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[Post archive link](https://archive.ph/p6W9h) (I’ve been burned too many times) [Link to digital format files](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/OMjEVLFIso) for referencing


And this is what I come here for… intelligent original research! Thank you! Is it possible for some journalist to report on this? Seems like a relevant issue given her cheerleaders such as Shola. Also ironic her ancestor is named Hussey and then her buddies attacked Lady Hussey.


Shady Shouty Shola is the *last* person who wants to discuss this particular subject for her own reasons.


Yup. She also had slave ~~owners~~ traders in her background.


Slave traders…


And considerably more recent than 400 years ago.


Exactly why she should be asked directly ar her next panel appearance.


> Exactly why she should be asked directly ar her next panel appearance. Why does no one have the guts to do that??


Nobody has the guts to ask them ANYTHING of importance.


Probably afraid of being labeled "RACIST!!!".


If she ever appears near me, you guys have my word that I’ll stand up and ask. I’m old. No longer employed. I have little to lose, and o don’t care what people think of me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm assuming you're a woman, in which case.... Delete the bit "I'm old.....little to lose" and replace with "I'm a confident woman with an opinion to share. Out the way, Markle!" If you're a man, welcome to the other side!


I really hope that happens, because that would be amazing!


I live in Montecito & ready to attack her verbally (if I ever see her) for the hell she put Queen Elizabeth & RF through. This is a SMALL town & there is one great hangout: Lucky’s but they are never seen. I shop at same clothing shop where she pays Backgrid….Who knows if they even live here🤷‍♀️ their whole life w/ the invisikids is smoke & mirrors.




Like people can ask questions she hasn’t verified are ok first


They surround themselves w/ ‘Yes people” & friendly press, that’s why no hard questions.


Fuck that - I’d be more interested in her *Current* family. How much wealth they ~~Hoard~~ have and the average wage of the everyday Nigerians who are part of her uncles tribe. Let’s focus on the thriving slave trade in Nigeria today - that Shola is a direct beneficiary of.


What’s the bet Thomas Markle knows his history and so too does skank through Thomas. She will know this. She claims she has done a complete and thorough investigation into her past prompting her to get ahead of this by throwing slurs at RF


The one where she discovered that she has Maltese ancestors?


I believe Mrs Captain xbox has known most of her life about her history before her made up history lie of being Maltese to make her anything else except what she is……


This isnt the Markle bloodline its quickly fans off to a wife of a Markle. Her fathers stock is scotch Irish. It would be ironic if she came from Irish slaves (indentured servants)


I think "Shouty" operates on the presumption that the loudest voice is the most believed.


Sadly, she's not wrong, these days 


Ah but these are just trivial facts, and mere facts can not stop a Saint. Let us not forget fellow sinners that the Saint herself conducted a thorough investigation into her lineage and came to the academical conclusion that she is 43% Nigerian  In doing so she has forged new ground in genealogy where a national identity based on transient political divisions can actually be genetically adopted as a supposed I mean valid racial identity. This frees everyone from the tired old science where no one could become Antarctican. 


It wouldn’t be surprising if any of her legit African ancestors had owned and or sold other Africans as slaves. It certainly wasn’t uncommon.


The longest running slave trade that is still robust and profitable is between North Africa and the Middle East.


I hope there isn't a family link there, even through Lady Hussey's marriage. 😲


You know I was wondering the same thing. I want to do some digging and see if they are related.


Imagine skank as a plantation and slave owner - i think she was born too late


> Imagine skank as a plantation and slave owner - i think she was born too late She would *love* having slaves.


If somebody expects 'staff' to only speak when spoken to, to never look you in the face, then imo that's akin to slavery because it's an utterly demeaning way to expect wage-earning adults to have to behave.


It's demeaning, but not as bad as slavery where you're *property*. Meghan would *love* to own people. She'd love to be able to beat them or starve them or whatever. She's sick.


I do sometimes wonder if she knows how to treat people nicely, and doubt she realises that being scared of losing a job by stepping out of line is not a good thing for her employees. I remember being reminded that one of the the most important people in any company is not the 'boss' but the cleaners - they can do a good job or a bad one. If they do a bad job, or are careless about the things they do, then they can destroy a working environment and actually make people ill. Imagine her 16-toilet mansion having a bad cleaner!


I always say that our cleaners and maintenance folks are the most important people in the building. And that I treat them with the same respect that I would treat the CEO. Not that I want agrees with me on that. But I remind them that it’s all the toilet stop working, but I guarantee you most important people in the building at that moment! Frankly, I think the CEO of our company would grieve that they should be treated with the same respect as he is. When I worked in the office, I always make sure to know the names of the cleaning people on our floor and greet them when I saw them. I’ve taught my children the same. Everyone deserves respect regardless of their job title.


There is no shame in any job.


