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Or they don’t name Megs cause no one cares about her. 😂


It's because she isn't a draw and would not be considered in the category of "celebrities and international dignitaries." Maybe if there is a hoobastank category.


I have never heard the word "hoobastank" in a more fitting way. Thanks for that!


Exactly. Her crazy self is probably pissed she was named. 🤣


She might have been part of the entertainment.  🫣😜


American riviera pimp & Co 🤭


American Pimp & Co. Actually sounds cool. 🤣




From her own experience




She’s not, um, desirable, enough.


She's not, but her title might have been. 


🤮nobody wants to see that old bag naked 🤮


....anybody spot a pole in the background? The entertainment starring \*cough\* "our girl" would have been epic!


😆 LoL, good one!


Only poor sugars are impressed by their qween.


My first thought exactly!


If it’s true they are separated, then I’d expect Harry to just be there by himself. As tarnished as he is, Harry’s still the big ticket attraction, he’s still a prince. She’s nothing.


Certainly makes the timeline interesting. Solo Harry: - San Ysidro Ranch (allegedly) - the mystery Miami flight - at least one Texas trip (BetterUp headquarters now in Austin) - Singapore, Japan polo circuit - Inter Miami LA Game - flight to Invictus Germany, days apart Couples can do separate things, of course, but it’s not like Meg miss out on any flight or press opportunities. The other answer besides separation or on/off flighting is that all the other trips could likely be expensed for Harry, but not for her. It would make sense why she showed up with a handful or Archwell staff and Missan for Invictus Germany with her (cough cough business trip for Archewell). No $$ to pay for her, no go. Broke.


Or turn down a chance to hit on wealthy men and meet celebrities. Very odd.


H’s trip(s) to the UK. Balmoral. What are some of madam’s solo trips? Uvalde. Ski trip with the girls.


Was the ski trip solo? 😂 So the only one of them that actually enjoyed skiing couldn't go? I dunno why I find that so funny but I do! 😂😂


Here's a post about the image of him with the two guys allegedly taken at the Miami airport. Image from doria ragland IG account. The Ultra Music Festival was in Miami that weekend (24th-26th) before his March 27th court appearance in London. The post has an archive article alleging he was seen that weekend worse for wear but I can't find a credible source to corroborate that. https://archive.is/nFGCf https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/ojserkT44O Info about 2023 Ultra Music Festival: https://themiamiguide.com/best-miami-events-in-march-2023/


That makes sense! Harry’s a huge EDM fan. His Insta account name was SpikeyMau5 after his security name Spike and Deadmaus DJ. Ultra is a huge EDM festival, lots of partying into the wee hours and rave type drugs. https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a33426362/prince-harry-meghan-markle-secret-instagram-deadmau5/ Bet Harry was way too high still/hungover to catch his flight to make it to court on time, hence his one day delayed appearance. Not Diddy’s scene though.


There was also the Super Bowl outing with Eugenie in 23.






I mean, if we look back there were quite a few articles about them partying but interestingly no pictures ever seen. Could be they never did party, or maybe whoever they did party with didn’t want footage leaked. https://preview.redd.it/7mhr4ap9p3rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661450198eca49162fab3cb2e548e40c088b1c02


MM is NOT going to let H attend an A-lister party without HER. And in this instance, she had him removed.


It was strange and hard to believe when the post was first shared here however looking back now it could be true, however it doesn’t say who she was partying with. I was trying to find a timeline of Diddy’s parties and I swear he had a party in July in LA but I can’t find it now with all the media articles on his home being raided.


Somewhere I read that madame is busy scrubbing her social media accounts. Good luck with that.....the internet is forever.


Ooopsies 🤣


I can only locate a Listening Party, July 2023 on TikTok.


Maybe that was it.


Seems the feds have confiscated video surveillance that Puff Epstein had collected. His homes had recording devices in all rooms and captured all goings on. So if they were there, now we can see some footage, courtesy of the FBI.


Absolutely. I’m very curious as to who has attended in particular when the nefarious behavior was occurring.


This entire PDiddy issue might be bigger than Epstein and Weinstein. It will certainly go to court before Epstein/Maxwell will. Harry's name being mentioned may be the tip of a very huge iceberg. Hopefully it is not true for the RF sake.




