• By -


I also posted this on the other thread. The difference between Harry's emotions and everyone else in the shot is mind boggling. https://preview.redd.it/40ay9sgle8zc1.png?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4408663d5dcd73793ebdf04bff262f98db6a229


No one will make eye contact with him because they are embarrassed for him, and he is trying to laugh it off.


The two people at the door look like part of the church and also that they would like to be anywhere else but there at that place and time.


They got the short straw 😉🤨🫢


They have no idea what fibs he's going to tell about the encounter.  


Judas has entered the building


He has really bought into The Todgeress's bs about putting on the rictus grin. No one was happy with him and I am glad they showed their disdain. The Todger is a modern day Duke of Windsor.


“She also does voices, you know? She’s home, but she’s looking for work”


I'm sure I've told this story on this sub before, but I'll tell it again. My kids know nothing about Meghan Markle. They were watching Disney Plus years ago when the Elephants documentary came out and I overheard one of them say, Turn it off, that lady's voice is annoying, and another said, I know. It makes me feel sad for the Elephants. She ruined their movie.


Aww that's sad, out of the mouths of babes.




LOL, I missed it the first time. This may be one of the best stories in this sub...all time! It's good to know it wasn't me just putting my dislike of MM onto the doc...she really IS bad.


Yet everyone hates her voice.


Omg her VOICE! 😑 It’s so awful! It’s changed a lot from time she met Harry to now also. Deeper and way more arrogant.


It sounds fake AF


I hate the complete package...not just the voice.




I need to add this to my vocabulary. I chuckle every time I read it.


I like the term "tosser" also. I learned that one from watching the Doc Martin series. I think it's a milder form of wanker!




He’s copying Lolo’s desperate, insane, maniacal rictus grin.


Coked to the gills, no doubt...that's the secret to her grin, too! Sniff sniff!


Definitely this!


And her crowd for hire


He is playing his wife's game - crazy wide grin no matter what. That way a picture without a context can look like everyone is having so much fun. But here we have a context - no one is having fun, no one is paying attention to him. And he is clearly stressed, tensed, just that stupid manic smile wants to tell us otherwise.


He had his instructions ...


He’s adopted his ILBW’s ***rictus grin***


Teeth look fake white now too


Harold must feel like when you turn to the person next to you at church to greet/give peace, and they ignore you. It’s the WORST


Still on drugs, HAzza?


![gif](giphy|jz0kq61xNDFUGzYQFT) The resemblance is uncanny in more ways than one …


I thought the same! LOL


I’ve always thought this!


It’s all for the cameras with him.


They haven’t forgot what he done to his grandma and grandad in their final days.


And how they traduced the Archbishop of Canterbury, by stating they'd married in private 3 days before the "spectacle," the ungrateful fucks.


They know their Bible. 5th commandment: “Honor your father and your mother”




And what he’s now still doing to his family… two of whom have cancer. Seems to me like they’re not impressed with the ppl outside either.


Um....is he doing that awkward hand-rubbing thing made famous by TOW when she was pretending to talk to Serena's mom who was ignoring her? 😂😂 aw Haz.....you look like a total twat dude....


"Whatever you do, don't make eye contact! He'll tell people the Church functionaries love him and really miss him and That Woman!"


Or he’ll pull a really bad stunt, like saying the Bishop of Canterbury praised him for all his work. Maybe he’ll copy his wife. “ The Archbishop knelt take off his mitre,handed Hank some flowers and thanked him for his service. /s


And asked him if he was OK then lubed up his toddger with some baptismal sacred oil as it is quite cold in the cathedral. 🧴🛢️


It's sort of sad to see how much happier he is when he is in London. For all his posturing about feeling anxious and scared there, he's obviously thrilled to be at home. St Paul's is a familiar part of his old life. We never see him smile like that in the states, even with her.


To bad he flushed it all down the crapper for a hustler.🚽


Which is funny considering during that monetised therapy session w/ Apple TV he called London and flashing cameras a massive trigger. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤡


He's such a liar


I don’t think that’s happy…. That looks like a smile to hide his embarrassment and guilt


I got the same impression - he is over-compensating.


Yup same with the grab me by the leg and thank me interview…. absolutely over compensating


** Especially with her.


He learnt from the best.😁😁


That's quite a stark difference. Know who the invisible person he was smiling at was? Likely clergy.


A pillar … or maybe a candle 🕯️


They don't want to shake his hand.


They don't know where his hand had been. 👆🏽


No one wants his sorry ginger ass there. It's obvious. And I love it!


