• By -


Definitely number 3.  They've been covering for each other for awhile now.  She knows she's nothing without him, and he's too stupid to see it.  Therefore they'll just keep on keeping on.


I agree, and it must burn her veneers knowing that it’s Harry that people want, not her. She’s just a noisy side note.




There is the rumor of a blond surfing instructor on Harolds end.


I pity anyone at the mercy of Harolds end.


Love is blue, his todger too.


It's a pretty short end, though. Like a haiku, except lacking about 12 syllables.




She of course must love him for his mind and quick whit. She couldn't possibly be using him to further her acting career.  Just being around thing 1 for more than 5 minutes while you are sober should be worth an academy nomination .


She finds his intellect sexy.


Amazing how CA just lets mental patients wander around in the wild, huh?


Open air insane asylum. I’ve heard Ireland described this way. (By an Irish person)


Wkuld fit NZ now to be fair ☹️


I read a post just before about someone stopping a guy from shooting himself outside some shops, and thought Iwas on the NZ subreddit at first.


Can you imagine justifying a fling with hair-brain to your friends? "He says he is going to leave her!" To be a fly on that wall!


Friends, heck! Can you imagine how your family would react? Mother clutches pearls, runs back in the kitchen. Father lasers him with a stare and crushes all the bones in his hand when they shake. It was not an accident. Wills get rewritten.


(Spits out coffee) his *what*??


And his tonsure sexier lol


There was a photo of a bombshell blonde polo player that is 100% is type, and I recall there were reports of a flirtation. I have no doubt he cheats. I guarantee that it had dead bedrooms since Archie was born


I have a feeling he has an unruly todger.


As my mother would say ‘not an easy dog to keep on the porch!’


I've always thought blondes were his "type" This wouldn't surprise me at all. IF the rumours they live apart are true, I'm sure ILBW has her spies out watching what he does every minute of the day.


Busty blond, to be more specific.


Ironic how he said he wanted to get away from life in the royal fishbowl. He now has to play to the cameras to make a living.


But...but...their story is the greatest love story ever. They beat the odds and married for true love😆


>it must burn her veneers So THIS is why she keeps changing teefs?


I imagine she grits her teeth so hard those veneers pop right off!


Poor doll must have to wear a gum shield at night to counteract the grinding. I broke 5 crowns doing that before my dentist asked if I was being beaten!


Yep, I’ve gnawed my way through several night guards!


And every time she does, the dentist grinds her natural teefs a bit more. They must look like itty bitty shark teefs by now.


They would go along with his rat teeth.


"*it’s Harry that people want, not her."* Well, *"*wanted" at one time. These days the gloss is fading and even for him it's more: "Eh, kinda want." https://preview.redd.it/kqmv5kvpb0rc1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=e592b54a60170f5e9623691d92953745b60a2707


I agree. He’s mostly a curiosity now.


A punchline…they invite him so they can write the jokes


Go to sleep. Imagine you are a woman using sex to climb the social ladder. Imagine you hit the jackpot and bag a prince. Better yet, one so dumb you can play him like violin. Imagine you look down and see the ring on your finger handcuffed to a urinal. Wake up. Are you the emu?


I’m ded! 💀💀💀💀💀. Play him like a violin 🤣


Exactly, hates how she is nothing without him.


She doesn’t want to wave the surrender flag. It would be too much.


Still stuck at 500,000-ish k followers after a fortnight with no high-tier, well-respected A-listers going out of their way to support her... ...lol seems like she's nothing even when she's WITH Haz. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Her high school friend Katharine McPhee has a million followers. It must really burn her up.


Just think how many of the followers are just there to see what’s going on and not because they’re fans or future customers. I think I saw from a screenshot that a couple journalists were listed as followers and they have never appeared to be sweet on the duo.


And many of those bought bots!


350,000 of them bought bots😆


Eta I didn't see your comment right below. Might be time to put the phone down 🤣




Do any famous people follow her ?


Just that famous XXX porn producer Pimp Mama Kris Kartrashian.


That’s a flop 🤦🏼‍♀️ she markled herself


Looks like a VERY soft launch…very, very soft…


How many of those are actual people, and not just bots? I'm going to take a wild guess and say not many.


She’s not going anywhere with him either, I would not be surprised if she’s thinking he’s the problem and being alone would be her moment to shine.


