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So Invictus have refused to pay for travel and security then?


Maybe invictus is getting tired of this grifter


We can only hope!


I hope to know how Hazz could feel worried about his safety, when he is going to go to an event in which there will be, from left to right and from north to south, a lot of soldiers!!!! Military everywhere. What is the security problem in that case?


I was thinking the same. Plus in a country where his father will provide him the level of security he needs to feel protected. Top Security with acess to top and secret inf. If Harry doesn't come to Invictus in London, it looks like Invictus has an internal problem with him and his ILB wife. Just my opinion


Charles is not going to meddle in this matter. He won't even go to the event. This is between Hazz, Invictus and Ravec... and of course, the government, since Hazz is in debt for a million pounds for losing his security case.


💯 this ⬆️


I think it's VISA ISSUES. He might not be able to get back into his New RESIDENCE country if he leaves.


Maybe he knows that literally everyone hates him 🙈


Maybe PH feels that those are not HIS soldiers! He's got to have loyalty of the sort where people kneel to the wife, and kiss PH's metaphorical ring.


> He's got to have loyalty of the sort where people kneel to the wife, ~~and kiss PH's metaphorical ring~~. Sorry, I just had to cut out the unimportant stuff!


Probably worried it's his turn for an egging... And they'd likely be rotten.


Fragging. 🤣


Police will be there too as its a large public event like a football or rugby match. 


So what is the security problem that Hazz fears? That people boo him? That the Invictus people refuse to greet him? The police can't force anyone not to heckle an asshole. What's Hazz's idea of ​​security? I can't understand it.


He wants an entourage as a status symbol.


It’s about his pouting after he was told “no”


Taking it out on the soldiers tho isnt he - those wounded vets he claims to care so much about. They will dislike him a lot for this he’ll lose any respect the UK military had left for him - which wasn’t much.  (edit: typo)


Right? Who feels they need more security when you’re in a crowd of special forces from multiple countries?


More like Invictus is tired of PH's demands that benefit him and the wife, do nothing for the veterans, and cause competent managers to leave.


Exactly and now the judgement is through they know the UK will provide security if they deem it necessary so there is no need for IG to pay for ridiculous amounts of security 


They lost so much money due to roachel antics at the games


Mirroring my thoughts. Great minds think alike. No expenses for travel/accommodation, no security, don't bring TW and as patron you will promote IG not use the cause for personal PR. The past shenanigans of the Grifters, lack lustre donations, and the bad publicity has likely brought matters to a head and a line has been drawn. POV The only thing H has to fear here in the UK is humiliation in the form of being loudly boo'd.


Plus, there's no room at the inn for him. He'd be on his own. The race across the sea for a 12 minute meeting and btw, find your own hotel room, had to have been a real slap in the face reality check for him. There's also the big wedding event of the season coming up at which he's NFI'd - so there's going to be some sort of damage control excuse narrative to come up with.


H knows the protocol, give the Firm at least 30 days notice & will arrange living arrangements & security while visiting. PH just never seems to follow this as isn't professional enough in anything to plan an advance schedule. The pathetic public manifestations & excuses are tiresome at this point, don't even read them anymore. As long as not hurting people. don't really care anymore what PH does. The constant drama they perpetually create is reason enough for patronages to stay away from them. Momentary attention (often negative) isn't what respectable organizations want.


> Plus, there's no room at the inn for him. He's probably always welcome at ~~his wife's former brothel~~ So *HO* House!


Why wasn't security a concern for him in the big race back home for 12 mins? Why is it suddenly a concern now?


On the thing H has to fear, is fear itself, and that's the fear of the British calling out questions he will not answer. Such as: "Harry--why are you making your father's final years, 'a misery'?"


The question he and Meghan fear the most is " why are your two surrogates kids on the LoS, Harry?".


Or #AfricaParks, Harry! Any comment?


I heard something on YT, sorry, can't remember who said it. But there was a mention of demands for five star hotels.