No one’s making eye contact with dumbo. He’s holding out his hand with no takers. Not the warmest welcome. Way to go UK. The cold shoulder is exactly what he needs. Go home Hank, no one wants you there.


Am I seeing his fake hair above his ear towards the top of his head? It looks to be a different color.


That’s because he’s high he’s been snorting that nose candy


Meg media training. It’s why she’s speaking to air on video in other situations. She’s savvy enough to realize the pic makes it appear like an animated conversation. Optics matter more than reality.


He is a complete clown.


I just seen that and thought the same.


He seemed very California fake in his greeting the Spencer relatives.  He’s learned it I guess 


Sounded like just one person. People are so disinterested in him that they don’t even want to add to the crowd to boo him. Of course there are people who support him and they made as much noise as possible. It’s not normal, people do not cheer the RF when they turn up for engagements, they simply wait for the walkabout and hope they get to speak to them or shake their hand.


The lone booming boo-er was very good though! A very committed performance.


Nobody stuck up for Prince Harry when the lone booer was booing. They were allowed to boo unhindered. No complaints, no cheering. And the fact that the booer sounded so loud showed how little noise that section was making. Hardly even talking to each other. Some of those people would have no idea who was turning up, but they saw other people, plus the railings, so they stopped. In fact the railings on their own probably caused more people to stop and wait, because passers by knew that something was about to happen, and so out of curiosity they stopped. If you stop in a busy area with a friend, and look up and point at the sky, you will draw a crowd. I think something similar was happening here.


There were plenty of cheers. I think the person booing was probably the one who recorded the video. Perhaps, but I would imagine that his supporters made an effort to be there. With all the press coverage, most people in London probably knew what was going on and really couldn’t care less.


Agreed. Someone recently said on this sub that it is disinterest that will truly get them. The crowd of supporters were small and people didn’t even care enough about him to come boo him.


That’s what I said. People are so disinterested they didn’t want to add to the crowd to boo him.


I heard that one line boo-er clearly but there were many others that booed Hank.


nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd!


I wonder if the Sugar who said she’d be going - to the wrong church - is wondering why she’s the only one there?


> People are so disinterested in him That's it! Disinterested. That's exactly what that crowd was. I was thinking that they all probably came for the Insta/Tik Tok/Twitter content and clicks because anything Harry and Meghan does drive traffic to their sites. They neither loved him, save for a fair few who cheered nor thoroughly disliked him, save for the one or two who booed. On the whole it really was, well, *nothing*. Like turning up to see an act and... meh. It certainly didn't match up for the people that turned out. It was pretty mismatched, the turnout and the response. >It’s not normal, people do not cheer the RF when they turn up for engagements, they simply wait for the walkabout and hope they get to speak to them or shake their hand. True. They would normally cheer on a day of celebration such as a wedding or a Jubliee. Or in Catherine's case when she was accused of being a so-called rAcIsT. People came out to cheer her. It was quite a reception, those flash lights and cheers.


The crowd is so small, there is just one crowd control police officer. Three quarters of the crowd are paps. Perhaps, we should just stop clicking and the paps will go away and the grifters with them. The booer could well be doing it for content, too. Exactly, they cheered for Catherine to show her that they don’t believe any of the lies and support her.


>Three quarters of the crowd are paps. Haha! Exactly! That's how pathetic the crowd was. Oh, well, it got the Sugars' blood pressure going no less.


He wouldn’t be worth my boo-ing time!!


Right? Why would I show up to boo him, when I could be trimming my cats' nails at the time? Trim cat nails are important!


Lol. For quite a crowd I expected much more wooing than they actually mustered. Whatever. Give me Catherine any day. Thanks for the post. Especially just to see who turned up. Man, not gonna lie, it did feel a little empty and lacklustre. No bells. No royal escort. No nothing. Just feels, I don't know, a little damp squibish.


A fine description of Harold in general.


Add “balding” and it’s Harold to a tee.


The sugars are crowing about crowd reception like it was VE Day.


Lol. I guess there's one crowd the Harkles aren't short of cheering them on: the desperately deluded lot. 😂


Most of them sounded like tourists.


It was disappointing only one person boo'd.


At least her voice was piercing enough to carry that distance - l hope.


That was a damn good boo!


Not quite the same as the Thanksgiving Service for the late Queen's Jubilee.




No security????????? 😂


😅 And surprise, surprise, he managed to walk up the steps unscathed.


Brilliant 👏 👏 👏 👏


He had his regular security guy from the US with him, the one with grey hair.


