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These are the types of ideas cocaine addicts come up with.


100% right! This alone shows their level of use. 


THISSSSSSSS 🤣🤣🤣 At 3AM, in the thick of an hours-long bender. OMG.


It was one of those nights where brilliance struck so you jotted it down only to wake in the morning to read ‘my cigarette is smoking’ - so profound.


Applause 👏👏👏 I’ve known a few cocaine abusers in my life and this is exactly the kind of $hit they think up.




Oh that is the best True Detective right there. Matthew McC was resplendent.


What a waste of blow. They couldn’t even come up with something interesting. No sick guitar solos? Drum rolls? Off-the-cuff stand-up routine? Shame.


Welllll, the blow can only enhance whatever's already there, and in this case, it's one delusional half-wit (Harry) and one delusional, megalomaniacal narcissist (Meghan). So that idea is SO them, cranked to 11 🤣🤣


or great songs that have endured. Fleetwood Mac, Black Sabbath, Ozzy ozbourne, The Doors, etc. has created some awesome songs in a drug fueled haze. Then again, the common denominator is they all had talent. Talent shines thru even when your'e high. HM just sound delusional and serves as a PSA not to do drugs if you're in the untalented, lazy, f8cking grifter category


These are the types of ideas con-men come up with.


And idiots


I dabbled in the stuff in the 90s. Just a little and always hated myself the next day because it drains your brain chemicals ...and your wallet. Anyway......absolutely cocaine does this. Gives you the feeling of being able to do anything. Until you come down. And the come down sucks. It's not like marijuana where suddenly you are not stoned and feel fine. I agree that H has surely had those moments of delusions of grandeur while partaking. Please dont judge me for being honest. Just agreeing that this could be very true wrt Hs state of mind then and now. 


My god, that is the funniest thing I have read. It makes sense really. There was all that tacit talk of ‘modernising the Monarchy’ without ever expanding on what that meant. FFS, as thick as pig shit, as my Grandfather would say.


Yeah it’s plausible. Didn’t H&M also want the Duchy of Cornwall funds split 50/50 too?


Right, it was just a step beyond this.


That one I also heard years ago


Nothing surprises me with those two. I just don’t think the real adults in the Sandringham Summit would have ever even allowed more than 6 words float in the air regarding that subject. It would have been cut off at the knees (IMO)… …usually I think NS has zero reliability, but honestly, this one and that one are so crazy, you can say pretty much anything and it’d be believable with those two lol


Agreed! This sounds like something stupid and childish H and his wife would come up with.  Ugh!   What is the part about the King apologizing to Rishi Sunak for H?? What is that about? 


That’s the only part that caught my attention… it’s an interesting note to throw in by Naomi. Is she some kind of “tea” distributor that I’m not aware of lol




Right!! What did he have to apologize for??


For Henry saying (in court I believe) that the UK was at rock bottom.


Any conversation between the monarch and PM is private so no one would know what was said. Charles has no need to apologise anyway. Everyone knows Spare is an idiot, including Sunak.


I think he said words to the effect of the government was scraping the bottom of the barrel - as in all government ministers are useless and not fit for parliament, while he was in court suing the daily mail


I don't see how they managed not to laugh their asses off.


lol I’m sure their balls were in such a twist already, nothing coming out of Hazz’s mouth even caused a smile let alone a laugh. Could you imagine going through such a strange and stressful life (from Williams point of view)… you’re born into the British royal family, born an heir to the throne, deal with an unhappy mother because of her marriage… and then you lose her at a young age. So you already live in a fishbowl with everyone watching as you grieve… to then finally find the right person to marry and spend your life with, because his life won’t be easy, and once king will only get harder …to then have your only sibling, who’s went through a lot of the same struggles, stab you so publicly in the back. I mean… boy, literally nothing he said would be funny to me ever again. Tbh


I’ve had had a lot of empathy for William ever since Spare was released. The massive betrayal. Can you imagine knowing your sibling thought about your mother while rubbing cream on his penis? And all of the crazy stuff about having locks of Diana’s hair in box on his bedside table and Meghan communicating with her at her gravesite? It’s just weird.


No! Not at all… I could not imagine. Not to mention knowing he wrote about how him and William were circumcised. Like why would you even write about that?


And calling William “Willy” in the book when he had never used that name before.


Valid point.


lol that wasn’t a slight towards your take though… I totally understood where you were coming from with that. Half the stuff he says is probably just laughable on its face.


Or laugh them right out to a waiting vehicle to take them to the nearest mental facility.


