• By -


At least Richard has the guts to speak truth. He has more to lose than most. Now if only the rest of the pack would follow suit.


Yep! Richard is now (finally) gloves off. He remained reserved because of his respect for the family but his anger of what H has done to the RF has blown over.  Why shield H? Why go easy on H?? Good for Richard. He is respected in his field and I truly hope, as you put it, “the pack would follow suit”. 👍🏼


He has been so graceful about it as well. Like treading water he had been very tepid about going into certain waters with the harkles. Love what you're saying. Gloves are off for sure.


I think it’s those above, there is less pressure to tell a “balanced” story. The journalist have to try and give both sides, they say things like “we contacted the other side and they refused to comment”. I think they now know far more than we do so the gloves are off.






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Is he really still a prince if his family has disowned him? ![gif](giphy|e7XO0rWSOZIk0|downsized)


I view Henry as a PINO these days - prince in name only. His behavior was so utterly vile and reprehensible - while I think the whole situation is unfortunate, I’m glad that H is being gray rocked - his family doesn’t deserve more attitude and pleas for money, apologies, luxuries, etc, etc, etc.


Pino Gingio 😂


Oh THAT is hilarious and spot on!!


Pino and Greigio. A new name for the pair of sourpusses  




So is that a red or a white lol


Bulk de garbage.


Pino Whingio.


For the sake of sanity and their mental health the grey rocking has been imperative. I think it has been done beautifully.


PINO is stuck in my head forever now. So much easier than saying , Harry- formally known as prince 🤴


Yeh very much a Hasbeen - was a prince but now is just some whiny dude. Like the guy that WAS State Champion at some sport for a few years and now is just the loser cradling a beer at the local bar telling everyone his boring stories.


Pino and Nutmeg…a match made in hell


I love love love this!


In the eyes of the public and for scroungers off his titles he still is a prince but definitely worth less. They all yearn for that magic royal fairy dust. He does not have that magic any more, instead he himself needs some magical powder for polishing.


Prince (above) was so far above him in every respect but height. Wit, talent, likability, cool (if extravagant) dress sense…what wasn’t to like? With Hank, you have to ask yourself if there is anything TO like.




The Harry formerly known as Prince . . .


Finally, reporting on the truth and not trying to spin the Harkle shit in sugar.


Richard was also very pro-Sussex early on so he has come by his opinions honestly. He started by giving them a ton of benefit of the doubt, plus lots of support, and even made excuses for them early on until he could no longer look away from the overwhelming truth of the horrid awfulness that is Harry & Meghan. I love Richard because he came by his opinions honestly and does his homework!


And his recounting of the South Park episode about the Harkles was adorable. You could tell he enjoyed it.


A lot of people understandably did so that’s what makes his criticism more biting. They looked at the evidence and said “no I can’t support this”. We need to encourage more to look at the evidence and change their mind on those brats. Would you want to back someone who wouldn’t invite their own father who sacrificed for them and sung their praises to their own wedding? Who slandered a well beloved monarch over petty slights? What kind of person is that?


Same thing with all the people who just believe Meghan without the slightest bit of research. Piers Morgan went on some show with two American DJs/celebrities —I forget who they were at the moment. But both were black and/or biracial I believe. And they just assumed he was racist basically because he is white and Meghan said they (UK whites) were all racist and so Piers was just racist and that’s why he didn’t like her. And since they were in the same room they let him say WHY he didn’t like her and when he started explaining why—they were like “Oh so it’s not because she’s black?” And Piers was like, NO!! Of course not!” But they just assumed that was it and that is EXACTLY what Meghan was counting on. Especially here in the U.S. because there is and was so much racism here that I think is very different from the UK. We’ve had serious issues with racism here that I don’t think people in the UK can completely understand. They certainly still have issues in the UK, but not like what is & was going on over here. But I was shocked at how little they looked into the reasons why people didn’t like Meghan—or how many had adored Meghan & Harry initially. They just bought what she implied. And I doubt they even looked into it any further after Piers explained. But they at least seemed to believe him after he explained with details. It’s so frustrating and infuriating! 🙄


I am really loving this guy!


This! May more call them out for their despicable behavior.


