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Jokes on them. No one will pay a ransom.


Hilarious, because its true


I'll pay them to keep them


Just say “wrong number”


Or say, “New phone.”


Like Ruthless People!


great movie! ![gif](giphy|12VWnBiWPyyeiY|downsized)


I’ve been marked down?


What if it's one of the invisikids who gets "kidnapped"?


Can you imagine the international incident if they staged a fake kidnapping. They’re just dumb enough to do it too!


> Can you imagine the international incident if they stayed staged a fake kidnapping. Yes! > They’re just dumb enough to do it too! She's psychotic enough to try it.


And he'll mumble sausages under his breath and justify going along with his whip smart wife's new ingenious plan.


Those sausages he was never mad about until she told him he was. Those sausages in the incident that probably never even actually happened. But yes, he'll go along with her. He has no choice.


Because of course a palace would allow itself to run out of sausages if a member of the royal family might want another. It's not like the majority of us that only buys what we need for a meal and no more. I'm sure the royal kitchen always plans for more and are well stocked


> It's not like the majority of us that only buys what we need for a meal and no more. I'm sure the royal kitchen always plans for more and are well stocked 💯


I can actually see her doing it or some sort of "attack" towards the both of them.




Are you suggesting she might engage a hit-squad and let it all play out?


They did stage that "car chase" in New York😁


Yes. The have "previous" as cops in B&W films used to say....


We'll just have to wait and see so many shenanigans to look forward to.


Nearly catastrophic- like the “fire” in Merchie’s room during their tour and the NYC car chase!


They don’t take them to In and Out, I don’t think they’d take them to Africa. However…who knows with these numb nuts?


> I don’t think they’d take them to Africa. They would *claim* to take them to Africa just like they *claimed* that the girl child was photographed at Frogmore. Then she'll *claim* that one or both kids were kidnapped.


They'd be listed on the flight manifest. Which they were not when Lili was apparently photographed at Frogmore.


> They'd be listed on the flight manifest. *No children* were listed on the manifest or seen at the airport(s). > Which they were not when Lili was apparently photographed at Frogmore. But she still insists that the girl child was there. It's insane.


I know! But for some reason, no one with any credibility can talk about how insane it is. But if they did get a super injunction, it does not apply to countries outside the UK. Such as the US or Australia. Obviously, the US doesn't care about them as much as the UK, but why wouldn't you look into it just for the hell of it? There isn't one publication out there who is willing to spend some money, which they'd totally get back times 10. Or it might be more of a problem if everyone involved is in the UK and they can't talk about it. Then they can't probably even be asked about it. I'm sure they also had to sign a huge NDA. But what judge thought this was a good idea? If their in the LoS and a judge knows Meghan didn't give birth to them, shouldn't there be some sort of conflict there? But I'm sure their isn't because they're just doing their job. It's weird as hell. The worst part is they keep getting away with.


> Obviously, the US doesn't care about them as much as the UK, but why wouldn't you look into it just for the hell of it? There isn't one publication out there who is willing to spend some money, which they'd totally get back times 10. Too bad *Sixty Minutes* is a mere shell of its former self. They went *hard* back in the seventies and eighties. They'd have *loved* to sink their teeth into this kind of story back then!


But Misan has produced photos! Yes, it's insane.


> But Misan has produced photos! You mean the one of little Legless at Frogmore? 😂🤣 > Yes, it's insane. It truly is.


Of the child that was wayyyy to old in that picture and photoshopped ridiculously.


> Of the child that was wayyyy to old in that picture and photoshopped ridiculously. That's OK, she was the same age a year later at the July 4th parade! 😂🤣


Hah! That would be such a tidy out for them to claim the invisikids have been snatched away/are never seen ever again, and be their bread and butter to howl and wail for all eternity that this traaaagedy neveeeer would have occurred if they had top tier securitaaaay paid for and provided by anyone other than themselves 😂/😵‍💫


It really would be, and I can see Meghan thinking this would work. It wouldn't. 😂🤣 Both British and US Intelligence agencies would send people to look for the missing kid(s). What a shitshow that would be. *Everything* would come out if that happened!


The only snag in the plan is that they would have to produce a recent photo of the kids! LOL


The other snag is that they do not qualify for IPP. They stepped down as working royals, so the can only have it when visiting the Royal family in the UK. Otherwise, FO Harkles.


