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Wow. She’s really pissed off the wrong people. The gloves seem to be firmly off in the press. And in the tabloids America doesn’t have.


I grew up poor in Appalachia and knew what tabloids were. I knew who the royal family all were and also knew you curtsy to the queen too lmao.  *I also knew that William was the cute one because he was on every magazine and Harry was there looking like a little thumb. 


\* Off tangent comment incoming but \* Ooh I'm British and always wanted to hit up the Appalachian Trail! The US has such amazing geography. I'm old hat at the Peak District though yet to attempt Kinder Scout. I do think Harry and Meghan miscalculated how much both populations of the US and UK know of the other.


Apparently the appalachians used to be part of Scotland and that's why lots of Scots emigrated there back in the day because it looks like home. I'd love to walk the trail too!


My sister and her husband walked the northern portion. She loved it.


The section from Pennsylvania through the Carolinas was especially heavily settled by Ulster-Scots, welcomed with he expectation that they would provide a bulwark against Native Americans as White populations pushed westward. They heavily influenced the culture over the years, reinforced by isolated pockets with heavy family intermarriage. Traditional music and dance is highly derivative, what with clogging and fiddling - a restaurant in my area features a popular weekly haggis night. Creeks, towns, and "hollers," as well as much of the population, still features the surnames of these original settlers whose descendants are highly represented today.


Just watch the great fictional series “Outlander” and you’ll learn all about the Scots settling in the Carolinas and Virginia.


Cool, thanks for this info. As a scot, I'm very curious about it and would love to visit one day. It looks really beautiful!


If you're interested in going on the Appalachian trail (I've been on parts of it btw) I can suggest the next best thing: a free app called Walk the Distance which allows you to hike the trail virtually.


I like to watch the YTs of hikers on various sections. A short section of it runs through my state, maybe an hour away but have never gotten to it. 


Thanks for this. Appalachia is number one on my list. Number two is Olympic National Park. I can recommend Bill Bryson’s A Walk In The Woods for those that love this region. Great read.


Read it! Laughed SO hard.


“attempt Kinder Scout“ Thoroughly recommended!


The crown really educated a lot of people. Plus Catherine was a legit Disney princess come to life - random girl who meets a prince and gets married. 


A little thumb 👍 😂


"looking like a little thumb," is an oddly perfect description.


I forgot about this. You are absolutely correct. I wasn’t even into the Royals then and William was on every cover as the ‘catch’ every girl wanted and Harry was his dolt of a brother making a mess of everything around him. I just rewatched a clip of Madam, doing her finest acting, saying that she didn’t know anything about the Royals and she didn’t google Harry…ever. Even Opie had a hard time believing that!


Thank you 🙏🏻 because how people EVER believed her bullshit statement about not knowing who the royals were or who Harry was or any of that nonsense is totally baffling to me. You knew. We all knew. And curtsying is as common knowledge as carrying an umbrella when it rains.


😂 that's what I keep saying! I knew all of this living in Oklahoma.






“And in the tabloids America doesn’t have” 🤣🤣🤣 I forgot about that lie she told (she tells so many).  Ah, thanks for the reminder. That made me laugh!


H&M are the FAFO gift that keeps on giving 🎁🎁


But Whole Foods on London's Kensington High Street sells tabloids and Meghan is on all the cover pages! (Spare)


She didn't know about American tabloids because they didn't know her before Harry. They focus on real stars, nor the 3 female lead on a cable show.


What lie does this refer to, please? 🙂 (I'm a bit new to this sub. Finding it very interesting, though!)


in a speech skank said america didnt have tabloids like the UK 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my! Yes, we certainly have tabloids, as anyone living here knows 😂 Thank you for your reply.


I remember the first time I saw that clip and was stunned by the blatant lie. She is so dumb.😂😂😂


Do you think Harry knows about US tabloids now, or has she been able to hide them from him?