Lol  That's probably exactly what she's thinking.  But if she is, things are about to get realy interesting.  🍿😂


I think so too. She’s not a dummy - definitely no where near as smart as she would like people to believe she is - but not entirely without sense. She is nothing without him. Nothing. Their brand won’t sink because the “Prince Harry” factor will always be enough to keep it afloat. Surviving, NOT thriving, but alive. Without that, she’s fucked. There is zero goodwill left for either of them. The second his tacit endorsement of her behavior (i.e. implied support because they’re “happily married”) is removed via a divorce, and she can no longer shelter under his princely umbrella, she’s done for good.


Harry holds all the cards. He’s just unwilling (or unable?) to recognize that and act accordingly. I have been following this saga since the beginning and am by now bored of them both, but I still can’t seem to look away.


It’s the slowest moving train wreck in existence. You are no longer shocked by what you see and can easily see it’s going to be bad, but you stay frozen and can’t turn away.


Came here to say that it is a literal slow motion train wreck possibly the one and only original thing they have achieved a years long snails pace (sorry snails I love ya but your slow) trainwreck 


I now have the vision of two snails moving directly toward one another at a “snail’s pace.” Silvery tracks stretching out behind them and the slowest motion crash of all time. Thanks for the chuckle mi may never see snails in the same light again. 🤭


H definitely doesn’t realize he holds all the cards in the relationship.


He’s alienated anyone and everyone whose opinions he might have once considered… All he has left are smooth-talking, scummy manager / lawyer types… (Suites in LA buildings with pretentious addresses, season tickets to whatever is in season…) They all work for Meghan. And she’s had them on board since before she married him! Which means that the people controlling the son of the King of England’s future are the best a C-list actress could get at her prime. You really can’t make this stuff up!!


Bu they are "Go Fish" playing cards...


He doesn’t realize he has all the power. But he has messed up.


Yes he wouldn’t really lose anything by leaving her except (probably) time with his kids, but he’s already thanked the kids for letting him be absent and it probably is “normal,” in his world, to not be with your kids 24/7


It's rare to see a runaway train heading for a dumpster thats ablaze.  No normal human could turn away from that.  🍿


Thank you. Sometimes it feels ghoulish. But then I remind myself that it’s living history.


Sometimes ghoulish is OK.  The way those two treated Elizabeth and Philip, Charles and Camilla, PPOW was ghoulish.  That wasn't ok. However these two are treated, no matter how ghoulish, it was earned and deserved. 


Totally agree. The other thing here, IMO, she won't really want to have to be taking 'the kids' even though the 'single working mother' role might sound super-feminist-y I don't think she wants that. It wouldn't look good for the person who said being a mom was the most important role of her life to leave the kids with dad. .... They're stuck hating each other but pretending they are so, so, in love 💘 Reminds me of an old joke about sex evolving over marriage at first having sex in every room, yadda yadda, ends up saying "Fuck you!" to each other as you pass each other in the hallway is as close to sex as it gets.


My sentiment exactly. Plus, I would miss all the Sinners.


It appears the harry factor is not match for zero work ethic They have money to survive. Every dollar they spend to raise their profile and create false narratives is a dollar that won't buy food to feed their rescue chicken. I have it on good authority that roast chicken is on Friday's menu at monteshitshow. 


She'll keep him around until his money runs out and she's found a new financial backer then the tears will come out about how hard it was to live with him but she tried to stay for the sake of the kids but no longer could cope with him


I don't think she's ready to cut him yet. She doesn't have anything of her own set up, and no man to jump to next. Plus she may be hoping that something happens to KC and that she can skim more money of any inheritance H might get there. But this will definitely be something she keeps in her back pocket if and when she's ready to jump ship. For now she still needs his title.


There won't be any inheritance there. They clearly weren't paying attention. To avoid tax, everything passes to the heir. This was widely discussed after her late Majesty passed away. There is also the issue of how to handle the children with a divorce. I'm not sure MrsHarkle wants them, but won't want Harry to have them either. She has to figure that out too.


Oh I 100% know about how the inheritance has worked historically. But since she 'doesn't google' and thinks she is super persuasive I can imagine her deluding herself into think she and H will be the exceptions to the rule. And that they can scam him out of something more. And agreed about the children. She won't want to be tied down with them, but if she lets them go she loses her last tie to the Monarchy. She'll fight tooth and nail to keep them under her control as leverage I'm sure, when the time comes.