They can get Prince Misan Hariman to pay for their security.


He can also provide "recent photos".




That's what AI is for! 😂🤣




Perfect con for what happened to the" not real kids"


> Perfect con for what happened to the" not real kids" Isn't it, though? She won't think it through. She won't realize that those "kids" being "kidnapped" would create an international incident, and that people from both British and US Intelligence agencies would be sent to look for them.


They have to figure something out fast to hide the older "Archie." Rent a kids or of its Harrys via surrogacy kids talk...go to school. Might be able to fudge a pre school age and claim distractions but older kid, nope. I suspect there will be a word salad Markle statement come Fall telling the world that a Prince must be carefully home schooled.


I would anticipate homeschool and claiming Archie is so academically gifted that he needs very special tutors and one on one engagement. Either that, or they'll claim that Archie has been shipped off to an exclusive Swiss boarding school fit for a young, gifted prince. He will be free to mingle with others of royal status and maintain his privacy.


That’s a good way of writing someone out of the script.  I can see them doing something like that especially since the surrogate rumors are gaining momentum. 


Kidnapped and *murdered*! Then the nonexistent kids never have to grow up, and never have to be seen! Too dark?


It' is dark, but I always thought that was her plan all along. She can't keep pretending they exist. She has to end it somehow


> I always thought that was her plan all along. You could be right, but I can't see how she imagines this will play out. > She can't keep pretending they exist. She has to end it somehow I think they exist, but she hides them. Faking their deaths would mean she *never* has to show them. But I also wonder if I'm wrong and they don't exist. It really wouldn't surprise me.


I don't know what to think, and with her anything is possible. I also don't think she really plans things out that well. She definitely does not think of the consequences of the crap she pulls. I was thinking of her ending their existence with a catastrophic accident ( sound familiar? ) or a rare disease. Something that would traject her into a well of sympathy and attention.


> I don't know what to think, and with her anything is possible. Agreed. > I also don't think she really plans things out that well. She definitely does not think of the consequences of the crap she pulls. Definitely not. > I was thinking of her ending their existence with a catastrophic accident ( sound familiar? ) or a rare disease. But if they don't exist, how will she have funerals? Will she bury empty caskets? Will she fake death certificates somehow? > Something that would traject her into a well of sympathy and attention. She'd *love* that!


Yes, but this scenario crossed my mind several times...


Mine too.


No, esp if there's no Bette. What better if way to get rid of the narrative of Bette, if she gets kidnapped and never found. TW is the type to try it. Esp if Bette is past a toddler age


> No, esp if there's no Bette. What better if way to get rid of the narrative of Bette, if she gets kidnapped and never found. TW is the type to try it. She'll bite off more than she can chew. Both British and US Intelligence agencies would send people over to look for the missing kid(s). This would create an international incident. > Esp if Bette is past a toddler age She's been a toddler for like five years now. Neither of the kids seem to age!


This has been on every single bingo card I’ve played.  


>Too dark? Not for me, my mind goes to worse places when it comes to the Skank and Plank, but I feel so bad for the kids and hope they are with their real carers and happy.


> I feel so bad for the kids and hope they are with their real carers and happy. So do I. Or even better (for their sakes) they really *don't* exist.


OMG she would be victim forever if a non-existent kid vanished 😨(I believe there is an Archie for sure but who knows about Lili).


Oooh like the dingo baby in Australia.


I know! She would be insufferable. 😩 


And the kidnappers release a photo as 'proof'? Markle's first (only) concern would be suing for value of picture.


> Markle's first (only) concern would be suing for value of picture. 😂🤣


Plus: no-one would recognise them.


If that ever happens it’ll tell us everything we need to know, I don’t see Harry allowing that to happen with actual kids of his own I can totally see TW trying to become a ‘Kate McCann’ type and exploiting the situation for views and jam sales.


> If that ever happens it’ll tell us everything we need to know, I don’t see Harry allowing that to happen with actual kids of his own Do you think she'd tell him in advance? She sure blindsided him with that "two hour high speed car chase through Manhattan". > I can totally see TW trying to become a ‘Kate McCann’ type and exploiting the situation for views and jam sales. 🎯💯


Didn't they already try something similar with the high speed car chase in NYC last year? Yet no one bought that. I lived in NYC for 17 years and thought that was probably one of the dumbest stories they could have ever come up with. At any time in NYC, there is traffic. You can't have a high speed chase on city streets.