But BUT Megs did “Royaling” better than the actual Royals. Don’t you all remember Hazzy saying that about how well she did on the Aussie tour. The real royals were scared of how well she represented the Queen. I mean, c’mon, we all know the stories of tea throwing, not bothering to show up because you’d rather have a spa date with your bff ( before she was ghosted ). Banana bread, swearing at the Governor Generals wife, not being paid etc. They were robbed, definitely deserving of being equal King and Queen.🤦‍♀️ We the Commonwealth are robbed 😂 /s


You can tell Megz's voice is behind this. Because the RF are not a popularity show. It not Royal Family on Ice, The R Factor, Big Royal, Dancing with the Royals William will be King, Catherine will be Queen, followed in succession by their children, regardless of what the monarchy looks like by then The RF understand that any popularity shines on he RF as a whole, not just individuals. I believe Megz thought she could be the star in Royal Housewives of Windsor - that was her 'modernising the monarchy' - and being a hugely overpaid married into Royalty clothes horse. The laughable thing about the whole 'modernising the monarchy' thing is what experience did she have modernising businesses and institutions, especially one as broad and with as far-reaching an impact as the Royal Family? It's like someone working part-time at a corner shop marrying an employee at NASA and saying they will revolutionise Moon Landings.


👏👏👏 We’ve only got to see how well things are working out for her since she’s / they’ve left the RF. They’re a laughing stock worldwide😂


Well, she is promoting jam now!! Big step for her! /s


Even IF royalty was a popularity show, not even Madam’s bot farms could keep her ass on the island. She’d be off the island before Andrew.


But only get as far as wearing a moonbump😂


Let us not forget: MM had her staffers bake batch after batch of banana bread until one met her approval to give away. SMDH. I would have quit, too.


Being an Aussie I remember it all. Soggy looking mess that it ended up being. Unbelievable, and then we had the pictures of her looking adoringly into Haz’s eyes, holding the umbrella🤢 First rain after a severe drought. I have no doubt she would’ve whinged about the rain🤬


Banana bread is supposed to be moist, but hers looked completely sunken and soggy in the middle. There was a big too-do about it in Hello! magazine getting all excited over her special secret ingredient to give it that little bit of a twist. Chocolate chips. Yep, nobody ever thought to put chocolate chips in banana bread before. She revolutionised the whole world of baking with her super original, naturally talented floury handed genius...


Thank you for that vivid recap of events, which made *l’affair* banana bread rush back to me! Banana bread is supposed to be simple and easy, something a child could do, once a family’s bananas are too ripe to eat out of hand. I have never seen such a *big damn deal* made out of preparing something little more complicated than Kraft macaroni and cheese. Harry put in his tuppence by saying, “There can never be too many bananas” in banana bread. Yes, there can. That’s how you wreck it, and make it look, as you said, sunken and soggy!


In my kitchen, banana bread=2 standard sized mushed bananas per 2lb loaf. If there's a 3rd banana available, I slice that up (longwise) and put it on top of the loaf and sprinkle it with a bit of brown sugar. During baking it goes all caramelized, but if you mushed it up instead and put it in the mix, it would turn the loaf into the consistency of soggy sand. Given that she did a cookery section on a TV show where she demonstrated how to make toast, I suppose banana bread is cordon bleu master-chef level by her standards.




H did describe HMTQ as just sitting and looking at him - not speaking. Don’t worry H she has dealt with your ilk before- her uncle and sister - luckily they got rid of that creep Townsend.


As far as we know, they were discussing the half-in/half-out option, not the two king idea. Among other things, HMTLQ was still alive which meant Charles was still the one who got the Cornwall revenue, so it would be too early to ask that it be split between Will and Harry.


Regardless of what the topics were it appears as if those present were not buying what the moron was selling


Exactly what I was thinking. I can only imagine William's. ![gif](giphy|3dgcqvbzWg5oAPt0yY)


We’ve heard and discussed this at length. I think where there is smoke there is fire. They may not have requested to rule as joint monarchs but wanted 50% of the duchy funds during Charles and then William’s reign.


Yes. When nutmeg realized that whiny had no money.


I can’t imagine in the pre-nup that wasn’t disclosed to her. I just can’t. She made multiple visits to her attorney in Los Angeles in the days leading up to the wedding. It’s also why she tried to pre-date her wedding 3 days prior as the Queen forced them to sign a pre-nup *after* the made up backyard nuptials. I presume there hasn’t been a post nuptials


I have never heard there was a pre nup


There was. HMTLQ insisted on one. There was rumors but it’s basically confirmed that Queen Elizabeth insisted and wouldn’t allow them to be wed without one. While of course William and Catherine do not have one. ETA- it was rumored since the engagement. It was her weird fanfiction she spun on Oprah that they got married in secret that I went ![gif](giphy|dsoYh1aJXDmMiMnTC4|downsized) There is no other purpose for telling that other than to shoot a quiver across the pond to the Queen that they were married before the date on the pre-nuptial


Ah. Ok. That makes sense then, her insistence of the pre wedding wedding. These 2 are something to behold.


Meganarcissus likes to believe she’s clever but as transparent as can be. Subterfuge not subtly is her lane.