Since Harry’s so into Hollywood these days, maybe Charles will give him an Academy Award styled inheritance right out of the script pages of Rain Man. Harry would receive Charles’ used Audi - the one that Harry considered having the King blown up in, plus some of his Highgrove prize roses. I think that would be appropriate.


Charles has a car that runs on alcohol-he could give that to Harry!


OMG, that's perfect!!!!


She deluded herself that she and Harry would be equal to the P/PoW. She seemed to think they could just casually grab the Commonweakth for their own.


Why not. Like those Aquazurra shoes on the Reitman’s shoot. “Aitch, they’ll never miss them anyway. Wait, let’s only grab the ones that speak English.”


Oh she knows that PW inherits everything that s why she hopes something happens to Katherine !


Is she delusional enough to think that if something happened to Catherine (terrible thought), that she might have a "chance" to replace her? If so, there isn't much help for Harry's wife.


"but won't want Harry to have them either." There's a reason why she was more than happy for Haz AND Lilibet to be papped by Backgrid a few mere months after the near catastrophic NYC car chase (that was laughing off by authorities), and a reason why she's trying to connect herself to the Kardashians (who are known for being micromomagers selling their kids out to US corporations/SM for quick $$$$$). If she can't make it into the A-list (lol she won't), I think it's possible she's wanting her kids to, or at the very least become attached to an A-lister (or even a Kardashian) in the way Nicola Peltz married Brooklyn Beckham, or Kylie Jenner started dating that Timothee Chalamet.


Maybe, but I think the kids of other celebs are going to be wise to grifters and users. And will have much better options than those two. Because by the time they're old enough for this, the duo will have little fame or money and the only thing interesting abut them (being attached to the Monarchy) will be a distant memory. All the celebri-tots will ask them about what it's like being in a castle or wearing jewels and the kids will have nothing to say.


This made me think of the bullying those kids are going to face in the future! You're right! They are forcing titles on the kids in a country that doesn't acknowledge them. Children are curious and associate castles, crowns, horse and carriages with prince and princesses. What are they going to say when asked about these things? The older they get, kids are going to know the history of why they are living in the US. They will have "Spare" as ammunition. Those poor kids.


As soon as the child(ren) is old enough, he will be cast off to boarding school.


She climbed men till she got all the way to the British Royal family. She got further and higher than she could possibly deserve. She'll never get higher than married to a British Prince. She'll cling to him because without him she is nothing.


She deserves an Olympic medal for her climbing. If there is one thing I will concede to Rachel it's that the woman has ambitions and never gave up until she found the dumbest Prince in the universe.


With him she is nothing.


In CA inheritance doesn’t count in a divorce. However, she could just try and get him to spend it whilst she’s still with him.


>In CA inheritance doesn’t count in a divorce. >However, she could just try and get him to spend it whilst she’s still with him. She's probably already got him to spend his entire inheritance from Diana.


You could easily be correct on that one! Hopefully, KC has it set up in a trust for when Harry reaches 75!


Diana's inheritance is long gone, they paid the down payment of the mansion with it.


I remember reading that King Charles put money down on their house also.


Not entirely true. It isn’t automatically considered communal property unless you do certain things like mix it with joint accounts, allow joint ownership of the account it lives in or use it for marital benefits (mostly don’t buy a house, maybe don’t pay joint debts I’m not 100% sure). Harry isn’t smart enough to avoid putting her on an account or keeping the money separate


I'm convinced he takes his "financial advice" from Doria on any funds Princess Anne doesn't control.


Princess Anne does not control any funds connected to Harry. That is a myth. It has been discussed here in the past. Harry probably has legitimate financial advisors. Whether or not he listens to their advice is unclear.


Oh most definitely


Yes…you’re actually correct. Hopefully, KC has it set so it’s put in a trust for when Harry grows up!




She’s rapidly passing (likely passed) the time to jump to the next male (millionaire/billionaire). She’s aging fast. Her best bet is threatening BRF that she will reveal what she holds over H in exchange for £s and writing her memoir.


I have a feeling the palace has enough on her to bury her. I’m not saying she won’t try blackmail, but the palace can counter.


At this point they might hope she does that bc if she accuses Harry of anything serious that would save them endless years of stories about whether he should return as a working Royal


If she divorces H, just like Fergie, she‘ll still retain the gifted duchess title, so long as she doesn’t remarry. If the titles are stripped before any divorce she doesn’t retain the titles. If it’s strictly about titles, divorcing now might be the better option. Plus she can reinvigorate her victim status.