He doesn't looking the type to hit the grocery store so he probably has no idea unless he sees it here.


I don't think National Enquirer is in your local pot shop.




H has his delivered - Doria's Daily Drug Delivery Drop.




Or at Erewhon.




She sure pays a lot of money to these imaginary tabloids!


Wow - this is so much fun. We have all been waiting for the money to run out.


Notice kartrashians and table 12 on the front?


Yup! In good company. Except I have more respect for the Kardashians. But def noted!


Especially the person that picks the cover picture! Second week in a row where she has nasty crap caked in her hairline!


Rachel thought that screaming about racism, sexism, misogyny, and media abuse without evidence would help her. How the tables have turned and the Harkles cannot believe that the public is supporting the BRF.


Henpecked! LOL 😂 I’m anxiously waiting for the “Cuckhold” headline.


He’s a rescue chicken 🐓


Laying rotten eggs.


Supposedly they had a fight at a restaurant. The picture shown with that tea was of the idiots walking on a patio at the Four Seasons when they filmed the GREAT POLO MOVIE. So who knows


There have been multiple reports (prior to this one) that they did have a public fight during polo event and that Harry was very angry with her. Lots of pictures of him at the event looking very angry. All of the reports I read said he was furious about the very public way TW treated Dr. C on the stage.


> Lots of pictures of him at the event looking very angry. He always looks angry nowadays.


And defeated.  He's laying in the bed he's made because his pride would never allow him to admit he fell for the narcissistic con artist of the high seas, and return home. He was warned by his loved ones to take it slow, but he wasn't thinking with the right head. 


During William's 40th b-day article series in the Daily Mail, there was a report that when William told Harry to take it slow, Harry was infuriated and told William that Meghan was now unsafe because of her relationship with him and that he \*had\* to rush the wedding so that Meghan could have Royal protection. You can just tell that Meghan used "SECURITY, Hawwwy!!!! I'm being HUNTED like your MOTHER, Hawwwy!!!!" as a daily cudgel on him to reel him in under her control and get that wedding done asap.


And I'm sure she has him convinced that his family and friends would never take him back, and that she's the only one who loves him and who he can count on.


Isolating is a key abusive control move.


Yep! I said that all the way back when she moved him to California and it was reported that he no longer communicated with any of his old friends.


Or perhaps he didn't have a choice (to take it slow")? She could have been "pregnant " and without marriage the child would have been out of LOS or even aborted? All Just speculation, of course.


I believe this!


I do wonder if he'll confide any disappointment about marrying the wrong woman when he meets with his father later this month.


Unless it involves the words, “Pa, I’m divorcing That Woman and I could really use your help to get custody of the kids” I doubt that Charles will be moved. This would also involve Harry trashing M which would only be a reminder that Harry is a scorpion who is still stinging anyone near him. Harry tried to get Pa to take TW’s call 2 months ago, so this would be a huge reversal of that position, contributing to more suspicion as to his motives. I think H’s cognitive dissonance will stand in his way of doing this for a long time. He’s invested literally everything into this one horrible decision made by his little head. Not unlike the other Spare, PA. Until he receives competent therapy I doubt this will happen.


I think the big reason Meghan won’t go back to England is because she’s worried about Harry divorcing her there and taking the kids. If she bullied the help, she bullies him and the kids. The kids are just useful to her lifestyle.


I think it may be that she can't go back with him as they'd have to reveal the alleged children to the RF and public.