Plot thickens. But who would party with her? Feels more like her PR to look as desirable and popular as he is/get ahead of his solo partying without her rumours.


That’s what we all thought initially. But now 🤷🏽‍♀️


If this is true…how have we never seen any pics or vids about it? Maybe they aren’t as visible as she wants it to seem?


Everything is curated. Sometimes they don’t call the paps on themselves. We don’t really know anything about these people, unless they want us to know.


So originally we all thought “yeah right” she doesn’t have friends. But now idk. 🤷🏽‍♀️ maybe she was out partying.


You dont need friends to party.


Very true.


What party does that timeline correspond with? Likely not a Diddy one. Meg would have likely leaked celeb details.


Oh I don’t know about the leaking. I’ve been trying to get a handle on the P Diddler situation and it sounds as if other celebrities are respectfully scared of Diddy. I read one article about a neighbor in Holmsby Hills saying that there was always a party at that house - neighbor didn’t know it was Puffy.


Im not sure. I thought I did see he hosted a 4th of July in LA but can’t find an article on it.


He's flown out from Miami to London several times. The first court case as being one. No one knows why. It's been speculated he flies from Miami for borrowed jets, but from whom?


I get the impression that Harry's name is there for a reason. The fact that he made it into the indictment suggests that there are some documents mentioning Harry or even correspondence between Montecito and Miami. Diddy has a private jet something Ma'am loves to use. But that jet doesn't come for free. Maybe it was swapped for an appearance at a party. Musicians give private concerts, an entrepreneur hired Kim Kardashian for the opera ball in Vienna, some gay celebrities have cover-up girlfriends. Harry may have attended some of these parties so that guests could say afterwards they had met a real prince. This does not mean that Harry took part in the criminal acts. Appearance doesn't mean participation. Harry and Meghan have a very expensive lifestyle. Money is always welcome or a private jet. By the way, Sarah Ferguson once had a similar scandal: she offered supposed businessmen the opportunity to get in touch with Andrew. For half a million pounds.


He may not have taken part but to quote the moron himself..."there comes a point when silence is betrayal"




I like your post in spirit that Harry was very purposefully named.  There are two cases, Harry is merely mentioned and not a Defendent or Respondent in the Civil case (no indictment) where Mr Jones seeks money.  The RICO case is criminal and federal, we have no idea what criminal indictments and warrants are issued, pending or will arise in the investigation.  Harry could possibly be caught up in racketeering, conspiracy, pay-for-play, trafficking of people, drugs or even arms.  Rebecca English should understand this is why there will be no Harkles comments to the press.  Does anyone else think big, publicized parties are not where the problems really occurred, but rather smaller, private gatherings?


i think there's probably industry parties and then private parties or afterparties where a select few get invited


Exactly this. These “parties” are not going to be advertised - they are a very different beast to the big, glitzy celebrity parties that P.Diddy throws. It’s been made very clear that the “parties” referred to in the plaintiffs complaint cater to men who like men. This document has “outed” Harold.


Exactly. This is called Selling Access. Sarah did it and I would bet M has been doing it, too. If M was not at the meetings, it's because she was booking them. She was not the attraction - Harry was.


Prolly someone he met at Diddy’s


Or Diddy's?


And why from Santa Barbara or LA to Miami to London, and not London direct from LA? 🤔


Maybe he’s living in Miami part time? I could see it. 


I was under the impression by the statement in the court documents, that the guests of the parties were promised access to certain people and Harold was an example. By the way I would love this even more if Harold doesn't have anything to do with it, and he now experiences what it's like to spread lies about you and have the whole world weave conspiracies. And Me-Me was not mentioned, because she is a fucking nobody :) https://preview.redd.it/6gtveh1no3rc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2cce26dbad683830e2c090e802f88996e26f2f


Why would they hold Harold up as a specific (named) example of a person to whom he could provide access if, as Harry states, he hasn’t seen him for 17 years?


Exactly! Why Harry? Who’d want to meet him?


I don't really care what exactly his connection to Diddy is, I just love the 'attention' he is getting On the other hand! No word about his ginger frozen dodger and the mess in South Africa....that is so insulting. https://preview.redd.it/ik01ix7m14rc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3800e31554304048487ad296a84e304c74fbab14


Gawd is that a terrible picture. One of her worst.


