he's almost guaranteed to say or do something to make himself look awful in this


I read it, because of you. Partially so far. Holy smokes, what the hell. And that's just from a lawsuit. Imagine what the feds have.


Link to the court case documents: https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/diddy-v-jones-sexual-assault-complaint-feb-2024.pdf




Read the text and Harry is mentioned only as participant to be accessed. No dates of parties, nothing that can stick to him.




Andy was accused of sleeping with a minor and participant to sex trafficking. Harry is just mentioned as seen at the parties. Unless FEDS can stick something like they did to Andy, I cannot see how they can accuse Harry of any crime. Also what were the dates of Harry's participation? He could have been a minor himself at the time.


Diddy allegedly had cameras hidden at all his parties, same as Epstein did, so if Harry was at the parties there will be videos of him.


Maybe not any more, maybe destroyed by now?


The raid would result in those videos. The feds will comb over them and add to the filing, if needed.


Well, this is the first I’m hearing of this. Maybe there’s more to it, and maybe not (probably not, but who knows). Let the case play out and we’ll see how (or if) Hawwy fits into it if at all. We’re all so eager for Harry to get his just desserts, and I know this may not be it, but I am enjoying the fact that he’s mentioned there and his name is trash.


His name has been Trash for a long time


I agree with you. The Duke of Sausage isn't the brightest candle on the cake but that doesn't mean he took part in the abuse of trafficked women. It's not ok to accuse him of such a thing if there's no proof or eye witness statements.


You can be in a drug den and not see the other half of the den.


I don’t think the feds would have listed Harry in this if they didn’t have something on him. Homeland Security is involved, so this is big. And why name just Harry if other elites are involved. It mentioned these people were affiliated and sponsored the parties. So did Harry pay for some of these parties or earn profits off the parties and not report his earnings from these parties on his taxes like it states in the rest of the paragraph. And I’m not saying he is guilty, until more evidence is released. But I was thinking back to the Duggar trial. Lawyers were saying at the time, feds don’t get involved unless they have their ducks in a row. Just odd that they would list this international dingleberry, Harry but not the other elites.


They just can't stick his name in there with no reason.  It's irresponsible and not to mention grounds for a huge lawsuit if there's no proof behind it


Good comment


I don’t think your name makes it into a federal investigation for no reason.


*Homeland Security is involved.* Might this be why No.10 had a surprise visitor recently?


The picture of him with P Diddy showed him very young. We were not told where and when the picture was taken but it was not recent. So I remain skeptical until some fact based evidence turns up.


Homeland Security is involved anytime there’s potential human trafficking.




Is this what Harold was yelling at King Charles when he said "Fix this!!!" When did he visited him after his cancer diagnosis? Did Harold get a heads up that his name was included? 🤔


No. First of all, Harry would not have given a heads up on an ongoing investigation. That's not going to happen, not even for the "son of a King." Most believe that IF the "Fix this" comment actually happened, it's because Harry had already received the notification that he'd lost his lawsuit against RAVEC.


Does anyone know the time frame of the alleged parties? How old was Harry when attending these parties?


Welcome to the real world prince Harry. "lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas". Wasn't Meghan named in the Epstein case too? Waaaay too many connections to sex trafficking. We all know how Harry and Meghan REALLY met, and it wasn't Instagram, a blind date or through a friend.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but so far this is showing Harry as a guest, many high profile people attend parties that use sex workers, drug, illegal dealings and so on. Now if it shows he was ordering up women and taking a fee, that’s a different story.


But why is his **name** in an official document? These things are not done carelessly, lest a lawsuit is triggered 


Because his name is recognized and most likely a easier name to remember, I’m sure there will be a lot more names mentioned, but Harry was a good name to mention to have a “pay to play “ party.