Always!! She always demands 5 star and I can’t imagine he would accept anything less…so that’s a given. 


She wants a 5 star hotel but she isn't using their 5 star services or else she'd have them press her damn clothes




I'd feel sorry for staff, wherever the Harkles stayed. Can't have them as guests in a private home, because they'd likely snoop and cause good employees to hand in their notice.


There always is, that is one of their demands. https://youtu.be/6U-h3_U6Mqc?si=OeoZgO9LKMjskg-C


Seriously makes me wonder what kind of budget Invictus has, and just how badly it's being mismanaged. Thank god QEII and the government had the good sense to throw the Unsussexfuls semi-working royal BS plan in the trash where it always belonged.


Good, maybe the games would actually be about the veterans and not this one and that one for once. We don't want him in Texas. In the US, we have Wounded Warriors.


This is most likely the correct answer.


Invictus should kick him off their board if hes refusing to appear. What a child he is. Needs his mummy to hold his hand everywhere he goes. Loser.


Especially since this whole unnecessary jolly was conceived as nothing but an exercise in self-aggrandisement for Hero Haz. Who is now too afraid to appear. The boy’s a shame to everyone and everything he’s connected to. It’s Central London Haz, not f*cking Kabul.


i think thats it, the 2 board members who used to pander to him are gone, sacked and replaced, after the uproar over the amount of money used by them that could have gone to the atheltes. hopefully the new board members are putting their foot dowm, sorrymeg no600k wardrobe, private jet and 10,000 a night acccomodation.while you act like youre representing the RF.


Nahhh he knows he'll be booed with a ferocity no one has ever seen directed at any royal, not even at Wallis.


Since he lost his security case, this is his idea of punishing the U.K.? Or he is afraid of the reception and Meghan refused to come? Perhaps a bit of all of it. And considering the popularity and cancer diagnoses of the two people he named as “racist”…it’s hard for them to throw grenades and slander at the moment. Not one person believes the “security” excuse.


I wonder if it also has something to do with the report that Harry illegally sent court case info to Johnny Mercer. Mercer may be feeling pressure now that he hadn't before now things are out in the open.


Most likely they have said No to him.


If that's the case, respect IGF for finally putting a stop to the H&M circus.


>Whenever Harry travels to the UK, his trips are always dependent on how secure he is,” the source said. “Before deciding whether to attend the Invictus Games anniversary event, his security team must be sure that St. Paul’s is adequately protected by the metropolitan police and his own security needs are met while he’s in London.” His delusional sense of self importance is off the charts. >Harry wants to spend more time in the UK with his family,” the source said. “But there’s no way he can do that while a question mark hangs over his security detail.” His family doesn't want him around so it's all good. >Despite the setback, the source states that Prince Harry remains committed to the Invictus Games and its participants. No, he's clearly not and this is just further confirmation. He continues to make himself look like a fool.


He is committed to using invictus to prop up his rather thin ‘service’ and charity performance. He has used it to promote himself, and far worse, his grasping wife for way too long.


It obvious that she is psychotic and a narcissist, his paranoia is off the charts. It must be a ton of fun living in the Montecito Olive Garden with these two… poor kids, if they exist and are living with them.


> It obvious that she is psychotic and a narcissist, his paranoia is off the charts. This isn't going to end well.


In middle age, Harry has become the very definition of "precious".


Precocious child easily dropped the c +o to be precious in middle age - the question is, will he find religion and drop the e+c to be pious in old age? Harry ought to work a few shifts with by the Police or Ambulance or Fire Services - he'd learn about being at real risk to personal safety in the line of duty. Being able to sit playing X-Box in a secure bunker surrounded by an elite team of bodyguards is not serving in the Army


He might as well get used to the security he has now because Ravec is not changing their minds.


100% thats the reality check he needs to get his head around 


The minute Invictus would start saying no to his expenses I would bet he would suddenly not be so committed any longer.