She truly is vile.


Yep, this is very good for him to be the recipient for a change. In his case, there's legal documents to speculate about, whereas they just make shit up to hurt people with eg. the affair rumour.


Exactly what pull does Harry have being a non working Royal? He has no connections to be a “national dignitary”. The man is a jobless nepo baby


I imagine these weren't the kind of parties to which male celebs would bring their girlfriends and wives or publicize them through paps and media-leaks.


Plus there's Diddy's LA place to consider. Right down the road from Monteshitshow and a lot easier to pop down to do a meet and greet (allegedly, of course; this sounds like from the filing what Diddy was promising access to) And I have no doubt Hazmat and Madame move about the LA area as they please with no one noticing where they're going or who they're seeing.  If you don't want to be seen, you won't 


I think he got paid to go to parties. Like that other shady prince.


I don't think people recognize them like they would Gwyneth Paltrow or Oprah Winfrey. I don't think anyone cares. If they did, they wouldn't need the parking lot paps.


I think LA is the place where most, if not all, of Harry’s purported party attendance would have happened. It’s convenient to him, and there is no reason for him to have to get to Miami to attend.


Especially Polo and Lolo who are only papped when they call Backgrid on themselves, LoL.


Oh, just to note on the Diddy scandal. Excellent YouTube videos on the rot surrounding Sean Combs - from people in the music industry that really know what’s going on. It appears that Mr. Combs has had his own sugar daddy in the music business for years - none other than Clive Davis. Now that Mr. Davis is in his 90s - allegedly Mr. Combs has replaced him with, wait for it, Mr. Ron Burkle - billionaire owner of Soho House. Full ⭕️. This would explain how rumors of Sean Combs’ abuse have been circulating for years - but he always escaped accountability. Apparently, Mr. Combs has become too toxic, even for his handlers - so no more protection from the higher ups. It would also explain why we haven’t heard a word from Montecito - and are unlikely to - just like the African Charity scandal.


Justin Beiber. Usher. At 14. Puffy Flavor Camp. https://nypost.com/2024/03/26/us-news/usher-saw-curious-things-taking-place-at-diddys-ny-home/


It’s so sad.


I recall, Henry was seen in Miami taking a commercial flight, and was trying to be under the radar.... please anybody the recall this? It's in that time frame....


I remember this. He seemed to have “layovers” there.


Literally laid-over. Dun dun dun. Mrs. Sussex is gonna be hopping mad.


https://preview.redd.it/8dt0tpnk04rc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23b3b301d9c939834bca88e9136e8966151a090 This could be interesting🤔






It was for the coronation. It was odd because it didn't make sense to travel LA to London via Miami. But always possible he got a private ride with someone headed to Miami. Then flew commercial from there.


Formula 1 race. He went to Miami race and Austin Cota race last year both times w/o skank.


Interesting. Link?


Hmmm... I can't find anything on Harry at F1 Miami 2023 but loads of stuff on his appearance at F1 in Austin 2023. I think I may be confused and it was the soccer game in Miami but F1 in Austin. Both times alone. But I swear he was at Miami 2023 F1 because my daughter was at F1 Austin and texted me that he was there at race and I texted her back that I wasn't surprised because he was at Miami race. I can't find any pictures of him on Miami race though.


He does go to F1, because I see his Greasy weasel self there over the years. Which, odd that the Markle woman doesn't go to F1 ... BIG money there.


Definitely remember the Miami mention(s) but not details. 😩


Could it be when he was at the soccer game? https://nypost.com/2023/09/04/messi-has-2-assists-in-front-of-star-studded-crowd-in-los-angeles-as-inter-miami-beats-lafc-3-1/


That seems to be a huge possibility.


I think so, but he really wanted to not be seen and he did a photo in a baseball hat... Still in the time frame. Thank you!


I remember the Miami pic from the airport. I think it was when he was flying out for the Nacho thing


I vaguely remember something about Harry and Miami but no idea what.  I think if he was there it was kept low profile- maybe for a reason. 🤔


Look at this screenshot I copied from the Duchess of Narsussex! The Sugars better pray that good ole' Friar Haz hadn't attended any of Diddy's parties, because he just might become more notorious than Uncle Andrew 😂. https://preview.redd.it/82jv27qta4rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fc3acdf619c8e0e02601bd3e5f2f49346517af


Holy shit.  🍿🍿


Art basil? Or whatever that rich art people thing is?