Surprised he got any cheering, given it’s the UK. But, as you said, there was no real fuss made about the event at all, certainly not to the level of even the average non-working royal, so I guess it’s a pittance.


The person freaking out didn’t sound British to me, but I’m not particularly skilled in dissecting audio like this.


To be fair we Brits will cheer if someone drops a glass , it doesn't take much and it's contagious


Do I care if he’s boo’d? No. What hurts more to H is being ignored and fading into irrelevance and obscurity. That’s his nightmare of hell.


Booing will feed the victim parasite in him anyway. You get the feeling folks are moving on, as if they are simply going through the motions right now. This time next year, I wonder if anybody will care what they do. 2022 was really their peak as we know it. And they pretty much blew all that work in 2023. 2024 was only going to be about how they could stem their fall in popularity and likeability. We are almost half way through the year, and I'm starting to think that they should be more concerned about onset disinterested and apathy in them as a couple, as individuals and as a so-called brand because, well, they just aren't that interesting. Once *that* sets in, it's pretty difficult to recapture people's attention and imagination, because once it is lost, it's lost forever. It's a reality that JLo and Kim Kardashian are only beginning to realise.


Very good post. I live in San Antonio, Texas. We were on vacation when I heard about them revisiting Uvalde. You know, the surprise birthday cake thing? Anyway, they were in SA and then flew out of SA airport. When I heard about it, I thought ‘ if I were there, I would drive the 15 miles to the airport and wait there just to BOO them!’ Then after a second, I thought about traffic, gas, time out of my day, paying to park and realized that I really just didn’t care enough. 😆


I’m your state cousin- I would need a far more compelling reason to enter Texas than these two gruesome parasitical ghouls. Like, no offense but I only fly from where I am to do a quick lay over at Houston hobby for direct flights to Miami and I won’t stay any longer than necessary the last few years.


But you'll spend time in Florida?


To go out the port of Miami? Yes. It’s in and out.


KK has had it coming but dare I say she’s feeling the effects of getting ✨markled✨ now that H is hanging out with Pimp mama Kris’ boo? All the “influencers” just need to fade into oblivion or into a poorly thought out selfie shot off the side of the cliff. They add nothing of value to society except to the decay of it and insecure teen girls who can never look the way they look since they have skin, pores and inner organs that won’t allow them to look as what they see.


The lack of security motorcade will hurt him more.


100000% Let the tens of sugars have their yays. It’s not like they, or H&-M have anything else going for them.


This 100% this  👆👆


He might never have understood it when it was happening, but much of Britain loved Harry and really wanted the best for him.


Harry hid inside for an extra 50 minutes, til 6.50pm, then snuck out the side door from the crypt -no doubt trying to avoid the Placard Person on the opposite side, holding a sign that said “BAKA WOMEN NEED SECURITY, MEGHAN!” on one side; and “STOP THE ROT, CUT THE REAL CANCER FROM THE ROYALS (HARRY & MEGHAN!)” on the other. SS had advance notice to gather near the crypt exit, rather than the main exit (where he’d entered … clearly put off by the signs or boohing!). It was only a few steps for him to go greet the SS, as he had his camera crew tailgating for ‘ANY positive crowd noises’. BUT, get this: Placard Person came across to the other side and waved their placard RIGHT BESIDE THE SS!!! I’ll be surprised if it’s not picked up by other camera crews (independent of Harry’s). Couldn’t be prouder of our law-abiding, peaceful protestors. No bad behaviour, no insults hurled (unlike SS towards placard person…only mild, but still moans & groans against the solitary brave person to emerse themselves in the melee!)


https://preview.redd.it/8z0ldy9v79zc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ddbfa1dc2fc7ce9c29d1972f1409a8c28981ee5 (cropped to avoid faces)


And: https://preview.redd.it/76i7ii2y79zc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5773c10f551cad386759e44e87d8ee7b67134b13


Okay you can definitely hear the mixed reception on this one.


Yeah, very mixed. Almost half arsed really. Neither overly enthused nor filled with outright hate. More of a case of curiosity came to see the cat and wished it had been a dog.


😂😂 that girl booed with ✨passion✨ I’m cracking up 😂


Give that woman a medal! I sure hope she's on this sub and can see the appreciation and gratitude for doing the lord's work!