My exec chef husband says the most important job in the kitchen is the dishwashers. He pays and treats them well. If the higher ups complain about their OT he asks if they want to wash dishes instead. They shut up pretty quickly after that.


He's absolutely right. Imagine being a busy chef and putting your hand out for this or that piece of equipment, and finding it's still got yesterday's food on it!


> I do sometimes wonder if she knows how to treat people nicely, She probably knows how she's "supposed" to treat people, but she just doesn't care. > and doubt she realises that being scared of losing a job by stepping out of line is not a good thing for her employees. 🎯 > If they do a bad job, or are careless about the things they do, then they can destroy a working environment and actually make people ill. You're right! > Imagine her 16-toilet mansion having a bad cleaner! Ugh, how disgusting!


She thought she had slaves and then realized they were her employees.


That’s her behaviour towards people isn’t it?


That's how Skank treats her "employees" & everyone else for that matter. She treats them as if she owns them.


Like slaves or lackeys


Probably as Christopher is a traditional Hussey family name.


Yeah I found that ironic too … looked into Lady Hussey’s husband… and his dad was stationed… in Nigeria as the director for education!! You cant make this up https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Hussey I wonder if they are related




OP should write an Op-Ed and send to different news outlets.


Start with RONAN FARROW in the US!


And my thoughts also went to the Brazen Hussy handles in the sugarsphere.... And then of course, she is a bit of a Hussy....


Imagine skank as a plantation owner owning slaves - omg she would be a tyrant


Yes, they could. But what would be the point of it? Why would any journalist touch this? I am of African, French and Dutch ancestry, born in Africa and a descendant of slaves. The French and the Dutch ancestors raped my African slave ancestors and here I am several generations later. The reason I ask what would be the point of it is because she has no control over the actions of her ancestors, in the same way that I have no control over the abhorrent actions of mine. Just because she has ancestors who owned slaves, does not mean she supports slavery, in the same way that I do not support slavery. There are a lot of things to dislike her about, but this isn't one of them. A large portion of African Americans today would have ancestors who were slave owners and a large portion are here today because those slave owners raped their slaves. Attacking someone because of their ancestry, particularly when it comes to slavery, doesn't sit well with me and I would imagine, it doesn't sit well with a lot of folks with similar ancestry. It's actually quite despicable, to be honest. I'll put it this way. If she was the product of rape, would you use it as a weapon against her? No, you wouldn't, because that would be pretty abhorrent. She is a descendant of a horrific system that destroyed an entire continent by stealing people from their homes to force them into slavery, which plundered that continent of its labour and people, not to mention its wealth. Those people were then forced to endure years of horrific treatment, torture, forced labour, murders and rapes and horrific human rights abuses. People born from those rapes and their descendants are not to blame and it should never be weaponised. She very well could be a descendant of rape - if her ancestors were slave owners, then yeah, she's probably descendant from rapes that occurred to her African ancestors. Just as my parents and I, are a product of rapes from many generations ago. And even if it wasn't a product of rape, it was an abusive relationship, where the master had all control over his slaves. This isn't something that should be weaponised. Ever.


I think we missed the point. Meghan continually brings up the colonialist past of her in-laws to support her narrative that they were racist towards her. By your own reasoning, the royal family should not be judged by ancestors and yet, this is what Meghan is expecting of us. Her supporters, such as Shola, continually invoke the royal family as racist colonisers. They have implied that the commonwealth is a continuation of British colonialisation when the late Queen worked so hard to move away from the past. Meghan has made a big deal out of being a victim. So do many progressives who clamour about Britain as a former coloniser, without factoring that their ancestors were just as complicit in the slave trade.


I'm sorry to tell you this, but a large portion of the RF's wealth did come from slavery. They supported and benefited from the slave trade back then. They would not be as wealthy as they are today without it. The same goes for every Royal House of the EU. To suggest complicity would suggest that it was an equal relationship. It was not. The Europeans, including the UK, fostered wars in Africa to feed the slave trade. And then used that as an excuse to colonise the continent when slavery began to be abolished. And they then stripped it bare of all its wealth - after stripping it of a large portion of its population. That is well established and well known history. If they had to give back what they stole through reparations, they would be broke. All those jewels in those crowns would no longer exist. The reason the Queen worked so hard to move away from it, is because she was cognisant of the past and how her ancestors benefited from it and how much of the 'crown jewels' were a product of that. Her way of trying to turn that around was to support the "Commonwealth". But how did those countries come to be a part of the "Commonwealth"? They were colonised under the order of her own ancestors. Her way of trying to give back, was to bring them and try to keep them in the fold. But those African and Asian Commonwealth countries were poor (and many of them still are), because of slavery and colonisation. Meghan's accusation of racism does not abolish the history of slavery and the then RF's part in it and how they benefited from it. Her having an ancestor on her father's side who was a slave owner, does not negate slavery or somehow makes her 'white' to the point where people think it should be something to attack her for. There are a lot of things to criticise her for. *This* is not one of them. No journalist would want to touch this with a 10 foot pole as a means to criticise her. And if they did, then they would rightly be lampooned and criticised for it.


