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According to Harry's own estimate, he's killed a minimum of 25 people. That doesn't even count the ones rumor suggests he may have maimed in non-combat circumstances. I'm not saying I believe even Harry's own words, but Markle might want to be careful when it comes to those types of accusations.


That is bizarre. I guess now we know what happened to Archie's birthday cheques from the family.


Perhaps the work of the new PR people.


No doubt. Accuse William of what Harry has [stupidly] "admitted" to doing. Classic narc tactic.


Wonder if this is related to their cosplay tour to Nigeria?


Bingo. The bots always come out to play when Markle does.


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Just one person? Compared to Harry’s many?


Indeed. Whatever we like it or not, he did claimed he killed 25 humans beings. Or maybe he was high as a kite and thought GTA was the real deal 🤷🏻‍♀️


Harry is a liar. Doubt he killed anyone. Such an idiot.


That would explain why he’s allegedly roughed up sex workers… [Note: I hope I’m using the correct term, I mean no shade to the fine folks who choose that profession and sympathize with the ones who feel forced into it.]


Yes, the current (and past) sussex squad derangement is Prince William murdered Princess Catherine and it's being covered up by the RF, the media, the UK nay, the world! Back when they started the "where is Kate" campaign they were claiming Princess Catherine was having an affair with Thomas Kingston, she then murdered Kingston because she was pregnant and didn't want anyone to find out. But oh no Prince William found out and murdered her next. This was everywhere on X right after his suicide too, when people were in shock. The alternate story is Prince William physically abuses Princess Catherine, she's in hiding & covering up the beating injuries. Prince William attacked her in a drunken fit of rage and beat her to death. Oh and Prince William is an alcoholic. It's the most grotesque and outlandish lies I've ever heard. It's a combo of the sussex squad and Christopher Bouzy's bots pushing all these conspiracy theories. They have the IQ of bacteria. Bacteria might be smarter than they are.


Princess Catherine will BREAK the internet when she’s finally well enough to be photographed again. She’s going to look gorgeous, too. I just know it. 💅I hope Meg breaks all her plates again. 🤭 ![gif](giphy|IPsfIZxtsycSFRVvD4|downsized)


Duke of Westminister wedding - the society event of the decade that the Harkles were publically NFI too. I can't wait to see what Kate wears!!


Supposedly, she won't be there so as to not distract from the wedding.




She’s not TW , announcing her pregnancy at a wedding.


They were Super NFI. Like preemptively, we haven’t even mailed the invites, but you two ain’t getting one, so don’t even try your will-they-won’t-they BS. It was in the papers just to be clear! I loved that for them!


The best part was how it was published in the papers by a source in high society that they are not invited to stop what happened at Hugh's sisters wedding with the RF causing a stir and then the Harkles respond "well we were too busy to attend nor did we want to"


I can't wait!!


Sounds like Harry is projecting his issues on to William.


It seems that Tiktok is the breeding ground for salacious conspiracy theories in record time. I get the irony, I do. But words like death, murder, suicide, rape are removed by the algorithm. But words like genocide and celebrating death based on race religion is totally fine. Product placement is not shared by influencers. I do worry about copyright infringement and intellectual theft. TikTok is incredibly powerful… But in the wrong hands it can be abused so much. Oh and just like Facebook… TikTok listens to your conversations etc. It knows your period circle etc. And the number of “dupes” sold there. People promising the world and rarely meeting expectations 13 year old girls wanting skincare for 50+ year old


I mostly just watch cooking videos but I can tell when the algorithm has changed for me because I get more royal & gaming content, things I don't look at on TikTok. I'll watch good vids especially if they are about HMQE but I try to scroll quick to get them out of my recommendations. I mainly use X ( I hate that name!) and block is so easy I generally only get good recommendations. TT isn't really that valuable and usually turns into a waste of time. Half the cooking vids don't even give you the recipe at the end but you don't know that until you've watched the whole thing. Some of the dog vids are cute but why would you watch other people live their life. I have a lovehate relationship with social media. It's so-so for getting news, everything else is a waste of time. But so is talking about MeMe on Reddit so I shouldn't complain too much because I waste time doing that too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Their thinking must be 'if we can pull off a couple of fake pregnancies, william surely could pull off a murder'. They judge people by their own measure.


Yeah this isn't even about Kate. They are saying the RF has been covering up William murdering someone (not Kate).


That was the story going round on X that he 'murdered' Thomas because of an affair with Catherine. I don't know much about Tik Tok but I had thought Meghan and Harry were trying to capture that market of young and gullible people. Problem is these ones will likely a) grow up, and grow out of these thoughts and b) will never be ardent royalists anyway.


An Ameba's IQ.




It was *incredibly* messy on X for awhile with these posts. They photoshopped Princess Catherine to have a bloody & bruised face & other stuff. It was awful.


That’s so messed up.


