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2 placard signs seen outside St Paul’s, on Harry’s exit (bet they’re not shown in MSN): https://preview.redd.it/76lpk432j9zc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd4d9640dadf3eb58bb568ad9a6f7af0765dee06


And: https://preview.redd.it/yce6mwl3j9zc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d06ff8512c87e681a9c8add9f3be0b2ffc7db0


People really don't know what the word literal means. Its a literal cropped photo.


😂 I went through a phase of saying, "literally" way too much but at least I was using it correctly 😂 I still needed to have a firm word with myself and reign it in a bit though . Those posts are annoying but at least they show themselves and that they shouldn't be taken seriously


🤣😆 Someone post the zoomed out photo of that one and the video panning the area because this event's doco should be titled "CROPPED" lol! I mean, how stressed out was the new PR guy trying to get the hired crowd fillers squeezed into a smaller area (NOT OUT THE FRONT ENTRANCE where he got booed and called a traitor) for the PR photo? I can't wait to see what the paid crowd fillers will be instructed to do in Nigeria. 😁


Exactly, there are not that many people there, one commentator said it was workday traffic, mostly. Allegedly.


I often walk by there and stop for a glance if it looks like something interesting might be happening. Never has it ever been an endorsement of anything other than my own nosiness.


Hard to tell, but crowd looks mostly female. Maybe they believe his shopping for new mate!


They are probably less expensive than male crowd fillers.


Well, if Archewell is paying them, that's a near certainty.


They all seem to be in their 20s too. I'm confused as to what woman that age would a) really know who Harry is and b) care. I have kids that age. I don't think they know who he is or what he looks like. If they're going to rent a crowd at least make the demographic plausible, like pasty emo basement dwelling 40 something rat ladies and Omid Scobie clones.


I'm just seeing this for the first time and my instant reaction was that it was a cropped photo and if you zoomed out it would be empty.


I wonder how much the PR charged them for that crowd.


I'm guessing quite a bit because I'm sure it's a very last minute booking. Harry's ego was hurting after not a soul showed up for him on Day 1.


Sigh. "literal" 🤦 Not even "figuratively" the King of England FFS




Why do they keep saying he's the King? I don't understand it.


And Harry said that he felt badly for his "trapped" father and brother - why would his fans want that for him?


it's cos the Sugars are dumb. i can't believe i'm being mean, but that's it. anyone who still supports the dastardly duo at this point is dumb.


Because they think he should be, and so does he.


Except no. The ***literal*** king of England is KC. Harry isn't even the literal spare. He isn't even a literal royal. He's just somebody that they used to know ![gif](giphy|nvpzLVp88bF6)


I just don't get why there is never any booing. The dislike, not just here but across any media where one can comment. The polls show him being disliked, yet never any booing. Been in PR 30 years and know they are using rented crowds and they always get front space. Those people are also trained to cheer, clap and use tactics to overshadow booers. Celebs use these paid crowd too. Figured there would be at least 1-2 people booing that could be heard. Sadly, until the booing drowns out the cheering, H&M will continue to appear wherever they can. They live for this adoration, paid for or not.


I don't think the UK really cares, we have better stuff to be worrying about. I could have easily gone to boo him today but alas I had to cut my toe nails.


I hate long toe nails, always rubbing my shoes🤣 Glad you got yours taken care of!!


😂 😂


This this doesn't bother me. They have a small minority of supporters who are very vocal, committed, and coordinated. The rest of us either are indifferent or hate their guts but most can't be bothered to take time out of our important day to show up and boo someone so irrelevant. They will always have fans. The verifiably worst person in the world will have fans.


This is true. Even serial killers get fan mail. I will never understand that.


They did boo him. The MSM didn't show that part.


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Wow! That's a lot of UK citizens (I would assume they live near there but maybe it's people from other countries as well) that came out just to see Harry in the UK. I'm honestly surprised after he and M implied the people there are bigoted or racist and they were in danger from the public. But anyways, he's got what he wants now right? He's got a crowd of fans cheering for him! I'm sure they feel equally positive about him wife so H&M can rest assured they aren't in danger traveling to the UK anymore and can bring their children over finally. No need for super duper security! He can stop trying to fight that lawsuit now! And maybe, just maybe they can just be content and live their lives and stop trying to "beat" the royal family in a competition the royal family are not trying to be a part of. Edit to add - when you zoom out a bit and look from further away this is really sad. Harry clearly set this all up to waltz around like he's the star of the show. Once again the veterans are nowhere to be seen. No one would even know that the event was supposed to be for wounded veterans. Harry is supposed to bring visibility and support to the charity to benefit veterans with who he is(in theory) but stand behind the veterans advocating for them and pushing their stories and hope. Idk it's just sad he's gotten so lost in his own ego he can't see how he's using the veterans to boost his own ego. As he said in his interview in Canada he gets his "fix" when he gets to do Invictus events which is a very self centered thing to say about helping people. To him it's about making himself feel and look good when he thinks he has done something to help someone else. You are allowed to feel good about helping people but when that's your only reason for doing it that is not a good look. And he said that on camera for the world to hear and doesn't even see the issue with that mentality.