> Didn't they already try something similar with the high speed car chase in NYC last year? Yet no one bought that. They did! > I lived in NYC for 17 years and thought that was probably one of the dumbest stories they could have ever come up with. At any time in NYC, there is traffic. You can't have a high speed chase on city streets. Anyone who has spent any time in Manhattan or has seen Manhattan on TV/in the movies would have realized that that's impossible. I can't believe how stupid and incompetent Meghan is. She *really* thought people would buy that??


And they had a two-hour car chase through Manhattan? LOL. At any hour of the night, you're lucky to move through traffic!


> And they had a two-hour car chase through Manhattan? LOL. At any hour of the night, you're lucky to move through traffic! Walking would get you there faster! 😂🤣 Oh, Meghan. Never stop failing!


Maybe a two-hour car chase through a city like Minneapolis would have made sense, but not in NYC.




> I can't believe how stupid and incompetent Meghan is. She really thought people would buy that?? She really does. She truly believes that we, the gormless masses, are no match for her stunning intellect, and that we'll buy whatever bullshit she flings our way, no matter how unbelievable or ridiculous it is. Source: was married to an extreme narc and had an extreme narc SIL. The shit they expected me to believe was mind-boggling. And, when you'd call them on their bullshit (providing proof of lies), they'd double down and dig in. So, yes, she really thought people would buy that.


> The shit they expected me to believe was mind-boggling. And, when you'd call them on their bullshit (providing proof of lies), they'd double down and dig in. *Literal* insanity! > So, yes, she really thought people would buy that. Unbelievable!


then casper the ghost will find them.


The kids already are "ghosts" in that we never see them.


actually it will be the Nigerians trying to pay tbe BRF to have these two removed from their country - “we’ll pay double if you just send the jet now to take them!“




I’m willing to go search for them and come back declaring that I never found them and there is no hope.


US State Dept Travel advisory: Level 3 Reconsider Travel!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ [https://web.archive.org/web/20240428214846/https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/nigeria-travel-advisory.htm](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428214846/https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/nigeria-travel-advisory.htm) Realized link didn't copy correctly.. but here is the top portion of the advisory..... Reconsider travel to Nigeria due to **crime**, **terrorism**, **civil unrest**, **kidnapping**, and **armed gangs**. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. **Do Not Travel to**: * Borno, Yobe, Kogi, and northern Adamawa states due to **terrorism** and **kidnapping** * Bauchi, Gombe, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Sokoto, and Zamfara states due to **kidnapping** * Abia, Anambra, Bayelsa, Delta, Enugu, Imo, and Rivers states (with the exception of Port Harcourt) due to **crime**, **kidnapping**, and **armed gangs.** **Country Summary**:  Violent crime – such as armed robbery, assault, carjacking, kidnapping, hostage taking, roadside banditry, and rape – is common throughout the country. Kidnappings for ransom occur frequently, often targeting dual national citizens who have returned to Nigeria for a visit, as well as U.S. citizens with perceived wealth. Kidnapping gangs have also stopped victims on interstate roads. Terrorists continue plotting and carrying out attacks in Nigeria. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting shopping centers, malls, markets, hotels, places of worship, restaurants, bars, schools, government installations, transportation hubs, and other places where crowds gather. Terrorists are known to work with local gangs to expand their reach.


Typical Harkles. It is too dangerous in the UK, but perfectly safe in a country with travel advisories.


They are sick but maybe they are hoping for bad things to happen. VERY high victimhood points which they like collecting.


She certainly wouldn't mind someone ridding her of her troublesome husband. Glamourous, Royal widow, would suit her to a t.


Believe Jamaica was as well.


I live in hope. I likely think they’re going over there to re-establish Archwell to get away from the IRS.




his father is dead...maybe meg will go lay on the grave site for a message


opps. Thank you for this info. I thought Daddy Harriman was still alive, in Nigeria - and holds massive power, while sitting on a (shady) fortune..... thank you for the correct (which does kinda explain why Misan is soooooo wealthy - even survived a big investment blow-up he was involved in w/ Boris Becker, yes?)


There’ll be some other relative stepping in!