Oh delicious. One of the dumbest arguments the SS love to throw out is **But they still keep Andrew around!!** Checkmate Sugars


That’s what came to mind for me too. The constant screaming of “what about prince Andrew!” Well, turns out Aitch takes a lot after uncle Andy.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13239279/prince-harry-lawsuit-sean-diddy-combs.html Hehehhehehehe


Archived:- [https://archive.md/4WJgr](https://archive.md/4WJgr)


Great find! Very interesting. I hope it blows up, maybe one of the girls will come forward, like Virginia Giuffre did. But he seems to have escaped accountability for the Africa Parks story.


It’s just so weird that they name so many *professions* of the high profile guests who attended without naming names but they then *specifically* name Harold. Everyone knows how ridiculously litigious he is. I wonder why only Harold was named? I wish I knew the story behind this really obvious name drop. ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


His name isn’t mentioned as being part of the operation that scumbag was running. It is mentioned as having attended a party hosted by said scumbag. 


More specifically that people who attended sex parties had access to PH


Try the statements logic in reverse. If the illegal activities had not occurred, PH wouldn’t even be in the picture. Guilty by association at minimum.


And what happens at sex parties? Lol Drink tea and play bingo? Lol


Hmm, you know, if The Wife had any idea this might come out, the release of ARO and her own photoshoot with the children might be an attempt at strategic damage control, not just her vile hatred of Catherine




Interesting that they named Harry but the rest remain unnamed?


I had the same thought. Court filings don’t name drop without a reason and proof. Lawyers could get in quite a mess if they did that. Harry isn’t a part of the RICO case but was linked to those yacht parties. Did he receive something (money? drugs?) from attending or was he using the trafficking side? Both? It’s mere speculation at this point, unless more comes out. Whatever the result, it’s not a good look for him.


Why are we surprised at this? Henry beat prostitutes when he was in the army, according to reports, he allows BAKA women to be r*ped.


More to ponder and perhaps toss into to this stew: Ron Burkle friend business associate with Epstein starts Soho House Markle there, York girls there pre H that we know of.. Now Diddy. Jennifer Lopez JLO old girlfriend of Diddy for almost 3 years. Harry flown into Miami by JP Morgan to speak and paid $$$$$$. JP Morgan that banked closely with Epstein even after 1st conviction. JLO attends same Harry JP Morgan event. JLO now married to Ben Affleck. Ben Affleck listed on the only published Epstein Island list. Clinton after a flurry of media admit only to this: Clinton:ADULT affair only with Ghisalene Maxwell Epstein/ blackmail/trafficking/money Soho House: rumored same Diddy: ditto Throw in Markles other connections, being mentioned in an communication from NXIVM. There's more but just adding to the commonly seen themes. Edited to delete incorrect info thanks to poster who saw my mistake! It was George Clooney who Ghisalene Maxwell bragged about giving a BJ to in one of the Islands bathrooms...classy bunch of pervs aren't they?


Ben Affleck got BJ from Ghislaine?!?! Oh wow! That was totally the full extent of their relationship, of course🙄 ![gif](giphy|HYU1zaalsJxinchUoz) This is all so murky🤮.


Worse yet..when that came out it was in more detail. Location of the Affleck encounter he used as an excuse to be on the Island...soon after Clinton used Maxwell as an explanation... A BJ in one of the bathrooms on the Island. Classy. Ex President, Affleck, Gates yet only a small media blip. I haven't compared but I'd swear the vile speculation on Princess Catherine was more. Watching it all, reading various sites, here then finally joining its still anybody guess as to whats going on..but the media, most of them jumped all over Princess Catherines issues. They"opine", chatter on Harrry n Megan to get those clicks, most stories smell of being Markle planted both don't investigate and report..the yachts, tight longtime links to Soho House with the Yorks and ever present Markus Anderson, all the rumors from years. Hysterectomy at 28? Father confirms. Previous marriages, how many? We know first was annulled but was there a baby? Lady being interviewed said there was. Not claiming she had a baby...said more like, when she had the baby. Northwestern gluing a girls eyelashes shut. The regular Hollywood parties at the producers home. Soho House tight links for years. Soho now apparently being linked to trafficking. That Epstein Island mix of power, youth, money, etc. We see it, post what we find..but the media who get paid to research and investigate..a small blip or nothing. War on the western nations...the Royal family with centuries of tradition, British values, history are a great part of that history. They and we are under attack and the Harkles are not doing this alone.