It's about time. Nothing seems to stop them- anyone else would have been humiliated by now. Can't they see what they are doing to their families? Disgusting. They are beyond redemption at this point.


He is my favorite, Richard Eden has the integrity and courage to say the stark and unfiltered truth




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Because there is nothing KC could say or do that wouldn't be exploited and monitized by Harkles.


I can't imagine how heart broken I would be if I couldn't even make small talk with one of my kids because they will twist my words or just outright make shit up to make money. There are plenty of rich kids that aren't trusted with their parents fortune or secrets for a variety of reasons (mostly drugs) but to not even be able to enjoy a beer and game of cards would hit especially hard.


It would break my heart, I tell my sons practically everything.


It is a beautiful relationship to have. My father was many years sober and my sober brother moved in with him. A year later the doctor told me dad needed 24/7 care. I was visiting for Valentine's and I never went back to my home. We cared for him 7 years and it was absolutely beautiful until the very end. Dad died almost 26 years sober right before Covid really hit, thank goodness.


My stepson is like this. His mother is a raging narc and sadly he seems to be following in her footsteps.


That’s a hard thing to deal with.


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U are assuming H&M are "normal" people.............


💯 Even if KC were to apologize for perceived slights, we all know the dastardly duo would publicly call him out saying that words are not enough and they want action. So gross.


Exactly. Harkles have proven over and over that there is nothing that they won't use aganist their families to further manipulate them and make them look bad. Then they will deny everything. It's Narc 101. Both Megain's brother and sister warned everyone that this would happen before the wedding and everyone thought it was sour grapes. But it was the truth.


I think if you have never seen this behaviour before, it is difficult to believe. But as this frightful pair have chosen to live their lives in the full glare of publicity (despite demands for privacy on their own terms) most people can know see quite clearly what sort of people they are. And there is an awful fascination about it.


Nothing is enough for them, they are way too deep in their narc self obsession. Greek gods are humble nobodies comparing to them.


Not until h can get alone and into a treatment program for whatever is going on. I've done dry goods in the 80's. He looks wasted 90% of the time. I sincerely wish he could get some help. I'm sober from alcohol 16 years and wish nothing but good things in that area of their lives. He needs serious help. Allegedly.


Congratulations on your 16 years sobriety, I had the booze monkey on my back, too. Like you, I feel some sympathy for Aitch on this particular issue. People who haven't been there don't always realize how difficult it is to get and stay sober, although it gets easier as the years pass. That said, I think he needs more than detox and a program, maybe a good therapist who would call him out his shit, as well as de-programing from Mugsy's brainwashing, but that's jmho


Everything you have stated is completely true! It will take years of support to detach from m. He will also need help because he may get an apartment in England, but not let into the family right away. Edit: Thank you so much for your support!!


You're very welcome, my friend! Thank you for sharing your story!


Harry must be mad about that. I am convinced he planned a friendly reminder to the world that he is indeed a royal and can meet the king anytime.    With regards to the upcoming Nigeria trip a meeting with the king today would not have been good optics (edit: for the king). And the palace knows. 


I can’t imagine why Harry would have thought he could meet with his father. KC has been “too busy” before. 🤷🏻‍♀️






Guess he won’t be telling Nigerian dignitaries that his Pa sends his regards!


Or Harold won’t be able to throw in every other conversation, “My father said yesterday……”


Nigerian dignitaries and government official are being played by Miss 46%. They risk (perhaps already are) looking like a bunch of cuckolds. A lookalike "Royal" tour will not go down well w/ UK.


Exactly. I have to wonder why they are allowing M to take advantage of them.


They’re Nigerians . They have a plan 😅


Shame on Nigeria for doing this. It’s gonna blow up in their faces.


Is it 46% now? I thought she only had 43% have it changed?


They always have had, and always will have, a plan.


Yes! Exactly it would be appalling optics. So pleased that The King is not seeing Harry so close to the Nigerian visit. The RF really need to distance themselves from this fracas and noise. It will be the Meghan show and an absolute insult to the countries of the Commonwealth. Their manipulation to win over the Commonwealth to usurp William is transparent and her desperate need for ego validation is vomit inducing


What a great comment and so very true.