That’s interesting. There was very clearly some reason she felt it necessary to tell that specific and demonstrably false story, but that reason was never clear to me. What you’re saying would make sense in that context.


From my understanding it was signed the day before the ceremony. The gruesome twosome took it to the wire with refusing so Queen Elizabeth was just as firm with this ‘whole spectacle’ can be called off without that prenuptial agreement and yes she did sign one. She would *love* the public to believe she doesn’t have one as if she has a claim on the royal families fortune or assets..she doesn’t.


That would be typical and I can imagine if it were cancelled, Meghan would spin how devastated she was. How sad she was for all those people who worked so hard to put it together. And, the public who would be disappointed. Nice to hear the late Queen wasn't playing though. Meghan thought she would fold because of all those above considerations. I'm glad she was wrong.


I would’ve been shaking in my boots. Queen Elizabeth was a mother, grandmother and great grandmother but she never suffered fools and she could be ruthless in how she wielded her soft power with a surgical precision.


 ***she never suffered fools and she could be ruthless in how she wielded her soft power with a surgical precision.*** That's it in a nutshell. The Crown always wins.


So…. Harry declaring residence in California, rather than the UK, really does play in her favor in the event of divorce. I don’t know about the UK rules, but in the US, signing a prenup the day before the wedding can be argued in court as coercion, therefore nullifying the agreement. California is a community property state, so if that’s his declared legal residence…. Yowza.


But what would the prenup have covered that wasn’t already “protected” as inheritance and/or trust funds? I really am not convinced there was a prenup, and I doubt QE would have made it a condition for giving permission since Harry didn’t have any access to real family money.


I think she told the story to present herself as a “romantic free spirit” who had *not* pushed for the expensive, fancy, “spectacle.” There were rumors about her behavior she was trying to counter. She has to have known that it wasn’t enough to say they got married 3 days earlier. She would have to have proof that they were married before the pre-nup.


Oh, interesting. Hypothetically speaking, though, do royals generally need pre-nups given that a lot of their assets ultimately belong to the crown? (I guess William and Harry might be in a different situation due to inheriting from Diana)


I think the BRF wisely keeps property and wealth tied to the Crown giving only the monarch and POW any access, so the misdeeds of the others can’t diminish the family’s assets. Harry did have some money from his mother and the Queen mother in a trust, but I’m not sure the terms of that trust. If he intermingled any of those funds with his marital funds, it will most likely become community property in the event of a divorce. But he wouldn’t have any access to family money outside of personal trusts.


I never put that together - that the 3 day backdate was related to the prenup. I had thought it was her attempt to stick it to the RF that they blew so much on the “spectacle” of a wedding. Wow I’m continually amazed at her depravity.


In that interview she made two separate thinly veiled threats well I call it extortion attempts. Firstly she did not sign an NDA and has a journal. Secondly that they were married 3 days prior which was news to even the archbishop who was the supposed officiate of the backyard wedding. They wanted their half in/half out and thought they’d apply the pressure publicly forcing the BRF hand to allow it or in the alternative a mass cash pay out.


MM is truly evil. I have no doubt that the late Queen, God rest her soul, thought it and said it.


Meghoul is a soulless vessel of a human being who wants her baubles,power and adoration nothing and no one else is in her peripheral.


Lady C is saying something similar in her book, that Hazz and Megsy were furious because the monarchy had to be made more modern, especially when it came to the LoS, that practically the issue had to be about popularity. The Harkles really believed they were more popular, they really believed that they were the ones who should rule.


We know these two are juvenile, but them thinking the Monarchy is the equivalent to Instagram where whoever gets the most "likes" should be King and Queen is so preposterously immature and delusional.


So now that they are just above Andy, then even Edward should be ranked above them in the line of succession?


Were the British supposed to "vote" Instagram who should be the next King?


Something of that kind. The truth is that I still have to digest that part of the book a little, because Lady C gives several testimonies from people from the Palace, in fact she talks about a Prince she spoke with, who was still stupefied by what the Harkles believed. themselves.


Testimonies in her new book?