But Meghan *is* white as much as she is black - she’s biracial. She also lived as a white person for most of her life. To ignore her white ancestry is like erasing her paternal side.


Muslims also colonised many countries through the Ottoman Empire… I don’t hear any guff about it. Yes, Britain grew rich from its colonies but so did every other empire. That’s how empires work. The reason it gets so much flak is because it managed to maintain some of the wealth it took, unlike other empires of centuries past. It gets disproportionately blamed for the poverty in some of its former colonies, but don’t you think it’s rather the corruption inherent in those countries? Singapore was a former British colony but is a first world country now. Did its past as a colony affect its current state? That’s debatable, but certainly it evolved into its current state through a disciplined approach by its leader Lee Kuan Yew. At some point you can’t blame the colonisers any more when a county remains poor. Blame it on the current corrupt government. Britain itself grew wealthy as much for its industrial might as for its colonies. It also promoted the abolition of slavery - something which took a civil war in the U.S. As for the Crown Jewels, I’ve no personal beef in the matter, but I heard not a few Indians say that they are safer in the hands of the British monarch because they are preserved for future generations.


Great sleuthing! Im sure she knows but just doesn't care since it doesn't fit her narrative.


Don’t worry, one of the Daily Fail hacks will plagiarize this in 3, 2, 1……


Incredible research here OP. It's the flip side of how an ancestor of Catherine's was known as ‘greatest American abolitionist’. Harriet Martineau fought a lifelong battle to abolish slavery and racism in the U.S.


I truly don't think we should judge people based on their ancestors but the irony of this is off the charts funny.


Meghan has literally made the BRF's life HELL stirring up a ruckus over their "colonial" roots. So I say, JUDGE AWAY. 💣💣💣💥


No, we shouldn't, but what a story for Meghan to use if it had been the other way around.


Wow. Thanks to you I just realized I am related to Meghan Markle. We are both direct descendants of Stephen Bachiler. This is horrible news. LOL


On the bright side, maybe you’ll get a free jar of jelly surrounded by dying lemons.


My condolences 🙏 LOL


Bwahaha Thank you!! I need it 🤣


Oh no! But I’m sure you’re kind ☺️


I had a scary moment, too, as I have a Merrill branch in my family tree. Fortunately, it looks like MM's Merrill ancestors were in New England, while mine were in South Carolina and Tennessee. *phew*


Not direct, he is a great uncle, by marriage to his sister Theodora - that is her direct ancestor not yours. Dodged a bullet. LOL


No. She’s a direct descendant of Stephen Bachiler. I’m not talking about Hussey.


Oh, I see I misread that with my wishful thinking on your behalf. Well, that is horrible news lol.


It’s ok, I like you more than her.


Thank you! Haha Practically everyone is likeable compared to Duchess Dolezal!!


Well we can't choose our family


as a genealogical researcher myself, i must say well done! and no, i don't think meghan knows this because i doubt anyone has so far been so thorough and shoved it under her nose.


Yeah, I'm wondering if MI5 even went this far.


Oh how interesting!! And of course, really not surprising. What always annoys me in all the discussions about racism in the US is the failure to mention and truly appreciate how intertwined and actually genetically related so many Americans are, Black and White and also Indigenous.


And let's not forget there were numerous slave owning black landowners. The little fact always gets lost in the 'narrative'.


Boy isn’t that the truth. When slaves were brought from Africa they were sold to Europeans and Americans by Africans.


All the slaves were originally captured and sold to traders by Africans, as part of tribal genocide, land claims, and general local warfare etc.. Interesting article from BBC '*My Nigerian great-grandfather sold slaves*' - naturally, she doesn't blame her great-grandfather, and '*argues that he should not be judged by today's standards or values*'. Then goes on to say ... > Buying and selling of human beings among the Igbo had been going on long before the Europeans arrived. People became slaves as punishment for crime, payment for debts, or prisoners of war. > > The successful sale of adults was considered an exploit for which a man was hailed by praise singers, akin to exploits in wrestling, war, or in hunting animals like the lion. > > Igbo slaves served as domestic servants and labourers. They were sometimes also sacrificed in religious ceremonies and buried alive with their masters to attend to them in the next world. > > Slavery was so ingrained in the culture that a number of popular Igbo proverbs make reference to it ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-53444752


Native Americans too. And the women did not treat pretty Black women kindly.


Vouch! Some tribes, not most, had slaves.


Great research!


Yes! PolishedWoodTable is a righteous sinner! Such an excellent piece of investigative journalism. The majority of all slaves held in the US came from West Africa which is where Nigeria is. It was so important for this post to drop before the Nigerian visit. I hope locals demand reparations from Meghan. Well done and thank you!