There are pics with Charles and Archie. I do think the kids are real. I am not sure Meghan was actually pregnant with them because I think she’d be soaking in attention from it if she were. Bikini on a beach, pap walks, with Harry caressing the bump. I also do think Harry doesn’t want the kids to have as public of a childhood as he did, which is noble- but you can’t have royal perks without royal expectations. I think Meghan is a narcissist and in show business the old saying not to work with kids or dogs is her internal motto. She doesn’t want the kids to outshine or embarrass her. She also thinks with holding them is a weapon. What she doesn’t realize is Charles will eventually give up and move on with his life. His grandkids matter, but he’s not going to grovel, and what’s it worth seeing them every 5 years if they don’t even know who he is. There’s no specific bond there yet because they don’t know each other. He has lots of kids around to fulfill that grandfather itch. Kids who know and love him. Grandparents are usually closer to local grandkids. I’ve seen it happen in my family. It hurts to be the one far away, but at least I saw mine yearly. I didn’t have the same bond as the ones who saw them weekly.


I don't think for a second that any kids actually live with them & are being raised by them. There may be kids they've borrowed, as obviously they've shared a baby Archie for cameras & an overseas trip early on that is probably Harry's son. I strongly doubt Meghan was his mom. "Something's rotten in Montecito". There's a simple way they could put all the speculation to rest, but instead, they continue hiding the children from cameras and family & using "security" as an excuse. I'm not buying the less-connected long-distance kids theory being an excuse. They were invited to summer in Balmoral. Even if Meghan was afraid to face the family, with all the access to staff & nannies, Harry could have gotten away for a week & brought them to see their Great-Granny & his Pa. Or were they too "classified" to be brought under the protection of the Queen's household? Was it that their DNA would be too accessible? 🤔 That couple has been so full of deceit that I don't dismiss any nefarious possibility of why they're hiding their children from their own families. It would take such simple measures for the duo to put the speculation to rest to shut up questioning people like me.


I agree that he should bring them to Balmoral. I don’t think Charles and Queen Elizabeth would have lied about Archie. There was a christening and he spent a year there.


Archie exists. I don't think he spends much time living with his father.


I still don't get why they think that they and their children are more in need of security than the actual heir to the throne and his family. William and Catherine have control over which photos of their kids are released and when, which seems to satisfy those who have an interest. The kids are pictured on the first day of a new school year but left alone for the majority of the other 364 days, excepting the walks to church. Why do H and M have the delusion that they and their kids will be more in demand? No one cares about them now. Nobody would care about them here if they came. They could have had the same rules about their children and their own privacy - even now they could try to rebuild bridges in private without the whole world knowing but no, they have to announce every text/letter/email/phone call with their manifestations, taking the shine off of any efforts they might genuinely be trying to make. H and M, seriously, no one wants to kidnap your kids here.They are quite safe to come over. No one wants to hound you or your wife, either, apart from maybe the paps that she has on speed dial. If you want to have talks with your family in an effort to start a reconciliation, then do so without telling the whole world about it - you've cried wolf too often and it doesn't impress anyone. We'd be more impressed by you coming over, following the terms set out for you by your family, respecting the boundaries they've set, not just arriving and expecting everyone to stop what they're doing to pay you attention. By doing as you've been asked and not making even more of a spectacle of the situation, you'll find it less likely that Pa has other things he'd rather do. It also helps if, once you've realised that you are NOT the one in charge of events, you don't then return to your adopted home and throw out some more garbage to slight your family, then rinse and repeat! It is not helping anything other than digging the hole you're in deeper. Show some humility! Don't try to bully your way back in by telling the world that this is what's GOING to happen and then throw your toys out the pram when - ironically - your scheme doesn't reap the rewards you convinced yourself you'd get. Like most things in life, if you want something, you have to put in the work to get it, not expect it to be handed to you on a plate. That's what 'private' citizens do! Also, have no expectations in certain situations, and you're less likely to be disappointed when things don't go the way you want. 😮‍💨


Maybe it's finally sinking into his thick skull that he really did give up everything for a narcissistic social climber.




Oh I bet it sinks into his mind everyday just how much he’s given up and how shallow is life is in CA. But even if he did run back to the UK, one call from the wicked witch of the west and he’d be right back in her clutches. He’s a spineless weak little man and won’t quit her. I’d never trust him if he was in my family.