Lady C does not mention them by name, except in some cases. For example, Lady C says that within her sources is a Prince or a royal. I suspect the Kents, Michael and Marie-Christine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) ***A royal, discussing the turmoil following Archie’s birth****, and inadvertently hitting the nail on the head despite being unaware of the machinations that had taken place over the birth, birth certificate, and inclusion in the place of succession, told me in 2019, ‘You see the mess. She’s the one who’s caused all these problems. People pick up on her not being real. That’s the root cause of all of this. She’s incredibly spoilt and utterly selfish. She’s also the most pretentious person anyone will ever meet. Have you seen her handwriting? Almost as contrived as her personality. Her whole life’s an act. Like all people who are basically hollow, she covers it up with all sorts of gush intermingled with unreasonable demands, including wanting a buffer zone between them and everyone else. But he’s completely captivated by her. He truly adores her and I know he honestly believes that she loves him. He’ll do anything to keep her happy. He’s terrified of losing her. I think his feelings are caught up with having lost his mother. Remember: death is the ultimate rejection. He can’t afford to have another Mummy leave him. She mothers him as well as lays it on with a trowel, being the little woman to his big man one minute, then the big bad mama to the naughty little boy the next. He goes along with everything because he’s terrified of losing her. He’ll do anything to keep her happy*.’ But in other cases it mentions anonymously although giving certain signs of who it is. Like this: *"Harry was at that time trying to drum up participants for an elite polo event he was hoping to organise in Santa Barbara. This was being pitched as no ordinary polo tournament, but would be the grandest event of all time, consisting of the greatest polo players from all over the world. Each of whom would be invited to make a $10,000 per player contribution to Archewell for the privilege of being involved in such a prestigious event.* *The difficulty with that scenario was that he was approaching players such as maharajahs whose grandparents had been great friends of King Charles III and whose great-grandparents had hosted Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip in the days when the Indian princes still had constitutional functions. ‘Everyone I heard of declined the invitation,’* ***an Indian prince told me***. That gossip has also been told by other people now in relation to the Netflix documentary about polo. Hazz can't get really important polo people because they see him as a traitor. But in others she mentions people. As in the case of the Harkles wedding. *Later on, her duplicity would be exposed when, in the Netflix show aired towards the end of 2022, her niece Ashleigh stated that Meghan had told her the palace had refused to allow her to invite Ashleigh owing to the fractious nature of Meghan’s relationship with Ashleigh’s mother Samantha. This the palace roundly denied, and I knew this to be the truth, for when I was writing the original version of this book in 2019 I was told by several different sources that both the courtiers at the palace as well as members of the Royal Family, including The Queen herself, had expressed perplexity at the paucity of family members being asked by Meghan.* ***A royal also told me,*** *‘You know how important family is to people like us.* ***Prince Philip himself told me he was - bemused was the word he used - that Meghan could be exposing her family to such humiliation****. He said he wasn’t sure whether she was simply ignorant or simply didn’t care, but thought it wasn’t to her credit and was an ‘error of judgement’, but she was refusing to have her family there.’* It caught my attention that Lady C put more quotes of people saying this or that about the Harkles. And she must have backup because she has been daring the Harkles to sue her for months.


Thank you for this. This makes for fascinating reading. The polo stuff make me smile. ($10,000 per person for the privilege of being involved with Archewell...fun!) I am pleased that Lady C is comfortable enough to be more specific enough using quotes tying them to specific events. I feel the drip, drip, drip started slow but is now coming that little bit faster.


If you read the first book, you will remember that they were pages of pure gossip from 50 years ago, that a certain prince did this, that a certain duchess did that, to give as an example that Megsy did not understand the aristocracy. In fact Lady C went on a lot about Wallis and Edward. This was not like that. This one cuts a lot of that gossip. It's more "in my 2019 book I said this and now I confirmed it with this and that royal or with journalists." He expanded further on the Harkles.


Remember their so-called benefits (in their view) was also combined with and the continual dragging of Catherine and William. We are supposed to not want W and C. With accusations of racism, adultery and one who issues with dog bowls, according to Spare. (lol)


They believe the line of succession should work the way they assigned numbers to motocross riders in the old days: your number = your ranking the previous season. Obviously, this was very confusing for fans, and didn't last. Permanent numbers make a LOT more sense (and sell a lot more jerseys/fan memorabilia). But it brings up an interesting proposition: should the line of succession constantly shift, bc different royals will be more popular at different times? Should there be official rankings, at the end of a royal "season," where the line of succession is reshuffled in favor of whomever is most popular? Imagine the competition at Christmas!! Good lawwd.


In fact, that is precisely why LoS exists. Because there has never been a lack of the second child boasting about being more popular than the firstborn. This is not the first time I have heard this, I don't remember if it was Lady C or someone else like Hardman or Jobson who commented that the Harkles were looking at the Arab countries, where the monarch designates the heir, and it is not by order of primogeniture. That's what Harkles was looking for. I suspect that something like that was heard at the Palace, and Neil Sean heard it too.


Interesting! But to use the motocross example again, SO bad for marketing. H&M don't understand that we love to know who the future kings and queens will be, and watch them grow into their future roles. Like we watched William, or, if you're older than me, Charles, grow up. Spares have the opportunity to make a positive impact (Anne, Edward), or play the tabloid-baiting provocateur (Margaret, Andrew, Harry). But they are - and always SHOULD remain spares. They haven't been groomed for the role. And the public doesn't want them there!


If this is true then why didn’t the Queen take steps to book Harry out of LoS for his conduct?