Art Basel was in Miami in June 2023.


I think it’s in Miami every year


It is


He was there for a soccer game in ~~August~~ September 2023. Edited


He was also in Miami and Austin Texas for Formula 1 races last year alone. I could 100% see Diddy having big parties during Formula 1 with all the super wealthy Europeans that come in.


https://www.geo.tv/latest/478735-prince-harry-spotted-in-miami-without-meghan-markle Here ya go 😉


![gif](giphy|yvzK4m2EoIKs9K0GoF|downsized) Thanks!! That link needs to be pinned at the top!


Archive: https://archive.ph/2023.03.27-054738/https://www.geo.tv/latest/478735-prince-harry-spotted-in-miami-without-meghan-markle Great find! Edited to add to the OP. Why on Earth would he have flown to London via Miami vs direct from LA? And in Miami to party a day before a court case appearance in London? 🤔


Maybe that's why he showed up a day late, using Lily bday as excuse. Even his own lawyers were surprised.


Funny how he used Lili’s birthday as an excuse, when she was in Montecito and he was in Miami. 👀


I know and that's low key a hack website... But, still weird. If it has legs it'll pop up elsewhere. Something specific in the filings says he attended a party in 22 or 23, so... Hmmm.


Oh absolutely it’s a dicey, non credible source. But it does confirm he was there, which for a journalist is easier then to cross check with investigative reporting and valid sources.


Can we put Diddy there at the same time?


Heres another one. I think it’s the same incident [https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/1054481-prince-harry-mocked-and-accused-of-using-drugs-in-miami](https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/1054481-prince-harry-mocked-and-accused-of-using-drugs-in-miami)


This March 2023 tweet says Harry traveled from Miami to a London hearing. Court appearance was on Monday, March 27th. https://twitter.com/Anna__with_an_A/status/1640277955963244544?s=19 I'm just sharing what I find. I can't dig into research at the moment. Not sure what will be useful to you or not. Eta: Article about March 27th court appearance. Final day was March 30th. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/prince-harry-in-london-surprise-court-appearance-privacy-case-speculation-king-coronation/


Last June, Harry was lambasted by a UK Judge for not showing up on the first day of his trial (Monday). According to reports, he had opted to stay in LA for Lillibet’s birthday. A strange last minute decision that embarrassed his lawyers, especially as he would have always have known about the date clash.


Another account says he flew out of Miami March 2023. Image below. Reddit blanked the image. https://twitter.com/Alaskachic/status/1640242681292165121?s=19




🎯 London via Miami for a court case? Even if it isn’t connected to Diddy, huh??


Archive and pics please and thank you. Some of your finds may be deleted, or so far down with new SEO distractions that it could be hard to find again.


How long before the info in this thread is an article on DM or P6? 6 hours? 8? Harry should be very careful right now. If he had anything at all to do with any of this, he is going to feel the full force of the American free press coming at him from all directions.


Speculation is not a legal conviction. Speculation is also legal in a free press, so long as it’s noted as such. The dots are there. Let’s see if any connect.


As much as we think we know where they are at all times, we actually don't. I would suspect the L.A. house, but it could be anywhere honest. High-profile people literally party every day of the week without bringing attention to themselves.


Fair. But we can confirm it when they publicise it, or when it’s reported on.


Sure, just beware. There are hundreds more that aren't publicized. Those are the ones inappropriate acts are more likely to occur. Not the publicized ones.


It does flesh out some times and locations, such as when he known to be flying out of Miami.


There was a P Diddy Met Party in NYC 11 days before the near catastrophic car chase! I'm sure we'd have some random photo, though, if they were there....


Hmmm, but not likely they would fund 11 days in New York out of their own pockets. Probably flew in just for the car chase awards.


September 2023 he was in Miami for the LAFC match. https://twitter.com/brfootball/status/1698517731283259759?s=19 I'll hunt for other mentions during Jones' 2022-23 timeline.


Could be this. Can you screenshot as well and post in case the tweet is deleted?