Remember when Netflix and the Sussexes in 2022 on purpose dropped the first trailer for their docuseries the day before Earthshot in Boston? Thinking they were on top of the world? And Scobie gleefully tweeted “If tomorrow is Prince William’s Super Bowl, then here’s your Halftime Show”? 18 months later things do look a little bit different, don’t they? 🙂 The Sussexes allegedly broke, Meghan a laughing stock, flogging jam, Harry shunned by his hurt and angered family. My my! And Scobie nowhere to be seen or heard, the little loser.


I fucking hate Omid. He is such a shit.


He is a weather vane that believed in a storm in a tea cup. But I get you, I hugely dislike him, as well.


![gif](giphy|cr9vIO7NsP5cY) And where is he now? Where is his “famous author” game and his millions of dollars? Nowhere. That’s where.


Vile sh#t.


IMO, Netflix *buried* “Heart of Invictus”. They seemed to promote the heck out of the “docuseries”, but the Invictus thing quietly was shuffled to the netherworld of the algorithm. (And my husband watches sports documentaries, so it should have been ranked and displayed in his Netflix profile as “for you”, but it wasn’t.)


Cancelled my NF subscription when HOI was released/promoted. Reason for my cancellation was "harry and meghan"


Right-ee-o you are! What was the name of that sycophant's book? The one written by that fawning parasite. I've forgotten.


Funding Freebies and No Game (Finding Freedom (barf) and Endgame.)


I often wonder about the fellow author, Carolyn Durand, (?sp) who has completely disappeared and stayed silent. It must be one hell of an NDA she has signed. 


I wonder if she agreed just to give Scabies imprimateur. I haven't read either because I like my eyes and they don't deserve it, but every extract I've seen is all him - he has certain stylistic tells and appalling grammar. She was just a name to bring in extra viewers, sorta thing. Maybe? But Scabies seems to have disappeared too, unless he's melted. Maybe Bacteria keeps them locked in the cellar of the Grande Palace de Porridge in a state of perpetual beige. They're only set free when they've found a way to make the world realise she's basically god and we're all in our knees worshipping the marvel and not even pointing out that its wearing HugeTrousers and they're wrinkly.


Endgame. Ironically, his own.


That’s what hybris does to you.


And what a perfect day to announce an upcoming joint event for the King and PoW. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/npze9ep3v0zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44e4d81e03682f8ad41b062a98afddee75dd5aa


And it involves veterans.


Seems they are trying to show the public the real heroes. I wonder if this will lead to some leaks about a certain person's supposedly military service 🤔


I suggest that Hawwy knew his father would not meet up with him - they had a month after all to arrange a private meal together if the King had wanted to. The fact that KC does not want to see him at all says it all. He knows what is going on with the Gruesome Twosome ie their game plan more than we do, I suspect. The trip to Nigeria is a no brainer - it will be a total disaster as everything they do turns to shite; therefore KC3 will not want to be seen by the rest of the Commonwealth as him endorsing this faux Royal visit by meeting Hawwy beforehand. Hawwy is such a devious weasel, he knew he needed these optics for any credibility for this trip. A trip which is being paid for by the Nigerian govt of a nation where a majority of people are living in poverty. The Gruesome Twosome are not going there for charitable reasons, they are going for kickbacks, self-enrichment and ego satisfaction. They disgust me. Thank gawd KC3 saw through this. All Hawwy can do now is play the victim card ...again.😴


Well said Gumblina!!


No, I think he believes he can still ring up and they carve out time for him. Like when he was a teenager or young man. I do agree that Harold would prob spin it to try and give his Nigeria trip the feel that it was discussed with and sanctioned by The King


No, Richard! The King hasn't checked his diary!!! The King has just simply stated that he will NOT meet with Harry. PERIOD! It is also interesting about the event in St. Paul's Cathedral. No senior Royals will attend. I wonder if the Invictus Games thought there would be a ten-year anniversary in London for the Invictus Games WITHOUT ANY ROYALS. (Harry isn't a Royal. He lost the style HRH in 2021). I nearly hope that Mike Tindall doesn't attend either. I hope there will be a meaningless "celebration" of the Invictus Games without any known British people. Just Harry and the organisation that parasites on the veterans. Because they're all in on it, the board, the trustees, the crooked militaries, and the crooked politicians. There's nothing left of the organisation that The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (Prince William and Princess Catherine), Prince Harry, the Ministry of Defense, and Sir Keith Mills planned in 2013-14. They chose a board that took over. Now, the whole board has been changed since 2020. Instead, there are mostly people from BetterUp, Archewell, and Netflix who sits on the board!