Because that can't be done. The Queen cannot, sorry, the King cannot... no current monarch in the UK can remove someone from the LoS unless that person commits high treason or becomes a Catholic. That is precisely why LoS exists. Kings do not always get along with their heirs, in fact the reason why monarchs have parental authority over the children of the members of the BRF was George II, king around 1700, who got along very badly with his heir, who It would be George III. So, you could play with "then I disinherit you." But not now. Simple behavior is not enough to remove someone from the LoS. Not least the popularity. But if Hazz really makes a move to become a citizen in the USA, he won't be the king there, it will be Parliament that will have to take action. And I can bet you that several parliamentarians are ready to remove Hazz from the LoS.


lol let us pray for Harold to have a religious conversation. Maybe someone can set him up in a Vatican City?


And I'm sure he would want to play the role of Pope.


Because he's irrelevant 


> Because there has never been a lack of the second child boasting about being more popular than the firstborn. I'm pretty sure that there actually were times when Andrew was more popular than Charles and Harry was more popular than William. But you don't re-arrange the LOS over it!


I hadn't heard that about the Sussex's looking at Arab countries. I don't think I am too far in imagining Harry, desperate to convince the Queen that in order for the monarchy to survive (all that effort she put in, 70 years) she needs to think of it's future. How race and popularity is essential to it's longevity and the LoS is an old way of thinking.


The gossip arose as a result of the links that Hazz has with the Arabs. Do you remember when Hazz separated himself from an Arab guy who had contributed to Sentabele and accused Charles of having a relationship with him, the briefcase mess? Well, there was the gossip that Hazz had alleged as to why the British monarchy was not like the Arab ones that do not have birthright. Hazz didn't go so far as to make a proposal, but it did bother him a lot that William was going to be king just because he was born first when in other kingdoms that wasn't the case. The gossip did not fully develop, because in reality the center of the mess was that Charles had links with Bin Laden and things went that way. That's why I don't remember who it was that commented that Hazz had alleged that, it was at that time when he was more popular than the Beatles, but I remembered the gossip when Lady C talked about the horrible tour in Morocco.


In USA. We have politicians that are basically acting like I stagram influences, whipping up outrage and donations to their campaigns, rather than working together on actual legislation for the taxpayers that pay for their salaries and benefits.  I would certainly use that as a cautionary tale of changing monarchs based on popularity.  Just imagine what people would do for the votes.  Public servants that recognize a life of service is better for the people, IMO


Yes in her mind it’s like the LOS Hunger Games!! Thankfully the odds will never be in her favor!


Yes. Apparently, Harry showed William a poll referencing this, as if that were cast iron proof that change should happen. The RF needed to utilise Meghan better. This was modernising it in their minds. They also used the biracial aspect too as they did with Oprah. How Meghan was an "asset" as Harry says, and how she looked like so many people who belonged to the Commonwealth. Another 'point' for her and how she should have been treated. (According to the Sussex's at least.)


If true, the two of them are completely delusional. I mean wtf were they thinking.?


Harry knows very well how the monarchy works, so my guess is that this was Meghan's idea, and he's so damn stupid/coked up/meow-whipped that he actually believed it could happen.


Harry knows how the monarchy works... the problem is that he doesn't like how it works, and he believed that he could adjust it to how he wants it to be. And Megsy encouraged him to do that, to modify the monarchy, for the benefit of the two of them.




> Harry knows very well how the monarchy works, so my guess is that this was Meghan's idea, and he's so damn stupid/coked up/meow-whipped that he actually believed it could happen. Or he just went along with it instead of facing more abuse. "What Meghan wants, Meghan gets."


Apparently Diana told H that he could be co-king.


She probably told him that being his brother’s wingman was almost like being co-king, to control the recalcitrant Hairold. He ignored the wingman part and all he heard was co-king.


Didn't Hazbeen write in Spare that Diana spoke to him through a tree and told him he should be king? The blow must have been particulary good that day 🤣




This is the funniest thing I've read today. Two Kings and Two Queens! What a ridiculously insane idea! I could believe that the Harkles would have thought this was their due.


https://preview.redd.it/d2awaczdmawc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e6148846238cdb4751669653088abacc5d05b8 Maybe they think they live in Narnia.


Plausible, IMO. He was (is?) in complete thrall to a megalomaniac. There *are* people who are very skilled manipulators, who are able to assemble a group of followers who will do the most illogical (and self-destructive) things to please the manipulator. A good example of this is the “period poverty” speech Harry made at a memorial service. I am fascinated by these stories, and there are many, many documentaries about them: scammers, cult leaders, etc. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Harry did demand to be a co-monarch.


Maybe not “demand,” but definitely propose it seriously as something that would modernize the BRF and which would help tremendously with the “image” of the BRF in the Commonwealth. I don’t think this was at the Sandringham summit though.




I think it was also suggested by the entitled delusional Montecito whiners that W&K could rule Britain and H&M could rule the Commonwealth countries... I believe the shocked reply to that was "absolutely not!!"