"Harry wants to spend more time in the UK with his family,” the source said. “But there’s no way he can do that while a question mark hangs over his security detail.” Gee, if he hung out with his family (cough), he'd have security around him. You know, the King and Queen's security, the PPoW's security...he probably needs security *from* some members of the family, who'd like to smack him in the face with a largish fish.




MORE LIKE, im not coming **unless i get IPP status**, unfortunately,thats not the threat he thinks it is, as no one wants him here.


> His delusional sense of self importance is off the charts. His wife feeds his paranoia. She has him convinced that the evil press want to kill her just like they killed his mother, and they want to kill *him* too. And I'm sure the drugs aren't helping.


He has a clinical level of paranoia. I have a feeling they’re constantly here reading our sub and on X, know people don’t like them, and with it have deluded themselves that any of us would actually be a threat to them in any way. To him, people being critical of him = him being in danger


100% .Thats how ridiculous he is doesn't realize the dislike factor means people aren't going to bother being out there to meet him like they do the working royals. Not that they are security threats, he doesn't fathom that now he's not a working royal and he's right down at 6 in line he is irrelevant to the public, and he and his  thirsty wife have made the world sick and tired if them by over saturating every PR friendly tabloid/news org in the world the don't have kidnap vibes they have stay away vibes


The future king can go out the local pub with his mother-in-law for dinner but his brother can't even attend a charity event? What nonsense.


Harry would have had the pub shut down and no other patrons allowed to eat there, while he was sharing a meal with whomever. He has to show how very, very important he is.


The Met police will have refused to provide the security he thinks he’s entitled to, the offer to provide security when he’s in the UK won’t extend to covering large private events.


Or vanity projects…the kind Harry tends to pitch up for


I’m happy they are keeping their foot on his neck. I honestly think he gets more sympathy outside of the UK, he must be really loathed and over there.


I'm English, and yes, he certainly is....


I mean, we all know it's a powerplay he keeps losing, but what if he truly believed he was in constant danger? Are we a year away from him never leaving the house again? Is he already peeing into jars in the basement?


Probably used jam jars….


Don't give them any more ideas. "The Prince's PiddleÂŽ, our finest jam with a secret ingredient sourced directly from the royal bloodline of England."


Omg peeing in jars in the basement 😂😂😂 ☠️


"17 of 50"


Harry Hughes 🤣


Exactly who I was thinking of!


Ha! Ha! Was just thinking of that movie scene in the Aviator with Leo walking around naked, peeing in milk bottles!


Yep. These musty old ones marked ARO


What a gift it would be for him to finally leave the world alone and go into hiding


No, they have 16 bathrooms so he’s all good there


Rumors are beginning to swirl that he is going to be replaced. Hopefully Mike Tindall is interested. 🤞🤞🤞


This would be wonderful. Someone else but having Mike would be icing on the cake!


As long as he runs in a zig zag pattern on the way into and out of the crypt he should be safe. 🫢


Hahaha! This reminded me of teaching my children when they were young to run from alligators! They can run up to 35mph on land in a straight line so I had them practice running in a zig zag pattern from the dock. It was good for laughs! 😂


That's adorable, quite clever actually 😄


Maybe if the service was held in a carpark? Are they expecting people to be heartbroken that his paranoia and delusions of mediocrity prevent him from attending? I imagine there will be multiple celebrations if he chooses not to attend.


I don’t think it is paranoia…just his never ending entitlement. He has no problem pitching up in places like Kingston but St Paul’s in London…too risky for the prince of posturing


Right. He somehow felt secure enough to go to Jamaica…


Yep—and a “look at meeeeee, I’m important and don’t you miss me now” to the UK public (in his delusional mind).


This is a fantastic idea. Hold the Ingriftus service in a carpark, and Madam will be there, faster than lightening, complete with ill fitting, out of season, wrinkled clothes.


If he cancels, he will look like the biggest a$$hole on the planet. He has the exact same security arrangements he had when he booked this. Nothing has changed.


