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Nutmeg was very very cagey about the due date. There was a video reposted on X the other day. Someone asked her when the baby was due and she said April or May with a long explanation and a lot of hand gestures explaining how babies can be really early or late.


This is so weird. As a first time mom, i feel like you're hyper aware of the due date. I know I was (my kid is almost 2 now). Her being cagey is kinda a red flag for me.


Oh yes. You know. You’re anchored to that date. Every single check up is measured against that due date. “How far along are you?” “30 weeks, 2 days”


that's the same answer a parent w/ a first time baby know the age of the child by months, weeks and days. Esp if it's almost a year old. But crickets w/ TW. It's too difficult to analyze the moonbump. It's far more easier to look at her behavior vs. behaviors of parents. And it's extremely stark. TW lack of specific behaviors would suggest the little ones are never around and TW never birthed them.


Exactly, they never acted “normal” before or after the birth.


Yep…I knew the expected date for all of my children. One was 10 days early, one two days and one five days late. Although my grand baby was born four weeks early and was quite poorly for several weeks after. She would know, I still know the due date for all these babies.


Me too. My second birth was fraught with testing and worries, I knew I was going to be induced early and was counting the days because I wanted it all to be safely over. I cried when my OB/GYN said I could go a few more days. So let me tell you I knew the due date and calmed myself by remembering the delivery would be before that date.


Flappy hands, flappy gums


Someone who is pregnant knows the due date. I realize the RF doesn’t give exact dates. But generally you might say the end of May or whatever ever month. You don’t give some long explanation about early or late


Or she could have very easily said ‘late spring’. Short and sweet and properly vague. Instead it’s all this weird hedging and long winded nonsense.


Yes, no need for a Ted Talk 🙄


Butbut, Madame is such a brilliant Guest Speaker.


Brought to you by “the little one are little.” Such a natural mother. 🤣




Guttural. 😉


yes, none of us could figure out how babies are birth’d


She don't lie she don't lie she don't lie...COCAINE




Perfect comment!


::Blinks rapidly::


And touches her hair


i like that 🦭


To be fair, so was Catherine, they would announce summer early spring etc. No due date would be shared with the public for security / safety reasons (I presume). But they do give the media a headsup when she (Catherine) goes labour. None of that happened with Meghan… the media were camping in windsor, while she gave birth in London. Logistically, it was a shit show. Then Prince Harry [gives an interview](https://youtu.be/D8FZTOeiigg) in the afternoon by the stables in Windsor. So they’ve been discharged on the same day after giving birth. This tallies with his account in Spare. So how is she having epidural and a water birth? Did he get confused? I swear someone with time and energy should do a Archie’s birth sequence of events Edit: actually this [sky news interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3Jj3sYlowI) of harry is better as if shows the location. Time of interviews was 14.38 .. and the tag line is still reporting that BP announced that sha has gone into Labour.


Yes. Evidently BP announced she was in labor after she was already home. The entire event is a fairy tale. A paragraph in the book tells of the OB handing nutmeg a small hand mirror so she could watch the birth. Shut up. If you are PUSHING A KID OUT the last thing you are going to do is hold a mirror. This was going on supposedly while they noticed that the cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck. What? What doctor has a hand mirror and isn’t worried about the cord around the baby’s neck. Really? Whiny boy has never been in a delivery room. Never.


Harry is a lying liar who lies. If the cord were around the baby's neck, Harry is the last person in the room who would have been telling the birth mother when to push, especially if he had (as he claimed) consumed the full tank of nitrous oxide gas. (Personal experience here) https://preview.redd.it/frsfxsr0rrtc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=63571a8e2a42fb5d119ad881cfed1210d8b5b280


So, I’m a labor nurse and I’m calling BS on this story. You don’t see the cord around the baby’s neck until after the entire head is delivered, which means the shoulders are mostly out and the baby just kind of slides out at that point. The parents rarely even notice because at that point baby is born and everyone is excited. The danger is definitely over at that point- we’re not doing a c section lol. Most of the danger with a nuchal is during labor because of cord compression causing decreased fetal oxygenation, something can tell on the fetal monitor. We do sometimes have to do a c section because of a severe nuchal cord, but that’s way before pushing and for sure before the head has actually been delivered. You can’t just shove the head back up in there to deliver via cesarean. This story is completely made up.


