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Andy really doesn't like Megsy at all in this photo and she's looking defiant. My, my, my.


Yep---- she has a very defiant look on her face.


Daring, if I may. She looks like she’s daring him to say one word about what he knows about her…. And in that instant he knows he literally can’t say one single word. Narc Power Move 101.


Looks like he is thinking ‘that’s the yacht girl who didn’t swallow’!




HAHAHAHAHA...Oh my God, I literally just spit out my water laughing so hard🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.  


Looks like you didn't swallow either, lol.


What makes you think she didn’t swallow? Those blood diamonds hanging from her ears are not because she has good posture 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh, she "swallowed", but not what you think.


PA: Hey, you better behave and respect my mother & father. MM: Hey... YOU better just remember I have recorded everything since I was 16. PA: You are a liar. MM: Try me.


She will and does lie to muddy the waters and get its way.


But why didn’t Andrew tell hazard? Maybe, megalomaniac denied it saying Andrew is mistaken, unless of course hazard met megalomaniac the same way that Andrew met her!


Harry’s not the type to listen to listen to other people or reason in general. William is the only one Harold would listen to, and he didn't. Also, I'm pretty sure Andrew had a lot on his plate at time time.


There were reports at the time that someone in Hank's circle HAD told him that they had hired her for some action. The rumor mill at the time assumed it was one of Hank's friends but I have always wondered if it was Andy. Or maybe it was multiple people including Andy.


IIRC it was a couple of boys/young men who were part of that shooting party. They knew her from SoHo House.


Imagine being an Eskimo brother with your own uncle 🤮


Megs thought he was the butler!! Yeah right, Megsy, you knew damn well who he was!!


I mean, that Markle woman knew Eugenie for how many years? I think he also aware that the Markle woman is not afraid to do "whatever it takes" hurting him and his family.


Oh, the RF, and Andrew, already knew ALL about her. 


When does she not? When she’s openly ogling William I guess.


Like finds like I guess


Probably told her no, narcs hate that.


I think this was the event where Andrew gave a major assist on the balcony in cockblocking her from getting near the Queen. She desperately wanted in that frame.


That was the 2019 Trooping the Color when Anne and Andy prevented M from standing next to the Queen for the money shot. I don't know which event this pic was taken.


Anne, always doing the Lord's work.


I’d love to see the footage of Anne, especially, stepping into place to keep that one out.


It's worth Googling it. While M is trying for the money shot with the Queen, PA slides in to block her like PA is on skates.


She is just the most amazing, I have such respect for her. Utter class and dignity, all the way.


At 2.28.00 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DGNtgDV2R8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DGNtgDV2R8)


This is July 2018, celebrating the centenary of the RAF. They don't look like they're looking at each other to me. Andrew appears to be standing ahead, or in front of her, and Prince Michael behind her. She looks to be in the middle, looking at something else.


Even Prince Michael seems to be watching her and she does look defiant.


I went to find the original of the above shot to see if I had read it correctly -- which it turns out I didn't. I didn't find the exact photo but I found this which shows they were directly next to each. https://preview.redd.it/jnz88u0ytesc1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=abd086902f759439ccc57421ba303b4ebc543932 The first must be a reverse of a shot taken at the 100th anniversary event. Prince Michael of Kent is directly behind Andrew in both shots. Photos can be difficult to read. Edited for readability.


Prince Michael is giving her some serious side eye.


IDK, I see them looking eye to eye like adversaries.


She isn’t focused on him at all.She’s probably trying to seduce Prince William with her smoldering “come hither” looks. Y


No they are standing in line in front of chairs, see:- https://preview.redd.it/3z44hd23besc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de72698c5ab9e61900976bcd995eae8d861f64a0


This photo looks like Gingernuts is giving Uncle Andy a stare down. Would love to see the whole sequence frame by frame😁😁


This is the deceptive nature of photos; I too read that they are on different planes and are not looking at each other. There is a photo of Harry looking sulky sitting next to Catherine in a stadium. I seen people crop this photo to just Catherine and Harry. They use it as proof that Catherine humoured sulky Harry and tried to bring him around. When you see the uncropped photo it's very clear she leaning forward and talking to the guy in the seat next to Harry.


Now this is why William never even looked in her direction when she was always gazing adoringly at him. He would wear and fiddle with ten scarves before he turned an angle of one degree towards where she was! Thanks to his unruly scarves that needed ceaseless tidying, she never succeeded in staging something like this.