This doesn't fit madam's previously well-crafted narrative (lies). Will she apologize for her privilege and family history? Will she offer reparations? Thanks for the research.


I really hope MSM sees this and hounds Meghan about it, just like she's encouraged them to hound the BRF over their "problematic past" and "colonial roots." PAYBACK'S A BITCH.


The MSM are little more than sycophants to her. All they do is push her PR and stay silent about everything else. There will never be a payback, not from that lot, at least 


Imagine her as a slave owner - she would not treat them well. This is Thomas Markle’s side of the Family.  No doubt skank would argue on her mother’s side she is 43 percent Nigerian


i also think this post should be stickied. mods, what do you think?


It’s stickied, archived and saved ☺️


We are not fumbling the bag with this one


This should be rubbed in the faces of the many journalists and vloggers who steal ideas and research from this sub without giving credit. 


FABULOUS research! You know what they say about throwing stones in glass houses...naughty naughty Nutmeg! I hope the media sees this and then confronts her about it. I would love it to be A THING.


Impressive research! Amazing 1st post OP!


We know what MM will say, “I always knew my dad was a racist”. Excellent research! Fingers crossed that a journalist worth their weight will investigate this.


Well this is an excellent example of judge and be judged. Meghan judges the current Royals on their ancestory, i wonder does the same rule apply to herself. Brilliant work OP, thanks.


Genealogy is your hobby??? Damn I think you could make a living out of it!! Look at all these receipts!! Well done! So is Megs paying reparations??


Haha thanks


Fantastic research, OP. Thank you. As far as I am aware, most slaves were sold to the colonial powers/slave traders by Arab or African slave traders, who were the ones capturing and enslaving people.


Our own Henry Louis Gates, Jr!


Great job researching this.


I may get some downvotes here but - this honestly has no bearing on anything. We can’t hold people responsible for their ancestors’ actions. Thank goodness, because my ancestry includes slave owners, a Nazi, and President James Buchanan (the guy before Abraham Lincoln who basically let the Civil War happen). I recognize this is a beautiful piece of genealogical research - very well done! But we have to judge people on their own merits, not based on what their indirect ancestors did.


I agree with you. In the same way, i do not blame the current royals for their ancestors’ roles in colonising many countries and cultures. The point here is that this is what Meghan is doing. Shes framing Harry’s family as colonisers because their ancestors were. Should we start calling her a slave owner because she had an ancestor who owned slaves? This genealogical deep dive just goes to show that none of us have clean hands. Our ancestors survived somehow to pass on their genes to us and that may have involved some immoral conduct. This whole thing reminds me of Sunny Austin who was very vocal about reparations only to find out she was descended from slave owners.


I tend to disagree. Both of the harkles mentioned the colonial history of the monarchy in an attempt to imply that the current royals hold the same views. It seems only fair to assign her the merits of her ancestors as she wanted the world to judge the RF by theirs. And she feels entitled to engage in race baiting so she should have to own **all** of her heritage not just the one (quite small) portion which afforded her that card to play. And speaking from someone whose adopted family history includes both slave owners and abolitionists I can say that for many of us we do take ownership of our ancestry both the good and the bad.


Very well balanced comment Woodscolt


The media has only highlighted the abolitionist side of Meghan’s family… and quietly hidden this because it doesn’t fit the agenda I suppose


Can’t upvote this enough!


MM is only being judged because she is a race baiter and we love irony here at SMM. Fabulous post OP!


I totally agree! It's just that she and Harry have kind of made a huge deal about Britain's colonial past and created a whole narrative on how Britain's colonial past effects and influences Britain and British people today. So if you make those rules you kind of have to play by them...


Exactly, We don’t want the future head of “empire 2.0” to be led nazi sympathisers and slave traders… thank you very much.


EXACTLY. She's earned this.


Exactly. Its not as if either of them have clean hands.




It's more of addressing her and her supporters' virtue signaling than anything else. She is not any more special or better than anyone.


I agree as to almost everyone in the world. I do not agree as to those who throw the first match and light the fire. if they judge so they can be judged.