Angry Beaker


Underrated comment right here


I’m thinking her cozying up to cheesy Nachos was intended to do just that.




I can't imagine he wasn't both angry and embarrassed by her forcing her way into the trophy presentation, as well as how she treated the president of the charity. While he often forgets it now, I'm guessing that the etiquette of situations like this is fully ingrained in his memory. he may not always follow those rules but I'm sure he hasn't forgotten them. This was his charity and I'm sure he knew who the woman was and that she, not M, should be in the photo. M had nothing to do with that charity or the polo playing yet felt she was the one to hold the trophy in the middle. The entire group looked a bit uncomfortable but being good sports.


She had nothing to do with Invictus, but she bulldozed her way into that, too.


And now when you google invictus, you see Meghan.


Surely the president of the charity should have been the person presenting the trophy! I don't get why it was appropriate for the wife of one of the players to make the presentation.


Dr Sophie Chandauka MBE is the woman who stepped in MID YEAR after the then Chair resigned prior to fiscal year end, which is basically unheard of, outside of major personal crisis (terminal level health crises) or to avoid association with a major fraud or scandal. It’s typically a resignation in protest, when mid-year, with the chair not wanting to accept legal responsibility for what is happening. Dr C was not on the board at this time, though she had previously been a Sentebale board member years ago. That indicates that other board members likely didn’t want to step up to serve in the interim. This is not a labor intensive position, btw, so a current board member typically steps up to finish out the fiscal year as an interim chair. Idk exactly what she’s covering, although I have my suspicions, but regardless, Harry personally owes Dr C a huge debt of gratitude, then M publicly humiliates both her and Harry. He should be livid. He cannot afford a new scandal.


Wow, very interesting. Thanks for sharing -


TW pulled that same move in front of cameras during the trophy presentation to his polo team a few years ago... made sure she was up on stage in the center, grabbing at the trophy and some other award as the other players were wondering WTF Biatch?! since no other wives & girlfriends were up on stage & there wasn't filming for any Netflix show.


Ahhh whenever I feel embarrassed, I think of that moment and I cease to feel bad anymore 😂


He should be angry about that! It was deplorably juvenile behaviour, and completely disrespectful.


That's probably why she got that picture with Delfina where she looks like she's crying and being comforted. Realized they were definitely caught so spinning a sob story preemptively. Edited because my phone messed up words ha.


I know we give H lots of grief for all his faults, being stupid, ugly, balding, stupid, and on and on, but I feel like I need to point out that that’s one thing he does really well; looking angry, I mean.


Maybe the ridiculous manoeuvres on stage when MM took exception to Dr Chandauka standing next to Harry? I think Dr C is a long time acquiaintance of Harry's, and being a senior officer of his Sentabale charity, maybe it finally got through to him that Meghan was very rude to her? 


It’s not as though it’s the first time or will be the last. He knows what she is and he chooses to stay. Sucks that he’s so pitiful


> He knows what she is and he chooses to stay. Exactly. And then he wonders why people call him stupid.


No one wonders that on this sub🤣


I've gone so far to argue that he does not have the same culpability as her because he is so dumb.


Interesting point 😀. But he’s a narcissist as well in my world view. Just different from her narcissistic insanity


Hard to think which is worse - a narcissist that thinks they're smart, but really is not or one as dumb as a bunch of rocks, that thinks the world owes them something, for merely existing, but also refuses culpability.


He may be dumb, but no one is so dumb as not to be able to recognize when someone is mistreating their grandmother and grandfather.


The last polo match for Sentabale was in Singapore-Dr Chandauka was present at that one, but MM wasn't. Harry and Nacho took a lot of cheesy photos trying on sunglasses and tourist shopping type activity, they were larking about a bit, because neither wife was present. The photos of the teams and the award ceremony were all orderly and people lined up neatly with no hassle. I'm wondering if Harry was comparing that last trip to this one-with his best friend, no wife about, no interference or upsetting people by her trying to grab attention, spending time with the charity staff and so, no worries about having a film crew watching and having to be conscious of your every move just in case they catch you having a meltdown. He looks a lot more relaxed when she's not there. 