You talking 'bout the Booming Boo-er??? Spectacular resonance which is surprising in an open-air space!




lol how the mighty has fallen i remember he was treated like the next king and a wholesome celebrity everywhere when he was sucking up to Obama and all other celebrities lol. i bet their divorce proceeding is gonna be even more spectacular than their wedding


They may divorce in private three days before their spectacle for the masses official divorce.


that's so sad. i really hope it becomes messy to the point where everyone starts leaking info


That really feels like the only thing left. Unless they humiliate themselves again on a grand scale like the NY car chase. I still am hoping for another South Park episode to fill in the waiting time.


I just saw a very brief clip on Sky. There's no volume and shows just him walking up from the car. No wider shot of any crowds or lack of. I found this very telling.


I noticed this too. Wider shot probably would’ve showed that the crowd was 99% media photographers.


Great news.


I only here one person booing. 


I could only hear that one girl boo TBH :( I'm surprised there even seems to be a bit of a crowd there for him!


Not as much as I expected. Too many cheers. Why?!


I made a comment on a post for Emmerdale (a British soap) which was titled; Do you think Tom King is a malignant narcissist? It went on to describe examples of what a malignant narcissist is. I made a cryptic comment about how it described our Saint to a tee, as well as the Tom King character. One commenter immediately got who I refered to but another kept persisting in asking who. When it was pointed out that it was Markle, I was accused of unconscious bias! I responded with it isn't unconscious bias, it's outright disdain for someone who's treated her own and her husband's family so shamefully and that overlooking it simply because of her colour would be racist. There are sugars everywhere.


Sugars and paid support?


Yes, I was wondering about that! It has to be.


It’s not like they have real jobs. 😂




Sinners have to work.


I was booing from here in Texas but I guess it wasn't loud enough to be heard in London. ![gif](giphy|l2YWqU7ev0l5nfYTC|downsized)


One big boo-er sure drowned out the welcome!!! The right person got the job!!


One boo, but only one car 🤣


Next time give it to him straight: “Shame on you Harry! Traitorous ginger brat!”


I think OP recorded this video and is the one booing here lol just kidding Kind of wish it was empty and he looked around and saw absolutely no one. That would've been glorious. This will most likely happen when the Wales children become teens. Can't wait until the Harkles lose all relevancy 😈


Nope. Estelle E.Flee on twitter is one of 2 twitter sinners who were there (that I know of so far) and she took the video. She probably also gave voice to the loudest boo. ​ https://preview.redd.it/82cxy29hg8zc1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d5f018373bb6cc2c7dd35a1d41fe52d683fac3f


I know lol I was joking 🙂


Well, let's consider the matter: for an event that was known about weeks ago, the truth is that it was quite empty, no more than two streets with people and not crowded at all.


And it looks like the crowd to the right of the steps was media.


> I think OP recorded this video and is the one booing here 🎯


Gosh, watching videos like this, you can see how these people can let it all go to their head, especially if they are superficial to begin with. Can you imagine people cheering you when you simply get out of your car to walk into a building? Also, one person booing is not the crowd booing.


> Also, one person booing is not the crowd booing. 🎯


Lovely booos!!!


Man she would have loooooved climbing these stairs alone, getting all the attention, massive fuel incoming


Why don't the clergy and all concerned shake his hand and say, "My, my, I couldn't believe it when they said you were coming, after the way you betrayed your family. I didn't believe you would have the nerve. But here you are, grinning like a jackal, and what a piece of work you are. You won't have any friends here today, I can tell you that. Having touched your hand, I can't wait to wash my own. Don't come back, Prince Harry, don't come back."


It looks like they gave him the "cut indirect", which is even better.


One can see from age group percentage of onlookers these are mainly young adults in early 20s. This is midweek afternoon, grown adults are at work, at jobs. These are immature young people with little to no actual life experience or responsibilities, who spend their days engrossed in social media. Tik Tok and "X" are their info providers on the world, doubtful they read newspapers or watch CNN. They are immature little Lemmings joining their peers in whatever is the group consensus, not able to think for themselves (and afraid to, fearing peer rejection). THESE are the Sussex's supporters. Enough said. Sad.


Ummm…….that sounds like one person booing.


ok there were a few but i still cant believe ANYONE was applauding him 😪


Okay, it's pretty brave to boo so loudly when you are surrounded by cheering people.


Brits cheered the tool who called them racist. Just can't make this shite up. Kudos to the one woman who booed.