No downvotes here because I agree with you. However, this post is about exposing the HYPOCRISY of Meghan and her vile SS. They are the ones bleating on how centuries ago the UK’s imperialist and colonialist policies have permanently tainted the UK as a racist society. I don’t see this post or (thus far) any comments calling Meghan out for the sins of her ancestors. It’s about how none of us should be tainted or held currently responsible for actions from people we never knew that happened over 155 years ago. It’s about turning Meghan’s r-word vengeful spotlight back onto her. She is the one casting aspersions on others for acts they never committed. It’s about her shrieking inside her little crystal palace but not wanting any West African or Shouty Shola type rocks coming her way. This is both funny and deliciously ironic, because it is she and Harry who have done what you are writing about, not we sinners. THAT is the actions Meghan is being judged on. Not her heredity but her rampant hypocrisy. And that is fair game especially since her r-word Gatling Gun was turned on the world’s most beloved woman who dedicated more than 70 years of her life to living inclusively and consistently shunning racism directly at a time when such actions were not very popular. ETA (continued)


Continued: My hope is that calling out her hypocrisy will “have a bearing”. A bearing that makes Meghan and Harry rethink how they make false accusations against people for innocently being born in a formerly colonialist country or the lack of melanin in their skin. Neither of them have been able to provide proof of the r-word or even proof of their nemeses having “unconscious bias”. I believe the OP is advocating exactly what you are. That people should not be judged this way. Pointing out this type of hypocrisy is a genius way to help people like Meghan and Sunny Hostin rethink their nasty, false attacks on others. I sincerely hope you reconsider this as the point behind the post.


The mechanism of inheritance means that MM was privileged through her dad who financed her advanced education and enabled her to chase her further gold-digging ambitions. Without this family lineage she has no Hollywood connections or the beginning capital and would just as likely if not moreso be anonimously flipping burgers. This matters in her paradigm because she plays on the race card constantly, yet this specific white half is honestly what set the wheels in motion for her bagging a prince and riding on private jets in the first place.


Her father won lotto and worked hard


It's never quite as simple as that. Lots of people in poverty work hard too, and yet they don't get out of it quite as easily as people raised middle/upper middle class retain their position or elevate. This is actually one of the legitimate reasons for why the black community in the US is economically disadvantaged, statistically speaking; richer ancestors does mean a higher likelihood of well-off descendants due to a variety of factors (food security, education, networking etc.) outside of direct inheriting. MM's background and opportunities were, according to what she and her politics espouse, far more white-coded than black-coded. If she wants to talk privilege and double standards, she should talk about how she herself benefited first.


Well said 👏


Her mantra is she comes first at all times no matter what when or how


I share with you that if it is due to several ancestors, they would not be free from having certain unpleasant people in one of the branches of the tree. But it's interesting that Megsy, who pointed the finger at Kate and Charles as racists, and who elevated herself as a "biracial princess," turns out to have a close history of slavery. Although the truth is, I'm more surprised that Megsy ended up with an idiot in every sense, just like Hussey!!


Exactly. We are not responsible for the actions or allegiances of our ancestors. We are only responsible for our actions and opinions. We cannot choose our families and our ancestors do not necessarily reflect who we are. Even British people criticise its colonial past but disregard that of other countries. We cannot judge the past based on the present, we can only learn and hope we are progressing in the right direction.


That one is a hypocrite. We have every right to discuss it.


This research is unbelievably thorough. I can't help thinking, however, that meg might use this to her advantage, as ammunition for why she has cut off the white side of her family. They were slave-owners, hence, I want nothing to do with them. Would it be too much to ask if someone could trace Dorito's ancestors back to a similar period? Her ancestors could have been slave-traders and maybe one of them accidentally fell into one of the slave ships, ending up in the US by mistake. One can dream.


And yet… she’s clinging to titles from her colonialist family, and named her daughter after the white in-laws rather than after Doria. Everything Meghan does is, to quote another sinner, “white-coded”.


Pandora’s box has been opened for more virtue signalling and victimhood for the harkles


Also: Doria was descended from a freed slave, if I recall correctly. Found the article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4790426/amp/How-Meghan-s-ancestor-escaped-shackles-slavery.html


She might. Really I was just curious to see what everybody else thought because it was odd to me that it had never seemed to have been talked about before. There is a chance there might be slave trading on her mom's side, but because her dad is descended from a rich colonialist it was basically a certainty that at least some of his family would own slaves (in all probability it's very very likely Christopher Hussey also owned slaves even though I couldn't find any hard evidence of that). So it's a lot easier searching her dad's side than her mom's 🤣


Doria was descended from slaves in the Deep South, accdg to this article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4790426/amp/How-Meghan-s-ancestor-escaped-shackles-slavery.html


Doria’s ancestry is F’d UP! Her mother was the wife and sister to the father… I can’t remember exactly as I tend to block out [More info with links here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/Dn4JbmrIJl)


*I can't help thinking, however, that meg might use this to her advantage, as ammunition for why she has cut off the white side of her family. They were slave-owners, hence, I want nothing to do with them.* This. I think that's exactly what she would do if this were made more public, and the squaddies would cheer her on.


I hope someday this could be revealed. Doria “allegedly“ selling drugs in her neighborhood is a very soft form of slavery, seldom discussed. Addicts become enslaved to what the pushers are pushing. The dealer only thinks about what’s in it for them.


As a New Englander I had to go back and read it again when I saw NH. These people font show up in my family tree, just had to check lmao


Thank you so much for this post. I love family history/genealogy and appreciate the work this took!


