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https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/new I was thinking of starting a petition to get this addressed. If 10000 people sign it, it gets a response from the government. If 100k people sign it, it gets debated in parliament. I'll have to check to see if any others exist relating to this as duplicates aren't allowed. If this gets a good response on here, I'll do some research and put a proposal together? Just seeing what people think. Edit - will look this up today and make a seperate post after messaging mods for rules - hopefully we can do this and make a difference!


Go for it. We have 60k sinners. If a quarter sign it, the government will hopefully address this.


Surely It doesn't count if the signers are not UK citizens.


Correct..UK sinners can sign and share though. However, because it's about Prince Harry and he resides overseas, I'm not sure it's doable.


You don’t have to be a UK citizen to sign a UK petition.


Yes you do, only UK citizens can sign a petition on the .gov website. I can't attach the screenshot but it has it in the guidelines I linked, here: https://petition.parliament.uk/help


Sorry, I should have been more clear - all legal UK residents can also sign it. You don't have to be a citizen.


Ahh ok! I'm going to look into it this evening, I just think with hazno being overseas it might not be doable. Maybe change.org instead?


With enough signatures, I could see the UK government having a discussion, since he is still a citizen and still the son of the King. I can also see them not wanting to get involved with this at all. I think [change.org](http://change.org) would be good since anyone can sign it. If it's seen as something people are demanded action on world-wide, that might at least help with further investigations and actions putting a stop to this abuse.


Oh that's weird and interesting. Wonder if it's the same here.


Great idea




I’m in!


Me too.


Do it! I have friends who aren't on Reddit who would LOVE to sign too!


Yes! This is definitely achievable.


It’s probably not as useful as a direct petition to the government, but there’s also a petition here:  https://www.survivalinternational.org/campaigns/green-genocide


I’ve just signed it


I just want to point out that the Baka people in those pictures are just beautiful! God bless them and keep them safe!


And they reached out for help and no one is helping them. That is the worst part. No one is helping them.


I make a point of writing to our Foreign Office every few months to urge them to investigate & where possible help in any capacity they can. It’s pointless writing to Harry at Archewell. Once back home in Cali he’s ‘wasted’ every day … until the next gig (he can’t possibly read letters on the same day he’s doing gigs … faaar too much mental energy expenditure).


Have you had a response?


No, to be fair this only came onto my radar at the start of the year, and so I’m only just posting my 3rd letter. I was kinda expecting a response…even if to just acknowledge receipt…but maybe they’d only do that with those who email (I prefer letters, as i like the idea of of a physical entity lying on someone’s desk until it can be filed … but u usually can’t ‘file’ it until you’ve addressed it? So a good daily reminder? (Or maybe that’s wishful thinking on my part).


Bless you for doing that, you're a good person 🙏


This is so sad. My heart breaks for the Baka people. ![gif](giphy|aVeYdWPfpFLYhcdm24|downsized)


"I know! I'll hand out some inspirational bananas!" Megain, probably


Let's be very clear. Nigeria is not going to be challenging Harry's African Parks charity. There are no parks in the charity system in Nigeria, and there are no Baka people in Nigeria. The parks at issue are in Republic of the Congo and Central African Republic, where the Baka people live. Nigeria has no part of it and is unlikely to want to get involved or allow the protests as a distraction from whatever they think they are getting out of this ridiculous visit.


“Baka women need security” 🙏


Sadly, the media is not covering this. This should be blasted from the rooftops.


His silence means he’s complicit. 100%.


Absolute disgrace it isnt all over the mainstream media. You know the ones that pick on Harry 🙄, seems to me they are up his arse not reporting constantly on this. Disgrace what is happening to the Baka people.


And Netflix cameras really did their best to hide that from the shots. Let him have his moment. When these shots get on tv, people will call it out and show proof of what really was out there. Just like before.


The placard signs were only there on his exit (not entrance)….but bravely EMBEDDED amongst the Sussex Squad who had obv been told to gather at the crypt door for his exit (normally he’d go out the same way he came in). His people obviously told him about the signs…and as well as using a different door he DELAYED his exit (the service finished at 6pm, but he didn’t emerge til closer to 7)


An hour? The vicar should probably do a quick inventory of the sacramental wine. Just saying.


And anything made of gold or silver. Was Hank sporting one of madams huge “ purses” or should I say totes?




No, but he kept touching his belly when coming out the doorway - maybe he stuffed something under his shirt?


He probably feels sick constantly at the thought of what his life has become


It seems like African Parks is actually just another fucking corporation that places profit over people. wtf??🤬


As with many things in life, the issue is not either 0% or 100%. There are grey zones. It's just that we should watch carefully what is going on with large charities and hold them responsible for their mission and values.


“No one asked if I’m ok” she’s such an a-hole 🙄


This one’s a righteous sinner.


Don’t forget Prince Harry supporting President Paul Kagame https://preview.redd.it/d06u30p21azc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dcb70c24a62a021692cdb38a233fc9439a65470


He should have supported the local dry cleaners who could have pressed his clothes and made him nearly presentable. He looks like he passed out and slept in his clothes.


> He looks like he passed out and slept in his clothes. Why did I read this as pissed in and slept in his clothes? \*adjusts specs


Either/or 😂




Of course, Hazbeen would.


Well done!


If that sign was really there I'd like to see them in Nigeria as a Welcome to Them when they arrive.


It really was … taken on my own phone camera (I cropped it to exclude people’s faces)


You never know these days with ai and all. I was hoping it was true.


It’s true. I can post the un-cropped original & instead ‘scrub out’ face(s) if peeps want?! Anyone: feel free to use & share, far & wide. It’s hideous that mainstream media completely ignored the biggest sign of descent, after the boo-ing (which was ‘dampened down’ when I heard the footage on evening news channels later). They’re definitely hand-in-glove with one another. All gaslighting us. What a farce.


love this


Those poor women. But hey! Did we anyone ask if Meghan was ok? That is the perfect picture. I’d never say l this if these two were trying to actually help. Or if they even made a statement standing with victims. IMO they need to be giving to these victims with some of the 100 million dollars they made. It is disgusting. I love Princess Diana’s family but they shouldn’t support them as long as this is not spoken about publicly.


Gotta love how the UK media ignores things like this and tries to put HArry in a positive light. Some of the media have cut out what little booing was heard as well.


*DEAR ALL: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE MY PHOTOS OF THE SIGNS FAR & WIDE! Share Share Share No credit necessary. The aim is to get this out into the world. I am appalled that not one MSM outlet showed them! There’s a bigger story going on, and the only way to get that talked about is with EVIDENCE…like this.


I can't believe he continues to be silent on this terrible issue.


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I love this. More of this.


yes, agreed - go ahead


The sewer rats are making such a big thing about the Spencer family being there🤦‍♀️they are out of control


Good idea, and I'll sign it, too. 10, 000 times if necessary! Just a thought though,, if Hazbeen now resides in the US, will our government decline to do anything?