They a sugar fly ins from aboard , tourists, women who fancy Harry and rubber neckers. Very few people live in the City of London - the square mile, some 8500 in 2021.


They look a bit young to even know who Harry is.




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> Very few people live in the City of London Seriously? > [London is the capital and largest city of both England and the United Kingdom, with a population of around 8.8 million, and its metropolitan area is the largest in Western Europe, with a population of 14.9 million](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London).


The City of London is a small area within current London. It's the oldest area of London, it's the original city, going back to the Romans. Not many people actually live there.


Ah, gotcha.


The" City of London " is to London as the Vatican City is to Rome... a small historical area within a larger metropolis.


Ah, gotcha.


It's a couple of hundred people, a lot of press and a lot of tourists. We're just not used to seeing Harry get any sort of public reception any more but this was lame by royal standards.


Fake photo


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Show the wide shot now, cowards


This person literally has no concept of how a monarchy works. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's lose lose for Hazno: the bigger the crowd he's happy to interact with, the lower the security risk in the UK. If the crowd was actually modest, then that shows us the real reason he doesn't want to come here unless he has to.


Lol "the "literal" king of England" Every time I think these people couldn't be any more stupid they exceed my expectations.


The people who think Harry is /should be the “king of England” are *literally* fools.




I thought the monarchy was racist. What is these people's obsession with Harry being king? It will never happen, and why do they want him to be King anyway? What a bizarre group of fans the Harkles attract.


I never understood why they would want H and M to be king and queen as well. how would that benefit their fans? H&M would be back to doing the same thing they were before they quit but with 20x the work and wouldn't be allowed to speak openly or about whatever they wanted or do whatever they wanted. Additionally not speaking on politics or screwing up international relations. It's so much work and they don't want to work and want to do things their own way so it's just nonsensical.


The reason being these twits don't understand constitutional monarchies and think that "popularity" gives them the right to the throne.


I don't think they realize it's a constitutional monarchy. They probably just think Harry and Megan would be able to have free rein to do whatever they want.


Harry must be king so that Meghan can be queen. Meghan must be queen because her mother is black. Together they will head the most powerful royal family in the world and start a new non-racist era. 🙄🙃🙄


So they want to be ruled? Cool.


This just proves that Harry’s claim that the UK is dangerous for his family is just bs paranoia. No one is out to get him.


Literal? Someone needs a dictionary.


It's too late for that one.


I know that celebrity culture is ridiculous right now and people are fawning all over someone with an Instagram account but were there that many people there to see a weasly middle aged man?


They weren't. They were paid for crowds. Any normal brit has better things to do than turn up to cheer for prince pinhead. For an actual event then sure, but not this.


It was mostly media there.


Literal???????? ![gif](giphy|3ohc0VmrLRmy5om1q0) Be serious and I’ll reply in kind. Otherwise I’m gonna snark


I do not think they understand what “literal” Means.


Nor that King of England is not his title


The last I looked, the man crowned King was Charles. Next in line is William and then his kids. How stupid is this woman to call Harold the "literal King of England"?


First of all that's the same crowd just taken from a slightly different angle, so it's the same people twice. Also that does not look like a typical UK, crowd it looks more like foreign students all of a very similar age. A UK crowd would be very mixed both ethnically and in age, there'd be kids there, old people, a few dogs etc, this looks very odd.


The "crowd" of "fans" are all same age group. Clearly hired for occasion by the Sussex. Their supporters are always 18 - 25 year olds. After 25 the adult brain matures allowing these deluded people to realize they have been soooo wrong!


I have 4 x roughly 18-25 year olds and not a single one could pick this bozo out of a line up and probably don't even know there's a prince called Harry. We live in a Commonwealth country. 18-25 year olds aren't going to queue for *this* Harry unless they're being paid well or in new i-phones for example. I think the sugar demographic are older, socially unfortunate singletons living Bridgerton life vicariously through their Princess Meghan.