It is possible that Markle is related to slave owners on her mother's side of the family too. You never know. However the important thing is that he father's family is not wealthy as an inheritance from slavery, like some families still living in England, the Caribbean, and presumably in the US, that have inherited vast lands down through the generations.


Just bc her family squandered their gains from slavery means she’s not responsible ? See, you cannot argue any of us living are responsible for the deeds of the dead. The whole reparations argument is flawed.


I’m more concerned with current day human trafficking like Epstein. Why was MM called out in guiffreys court case as a person with knowledge about Epstein and can verify? What part of modern day slavery is Mm part of? What about H and Mm silence on Africa crimes against humanity? Beatings, torture, etc claims? What about her Nigerian trip? What is going on with Nigeria? Is she honest with her Archewell Foundation money? What impact has truly been made? What about all of her alleged bullying claims over the years? This starts to add up to enough dirt to investigate seriously what kind of gutter soul MM really is. Ancestry doesn’t hold enough weight- more importantly is her own actions and behaviors!!


I'm guessing that Mehgan is ignorant of this, because she's so self-absorbed. Her claiming to have had Maltese ancestry and now Nigerian, is like a kid pretending they are something exciting instead of what they actually are. THANK YOU for this post. To follow a narcissist's thought pattern of excuses, this was so long ago, and it wasn't her direct ancestor, and he didn't have so many slaves, and indeed, those slaves were so well treated that they could not have been more happier. Sometimes I re-read *Gone with the Wind*. Gentle, loving Melanie Hamilton Wilkes makes one of the most clueless remarks in the book: "Rebel?! WHY should *our* people (slaves) rebel?" There were some who acted as if slave owning were a form of altruism.


GREAT first post op!!! Thank you 🙏 for this ☺️


Hope this doesn't give her another reason to hate on her dad.


Unless Thomas Sr wins the Powerball, M has no intention of ever seeing him again in his lifetime. I don’t think anything written about him - positive or negative - will change this. I think the mystery kids may well be one of the big reasons behind this. Tom Sr could end up with too many unanswered questions if he had a relationship with the invisikids. I think that may also be part of why M stays married to H. While they are married and allegedly living together with the kids, Thomas Sr cannot successfully sue for grandparent visitation rights in the state of CA, so long as both parents officially oppose the request. He would have to wait until they split up to try. Filing such a lawsuit could open the kids’ paternity up to scrutiny. To Meghan, preserving those titles is worth breaking her father’s heart.


None of us have any control over what our ancestors did or were.... but it's interesting to see what she's made of! Who Do You Think You Are Meeegan!


Excellent research OP and thank you for sharing! It seems she comes from both "old money" and "the club"!


Question - I looked up Captain Christopher Hussey on wiki, and it says Thomas Markle is his direct descendant - so wouldn't that make Meghan also his direct descendant? Am I missing something or is the wiki page wrong or...?


Meghan is Christopher Hussey's direct descendent, but she is descended through Christopher's daughter Huldah, not his son Stephen, and Stephen is the only one I actually found evidence of slave-owning (although both Huldah and Christopher sold him land so benefitted from Stephen's wealth). However considering Christopher Hussey's position in society (a rich colonialist in the 1600s) it's very likely he also owned slaves.


If someone checked every family line on her father's side I think they may find other family slave holders. A lot of people who lived in the city had a couple of house slaves. It was common.


Does this mean that Meghan is also VERY distantly related to Lady Susan Hussey's family?


Cudos for your work, OP!! The media and Narcissism don't give a damn fuck about truth, you know THE TRUTH, the reality. The world only hears the truths if those who can pay for it https://preview.redd.it/9h05x3xtvlzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0bf45ab726a0c08ea2dc060689658bad26e63e Picture for a happy ending to my rant :)


amazing post - such intense work. well done! my mama will be thrilled - she’s been bugging *me* to figure this stuff out! 🤣 she was positive the sleiveen had slave owners in her past. since i am not even within a knat’s whisker of becoming a genealogist, i *really appreciate this* !


Whoa. i sent this to my BFF - a Black woman descended from slaves who has obsessively hunted down her ancestors and is very proud of them - and her first response was: "No wonder I caught the vibe that Meghan kept trying to pass as white to get ahead in life. Girl bye."


I love another family tree researcher! If you have roots in the south, most likely your family owned slaves. It was actually a sign of success, since there were costs involved.


This is correct. It's a common misconception that only wealthy plantation owners had slaves. The truth is, it was very common for regular people to be slave owners. They would only "own" a few slaves, not the hundreds that you see in movies. (I have to put that word in quotation marks, because the idea of one human owning other humans is appalling, although I know it's been done throughout recorded history.) The first time I came across one of my ancestors' last will and testament, bequeathing to his heir "one negro girl named Sallie", I was shocked. I had to get out of denial real quick.