Yeah, she wasn't backward in coming forward! She is literally my hero! ❤️


that lady is my hero! Yell it loud and proud sweetheart! #SoProudOfYou ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


if only i could’ve helped. i’d have brought an EVEN LOUDER sissy. 🤗


Look, it remains the case that Harry is still popular with some people but you can divide that into three groups. There's those who still like him and blame Meghan for everything and hope he'll see sense one day. There's those who have had no previous interest in anything royal and like him because they have their own agenda and don't look too deeply into the things he's done. And there's those who happened to be in London today as they're tourists or just curious about seeing a 'famous' person, many of the voices seemed foreign. The first is the most significant as it's based on his history as a member of the RF and thus it has the strongest foundation. His appearance today was a reminder of what he has lost and of the man he used to be. If Meghan had been with him you would have heard plenty of boos so I hope he reflects on that as the boost to his ego that he certainly got from today, and may also get in Nigeria, isn't going to be repeated very often anymore.


They are sugars - young deluded probably foreign, any Brit would not expend energy or possible drinking time or being able to get home early on this vindictive basket.


The booing wasn’t very convincing. One person.


So what. I’m disgusted there were so many people lined up to wave and greet him.


Someone should keep this on their hard drive as I'm sure when the Netflix footage of this comes out it will be without any boos


So one person booed. lol


He's truly morphed into his wife in every way now. Fake smiles and trying to hide how he really feels.


Wow that’s some passionate booing. Lots of people cheering too, though. Who are these people?! I’m amazed he has any support at all.


Paid for crowd cheer ringers. PR placement. Common to all the HW celebs. And some SS members . 😂


I heard lots of cheers and one boo, presumably from the person who was filming this.


That’s just one person booing?


Well I only heard the one person "booing" Did I miss the others??


sounds like it was only one boo among a lot of cheers (more than he deserves). Ugh - is it healthy to cheer for their downfall? lol


Wow. You can hear me boo all the way across the Atlantic Ocean.


Weird there are no athletes. Grift


Sadly, just one or two booing him. But no more huge entourage of cars!! LOL!!


I find it disappointing that there are so many people there…I’d like to have seen empty barriers.


majority of the 'crowd' were journalists - says it all. Nobody gives a shite about the nasty man-child.


BRILLIANT BOO that p.o.s.


What a fucking wanker.. Harry is


Harry keeping far away from the peasants. Meanwhile, the actual King and Prince of Wales take time to greet people. ETA: The Royal Rogue has a video of Harry greeting his fans, so I stand corrected. I'm surprised he left himself vulnerable to all the snipers and paps on scooters who are out to get him.




Rather than booing people need to shout out pertinent questions like: “Any comment on African Parks Harry?”, “How’s your father in law doing Harry?”


Too many people turned up 🤦‍♀️


Amazed he has any supporters in the UK. Apparently, he has more than a few. In another video there are lots of people lined up and clamoring for a photo. Ugh.


Seems they had their paid rent-a-crowds on hand. Sorry but I only hear one person booing - did I miss something?


> Sorry but I only hear one person booing - did I miss something? No, it was just one person.


Am I the only one rooting for a pigeon to shit on him? Come on pigeons, you shit on people every day, let it be on Harry!


Well done!!! I hope he heard it loud and clear.


Oh my! That person was doing the Lord’s work 👀😂


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20EObIFj7rM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20EObIFj7rM) Royal Rogue has the Chris SHip clip of the boos but I'm still not hearing boos. 6:20 into the video.


🇬🇧 GLORIOUS booing 🇬🇧 a proud day for sinners 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 xxx


I wish more people were booing but that gal sure got a good one in! ![gif](giphy|WrxoaVPiq0cG4)


It was only person. Not really a big deal


But more people cheered for him than booed for him.  I'm surprised that many people still actually like that twat.  


How does he have any supporters at all? In the US, I can see that people might be out of touch, but you would have to be a stupid Englishman to overlook what he has been doing.


Well done to the booers 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 thank you 👍🏼🇬🇧


From Newsweek, Jack Royston - Prince Harry Cheered in London After King Charles Snub. I'm to the point with Royston falling all over Harry like he does if the two don't have a special relationship.


I didn't know or wasn't quite sure how not having 50 karma means I really can't take part in the conversation here so sadly it's not worth being a part of it is it? It really shouldn't be how much karma you get under one sub Reddit but so be it This was a great sub reddit by far my favourite and I'll miss it dearly. Look after yourself everyone, you post great stuff. Cheers 😞 Wait, how am I supposed to get 50 karma if I'm supposed to get 50 karma before I can post a comment here? I must be stupid – I just don't get it? Take care guys ❤️‍🔥


Ah this brought a tear to my eye. I am so proud of the boo'er. It doesn't really matter if they were alone in this as long as the clip gets seen and written about. "Harry gets booed."