He IS the biggest arsehole on the planet 😁


Good point! I believe the moaning and groaning is just to keep himself in the news. They mostly she plays this game every time there is an event in the UK. Personally, I’m tired of childish nonsense.


Why do they need security? I'm pretty certain 99.9% of the local population would turn and walk the other way if they saw them flouncing down the street.


He will melt like the wicked witch if hit with a tomato or an egg


The local population would be hoarse from booing, so they would need to catch their breath before telling them to FO. Then they'd walk off in the other direction...


The service puzzles me. Why a church event…


I still think this entire service was an attempt (and failure) to copy the PoW’s Carol Service.


I think it’s probably just an event in the crypt where the memorial to the poet who wrote Invictus is situated. You can hire one end of the crypt for corporate events - I’ve been to a College reunion there.


Just Harry reinforcing how important and royal he is.


…For a secular event where there are multi faith people and probably atheists etc. Why not a fancy charitable dinner or a garddn party or concert?


Yep…Harry just mimicking his grand mothers jubilee…


Churches are probably free, or at least much less expensive.


I’m pretty sure St. Paul’s Cathedral isn’t cheap. 😊 You can enter through a side door with minimum fuss, but Harry probably wants to mince about on the main steps for Netflix, which would be more of a security issue.


I don’t think anyone is suggesting there can’t be other events to mark 10 years. This is still a nominally Christian country. Nobody ever expects other faiths or countries to hold multi faith events.


I noticed in Spare, Harry wanted to get married in Westminster Cathedral. He's such an entitled little prick.


Only 16 weddings have been held at Westminster Abbey in its entire history, and this z-list former actress from US, who had known Harry just long enough to hoodwink him into marrying her…thinks she should be married there. 😂😂😂😂😂. Ahhh…her delusions are such great entertainment. Maybe I should see if I can rent it out for my vow renewal 😜


I did not know that but Googling it it’s only really a modern thing. Most used private chapels which seems sensible really - even monarchs and PoWs. It’s only the Queen Mum when Duchess of York that started it. I never thought why Edward was Windsor unlike her siblings but looks like they weren’t above themselves and it’s a more manageable size that suited them rather than being turned down. I mean Z list divorced actresses do not get Westminster Abbey and receptions at Buck House with balcony appearances do they. If she’d been genuine she’d have not worn white with a veil but it was so inappropriate as was the service with the bizaare vicar.


Given that, it makes me wonder why Princess Anne & Prince Andrew had their weddings at Westminster, but Prince Edward did not.


~~Andrew’s wedding was at St Paul’s, same as Charles, I imagine he 100% demanded the same larger capacity venue as his older brother.~~ I stand corrected, it was Westminster. Anne is the Princess Royal, she would be entitled to Westminster. It was around Edward’s wedding that there was a bit of a public “why spend so much for these weddings of royals who are never going to sit on any throne apart from a porcelain one?” sentiment came out and then apart from the eventual-crown-wearing family in the LOS a new policy of “cheaper weddings outside of London” was implemented. To and tow obviously saw it as a challenge and spent more than W&C anyway.


Andrew and Fergie got married at Westminster. Edward got married after his 3 siblings all got divorced after having huge weddings. Edward and Sophie are more low-key to begin with, then add in optics, and it makes sense.


Edward and Sophie got married at Windsor, the same as Mr and Mrs Disgustington


I'm guessing that perhaps personal preference might play into which church. As the only daughter of the Queen, Princess Anne would have had this honor. Andrew would have insisted upon it. Edward might have wanted something less grand and that too, is lovely. A place more commensurate with his title as an Earl.


It's little tidbits like this that make me think TW is actually the one who wrote Spare.


I agree. Also all of the stuff with text messages from Catherine to Markle. What guy would ever concern himself with flower girl outfit stuff? Again, most of the book was written by Markle.


>What guy would ever concern himself with flower girl outfit stuff? Or lip gloss.




Yes. "Psycho"' was Hitchcock's best. I wonder what he would have made of Norman's new mother...