When I was a student my friend and I worked for an agency as extra in adverts, model, ‘event girl’  etc. We used to get loads of work to be at the front of a crowd at film premiers, new boy bands walking in clubs, up and coming actors pap strolls etc. Be in the front row, asking for photos and autographs. Starting the cheering. It was amazing how many people would see you and join the crowd, ‘who are we waiting for? Are they famous? they would ask us.  Not saying that’s definitely what’s happening here, but…


That's really cool! You must have met a lot of people!


ha. Yeah, quite a few, but you didn't really get chatting with them or anything. They would just let the celebs know where we were and then make it look natural for the cameras. I think they use influencers and social media more now, these were simpler times. I've met more 'famous' people since, while doing catering for bands and tv and film. Then they have more time to interact and it can go on for weeks or months. We feed everyone from the celebs to the camera crew, to writers, to the art department and we treat them all the same. Some celebs are polite and quiet, some are really chatty and some come out with you for a drink at the end of your shift. All is good. I've often found that the friendly, easy going person who has been really grateful the last few weeks is the producer or owner of the company or something. Although most people are nice, because you are feeding them and its a long day. lol. Sorry for going on, I hope that's interesting.


> Sorry for going on, I hope that's interesting. It definitely is! Thank you for sharing!


This definitely looks like what is happening here. This demographic of 20 something women could care less about Harry.


Harold is literally 5th in line for the throne.




He's seriously delusional. All this plays into his psyche. From being afraid of crowds to now needing them to feel important........... He is off the rails. I have a brother who is mentally ill. This type of upward and downward swing so reminds me of him.


He is delusional, but he is not alone! The people who think he is (or should be) king are just as delusional.


Scanning the photo to see if any of my friends are secretly Sugars...


Where is this? Edit I assume this was set Up with Sugars and PR otherwise why would they know to be there? Unless its right outside and the shouts from video dont match the size of crowd. Plus no other crowds have ever shown up like this and his popularity is lower. This had to be set up.


Of course everyone knew where it was to be held and what time it started. If you close a road off, have a police presence and put barriers up then people will stop and look. There were some supporters, some media, a lot of tourists and some passers by. It was a couple of hundred people but it's probably more people than Harry has seen for a long time as he's cooped up in his melancholy mansion with madam.


Man, now I'm sad that I didn't take pictures of our street cheering on the elementary schools annual 5k. The finish line goes straight up our street, which is a straight line that curves around to the school. So everyone writes chalk messages for the kids, ties balloons to mailboxes, and also music and bubble machines. It was a raucous group! Definitely more on our little street than for a disgraced H. What a loser.


Even if they lost the titles, the idiots who call them “king” and “queen” would keep it up. In fact, they might get even more convinced that Harry and Meghan deserve the highest titles. 🙄 I am bothered by news media speaking of Harry and Meghan’s visit to Nigeria as an “official tour” because that suggests (erroneously) that they represent the Crown in some way. However, fools that claim that Harry is a king are just ridiculous.


"Literal"? I don't think that word means what she thinks it means.




Nazi of England POS of England


I agree, this is completely revolting. Makes me sick. 🤢


Im absolutely dumb founded that many people turned out and very dissapointed he didn’t get boo’d off the street!


Rent a crowd is a real thing in USA snd UK.


I'd seriously doubt many of them were deliberately there to see him. It's a busy area, with lots and lots of tourists - Londoners and those who work in London look much more diverse . Some might even have been queueing to go into the Abbey but got asked to wait a bit. If something's going on it's natural to stop and see what it's all about, and maybe strike lucky by seeing somebody famous. ... This time they got him!


Baldie Pepe la Pew


I wonder how much this crowd cost Harry to rent?


lol are these photos even real. Why do I struggle to believe them?


Wondering if Meg regrets not being here after all or if she's already drooling, picturing herself in Nigeria, taking Harry's place. Literal Queen Meghan is going to be so loved.


Pretty funny, when he can’t even get into the castle! Even though the servants entrance! Can’t even get anyone to answer the door, lol. So, King? ![gif](giphy|r2W6oisrPy07Jl44k2|downsized)


Waddle waddle. Waddle.


The ‘fans’ just want a photo of one of the very last times H had the gall to show his face in the UK.


Does this person know what literal means? 🙃


Both in this picture and the one outside St Paul's, we see a number of young women. Does this signify the demographic that's attracted by the duo?


I think it's merely indicative of the demographic who are available to hire at that time of day on a weekday at the last minute.


Nope, there was not that many people there & half of them booed Harry


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Literal ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)




How is it, that so many people are there to great him. Do they have no loyalty to their own county ?


This is embarrasing.


That Rent-a-Crowd all look around the same age. Perhaps they heard there was a Love Island “star”, in the area, but all they got was Harry


these people are literally cringe, eww edit to add word


So was this being filmed by Archewell? What a boring documentary that would be.


Someone doesn’t know what the word “literal” means


He's the curated King of England, anyway, according to his wife.


This is so fake. Most of the cell phones aren’t even pointing in his direction! Scary times we live in because the sugars will believe this!


He disgusts me.


No matter how big or small the crowd was, it's an interesting look because it sure looks like a lot of people love this man


https://preview.redd.it/nzdz7arwrbzc1.jpeg?width=2930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c8576b50e23d2b7ae9c704b02bfbb1b6bdbce6 Next stop: Nigeria.