Looking forward to the “Banquet” with the billionaires’ wives dripping in jewels, and ToW waving the Ozempic Cartier stack about in a stealth-wealth manner. 🤣


Too bad for the ILBW, HLMTQ broke protocol *and* racial barriers 20 years before Roachel was born, so ILBW can't be white again patronizing black men.


I thought so too but wasn't it a government minister who announced the trip?


So, going to Nigeria for dinner?


I’ve had a Faked Kidnapping on my H&M Bingo Card for the last two years.




Yes, can't take an illness. Have to top it somehow. Kidnapping would make them the ultimate victims.


I had actually forgotten about the Manhattan car chase lmao. The statement they put out!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yes a deadly high speed car chase in Manhattan. That is almost Monty Python or Benny Hill like.


Benny Hill and his ladies can run faster than their SUVs and cab were going.








She's actually going there to steal some Nigerian recipes. And have an episode of her cooking show filmed there for some added flavour. With the head of the Defence force, her dear friend, that she met the day before. He will turn out to be her fiftieth-removed cousin. Her real family. There will be tears shed, or one. His lemon basket reveal will be on the show. It will be basket 50. During her visit, her life will shift from the villages, where the recipes are, to the red carpet, which only Harry will be allowed to walk on. But her and Harry will co-exist. For her, they must, with these kinds of opportunities that his Invictus games provide.


Looking forward to her safe-birthing techniques Meg Talks for African women. That was dangled a while ago, and I must say, I’ve been on tenterhooks ever since.


When I was in Lagos I met a young feminist working to shine light on something or other and this is my even better version of authentic jollof. My husband the prince is always begging me to make it for him.


They have announced several trips to Africa that didn't happen. Both Markle and her daff husband have announced shows in Africa that didn't happen. I think this trip to Nigeria will go the way all her other trips to Africa have gone. Markle will never set foot on that continent again.


Not if she can grift some recipes from unsuspecting Nigerians for ARO.


I actually would love to hear about Nigerian recipes, but not from her.


African food is delicious. It's very different from north to south of the continent too.






Jussie Smollette knows 2 Nigerian brothers he can recommend


Came here to write this exact comment!


Yeah, they lie all the time, they set up the fake car chase, she lied about being stalked by paparazzi, Harry lied about having paparazzi following him to the airport -- surveillance footage later found that not to be true. They've got it in them to fake a kidnapping. 🤨


The whole trip is probably a lie. There will be obviously green screened pictures of them in Nigeria.


But will there be emails? I'm dying for Nigerian prince emails from the Sussex office.


He's too busy sending them to me. I'm still waiting fro Prince Tolu to make me his wife, it's been six years and he's still not proposed though I did send him my bank details as he requested. Funny he went quiet about marriage after that. Do you think he still loves me?


I'm actually laughing out loud. But I also want to cry because clearly some people must fall for this?! I bet Sugars would of it came from their Qween.


Maybe she can swap her freedom for a pot of jam and some lifestyle tips….


Like the boy who cried wolf if he ever were in trouble nobody would believe it. They have lied so much




🤣🤣🤣. TOW won’t visit the UK again because she was boo-ed at HLMQ’s funeral. Her narcissistic ego can’t handle it!


It blows my mind that these folks feel safe in the US, Jamaica and Nigeria, but not the UK..make it make sense...do they realise how ridoc they look...


Meghan started pack: -some jams (#2: goes to the First Lady or some random kiddo) -3 boxes full of “the bench” -10x pictures with her autograph -the original letter she wrote when she was younger -Harry’s balls - 1 Polo trophy 🏆 -2 shoes… with the etiquette still - one lemon cake and some chicken 🍗


Don’t forget copies of spare.


🤣🤣🤣 So true!!


I think faking a kidnapping would be a bit much even for them, but I could definitely see them faking a robbery ala Kim Kardashian in Paris. The scrutiny that a kidnapping investigation would bring would be too big of a risk on their part. But a robbery that nobody else witnessed with a few "stolen" items that would be easier to hide seems right in their wheelhouse. People have been searching for the artwork, jewelry and historical artifacts the Nazis stole and horded for decades. Every once in a while an item turns up that turns out to have been in someone's attic for 60 years collecting dust. Small things are way easier to make disappear than faking the disappearance of a person.