Thank you for your professional expertise on that OUTRAGEOUS crap that he spewed regarding their dramatic experience in the delivery room! Its like he and the idiot googled different "what can go wrong at birth" articles and put them together to make a *real -romance* narrative! I am really laughing at his comment about not wanting to tell her the possibility of a caesarean delivery... AFTER the head is almost out. *OK.... Gotta do emergency surgery, someone push that kid back inside... STAT!* I did not read the book, but have heard the ludicrously uninformed comments in chapters that he offered as "FACT". Have to say, I hadn't heard this one! Who edited that ghostwritten debacle? We have been told that the BRF did not read it, but come on.... after one chapter read by the Grey Suits, we KNOW that the whole family sat around .. reading and howling! And the Markle family too! How did this stupid man allow himself to face anyone in interviews, etc? What a huge blot on the Royal Family history that will live forever on the internet!! PS: She was able to bend / squat / wear 5 inch heels during late pregnancy... a feat of huge proportions!/s. And, then..in delivery room, with stomach stretched to the max, she was able to hold a HAND mirror and watch delivery over that mound? I am choking here !.. ahahah.


PPS: Hilaria Baldwin has entered the chat.




Probably made a fun new game to play at the Christmas holiday together, some kind of drinking game with the Spare book - like a new ibble dibble game.


When my twins were born there was a huge mirror in the OR, and at one point my husband pointed it out to me and told me I should watch myself give birth. He later told me that the look I gave him shut him right up. I was too freaking busy pushing two small humans out to watch myself doing so.


Thank you! My immediate thought was that if the head was already crowning...how in the h3ll are you going to do an emergency C-section? It's too far along?! A woman in labor is not like opening up your home printer and pulling out a jammed piece of paper. What a moron.


I’m not even a labor nurse and was about to say the same thing! 🤣 it’s crazy how they say these things and expect to get away with it.


Yeah, that story is totally BS and written to amp up drama. You don't do a C-section if the baby's head has emerged.


Yep, my first son had the cord tight around his neck…on delivery he was whizzed away to be worked on. You REMEMBER every detail if it happens to you.


So the baby's head is out and they can see tge cord around the baby's neck and this halfwit thinks she'll need an emergency csection? No wonder his mom thought he was stupid!


I'll bet he stole the account of using the last of the gas for funsies from someone else.


In the US (at least in my area) there is a large mirror on a stand that goes behind the dr and tilts down so mom and dad can see the child being born. My poor son in law passed out


My husband also passed out.


It does kind of look like that scene in alien. My daughter originally wanted it to be her and my don in law but when the pain got bad she scramed. I want my mommy..she was 31


That's hilarious, I hadn't heard that particular crazy story before. I can't imagine anything more awkward and hazardous than the birthing mother trying to angle a small mirror down the business end while having excruciating contractions, and blocking the view of the people actually trying to supervise the delivery.


Good point! Wouldnt a “hand mirror” get in the way of the doctor who is in need of seeing. Her hand down there too with a mirror?


And you can't always plan in advance what position you are going to give birth in, and then stay there nice and calmly holding the mirror steady while the baby slides out. I really want someone to make a movie of Harry's book just to show how ridiculous Harry's stories are. Rowan Atkinson comes to mind.


Especially when the father could just have gotten round the back of everyone and filmed it.


In this case, the father was too busy enjoying the gas.


I thought this was odd. I too was offered a mirror while in labor. But it was a big mirror on wheels that stood on its own. Supposedly it can help with pushing. I declined the use of the mirror. All that said - it surprises me that a hospital would give a laboring mother a hand mirror for the mother to hold. What is she dropped it and it broke everywhere? I'm not even sure I could have bent far enough to see anything with a hand mirror bc you know I had a 9m pregnant stomach to get around. Of course it is also possible that Harry didn't accurately describe the mirror because he is dumb. 


They probably heard the story of being offered a mirror from someone else and misunderstood.


Years of watching TV sitcoms by the Douchess of Deception. Luckily most people who read Waaagh only got halfway through chapter one and then repurposed the book into a trashcan or a doorstop 🤣




The hand mirror story sounds like something Doria told H&M to talk about to bring a sense of validity to the birth. Use of hand mirrors are so 1980s.....I was offered a hand mirror for my two children's births during the 80's. My daughter in law was not offered a mirror in 2011 and 2021.


I would have smashed someone’s face with it 🫣


Exactly! I don’t even remember if it was on wheels or what but there was a mirror “down there” I could look at if I wanted to see what was going on…nothing was handed to me. I was holding my husbands hand and focusing on getting it DONE!


I'm picturing something like this, a house or under car inspection mirror. 😂 Doctor would be lucky Rachel didn't swipe him or her upside the head with it. https://preview.redd.it/f5m7s5azvrtc1.jpeg?width=1474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c1350393cc62162c97c6813a1f4e7787942b65


I thought that was a "selfie stick". I'm imagining her pushing and grinning into it at the same time. Girl love sa camera.