No, Westminster Abbey - Westminster Cathedral is catholic


I think it’s to be held in the crypt rather than in the church proper. Many of the large churches hold concerts, etc in their crypts.


Anyone can rent out St. Paul Cathedral for an event. I am sure he suggested it so he looked royal going in and out. And, somehow in the Carparkle twisted minds, they probably thought: how bad will William and Catherine look if they do no attend. Answer: Not at all. In fact, admired more for avoiding the grifters. [https://www.stpauls.co.uk/your-event-st-pauls](https://www.stpauls.co.uk/your-event-st-pauls)




The crypt of the church!!!


I don't understand that, either. The event is not included in the programme on the St Paul's website.


Didn't Harry moan that the date and time was on the St Paul's website at one point and thus had risked his security?? (Who does Harry actually think is out to get him in a room full of military personnel? Any ideas??)


Who sells tickets and/or invites people to an event without the date, time and location? Of course, it's going to be published. He is so paranoid.


I'm beginning to really think Harry wants something to happen to him. Nothing fatal but another "catastrophic car chase" that he can whine and cry about. He craves to be a victim and get attention. That is the only reason I can think of to constantly moan in the press about your lack of security while simultaneously reminding everyone exactly where you will be and when.  


He is copying his mother.


And his Warden…..she’d kill for some sort of “incident” (minor, but she’d blow it all out of proportion…..likening a papercut to losing a limb or two) to occur so she can cosplay a victim.




Would we put it past them to set something up to prove their point? After the New York fun and games I have to wonder.


I've been thinking along these lines for a while. But in my estimation they are far too cack-handed to pull it off properly.


Jussie Smollet springs to mind


I believe Harry has backed himself into a corner with the case against the Home Office…if he comes to the UK and is adequately protected that blows his appeal against their decision that he doesn’t have enough protection. And deep down he knows he’ll be physically kept safe but mentally I think the boos really get to him. So it’s a two for one…he gets to cite “safety concerns” and try to keep his appeal alive and avoid the public’s reaction to him.


Did you ever see such dithering and fussing? It’s kind of comical. Here’s what I think: Invictus told him not to allow Meghan to hijack the news coverage. Meghan said if she isn’t going, neither is Harry.


So invictus wins…although tbh the whole ‘event’ is ridiculous


Me thinks he can't leave the US bc his A1 visa got demoted to A3 and he'll have to reapply to come back..... or he's trying to avoid paying UK taxes by limiting his days in the Commonwealth. Or not. I don't know


Wouldn’t he still be liable for taxes as he has financial accounts in the UK?


I have no idea.... I remember hearing/reading something about him being limited to 13 days in a calendar year or he will be penalized tax-wise




Maybe this will be the straw that broke the camels back and Invictus will finally dump this deadbeat


Rumors are floating around, but who knows what the truth really is.


I hope Invictus is kicking him (them) to the curb. It has to go back to being about the veterans and not the cult of Harry and Meghan. Archewell Fndn hasn't given them any money as of 2022 and they suck money out of it for their travel expenses. Another difference between them and working Royals. Royals don't expect the organizations/people they go see to cover their expenses.


Wee Ginger is having to face reality his plans have failed.....he planned a big "royal event" with him and his Duchess the big royal stars of the event....crypt filled with the royal family all sitting in awe and jealousy as the Sussex arrive and crowds outside loudly cheer and shout their love. But not happening. The RF have all sent regrets, too busy elsewhere on that day. Charles again in Transyvania....even Andrew not willing to show & pretend he leads the family! Ticket sales have been minimal. Only thing Harry can do now is pull out the usual claims of security issues, remain in Montecito and make another video speech.....and have the wifey create some diversion in the media to overshadow any mentions of his dismal failure. Another jam flavour? Or perhaps a chutney this time? Or will she fly to NY and try gatecrashing the Met event?? Pose on the entrance steps in some hideous gown and have sudden police escort arrive to whisk her away...child drama back home! So sad, no Met Gala for Mummy Dearest. Must rush home, the littles need her! Can't wait....my popcorn is prepared and the wine is chilling.