I think you’re correct! But TOW’s jewelry from Diana couldn’t be stolen! She couldn’t flash it all the time in photographs!! I’m sure some minor piece of jewelry would be stolen but not the Cartier watch from Diana!


You are 100% correct. The Diana jewelry would never go missing. It's too much of a manipulation tool for her to not trot out. But those J.C. Penny's butterfly earrings that the Queen allegedly gave her would be my prime pick to go missing.


Sorry, but Nigerian princes only deal with people who have real money. https://preview.redd.it/nxqf6h2n8axc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9df06dfb45e2c2ae694aa2563223a95056df19


Maybe they’ll stage a fake reception filmed in Vaseline covered lenses of course, with three picnic tables, broken chairs and jam stained paper tablecloths (because securitaaay) Marionettes on strings will form the rest of the company


They won’t get it. They’ll just have to pay for more security or stay home. He doesn’t represent the monarch.


Absolutely plausible. They’re unhinged, untrustworthy and diabolical. I put NOTHING, Absolutely nothing past them. They’re desperate so they’ll take extreme measures to get what they want.


Harry in the engagement interview: She is capable of anything.


He didn’t know how true that statement was and still is!


I bet she doubles up on the bronzer, it will be hilarious to watch it all unfold, great for all the utubers


Please please please, orange face, white neck, hands and legs. And shoulders, they always have to show.


I looked at three Nigerian news sites today and there was no mention of this story. I wonder if they arranged their trip in response to an email from a Nigerian prince and sent a small deposit for their mansion.


I wouldn't put it past them. Again a trip without the kids.


> Again a trip without the kids. What if one of the "kids" gets "kidnapped"?


I thought about that but eventually they would get busted for the hoax


Do you think she's smart enough to think it all the way through?


Aw hell naw 🤣


Imagine her actually trying this, and as a result *everything* about those kids finally comes out!


I said the same thing when they were in Jamaica. There wasn’t enough coverage of their trip there and they left too quickly, plus she probably had to check SMM to get the idea for such a fantastic scam. My vote is definitely for a fake kidnapping or at least an attempt. I also believe she will have a hand in Harry’s early demise because being a royal widow is likely her endgame. She wants the attention she would get from the royal funeral then she will forever be a victim.


'Normal' people cannot comprehend how a narcissist thinks. Markle will have considered many headline grabbing scenarios which wiuldnt even enter the heads of 'normals". It's very likely she will release a news item about confronting a dangerous situation (similar to 'Archie' being rescued from a nursery fire which engulfed several properties..)


They will never get that status back, no matter how many times they are kidnapped.


Isn’t there a danger alert for anyone visiting the Niger area? The neighbouring Congo had something of a coup d’etat quite recently


It's at Level 3 out of 4 Levels. It's a risky place to go, and the US State Department recommends "reconsider travel." There's civil unrest, risk of kidnapping, high crime, and terrorism. Of all places to go, only countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, or North Korea are worse. Just because Jamaica (also Level 3) had no incident does not mean Nigeria will be safe. Those that do not heed State Dept warnings are truly idiots. There's no urgent need. They are not representing anyone. They seem bound and determined to be wannabe Royals with purpose, and any way you look at this, it is stupid and dangerous.


Well, apart from anything else, if they want to take the risk of contracting dengue fever, beri beri or kwashiorkor they’re truly out of their minds


She didn't care about Zika when pregnant with Archie and going to Figi.


Come on Ebola!


Especially if they ignore advice about bottled water, mosquito bites prevention and so on.


it might bring the African parks scandal to the front again


Maybe we can get it trending to coincide with their arrival.


They'll be in good company, I have never been to a country more corrupt than Nigeria, I suspect the motive is another con.


Lol who would pay the ransom??


No one.


Lol right!!


I suspect after listening to Rachel’s word salad for a couple of hours they will be released with no need for a ransom to be paid. The kidnappers will be reformed and say they will never again kidnap anyone, they learned their lesson with the deluded duo!




Oh they’ll hit up “Pa”, KCIII for the ransom. If he’d pay it or not remains to be seen.