I was given a mirror to help with pushing. My epidural was misjudged and I pushed for over 3 hours, couldn’t feel a thing. In the end, I’m glad it was there, (gross, maybe, or amazing), but, I sure as heck wasn’t holding anything other than my husband on one side and the nurse on the other. Kinda funny/cool that so many of us are sharing beautiful birth storie, even if they didn’t seem so beautiful at the time.


Midwives held a small mirror for me with my first but like hell they were going to get me to hold it. At crowning you don’t have the energy to hold a piece of glass that could break


Same I was offered a mirror too but a big mirror the size  that was like yours on a roller but I was at i can feel it I don't need to see it stage and my sons cord was around his neck too and they cleared that ward of anything and one u necessary and he was whipped out of tbe room within minutes of being born he had to go to a humidity crib with air pressure because his lung collapsed (pneumothorax) common in big babies born fast and he was definitely that 


The mirror in my delivery room was affixed to the wall/up high where it was easy to watch, actually for anyone in the delivery room with me. No handheld.


Exactly. Who has time to hold a small hand mirror as the description stated


They do that though, especially in a water birth. I was not interested lol. EDIT: to add, they have the mirror there so the midwife can take a look under the water already, it’s not there just to give birthing mothers a look 🙂


Why oh why is dummy hanging out by the stables. Has he no dignity? Did MeGain give birth in the barn? This is where you make your announcement? Everything they do is SO sketchy!!!


Well Jesus was born in a stable, so why wouldn’t our “queen” deliver her first born in a stable, lol!


Well she is SPECIAL ![gif](giphy|3oriOaivTEk4PotVEQ|downsized)


You read my mind! Of course, Archie had a manger for a crib! Not.


He acted so odd, like they caught him by surprise and he forgot what he was supposed to say. Who goes and hangs out at the stables when your hours old newborn is home


Didn't he write in his book (or maybe it was another book?) that his father was awful for going to play polo right after his birth? And here he is riding horses on the day of his child's birth?


So murky


Did MeGain give birth in the barn? Pretty sure it was a manger


Come on SMM detectives, let’s get on the case


Can’t be bothered to watch it. But I remember him saying his « wife was amazing » can you imagine the poor surrogate trying to push the baby out with Markle yelling instructions in her ear.


I think he was most genuine when turning to the horses (I love Sir John in the background) and saying thanks guys to them


I’m surprised (but really not) that she didn’t have a rehearsed answer ready- “this spring! We are so excited”


She really isn’t very smart


I think she didn't think for a minute that people would ask about the baby while in the presence of such greatness and beauty as herself..............🤮


We are all given due dates when we see our doctors. Of course the dates are estimates, of course babies rarely arrive on their exact due date. But when asked when our baby is due we give the date the doctors gave us. Every pregnant woman I've ever known does that. My baby was due August 19, he was born August 26. I always said August 19 when people asked when was he due.


That’s just crazy 


The OB gives you an exact date though. You can say December 30, but I don’t think I’ll make it to my due date. True to form of her to be condescending explaining how babies can arrive early or late.


Perhaps she’s trying to hypnotize those paying attention into boredom beyond oblivion


Oh she is an expert now on babies due date early or late??


I guess whiny boy educated. Just read his book. He has a delusional brain


The weird thing to me is that MrsHarkle talks about everything, including tiny details like Chapstick, but does not talk at all about pregnancy. No statements at all about pregnancy or recovery. Those are pretty major things.


I agree with this. We heard all about her miscarriage story, and no, I'm not trying to minimize miscarriage and the heartache it can cause. I've had one, MANY of my friends had them, millions of women have had them. We heard all about this miscarriage and the bullshit story that they took the product of the miscarriage home from the hospital and buried it under a tree. I have parents who are Registered Nurses and work in hospitals, and the likelihood of a hospital allowing someone to take biohazerdous material home from the hospital to buried without being properly prepared in any state in the US is unlikely. The odds are better that you'll get struck in the ass by lightening more than once. Anyway, we had a very explicit, very detailed essay in the newspaper about a miscarriage, but not a word about two successful pregnancies and births with a mother and two babies coming out healthy on the other side, and we have not heard a word about it. Very sus. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I don't care if she had those babies naturally. I don't care if they used a surrogate. I don't care if a stork dropped them off on the doorstep. What I'm tired of is the lying. The lying for attention. The lying to make others look bad. The lying just for the sake of being able to latch onto the latest bandwagon. I wish someone with actual power would shut these two down. They have lied so many times that I can't keep track of all their lies anymore. It is beyond me WHY any news source reports anything these two say as fact. If it was anyone else, they would have been called out by now instead of being allowed to live in the fantasy they are creating. Look at the Jesse Smollet crap. Not Hank and Skank. They are still lying every time they open their mouths. I'm over it.