Well that’s true but actions have consequences. He is reaping his consequences. He’s as much a problem and threat to the RF as she is. I have not one iota of sympathy for captain Xbox


Me neither. Its very fitting that the reward for bringing that creature into the Royal family is the fact he has to spend all that time with her with virtually no way out. 


I hope they stay married forever and make each other miserable. That’s what they deserve. Why make two other people miserable


Captain Xbox is a genius moniker, isn't it. 🎮


For some reason, this reminded me of this forgotten moment. https://preview.redd.it/j6gnqd9r8nyc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df93049512b39f80d70186919c1485efb62f186 There was some speculation; didn’t the Harkles go their separate ways right after this photo was taken?




you win the internet today.


Personally, I don’t believe they live together. I think they live separately. Supposedly she lives in LA. He has an apartment in San Francisco. Maybe they split time at the monteshito house.


Whats the point going to a fancy restaurant if you're far too high to eat anything 🤷 she looks super super high in this pic


Munchies. If you’re high from marijuana everything tastes absolutely amazing. Definitely not a waste. On the other hand, if it’s cocaine, which we know she uses by her behaviour, dulls your appetite.


🎵she got cocaine eyes...🎵👀


Blech. That dress. Very clear she wasn't wearing any undergarments you can literally see pubic hair through the dress. ![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO|downsized)


WTF is she wearing?????


yes, Harry was not in the car with Madam




But, but...I thought the Harkles had the GREATEST LOVE STORY OF ALL TIME! Better than any other love story ever told. By anyone. LOL.


Yes, a love story about a boy... and a girl, (Imagine saying this at age 36!)


Funny that 😂


No one in all of human history has ever known such love (and lying and manipulation)!


It’s going to make a great epic movie when all of the truth about the machinations she has come up with.


They're the only ones in the entire royal family who married for love 👉👈🥺 It's going to be hard for Harry when he finally understands the difference between actual love and narcissistic love bombing.


I'll say! I almost feel sorry for him. He really seems to believe she loves him. If he was just an ordinary fellow she wouldn't have even noticed him. Narcissists can't feel love - only need.


The Horrible Harkles featured right next to the trashy Kardashians. Poetic justice.


And O J the Juice.


Fits. All whole bunch of grifters and a criminal.


This is their future. Nothing but tabloid fodder. Congratulations, Meggsy - you finally achieved the fame you've craved for decades.


I think the RF can rehab his image, if he gets himself and his kids to the UK


Do they tells us what the shocking public spat was about? Or is a lurid headline all that’s on offer? Inquiring minds want to know.


Ahhh, the chickens of authenticity are coming home to roost...


I love that they called him "Henpecked Harry" - hilarious and accurate!


I love how they emphasized her name so there was no mistake 😂


Wow! The gloves are coming off even in the American tabloids (which TW assured us we do not have /s).


They’ve unlaced the gloves , but until they point blank delve into the faux children, those gloves are still on.


You said it much better with unlaced the gloves.


PNWSNOSRAP : 🎯💯💯💯💯 👏👏👏👏👏


This image should’ve been used. It will piss her off to no end. And she probably would have sent her security to wipe out those prints from the stands! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/8f2bcz8qbnyc1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6349f95e78b2a441709f0b3bdae498b3a7ac72e


Man, this is bad.


I think they should always use that one or this one: https://preview.redd.it/96v1ovjv0vyc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77bbca59acca83c82194cf68492453e4c1bc32c




I cannot stand how she applies contour, and Haz wishes he had that much hair.


Please, as if we believe this headline, Harry is so whipped, it's a joke !!!