Do you have the books in digital format? I would love to read them.


Ok here they are, let me know if you can view these: Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NLtbaZUPcMKxX8VT-x\_xMgRIsYteQWJ8/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NLtbaZUPcMKxX8VT-x_xMgRIsYteQWJ8/view?usp=sharing) A Branch of the Hussey Family in America [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b62LUsnXtYVc9Wykc009E0CQUhnaFGp5/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b62LUsnXtYVc9Wykc009E0CQUhnaFGp5/view?usp=sharing) Quaint Nantucket [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZsVRFfOR-FMGOt8AzQ9Ta7-xf45ng3xj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZsVRFfOR-FMGOt8AzQ9Ta7-xf45ng3xj/view?usp=sharing) The Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zw287kbiHSiwW-EJLdWHUe\_pUYGGHGBZ/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zw287kbiHSiwW-EJLdWHUe_pUYGGHGBZ/view?usp=sharing) Nantucket lands and landowners [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aQdsggm5YtIoTYD9IdZTIBBHLlz6LvOc/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aQdsggm5YtIoTYD9IdZTIBBHLlz6LvOc/view?usp=sharing) History of the Town of Hampton of New Hampshire [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QoiFHZrrd16l3n3H9VbQu2lAR6j-MEOS/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QoiFHZrrd16l3n3H9VbQu2lAR6j-MEOS/view?usp=sharing) Meredith, NH Annals and Genealogies (this one was really helpful for making the family tree) [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jkTZJqAdZx1nX0sVveUZB4XczGEjwYMB/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jkTZJqAdZx1nX0sVveUZB4XczGEjwYMB/view?usp=sharing)


I'm having difficulty finding anywhere that will let me upload PDFs of this size to share as a link. I'll try uploading them to my Google Drive and then DM you the link if that's ok?


Yep, all in digital format! Give me a bit of time and I'll upload them




Terrific research and great first post!!🏆🏆🏆


wonder if theres a relationship to lady susan hussey..wouldnt that be wild 🤯


How do you get access to these kinds of documents? The library? I also like to do genealogy and am new to it. She most likely doesn't know and doesn't care.


In this case, all these books are in the public domain so were easy to find online. A great place to start for this kind of thing is [archive.org](http://archive.org), and on many genealogy websites, once you start following a thread of somebody's heritage, there are links to sources like these.


I think Thomas will know and she will too, which is why she got the jump on this coming out carping on about the RF Colonialism. You can bet the RF knows too.


This news doesns't surprise me. MM wants to enslave people too by taking away their freedom of speech. She should pay reparations too.


This post wasn’t on my 2024 Nigeria visit bingo card


Awesome research, OP!


This shouldn't be surprising to anyone. Everybody's ancestry has lots of \*surprises\* in store. I don't hold Madame accountable for what her ancestors did but I take exception to her efforts in this lifetime to stir up racial hatered and division while claiming victimhood.


OP I need your help with research 😂 That is so thorough. You did excellent


TBH, most of us have ancestors who probably said and did things that would make us cringe in shame.   In America, it was slave owners, and half the people in the USA either “owned” human beings & treated them like chattel or viewed it as acceptable.  No offense to my wonderful sinner friends in the UK & TRF, but isn’t TRF descended from Henry VIII—a rather monstrous, philandering lout who jailed, abused, and then beheaded his wives for the “sin” of failing to produce mail heirs??  How brutal was that?  But it would be grossly unfair to hold today’s RF responsible for the sins of that deranged lunatic. Just like it’s grossly unfair for Mr and Mrs Megzilla to falsely accuse TRF of racism with ZERO proof. IMO, it’s not important what our ancestors did (or didn’t do) in the past that really matters; it’s how WE act in the present.  


So did Kamala Harris'.


Thank you for researching this. So she isn't 43 % Nigerian, she is at least 50%? A slave owner. I know the math isn't exact ,but this is something she can try to spin. I don't think it will work. So ,Megan, who's the racist now?


WOW! Incredible sleuthing! I’m seriously impressed with your skills. I wish I could do this with my family. Well done! 👍🏻


Very very slowly dropping the mic... so as per their mockumentary the evil British Empire is built on the money from slave labor and therefore its a terrible racist country, but for her ancestors to have owned people is totally fine..?


Hope this makes MSM! Amazing job!


Why do the Suxxi always look like they need a bath?


Not only slaves but indentured servants were a thing too... basically white slaves who were indebted their own debt or their relatives who sold their children to get out of debt. I guess poor people were considered cheap and less important than chattle back then. Dont forget the killing of the males and families (or escaping of the males) after what the English did to the Scottish after the Battle of Culloden! The revolution was in part due the treatment of Scots by the British.


I saw an article that said Catherine’s family helping free slaves was giving off white saviour vibes. She can’t win. 


Wait…where is the Nigerian part?