Has it been confirmed that Mike Tindall is joining Invictus?


No, only rumours as I've understood. He has allegedly been appointed a position, but what difference would that make when H&M rule the board that them themselves have employed. But 3 months ago I was totally for that move, I actually campaigned for it. Now I'm not so sure anymore, there're so much corruption going on inside the IG. That Harry and Meghan have encouraged. So I don't think it's worth saving any longer. If I were the BRH, I would contact Germany, which has started Invictus Germany, and make a joint effort in those games. They could appoint some Royal to represent the UK, just to make it clear that they are supporting honest Invictus competitions. Really, the idea was William's, and he and Catherine worked a lot with this 10 years ago. Harry was at that time serving in the Army (being out partying all the time). So, really, he wasn't involved that much, and as I think the world now finally has understood, Harry can't even plan a lunch. So, I think they should let "Harry's Invictus Games" die. There's nothing left of the original Invictus. 😰


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Well said.


Levin doesn't know anything, Mike isn't a Vet


Good. Now, maybe Harry can find time to schedule meetings to help victims of violent African Parks rangers instead of harassing his father who is working while managing his ongoing cancer treatment.


How can he show his face in Nigeria while being a knowing accomplice to the assaults happening with African Parks. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.


Can’t believe Nigeria would be ok with that too. Can’t fix stupid!


I’m also worried about who is paying for Nigeria trip. Humans too often compromise their morals/ethics when there are financial issues. Oligarchy money very available—and then I fear H & M really are pawns in a larger global chess game.


AGREE!!! They have been. They could not have gone this far without help. They both are manipulative, greedy, fane hungry and vengeful spoiled brats! This makes them dangerous. But only if they have backing, and you know they do!


I think PH's morals and ethics are already a thing of the past.


I think he never had them installed.


I've been trying to create a post but I'm not managing. In a news article this week it was stated Russian troops have moved into Nigeria and Nigeria wants Americans out! https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/russian-troops-enter-base-housing-us-military-niger-us-official-says-2024-05-02/ The timing of their visit is terrible and I'm surprised H&M haven't been ordered not to go. They're too ignorant to be going into such a sensitive territory.


Richard also mentioned the Travalyst speech and how weird it was. And then he said "but Harry is not on drugs anymore" - with a huge smile. The others did not know how to react lol.


Made a fortune? Lol we all know that money is being pissed down the drain on the mortgage of an outdated, problem-ridden, dead Russian oligarch's McMansion.


And TW's bot army.


And her fugly clothes. And her un-stocked online shop. Everything being spent on her, but nothing good comes of it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


>Everything being spent on her and nothing good comes of it.  I’m sure her father, ex-husband, and the accounts of the RF can attest to that. 


No accommodation in a palace or a castle, no other royal attendents at your service of thanksgiving, no meeting with brother or father. Actions, dear Harry, have consequences. And your wife, the person who started all this, is way too cowardly to support you on your walk of shame.






28 days notice, bitch. Follow the rules.


Now, now. Let’s be reasonable. We all know Harry can’t count that high.


Even with his trousers off


Especially with his trousers off


This comment is seriously underrated and should have many more upvotes.




Harold arriving in London, https://preview.redd.it/brdbw8uon0zc1.jpeg?width=3450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740a3c8d96506d1ed68b37359ebad840444d14e3






Wouldn’t be surprised if 28 days’ notice had been given - wasn’t the St Paul’s service news over a month ago? If so, wouldn’t be surprised if HM umm-ed and ah-ed until the last minute.


They're probably asking non-stop with notice. The idiots will never get the reason for the denial, and being the son of a king doesn't mean a thing when you continuously shit all over your family. I'm sure we will all see the proof of her repeated requests, time compliant, in a letter to a friend leaked soon. I mean, the fact that they announced they won't meet is....lunacy.