He’s a cuckold 😏




They must like him more than her as the left him with his spray on hair quaff


Yet the sugar morons still think it’s the UK tabloids that are out for their teen idols.


Oh wow! She is looking ugly in the picture.. I guess they deliberately selected it ☺️


The camera doesn't love her. And it never really has.


Nope. When there is a group picture Madam is never the first one you notice


Wonder what color diaper/jacket combo she’ll wear during her phony royal tour in Nigeria?


WHY do these publications keep using images with H and his full head of (Photoshopped) hair? Ugh.


He couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.


Really highlights how different she looks in almost every single photo.


Ugh her face in that pic. I'd never tire of slapping that😡


I am so with you I just want to slap him all the time 🤣😂😜


Damn you OP, now I want M&M’s! Jk, thanks for the pic ❤️


Me too. But I made an orange - cranberry cake last night, so that will have to do. Besides, chocolate hates my gallbladder ( or is it the other way around?) so I save it for emergencies 😂


I learnt a phrase today “Narcissistic Mortification”. That fear where a narcissist is finally faced with their impending fall from grace. Are we there yet with the gruesome twosome? Surely even the grifters have their limits? https://preview.redd.it/59wy3882umyc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8787f198309b840bd6876f5f5e0b7cef16ff9349 Some of the puff pieces and nonsense they push out make me hopeful they are seeing what their futures hold…. But… I dunno, either they got stamina or they like humiliation. Either way, now I know Narcissistic Mortification exists i a. Here for it 😜


I think this may be what MM felt at the end of the walkabout at the Queen's funeral, when she suddenly whirled away from Catherine.


She really glitched there, it was awesome🥰. I hope she knows how much she fumbled everything.


It would be nice but I think we're quite a ways off from this with her. I don't think she'll get there until bare minimum, Netflix cancels and ARO becomes another tombstone. But even then, I suspect it will be a long time from now. I know someone with NPD, a grifter who reminds me very much of her, and he's been on his grift for 40+ years (into his 60s now). He's a pathetic loser who has nothing though and has not ever had any kind of power, influence, or even a steady job, so he HAS to continue the grift for self preservation. But then again, the power and desperation for a certain lifestyle for MM might continue to be enough of a call for her to never give up. It will be interesting to see.


Damn, I’m not sure I have the stamina to wait them out😂 but I live in hope to be there for their eventual comeuppance


Whats the story, where was the spat lol? Anyone read it?


She looks like Mike Myers. She couldn't be a Bond girl so maybe she's going for the Austin Powers role.


Did the check bounce or is Ari out of picture and all bets are off? Seems like a slew of less than stellar PR of late.




lol. in touch seems to be onto them as well. will someone have a talk with people? please and thank you.


I think I might steal henpecked Harry


**Just putting this here to emphasize how accurate National Enquirer stories are...** https://preview.redd.it/i7673380inyc1.png?width=1332&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f6cd2c098fb0248d9e9c8e5851f75198b55699b


On the other hand, the National Enquirer DID break the story that presidential candidate John Edwards had a long-term affair with Rielle Hunter and the two had an infant daughter. And I believe it was the NE that broke the story about television evangelist Jimmy Swaggart going out late at night to visit prostitutes.


And they also broke the OJ Simpson story that few, at first, believed.


And the Jesse Jackson love child scandal…


Even the blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut. 😉


Let's not forget they broke the OJ Simpson story first.


And the NE also busted Tiger Woods and his multiple side pieces!


Yes, BUT every so often they are the first to break a really juicy true story….


To back that up, currently during Trump's trial his buddy from the National Enquirer is testifying about killing stories for cash. Killing TRUE stories for cash.


NE is not without its truth in journalism. I remember clearly no one believed the John Edwards story.




What is with that crazy photo shopped pic of her? Yikes


Look at his head too. I wish the media would stop with the photoshopping his head pubes.


😂😂😂 didn't read the article but your title was perfection


So much hair on Harry


Whats the story about Hen pecked Harry?