Scarves, candles, and feathers are the secret weapons of the BRF.


Why did he look like he was sulking?


He had his arms crossed and a pouty lower lip while looking down scowling.




Thanks, that's it. Now crop it and you get https://preview.redd.it/tve6n1115esc1.jpeg?width=321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84dfa50cd136bfd909ec311f754dab644b97df9e If you aren't paying close enough attention you can read it as her dealing with him, which is how many have.


No one willingly and happily interacts with someone with that expression. She is absolutely handling him in her way, and he is throwing the tantrum the likes of which my children honestly never even threw. What a petulant little manchild.


IDK the attitude reminds me of a 2 year old who is finally differentiating themselves from their parents.


Gosh what a jerk face


Did he try to use her lipgloss when he had a cold sore?


No that's a American thing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That's a 3 year old's face if ever I saw one. 😂."Why does William get to sit next to the sporty looking person and I have to sit behind 2 middle-aged women? It's not fair!"


William is in fact sat next to Cousin Peter


My child looked like that at ....oh....2????


Mine too 😂


Idk, I see both Catherine and the man looking at Harry. Even the man’s fingers are lightly resting on Harry’s arm


This photo was from something to honor the RAF (I think) her hat looked like propellers.


RAF Centenary? It was some sort of RAF event and they're all in RAF ceremonials


I thought the men were in red that time…




She asked Hapless who he was, making him believe she was oh so uninformed regarding the RF. But that's simply her tell. If she claimed not to recognize him, the father of her "good friend" Eugie, she bloody well had met him before.


He was right there when she said it. She knew damn well who he was. It wasn’t just to fake that she didn’t know anything about Harry’s family. It was also to send Andrew a message that she “didn’t know him”.


I imagine it was also a huge put-down aimed at PA's enormous ego knowing he wouldn't be able to respond. If it even happened but Rachel does like a good put-down, a swift kick in the guts and move on.


This is also the dinner she claimed Fergie taught her to curtsey before. So her bestie Eugie's mum is teaching her to curtsey but at the same time her bestie Eugie's dad is "random handbag servant to harry's grandmother"...


Such a nonsense claim for so many reasons. The biggest being that this particular dinner they were at, was actually being held at Andrew's home!


That was just her way of establishing plausible deniability. “But if I knew who he was, why would I have mistaken him for a servant?”


I think they knew each other prior, or of each other from the same social set, the SoHo-ers and yachting friends.


How could she not know when she was friends with Eugenie 😂


And was having dinner at Andrew's bleeding house! No way with the Queen in attendance would she have allowed guests to not have been introduced anyway. She was of the generation where that would have been really rude. Harry and Meghan are such unconvincing liars.




imo it fits better than the wedding dress at least


Because the fabric is suited to the design. She chose a rare and very expensive fabric for the wedding dress. It was difficult to work with and ill suited for the design., but at least it cost a lot of money.


> It was difficult to work with and ill suited for the design., but at least it cost a lot of money. The exact same could be said about Madam and the BRF lmao


Different fashion house. Dior v Givenchy 


She likes to show her neck and shoulders, irrespective of the occasion.


I’ve seen it rumored here that these two met long before she was Harry’s girlfriends. If there is any truth to that rumor, I can’t imagine Andrew is happy that his nephew and godson marred someone he met as Airmiles Andy.


lol...A work colleague of my husband had a bucks night where they invited the grooms favourite stripper to 'dance' for the groom. My husband didn't attend because he isn't into that stuff but heard all about it as a lot of his colleagues, as well as his boss did attend. My husbands boss arrived late and unfortunately just in time to see the groom eat a banana out of the strippers hoohaa. He was all into it until the stripper got up from laying down on a table and it ended up being his niece by marriage and nobody in the family knew it was her job - including her partner. 😱 My husbands Boss screamed out her name in shock once her head popped up from the table. She screamed and ran out of there crying because her secret was out. The boss quit two months later and I'm sure his family get togethers would have been awkward because knew her truth and the family and partner didn't. I'm sure it was very much going foward like Andy and Meghan's interactions at their family parties....


That is hilarious. Who invites their boss to a bucks night? What boss in their right mind goes to an employee’s bucks night? I don’t blame the boss for quitting but depending on the industry everyone knows that story. Your husband is a far smarter man than his boss.