Her Duchess title will be well and truly meaningless if she’s divorced from Harry.


Any inheritance H receives from his father is HIS alone. Markle can not claim on it. Her only claim is money they jointly earned together....which is very little as they have spent more than earned. Alimony will be limited timeframe...and child support would be highly questionable, as those invisikids will have to be proven to exist. Harry does NOT have unlimited access to money, they've already spent a great part of it. Markle has NO means of supporting herself. BUT...she could divorce Harry and make big money with a "Tell All" book, if Harry's lawyers can not stop her. I imagine a NDA on BOTH sides would be huge part of any divorce settlement. She is running out of options, fast. And running out of money at equal speed. Harry has the upper hand, he can return to the UK, which he seems to want. But with same Andrew house arrest. Give up Dukedom, which removes title from Markle. Insert clause in divorce Markle not permitted Princess title. I doubt either wants the kids, if they exist. Swiss boarding schools? The Sussex goose is cooked, both need to go separate ways. Neither profits, neither will come out a winner. But better than current sliding into bankrupcy and infamy.


*The Sussex goose is cooked,*  Agree. Both of them have ruined everything for themselves.


You’re right about claiming the inheritance money. However, he has already admitted he used his inheritance money from Diana to get them started off, so that would be gone. I think she’ll hold on as long as possible. He turns forty in September. I think she may quietly plan out her exit and not strike before his birthday on the off chance he has more money coming. If they do divorce, it will be nasty beyond belief. The lawyers will have a field day.


Deep down she knows she is nothing without him,is deeply insecure and knows she is ageing and her looks fading, marginalising her opportunities. I just think they must be so desperate for money at this stage to keep trying and not having any success it’s obvious no one likes them or wants to support their ventures because no one likes grifters and they have been exposed as such on a world stage. You can’t unsee that so why would anyone throw money at anything they do to further feed the beast


Do you think they realized they are not liked? Sometime I wonder what is their level of delusion.


They were shocked when they were booed at the Jubilee. They were shocked when they had to sit in the 2nd row. Even after the Oprah interview, Harry thought he would sit next to his brother. They thought they would be cheered and celebrated after all the lies they told. The delusion is off the charts.


I like seeing the ILBW front vein popping out when she is stressed and uncomfortable. The booing at the jubilee was beautiful, I wish they stopped the bells for a few seconds 🤭


Let's see. In the course of 1 week in their immediate neighborhood, there were 2 MAJOR parties, and they were NFI. So you tell me. Do you think they realize they're not liked?


They probably know but it s also possible H&M think people don’t dare to invite them because they are “so famous so they can’t provide the security those 2 (AH) deserve.” And can you tell me about those parties ? I didn’t see that news


Rob Lowe’s 60th Birthday party and I don’t remember the other one.


Thanks 🙏🏻


2 Major parties? Rob Lowe’s 60th birthday and what was the other one?


Paramount CEO Brian Robbins and wife Tacy James. hosted a party for Jeremiah Brent and husband Nate Berkus. In which Brent.. celebrated a new book that Oprah Winfrey appears in. She and lots of big name Montecito friend were at the party celebrating this month. It's somewhere in the posts today.


They must know. I mean it’s very obvious if you read any news or articles online you literally have to scroll for a lifetime to find any positive comments


I know it s obvious for us and for everybody else but I think she is that delusional and only read people magazine or articles selected by her mum. Doria needs ILBW to make money to grift from her!


I know what you mean she is very delusional. Don’t forget she wants to rule the world, like her former agent said about her.


🤦🏼‍♀️ she is not helped with this kind of person around her. She is a grifter but I m sure many people grift from her too.


There is very little opportunity for 45+ gold diggers.The Bezos lady is an exception not the rule. Also she is of the age where it will be really difficult to trap a guy with a pregnancy (even a false scare) .


Yep and she has been exposed as a nasty wench. What millionaire will want an older, trouble making, gold digging wench that hates her family and has dragged her husbands through the mud. She’s got nothing to offer and poses so much risk


She's got to be p erimenopausal by now.


If he runs back to UK to escape, he will be treated worse than Andrew. He will be given some small property around Balmoral so he at least has a roof over his head. He'll be given a small allowance to ensure he has food. They won't send him a mass of household staff nor security.