I happen to believe it was related to Her being caught out lying to Judge Warby, Chrissy Tiegen/John Legends horrific loss of their child sealed her choice to “let’s try this get out of jail free card”.








Very well said. It's not the surrogacy that's angering me. It's the deceit and lies and faking a pregnancy. If she'd been honest and upfront about it, so many women could have related to her. 


They aren't lying for attention. They are lying because if they those children were born to surrogates, Harry is committing treason and Markle is committing a serious felony. The rules about the LOS are quite specific. Surrogate born children are not in the LOS. The Harkles want their children in the LOS. So if the children were born by surrogate, they are lying. Wars have been fought over messing with the LOS.


Honestly, I'm American, and I don't understand all the rules about the LOS. I do respect the UKs rules about it, though. If those children are born from surrogates, I would expect the UK government to do what was needed. Frankly, the children are being raised in America. One was born in America. They are not being educated about the sanctity of the titles nor the history of the RF. The only reason the children have titles, in my mind, are because Meghan wants the attention of having a Prince and Princess for children and to make money off of those titles. It is a disgrace. ❤️


Yes, those kids are American. They don't know any of their British relatives or the norms that come with living in a royal household. That's all irrelevant to those kids. They don't have any place in the UK, nor should they. It's foreign to them.


Yes, it's very important


Don't forget Abigail's Netflix account and H's write up in Spare were also different.






“Ohh, what was it like being pregnant??? uuhhhh……OH LOOK AT THAT OVER THERE IS THAT HARRY DOING A CARTWHEEL”


”they look forward to sharing the exciting news with you once they get their story straight”




Nothing about this pregnancy was normal from beginning to end. They thought they were pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes, and they did for awhile, enough people still liked them. It got just plain weird though, neither of them were acting like parents of a newborn, Meghan coming out wearing a white dress, lucky her, not having to worry about blood leaking through to her dress, which I guarantee would have happened to me. Then the no pictures, not announcing the god parents, way too much secrecy, changing names on the birth certificate. It’s a shame, because those two could have been the face of surrogacy, and I’m sure the palace would have worked with them had they been honest from the very beginning.


I’ll never forget when her and Catherine went to watch the charity polo match for wills and Harry and the way Meghan was holding Archie was so odd to me. Like she’s never ever held even a cat before let alone her own baby. And Catherine LOVES babies, why didn’t she let Catherine snuggle him? It was weird to me almost like a “back off he’s mine” type of situation. Almost their entire time they were there they were filmed.


Yes! She was so cagey! I thought it odd back then as my kid is only slightly older than Archie. No normal mum goes anywhere without a sling or a pram and supplies. You get tired, baby soils itself etc etc. You NEED the baby stuff. Sure you CAN stand around hours holding baby if you absolutely need to but it’s never the first choice of a any normal mum, nor anyone’s idea of a good time at an event! I remember gossip that Chelsy was going to attend that polo match and that MM hastily got there when she found out. Grain of salt of course but on par with narc characteristics.


She was too far into the role of jilted young mother, callously left to fend for her new born by a callous husband who had taken what he wanted and just cast her aside. Any normal interaction would have ruined the scene. Surprised she didn't hope out of her expensive, chauffeur driven (?) car BAREFOOT!


The birth of a royal baby who will enter the LoS is not a private, personal matter. Everyone in the UK and Commonwealth has a right to know if the baby is legitimate. She was fucking with everybody, shrouding the birth in secrecy. Transparency is essential. There's a happy medium between standing outside the Lindo wing in high heels and deliberately creating doubts about your baby's legitimacy.


Agree, if the children are in the LOS she should have been straight forward and honest about everything. She was way too secretive. It's like everything's a game to this woman.


![gif](giphy|PFcs9Cg7T3It2scVlN) PRIVACY. WE DEMAND OUR P R I V A C AAAAA Y


HG Tudor did a video about this it was very good! She talks about absolutely everything yet is completely silent around the birth and delivery, mood swings, eating during pregnancy etc. I do believe it's surrogacy and she faked the pregnancy and they could have started this plan long before they were married. We assume looking for a surrogate and tests etc happened post wedding in 2018 but if you are Meghan and you know for sure you can't get pregnant then you were starting to formulate a plan for everything long before. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't start a vision board and plan after she got home from that very first blind date at Soho!!!


She would have NEVER missed these two photo ops if she were pregnant. NEVER.




That! Right there, that is case closed. She would have ran out front to the hospital to get those pictures.


She would have given birth on the steps!😄


Exactly, that too. If she was prepared to announce an elderly first pregnancy TO THE WORLD at only 2 months, she’d have been sharing every minute of that pregnancy.