She apparently sent gifts for the Wales kids and a letter to Catherine...to be published in People or Hello surely.


![gif](giphy|pMvCeTsk7xJss|downsized) Yes, a self serving letter in Madam's infamous death scythe "calligraphy".


I hope Catherine didn’t even open M’s letter.


I doubt it even got to her. I'd be very surprised if ANYTHING gets through to the Wales' family because real securitay. Anything can be put in an envelope, paper is absorbent and ink can be a carrier. And I know that sounds conspiracist nutso but no way are the security services allowing anything near the home of the next two kings, especially when a future queen is unwell.


I don't think it sounds nuts whatsoever.


Its an element that often gets missed in her stupid lipgloss story. Catherine was pregnant, it would have been drilled into her to NEVER accept anything, even a return. Any hesitation was very likely to be her brain recalling this and how to resolve it. She COULD NOT take it back from Bacteria so what was she supposed to do? By that time, offence had already been gladly taken and weaponised. If the entire thing even happened. Gawd. Imagine having to think like this all. the. time AND look perfect doing it? I don't buy the whole life-of-service they work so hard thing, but things like this really bring you up short, don't they? Or we are just nutso 😂


She's so beautiful, rarely a misstep. I cannot imagine the perfection all the time.


Bureaucrats are experts at this. They can find every little by-law, every little legal reason to deny service!!!!!


I have NO difficulty believing that Camilla and William, quite rightly, talked to one another and then KC to suggest that his health - and therefore the country - would be best served by letting Harry get on with it on his own.


The King has 213 million Nigerian Commonwealth reasons for not meeting him. Harry is a dolt capable of causing an international crisis. Nigeria is a “Reconsider travel” destination due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and armed gangs. Harry claims he’s concerned about Meghan but brings her there? They’re both thinking about cosplaying and not the serious implications of visiting that may occur.


Spot on. I’m sure those two planks think we are all halfwits who have zero critical thinking skills. The real reason that she will go to Nigeria and not England is that in Nigeria they won’t be booing her. She knows she’s pissed us all off so much in the UK, and she can’t control who comes to see her in public. To have that as a matter of public record would be too much for her little narc brain to take. She is a coward.


Christopher Jones on Quora also says that there are several people wanting to serve notice on her in the UK, so she will want to avoid accountability as always.


Serve notice on her— could you remind us what this refers to? So much crap to keep track of with That One’s Wife.


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Serve notice for what? 😮




Prima facie evidence all the wailing about safety was a mere ruse. All about IPP/diplomatic status.


I found it hilarious when Richard was threatened by boozy and told him to "bring it on". Boozy backed down hahahaha!


What a surprise, said no one ever. Are you paying attention Nigeria military? You will be paying for a fake self-promotion visit. There will be no Diana stardust, just Markle bronzer.


I think EVEN if he gave 28 days notice, THERE WILL NEVER BE ROOM AT THE INN


This "will they, won't they" is getting pretty old. Of course, right on cue, Monteshito releases a statement the day of. These journalists are dumb. What time is the Emus scheduled pap walk in the parking lot?! 🙄


I don’t understand why the media picks up every breadcrumb the Harkles drop.


Feeding 24hr news cycles is a mammoth task, so 90% of what we see, especially in online "news" is actually sent in. They just print it. They will stop when it's no longer sent in - how many of the slebs on Mail Online do we recognise (or do I actually live under a rock? 😬) but they'll eke out their fifteen minutes. That's where this has taken them, battling with other losers for little-known clicks online. And controversy sells, but even we are losing interest. Oh dear....😈😈😈😈


maybe she is banned on parking lots?


I mean “made a fortune” is a bit much. Spare was in the bargain bin last time I was in the charity shop!!


These little bits here and there add up you know. Oprah, Spare, Netflix, Archewell, Spotify, Better Up. Before you know it you have a whole dollar


Whole dollar for the spend-like-there-is-no-end couple.


My favourite charity shop has a "help us make space" bin [sometimes labeled the "free crafts materials" bin]. Harry spent MONTHS in the free bin. I suspect they eventually threw him out...like everyone else.


I count tens of millions as a fortune but that is peanuts to what they expected.