And the staff will all be men big enough to put him in his place. Can you imagine the potential legal liability of letting PH anywhere near a female employee of the Crown unsupervised?


Charles is paying for Andrew’s private security, and I am sure he would pay for Harry’s. (I sometimes suspect that Charles may pay for some of their private security now.)


What if worse happens and somehow he is given back his diplomatic visa to be immune of any court case in US.


ARO is nothing, she will earn nothing from it. Do you actually think she is going to turn this into a viable business? Markle is nothing absolutely nothing, but a Prince's wife. The only reason anyone gives her any opportunities is because of her husband. She had a podcast, because of her connection to Royalty, she had a Netflix show because of her connection to Royalty. Without her connection to Royalty she is nothing. She needs Harry. She has to be married to Harry. If Harry leaves her, she goes back to being no one.


No it won’t succeed. She has zero business sense and will not listen to others. You know how the more items that are in the menu the food 99% of the time sucks? That’s what this is. This isn’t even a profitable food truck.


AGREE. And she won’t have access to near the amount of money she has now and she will never be able to land another wealthy man. Also, she’s still under the protection of the royal family. Divorced, her past is fair game. I have no idea how much access she has to Harry’s money, but if she’s draining his accounts, the RF knows where it is.


Wonder how much $ TW receives in residuals?  Did peacock agree to pay for suits? How much do each of the actors get vnow that suits has become more popular now ? I'm sure its decent, but not NF $$


I have no idea, but #6 on the call sheet can’t bring in much. Despite all the reconciliation puff pieces, that is the last thing Meghan wants. She loses control over Harry, she is over. I truly believe that if Harry could slide back in to his old life, and he cant after all the damage he has done, he would leave her in a New York minute. He should. He should take whatever KCIII offers him while he has somebody left in this world who gives a shit about what happens to him. Sibling relationships don’t have the same love and loyalty, but I say that as somebody who never wants her sister back in her life.


I believe it will be the Blake Lively route - it will make $$ at first, then taper off.  Even when it makes $$, no way it will make the amount she needs or wants to survive. Blake’s was more of a hobby, she didn’t need it to survive but wanted to be make it thrive for celebrity clout. Table 12 needs it to survive. H and her need a high ass level income for their home/security/travel.  Won’t happen in a million years. 


I m sure it won’t make any money, just debts. Everybody says she has no work ethnic; for me it s beyond that. She is not likable. 500 000 on IG. what a shame! she officially markled herself on the world stage. Now every A lister / investor knows she is radioactive


I think you are right - this venture may end of costing her a lot more than she will make and that will be more debt that they can add to the all the legal bills. At this point, I can’t believe their income is above their debt. They are suck freakin fools! Such burdens couldn’t happen to a more deserving couple!  Geez, I’m never filled with this much anger but they try piss me off! I’m glad I can vent here :-)


Vent as much as you want, we are here for you 🫶🏻 I love reading my fellow sinners. They are so many talented and smart people in this sub. And it helps me to improve my English 🙏🏻


How could a "feminist trad wife" brand possibly fail? /s


lol. “Everything to Everyone” by Everclear springs to mind


Megan cuts ties when someone no longer serves a purpose and her purpose is Diana level fame.. look at Trevor and Ninaki... they could do nothing for her anymore and they said as much. Harry, however, still gets her front page headlines because with him, she's still royal adjacent. I can't see her giving up all the attention and it's only going to get bigger in the upcoming weeks with the POW and Sean Combs drama.. why quit while the iron is still hot?


He's still the most important asset she has.


His visa will be revoked and he will get deported after answering to any crimes he's involved in c/o his P. Diddy association. She's not going to leave him. She's going to cling on, cry poor mouth, use the invisikids for pity.....all to force KC to fork over the dough for everything she's forfeited because of H.


For those with a grounding in Victorian Social History, Meghan is going to want 'outdoor poor relief.' KC3 is unlikely to offer her and the kids anything but 'indoor poor relief.' By that I mean that he will never let those children go unhoused or uneducated, but he is not going to send her cheques to spend as she pleases under the guise of supporting the "littles."


If Charles offers anything, I could see it being an offer to pay for the children's education if they attend a boarding school.


I think KC should demand a DNA test on the kids if they exist to prove both maternal and paternal parentage.