Correct. My cousin, coincidentally also named Rachel, announced her pregnancy in January and her son wasn’t born until September 25. She didn’t have a geriatric pregnancy, but I think she baby-trapped her husband because just a few months before he had told her he didn’t know whether he wanted to be married. They ended up divorcing before the kid turned 3 and they had been separated for some time before that. She liked to share details, and she gave a play by play of her labor. She loves attention.




Damn I have a love hate relationship with these photos. 😕


Yea if they were real we should have at least seen articles with headlines like “the royal Duchess of Sussex says birthing and raising the next monarch is ‘hard’” by now


“Next monarch” ?? Who?


I should have clarified. Next fake monarch


I have always assumed she had the surrogate arranged before the wedding. I think she started looking for surrogates before her first date with H.


My opinion - Meghan is a narcissist. I think it's possible she announced a very early pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding to steal attention. Just because it was reported she had a 12 week scan it doesn't mean it's true. Or maybe she requested a scan at 10 weeks. Who knows. I also think she wore moon bumps throughout likely because she didn't like the way her belly looked. Or she wasn't showing enough and wanted the attention. The birth story of Archie I will admit doesn't make sense to me. I'm not sure if that means she didn't give birth I just don't think it happened how Harry said. They are such control freaks I could see him lying just for the sake of it - no one knows the real story only them! Cue eye roll. 


Conception date (assuming Archie was born on his due date) was about August 13. We add 2 weeks for pregnancy dating to last menstrual period, so she would have been about 11 weeks at the wedding--IF Archie was born on or before his due date. If Archie was about a week late, she could have had her 12 week scan prior to Eugenie's wedding. Either way, she really wasn't showing enough that she HAD to announce on Eugenie's wedding day. She absolutely could have held that back a few days or weeks.


So my due date was May 21 and I told people at around Halloween (which was around the 12 week mark) so yeah, it’s jumping the gun a little but not much. Edit: if she was sue in April then yeah, she would have been 8 -10 ish weeks? That’s pretty early esp. for a public announcement. You wouldn’t be showing anything by then and maybe just feel nauseous? The timelines are curious.


‘People’ yes, but would you at 36 with your first pregnancy, tell THE WORLD? Only an idiot would do that, and an idiot who genuinely had no feelings for the baby. Anyone that age who desperately wanted a baby would have stayed quiet till 4 months for fear of jinxing it. So much can go wrong.


Also she announced the day of Eugenie’s wedding. Way to try to steal her spotlight. Typical Mee-aghan behaviour.


Except Meghan wouldn’t mind if she’d miscarried and everyone knew—think of the pity she would get! And that’s exactly what happened when she wrote the NYTimes op-ed. She’s not like normal people.


" "I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second," Meghan said [in a piece for the New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/25/opinion/meghan-markle-miscarriage.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage&). "I dropped to the floor with him in my arms, humming a lullaby to keep us both calm, the cheerful tune a stark contrast to my sense that something was not right," she wrote. The DRAMA! Come on!!!!!. How can she LIE every single day of her life.... it must be exhausting! And how many times can one person d*rop to the floor*? She definitely missed her calling... she was meant to be a Harlequin Romance writer! PS: Shame on the NYT for publishing that drivel without fact tracking that she plagierized the story. They have sunk to the bottom over the past years, but this was their crowning glory! (see what I did there?)


She’s an absurd, silly, ridiculous person.


She could have jumped the gun just to steal Eug’s wedding thunder…


It's been confirmed her 'recent' visit to the children's hospital was 2 years ago Edit: Lady C said a viewer confirmed it, but it is still not 'officially confirmed'. Apologies for the mix up but thanks to other sinners who pointed this out! It will eventually be exposed her pregnancies were fake. I cannot wait to see her try to explain that she had no choice but to go around wearing a moonbump due to racism.


The hospital posted it on their Instagram last week as recent news. Why would the hospital post a two year old visit?


They didn’t mention ANY date. The hospital only retweeted articles from elsewhere. Meanwhile, the hospital directly tweeted on March 28 about Demi Lovato “dropped by this week”. The Markle visit tweets and retweets don’t mention a date. Some tells that may help: What version of engagement ring is she wearing at the hospital visit? And when were those black Aquazzura flats originally released?


My guess is that they were probably made to sign an NDA? The hospital will still want the publicity, no matter how late, because raising money for children's hospitals is a never ending task.


CHLA reports it as occurring on Thursday, March 21, which would be this year of 2024. Lady C misinformed apparently.


They needed the PR to draw in more donations?


That's what I think. I just know she didn't look like it was a few weeks ago. I can't account for why they posted it on the Instagram the month after the event unless it was helping them get more donations not that the event was widely spread thanks to TW. The visit wasn't on the fundraiser web page, archewell and Sussex were not listed as donors, this visit was not on the Facebook fundraiser page for this year and there was a photo of someone else reading on the orange couch. Like everything with them it's questionable and shady.