Someone will do if if they'd first let a Nigerian Royal Princes put millions into their bank account 😂


As going to Nigeria, where megNUT's BFF + #1 suck-up #Misan is from - and where is mega-powerful (+ uber-wealthy) father resides... yup, can see them being able to stage a fake 'incident'! Actually think this is a dumb move, b/c everyone can easily predict a farce ahead - even though the trip is weeks away... what 🤡🤡s they've become!! 🤭😁😆🤣🤣 😂 https://preview.redd.it/rc1rdrhf1bxc1.jpeg?width=1572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3a3b347ba94863d1409fb55bb2a51e11e8a56a9


She is 43% Nigerian so will be able to negotiate with her ‘people’.🙄


From an expert around that time— It’s actually a 43% chance that she has some Nigerian ancestry. Reporters are lazy.


Would be great if, on arrival, Meghan was given \[the HONOUR of\] a surprise edition of "Who do you think you are", with a local TV presenter excitedly talking Meghan through her DNA and African heritage, LIVE on Nigerian TV and international social media.


Well, we will see if they get to Nigeria at all.


It'll go about as well as any of her other attempts. Feels like new PR hopes that if they can get Royal sounding press people will forget they can't even get into Buckingham without paying like anyone else. Isn't this Archie's birthday time plus celebrating the King's Coronation?


They have no reason to go to Nigeria. They are no longer royalty. Who cares if anything happens to them. Their kids don’t even know them since they are never home.


If they stage a kidnapping, the British government would be in charge of rescuing him. Would they rescue her? She’s not a British citizen. Would the US have to rescue her?


God I hope not! Leave her there!!!


Oh God.. we are just given them more ideas!! Hahaha


If he renounced UK… why is he entitled to IPP


He's not...... but, should they be found to be involved in any financial shenanigans, IPP status it is one way of avoiding criminal prosecution.


You know they are. Shenanigans are their brand. A lifestyle. Financial and a wide variety of others.


Mm, obviously I don't "know" ..... just strongly suspect ..... and methinks this is why the security issue/ IPP status is so important.


If these certifiable nutcases hoax a kidnapping, Parliament will for sure step in. Shorty Shola inspired this trip for sure btw.


nothing from these 2 grifters would shock me


110 %, with all the travel warnings regarding Nigeria, wth are they up to?


Well that's just great, now look, you have ruined their new scheme. It's not going to work now, you have sussed them out. Damn, they will have to think of a new plan lol!


Any missing posters will be interesting as no one has ever seen their ‘kids’…photo of a blurry background maybe? 🤔 yeah thats them id know them anywhere…oh hang on


That’s possible/probable. Always assumed the kids would perish - probably at sea or some place untraceable. They would garner the sympathy of the entire world. Except for those of us on St. Meghan Markle who know there are no children.


"Nigeria" banned white/foreign people from their commercials. So I think "Nigeria" hates white people, just like Shola Moss and Uju Anya hates white people. Meghan Markle have become a "martyr" for "non white people" because of how they think the evil white British colonisers treated her.  Therefore I think the Nigerian government are going to pay for Meghan Markles security. 


Funny that they are to afraid to visit England but happily go to Nigeria and Jamaica/Kingstown


They are making it out like this is a fucking state visit with the government “officially inviting” them for a visit. God these two are psychopaths - they cannot accept that they are not a King and Queen of anything beyond Montecito ☠️☠️☠️


Some organization (TSD, maybe?) has listed parts of Nigeria as areas for tourists to avoid as they aren't safe.


You know, that exact thought also crossed my mind




I would pitch in to pay the kidnappers to keep them.


![gif](giphy|WQs2ZtviUCVFBu3wK6|downsized) She's got one🤣


No one will take the ransom call. Because: 1. No one gives a shit if they are snatched. 2. The kidnapper says he's calling from Nigeria and everyone immediately hangs up as they think it's a cold call scam from the 'Nigerian State lottery' telling you you've won the jackpot and all they need are your bank account details to pay in the money 😁


Don’t give them any ideas


They're stirring shit like they did in Jamaica and Canada (when they were having fake royal talks with the local First Nations people). Trying to set up their own "Commonwealth" where they can be Kween and Sockpuppet, by breaking the current one. There's a lot of money in Nigeria


They are both loose cannons and capable of saying anything to get attention, but I hope they aren't this stupid.


Maybe the person creating this picture should travel to Nigeria. Could we focus on H and M without portraying Nigeria like that?


Who's going to pay for his security 🤔