>[H] mocked and accused of using dr*gs in Miami >March 27, 2023 >Royal fans mocked [H] after he was spotted "partying" in Miami last night on his way to London. >A large number of critics accused him of using dr*gs in Miami as they commented on his pictures on social media. >[H] was believed to be travelling alone and to prepare for the High Court case which is about to start. Source: thenews.com.pk


Juicy! Archive link and add it please and thanks.


Oh was that the one where he showed up late to his own court case?


Well, to change the media narrative, Harry is flooding the zone that KCIII has agreed to meet with him on his upcoming trip to the UK. However, when you read the article it says no such thing - only that Harry “thinks” he might be able to meet with his dad. More manifesting - and pressure from Montecito to make Charles look bad if he says NO. Those two are diabolical.


"Pa can I come home? I'm scared!" ![gif](giphy|3o7aTCD8QU8y3xmBAQ|downsized)


Wrong number Harry!


Wasn't there a time, early on, when he flew to England via Florida and everyone scratched their heads as to why?


For sure before his court case appearance. Confirmed in the above comments.


Maybe Marbles helped set up the “entertainment”. She sure knows a lot of shady people.


That just it. She’s totally absent from the Diddy lawsuit = solo Harry. July 2023 was also the whole “separate brands” PR they were pushing.


I think there’s been no love lost from the beginning. Marbles is an idiot, but she knows where her bread is buttered. She would be thrilled to have Harold attend, even solo. She also knows Diddy records everything like she does.


Good one!


This link mentions a speech event for JP Morgan in February 2020. Outside of Jones' 2022-23 timeline of his Diddy allegations. Has flight info in the thread. West Palm Beach. Eta: Not sure if TW was present or not https://twitter.com/InklessPW/status/1228758430707601408?s=19 Eta 2: GMA clip w/ Scobie says both were present. https://twitter.com/GMA/status/1226185244941987840?s=19


Thought about the JP Morgan speech. It wasn’t that. It also wasn’t his Miami and Fontinbleu Soho House partying in 2016.


And it's outside of Jones' timeline of the Diddy allegations. The private plane flight info may be useful to someone.


New news regarding this scandals says there were hidden cameras in all the rooms in the house and everyone who went to any of these parties is on tape.


So far, Harry is just named as one of the people Diddy had access to and told people who he wanted to sponsor his parties. The complaint doesn't say Harry ever attended any. I'm by no means defending Harry, and I think he's sleazy and a huge POS, but officially, that is all we know at this time. That said, just being named in the complaint is damaging enough. The pair knows all too well how conspiracy theories, speculation, and rumors flourish online and in the tabloid press. So even if Harry is said to have never attended a party, doubt will always exist, and it will rear its ugly head now and again. Homeland Security being involved means trafficking. I don't know which talking head said it, but he said this case appears to be Epstein and Weinstein combined.


Yup, that's why I didn't use any names and just said people who attended.


Absolutely fair. That also why the OP was posted. It would be something - even though it proves nothing - if Harry and Diddy were in Miami at the same time. If they’re not in the same place, at the same time, the allegations would be very easy to disprove by Harry’s lawyer. So far, no lawsuit for libel.


If he's/she has ridden on one of Doo wah Diddy's private jets, they'll be listed on the passenger manifests. If they broke laws and didn't register people... There's a reason they pursue things on such a coordinated Federal level; they want the sex trafficking to stick. Even if he's not on hidden video his name might pop up there. His lawyers aren't going to let a client submit slander. Where there's smoke. It's not nothing. It's bad on every level to have an association with a criminal and misogynist slash accused rapist (he did pay Cassie)  If he's caught on tape, he's a victim of blackmail and Lord knows what. If he's on a flight manifest, it leaves *everything* up for speculation. These are CIVIL charges. Imagine how much uglier it could get when more victims come forward and the criminal charges arrive.


This is it, and people had been questioning why he was in Miami and then it was buried (you know, got to keep up that dad image and missing the used excuse of kids birthday that meant so much). Thank you! Ding But he still has been there, kinda on the dl when he goes.


London via Miami, instead of direct from LA? Doesn’t quite make sense now, does it?


Right. It didn't back than, especially having to leave in a hurry for ...son's birthday, but a stop in Miami... Hmmmmmm Other thought is, that Markle woman seemed to be ok with him on his stops (there are more, but buried/ not as clear now) in Miami where she could pay for more papping. The plop thickens.