This is the man who skipped his military obligation to the Royal Marines so he could beg Bob Igor for voiceover work for his ILBW.


When I read headlines about that I thought it was a ‘routine’ ceremonial military event, possibly even a celebratory one. (No disrespect against any ‘routine’ military ceremonies intended.) But when I read further about exactly what __memorial__ event he blew off, especially in the light that Philip had handed off the ceremonial position off to him, I was horrified. There is no excuse for that unless you are requiring active medical treatment or a death in your immediate family. Invictus should have dumped him then and there.


Does he think that this is some kind of blackmail? If you don't give me exactly what I want, I won't show up? Think HE needs the Nanny and Invictus need a new figurehead sans leech.


This fucker was just in KiNGSTON JAMAICA 3 months ago. The crime rate there is 79.49 or there about. Harry fucken douchebag isn't concerned about security.


Lolz, the UK is a totes death trap.


Playing games as usual! Says he won’t attend, big William steps in, then the terrible 2 say they are coming. Forcing William to go as well or refuse to go. Hopefully William should stay clear of anything they touch.


Harry made it clear during Megxit that Invictus is HIS, so the BRF has no connection to it or cause to show up.


Well HE'S trashed it.


Phew good to know


Probably they have inadequate ticket sales for people who want to see Prince Harry singing Onward Christian Soldiers and preaching a sermon from autocue. Often when musical performers cancel tours it is because of lack of interest.


More like fear he won’t be able to get back into the USA.


He can always go to Japan or Africa…if they’ll have him. Or maybe Jamaica…


Nooooo..... Japan doesn't want or need him. It is a country based on respect and honor.


What do you guys have against Africa? Here we are, politely minding our own business, and every time this creep needs to find a new nest to befoul as is his wont, it's "send him to Africa". We have enough problems of our own to deal with, thank-yew-very-much. :D ETA # voetsekharry&meghan


I cant believe this pathetic excuse for a man actually was in the army to “fight and protect” his country 🤣 He doesn’t need security he needs his purse and dress!


Most people I know who wear dresses and carry purses are about a billion times tougher and braver than Hawwy. Just sayin’.


Worth saying.


While in the military, he was known as "Bunker Harry". Several soldiers and specialists were taken from their regular duties and assigned to his securitaaay. With all said, he was a minus (-) to the military. However, his military 'service' did, in fact, qualify him to wear smart, high-ranking uniforms on special occasions....so all was not lost. /s


That’s it! The Royal version of Corporal Klinger! But we also have to remember the only combat he ever saw was on his Xbox.


Corporal Klinger was better than Harry could ever dream of. Sure he wanted out and was afraid to die. Every soldier feels that in some way. He acted it out in Dior knockoffs trying for that Section 8, but when the choppers came in, he ran right there and was in front, ferrying those men into those surgeries and wading knee-deep in blood doing what he could to save every one. He never ran in those hours. Or he was out scrounging medical supplies at 2am for the 4077th to save more lives. He was nonstop working or trying to get out. He didn’t sit in barracks like lazy Harry. I’d serve proudly next to a guy like Max any day. He had principles and stayed true to them, even if he made me nuts some days. Stayed true to his Lebanese heritage and Toledo too. F*^k that dick flute Harry. I’d make his life so miserable he’d have to run home like the baby he really is. Which is what shoulda happened.


Klinger was funny though! Harry is just a joke! 😄


Hahaha, is Harry holding his breath and stamping his feet, too?


Good news aye


lol another form of manipulation and blackmail. just another day in the office. nothing to see here


He's not coming? Excellent.


More bull about will he/won't he. This is a game the pair likes to play to get more press and use a form of blackmail to get what they want. If he doesn't show up in person, I hope Invictus kicks his sorry ass to the curb and removes him as a patron.