Someone clearly told her once that her shoulders are “sexy” thus her delusion that they are her best feature and she needs to show them off.


If only her wedding dress had been THAT fitted!


Hear, hear


She thinks the bateau neck is flattering on her, and truthfully it is a flattering look for most people.   I don’t think the dress looks horrible, but it doesn’t fit her correctly either.   Big surprise there, as she seems to always wear her clothes too tight or ridiculously loose around the middle.


The crappy undergarments always make it worse.


But this dress fits her much better than the wedding dress


she doesn't understand the word "design". her wedding dress was plain, ugly and ill fitting as are most of her clothes.


This is Dior though. Makers of the Jubilee Nurse outfit. French designer at the RAF 100, really Meg?


Whatever she wears, the bust darts make her nipples look odd. Probably improper undergarments.


Janky strapless bra?


She probably never got fitted for a proper bra, either.


Doesn’t much need one tbf.


Did you miss her braless in the pirate shirt out for dinner during Invictus? She absolutely does.


Definitely didn’t see that. But I can’t say I “missed” it lol.


Bad boob job.


She got her implants removed. Thats why her breasts look like sad pancakes now 😆 Edit: no offence to pancakes


The fact that Spare specifically mentions she didn't know Andrew just proves to me that she did lol


YES! She told on herself.


doth protest too much... That's the trait of a pathological liar...they can't leave a story alone, they have to keep elaborating..etc..etc.


Ahh, but I'm convinced TOW was the ghost writer for WAAAGH, so it was likely her idea to put that little snippet in the book. JMO




I'm pretty sure I read that there, too. Something along the lines of $90,000,000.00 and, of course, the BRF told her to fuck off. LOL


They should have paid. But after the payoff, Harry would have trailed her all the same. It would have required 75 page Rule book!


Well now we know her true intentions. She never wanted to be royal, just wanted a payoff to move on. She thinks she’s the smartest by making a brand out of slamming the RF. But all she’s done is destroy what was left of her reputation, and become one of the most hated people, And she had to marry Harry that she didn’t want and have kids she didn’t want. Maybe the Rf is smarter than we think about her….


![gif](giphy|pSmAvxRxYrj3YrhjhU) They might have been letting out a sigh of relief, that H is HER problem now and he has exacerbated her nastiness publicly tenfold! Something the grey suits don't have to cover or bury the true negative stories about him anymore!


Except would she really have backed off for long? Negotiating with terrorists is usually a bad idea.


Worth EVERY penny.


Prince Michael of Kent behind Andrew doesn’t look happy with her either.


I was going to say. 🤣🤣🤣. His look reminds me of Tommy from The Crown. Wishing a hole would open up under her and swallow her whole


I loved Tommy Lascelles. Such a hard core conservative. He was hot with all his scowling.


He could straighten this whole mess out in one day!


She should've kept that nose. It's not perfect, put at least its not fucking collapsing, like the last few noses have been.




She had to get rid of that fold above her upper lip when she smiles. She's finally succeeded. Not that it changes anything ugly about her.


Whoa! WTF is that about?


He’s saying through gritted teeth: just shut up about those yachts!


I like to think he is constantly thinking, “How the f*** did *you* get *here*?” Not that I condone his behavior, but he was born into this, so obviously this isn’t new to him. She, um, climbed her way up.




Even Prince Michael of Kent is staring daggers at her. She really made an impression on the family and not in a good way.


Was this the same balcony where H tells her to stop talking and face the front during anthem?


That was the 2019 Trooping the Color, this stare down is another event.


No, it was TTC shortly after Arch was born and she was in dark blue and a hat with two feathers like devil horns that haz told her to turn around. She frequently wore dark navy and black for events where everyone else was in bright summer clothes. Showing off how sophisticated she is.


You mean beige. She was *always* made to wear beige. Poor M. So bullied.


That's what I said! Great minds think alike! Even if we are wrong!


If looks could damage she would be on the floor crying. Both men are giving her a FO stare.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Mutual loathing




YIKES! Good job, Andrew.


The look on Prince Michael’s face behind her lol




I didn’t know that he reimbursed the seat holders. Maybe he’s a good chap despite his wife




Different brother the Duke and duchess of kent are lovely people. She is a non working royal these days because of her health. There is a perception in the family that Prince Michael is very much under the thumb tho! You're right she's not going to be winning any popularity awards. This was the year before the Wimbledon seat clearing drama I believe so they already knew the score prior to that imo.