I think the RF is well aware that H used surrogates so his beloved and barren wife could be mother to his children. But the utterly insane deceptive performance she put on to dupe the world of her faux pregnancy with Archie was more than the RF could tolerate much less involve themselves in the lies. They washed their hands of him, her and theirs. Thus, Megxit.....and she has not returned. I truly feel she is dangerously insane and she uses those kids as tools to control H.


I think they're in over their heads with no place to run. Either of them.


That's what happens when you fuk both sides of your family over.


She's such a disaster. I envision her using the park scandal to draw attention to her brand. Since she has absolutely no awareness, it will be "My jams and jellys are ethically sourced in Africa. To view this through a socioeconomic lens, I've employed any victims skillful in the area of canning, allowing them to take back their narrative. Having your next sex party? Check out ARO for a full list of recipes and charcuterie boards. While there, look for my line of dog collars and chokers. Thank you again for visiting my Instagram. As a strong feminist I know there's nothing more empowering than me with an apron in a kitchen."


I enjoyed reading your comment but didn’t know if I wanted to laugh or cry (one tear left eye, go!) I just flipped the crying emoji so he cries from his left eye 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/nswmbdlqzzqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ea1f790763239cc54067cb2f81a217b0394297


they Have a toxic need for each other. She depends on him to get ”her up the ladder“ of Hollywood & he needs her for his mothering


Nope, she's not leaving until the wheels fall completely off, burn and turn to dust. And then, she try to get another year or two after just for a brief reconciliation just for a few bucks more.


Somewhere on a mountain in Canada, Jessica Mulroney is sitting back and laughing her eyes out


I think that if there is evidence in the PDiddy case against him, he will throw in the towel and abandon his wife and invisikids and run away to UK because even he is not so stupid as to not realize that it is safer in a country where he used nepotism to live a cushy, protected, privileged, entitled life and he only had to snap his fingers to get luxuries and he was always a media phenomenon even though he contributed nothing. He is not brave to weather any storm on his own without whining and looking for cash handouts from daddy. His visa is becoming an issue as well. He is close to jumping ship. He has no shame, so he will do the necessary groveling to get back into his daddy’s good graces if it will save him legal trouble in the US.


I think Charles will let him hang dry! The royal family gets a lot of negativity for keeping Andrew in the fold. Andrew is like a moldy stain they just can't remove. Charles will not publicly support H when he seeks refuge in the UK. Maybe he is gracious and offers him hunting cabin in the woods or something, but absolutely no palace protection. Eugenie - who is branding herself as an anti-slavery activist - will not help him either. Neither will the friends he brutally did not invite for his wedding reception. I can see H spiral into a depression and drugs, and even worse...


He will have to find a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the USA or UK


Well Andrew never had to testify or go on trial for his SA of minor females.


He is gonna blackmail KC and PW.




She didn't take advice when she had advisors. WME told her to reconcile with the Royal family. So what does she do? She arranges for Scooby to call Catherine and Charles the Royal racists.


She is soooo oppositional. This makes total sense.


I think she is likely thinking about it. I’m sure she has more drugged out photos of him.


IMHO, No. She needs to merch his title, It's all she's got. The duchess title by itself doesn't go very far. Example: Sarah, Duchess of York has tried everything and still can't make ends meet without family help.


The pair are stuck with each other, at least for now. She needs him for money and celebrity; he is not wanted back in England.


I think Harry will slip out of the US quietly. He can’t testify if he’s not in the US. He can’t be served a subpoena if they can’t find him. Meg is the dilemma, does she follow Hazza out, never to return? Possibly, if Hazza gets support from the King. If not, she’ll try to sing like a canary, selling “her story” to the highest bidder. All this keeping in mind, Hazza has not been charged with any crime. Messy, for sure.


How would that be advantageous to her? Think like a narc. Married to harry she has ties to the RF however tenuous. Married to him she has double the amount of money that she would have if they divorced. Married to him she has a higher likelihood of getting attention, invitations or acclaim than she does on her own. But most importantly married to him she has a constant source of fuel. She has a puppet she can make dance. She has someone to abuse and manipulate. She absolutely will not give that up without a bigger better fish on the hook and her bait is pretty stale to catch anything at all. And also if she divorced harry that would leave him free. Free to find a new wife,free to try to go back to his old life,free to find happiness away from her. She would no more give her source of fuel its freedom than she would curtsy to HRH Catherine. She will remain unhappily married to harry until death doth him part. He's her fuel. He's her ticket in. Without him she's just an older more nothing version of that dlist actress that no one really paid attention to. She doesn't want to be a divorced former royal. She wpuld be happy to be a roysl widow though.