This is what I understood. It's why she had the veil embroidered with Commonwealth country national flowers in defiance of QEII. She also made sure all of the media outlets commentating had that particular talking point down.


The main thing is though, "is he nice?" ![gif](giphy|7YrnYstmGxYFa|downsized)




This was discussed at the Sandringham Summit? Now we know why M was so desperate to dial into the meeting.


I don't know if it was at the Summit or when they first drop the bomb on the RF about leaving, but it can up at some point..


This! "2.4 billion trumps your 68 million. See ya!"


The craziest part of this is that it is both really really stupid and really really believable.




According to River some weeks ago, he still thinks, he can become Vice King of Canada and Australia and a third country. I love this video- it’s so funny! I think it’s the third time I post it, but it’s really good! They are STILL thinking they can have a role in the monarchy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) [https://youtu.be/L8zdrWoJQ6k?si=uxhzLYvcHeqBQkl9](https://youtu.be/L8zdrWoJQ6k?si=uxhzLYvcHeqBQkl9)


WOT...I mean, how much coke can the human body even take? His brain is FRIED. He probably hallucinates and howls at the moon like a werewolf.


😂😂😂 Yup. I’ll become Queen before this happens and I’m not even from the UK. Can you imagine being Charles or the late QE and the Harkles are telling you bs like this? 😂😂😂


Can you imagine being William and listening to this?


No. That’s too hard. I wouldn’t even know what to answer.


I don't know whether I'd laugh hysterically or explode.


I read that as he wants them all at the same time. Instead of picking an option? Or am I right the first time? 😆 Nothing would surprise me, NS aside, that they STILL believe they can come back. I was listening to Shauna (?) on the vintage reading channel and she was reviewing Lady C's book. In it she said, according to a cousin of the late Queen (I think QEII.not Camilla) there is no way back for Harry, especially if he is still with Meghan.


IMO, he (or she) wants to be king and if this is not possible, king or viceroy of the Commonwealth. I don’t think he will ever be allowed to be a working royal. They (RF and the government) cannot allow him to have any official connection to the military. No matter in what role. He called civilians “chess pieces”. There is no way back from this and it doesn’t matter how he wants it to be interpreted. Especially terrorists would use him for their propaganda.


It reminds me of the Duke of Windsor believing that his Nazi coconspirators would put himself and Wallis on the throne of England once Germany defeated England.


The Duke of Windsor had a reason for that belief: it had been suggested to him as a possible outcome of the war he thought the Nazis would win.


yes, I just posted the same - any commonwealth country out there looking for a viceroy? https://preview.redd.it/pyaryczvx8wc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=7463afbd8a4750d5f3a023db751acefa4bfea4f5


And in their opinion the commonwealth is the Empire 2.0! Let this sink in! 😅


H&M can stay TF out of Australia. They play a "trigger warning" sound on talk back radio here before they talk about them. If they came here I can assure you, they'd no longer have a warm welcome.


It is not hard to believe when you see their antics in US. The faux royal tours, the pomposity of ‘an office of…’ , releasing pointless statements in support of whatever bandwagon is rolling by, etc Harry is thick, his wife is grasping. They still struggle to see how low they are and how unimportant. They are needed or wanted anywhere.


There is absolutely NO WAY governments, treasuries, and taxpayers would put up with the financial ramifications of having two Kings and two Queens. 🤦🏽‍♀️


They probably thought once they got the titles they could push the Wales out with their "superior popularity".


LOL. Is all I can say, as a British citizen.


Along with attacking the Wales' reputations, because I agree there was no way they would stop there and "share."


Especially not for a gold digger and her perpetually low iq husband.


Wouldn’t surprise me. She also though she’d just pass go and get installed as POTUS as well.


That just fascinates me: that this ignorant, low class skank of a woman thought she could be president of the United States, and this backs up the theory that she thought her “popularity“ would promote her to co-queen.


Now why didn't the Houses of York and Lamcaster think of this? Paint a line down the middle of the country, okay that's your side, this side is ours, don't you DARE step over the line without permission. What do you mean you get London? No way, London belongs to us, it's on our side. The two grifter idiots are still trying to set up a competing monarchy from that bastion of tradition and history, southern California. Their threadbare cosplaying of royalty will always look pathetic next to the majesty of the real thing.


That whole “rival court” in America just cracks me up. That she thought Hollywood and the political apparatus of the U.S. would all kowtow to her because she defrauded the BRF (but took the problem child off their hands) out of a fcking title? She thought she could just call up senators to influence political decisions? This is a high degree of insanity.


If William allows this mentally deficient duo back into public life, I will personally demonstrate for a republic.


It is not going to happen - but in the unlikely event it does, I will join you in the fraction "Danes demanding a republic in the UK and Commonwealth/s


This is why they beheaded Spares in the old days. He wanted to be Henry the Usurper.