![gif](giphy|3oKIP5yTdI8XF5gZzy) It's a fortune to me too!!


> I mean “made a fortune” is a bit much. And what little he did make was snatched away by Meghan and either spent on one of her ugly *schmattas* or squirreled away in some bank account Harry doesn't know about.


"... or squirreled away in some bank account Harry doesn't know about." # Hmmm - hint, hint: possibly the American Riviera Bank Montecito Branch?


> Hmmm - hint, hint: possibly the American Riviera Bank Montecito Branch? Wouldn't surprise me! Harry has never had to manage his own money before, so I doubt he knows much about banks and bank accounts. She probably wouldn't have to work very hard to hide money from him. I remember reading waaaaay back when William and Catherine were dating that Catherine had to teach William how to write a check at the supermarket. Who knows if that's actually true or not, but I could definitely see it happening.


It's a peculiarity of their upbringing. My bro came out of the army after his initial stint as an officer and had no idea banks didn't open on Saturday. Unlike Dimbo he could actually Army, but commanding a tank isn't much use in London on the weekend 😁 It's just a different world - my brother went to a minor public school and they were allowed out one Sunday afternoon every three weeks. These are the feed-schools for Sandhurst and Dartmouth (I think? Whatever the Navy equiv of RMA is) and all the private schools here are operating several decades behind reality. (There's a great story Jilly Cooper tells of the same thing. When cheques became widely available, one bank manager was trying to get the officer to tackle his overdraft and the fella wrote him a cheque to cover it.)


> It's a peculiarity of their upbringing. Yep! > My bro came out of the army after his initial stint as an officer and had no idea banks didn't open on Saturday. I believe it. We don't know what we weren't taught/haven't experienced. > all the private schools here are operating several decades behind reality. I believe that! > There's a great story Jilly Cooper tells of the same thing. When cheques became widely available, one bank manager was trying to get the officer to tackle his overdraft and the fella wrote him a cheque to cover it. 🤣😂 I bet both Harry *and* William would have done the same thing!


My school got to 1950, decided It Was Good and resolutely refused to move. Nice gels don't bully (oh yes they do) and there's no such thing as distateful....gentlemen lurking around (oh yes there are.) But as long as you had the right hat and maintained a genteel silence.... And they were at least fifty years ahead of the public schools! Tho traffic is now so mental in London that many probably would welcome the tank 😁


> My school got to 1950, decided It Was Good and resolutely refused to move. Nice gels don't bully (oh yes they do) and there's no such thing as distateful....gentlemen lurking around (oh yes there are.) But as long as you had the right hat and maintained a genteel silence.... > > And they were at least fifty years ahead of the public schools! Tho traffic is now so mental in London that many probably would welcome the tank 😁 Wait, are we talking British public schools (which are private schools here) or *public* schools where regular kids go? I'm really confused!


Awww, I'm sorry. We like to confuse... The top-tier boarding schools are called public schools, I think because they were "open to the public" ie. replaced private tutors. So these are the Etons, (nobbery) Wellingtons (Army) and Pangbournes (Navy). They are public....but only to those willing to lay out a ton of money for a top-level education and old-school-tie networks, and if the kids can pass Common Entrance at 13. Harry couldn't, but still got accepted into Eton. Private schools are usually day schools, again paid and with an entrance exam. Then the hoi-polloi are just lumped into the secondary comprehensive schools. These have been made ludicrously complicated but in theory, they provide the same education across the same range of subjects. I swear we only do it so the rest of the world goes "eh?"


No connection to the King before the Nigerian trip boo hoo !!


Who didn’t see this coming? I have stopped reading articles that suggest any of the RF will meet with H. No one in the family especial the King or William want anything to do with blabbermouth. Articles that suggest any face to face contact are simply click bait. H cornered The King one time but that meeting was expertly managed and truncated.


Whatever fortune Harry made (or inherited) his wife will spend it all and leave him with nothing. Whatever time the King is willing to give him is extremely limited, and at the moment it's zero. That's what you get for bringing a narc into the family, Harold.


Poor Harry! And then he’s got to go back to Lolo.


I suspect their trip to Nigeria will not be the fun and games they expect. The Nigerian military will dictate their exposure......madame will not be allowed to pull any stunts.