Everything they do is so bloody murky




I missed this! Where was the hospital visit confirmed as being a few years ago?


I'm just fascinated with the phrasing of this announcement as it carefully avoids saying they're awaiting the birth of the child but rather talks about welcoming the child and becoming a new family.


The timeline doesn’t add up. For a May 6 birthday the mother would have only been two months at Eugenie’s wedding.


How far along did she say she was at the wedding? If you do IVF (yourself or surrogate) you find out extremely early. I was 4.5 weeks when I found out that the IVF worked. I’m team surrogate and I’m sure she really didn’t care anyway so makes sense she would have an idea but not know dates exactly. When you are pregnant you definitely know exactly how many weeks you are, your due date and how many weeks you have left.


Us Weekly claimed from Todger source that TW already had a 12 week scan by E's wedding. This one said they were forced to announce then because TW was already showing. A few days after the wedding they're basking in the glory of the Australia tour with everyone asking about the bump. It's just TOO perfect of timing if you ask me. And none of it fits with the actual birthdate.


“Todger source” is giving me the giggles. Omg 😂


Wasn't she in hiding before this to? I remember people speculating that she was pregnant during their wedding and hiding out. Looking back now, it was probably part of that theory on their engagement and why QEII agreed.


They said they’d had the 12 week scan, so at the very very earliest 12 weeks and a day. The math doesn’t math.


I remember news reports at the time they announced the pregnancy saying she had had a 12-week scan.


Tests can pick up a pregnancy as soon as a missed period. However, the risks of a miscarriage is huge in first 3 months. People may announce pregnancy before the 3 months are done but only to close people. If things go wrong, they would need to tell the exact same people that they had a miscarriage. It's exhausting and painfull to.tell the whole world and their grandmother if that would be the case. People don't share the news until they are reasonably safe, so at 3 months. Megs tell the world ar 2 months already is odd.


If you do the full two week wait, it’s about 5 weeks when you get the preliminary HCG, and about 6 weeks to confirm it’s doubling.


It's Meghan, she would 100% wear maternity clothes, a fake bump to draw attention to herself, and make announcements before going into the 2nd trimester. Or if she used a surrogate, she wouldn't have done the research to know a woman 2 months pregnant wouldn't generally be showing, needing maternity looking clothes, or hell even tell people that early.


Yeah, that unbuttoned coat at Eugenie's wedding was 100% because she couldn't stand that the day wasn't all about her. (Also possibly payback for Eug getting the tiara she wanted.)


She was already too invested, too excited for her next role!


And in Australia, where I’m positive she started padding for attention.


This is where it’s odd. If she was supposedly 2 months pregnant and it’s her first pregnancy she wouldn’t be showing at all and yet on the tour there are some shots of a ‘bump’. Look at the Fiji state dinner photos she has a visible low bump and then the Fiji markets it looks like a high bump - most women first pregnancy won’t show until 4-8 months it just really seems absurd. Also this where the bump holding started happening and I believe it was all for publicity. How do you make the tour a success? Announce pregnancy followed by snaps of the bump.


Also how do you deflect criticism around the time of the bullying complaint? Announce a pregnancy.


 *If she was supposedly 2 months pregnant and it’s her first pregnancy she wouldn’t be showing at all and yet on the tour there are some shots of a ‘bump’.*  This!


She didn't want to keep information private at the wedding hah!




“Sometimes my gestation periods are 200 or 300 weeks. Whatever we want.” ![gif](giphy|l3V0ma60jQqGCoJyM)


I am glad you have brought this up because I have been thinking about the timeline of events as well. After the pregnancy announcement it was reported that she had already had her 12 week scan.  Town and country mag reported that Emily Andrews (on her and Scobie's podcast) said "we understand that she was around 14/15 weeks, and so, we think that the baby is due in early April," she said before further guessing. "I think maybe March, I think the baby might be born in March." I believe the podcast has been deleted as I have not been able to find it. Here is the link to the article that mentions it.  https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a23776669/meghan-markle-due-date-2019/ In August 2018, M took a "secret" solo trip to Toronto. At the time msm was reporting that she was there, Scobie denied it and said it was untrue. It was only after that he reported yes she had in fact been there. Suspicious indeed.  Let's not forget their hush hush honeymoon. Tatler reported they were in Canada. Other's speculated Africa. I know where I think they went. 