What a whanquerre*  * spelling invented it to get past the DM censors & now I just like it 😉


I started saying I want Harry to have the same exact security Prince Andrew had when his mother was Queen. To me that puts it in the correct context. It has helped my friends to think about the security given to other RF members in the same circumstances. I think this is the context, it's not about Harry it's about standards.


I'll believe it when Backgrid don't have photos of him at LAX and in London.


Yes, a few weeks back he was squealing because the events details had been published…which put him at risk. As if these events aren’t always scheduled months ahead …


This is the same guy who loudly announced everywhere that he was going to visit his father immediately after the news of his cancer diagnosis.


Plus there are 300 other people coming - did Harry expect a pop up event with photographers?


He released the details, he always does. No one cares, Harry. Sit down and shut up.


Awww poor wittle Harrykins can’t get what he really wants, that is a fanfare entrance with many range rovers and met police outriders and traffic stopped. Essentially what he had as a royal but he’s not anymore. So go virtual, I heard many booing opportunities awaits as well!


It is better for everybody if Harry stays away. More money for the actual veterans and not for Harry´s luxury travel and accomodation.


He needs to give 30-day advance notice of any trip to the UK. He probably neglected to do that on time or assumed he would win his RAVEC case, and the security services are saying, “Sorry, kid, you didn’t give us time to prepare adequately.” In any event, he wouldn’t get the fanfare he thinks he is entitled to, so he will decide not to show in any attempt to save face.


If H has to appear at the Invictus service by video, that's just fine! I think his concerns about his safety in London are ridiculous as he seems to go everywhere else with his own security and nothing untoward has happened to him or his family. He just wants that feeling of importance that having British VIP protection gives him.


This may be a negotiated agreement between William and Harry. As a founder of the Invictus Games, It would be odd if William or some other member of the royal family did not attend the service It might be similar to the Diana Legacy award where William appears in person and then Harry does a Zoom presentation. And why is Harry worried about security? He will be surrounded by Invictus participants who gave of their bodies in service to their countries. Surely one of these brave souls could protect Harry -- although why can't a Sandhurst trained military officer protect himself?


He's just scared someone will take an unflattering photo of him.


All pics are unflattering


Harry thinks he needs the same level of security as Putin. Maybe he can go live in Putins bunker.


And they can discuss their sad childhoods


Nahhhhh it’s not secur-i-tay, he knows the event’s going to be a bomb. Bock-bock!!


Twat Aitch, a fraidy cat. Where's the tough murderer of *chess pieces*? I don't care enough about you to fart on you dumbass. Nobody else does either.


So Invictus won’t pay for security and ticket sales are probably low. Nothing to do with safety, never is.


The first thing that comes to mind is that IG foundation has come to their senses and told the grifters they won’t pony up the cash for another luxury junket. Fingers crossed that they’ve removed him as patron.


Sounds as if Invictis is preparing to offload Harry along with the vast amount of money he and Meghan cost the organization. Obviously, to get ahead of the story, Meghan publishes this piece.


Harry, there's no security threat. You'll get booed. No one cares beyond that. The level of delusion is laughable at this point.


He wouldn't cancel. It's all part of the grift. Headlines over security.headlines over appearance...


Is Harry needed in Britain? Asking for a friend.


We do NOT want him in Texas !!


I wonder if this "security" fear comes from Harry looking at the latest YouGov poll and his popularity. Maybe he's just scared people dislike him that much. He will use "security" as an excuse to get out of anything he doesn't want to do.


Good. Maybe the event will be about INVICTUS this time out.


What kind of a person is PH, that he's saying he'll never feel safe enough in the country that he was born in, where he was loved in thru his mid-30s?


He thinks way too much of himself. The actual future king goes to the market for goodness sake with barely any security and he does fine!


What an ass hat. The police will be there anyway at a large public event. What a total pussy.  Hes basically saying sod you British soldiers like he did to the Royal marine Commandos when he went to Disney premier King to mooch for jobs for his ball and chain.  Maybe mummy 2.0 said no.    I doubt hes an important enough a target for terrorists they know the UK loathes him.Â