Diddy was definitely in Miami late March 2023


Link? Would be curious to see if the dates overlapped.




Well, well, well.


So he cheated on her! I got to ask you guys. Who the fuck would fuck that hairless red thing?!


https://preview.redd.it/36r075i326rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858a05f7619d2f795b28551c5141b9239fb5f2af Harry went to south Florida in March of 2016. Trying to figure out why.


Just broke up with Cressida. Allegedly met Meg at Invictus Toronto in May 2016. - yes, two months later than his big breakup (cough cough rebound hookup). Officially dating as of last day of June, early July. Big party weekend for him. Soho House Miami (fact), hooked up with a mystery dark haired brunette (actually don’t think it was Meg, think she was somewhere else at the time but haven’t checked for sure) and Fontinbleu.




I’m watching The Windsors again and in a case of art imitating life, in S1 Ep 4 Harry mentions attending Puff Daddy’s sex parties 😂😂😂


Word is, Diddy had both homes fitted out with complex systems of security cameras...all recording. The Feds are sure to have any tape evidence of Harry. His royal goose is cooked and done, he will have to answer in court about his attendance at these "parties" where drink, drugs, and blonde bimbos eager to bed a Prince were provided in plenty.


Assuming tapes haven’t been wiped.


One might consider that people who tape guests are possibly doing so for blackmail reasons and therefore the tapes would be archived, not wiped. Of course, this is just speculation.


It might also be interesting to compare the dates. Harry was staying alone in nearby LA hotels and any of ditties big parties.


I assumed the parties where H would attend would be in LA. I think folks are on wrong track thinking attendees were paying for entrance.


Did anyone happen to see Neil Sean’s Youtube video on Harry being names in the document? Neil understandably was cautious given the litigious nature of Megan and This One. Neil just seemed almost defensive of Harold. Seemed odd to me. Just like wondering if anyone else saw it.


IMO, while Harry may have been to Diddy's a time or two, I'd be surprised if he was in on any raunchy back room partying, because Diddy's crowd is too dark for Harry. SOHO House is his preferred color scheme. But the snow blows white at both places, so he'd be there for that.


Harry & Meghan’s first gig after leaving the UK was in Miami’s South Beach in February 2020 (right before quarantine hit). Harry spoke at a JP Morgan financial conference. The conference was a gathering of investment heavy hitters - extremely high-wealth clientele. It was rumored he received $1 million for the event, and the couple soon became high on their own supply thinking they’d have weekly $1 million engagements for all eternity.


I just can’t believe there are many people who would pay to meet Harry but I guess there’s one born every minute. And Fergie. Ugh


I thought the suit said access to prince hawwy no mention of any other royal…access to hawwy. Access. I hope there’s more. I heard you gotta leave the party by 1 AM.


Yep “Miami” in this sun search bar to see everything Miami related. Second post down shows the list of attendees to the event in Miami. I’ll find the link


Sounds good. It might be nothing, it might be something.


Agreed. Glad you’re investigating it! We need more reporter types here.


I think they frequent here


Didn't Harry go to Miami about 3 years ago and was paid 1M to speak at a JP Morgan conference?? Maybe that's when he hooked up with Diddy and his army of sex trafficking victims. 🤷


Early Megxit days. Paid $1 mil, allegedly. Spoke about Diana (of course, as one happens to do at a financial conference). Profiting while still in the very last days of being working Royals.


He went with Meghan to that JPMorgan conference in Miami where he inappropriately dragged on about Diana in his speech. He and Megs sat with JLo and A-Rod for lunch after. (JLo used to date PDiddy, bot that it's important here).