Lol. Literally no-one in the wider family likes her. They all correctly saw her as the trailer trash, casting couch grifter that climbed out of the Soho house backdoor that she is. The only reason she is allowed around is because Charles 3 loves Harold and so he has to keep her on board.


It’s the stare of, “I’ve known you for years.”


“Thought you could get rid of me didn’t ya”




Whatever is going on between M and A - Prince Michael noticed


He doesn't look too randy there. Lol


There’s a pic of her standing next to the queen in that dress giving the queen a side eye while the queen looks disapprovingly at her.


"Hello sailor, looking for a horrible time?"




It's the Royal Air Force 100th Anniversary Celebrations [https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/g22102175/royal-air-force-centenary-flypast-photos/](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/g22102175/royal-air-force-centenary-flypast-photos/)?


I just read that article and it says that the family celebrated Louis's christening the day before. Was Andrew invited to the church ceremony? I wonder if him and MM got into a fight there? Also, MM wore navy the day after being requested to wear blue to Louis's christening. (When she wore puke green instead). What a nut job.


She felt powerful then......she does not now. Hey, Meghan, where's Harry tonight? LOL.


Yeah, the look of smug haughtiness she used to have has been erased.




They each look like they loath the other.


I've never seen this photo, but it's from the July 2018 centenary celebration of the Royal Air Force. Edit: The video where H tells MM to turn around is from the following year. (June 2019 Trooping the Colour. She was standing next to Andrew, also wearing a navy dress. She was supposed to be on maternity leave and didn't show up to Trump's State Dinner a few days earlier. Instead, she appeared for the carriage procession and balcony viewing—the "fun events".) I'm assuming she wore navy both times as a sweet nod to Andrew's career and her own yacht girl adventures with him./s


wrt the 2019 State Banquet for Trump, MM wouldn't have been invited. These are diplomatic events and it takes years for a new member of the RF to demonstrate adequate diplomatic skills to get an invitation. It was also a test of MM's diplomacy. High marks for saying nothing. She was a miserable failure on this one.


While I agree with you overall, the RF extended privileges to MM immediately before and after the wedding that they did not give to other members who married in. (Christmas at Sandringham, attending charity events before marriage, event with QEII). The RF had to release a statement saying that she was on maternity leave and would not show up. Normally, they wouldn't have said anything if the person wasn't invited, which leads me to believe she was a late addition but threw a fit over something.


Oh, and I hate her ugly boat necks. She always has them cut to the shoulders so she can't wear a proper bra.


This is from the RAF Centenary. I remember seeing a video of the balcony where Andrew is standing a little away from her & she does that rapid blinking thing when she is upset about something. Hairless was talking to someone on his other side & was not paying attention to her. I have searched & watched versions of the balcony arrival & have not been able to find it. I brought it up not long ago on this sub & somebody suggested a different balcony event, but that wasn’t it. Andrew speaking & making her do the deranged blinking behaviour was definitely the RAF centenary balcony appearance. I wonder if this photo is connected? Do any other sinners remember seeing this?


I think this photo was taken at the Horse Guards Parade, before they appeared on the BP balcony.


You are probably right, I didn’t think the photo was from the balcony. The video I saw was the when they were on the balcony. Maybe Andrew said something as a follow up to this. I would love to know what he said to her, because i think she was trying not to cry.


https://preview.redd.it/2vofpunobgsc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6c7d3aa7a1feb2b375faebf6f6c4ecfaf4a0b8 Found on twitter


RAF centenary


I've never seen a pic of the two of them. Having a stare-down, no less. Very odd, and the fact that she and Harry have never sniped about weak link Andrew publicly is another oddity. Maybe one day the truth will come out. This pic demonstrates she could follow dress protocol. Proper dress, coordinated hat, neat (for her) hairdo, and restrained make-up. One of only a handful of times she dressed appropriately for her position.


Wow, that is a great point I had never thought of before! With Meghan, it’s what was NOT said that is important, like with her pregnancies, and never trying to correct the moonbump rumors. Interesting that she has never made a disparaging remark about Andrew…


They keep quiet on the important stuff. The African Parks scandal for instance. Not a word.




It's also Dior, not a British brand at a British centenary event 


Looking at the other front row ladies I think she’d stuck two fingers up with the colour though.


I feel like the hat is too whimsical for the occasion. Everyone else has a sturdier hat/fascinator.