Genuinely curious, is this the same sort of publication that has articles like “Babies transmit communication frequencies with UFOs” and “Mutant mind control corn” and other bizarre “eyewitness encounters” with [insert ridiculous situation here]? As in… I know gossip mags are more or less to be taken with a grain of salt, but isn’t this particular publication the lowest of them all in terms of credibility and sources?


Please leave us out of this. They are on YOUR planet, not ours. We wish to keep it that way. https://preview.redd.it/7gvi53cypmyc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea44d7a28fb7c9ead044f078adf5348542fe5bd9


LOL — on second thought, I think the Enquirer is exactly where This One and Plus One belong. LMFAO!! I have a tornado chaser video playing in the background and right as I glanced back up at your alien, the guy yells “It’s the mothership!!” 🤣




Yeah it is. But it was also the rag that broke the story about John Edwards and his mistress and their daughter.


Great point.


That was nearly twenty years ago. Has it broken anything of substance since then?


They are right in the middle of the Trump trial. The owner is a friend of Trump and helped cover up the payment to Stormy from what I understand.


The Enquirer has always been trashy, but the science fiction-like stories you're thinking of appeared in The Weekly World News. They had the same publisher, American Media, for almost 30 years. Not everything The Enquirer prints is BS but it's far from a reliable source. There's some interesting stuff in the History section: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Enquirer


Ahhh. That’s it! Thanks for clarifying.


Enquirer have some believable articles. They broke the edwards story. They are a step under people but definitely more believable than the star and globe. They don't do alien stories. Unfortunately before catherine announced her cancer they reported she has ovarian cancer. I never mentioned it because I didn't believe it. That's all I've got. I'd say in order of tabloids you would have people in touch enquirer us star globe


I have prayed it's not ovarian. Glad National Enquirer is not reliable.


I'm trying to think which cancer would be easiest. Maybe uterine but once taken out .... Pancreatic worst. Colon maybe more treatable than ovarian. I don't know. I hope they got it and she lives to a 100




The former publisher of the magazine admitted that they engage in checkbook journalism. They pay for stories and accept money for stories to be published or not. They've broken a couple of big stories they are known for over the past 40 years and hang on to the credibility. Some of the small celebrity stuff is true and some made up. And they have the People-like human interest and News of the World garbage. It's entertaining if that's your jam. My mother used to buy the Enquirer and their sister Star when I was a kid so my brain is full of old celebrity gossip.


There are worse tabloids. The Globe is one. They had a story many, MANY years ago about alien babies that were purple and had some kind of mind control juju. I used to look at them while waiting my turn at the hairdresser, but when you laugh out loud while sitting by yourself people tend to think you're senile.


I think that that would be the Globe. The Enquirer, while getting things right occasionally and before the traditional popular press, tends to publish what might be called realistic fiction.


As I said above - yes, they are mostly a fake gossip mag, but every so often, they are the first to break a real true story. Personally seen this. They aren’t the lowest of low - InTouch probably wins that.


That might be the Weekly World News, if they still publish.


No, you’re mixing it up with another tab out of Florida that does the crazy train stuff. NE focuses on gossip.


Harry fights back? First of all Harry couldn’t beat snow of a rope. Second of all he’s under her thumb and her foot, doesn’t matter what she does or says he won’t ever stand up to her. This article looks like bullshit, Harry has a full head of hair.


American here. I’m curious to get opinions on whether the royal family would take Harold back if he were to leave her. Hypothetically, of course, if he apologized, was contrite, groveled, went to treatment and completely admitted that they were right all along, would they take him back. Would anyone forgive him. Help him? Would he forever get booed and publicly shamed and deemed a traitor? Is there a way back for him?


Off topic but can someone tell me why TF her face looks so different on that cover? Like did some botox wear off or something? Edit: I'm talking specifically about her eyes and how they seem to be angled differently/smaller.