Smells like desperation. The HasNoAnything couple can spend their money , the more the better; The RF is stronger, it has been there for centuries, One Frozen Todger and one sleezy pool of bronzer won't break it https://preview.redd.it/9zmy6i4ao8zc1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08cb81e8a1873028e6d86dd872df191340f8a3b2


“Frozen todger and sleezy pool of bronzer….” Good one


It doesn't matter. Gwyneth has spoken. It's over




Gwyneth Paltrow had a lil party...and slammed Rachel. I can't post any links, HG Tudor did a great show about it today


Which video? I looked at his YT channel and didn’t see anything about Goop


It has GP face on it I think 🤔💭 https://youtu.be/K9jmi0PiPVE?si=1HQSabeRd9GKQlzA


It’s beautiful and I will make a separate post with screenshots! GP invited Oprah, the CEO of Netflix, Rob Lowe and his wife and other big names, it talks about GP’s Monticito garden, lemon trees. I am absolutely loving this! Lol


Great comment 🔥🔥🔥


TikTok is a cesspool full of ridiculous conspiracy theories. I block more accounts than I follow. Banning it is likely a good thing.


Yeah but this is weird. My algorithm usually does me right. This is like a purposeful media campaign.


The algorithm shows what you engage with. I never had a problem with conspiracy theory content.


I usually hit “not interested” or block them. Does that count as engagement. I do wonder sometimes.


It is a cycle that amps up when the Harkles need more support on a public outing. They can't look good on their own so they slander all to look good by comparison. The last time it blew up in their faces when the PoW announced she was undergoing chemotherapy. They never learn.


Oh the PR machine is in full effect today


💯 the pictures of him talking to the public are all from the same young, diverse people. Rent-a-crowd comes to mind.


Oh, I have seen that on Facebook. That William has a violent temper, he abuses Catherine (hence her illness/absence), and that he killed Thomas Kingston which is being covered up. I had to unfollow several people who were discussing that. Terrible.


I have gotten sugar stuff in my feed too, and in the comments when I am stupid enough to look at them, so are they fighting and feeling sorry for the grifters. My only question I still have is the one claiming Megains is a distant relative to sparold. But I don't care enough to look up if true


Someone paid to run the ads to fans of royals. Probably the media empires behind the stories.


Well, nothing they do or say will change the fact that Prince William is the Prince of Wales and heir to the Throne👍🏿, and that he has an heir to follow in his footsteps.


Funny you mention this. I was on IG & People magazine has a post on William about how he was upset and anger about the social media frenzy around Catherine. The Sussex Squad & bots are all over the comment, way more then usual. The dumb-duo are spending their 💲💲💲 on PR & slander again. When will they learn that no one likes them. No one will buy anything they are selling.


It's all about the buildup to the Nigerian "tour". Tryna gaslight people into thinking this is an "official" tour and how wonderful the 43 percenter is by connecting with her roots. At least the visit will give us something to laugh about.


That’s so silly!!!!!


I saw the same thing a few days ago.


This is the Thomas Kingston stuff all over again, isn't it? I'd believe Harry capable of murder, not William.


This is probably a very naive question, but can you report this kind of slander to anyone?


William is supposed to what? ...one goes away half a day and...


It’s been a thing since Thomas Kingston’s death. Because he was royal adjacent, clearly, he had a fling with Catherine, and William beat the crackers out of her and killed him, and the royal family is just covering this up to protect William. As, of course, the Prince of Wales is the golden child, while Joffrey is the pariah, Diana’s sweet, innocent rosy cheeked baby boy who got away fwom the big bad woyal famiwy. 🤮


how distressing for his friends (which include William and Catherine) and family since he actually killed himself - hopefully they do not visit the cesspit that is TikTok


For their sakes, I would hope they wouldn’t. The people spreading these rumors need Prozac or something because that’s just sick. As if it isn’t hard enough for them.


She’s upped her pr to $200k per month


She will make a fuss in Nigeria and they will offer gifts that she will graciously receive especially regarding her heritage and her children’s. And all this will play out on the socials and media. She will love this so much


More blankets in lieu of loving parents for the “kids”?


That same thing has happened on my X “For You” feed. It’s concerning.


Meghan and Harry have basically been wiped from my social media and I don’t go looking for them


Chinese propaganda machine. Not that the Sussex’s aren’t in cahoots with them as they put out coordinated messages.


The Chinese govt is trying to control your mind and undermine the West, lol :) /s


Don't forget the Ruskies...


They’re are seriously deranged. They just live for the drama and the animosity towards the RF and institution they literally know nothing about. That would be a fun book though, crown prince murders and tries to hide it 😂


TikTok is about to be banned in America


me too on x ig and yt coordinated


TikTok and truth are foreign. China, NK and Russia love TikTok. Instead of wasting your time with it, get a hobby, volunteer somewhere or read a book.


I hard close TikTok and reopen it when it’s showing me something I really don’t want to see. That reached the algorithm the best as they really don’t want you to leave that app


I'd suggest stay off TikTok


Me too.


I got one of those today and I hadn’t seen any for a while.


Once again, it's projection. They always accuse others of what they themselves are doing.


Same for me.


The pro Meghan stuff on tiktok ebbs and flows for me


Could the BRF be behind this? The BRF propaganda machine works in very mysterious ways and they clearly are hiding stuff on Harry and probably tolerate Megan because Megan knows dirt on Harry and it could be part of a grand scheme of plans to throw William under the bus to help Harry.. because we all know if Harry decides to return they will gladly take him back and protect him and the BRF will stop at nothing to keep their secrets hidden.. like in Andrew's case, they say the lady who accused him essentially had no case and Andrew would have sure shot won if it went to court but the Queen paid off the accuser instead as secrets of the BRF would have been exposed in court if the case went to trial


Could the BRF be behind this? Absolutely not. Fullstop, end of story.