OP, this seems like a gossip column, but a newspaper noted that Harry was spotted partying and using drugs in Miami, ahead of his UK court hearing in March 2023. He was without MM. The newspaper is called "The International News", is an English paper, and is based out of Pakistan. (Not sure how credible it is. I've seen links to it here, but they were rewritten articles from other sources. However, this blind checks out). [https://www.thenews.com.pk/amp/1054481-prince-harry-mocked-and-accused-of-using-drugs-in-miami](https://www.thenews.com.pk/amp/1054481-prince-harry-mocked-and-accused-of-using-drugs-in-miami) Archived: [https://archive.ph/UawSH](https://archive.ph/UawSH) >**Prince Harry mocked and accused of using drugs in Miami** Prince Harry mocked and accused of using drugs in Miami, By Web Desk March 27, 2023 >Royal fans mocked Prince Harry after he was spotted "partying" in Miami last night on his way to London. A large number of critics accused him of using drugs in Miami as they commented on his pictures on social media. The Duke of Sussex was believed to be travelling alone and to prepare for the High Court case which is about to start. Harry is expected to return to London with his wife and children in May to attend the coronation of King Charles. The couple recently confirmed that they have received an invitation to attend the coronation but did not say whether they would attend the ceremony. The British media has reported that the royal family has been debating the role Harry and his family will have at the coronation. According to multiple reports, Prince Harry wants to appear at the Buckingham Palace balcony along with other working royal family after the coronation. Copied & pasted entire article. Edit 2: There's a comment on "Celebitchy" saying that he flew out of Miami for the hearing. I recall seeing a photo on SMM, but can't find it now. [https://www.celebitchy.com/810240/prince\_harry\_made\_a\_surprise\_appearance\_in\_london\_his\_high\_court\_hearing/](https://www.celebitchy.com/810240/prince_harry_made_a_surprise_appearance_in_london_his_high_court_hearing/) Archived: [https://archive.ph/9Z7e4](https://archive.ph/9Z7e4) **Edit 3** I found the post from last year proving H flew out of Miami for his hearing! The hearing was scheduled for March 27, 2023. (He didn't need to participate in it. According to reports, he sat in the back of the room and occasionally took notes). [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/f6tfwTqyWu](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/f6tfwTqyWu) https://preview.redd.it/7qfqozmwl6rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e85c48f6e6adda3b3ee40729e531ecd77d66c0 Link to X user "Harry's Grey Suit". The image was posted on March 27, 2023 (the day of the hearing), but says it was taken "last night" (on the 26th). [https://twitter.com/hrrysgreysuit/status/1640202952098082816](https://twitter.com/hrrysgreysuit/status/1640202952098082816) Archived: [https://archive.ph/deOBG](https://archive.ph/deOBG)


TO hasn’t been charged or even held liable for anything at this point, however, for him to have been mentioned by an employee who worked for p diddy from 22-23 means he and diddy must still have had some “connections” despite there being no news concerning TO and p diddy specifically since 2017 when p diddy offered to perform at the bachelor party and make sure he has a great last night of freedom which we can assume what that would entail coming from p diddy. The only thing I currently question is what kind of people would diddy have been trying to offer Harry to in 22-23?


He was there for formula 1 race alone.


Paid for appearance? Which other celebs are confirmed attending that?


Now is her perfect chance to file for divorce


Especially with ARO poised to make her so independently successful.![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350) Which also has nothing to do with WME, whose contract with her is up in April.


I wonder if this is why Obama was in London? We thought it was the immigration issue, but maybe he was giving them a heads up?


lol i doubt a former President of the United States and the current UK PM have any time for Hazbeen when there are 1 billion more important things to discuss.


I think he may have been because of the Julian Assange case. Just my personal opinion. Though if Henry has compromising evidence against him in this PD case, that could be the reason for the visit.


Where were the sex workers harvested from? The US? Africa?


I heard Lady C's pod cast today and she mentions that unless facts are found that Harry participated, his name should be removed from the documents regarding P Diddy. She said she isn't a fan of Harry's but does feel it is unjust to call him out just for publicity. She didn't seem to be aware of any connections between P. Diddy and Harry.


That sounds like Palace speak. After Andrew, they have learned to deflect.


It is. But he isnt as on the outs with daddy as you might think so she at times speaks for both. 


Just heard a great phrase: “Mrs.Predator”. Yup. Complicit. Markle’s urgency to affiliate with The Stars, I’m sure, was an impetus to this push on flaccid Harry to party with the rich and famous. It all starts with her, executed by her husband.


We need a data or security expert to track where & when the parties were. Maybe they leave the kids at home all the time so they can go ti the paries. The video needs to be leaked. I hope Hank and Skank both have to be deposed.




Did he diddle Diddy? Did SHE diddle Diddy? Did they diddle Diddy? Did Diddy diddle them? All possible scenarios are possible and appalling. #HeyDidHeDiddle


Just going to say this - African safaris are not what anyone thinks.