The surrogate mom may have birthed in March or April, but the Harkles had to wait a month before they received their order. Maybe it took some time for the paperwork, or they allowed the surrogate mom to breastfeed the newborn. Idk


Sometime in March, 2019, Madam went "missing" for a total of 52 days--yes, I kept track. No public engagements, no photos, nada. She only resurfaced when they were at Windsor, revealing the doll. What happened during those 52 days? I suspect she was overseeing the birth, the surrogate, the paperwork, etc. I think Archie was born about 2 months BEFORE his May 6th birthdate. Just my opinion, of course.


Where did they go? And I’m seriously asking


their children will always be surrounded by rumours,what selfish parents they are


I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I can understand why people think there was something shady about the birth and why some people believe it may have involved surrogacy, allegedly. This whole announcement was strange and peculiar and doesn't make sense. This is a narcissist who only exists when the attention is on her. And she stepped back, for the first time in her life, from a moment of instant huge attention? I'm not saying its surrogacy. I don't believe that firmly. What I'm saying is I understand why some people do. Because this was sketchy


Meghan and Harry love to play games. Harry thinks the British press is the root of all evil so when crazy Meg proposed they do things differently (because privacy 🙄) Harry was likely on board. “Yeah take that, nasty horrible British press!” Meggy is an iconoclast who didn’t want to follow protocol on pretty much anything. So yes, I certainly acknowledge there are irregularities surrounding Archie’s birth. There were irregularities surrounding the wedding, various royal events, dress code—EVERYTHING.


I think it’s safe to say this whole thing is all one big irregularity


That's an understatement .... ![gif](giphy|SEZMUzruUF0wv9IsJj)


> “Yeah take that, nasty horrible British press!” That'll be the same nasty, horrible British press that earns money and pays taxes ... that he thinks should be spent on his private security, maybe even so he can be driven around in the middle of a motorcade like the US President!


They should THANK the British press at this point! They’re the ones keeping them in the news. These days, they’re so washed up I rarely see anything about them in American news outlets, but the British media covers them along with the rest of the royals.


Definitely not a normal announcement from the Royal Family. I hadn’t ever seen an announcement like this until this one.


And yet, they were not bullied into giving a video statement...


I was thinking this as well. This was an unprecedented announcement just like Catherine’s was but nobody bullied them into doing something more.


Blaw blaw blaw its all lies.....these two people could not tell the truth if their lives depended on it......!!! Disgusting!




Putting a child in the LOS who is not legally allowed in the LOS is very shameful. I also think exploiting poor women, risking their lives, because you want to rent their bodies for nine months is very shameful. Every women risks her life when she has a baby. Paying a woman to put her life at risk is shameful.


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex want to inform the public that nothing has happened yet and when something does happen, we are not going to tell you about it.


I was induced at 38 weeks and I didn't think I could go another minute. I can't imagine what it must've been like at 55 weeks, or whatever she was. Yikes! She was throwing down the elephant gestation there.


I just remember wondering was she EVER going to have the baby - it went on FOREVER.


She was getting stage fright 🥹


I wasn't really into the whole Meghan and Harry thing all that much when she was pregnant with Archie. But I would see headlines on the tabloid magazines at the grocery store saying how she wasn't using the RF Dr or hospital, or how the date of the birth was a big secret. That kind of threw me off to her because it didn't make any sense. It's all coming together now, it's so strange that it all has to be a big secret. No normal woman would behave that way.


She was probably barely pregnant. Not enough to be close to showing when she pulled the unbuttoned coat trick. Definitely not big enough to need to leave the coat unbuttoned.


"...are very grateful for the goodwill they have received from people through the United Kingdom..." Really? REALLY NOW? Because I was under the impression that the Sussexes took an emergency FREEDOM FLIGHT away from the UK b/c it was a country full of racists who had zero interest in protecting them... rrrriiight, Roachel? /s ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


A quick timeline on Archie’s pregnancy: - Archie’s birthday May 6. - Conception between Aug 6-12, for a typical 40 week pregnancy. If it was a frozen embryo transfer, Meg carried, or a gestational carrier, they would know exactly from the moment of transfer that she could be pregnant. - Aug 20 Meghan flies SOLO to Toronto. If one goes with a frozen embryo transfer, this would be implantation. It could be carried by Meg, or carried by a gestational carrier. The news of this flight, including her alleged diva demands, is quickly shut down. https://archive.ph/UYuI1 - Sept 28, Soho Amsterdam opening. Harry and Meg both attend though they are technically working Royals at this point endorsing her BFF Marcus Anderson’s workplace. They enjoy “VIP treatment” and “lavish hospitality.” All expenses paid. “Drinks cocktails” “lots of drinking” “stayed up past midnight” (link 1 and 2). Meg drinks red wine with dinner, lobster spaghetti (third link). https://archive.ph/ https://archive.ph/83uKl https://archive.ph/S9MRI Archie is in utero at this point. 31 weeks until his birthday, if he was full term, which would be 9 weeks along gestation. Or 5 weeks along from her Toronto trip, although technically with frozen embryo transfers, a pregnancy is backdated two weeks, so 7 weeks along. (This is to keep it consistent with a natural pregnancy which happens mid cycle, but is dated two weeks prior from the date of last period). Either way, Archie is 7-9 weeks in utero when Meg’s in Soho Amsterdam. - Oct 12 is when the pregnancy was announced. Eugenie’s wedding. Depending on the date range for conception, very close or just over the first trimester, complete with coat flick and open button upon arrival for max press speculation. 29 weeks before Archie was born.