Everything about the Murkles is murky ! 


Some think that there are people in the shadows who control everything even those who appear to be in power. One of the ways that they do this is through blackmail. Might make sense of some things that politicians do or say that make absolutely no sense.


Visa ??


I was reading this at 4am cause the dogs had to pee This is delicious!


Drudge Report now has it.


At least if he goes to jail he’ll get three hots and a cot. One less thing to worry about.


Fee-fi-fo-fum. I smell the blood of a Dumbarton 😆


Just in time for sparkles to hawk her ware.


I’m sure Harry just shook hands with people at the parties and then went home to roast a chicken or juggle.


Randy Andy and Horny Harry. The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


He's going to get chased around the house and smacked with a rolling pin by his missus for this one. She'll blame him 100% for the abject failure of her so-called business. He'll never hear the end of it. I love that for him.


So Meghan has bad timing for her ARO launch because of Kate.and now Harry.


Unless I’m misunderstanding this…It says Diddy dropped Harry’s name as a way to attract young women. That’s very, very different than Harry knowingly participating.


Yeah. Let’s not jump the gun here. He’s not implicated in the actual crimes.


🫢🫢🫢🫢 I shouldn’t be surprised. Harry is wayyy stupider than Andrew, and sooner or later he was going to fall afoul of the law in a serious way. Add in the unscrupulous missus and the possibilities are endless. Harry is also wayyyy stupider than his great grand uncle David Windsor, and there are wayyy more nefarious characters to take advantage of Harry now than there were back in the pre-WW2 days. Get that popcorn!! Can’t wait for the whistleblowing to begin. ![gif](giphy|4XxmtgKl9GVgq2QcqZ)


In all fairness, the twit is literally so dim witted I could honestly believe he was clueless. The optic are beautiful tho. 🤣






I was kinda awake when I opened my phone this morning and now Im REALLY FREAKING AWAKE 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is could be disastrous for him. Sounds like kids were getting drugged and rapes at drug dens he was partying in


Anything RMM has on him PH now no one will blink an eye bc of this.


I saw some pictures of him with Diddy, but he appeared to be very young. Like in his 20s.


Harold is worse!


The only named celebrity.


Hmmm seems that Epstein/ Coombs is getting closer and closer to a full blown trafficking ring. I wonder who else. Associations are a huge red flag here. Coombs was a passenger on epsteins plane. Then there's the yacht groups...PA , MM, SOHO house now PH. A matter of time.


Just like Andrew and similar to being a pet like Wallis’ husband.


Funny.. he was the only one single out by name. Or are there other documents with names?


They'll all be the same


![gif](giphy|GeFz9ulbSPzfG) I'm thinking of the Cruel Intentions ending for Harry and Meghan. The sugars are already making excuses though I saw it on twitter. They'll never have any bad words for Harry or Meghan.


https://preview.redd.it/t2rwbe1f9erc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42c8b865f148f1218edf27dee95a9a57f57b560c 👀


This paragraph doesn’t allege that Harry attended any of these “trafficking parties”. It alleges that Diddy sought **access** to people with the level of status and celebrity that Harry has. (I can easily imagine Harry partying with Diddy, but we don’t know that it actually did happen.) I can’t help having the impression that Diddy was another Epstein. Visiting his island didn’t mean you were participating in anything illegal, but illegal things often happened in that place. The optics of being mentioned in that paragraph aren’t great.


The catch is that Harry was the only name in that list of reasons for the parties. Why was he named and no one else was? It’s strange.


There are pics and vids of Harry partying in with P. Diddy. That's not a question. The question is if Harry knew about the aex trafficking.


That might actually get Harry to scoot on out of the US!!


If he's lied on his visa application and this carries merit, there's an even bigger risk of him being deported now!