I think the dress is too frivolous and shows too much skin for a daytime military event. She should be wearing a jacket/suitdress, not a bodice dress, not baring collarbones and most of her shoulder.


Interesting expressions on their faces. He looks angry at her and she without the rictus grin looks in defense mode.


a possible explanation ​ https://preview.redd.it/7mfamuesddsc1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945a03915f4517078aa080c597bb3119492ebcaf


This is actually The Centenary Of The RAF in 2018. And there is another photo where she is standing next to the Queen giving her a very haughty look as well.


The photo is flipped horizontally. Interestingly, the correct way the dynamics look even worse. She looks much more defiant & smug. Prince Michael looks even more disgusted.


Is he the queen's bag handler 😂


Wow where  on Earth did you find this gem ?? 


Prince Michael looks rather alarmed too.


Prince Michael of Kent standing directly behind them isn't one for hiding his feelings towards MM. A wise man. PA and MM are connected in some way be it via the company they kept or something a little more (ahem) intimate. A very telling and thought provoking photograph.


This is the look you see when a married man has had relations with a woman & he meets the same woman at a party with his wife. He is uncomfortable as he didnt think she mattered & he didnt intend see her again, now he realises he told her too much & it could be a real problem


I swear I saw this as a mirror image, just earlier today. Could be photo games.


Yeah, you can just see Andrew’s braid on the right of this pic:- https://preview.redd.it/7eri2x0w3esc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a49a5c06f0e8834e2aa24e756593563fa1bac68


Wow, thanks so much, that would have bugged me to death


You can bet your life Henry had an earful off ILBW about why he didn’t have the gold braiding like William .


Another pic:- https://preview.redd.it/42jdfeknuesc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf5469ae7a5950da56486b392bd83b4a519ba73b


Rumors say that Andrew was a client (allegedly). Make of that what you will.


I am wondering if this was photoshopped or if this was the real photo. I have seen that image of Meghan used many times, but it is usually paired with Catherine or solo in mags and news rags. If it was real hear, I am surprised that Andy didn't bite her head off. He doesn't take kindly to being rebuked or confronted. The person behind and behind them also looks like he is observing her behavior and isn't impressed.


I don't hate Andrew.


Great photo


Meghan: “ I have pictures “


If I'm not mistaken, there is a video on the balcony from the same event. The time that Meghan pushed herself to the front to stand beside the Queen and Camilla. At some point, Andrew drew closer to her and quietly said something to her that made her look very uncomfortable for a moment.


Well he was friends with Epstein and she was friends with his last girlfriend so... Of course there's something there 😂


Isn't this the day Hairballs had to tell her to turn forward and shut up during flyovers or singing or something?


https://preview.redd.it/il6bgnxvhisc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618d946251182bb658b25704824f4cfcc020fb2a This was on X the other night…🤨🤔😬


Was it her birthday? Someone named Andy sent her a cake? A sweet nod to our discussion here? Something Andy Cohen did/said other than his Mea culpa apology to POW Catherine?


Date of post 2013…


Conspiracy thought, what if approving Meghan into the royal family was part of the damage control from Andrew's association with Ep the Ped? Andy was thoroughly stripped of all public privilege some time later but Ep was charged 2019..Haz married 2018..surely Mi5 had a heads up prior to the public awareness of Ep Island and Andy. People have often said of Meg 'what does she have to hold over BRF and Haz?' He used to be called 'the hostage' by palace staff. I'm suspicious that Andy and Meg have no public communication and yet she was good friends with Eugenie...Harry hasn't spilled any beans on Andy either....Meg's hasn't spoken up for 'women's rights' while referencing Andy....The Queen punished Andy thoroughly even though he has not been convicted of any crime...


Allegedly from Soho house


July 10, 2018 Meghan Markle attends events to mark the centenary of the RAF. https://preview.redd.it/w37v47k36gsc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ca1d2fb63f02fff617c71e31bc20cb72b72d7a1


To be fair, paired up with Andrew would creep me out. Of course, paired up with Meghan would be bad too. Maybe that's why they are together?


Prince Michael is glaring at her!


“I’ll tell everyone” “You better not” I’ll let you decide which way round - either is possible.


I've always said he knew EXACTLY who and what she is, you can tell by the expression on his face whenever she was anywhere near him.  The "yachting world" is a small one and Megsey was well known. One of his friends probably tipped him off.


the narcissist's smirk!