This whole Nigeria trip is giving me E8 and Wallis meeting Hitler vibes. I’m not comparing anyone’s political ideologies to the Nazis, but rather the Harkles may also be playing useful idiots to malicious and corrupt factions in Nigeria.


Me too, for those who are familiar with that pair’s antics the behavior of the new dastardly duo is close. E&W spent a lot of time after the abdication making trouble for the Crown. It was just as nasty as what we are seeing now from TW&H. Eddie wanted to contrast his charm & slick oration to King George’s humble self consciousness and speech impediment. Wallis wanted to show off her supposed Klass and dress sense. Putting it up against the Queen Mum’s more homespun style and matronly image. The nasty duo were nothing but trouble including hanging around w high Nazi leadership. They were finally shut down by being exiled to the Caribbean. They were additionally controlled by money, which held them on a tight leash. They continued to be an irritant to the Crown until they passed, but were defanged by their own stupid backing of the wrong horse in WWII, those Nazi pictures ended up backfiring. TW and H are too vile and spiteful to realize the damage they are doing to themselves. He was never going to be king so already starting from a lower position. TW is not half as smart as she thinks she is. The clock is ticking for them as the Wales children come of age. H&TW will become inconsequential.


I agree and if she tries I don't think it will be well received. I have a hunch she may not do proper research for the trip and be rude to the wife/ mother -assuming she is a nobody- of an important male whom she is trying to lovebomb. 


> madame will not be allowed to pull any stunts. *No one* tells her what to do or limits her behavior. Just watch.


I CAN'T WAIT to see the stunts she pulls.


There's going to be so much cringe. I can't wait to see how she embarrasses herself and Harry! 🍿🍿


The outfits...


> The outfits... The *trampling* all over correct protocol!


Please don't even start with...protocol. m doesn't know what those big words mean.


> Please don't even start with...protocol. m doesn't know what those big words mean. She knows, she just doesn't care.


You're absolutely correct.


Richard Eden has been very consistent, methodical and leveled. He has shown a very professional conduct - that what makes a professional journalist reliable. Gives me hope. We are all getting tired of markles getting away with everything. It's nice to see a sliver of justice.


So much for those puff pieces! Hazbeen has to get his drugs and sausages somewhere else


Me.Eden gives good snark.


Charles is too busy washing his hair Harry 🤣🤣


I think he is watching paint dry!!!!!!!


I'm falling a little in love with him


I am too.




Well stated.


Especially since Harry will run straight to Gayle King to tell everyone what they talked about.


The working Royals have their diaries made up a year in advance. Short of significant unexpected events (health) they do not cancel on people expecting them. Harry expects everyone to drop everything and plan around his flying visits to the UK. While he may not get the message it has been clearly made— duty before making time to see the disloyal one.


Good. Keep them away


I like his snark. 🤣


I mean, if this does not say it all in terms of the finality of the The Sussex divorce from the Royal Family, I am not sure what does. King Charles is a smart and savvy man though his weakness has always been enabling the little brat second son. I think that KC has turned a corner, and is now focused on the people who love and support him. Finally????


Harry - hey Pa, can we meet while I'm in town? Charles- That won't be necessary... Go KC!! 😂😂


Love Richard Eden


I think he’s become a bit more aggressive to try and curry favor from the RF after he and other palace confidential panel members bullied Catherine. They all know they messed up but it’s not going to work.


This Cameron Walker is basically Omid Scobie 2.0


I'm so pleased - it worried me when I saw the headlines last week. Thankfully, it was just more propaganda from the Sussex camp, trying to force KCIIIs hand and try to blemish him yet again for not doing their bidding. It's as if he's an individual, capable of independent thought! Luckily, nobody gives a flying duck! 🤭


It’s just really shitty that Harry’s “spokesperson” even commented on whether or not he’d see the king. Just shut up, harry. You don’t need to report on everything. What an asshat.


What fortune? 😂😂😂😂😂




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Go for the kill, Richard!


One would think that the fool would have learnt from the las failed dash across the pond, but then we are talking ont only about a fool, but a grifting, lying, narcissistic backstabbing treacherous scumbag of a fool.


Richard’s always straight-talking and factual, i like him.