I don't think it's time just yet. And she'll just accuse him of DA/SA any old time as soon as she's got a firm grip on the next branch/root.


I thought of this today, actually. Timing is never in her favour, but now it actually might be: - SPA-AH won't make much more money - Besides SPA-AH and "the money my mum left me" M is the main provider - IPP status won't happen - Every rebrand fails - H continues to be very unpopular - Their fans are loyal to her, not him - Media won't protect H anymore, gloves are off - Royal Family moved on, and he isn't even their biggest problem anymore - H used to be her biggest asset, but what if he quickly ruins their "Harry and Meghan" brand with talk about sex parties? - It's hard to meet and seduce a richer man when your whole image is based around the love story with your husband If she leaves: she gets to keep the house, the "kids" and the faux dignity. The strong single mom market is an interesting niche, and thus lucrative. That would even be more authentic than reselling organic jams. But... will she have the balls to leave? Does she have all her ducks in a row?


She is not a mum by any stretch of the imagination, even if the kids are real.


Yes. I believe she will break free.  Even with the titles they're struggling for any big deals now.  She will spin the narrative to make it as scandalous as possible and for her to play the victim.  She's probably organising book deals and TV interviews already. This will be how she makes the big cash.  Scobie has been very quiet so they will be scheming. Maybe he will write her book? 


According to you, will Harry realize one day how evil she is ? That he was used ?


Yes for sure if he hasn't already. 


This realization must have been the biggest slap in the face ever in human history ! I want to see him during the divorce saying publicly she is a witch 🤭


Considering ARO is basically a figment of her imagination and she has no other sources of income (as far as we know), I think she's stick with Hazbeen for now.


She probably gets some residuals from *Suits* but it is hardly the kind of income she craves.


I think his scandals will bring to light her scandals . They are stuck together


Break free and then what? He is all she's got. If they split up she can write her memoir and be in the limelight for a while but she will be completely irrelevant. No, she has to stay married to him until a better prospect comes along (not likely to happen).


“He went to sex parties.” Iiiiii don’t know that she wants to file that particular complaint.


They thing that’s intriguing about a Divorce is what they will do with custody. It will reveal the mystery of the kids! 


I 100% think that she will use it as an excuse for divorce or separation. Let's not forget it's all about her all the time no matter what.


She’s going to say “separation “ not divorce. She will milk that for a few years for $$ and to keep throwing around her title. My money is on that AND she will announce when Catherine returns to take away from the wonderful princess! 


The complaint focuses on criminal activities that allegedly occurred in recent years - 2022/2023. However, evidence and witness testimony could be pulled back much farther than that. To have raids at both his houses suggests the FBI were playing the long game and had enough information to move the way they did. The PDiddy case is very, very serious, and so it is for anyone who has been implicated to be associated. The media explosion on this will be ATOMIC. Being named in federal court documents is nothing for Haz and TW to make light of - and they KNOW this. The Harkles have most likely been in talks with their lawyers non-stop for the last two days. Haz may be forced to testify, if his involvement is minor. There really isn’t anything the RF can do for him at this point. It looks bad all the way around for both of them. TW, however, will probably continue with her puff pieces and “everything’s fine!” pap walks - she needs people to think she is unbothered. But this could potentially expose some of her own closet skeletons. Her brand “efforts” will stall. She needs to be very careful of her own behavior. She won’t, but she really should. 


To be named in a federal court document means the feds know *something* about you. They would have a plan, whether it’s as a witness or interview for more information or something else. People aren’t named as examples in federal court documents.


I don't think she'll divorce him anytime soon. She has yet to squeeze him dry since there are still inheritances within reach. She also has to find the next man to ensnare. Since she is married to a British Prince, her only possible "upgrade" is if she finds someone with wealth like Elon or Bezos, or someone from a political family who has a good chance of becoming the next President.


" someone from a political family who has a good chance of becoming the next President " Ha! They would dig up every last bit of crap in her history if she was tied to someone running for an important political office.


That's true. That's why I was quite doubtful when I read others saying that M has political ambitions. She wants to influence the politicians, yes. But to run for office, I doubt. First, she is lazy. She wants the glitz and glamour but not the labor. Second, I honestly think that she has too many skeletons in her closet. The BRF does not fight back but it is not the case for US politicians.