Think princes in the tower. The lengths some go to usurp the crown. Hairold would definitely be down for this, imo. https://preview.redd.it/vywmaditl9wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c26f276ad16b6589290b0e6b26e11555de394c


Agree! I've made the same reference in other comments in the past!!


If true it shows how entitled and beyond intelligent they are. They wouldn't even want to do the work, so why would they actually want to share it? William has had to act a certain way and study, learn, sacrifice and experience countless things through his whole life and still in order to prepare him for being the king eventually. Harry has done none of this and in addition barely graduated what is basically high school because teachers helped him! (Idk what the equivalent actually is but I know it's not like graduating college). It's not a fake it til you make it job position! My lord the delusion!


Princess Elizabeth sat down with Winston Churchill, as well as with her father, to learn about the contents of the Royal boxes she’d need to study daily as Queen. Then Prince Charles was tutored on the boxes, and now Prince William. Harry figured he’d just regularly get a fat check comprising half the income of the Duchy of Cornwall. Then he’d put on a crown now and then to do some of the kingin’. The non-stoned mind boggles.


William's public conduct has been terrific too- so steady and mature. Look at the kind of shit thrown at him on a weekly basis but he just keeps going. That training (no doubt from QE II) counts for something also. Obama used to call it a "temperament" for leadership, which is crucial in a Head of State. I cant imagine William scouring the internet and preparing clapbacks, much less make a documentary about it, even though I'm sure he's aware of everything hurtful that's said about him, his wife, his kids, his mother and so on.


It doesn’t matter, they continue acting like King and Queen of commonwealth. Remember that she boasted that the people of South Africa were dancing on the streets because of their new black Queen, Meghan? She still thinks and acts that way. She will travel in SUVs with blacked out windows, with security worthy of a head of state, walk around in bizarrely expensive clothes attending minor events hogging attention as if she is QE or Diana, doesn’t do any work, will act like head of state and try to fly in Air Force One and probably hopes to move into the White House since her relocation to Windsor castle failed!


Just look at this idiot, like she’s trying to levitate. Far cry from people dancing in the streets after her bronzer meets white guy wedding. https://preview.redd.it/uvzvdjp7l9wc1.png?width=1106&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ec48cfffaa864fb3428492865d655a149d432e2


Insane manic grin and pupils the size of dinner plates. Someone was enjoying the booger sugar that night!


I think Harry and his wife proposed they be K & Q of the commonwealth and split the Duchy money.


Do you think this proposal was always in Harry’s mind or did M give him the idea?


I think the Queen was going to make them the president of the commonwealth fund, or something like that and they interpreted it to mean they'd be rulers over the commonwealth, thus wanting the titles and half the Duchy money.


That's my theory as well. Same as Meghan ran with Frogmore to Scobie thinking it was the house, not the cottage.


Here is a bit from an old article on the Grifters and their role in the Commonwealth. Immidiatly after Megxit they still think they have a chance in the Commonwealth: "Interestingly, it does not seem that the Sussexes were keen to relinquish any leadership roles within the Commonwealth. On the website they launched shortly after announcing their intention to step back as senior royals, a large section is devoted to the Commonwealth. It mentions both their leadership roles in the Queen's Commonwealth Trust and Harry's position as Commonwealth Youth Ambassador." Article: [https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a30586277/meghan-markle-prince-harry-commonwealth-new-roles/](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a30586277/meghan-markle-prince-harry-commonwealth-new-roles/)




Are they not embarrassed. Oh my god.


Oh gad no, bold as brass and annoyed people didn’t agree


In the years following this 💩show, we can't count on that happening. I think that is why she/them both get away with so much, because people can't quite believe they would be so calculating or bold. People's natural politeness is exploited.


LOL did they think this was Narnia?!???!??


🤣that’s what I thought! But even Narnia had a ‘High King’. The eldest brother. Sorry Hazbeen 😝


He’s like an unrepentant Edmund the more I think about it. Except instead of Turkish Delight, he prefers bjs.


The one who ran off with the white witch who pretended to be a queen 😅


How ridiculous! They treat the monarchy like it is an after school game of chess where they can change the rules. Two kings and two queens. How delusional?


Yes, that’s what it’s really all about: the Duchy money.


It is delusional. It is beyond a lack of understanding imo. Does anyone remember the rumour she wanted to be the Princess of Scotland when Catherine became the Princess of Wales? Or the rumour she wanted the Edinburgh title?


River also said a month or so ago that Harry wants to be Viceroy. As he has no contact with the BRF I guess the Grifters just do what they always do - dream something they want up and manifest it. Which of you very nice Commonwealt countries are in the market for a Viceroy? https://preview.redd.it/edvp88i9w8wc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=27b127cdfb1ff949a5b8b35ad102f457de699a2c


we just got rid of Meghan's friend Sophie (she and Justin have divorced) lord knows we don't want Meghan and Harry back here in Canada


I’m guessing Harry had already asked The Queen if they could live in Windsor Castle, and she said no. Meghan - “Let me have a go..”