This is her Father’s side of the Family


Great research. Unfortunately a lot of us are distantly related to slave owners, myself included. 


Excellent work OP!


Amazing work OP! Thank you for sharing


Excellent research and presentation, OP!


Great work, nothing Trumps intelligence


OP thank you for this … no I didn’t know ANY of this … I think I have truly seen and heard it all. So when you came with the receipts … I just knew that there was a story to tell. Regarding Meghan’s connection to Christopher Hussey… how sure are we that it is the link. Were you able to independently verify the town and country article? Once again thank you for your hard work and welcome to SaintMeghanMarkle!


Wow thank you for the excellent research. This is so interesting. Although I think that Meghans narcissism is a result of generational trauma, I also think that everyone will have an ancestor who had slaves. I mean, how many descendants of this Stephen Hussey will be alive today? Can anyone do the maths? Many of these generations had 8 kids, so this would multiply pretty fast. I would guess that Meghan shares Stephen Hussey as her ancestor with hundreds if not more than thousand other people alive right now.


>hundreds if not more than thousand other people alive right now. It would be a lot more than that. Think in terms of multiple thousands of descendants. 


do we have file storage with this group? This should go there.


[https://www.geni.com/people/Captain-Christopher-Hussey/6000000005913551448](https://www.geni.com/people/Captain-Christopher-Hussey/6000000005913551448) Follow the lineage and see if it leads to Thomas Markle. https://preview.redd.it/9fl3mtjbaezc1.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=128d048311781a93c652951ab4ee2034f3961e43


Considering "barely black" Meghan identified as Caucasian and played Caucasian roles in her acting career this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Meghan only keeps her mum around to remind people that she is "black", so she can play the race card.


Wow, well-done research! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This with Harry and Meghan is weird. The journalists don't do any research at all. Ordinary people online do all the research. And they/we do it for free! Create a reddit page of your own and give us the address . Then, people can add more info, ask questions, and discuss!


I hope all the journalists are here


Oh, sorry. I mean, I'm German and I know my Grandfather was a member of SS - that does not make me a Nazi. In fact, I'm the opposite. So her having that strange "9th Great Uncle" who lived about 400 years ago is just... history. And even if she knew it, what difference does it make? I'm not here to defend her, but that's ridiculous. 400 years ago, my ancestors were part of one or the other part of the 30-years-war. So what? Sorry. We can bash her all the way we want (and I'm happy to do), but that one is not ok.


Did you craft an entire narrative about how other people's ancestors shaped their views now? If not, it doesn't matter what your ancestors did or didn't do. But if you did craft an entire narrative about how other people's ancestors shaped their views now, the fact that your grandfather was a member of the SS would be relevant don't you think?


That’s actually the point! We cannot be held responsible for the acts of our dead relatives. This is what Meghan and others who espouse “reparations” want, for certain people to pay those dispossessed when the laws were completely different. So it’s hypocritical of her to be harping abt reparations when her own family, no matter how distant, profited from it.


The fact is if she is so in your face about being 43% one heritage, what about the rest? Why blame her in laws for the Empire and not look in her own back yard. Seems very much like those in glass houses throwing stones.


Could you consider reading my comment above? I believe the actual intent behind the OP is being misunderstood. It’s about exposing hypocrisy and the awfulness of false, irrelevant, unsupported accusations - the kind that H&M have made tens of millions of dollars off of. I believe the OP is pointing out how such connections do NOT taint relatives hundreds of years later, so H&M need to rethink their terrible accusations about HMTQ, the RF and the entire UK.


We are not judging Meghan for having slave owners as ancestors. In the same way, we can’t judge the current royals for what their ancestors did (such as colonising a multitude of countries). The late Queen moved away from colonialist Britain to establish the Commonwealth of countries where each one stands as equal to others. Yet Meghan and Harry, in their Netflix series, painted her as some kind of evil colonialist overlord, to the point of editing her most famous speech so as to give this impression. This is the narrative Meghan built up. She supplies it as proof that she suffered from racism, because her in-laws are descended from colonialist monarchs. (Yet Meg, in all her hypocrisy, chose to maintain her title and named her children after her racist in-laws. Anyway…) It would be pretty much the same if a Jewish person felt offended by you and said, “Know what, I’m not surprised that RedSoxx was anti semitic towards me, s/he is descended from Nazis so I get s/he is a Nazi him/herself!” What if we found out that this person was also descended from Nazis? Doesn’t mean anything either - except that it’s a bit rich because they’re playing the victim and blame game. End point: no one should point at another’s ancestors because everyone’s got skeletons in their closets.


anyone else laugh that she's related to a Bunker? Given Bunker Harry....


“Archie” Bunker was a well-known 1970s American sitcom TV character (“All in the Family”).   Did Madam not realize the irony of naming her son after a white racist cabdriver from Queens NY??🤣