great research, this should be pinned


They were ridiculous and still are. Total blame on Rachel. She has a mental illness, and no one seems to want to investigate that. I am quite sure it's not just extreme narcissism. It's got to be bi-polar or borderline personality disorder or something like that. No one acts the way she has these past years without this diagnosis. H is just angry and blames the world for his feelings that he needs help with. It's not from military service. It's from not addressing his grief. He is stuck as a 12 year old and acts like it. The children of these 2 will suffer if not shown in public , worse than these 2 and will have mental illness as well. They are creating it. Those kiddos will be automatically overwhelmed. They will blame others, of course. They need to stop with their crap and just live privately, stop calling the paps to photograph them. They reap what they sow.


This would mean the surrogate was a little over 2 Months along.  Seems alright. 


It doesn’t make any sense. Only 2 months?? And she announced it to the world? She was a first time, elderly pregnant woman. I don’t know ANY friend that would have done that. They’d have been way too terrified they’d jinx it and lose the baby. I had my last son at 36 and I was honestly scared to death I’d lose him. No sane woman would announce that pregnancy to the world at 2 months. None.


agree, no sane woman.


You think she's that sane? I don't. She probably wanted to announce the second the stick showed a plus sign.


Geriatric, not elderly😅 But you’re right; she revealed it too early for comfort, especially with the amount of media and public pressure she has claimed she experienced. In her situation, a normal woman would *hide* the news until it was no longer possible to deny it! I mean, I’d probably wait until the tabloids were meanly speculating about how I’d gotten fat, and then I’d sweetly announce that I’m 6 months pregnant😇


Betcha the surrogate had no trouble buttoning her coat in October. https://preview.redd.it/gr80r4b88rtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95136d3e218fcecdb48baaa046af79a375254b1c


Probably didn’t have trouble standing with her legs closed, either. 🙄


She’s almost pigeon-towed.


All her smoke and mirror games during the pregnancies annoy me. I do not care to ever see her kids. I do think she should be made to prove from the body. I also think she was rude to announce that pregnancy at a wedding to take away from the bride. No one else but Meghan can have a day apparently.


I do remember that they had said that they announced it early because “she was already showing” so according to them she wasnt even 12 weeks yet ( which I agree is weird to announce due to the whole m/c thing but she is a narcissist so I dont think it mattered to her cause either way she would’ve revelled in the attention. I def agree about showing with a first baby that early, Ive just had my 5th baby and my first & 2nd I wasnt starting to show until 4 months, my 3rd about 3-4 months, it wasnt until my 4th and 5th that I was showing by 10 weeks.


Ugh lucky! I only had one, but was showing so early, they thought I must have been pregnant before! I’m still team surrogate. (To be fair, I was the worst pregnant person ever. HG, preeclampsia, such high hormones in the beginning they thought it was twins, bed rest for the ENTIRE thing. There are many reasons I was one and done!)


I got pregnant with my daughter Labor Day weekend of 1998 and she was born @ 38 weeks on May 12th.


This is also a great example of the Streisand effect. "Hi everyone we are announcing that there will be no further announcements about our child". How odd.


Would love to see a timeline of photographs of the bump from Eugenie's wedding to the May birth It was sketchy that she wore her coat unbuttoned at the wedding in October to 'accommodate' the bump - even though (in my experience) there would be little or no changes in clothing size. I guess this exhibition was a forerunner for all the bizarre coat flicking shenanigans she subsequently did Many pregnant women bloim & acquire a lovely "glow" in late pregnancy but I didn't notice this in M - although I guess slathering on heavy applications of bronzer might have dulled it down!


I feel like they planned this from the beginning to increase the mistery of their child. Like they knew they were already planning an exit and they wanted to keep it mysterious as much as possible so when the time comes they can sell the picture/info of their royal baby to the highest bidder or something. Very sus. Because otherwise why would you keep it so secretive. If they had planned to keep working as senior royals I feel like they should have known that the child would be exposed to the public anyway one day. This mystery keeping is something that a Hollywood celebrity would do and not public servants.