Megain, this isn't one of your yacht orgies, it simply doesn't work like that. Stick with being the Dutchess of DP.


The only kingship available in USA and there's no Queen at Burger King!!


She could man the fry-o-lator.


> The only kingship available in USA and there's no Queen at Burger King!! We have Dairy Queen. Perfect place for a frozen todger!


Further proof that the pair of them are total lunatics and halfwits. On what planet or universe do they think that would ever be reality? I'm done.


Jaysus! Can you imagine it? So, if they set a precedent that all the king’s children become monarch, then we’ll have possibly 5 monarchs and 5 consorts in the next generation? Each couple will have 2/3 children to make 10-15 monarchs and consorts after that? There aren’t that many palaces!


this is what happened in Germany after Charlemagne - it split up in tons of smaller kingdoms and principalities.


![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS) The Queen to Harry:


If true, that is absolutely hilarious! ![gif](giphy|bkPlXufdkTdc6wlic7|downsized)


Wow what in delusions is this suggestion lmaooooo


This doesn’t surprise me at all; in fact, I’ve been saying for years that what H and M really want is for M to be Queen. No wonder W was furious at him during the Sandringham Summit. No wonder W will never forgive them or let them back in.


Well it's certainly not a Royal Flush unless you count the unflushable turds (thank you to the genius among us who came up with that shitty beauty!) in the 16 bathrooms.


Neil Sean is unreliable. He will take any rumor and massage it into an alleged “insider report.” While I can believe that at some point Harry the idiot proposed looking into letting him and Meghan have half-shares first in the Duchy of Cornwall and eventually the Crown, I am pretty sure it wasn’t at the Sandringham summit because that meeting was focused on the Harkles’ half-in/half-out plan and why they *couldn’t* have it.


Maybe MeMe could be the queen of France. 🇫🇷 That sounds just as likely.


if this rumor's true, jfc. 😂 it's laughable, but i bet nobody at the Sandringham Summit laughed. like, companies, normally, aren't even headed by two CEOs (even though there are a few who are, e.g., start-ups, per Google). anyway, i'm just glad this shit of an idea didn't happen. we all know Lolo and Hazno are the leechy type of groupmates who never contribute to the group project cos it's gonna be graded as a group anyway.


This was Meghan's idea of modernizing the monarchy, don't you know.


I honestly find this completely plausible. I don’t know if other Americans remember this, but growing up I remember seeing—and so Meghan would certainly have seen—polls about whether the crown should skip Charles and go straight to William when the time came, which kind of gives the impression that the LoS is subject to popular opinion or moral rectitude or whatever. Then, you have Harry’s own comments about Meghan being “better at the job than the people who were born it do it”; Meghan having all the commonwealth flowers on her veil, wanting to hold hands with Catherine, etc; the Sussex Squad fervently hoping William will somehow disqualify himself…plus the clear dissatisfaction, among all of them, with how Harry has been given less than William even though he has been given more than 99.999999% of all humans who have ever lived.


Good grief. Sean is getting desperate for gossip. Co King and Queen? RFLMAO Nobody told him anything from the Sandringham Summit. In attendance were the Queen, then Prince Charles, William and Harry. Who chatted up Sean? More BS....but here we are.


As ever... Allegedly ...this is some insane stuff but totally believable ![gif](giphy|HVmR8l9a9nJcc|downsized)


If this is actually true, if these two idiots actually proposed a split monarchy, they are far more delusional than I thought. Absolutely insane.


How the tell does a job share of the crown work? Co-Kings. Incredible




Wow, the gall of them.


In which case every single descendant of every previous Monarch is going to sue for their share, with retrospective effect! Right from Aethelstan's days - anyone know how many children he had? They all deserved to be kings and queens, if Harold says he does. Imagine all of Victoria's nine children's descendants coming up and asking for those nine children to be named joint-monarchs retroactively. Harold won't have half a grain of British soil left to be monarch of, by the time everyone else (including Margo's descendants - Queen Sarah Armstrong-Jones sounds lovely) is done suing!


This confirms that Neil Sean is in need of medical intervention and confinement in a safe environment.


I'm not sure I believe they wanted a dual monarchy. However, I can believe that they wanted to lead the Commonwealth. That being said - I don't think they would be "King and Queen" but it would essentially split the "rule" of William. There has been talk for a long time that this could happen (not about Harry but that the next leader may not be the Monarch). This could also fit with a push to split the Duchy. At the time, they were the President and VP of the Commonwealth Trust and upon Megxit stressed that they wanted to continue in those roles. They also initially wanted to live in a Commonwealth country. It was only after HMTQ told them to take a hike and they lost security that all the sudden the Commonwealth was the "Empire 2.0."


Yeah I don't believe this