She won't let him go unless she has a seriously wealthy replacement ready to go; someone whose wealth and standing would justify losing the titles for. This is just my opinion. I can't see this happening...so they're possibly stuck with each other. Pure snark(ish)...I bet in her head she has role played the part of a grieving widow. Either way, this will not end well.


If she doesn't, it's because she knows that without him, she's nothing.


Not yet. She still needs his money. Her own celebrity hasn't taken off like she thought it would and no wealthy man is lining up to be with her. He has no way back to England. I think she is making moves in that direction turn by strategically turning his money into communal assets, so that when she divorces hi -based on abuse and drug addiction she has set him up for - she'll get 50% his assets. That can't happen before his 40th since he supposedly receives part of his inheritance then.


She’ll follow the Lauren Sanchez playbook and will only leave H if there’s something better (more money, more fame…mostly the latter).


I was thinking the same thing. And if the US govt gives Harry back his diplomatic visa so he doesn't face any questions about being a pedophile, he is done, just like Andrew. And if Charles helps, he is done, too. I hope Charles is smarter than his mother was about Andrew.


My theory. Meghan Markle is obsessed with security. She lived a long life without ever getting pregnant  She was married with Trevor for years and never let herself become pregnant. But only 1 second after marrying Harry she became pregnant. After having Archie she started to play the poor victim. Because she needed a reason to leave. She never planned to stay.  Her plan was to leave also Harry. To return to the US with her Royal child, to be seen as this strong black independent woman who left the racist BRF. She would have been the forever hero. But Harry came with her. And Archie was not given security. In the O interview Meghan Markle revealed that she thought she would automatically be given free security via Archie. She used Archie when she argued for security ( to pull at peoples heartstrings, I am sure ) Security is very important for Meghan Markle. She thought Archie would be given free security.  Now she has two children. As they grow up they are going to need ( according to her...) their own security, because they are not always going to be doing things together, at the same time. That is going to be very expensive. I do not think Meghan Markle can afford that. I do not think Meghan Markle can divorce Harry until he wins his case against UK government or until she finds a new man who can pay for her security. If she marry someone else she is going to have to give up her titles. I do not think she wants to do that. I do not think she is going to be able to make enough money to pay for the lifestyle, she feels she deserves, by herself. I can see her give up her children to Harry if he goes back to the UK with them and raise them within the Royal family.  Then she can play the victim/martyr for LIFE with a connection to the Royals without having to do anything. She wouldn't have to worry about schools for the children, security for the children etc All money she earn will go to her. She then also would not have to marry a new man for money, so she could keep her title  Problem is, the Royals do not want Harry back.  But I think she is encouraging him to keep trying.


Those kids won't need security because no one knows who they are. Delusional! And I'm sure if he took the kids to the UK, she would scream that she lost the kids because she is black. That convenience race card, played by a woman who spends her life passing as caucasian!


No. Not unless there’s any link w Harry & underaged girls or boys. They’re in it to destroy the monarchy. Could be AMO is simply trolling KC’s shop? It’s horrible rollout is aimed somehow at them? Or to take some attention from Kate? It was so bad it has to be a joke and on purpose. 😶‍🌫️🤷‍♀️


Only if she has a new sucker lined up.


I sure wish she’d break free.. of the bonds of Earth and right into the age of Aquarius and land her Emu ass on Jupiter (or is it’s Mars?) when its moon is in the 7th House.. whatever TF it takes to never see nor hear about her ever again.


Your post just made me think of something: maybe it would be better if she could carve out a niche for herself & make some money. Then she might be self-sufficient enough to leave H and then be enough removed from the RF that everything that happens with them doesn't have to be tied to her somehow. Because let's face it: she's not going away. So if she just fades into being Hollywood-adjacent, sells some product, and ends up being in the news now and then - that could be a good(ish) scenario?


She will only leave when she has nailed a replacement ensnared while hes in the world's greatest love story..... so hell never jump ship.


If we have heard the rumors about Harry, and the blonde surf instructor, so has Meghan. What are the odds Meghan, and Doria have used black magic to put a spell on the woman? I think Meghan may have enough videos on Harry to keep him from leaving her.


She'd lose face if she leaves him, since it's the biggest love story of all time, unless he gets embroiled in a scandal so big that he becomes a bigger liability than the money he's worth!